HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-8-26, Page 8Long before school closed we started to get ready for this event, and ere unw prepared with a bright new stock of Scribblers and Exercise Rooks, all the latest and most catchy covers, dozens of different designs to choose from, not an old ono among the lot, Also Note Books, Drawing Port- folios, .Crayons, Water Colors, School Bags, Slates, Scbool BO222 :aPI everything required for school, Schon) Books Changed ,.t' , The new Ontario Readers are here, larger than the old ones and muolt' cheaper, also the new Ontario Speller at the reduced price of Ise, A large number of the High School BOOM are also changed, We have been careful to note these, and will have all the books that will be used in. Brussels School, We wouldlike yourorder for School Supplies, )'Blotters given away. DRUGG ST AN L) S'1'A'r1ONER. x cal galls Items THE Poss. gives the news. GREEN RIVER vs. BRUSSELS, MARKET your grain at Brussels. READ the advts. and says money. MATINEE on the half mile track at Brussels on Labor Day. THE slate is here for the roof of the Carnegie Library building, THE POST and Weekly Globe for balance of the year for only 40C. LABOR DAY, Monday, September 6th, will be the next statutory holiday. BRUSSELS Factory made a sale of their well known creamery butter at 22.1 cts. per pound. A MEETING of the W. C. T. U. will be held in their rooms on Friday afternoon of this week at 2.30 o'clock. MRs. JAS. R. BROWN, Provincial In- spector of factories and shops, paid her annual official visit to Brussels and called on the various places where female help is engaged. WE regret to hear that W. F. Stewart, Flour and Feed merchant, of Guelph, a former well known resident of Brussels, is in financial embarrassment but we hope a satistactory adjustment can be arranged. THURSDAY afternoonof last week Will. James met with an accident at the machine shop by which his left arm and shoulder were badly bruised rendering undesired holidays a necessity. He will soon be o. k. we hope, BRUSSELS Public School will re -open for the Fall term on Tuesday, September the 7th, with the same excellent teaching staff. A Targe at- tendance is counted on as an A x Con- tinuation class will be on the program this term as well as a bustling Entrance contingent. CONTRACT LET.—Forhes Bros. were allotted the contract of constructing the Municipal Telephone lines and this work and the installation of the zoo or more phones will be proceeded with forthwith so that the system may soon be expected to be ready for use. The location of the Central, or in whose charge it will be, has not been deter- mined. There are several applicants but the Co. may open an office of their own and engage the necessary help. DIED AT KINCARDsaa.—The death of Mrs.Thomas Leckie, a L c ed 'ears g 74 1 occurred at her home, Kincardine n 0 Saturday evening, Dceased bad been ailing for several months. She had been a resident of the town for over so years, and had been a life-long member of the Presbyterian Church. She is the mother of W.T. Leckie Toronto, o and Thomas T. Leckie, of Gonoderich, and a cousin to Reeve Leckie, of Brussels. The latter t was unable to attend the funeral but Mrs, Leckie went. FROM THE WEST.—A note dated Aug. r8th to T11E POST from "Fair Play" farm, Indian Head, Sask., written by B. Gerry, who with Mrs. Gerry and Miss Thurso, is visiting his son Albert and familys:—We arrived here saye Saturday. 14th, at 6 p. m., all o. k. Everything is in A I shape. Crops looking fine and will be cutting in 6 or 8 days. Ideal weather, Crop Looks like 3o bushels to the acre. This is the first year in 17 that Albert has been on the farm. He has 18o acres of wheat and 40 of oats. Has built a good house on the farm this season. Has done the work himself. Made the cement brick, built cellar walls, chimneys, &c., and did a good job. All well here. MARRIED AT HAMILTON. — At the Church of the Ascension, Hamilton, Wednesday of last week, the marriage was solemnized of Miss Ethel May, second daughter of the late J. A. Creighton, of Brussels, to C. C, Sheriff, of Winnipeg. Canon Wade officiated. The bride was beautifully gowned in mauve silk and looked charming. Her going away gown was navy blue broad- cloth with coraHower hat• They were unattended and only immediate relatives were present at the ceremony. Mrs. H. L. Jackson and son, of Brussels, were there, The ladies are sisters, Many former friends of Mr, and Mrs. Sheriff here will wish them many happy pros- perous years in their new home, The happy couple left on the 5.40 train for their future home in Winnipeg calling at Chicago en route. MRs, Rom Fox CALLED HOME.— Early Tuesday morning Mrs. Robert Fox passed away to her reward in her 72nd year. She hada stroke of paralysis Thursday of last week from which she did sot rally, Deceased, whose maiden name was Jane Wheelans, was born in Morebattle, Roxboro'shire, Scotland, May nth, 1838 was married to her now bereft partner Feb. 26th, 1863 ; came to Canada in 587o and after living at Morrisbank for 2 years removed to Wroxeter where 26 years Were spent. When Druggist Fox came to Brussels ro years ago, the parents also moved here_ Mrs. Fox was an ardent lover of Soot land and enjoyed the esteem of a wide circle ot friends, She was a loyal Pres- byteriso and counted her friends by the hundreds.. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon to Brussels cense- tory, Mr, Fox and son will be deeply sympathized with in tne'loss of wife and mother. SMART boy, 14 to 16 years of age, who has passed the Entrance examination, to learn the printing business. Enquire at THE Pos'r. A NUMBER of the Brussels pupils, who took their Cal class Certificates this sea- son will attend some of the neighboring Collegiates in pursuing courses outside. the limit of work undertaken in our. school, THs POST wishes them success. THE Blyth Matinee, cancelled owing to rain Tuesday of last week, will be held Thursday of peat week. Lucknow Highland Band will be there. A five mile open foot race will also be put on. Brussels horses will likely compete in the various events on the program. THE Kiltie Band, of Lucknow, will play at the Championship Foot Ball match on Victoria Park, Brussels, Fri- day evening of this week. There should be a bumper attendance to see this red hot match. Brown Jackson, of Seaforth, will be the referee. Green River eleven are well seasoned and play fast ball TIMOTHY seed at McCraeket's. Bret plums now ready at McCracken's. LoORxm and chain last in Brussels. Initials E. F. R. engraved on the locket. Finder please leave at Tan POST. WANTED by a young lady, room well heat- ed and centrally located and board,. Informa- tion desired at Tan POST at once. Two good young cows for sale, One of them duo to calve on the 15th of Aug. Apply to GE0. Roma, Brussels. COMFORTABLE house and lot for Bale, with plastered stable, &a. William street, Brussels. For further particulars apply on the premises or by letter to Brussels P. 0. Taos, Moons, Proprietor. 111755 PERLE SHARPE has passed successfully her second examinationof the Pianoforte De• pertinent of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and is prepared. to take pupils at her home, Princess street. WHEN saws are not in working order and need fresh teeth I am prepared to gum and fill same on short notice and I have 9 improved saw glimmers. I am able to take this work from the four winds. Yours T. McGregor, inventor and improver on saws, tools and machines, corner Mill and Main at. Brussels. Dwicmano to let or sell. Comfortable and convenient ; hard and soft water ; nice lawn ; fruits of different )rinds. Also dwelling rooms to let above stores, very convenient, occupied at present by Mrs. McKinlay ; possession can be giver August 1st, I. 0. Richards. --0— GEORGE JACKSON has improved the store fronts of his block, tenanted by H. L. Jackson and Baeker Bros., by the help of the Paddition painters. In to the new verandah at Dr. Toole's, Mr. Jack- son put on a metallic roof and gave the house a new dress of paint almost trans- forming the property and adding in no inconsiderable way to the comfort of the place. EAST HuaoN Fall Fair Prize Lists will be ready for distribution next week and will be mailed to all exhibitors of r o8 I£ desire you d s e a copydrop a 9 Ypostal card toW , H, Secretary,call a at THE Pos'r Publishing or House. The Fair will be a hummer and will be held Thursday, Sept. 30th, and Friday, Oct. rst. Keep those dates reserved for Brussels Fair. 4,000 people expected. MARRIED.—The followingire m taken from Wednesday'sToronto lobe, refers to a former Brusselite, the bride being a daughter of the tato Robert Ross, form- erly of Brussels, and a niece of William Ross, William street :— Dovercourt Road Presbyterian church, Toronto, was the scene of the wedding yesterday of Miss Jessie Morrison Ross, daughter of the late Robert Ross, of Ayr, and Charles Law. of Toronto, sou of S. W. Law, of Tilsonburg. Rev. John Ross, of Port Dalhousie, was the officiating clergyman, assisted by Rev. James Wilson, the bride's pastor, The bride was gowned in white silk mune over white silk, wore a large pic- ture hat of white moire trimmed with. ostrich mounts and ospreys and carried a bridal boquet of white roses. After the ceremony a reception was held at 262 Roncesvalles avenue. On their re- turn from a trip to New York they will take up their residence at 262 Ronees. vailes avenue, 'Toronto. ONTARIO CUP SERtEs.—Last Friday Brussels Foot Ball Iatermediute cham- pions went to Green River, a small village near Markham, to meet the sturdy eleven of that place, who hold the Intermediate honors of that division. It was a tedious trip, with long delays waiting street car connections from Toronto and 4 horse 'bus drive after that, so that the evening was nigh at hand when the game commenced. It was a strenuous contest with Green River eleven pushing for victory. They scored the only goal and had, if any- thing. the better of the play, Brussels did well to hold them down to that on their own ground. The return match will be played on Victoria Park here, Friday evening of this week, com- mencing at 5,45 o'clock, Goals count and the winners of the series will have to play Havelock team in the finals, the final award being possession of the On. tarso Tankard forthis season, Green River boyswere r here two years ago and have practically the same team. They play a very strong game and the match Friday will be well worth witnessing. We V hopeto Seo Brussels come out on top and once more hold the Ontario championship. Lucknow Highland Band will supply the musical program Friday evening. ABusiness ila,nG° is often missed when it Haight have been easily embraced by Systematic S vin Begin now to prepare for the day of oppor' tunity by depositing your savings in The Metropolitan Bank. $LOO OR MORE OPENS AN AOOCUNT The METROPOLITAN vANK BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER Nordheimer PIANOS W, / The Musician's favorite A partial list of recent Nordheimer Pat- rons in Brussels and vicinity :— Dr. Holmes, Brussels J. F. Rowland, John Leckie, G. House, Alex. Strachan, Saul. Carter, Dr, Toole, Jas. Armstrong, " I. Farquharson. Vdalion H. A. Thomas, Mrs, R. Morrison, Leadbury Miss Barrows, For full information apply to Sarni. Carter Door North Standard Bank, Brussels. THE directors of the Metropolitan Bank have declared the usual quarterly dividend of 2 per cent, payable on Oct. THE mother of C. Conly, of Brussels. died last week at St. Marys, well ad- vanced in years. Burial was made at Elms Centre cemetery on Friday. MANAGER G. P, SCNOLSIELD, of Tor- onto, has been in Winnipeg arranging for suitable premises to open a branch of the Standard Bank, to be followed by others in the West. CORN FEAST.—Next Monday evening the Epworth League of the Methodist church will give a Corn ,1"east on the church lawn, commencing at 8 o'clock, An interesting program will be render- ed in the school -room after the corn has been attended to. A silver collection will be taken. MATINEE ON LABOR DAY.—The Direc- tors of Brussels Driving Park Associa- tion are arranging for a Matinee on the fine half mile track here on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6th. Classes will be ar• ranged to afford a big afternoon's sport. All horsemen with speedy equines are P Y q invited to be present. GODERICH Star remarks.—W. H, Kerr must have his cup of sweetness well filled with joy in editing' and con- ducting the Blyth Standard, BRUSSELS POST and Clinton New Era, His son, Leslie, however takes an active interest in the work and the family compact is a' great advantage, The three papers are up-to-date. FIVE SUCCESSFUL YEARS.—For almost five years the Wingham Business Col- lege has been training young ladies and gentlemen for a Business life. Ex• students are to be found holding leading positions throughout Canada and United States. Many young ladies, who h had not even passed the Entrance, have earned S600.00 the first year and scores, atter a few years' experience, are earn- ing from $goo.ou to $15oo.00. Any interested one by writing to the College, will receive full information as to why other colleges engage our graduates as teachers, also the advantage of being a graduate of Canada's Greatest Chain of High-grade Actual Business Schools. Any young lady can learn stenography in six months and save enough from her earnings of the next six months to pay for her course. Every graduate sten• ographer is guaranteed a good position within ten days of graduation. The college re.opens August 3oth. Students who cannot attend, may earn while they learn by means of Mail Courses. Church Chimes Revds. Crossley and Hunter, the well known evacgelists. will conduct union services at Blvth commencing on Sept. 12th. Next Sabbath Rev. 15. G. Powell will resume his duties in connection with the Methodist Church pastorate, having arrived home one from itis vacation, Rev. Mr, Kay, jr., discoursed last Sabbath morning in Melville Church from Eph. 3, 54.-15 and in the evening spoke on "1'he three Crosses," Next Sabbath Rev, Mr. Kay, sr., will occupy the pulpit, The Financial meeting of the Wing- ham district will be held at Bluevale on Tuesday, Sept, t4th, beginning at is o'olock a. m. The afternoon and even- ing will be devoted to the District Sun- day School convention. Rev,as. E. Ford is chairman ; Rev. E. G. Powell, Fin.•See,, and Rev, T. E. Sawyer, S. S. Sec, The pulpit in the Methodist Church here last Sabbath was occupied by D. C. Taylor, of Lucknow. His morning address was devoted to the La tnan's Forward Missionary movement of which he is an ardent supporter, A. F. Las- chinger, of Elmira, sang, with good effect, the fine solo "0 t .Lord he merci- ful," In the evening Mr. Taylor gave a well directed discourse on Toseph. Solos were well snug by Mr. Laschinger and J. A. Hunter. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, was in, town: Wednesday arrauging for Dominion 1 liance meetings. Steroepticen views will be given on week nights and pulpits supplied by students ou Sundays. People We Talk About Mrs. George Thomson is holidaying at Kincardine. Charlie Richards is hone from a helis day at Bayfield. Miss Orma Gerry is attending the Millinery Openings at Toronto. Misses Lizzie and Hattie Downing are -visiting. friends in Seaforth, Miss' Edna Wasman, of Clinton., was visiting relatives in this locality. Mrs. G. A. Deadnsan will spend the week end with Wroxeter friends. Miss Lags Leatherdale was visiting in Kincardine during the past week. Mrs, Maguire, of Ethel, was visiting. her sister, Mrs, D. C, Ross, of town. Miss Dolly Baeker is visiting at Clin- ton, Zurich, Loudon and other points. Mrs. Tack' Lawson, of Goderich, was visiting her sister, Mrs. W. F. Stretton. Misses Ora and VertaCook, of Frillar- ton, are visitors with the Misses Colvin. N. and Mrs. Flatt have gone on a trip to the West, leaving Brussels on Tues- day. Elam Livingston and Miss Myrtle, of Blyth, were visitors in Brussels on Sun - clay. Miss Mina Hunter has been home for a holiday from Clinton during the past week. Miss Florence Buchanan enjoyed a visit with friends at Harriston and Lis. towel. Miss Winnie Long has been visiting Miss Edna Pugh, of Mitchell, formerly of town. Cardiff Best arrived home on Monday last after a six weeks' visit with friends at •Perth. Miss Olive Mooney left on Monday for loronto to attend the Millinery openings. Geo. and Mrs. Oak and children, of Alvinston, were visitors at P. McQuar- rie's last week. Mrs. James Ballantyne and son, Archie, are visiting at Innerkip with Mrs Dr. Hossack, Mrs. A. M. Kay and Miss Helen, of Stratford, are visitors with Mrs. W. H. Kerr at Riverside villa. J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, of Clinton, were in town over Sunday. The latter is prolonging her visit. Russell and Clark Moore were holi- daying with relatives at Trowbridge and Miss Adu at Listowel. Duncan andr M s. Stewart andSo n who were Visiting here have returned to their home in Detroit. Harry and Miss Julia Bartliff, of Clinton, were renewing old friendships in Brussels over Sunday. Mrs. Eph. Cober and twin babies, of Moorefield, have i av been visiting Mrs. John Cober, Flora street. g . D. G. Hogg, who has been real ill for several weeks, is improving quite nicely uow we areleased to state. Mrs. W. C. Strettou and Miss Stretton, of Lancaster, Ohio, are the guests of Mrs. W. F. Stretton. H. R. Brewer and E. Crist, of town, assisted the Gorrie Band at a recent benefit held in Concert thatP lace. Barrister Blair, of Goderich, was in town on Thursday, coming to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Fox. Mrs. David Fnitzley and daughter, Madeline, of Detroit, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Alex, McKenzie. N. F. and Mrs. Gerry visited the latter's parents, W. F. and Mrs Stewart. formerly of Brussels, for a few days. Miss Henderson, who''has been the guest of Mrs. F. H. Gilroy for the past 6 weeks, has returned to her home at Montreal, Jno. and Mrs. Heffron, of Blyth, were visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Heffron was a former Brusselite before her marriage. Miss Annie McQuanrie, Miss Winnie McGuire and Miss Edith Baily have gone to Toronto to attend the Millinery Openings. Misses Luella and Gertrude Ross and Master Vernon Ross are holidaying at Toronto. Master Jack Ballantyne accompanied them. Rev. Jas. E. and Mrs. Hunter, of Tupperville, were welcome visitors with relatives and old frauds in Brussels during the pest week. Mas,Cardiff, of Buffalo, has been the guest of her parents, John and Mrs. Cardiff, Princess street. Mrs. Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, was also here, Reeve Leckie is attending a special session of the Co. Council at Clinton. It was called to consider the question of the county endorsing the waterworks construction debentures of Clinton so as tomake a better sale of them. Among the visitors at J. T, Wood's were Mrs. Ernst, Cleveland ; Mrs. Gusher and son Mernor, of Maple Park, 111„ and Mrs, Laschinger aitd son, of Elmira. Two of the ladies are sisters of Mrs, Wood and the third a sister-in-law, Mrs, Thos. Maunders and Miss Nora left this week for Chicago to meet the former'sson, W. H., with whom they will proceed to his home in Idaho for an extended visit, Mr. Maunders carie to Chicago with a consignment of lambs, lie is engaged in sheep ranching. We wish the ladies an enjoyable stay tinder the stars and stripes and a safe return to Brussels, Build Up A Reserve Now Now, while your earning power is good, why not convert part of it into a Cash Reserve that will, later on, yield a competence for old age? You can easily do it by regularly depositing a part of your income in TIIE STANDARD BANK Established 1873 OF CANADA 77 Branches) One Dollar and upwards opens an account, and with systemati, saving and Compound Interest, the fund will rapidly eccumulate.1 Begin to -day. 72 BRUSSELS BRANCH J. T. Rowland, Manager Mrs.R. Grant and Miss Jessie M., who have spent the past 2 years in Lon don, England, where the latter was re- ceiving musical training, arrived in Brussels last Friday and after a visit here, at Stratford and other points will leave for their home in Winnipeg. They enjoyed their stay in the Old Land very much, Perth County Mitchell Tennis Club visited the Staffs Tennis Club and enjoyed a'good game. D1'. Smith, of Mitchell, left for Win- nipeg, where he attended the Oan- adian Medical Convention, He will be absent about three weeks. George Krauskopf, Logan, bas as fine a field of oats as ever a binder went into, in. evidence of which' one head pulled at random, contained 170 grains. . Sylvester "Salisbury, jr., Mitchell, has traded his house in the North - Ward for a 25 -acre lot on the Huron road, West of Stratford, paying $1100 difference. William Cook, of the Huron Road, has a field of extra tall corn. A great deal of it will measure over 12 feet. A. sample brought to Mitchell the other day was nearly 13 feet long. The barns of Will. MacLaren near Oromarty were struck by lightning on Monday forenoon of last week and one,: the smaller was burned, but the large barn was saved by the unceasing and valiant endeavors of the crowd of men and women who gathered. Mr. and Mrs. McLaren and family were away on a visit to Shakespeare at the time. Great credit was due to those who so bravely fought the flames and saved their fine big barn. George Deacon, youngest brother of Rev. D. Deacon, M. A., of Stratford, died in a private hospital in Toronto on Wednesday night of last week. Deceased was principal of the Dover- court school, Toronto, and has been a teacher in Toronto schools for many year's. He was aged57and unmarried. Mr. Deacon spent most of his vacation with his brother here and only left a few days ago. Death followed a sur- gical operation. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from the residence of Rev. D. Deacon, Strat- ford. One hundred rural mail delivery routes have been established mostly in Oatario and Manitoba. BORN MOEAOHERN.—In Morrie, on Aug. 18th to Mr. and Mrs. H. Molraohern, a son. MOLRAN.—In Lumsden, on Aug. 15th to itrr. and Mrs. John McLean of Glen Brae, a daughter, (nee Marion B , Malian) Our Pictures of Men Look like men. They show the force, energy and character of the'sitter. 'They are Portraits that really tell something of' the •men portrayed. Visitors and Strangers will do well to give us a call. BREWER'S Art Studio New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Company p py of Canada is about to issue a new Telephone Directory for the district of Western Ontario, including Brussels. Orders for neW connections, changes of firm names, changes of street, ace - dresses, or for duplicate entries, should be handed in AT ONCE to Janes Fox, Local Manager. PARR Ab Bradwordine, Man on Aug. Oth, to Mr. and Mrs, Barry Parr a son MARRIED DUNOAN—BAlntna.—At the Methodist Person• age. Kamloops B. a, on Aug. 17th by Rev, 0, M, Sanford, Mr. John, Duncan, of Vernon, B, C., to Mies Margaret, daughter of the late George Banker, of Brussels. LAw—Ross.—At the Dovercourt Road Presby, terien church, Toronto on Tuesday, Aug, 24th, by the Rev.DDr. John Ross, of Port Dalhousie, assistedby Rev, James Wilson, pastor of the church Mr. Charles Law, son of Mr. W. S, Law,1Pilsonburg, to Miss Jessie Morrison Rese, dun hter of the late Robert Ross, formerly of brussels. Mmnsss—BsaNnwm. In-Wingham, on Aug, 18th. by Rev. G. Jewett Mr. Georga� D. Miller, of Detroit, to 2?ieeMary Elsie, youngest daughter of Mn, and Mrs. Thos. - Bennett, of Wlngnam, DIED ArcxeoN.-7n London, on Aug.20th at the resldenee of her daughter, ]Airs. Thornoly, Mre, (Rev,) G. N. A. 51 T, Dickson. Fox. In Brussels. on August 245b,. Jane Whee)ans, beloved wife of Robert Fox, in her 72nd year. JA Ilth Olifford N 1 one nyun esti on August and Mrs. Boyden Jagkeon gaged ()months and 18 days. PEAxeoN.—At Innisfail, Alta., on August 181h, Ricberd Pearson, formerly. of Grey town- ship, aged 57 years. BRUSSELS MARKET -- Oattseat 4 95 5 80 Peas 70 50 Barley 98 60 Butter 17 1Dp Eggs 20 2k Potatoes 90 90 Hos 700' 700 ool 18. 18 Apples 100 125 The People's Column H017911 AND LOT FOR BALE,—The house and land belonging to Mrs. Jno. Cousley, Ann at. Well adapted for a market garden. Apply at the house. •••••044•os•04NOSS•0anw045.1 t� u 0 $omething • tNew • t>, 0 in the Post Card line • We leave just received a a hoice • • assortment of Post Garda in 0• Oomics, Scenery, New Stork • Cards, Tartans, Greetings, etc. • Also a new line for Passepartont e Work in Scenes and Studies of • Child Life. These are all new— s not an old Or out -Of -date card in o the lot, We would be pleased • to have you call and: see for yourself, o Fox's Store0 • B re (2 • 0" Pal 0 0 09 MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher of Piano Studio at starter's Musto Store, ono door North of the Standard Bank, Brussels, 1141 Tenders for Grain Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p. m., ou. Monday, Sept. Obh, for the construction of a drain, known as Albert street Drain, in the Village of l3r'assels. Plans and specifications limy be seen at the. Clerk's office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily na• oepbed, 11, S. SCOTT, 8.2 - Village Clerk: FARM FOR SALE, The 100 acre farm, be- ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, , Lot 28, Con. 19, Grey, is offered for sale by the underelgned. There aro 85 acres Cleared, bel-' anoe well timbered. On the farm there is n good bank bans, large driving shed and a nom fortable house. Place in good condition and well fenced. For further particulars apply to JAS. A. MOHAIR or JAS. D. MOHAIR, Dam-.. ntors, Oranbrook P. 0., or F. 5, SCOTT, Hrus• sets. 7-11 Debentures for Sale 010,000 of debentures of the Village of Brus- sel% in sumo 015500 each, bearing interest at 9g%,. per annam. Interest and 1.10 of prin- epaotrptnyF.bSyyAllpyttoohhenBraegln Morrie and Grey Municipal Telephone Co. August 5, 1000. .1. LEOICIE. Seg: Tress, Notice of Dissolution Notice is hereby given that the co -partner- ship heretofore subsisting between- the under- signed as Marble and Granite dealers, under the Aran of Wilson & Hunter, at Brussels Ont., has this ;day. been dissolved by Mutual ried on by The business Hunter by whom hereafter debts of WANTED:—LADIES To DoPLArN AND LToaT the old ilrm will be paid and to Whom all out - sewing at home, whole or spare time : standing accounts due the old firm are to be good pay. Work sant any distance ; chargges paid. S. 0. Witsow, paid, Send stamp for full particulars. Na- J. A. MINTEtt. tional Manufeatmdng Co., Montreal. Aug, 25E11 1000. 8-2, 04•••00••••••••••••••••0000000.00000•6000000000.0000 Brussels Daylight Y ht Store G. a McLaren •• • Y • • • • O ® e t9 s e 40ei r 1) er u G u 1) N 12 £3 0 t3 e 0 e 0 • • 0 0 e • 0 • • e e 0 tb • e • 0 0 0 0 O e e 0 • • • .• e • •e 0 W Balance ofall Sum • • e 0 n • d e 0 0 ew Gs a. • 0 it fa is 0See the new Colors in the new Dress Goods. A See the new Fall and Winter Coats for Ladies and Children. 0 See the new Men's and Boys' Fall Smits rj See the new Overcoats for Men & Boys See the new Men's Furnishings U 0 w O CJ 0 R5 111 00000040000000900009000600 The Latest in Ties, Collars, Shirts, Hats G •`�dl��L�J� d 6t. ��.� �A �® e 0 R A B YRUBBERS ®RS 0 es A Complete Line of the Celebrated in Stock=;. They wear like iron. r' a C9 TTTTTTTTTT` T,"TT,'TT•P' 8 er t® at Greatly Reduced Rrices .1.•÷•+0+.44.1,4,+•.1+1..+0.1.04.•44 Goods Right or your Money. Back. g Hi hestPrices for Produce. Grad� P. r f2 c L a re cO ct • td 00 12 0 O • 00 0 •••••••••••••••••omee•• •eese©oesseseeocet weep••!