HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-8-26, Page 3Fashion
as"��1, io.
Glove fitting bodices are predict
Shaded silk hosiery . has some-
thing of a vogue,
Much black velvet is being used
hi millinery.
Braided and embroidered cotton
souteche buttons prevail.
Washable • Chamois gloves are
ehown both in • natural color and
Tucks still hold favor, but but-
tons have outrun them in the race
for first place:
Net gloves, the coolest things
that can be worn, may now be had
with embroidered backs.
There is a rage now for cream
white suits, worn with hat and ac-
oessories of nut brown.
Hats persist in their big shapes,
and most of the new models turn
rakishly at one side.
The polonaise is a growing fash-
ion, and it is promised that a good
many will be seen this fall.
The foulard vogue is at its height
and in its class this graceful fab-
ric is absolutely unrivalecl.
White, cream and ecru net blous-
es are not difficult to 'dye, and it
may be successfully done at tome,
Dresses of all over embroidery
and lace have made quite a hit and
are likely -to last for some time.
Bronze shoes for house wear and
black pumps for the street have
been the chosen styles throughout
the hot days.
The draperies of gowns are main-
ly at the back and sides and often
start well up in the region of the
waist, descending, in lines which
enhance the apparent length of the
figure wearing them.
Every one welcomes the net hat
for summer wear ; hot days on sun-
ny lawns would lose half their
charm without it.
Lace veils are edged on both
sides with fancy borders and serve
for scarfs as well as for enveloping
the hat and face.
Stoles and eeelesiastical designs
have crept into the toilette quietly,
but with evident intention to stay
for awhile,
A bit of hand embroidery is a
dainty finish to a tight fitting shirt-
waist sleeve, which is cut pointed
ever the wrist.
The guimpe of flesh colored tulle,
which has received so much oom-
ment, has been superseded by a
chemisette of finest black tulle.
The gray now favored by fashion-
able women is really a grayish rose
color --having a subtle touch of the
rose beneath the gray.
A smart little collar and cuff set
consists of sheer batiste and Irish
lace edged with tiny hemstitched
plaitings of the batiste.
The costume is now considered
inoomplete without a wrap of some
sort, no matter how slight it may
be, and this has caused a renewed
vogue for the scarf.
Spanish and Russian mantles are
decidedly. artistic, but they must
be worn by a woman of height and
slender build—one who can carry
her gown gracefully.
Wrist bands, which are a revival
of the early Victorian beaded braae-
Iet, have been introduced, and
there is a threat ofquite a revival
of these trifles.
Cut jet promises to be the most
fashionable in stones this season.
It is found in breeches, watch
Chains, barrettes, hair Combs, and
fancy hair ornaments.
For useful little runaround sum-
mer frocks, foulard and challis are
perennially employed by persons
who look to economical and comfor-
table questions rather than to be-
ing in advance of the mode.
A new cravat to wear with the
collarless gowns is nothing less than
a leather dog collar that takes the
place of the broad band of ribbon
allowable in the evening, but not
in the morning.
The diameter of the Atlantic
cable varies according to the depth
of the water, the Character of the
bottom on which it lies and the pro-
babilities of interference from an-
chors. It is smallest in mid -ocean
elepths, There is little or no move
went at the bottom, and it is im-
portant that the cable should not
Have great weight. A heavy cable
in deepwater would be difficult to
bring up for repairs if such were
r-eeded. In the shallower water a
heavier type of cable is used. The
types are known as "shore elide'
"intermediate," and "deep sea."
The diameters of the commercial
cables are; Shore end, two and
three-quarter inches; intermediate,
one and three-quarter 'males ; deep
sea, one inch.
Perhaps a woman loves secrets
because of the pleasure it affords
ber to let them escape.
Many a man's failure is due to
phis having aimed too high with a
sleet range gun,,
Truth ei'ushcd to earth may rise
semi 1, bit ,apt to stay down
long enough for a li., to get away.
withthe goods.
A ease Showing Row the Tonin
Treatullent Reatpree Lost
Anaemia is simply leek of blood,
It is one of the most common and
at the same time most dangerous
diseases with which growing girls
suffer. It is common because the
blood so often becomes impoverish-
ed during development, when girls
often overstudy, over -work and suf•
for from leek of exercise, It is
dangerous because of the stealthi-
ness of its approach and because
of its tendency to grow so steadily
worse, if not promptly checked,
that it may run into consumption.
Every growing girl should take an
occasional tome to ward off the in-
sidious trouble; and in all the world
there is no tonic that can equal
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every
dose of this medicine helps to make
new, rich blood, which promptly
makes weak, pale, listless girls
bright, rosy and strong, Miss A.
M. Dugay, Lower Cove, N.S., says;
I believe I owe my life to . Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. My blood
seemed to have turned to water. I
was pale as a sheet; I suffered from
headaches, and • floating specks
seemed to be constantly before my
eyes. As the trouble progressed
my limbs began to swell, and it was
feared that dropsy had set in and.
that -my ease was hopeless. Up
to this time two doctors had attend-
ed me, but notwithstanding I kept.
growing worse, 'It was at this junc-
ture I began using Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, andafter taking a few
boxes I was much improved. I
kept onusing the Pills until'I had
taken eight, boxes, when my health
was completely restored."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills curd cas-
es like this because they go to the
root of the trouble in the blood.
That is why they cure rheumatism
and indigestion, nervous headaches
and racking neuralgia, and all those
troubles from which growing girls
and women of mature years so of-
ten suffer in hopeless silence. If
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are given
a- fair trial they will not disappoint
you. Sold by all medicine dealers
or by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
illiams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Discoveries of the Ill-Fated'Erich-
sea Expedition.
Changeless Arctic temples of ice.
amid the icy deserts of Greenland
were found by the survivors of the
ill-fated Erichsen expedition to the
North Pole. A crystal palace of
superhuman architecture vaster
than a dozen cathedrals and Egyp-
tian temples, resplendent' with jew-
els and endless decorations of ice,
is described.
Created by nature in a, forbid-
ding wilderness, it frightened and
awed the explorers. The dreams
of poets and the fancies of epic
bards were surpassed by this vis-
ion of colossal loveliness, which the
painter Ashton Fries, a member of
the expedition, endeavored to carry
away for the benefit of the dwellers
in civilization.
More than .a mile in length, the
lofty nave of this timple was pierc-
ed at intervals with windows
through which the gleaming sun
rays sparkled on columns and cubes
and immense clusters of stalactites
like pendent jewels. Through the
centre of the ice palace .flowed a
stream of water whose occasional
ripple and splashing fall broke the
majestic silence.
Far north it is possiblo that ice
palaces and temples should endure
without change longer than human
structures of stone. The carcases
of, prehistoric monsters have re
mained involate in Arctic tombs for
thousands of years, while granite
pyramids have worn- away and
Babylonian civilization has been
buried deep in the earth.
'Ile had been a reghlal' Sunday
!caller for six months, when one
evening he dropped in arrayed in
a new suit.
"That's a lovely wedding suit you
have on," remarked the dor girl.
"Why," gasped the astonisbed
young man, (-this is a b -business
"Well," rejoined the d, g. calm-
ly, "I meant business."
And the very next day he put up
419,98 ,of his hard-earned wealth
for a solitaire,_
The best seems to bo a.little too
good for some people; at least;
they are always looking for the
worst of. ib
Don't Orow Old.
fly going around With gra hair when Dr,
Trelne(n`o Natural Itali ilestorn ive will
bring It back to its natural colo, tree
though It baa been gray 1'm• years Two
persm,s Inlght ,m, from the smile bottle
and the hair of son become black and
iia miter blonde, j11,t 1 v tbry were In
yi n b 81 ;t Is n -t a b•1u (1 e; It Will rot
t rit tt t , - 7
J < :",alt std is fu tr. nt t;1 cw• ' 1'
tie. Wt. zt'r ,'nleo. 0o Il.'r t'o or 11,151
). 11
rrUtr ie<: Pr e n , rr Halt •r ,Poatagn raid). i
I G R 111::1,11:1 sl r'i'te co., i 17
16 wood St., Toronto, b
O B 813.
RewardHis Services .la Brio
ing About the South Afri,
eau Union.
The blue ribbon of the Order of
the Garter left at the disposal of
the British Chown by the recent
death of the aged Marquis of Ripon
has been 'bestowed on the Earl of
Selborne, It comes to Lord Sel-
borne as a reward for hie work dura
ing the lest five years as High Com-
missioner for South Africa, especi-
ally in bringing to a successful ecu-
elusion the very delicate and diff]-
pult negotiations for the federa-
tlori of the various coloniessouth
of the Zambesi into one common
wealth, which is henceforth to be
known as the Union of South Afri-
ea, Difficult as it was to bring
about the federation of the various
Provinces of Oanada into a domin-
ion, and of the diverse eolonfes of
Australia into a commonwealth, it
has been an even
to accomplish this in South Afri-
ca, owing to the trcubleson.e quos-
tion of native franchise.
What renders the appointment of
Lord Selborne to the Order of the
Garter all the more remarkable is
that he does not belong politically
to the party now in power, and
that it comes to him on the nom-
ioation of polities) adversaries. He
was ono of the principal members of
the Balfour 1,1e -sal -Unionist Cab-
inet, in which he held the office of
First Lord of the Admiralty, when,
in the spring of 1905. he surren-
dered his portfolio in order to be-
eome Lord 'Egli Commissioner of
South Africa,, .with emoluments to
the extent of about $70,00 a year
in salary and allowances, as com-
pared to the $25,000 which he re-
ceived .as a Cabinet Minister. Lord
Selborne did se well in South Af-
rica in the way of conciliation and
in the reorganization of the various
branches of the administration
there, that he won the good -will
even, of his political adversaries,
and when the Balfour administra-
tion came to grief and the Liberals
succeeded to office the Campbell -
Bannerman Cabinet urged him to
remain on, its request being
When the administration was reor-
ganized,after the death of Camp-
bell -Bannerman, and Herbert As•
quith became Premier and Lord
Crewe succeeded to the Secretary-
ship of State for the Colonies in
England in the place of Lord Elgin,
Lord Selborne again tendered his
resignation, but was asked to con-
tinue in office, and has now reaped
his reward.
It: is doubtful whether Lord Sel-
borne will return to South Africa,
where he feels that he has com-
pleted the work which he set him-
self out to perform, namely, the
reconoiliation of the Boers' to Brit-
ish rule and to their English fellow -
colonists and the construction of
the Union of South Africa.
Some interesting inside facts areamt.
identity divulged- in regard to the enorm-
ous salaries earned by some insurance
It is repportedthat two agents recently
appointed, by the National InsuranceCom-
pany in ono of our largo western cities
have earned over Two Thousand. Dollars
($2,000.00) a mouth from the time they
started to get business for this Company.
Of course, these men are hustlers, and
are well equipped 1n every way, possess•
ing even small motor cars to cover the
territory) more rapidly.
We understand, however, that any man
who has real ability 1n this line could do
as well.
One of the reasons for the success. of
National Life agents is the splendid
standing of the Company which is shown
in theiradvertisementelsewhere in this
paper. If it has ever occurred to you to
take up the Life Insurance business you
cannot make. arrangements with an
easier Company to oscura business for
than the National Life, And they need
an Agent right in this. territory, Com..
muntcato with Pio head °Mee.
Little Tommie had been put to
bed alone, It was upstairs, and
the thunder relied and the light-
ning flashed uulnercifully. He lay
quietly until he could no longer
sttaud it, and then his little night -
gowned figure appeared at the head
of the stairs.
"Ma I" he cried,
"Yes, my son," came the calm re-
"I'mn afraid, nue It thunders
so, and I'm all alone."
"Go back to bed, Tommie," came
his mother's voice. "Don't you
know nothing can hurt you?„
Tommie went back to bed, but not
to stay. "Ma 1" he tried again,
and this time the little figure was
half -way downstairs.
"Tommie," called his mother,
"don't you know I have told you
nothing can hurt you 7 The angels
are always with you"
('Then, ma"—ane this time there
came an audible sniff from tate
t.eepieg Tommie --"you come up
and sleep with the angels, and Cat
mo sleep. wife' pa,"
141r, Popp--r'lly Jove 1 For one°
my lilt 1 know where my cuff
.lk are : Mrs, Popp. 11'hero if
t they nLW''1" Mr. Popp — "The ,
ally "s se allowed 'em I" 1 r
WAR NOGERS, Preeident„ ALBERT) HAL4ToH, M iEing metope'
P. OAR t,IHt, $esrefarte
National Life Assurance Co.
oma' C.A.r".eeres.-
HEAP OFFICE], NATIONAL. lase CHA1BEps,Pe Toionto 8),,, Termite,
Marines, in Forel • • . . 4t0,street.54
Aally income ever • . n• 412fiD,R813,555,057
Invested In high grade eeopritjeq tlr1
Surplus 14 Polley' Holders' ACconnt • • . 5328.11161
The onlyCompany renortiug to Canadian Insuranee Dop't, Ottawa, Do 2.?.
nitro of inerest or minoipai on any investment,
A splendid opening hi this county for an active,
energetic agent possessing gsod character,
Apply direct to head office. $5 Toronto St., Toronto,
Caller—"Nellie is your mother
in 7"
Nelle`- "Mother is out shop-
Caller --"When will she return,
Nellie 7"
Neill (calling back) -"Mamma,
what shall I say now I"
A Remedy for Bilious Headache.
—To those subject to bilious head-
ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
are recommended as the way to
speedy relief, Taken according to
directions they will subdue irregu-
lairities of the stomach and so act
upon the nerves and blood vessels
that the pain in the head will cease.
There are few who are not at some-
time subject to biliousness and
familiar with its attendant evils,
Yet none need suffer with these
pills at hand.
Chaplain—"What brought you
here?" Prisoner—"Youth, air."
Chaplain—"Youth]. Why, you look
to be fifty if a day 1" Prisoner—
"I'm past that. It was the youth
of my lawyer that did it,"
If allowed to roam over your
house those few Innocent -looking
)louse hies may cause a real trag-
edy any day, as they are known
to be the principal agents for the
spread of those deadly diseases,
typhoid fever, diphtheria and
smallpox. No other fly killer com-
pares with Wilson's Fly Pads.
A lad who was being quized
about his father's lack of accom-
plishments, was asked : "What
does your father know?" There
was no hesitation. in the answer.
"I don't believe he knows anything
except bis own business; but he
knows that—and minds it!"
Rea,Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes.
Relieved By Murine lige Remedy. Try
Murine For Your Eye Troubles, You
�Mt'lfl ce Murine. IC SooU1e0. San t
Your Druggists, Write li'or Eye Books.
Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto.
"There are at least two things
that a woman is ever ready to jump
at," remarked the thoughtful think-
er. "What are they 7" queried the
innocent bystander. "A mouse and
an offer of marriage," answered
the T.T.
There is nothing equal to Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator for
destroying worms. No article of its
kind has given such satisfaction.
These is a time in every man's life
when the softly -breathed "Yes" of
a pretty woman sounds as loud to
his ears as the notes of Gabriel's
trumpet. Afterwards there comes
a time when she has to yell at the
top of her voice, "John, John, it's
time to get up," seventeen times
before he becomes aroused enough
to bear it.
In the treatment of summer com-
plaints, the most effective remedy
that can be used is Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a
standard preparation, and many
people employ it in preference to
other preparations. It is a high-
ly concentrated medicine and its
sedative and curative qualities aro
beyond question. It has been a
popular medicine for many years
and thousands can attest its superi-
or qualities in overcoming dysen-
tery and kindred complaints.
"Well, old pian, I've spent every
penny of money I have made in the
world on my doctor." "Does he
know it?" "He must know it. He
has pronounced me perfectly well
now." '
Painkiller comes with quirk relief. The
bumps and the bruises, the pains from
groan apples, and such things are quickly
cured by its use. Avoidsubstitutes, thorn
is but one "Painkiller" -Perry Davie' -
26e, and 508.
Kindly mention the name of this
paper In writing to advertisers.
Investor—"What do you mean
by falsely representing the pro-
perty? The notice stated that
there was a view of fifty miles, and
I couldn't see fifty yards. Agent --
"No deception at all, sir. Whla,
way did yer look?" Investor •---
"Why, I looked all round me, and
could not see out of the valley"
'Well, Mister'," returned the
agent, "yer didn't look right. z1
yer had gazed up, thar'd bin no
trouble. I reckon yen can see
more'n fifty miles up, I tell yer,
mister," lie added, as:the investor
walked off, "we don't misrepro-
sent the lacks down bare."
And many a lovelorn maid image -
les she is heartbroken when in
eaifty her liver isn't working just
"How 'did Blinkin beeome in-
"He slept three months under a
crazy quilt,"
Holloway's Corn Cure is the me-
dicine to remove all kinds of corns
and warts, and only costs the small
sum Of twenty-five Dents.
Canvasser -"Are you singlet"
Man at the door—"Yes." "Wby,
the people next door told me you
were married," "So I am," "Yet
you told ine just ne;v you were
single." "Yes, so I did." "Well,
what is the matter with you 7" "No-
thing, Eir., My name is Single, and
I'm .married. Good day, sir."
After making a most .careful
study of the matter, U. S. Govern-
ment scientists state definitely
that the common house fly is the
principal means of distributing
typhoid fever, diphtheria and
smallpox. Wilson's Fly Pads kill
the flies and the disease germs,
"Now," said the physician, "you
will have to eat plain food and not
stay out late at night." "Yes,"
replied the patient, "that is what
I have been thinking ever since
you sent in your bill."
An Unusual Opportunity to Mks Money.
placed in every city of the tnis )ed States
and Canada, for patented article which
for many year's has been sold by mail.
Well advertised and thousands now in nso
and highly recommended. No canvassing,
our advertising and announcements bring
the buyers to our door. Write todayif
You have the ambition to Darn big pro-
fits. Don't hesitate 00 only one agency
pplaced fn each Oity, Address, w, E. D. Co., ioii Majastio Bldg., Detroit.
An Englishman was once rallying
a native of India upon his faculty
in lying. The native at once re-
plied, "Why, sahib, we are all more
or less liars in my country, and if
one tells a story, another ininedi-
ately cops it. There were two
young men of my vountry who bad
aboasting match, and one said,
'My father is so rich and has so
many horses that bis stable is of
such extent as to take a horse
eleven months to go from one end
stall to the other.' 'Shabash, bro-
then,' replied the second boaster,
'that is very good. My father has
a bamboo so long that ho can sweep
the clouds away with it when they
obscure the sun in harvest time
'Hi! hi I' exclaimed the first. 'That
is eery wonderful; but, pray, bro.
ther, where does your father keep
suoli a long bamboo 7" 'Why, you
stupid,' was the answer, 'in your
father's stable, to be sure!'"
TRADING on it good name and deceiving
the public ie what the imitators of the
well-known "T11e D. & L." Menthol Plaster
are doing. Don't bo fooled, insiat on the
genuine, 'Tho- D. & L. z
First Burglar—"Halloa, Jim!
Why, you look as if you had been
in a railway accident since I saw
you last. What's wrong?" Sec-
ond Burglar—"I got into a house
where the woman was waitin' up
for her husband, and she mistook
me for him."
Groat Medicine.-Tonti, one of
the pioneer's of French Canada,
lost a hand and wore an iron hook
as a substitute. He was in the ha-
bit of boxing the ears of refrac-
tory Indians with this iron hand,
and they have remarked that it was
"great medicine." Dr. Thomas'
Ecleetrie Oil is great medicine; it
takes hold of pain with an iron hand
and knocks it out of the system.
Kindly mention the nine of this
paper in writing to advertisers.
A man, praising porter, said it
was so excellent a beverage that
taken in great quantities it al-
ways made him fat. "I have seen
the 'time," said another, "when
it made you lean," "When, I
should like to know 7" said the en-
logist, "Why, no lenges ago than
last night—against the wall."
Fat (waking up) 01Ala' pwhat
happened to 1147"
Ambulance Surgeon -"You Were
Pati-•- kalth, I had it done wanes
tlefor°--in my lift arruin but it
didn't take thot time•"
A handsome brochure, ert15Qt151lly )fins'
tratod,. has beep lssl1i,ed by 1)10 00800ager
dopentn,ent of �ho Qrapd Trunk Ittiiway
System,, toiling • of rh014•_ beantieo
L,tke of Maya tilatriat, the HigMofande1110
of Onttis the
A ,few feature of tins or-
trict Is the now hotel -The wawa -et Nor•
way Point, 0)10 hotel Itself ilae a ,(31100 it
turtration roltocting the enmmer glories
of woodland and water, with a brood of
seven wild geese soaring skyward beyond
the tower. The concise description om•
bodies the Story, of a Charming resort.
A copy rap be obtained free an aerates -
eon to Mr, J, D, McDonald, riniop filer
tiop, Toronto,
It's enough to take
Four breath away
To meet a person
Who doesn't say,
"Is it hot enough
For you to -day 1"
To Men Who Live Inactive Lives,
—Exercise in the open air is the
best tonic for the stomach and sys-
tem generally; but there are those
who are compelled to follow' soden.'
tary occupations and the inactivity
tends to restrict the healthy a,etion
of the digestive organs and sickness
follows, Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills regulate the stomach and liver
and restore healthy action. It is
wise to have a pocket ofthe pills
always on hand.
A Scottish laird overheard some
lowland cattle dealers discussing
the use of "England" in stead of
"Britain" in Nelson's famous sig-
nal, "England expects that every
man will do his duty." According
to 0710 patriotic Scot, there was
no question of the admiral's for-
getfulness, and when a companion
expressed surprise at the injus-
tice" the patriot reassured his.
"Nelson," he explained, "only 'ex-
pects' of the English; he said nae -
thing of Scotland, for he kent the
Scotch would do theirs!"
vomer A w ineel OI
a tAllANr uo
Nfailodonreceipt oMAi,50,
Bead for bookFeq„•-ygl
le veterinary BeMOdn
Company, LImnod, "f
$1r A, 7s Adelaide et., a',
Toronto, °anode,
tnos 10 tato orders for bolt custom mad8
Clothes le Oantula, 111gllost oommiesioa. 18011
'rallo11n6 Oo,, Toronto,
WANTED• -Ladies to do plain and light
sewing at home, whole or spare time)
good 51151 work sent any dietetical
obarges prepaid. Send stamp for full par -
Willies, National. Mannfacturiug vqm'
pang, Montreal.
CLEANING a, 'trot
LADIES'• ■ •weer OUOI.
Can b1 don• partoetly Ay our m,ao( Froom. Try y
1913188 5111100100,8 03.8)50 00,
O'AnregAle TOM /N'50, OTTAWA A QI3$13=0
n0IC-r0=3 r3
CLL1 NutlC Cloliles
cordially invited tocall and
inspect our stock.
.8.63.7111NTTS W.26..1•TTxa7D
in every locality.
172 King St. West Toronto
(Opposite Princess Theatre.)
Are your feet hot;
sore and blistered?
if so, try Zoom l ult.
As Soon as
Zam-Bgk is applied
it cools and soothes
injured smarting'
skin and tissue.
Its rich, refuted
herbal essences
penetrate the skin;
IIts antiseptic pro-
perties prevent all 4 t J
dan�erOa festering;r
or inflammation
from cuts or sores;
and its healing essences
build up new healthy tissue.
For stings, sunburn, cuts,
burns, bruises, etc. -just as
Mothers find It Invaluable for
baby's sores!
an Druggists and stoma -far. 500.
le le a surepassport to a good salary.
You can learn it easily and quickly
SCHOOL, 3 Gerrard St. Bast, Toron-
to. Particulars Free. Write.
i W. 11. SHAW, Pros,
44.1.443 i• '?'f elelefate1'i•'ihsates4'++
$5n ny9+ed 'Web
o0r oeinto0u,' highn geolo soot ow 17(30
home, ere. Vblonlr
nomup cad rm tet balm
aoniotaot niolallra tap
tllory gitoa.
TAX Hardy SUP,LA ee.,
Dept. 50, Tomato, Oat
The Rapid Roadie Threader
A practical eye•saving,
titne•saving device, used
for any size noodle or
thread, It threads quick-
ly, easily, and will last a
lifetinme. Mailed to your
address, postpaid for 25c.
The Paptd Needle
threader Cu„
4LQ„V nos 1507. 15111 m, Ontario
ISSUE NO. 34-09.
wE beg to announce that the
prizes offered for solution of
our Omega Watch "Count the Dots"
puzzle were won as follows: -
1st Prize -Miss Mary G. Smith,
Lithe :Sands, P.E.I.
2nd Prize -Mr. E. M. Broughton,
Olds, Alberta.
3rd Prize -Mr. John Gillespie, Ce-
darville, Ont.
The correct number of dots was
If your answer was within 20 of
the 500, and you have not received
one of the Consolation Prizes, 1t
is because there has been some
error, or perchance your name and
address was not legibly written.
If there are any such, we hope they
will write to us at once, an wo
want to send a Prize to all who
are entitled to it.
ELLIS BROS, '° Torenost•
Utilization of
Surplus Funds
A fundamental principle of
a successful business is the proper
utilization of surplus fonds—to
earn the greatest interest returns.
Financial institutions and
viduals of wealth do not per'miC
large aecumulations of money
earning nothing, or only a low
rade of interest.
Why, then, should not the in-
vestor of moderate means avail
himself of the same opportuntiltes
afforded to Insurance Compan-
ies, Trust Corporations and
similar institutions ? The ser-
vices of our organization are
available to anyone who inquires.
Issues offered by us are re-
oommmended only after a thor-
ough investigation by experts—
and purchased in entirety by us,
The distribution of many of
our recent issues is etgnftcant Of
favorable inie'est return — of
their acceptability to intelligent
Some of the issues suitable for
the general investor are :
--Canadian Northern Railway Co.
Equipment Bonds yielding Inc.,
-Duluth, Rainy Lake and Winnl-
5103 Rallwny Bonds yielding
b 1-4 p.e.
-Western armada Frear MINS
company, yielding nearly
6 2-s p.o.
-P. Borne and Company, Ltd.,
•boni:s (Ranohers, f,leat•pac,te,-t
and distributers of packing pro•
du,:isi-yiettitng ever 6 8.s 13.o.
We should Iiko to tell. you of
these bond Issues and others
whiter we l'enammand.
MAC Dogult, TORONTO sda NINO an it.
s 0trI :::AL-•Wus),Ipr4*-LONDON, ENC,