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The Brussels Post, 1909-8-26, Page 5
It�kSS CARDS. �]�%• M-. A(IOO tAQ EN--' Y Y' • Issuer of Barring@ Dioene95, QR' hue ht Gregory,'5urnberry, atr00t, 544'940918, K. a, r. /37050018 trent of the Meocabeoe, No, 94 bald their neuter raetitllhgs to the Lodge Rmm�, anteater tileol4, 00 the 1st and 850 '504attay evenings 01 eaoh pSouth, 'Visitors always welooute. A, 8O It16B, Cour, A, AloGUiltrl, R, , W I. SPENCE CONVEYANCE -1R AND ISSUER OP 1VIA.BalACTE LICENSES Mee is the P008 *Mee, Ethel, 20.4 JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mahal Fire Ineurafloe Compa °Moo and lteeldouas WALTON, ONT, y JOHN SUTHERLAN L, iB00580011, FIRE AND MAARIr1F., GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 41 B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .S.: • nun, will sell for better prices, to better men, 19 less time and lees charges tool, any other Auctioneer In East Huron or bo won't charge anything. Dates itud orders eaualways be arranged at Mile oillee or by personal application. - - ROBT, H. GARNISS BLU 1VAL10 -- ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the oMRoe of 'PEE Poem, Brussels, 2251 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1/yyA 7 M. SUN OLAiit- 1 • Barrialer, Solicitor, Oouveyanear, Notary Public, Go. . Ullloo—Stewart's 111004 1 door North 0I Central Hotel. 802101tor for the Metropolitan Back, llt0IIDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS, SOLICI'r(']t:s, NOTARIES POB7IO, ETO. W. Pnoonaoor, E. O. 1t. 0. IILYS G. F. Stela. Ottlees—''bore formerly °eaopled by Messrs Oomoron G Holt, Gennaros, 08'1114010. DENTISTRY OR. R. P. FEILD, 0EN'I'I:IT Graduate of the Royal, College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and F,rst-01504 Honor Graduate of Toonto University. Officio next to Br ewer's Photo. Gallery, Brussels. ssieve4B visit Ethel on the 2110 Monday of ouch alouth. LT li armere or Storekeepers by 'coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - • Brussels. ALBA; SINE Royal Mail Steamers MONTREAL TO. LIVERPOOL Virginian Sept. 0 Oot. 1 '1'unisinn Sept. 10 Oet. 8 Vietorinn Sept. 17 Oct. 16 Corsican. Sept. 24 Out. 22 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Grampian Sept. 4 Oct. 2 Pretorinn Sept. 11 Ont. 9 Beaverton Sept.. 18 Oct. 16 Ionian Sept. 25 Oct. 28 TO HAVRE & LONDON 000111nn Sept, 11 Oot, 28 Corinthian Sept. 25 Nov. 6 RATES OF PASSAGE According to steamer. 1st Olass —367 60. 977 60 087.60 2nd Chum 40 00 46 00 47 60 350 00 Ord. class — 261,60 27 00 28 76 For full particulars of rates and settings apply to W. H. KCERR, Agent Allan Line. Bru88010. le Streth $cart strength, or Tleart Weakness, mennsNerve' Strength, or Nerve ll', nlntess—nothing more, Pos• itlyoly, not one Weak heart in a hnncired 1s, in it self, actually diseased. It is almost 0113070 n hidden tiny ilttlo horse that ronlly is all et faint, This obscure nervy—taw C:ardlae, or Heart Nerve —simply needs, and most have, Moro power; more Stability, more onot,nllIne, more governing Strength. F1'ithoet that the Heart must continue 1 to fail, and the stomn11i and 1ddu078. also have these sante cont, oiling nerves. This clearly rxl4atns why, ns n medicine, Dr. 8140op's Restorative has in the past done so mum 050 and t,llssg 1240710. Dr. Shoop first saint t the cause of all this pain ail, palpitating, 00130011 - Ing heartdistresr Tr. Shoop's Restorative—this Manner 11re00ripiinn—is nlono directed to these 'Week and weenie: nerve renters. It builds: IfstrongthensI itnd ,l rant son cam heart help. If YOU would have .,1.10105 Hearts, strong di. BCslion, strengthen these ,nerves'' to -establish thorn ns needed, with 9 r .. e Restorative B A ALL ��ALt~RS Business Cards A, Hs MONTRITH Barrister, 083301tor, Notary, 4o., 0umweei 5' to ,A, B, Ma0dOn91d, Otltee oyes' 0000dllyd Dank, Brussels, on. T. T. M' RAg 3 t for ala no University ' o 70791019"" Inch land I ,R Lh?oneanandGgeons, of alta(Pat-eet oLhq 81919100 and 1397500438, Ont. i -lost-qraduote Oliloo o e, Haar, Nose and Throat acs[�ita1, Olt19,500,-III, Ex-Heuae Si rgeolt to Et. Mich. aol'a Hospital Toronto. Ofaue over F. R. Smith's Drug Stoi'e,. Tele,phone commotion with Uranbroolo at all hours. 017, HAMILTON' Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University; Licentiate of lioyal 03131050 of flontol 8011'906n54, of Toronto Odloe over T, Rose- store Brussels. F''VPill visit Wroxeter the first and third Mondays and Gerrie the second and fourth Mondays of each month, J. A. M'NAUGHTON M. 00., M. O., C. M., lroliow Trinity Medical Oolloge Toronto Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. ; L:oontiate Royal College Physioh,ne and Lioontioto of Midwifery, Edinburgh ; Fellow Royal College Surgeons, Edinburgh • aertifi-. Once of Registration, Great 131itain, Office, as formerly, on MILL ST., BRUSSELS DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. D1Ethaid night calls, 01ace opposite tl as via !Igmair Aaz& w' r BRUSSELS GOING Sons,, G0100 NOWRII Mail ExpreO$ 11 7:068 m .1b n m Mail 1 :4.1 pin Express 8:U2 P au I ExpressExpressEspreos 10:66 a -or 8:60p 101 da' ,4fs5Wth000 Pact101W WALTON To Toronto. To Godorioh lfxpress 7141 a m I Express 12:11:118 Express 8:00 p m Express 9:16 p :GSUr ct Raps East Wawanosh Robt. Henry had a handsome veran- da adclecl to his dwelling. Miss Young, of Caton, visited her sister, Mrs. J. Redmond jr. Joseph and Mfrs. Killough, of Disn- gannon, visited Westfield friends. Miss Beatrice Cameron, of Toronto, is visiting her cousins, Misses Minnie and Lizzie Snell. S. Morton is having a cement silo put up. John McDowell, of the side- roacl, also had one built. S. Morton's new barn is now com- plotecl and presents a very neat ap- pearance. Arr. Tisdale, :of Belgrave, had the contract. Miss Mary Fothergill leaves for a trip through the West, she having four brothers residing in different parts. Miss Olive Leishman has returned to her school near Cayuga, after spend- ing the vacation with her mother and other relatives in this vicinity. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minu- tes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25 -cent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist taboret this formula. Stops womanly pains, headache, pains any- where. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.. for free trial, to prove value of his Headache or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by all dealers. Belgrave Airs. Beatty, of Detroit, was to visitor at Mrs. Tisdale's. - Stanley Clark has returned to Hes- peler where he is employed. 'Miss McCallum, of Halton Oo., is the guest of the Misses Allison. Miss Hardy, of Seaforth, . is a visit- or at her uncle's, Robert Armstrong‘. Ales. Brydges, sr., is visiting her daughter, Mfrs. Brandon in Bayfield. Harvey and Mars. Watson and Ed. McLean have gono to Melita, i ani- LOM ars. Harry ktopper is visiting her sister, Mars, Russell, of Saginaw, who is very ill• Miss Ella Owens has been appointed organist by the Methodist church Board, Miss hose Clark having resign- ed. ' T. Brydges and 'Will. Oorbett have each purchased new McCormick bind- ers from Mr. Garniss, the local agent in Belgrave. Miss Charlotte Gregg, of Detroit, has returned to her home and Miss Mabel Gregg accompanied her. The latter will remain for a time, having secured. a position. Misses McCallum, of Newark, New Jersey, and Miss Gladys and Kathleen Wilkiesou, of Ripley, are guests at the home of W. K. and Mi's. Whaley. Fred. Scandrett, who has been with a atieveying party all Summer in a district East of Prince Albert, has re- turned home. He reports a very broken country out there. The following from the Goderieh Star is a list of pupils of A. E. Cook, mnsio teacher of Goderieh; who were succeesful in the piano and theory ex- aminations recently held in Goderieh in connection with the Oonservatory of Music of Toronto Mr, Cook is a brother of the Messrs. Cook of this vicinity. "His entire exalninatiou class, with one exception, was success- ful many obtaining honors. Con- sidering the high standard insisted ripen al: the examination, the follow- ing report is most creditable to both teacher and pupils :—Primary Piano Honors, Lame Illlliott. Goderieh ; pass, Grace Wise, Loyal; Olive Kearo. ey, of St. Augustine, Theory, Parts I and II—First class honors, G. W. Pearson, Clinton honors, Grace Wise, Loyal ; Hazel O'Neil, Ylinton ; Olive McPhee, 'Goderieh, Roller Grade, which includes harmony, counterpoint and history -First' class honors, Grace Wightman, Westfield:" ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.—Miss Rose Clark, who: has for three years been organist in the Metthodist church, left for Waskeda, Manitoba. Hee many friends presented her with a loe,keb and chain as a token of their appreciation of her :services s0 long. The following address accompanied the presentation •-- D10Ala MISS CLARK 1---W %, 1110 1100110• Drive rheumatism from the Moodbets of the Methodist church, llelgravo with Dr. Shoop's RheumatRemedy. I have loaned with deep regret that you Tablet or liquid: Sokl by all dealees. have tendered y01u' resignation as organist of the oilmeal, and are about to leave 118 fol' it tillie, We have eel - Mired the genial Christian spirit in ' which yon have performed ytnsr labor in the Master's services, and we can Astaire )000 Ulla you will be very much missed by y0nr wide oirele of. A 11 714 n s.'We desire n r d i. small way'to A 1 ex tress aur appreoiatfon of the faith- fulness and able manner in which you have aeeisted In the service of song during the past three years and we ask•yon to accept this . locltet and (halo as a token of the same, We pray that the blessing of the Lord will attend you, and that wherever yon may ,go you will Continue to be active for hl'iat; and that in the Eternal Oity you limy praise Hint with your bawls upon a lei, p of gold. • Signed in behalf' of coogregaation, MRs. W. 0, P2500T00 Ades MI. BI'1NGonen, Makes a Saint Swear To have his favorite corn stepped on. Don't have corps,—eni'0 them with Putnatn's UornExtractor, Takes 21 hOlU'S—no pain—costs 0. quarter. Try "Putnam s, Exeter Tofu' Carling and Sandy Bowden left Mondaylnarni190 of last week. Wm. ''Nilson, of Exeter, has pur- chased the fifty acre farm of F. J. Wickwire in iTsborne, near Bethesda. Joseph Senior is being troubled somewhat with poisoning, the result of a nail scrotal on the back of hie left hand. Thos. Fisher last week handed the Advocate ah'emarkably long stalk of buckwheat grown on his farm. it. measured 5 1-2 feet. Miss. S. Keddyleft for Seattle -Yukon Exposition. Enroute she will visit Winnipeg, Brandon, Vancouver and other places. James White, 1v110 was unfortunate in having his hand cit off while work- ing around a threshing machine, is getting along splendidly, although be Was very weak -froth the loss of blood. It will be regi'etable news to many to learn that James Beatty, of Lang - ham, Sask., formerly of Usborne was among the unfortunates hailed 0n1 by the recent heavy storm in the 'West. His entire crop of 400 acres was com- pletely destroyed. It is said hailstones to the size of pigeon eggs fell in such force that the crops were literally beaten into the ground. • Fordwich Mrs. F. Lowick returned from visit- ing friends in Tiverton. Misses Cora and Norma Lowick are visiting friends in Tiverton. Misses Annie M. Rowe left to attend the London millinery openings, Miss Tena Johnston, who has been choir leader and organist for several years in the Methodist charch has re- signed to take effect on September 1st. Dr. W. R. Dallis, of Omeutee, N. D., is visiting his parents. He notices many improvements during the five years since he last: renewed acquaint- ances here. Rev. 'W. J. and Mrs. Ashton, of f 7haastills SYS •oYtng their uual vacation, visitinghis father, brothers and sisters and renewing old acquaint- ances in Howick. The Voters' List 1000 for the town- ship of Howick was posted up in the Clerk's office Gerrie on August 10th. The list contains 1211 names-901in Part I, 125 in Part II, and 92 in Part III. 827 are competent to serve as jurors. The Springbank Telephone Company have completed their lithe on the 9th con. East. The following htave had telephones installed in .then' houses :— George Johnston, Wm. Brown, Albert Johnston, Wm. Barr, Jas. Tohuston and J. T. Winter. Dr. Foster has control now of the line on the 6th cot. East and the following having had telephones iuslallod : ,1ohu Dinsmore Enos Donoghy, W. S. McKee, Victor Poster and Milton Leonard. sl ck e leke Z 14 con. h a had one in- stalled. c t as also o t stalled. This makes twelve new sub- scribers added 00 this exchange ai0ee Aug. lsi. The total number of phones connected with the central here is 100 mud the number will be added to weekly. August time tells on the nerves, but that spiritless, no ambition feeling can be easily Land quickly altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr.Shoop's Restorative. Within 48 hours after beginning to use theRestorative, improvement will be noticed. Of course full health will not immediately return. The gain however will s,10ly follow. And best of all you will realize and feel your strength mid ambition as it is 1cturn- ing. Outside influences depress first the "inside nerves" Hien the stomach, heart and kidneys will usually fail, Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr; Shoop's Restorative and see how quickly health will be yours again. Sold by all dealers. Wingham. Miss E. Buedetto McCracken is spending a few weeks in Loudon and Port Stanley. The prize lists for the Pall Fair have. been issued. The elates this yetar are Tuesday and 'Wednesday, Sept. 28-20. Principal Stalker and his wife are spending 0 week or more in Preston, in the hope that the mineral springs may be beneficial to Mrs. Stalker. Dr. and Mrs. Redmond left on 0 trip to Winnipeg, wliet.0 the doctor at- tended a meeting of the Canadian Medical Association, Ang, 23rd to 25th. J. H. B1'oadfoot, till lately manager of the Canadian Furniture Mlfrs, fac- torieshhere, has resigned his position, M[r. Ault, of Woodstock, is the new manager. Winghatxt Voters' List for 1000 has been printed 0114 delivered to the Town Clerk. Thei'o at'e in Ward 1, 188 voters ; in Ward 11, 168 ; in Ward III, 200 3 in Ward IV, 320 ' total, 801. Of these 885 are qualified' to serve as Jurors. 011 Wednesday of last week, at one p. u1., 15 pretty wedding was the &- Unction at the residence of S. .13en- ncett, of town, when his mice, Nisi MItary Elsie, youngest daughter, t,f Thos. and Mrs. Bennett, of 1\ ined:am, became the bridle of Geo. D, Miller, of Detiolt, Little Carrie I3ingstou 5.7148 • �gg e Dressing -o ss If you wish a high la hair 1r dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new l7lpl.oved for- mula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich acid luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Does not change the color of the hair. Temsotavautmmosarverasemautzurn...... .. u+ortnuln with sash some y show it to your ,�55 ,. .s looter.. iF'. �- A Ask ham about it, hhy,�" C.' than dons ha says e At the same time the. new Ayer's Hair Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy condition, The hair stops falling, dan- druff disappears. A splendid dressing. .....gado by 4140 r. o. Ayer 0o.. Lowell, Mass.— the pit l ty ring. -bearer, -gaud Miss Jean- ette Simpson played the wedding march. Rev. Geo. Jewett, of West- minster, performed the wedding cere- mony. The groom's gift to the pianist was a brooch set with pearls, to the riugbearer, a locicet and chem, and to the bride a brooch set with pearls. The bride was caressed in pale green chiffon silk, trimmed with point d'esprit, and her travelling costume was of brown chiffon broadcloth, with white hat. Ahandsome array of pres- ents indicated esteem and kind wishes. After an excellent 'wedding dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Miller left by the 8.80 train for their home in Detroit. The Ailments of Women. If the girls and women who suffer with what they think is "Female Trouble" would look to their kidneys, they'll soon find the source of their i11 health. The kidneys are closely, allied with the female organs, and if the vitality of the kidneys is inter- fered with, great suffering occurs. There is no better medicine than Dr. Hamilton's Pills,—they stimulate and strengthen the kidneys, assist other organs to do Nature's work, cleanse the system and thereby maintain per- fect health. Great benefit and certain cure is gual•anteecl for all women who use Dr..klaunilton's Pills. Listowel Miss Mildred Kay has been appoint- ed teacher of a rural school near Lin- wood. Mfrs. Hunt left for the West to take a position as matron and spiritual adviser in the Alberta College at Ed- monton, Alberta. J. C. and J•, N. Hay left last week on a trip to Winnipeg aura Calgary, taking the lake route from Owen Sound to Foist William. Robert 001900ls, of Imperial Batik staff, who has been ill, has suillpienty recovered to leave for a month's sojourn in Muskoka. A gturg of navvies has been engaged placing new steel rails on the C. P. R. line between Listowel and T4'alee, chiefly West of the Gordon cut. Robt. Birmingham, Grand Secre- tary and organizer of the Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario 'West, spent some time in town, while holding meetings in North Perth.' Council has sold the old dynamo which was part of the electric light plant taken over by the corporation from the Gas 0o. to Jacob Morley, New hamburg, who purposes making nae of it until Niagara hydro electric power reaches tlhatlane. p r L+'1t Snelling sold his Wilkes mare, which he purchased 0 few Months ago nn r. from Hemt•y Zinn, Wallace,, to Macdonald of the John Macdonald do. wholeslale dry goods house, Toron- to, for a long figure. She is the mother of Mr. Zinu's falnons string of prize taker's, Pfeffer Bros. are making several important additions to their Listowel flour malls. A storeroom 111 two sec- tions, one 12x61 and the other 12x47, for loading and unloading, and an addition to the South side of the mill, 12x30, will enable them to provide better accommodation for their cus- tomers. A. MacKay, erecting engineer for the .Robb Enghroeriug Co., wits in town having the engines placed in position, which has been done, and they are 0018 ready for the steam connections. Word has been received that the generators are of the way from Sweden, and are likely to arrive any day now. The hrlelti ng in of the boiler has been finlelled foe some blue and things are beginning to batik like busineee at the power station, Air. Ultima is expected to start; immed- iately putting up tale craaa•aL'ms lane. parntory to wiring,g, and now looks a fe as Y i, 'e n' wn weeks more will a 4 the Ie light turned ou. You foci Blue as Indigo, You are sleepless—no energy—bttd cligee Litat — irritable nerves — every- thing seems wrong. You're getting worse. Stop It to -day, end yotn' misery by building up with Fotm000ne. It's a food toriiro—supplies nutriment and building tnatet'ial—give weals or - gales and exhausted 11071700 tae strength they 7egtlire, With Fer.. :'ozone you eat more, digest mote, get fatter, Vitality courses through y04119 veins, the feeling of youth predotnin- ates, vita, strength and health return for -good, Nothing 70j3ven1ate0 and restores 80 quickly and pernauently as Fel'ro'rone. You'll try it to -clay, 51411. at all dealers. Huron County., Kincardine's rate of taxation is now 27 mills on the dollar, the increase be- ing mainly due to school end county 1 alas. Warden Lamont and County En- gineer Patterson were as far 110 Am- berly .last week, inspecting County bridges along the line of the electric railway. The county will likely have to make sono expenditures in the near future. E. Zeller, editor of the Zurich Her- ald and promoter of rural telephones, bee acquired the Bell lines in that sec- tion and it is the intention to make the telephone service first-class and to give a local night service as soon as the number of phones reach 100. there are now '75 connected and about 15 tuo'e will be added during the next few weeks. A Dungannon correspondent says ;— Contractor Onsens, 01 Clinton, com- pleted the cement walk from Walk - oafs corner to Richard Ryan's and on 11Ionday and Tuesday he and his men also laid a new walk and crossing in front of the Rectory. Dungannon now has a large tamenet of good walks and we think IL safe to say that no other :village of its size in Ontario has any more and the are all proud of the way Dungannon is improving. HAY FEVER Ragweed. Fever. Sympathetic Catarrh. The indescribable wretchedness of those who every Summer are victims to this awful disease, commonly called Hay Fever, is simply appalling. Thousands who know of Oatarl'hozone prevent the return of the disease by eomntenring early to inhale Catarrh - ozone four times daily every day. By means of Oatarrbozone Hay Fever is prevented and cured. The large dollar outfit never fails to cure ; trial size 50c. All dealers or The Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingston, Ont., and Bufiiato, N. Y. Perth County Miss Lottie Pomeroy, of Fullerton, )eft to take a position in the post and telephoue office at Grand Bend. G. 'H. MIcInLyt'e, M. P., has gone on a trip to the Northwest and Pacific Coast. Ile will bo away for several weeks. H. W. Rogers has been awarded the contract of laying 'cement sidewalks in Fullerton and we expect to soon see the old planks replaced by an up-to- date walk with crossings at important corners. A load of members of Mitchell Camp Woodmen of the 'World drove to Stratford on Sunday and assisted their city brethren in the ceremony of unveiling several. monuments and in decorating the graves of deceased members 110 Avondale cemetery. W. R. Cook has started a general delivery business in Mitchell. This t will be a convenience as well as a sav- ing desiringoc cis par- cels p ing to anyone g cels delive ed to all parts of the town. We understand his wagon will make four regular deliveries each day, ex- cepting Saturday, when extra trips will be made. Stratford Normal school will be filled to overflowing when the term opens in September. Especially will this be the case with grade A students (those having experience as teachers) and the accommodation for grade B students (those without teaching ex- perience) will be corresponding less. During the storm which passed over the county Tuesday of last week, two valuable horses belonging to Henry Daub, of Amultree, were killed. The owner tuns sitting inside the barn and holding the horses, which were on -the outside, when they were struck. Mr. Daub was unhurt, although badly shaken up, SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Aug. 19 Aud. 23 Aud. 27 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 ONE-WAY sneoND-CLASS TICKISTS WILL RE SOLA TO WINNIPEG ONLY Representative fanners, appointed by Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments, will meet and engage laborers on arrival at Winnipeg, Free transportation will be torn -1 nl sit Winnipeg to pmnts on Con. Poe. where laborers are needed, east of blame Jew, u1., -..81105 brnn41108, and at one eenl o mile eech way west thereof in Seskatohawon and Alberta. A certificate is furnished with moll ticket and this certificate when extended by fanner showing that laborer hos worked thirty flays or more, will be honored from that paint for n second elms ticket back to starting points in Ontario, et $18.00, prior to Nov, 90theroaood, 7909. 173818 a only on 3pnainl Farm Laborers' trains and will be issued to women as well es to mon, but will not be issued at half fare to children. For tell perticttlars 300 nenrasl 0.7,30, admit. or write R. L. TIIOMPSON, D.P.A., 0.0.15.. TORONTO Far Labor r Warate WORK FOR 29,000 MEN IN MANITOBA ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN GOING �t 1 Additional for the Return Ticket TRIP3� under conditions as below. GOING DATES From Stations north of line of G.P.N. Toronto IolSorata. end Can. Poe. Slatlons on and west of Toronto.Sudhury line. From Toronto and :all C.P.R. Stations west in .Ontario on and south of Ontari000n M C.R. Trunk ed T.H.&l6 �R� ata, and all Stations From Stations Toronto and east. totludind Sherbet Lake end Kinds. tan, end all Stations In Ontario west of Renfrew. 0130 stations on C.O. E4 B. of O. Rys.. and stations on R. & P. south of Renfrew. From all Stations Toronto and west.. Including Stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Sudbury. From all Stations east of l'eronlo in Onterlo. T. FARROW, Agent, BRUSSELS When be went 90 his 0table 'Monday morning of last week Charles Pearce, of Mite1ell, found one of his horses with a broken leg, Flow it occurred is a mystery. Of course the animal Mut to be de0t1'0yed, Itoks o. asho l though the fanners who (148b to a i for 1081 in ha viig a i 1 nd 'n the Southwest part of Ellice and :South- east part of Logan are going to have good reason for blanking their stars Hutt they live where they do. It is claimed there has been a splendid flow of nettl1al gas on the land lying Past and West between lot 26, Ellice and lot 5, Logan, and extending North and Smith x01'088 concessions 21, 8, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, and 0, The laud has been stir- veyed out and machinery is being rushed to the scene with the idea of getting started at once to drill the necessary wells for the gas, which is stated to be present in largo(man tities. The Walkerton Telescope of last week says : Miss Agnes B. Bushfield,' who will' seceeod Miss McKnight as lady Superintendent at the Brace General Hospital on Sept. 1st has had a wide experience. Her home is in Stratfoh'cl and she graduated from Guelph General Hospital iib 1000. Alias Bushfield has been doing institutional work for six years in New York, Brooklyn and Philadelphia. She is highly recommended in all the posi- tions which she has has held, a par- ticular reconunendatiou being that of Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of Baltimore, one o'f America's most noted surgeons. Miss Bushfield has been lady superin- tendent at Parry Sound for some time past. She will likely arrive about the 801.1 of Augnst;tin order to be afr the hospital a few days before Miss MIcKnight's departure. Miss Bush - field is a daughter of Henry Bushfield, Nile street, Stratford. The appoint - anent shows that Stratford nurses ere in demand as MIss McKnight whom. Miss Bushfield succeeds is a daughter of Lieut.-Ool, McKnight, Downie street. HARRY REID KNOWS. Jas. Pox, the druggist does not guarantee Parisian Sage to grow hair on every bald head, but if there is any life left in the roots of your hair, Parisian Sage will stimulate the hair bulbs and cause your hair to grow again. Here is one ease. "1 am now lining the second bottle of your Paris- ian Sage, and can notice a new crop of hair appearing. I am glad to say itis a dancer color than any hair was before I became bald." Harry Reid, 10 Manhattan St., Rochester, I. Y. Don't wait till you're bald before They Help Your ModModOut And Save You a World tT% Wretchedness A stomach that cannot digest sta good meal is certainly a sore trial. a1. Ithas been reapoalsible for almost everything in the Way of human misery, up to suicide, The trouble in most cases is that the stomach and other digestive prg[11is lack vigor, Not enough .of the Juices necesaaiy to digestion are secreted, nor does the, 001224011 work up the •food properly, The worst of it is that there is not sufficient nourishment taken out of the food to restore the system's vigor, and the trouble goes from bad to worse. The stomach needs help. "Little Digesters" meet the need exactly, One "Little Digester" after each meal will ensure perfect digestion, provided, of course, that the food is good and wholesome. "Little Digesters" are guaranteed to cure Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, or your money will be refunded. 2sc at your druggist's, or by mail from the Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto. 27 ' W.SVPSTAT& :7187/W.4, ✓„ gvs21 Li Fallerm 0 ean Sept.Se t. 1 ELLIOTT 0.16. SLl This school 18 unquestionably one of Canada's Greatest, Beat and ,, Most Successful Colleges. Our >"' graduates readily secure e.n loyment. ti Let us educate you for positions worth from 086 to 3100 a 10100111. Wo know tG how. Write to -day fsr magnificent catalogue. r< W. 4. ELLI07T, Principal. t Oor. Ym15e &Alexander et•. , Toronto. r - i5'14.i^��4e�`9,�'i YF.'a5,ea't14:'1i'RA'Pa['s using Parisian Sage, use it nate, Kill the dandruff genii and prevent bald- ness. Jas. Fox the druggist, sells Parisian Sage at 5(1 mints a 111190e bottle and he guarantees it to cure dandruff, stop falling hair, and cnt'e all diseases of the scalp, or money . back. Parrsitau Sage is a delightfully invigorating hair dressing ; it malcos the hair soft, fluffy and beautiful. 0 4♦+04+4+4444.44++404444+4,4.4+4-4+544'0+-04®•:0-:44048.4.5♦•F© 4 ♦ • ♦ •4 • • 4. 4 0 4 v 0 4 • •• • •♦ •4. • • 4 d• 4 4 • 4 ester L® C�oIl Open to the World ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY DOG SHOW 1 Ontario's Popular .Exhibition Sept. 10-18 IGNIIIIRIPeasiasennesmaatsggs it Increased e Prize List SPEED EVENTS DAILY CAT SHOW The Great Live Stock Exhibition MUS/0 91st Highlanders 7th Fusiliers ATTRACTIONS Program Twice Daily The Best Ever Fire Works Each Evening Takes Holiday Special Rates v all visit London Fair over a 1 RallroadS Prize Lasts, Entry Forms, Programs and all information fromW. J. REID, President. A. NI. HUNT, Secretary. et 1- •0 O • 4. 4. 0 4. 4 .1. ♦ d• O • O 0 • • .p. ♦ H ♦ 4 ♦ 1- 4 a e 1- 4 ♦44444044+444444044441.44d•04 +4+♦+4+,44,44+4.3'0+♦+.++44+4 o SZIOSZEIDIRgrafill The Oldest Insurance Office in the World Founded 1710 Bi -Centenary 1910 Home Office : London, England Canadian Branch, Sun Building, Toronto, 1, M, Blackburn, Manager ' B. GERRY, BRUSSELS AGENT .....sec♦ .......... +.444♦4 Change of 4.•4• 4. ♦ ABusiness ....o,o,_. 4 : Raving purchased the business ♦ of the late J. G. Skene I teal pre- 0 • pared to cater to the wants of 0 v the public in up-to-date goods at p w fair prices in 44 ee Dry Goods and A p4 Groceries. 4♦ 0 e O My object will be to keep a well A o assorted and seasonable line of 4 Dress Goods, Cottons, Novelties, 9 �. 1 tee 0 t, and also a chi ice tock of Stook 4 i ♦ Fresll. Groceries. 4 40* Eggs and hater 101tat1 at the gg t 4 highest lmarketpt'ic0. Q ® ` 0 ®ilsr Ac II will be appreciated. o 4 Satisfaction assured, o 4 4 A Thompson O 4Mrs,Je�Wre = ♦ 'N • 4 4444404449404440440400♦4004 .4.444,404.044.404.44•44+e4.4.04. 4 4 To Machinery Users • and farmers e O Nr-4rNr it : 4, The Now Machine Shop of the o 4 0 BRUSSELS EIRE APPLIANCE t . ® ♦ o• and MACHINE 'Co, i i s now ready for business, and, 4 4 with good Machiner.'yatinsSkilled 4 0 Mechanics, we are an a position to attend to your 1'0p0111'0 prompt- . 4 ly and at reasonable nates, 9 ♦ If y you will 9 y lot us know your 4, wants we will give you honest ,Op ♦ advice and help if connected O s with Machinery, ♦ Give 9 O i atrial an ♦d, by nonriljg e 4 to Brussels, save time au d inoliey ♦ ®for' ourselves, ♦ 1GAUSAUE & JAMES Willi Street Brussels': w 44444044404044444040440444