HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-8-19, Page 7110W TO ENJOY LONG LIFE
Prof. liletehnfkoff PrOPOIlfteCS Them.
panpro us—Hu nting Ground
for Germs..
igation which
Asa rbet pursuinof g at t St. May's
he hasbea:p
Hospital, London, during the past
month, Dr, Distaso, of Paris,
claims that the theory of Professor
Metchnikoff, of the Pasteur I.nst
tute, Paris, for warding off old age,
is a sound one.
Profest:or Metchnikoff, a few
years ago, evolved the theory that
the large intestine was the breed
ing-plane of most of the harmful
germs, and that in a person whose
huge intestine had been removed
by operation it wt uld be Found that
the beneficial germs remaining
would greatly outn'imber the harm-
ful ones,and would have the effect
of staving off old -age,
At the hospital in London, Dr.
elistaso, who is Professor Metchni
koff's assistant, has boon compar-
ing the germs. found in a number of.
patients whose large intestines had
been removed with those found in
normal individuals, ant so convino
ed is he that the Metchnikoff theory
is fully proved that he- expressed
the following: opinion: "Every child
should have its large intestine and
its appendix removed when it is
two or three years old."
For a boy who lives most of the
Year away froin the sea, the little
town of Bayhead is a fine place to
spend the surnmer, There is always
sotnothing to de there, When it
is pleasant, you can dig clams or
go Grabbing, or fish off the end of
the old wharf. When it rains, you
Dan go up into Captain Billy's mall'
loft and watch him sew with a fun-
ny big
un-ny.big thimble held in the palm of
his hand; or. you can sit in Cap
taih Benny's boat -shop and see him.
build dories while he tells stories.
To Walter Manly the rainy days
were almost as happy as the plea-
sant ones, for be liked both Cap-
tain Billy and Captain Benny, and
was always glad to .be with them
The two old men were brothers.
Both had been sailors all their lives,
and for many years had hunted
whales in the south seas. Captain
Billy had only one leg, and had to
use a crutch when he walked.
in the bight ofr
' you fish. -line, lEnd WOKEN AS SpiDtEB.fl.
fish 11 you off your feet
Ii it had boon a whale, we siioultl Were Once ileltkoned Among Fight-
ig t*not have got you so easily, Next fog Strength,
time you must be more careful with
your line,"--ioutb'a Companion. From the nature of things women
i4 soldiers can only be found a a Obeli
among barbarians—up to this time
BLBM'S ROLA Olt LIFE• nada rate,
s poor The
show omAmazons
In the patients experimented up •
on, who in every instance have eu-
joyed greatly improved health dur-
iing the year or more which has
elapsed since their operations, a
number of new germs have been
'discovered. Those are thought to
be harmless germs whose action, if
any, is beneficial to the system.
Further studios of their action aro
to be pureued.
Dr. Distaso takes with him for
further study at the Pasteur Insti-
tute e Paris, two persons who are
excellent examples of the benefit
bo health resulting from the remov-
al'of the lower intestine. . Practi-
cally bedridden before the opera-
tion about four years ago, these
two patients are now in robust
health,. and have put on, in each
case, almost forty pounds in weight.
During their month's stay all their
expenses will be paid by the.Pas-
tour Institute.
Walter had wondered a good
many times how Captain Billy Dad
lost his leg, but of course he. did
nob like to ask:him. But knowing
that he and Captain Benny were
brothers, he felt that he might ask Timor Savagely Attacked and
Captain Benny. So one rainy day,
when he and Thoroton Hadley were : Badly Mauled by a Tiger.
in the boat -shop, he put the :ques A circus
Made against the
Baby's Own Tablets Dost 25 ants French, but Barton had beep mueb
a box. A box bought now may save impressed with them forty years
baby's life. Summer complaints earlier—and be was a judge, The
came suddenly, and carry away discipline was terribly severe in his
thousands of little ones every year. time; he did Rot doubt they were
If the stomach and bowels are kept, Very formidable troops. Relaxation
in' order there•is little danger of of discipline ruined them, saya the
these troubles coming on. BabY's Pall Mall Gazette..
Own Tablets is the best medieeinnee The mythical Amazons claim a
in the world for preventing word, since Prof. Sayce adduced
curing stomach and bowel trop-;
,such striking evidence to sugges..
bees. They can bo given with per- that they were the warrior priest
feet safety to the new born baby eases of Hittite invaders, 01 the
or to the well grown child. An oe- American Amazons it may be see
casional dose of the Tablets will ed that Humboldt thought the leg -
regulate stomach and bowels and end not impossible; and he had
prevent summer complaints. Thestudied the original records, Very
mother who keeps these Tablets be- few who have written on the sub -
aide her has a reasonable assurance ject are thus qualified probably,
that her little ones are safe. If but Mr, Alfred Wallace has shown
you have not got a box of Tablets us lately that Spruce, the great'
get one without delay. Do no botanist, looked into the evidence
wait until trouble acmes, it may carefully and formed a strong opin-
then be too late. Sold by medicine ion that it was'trustworthy.
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a Meeh more interacting aro the
box from The Dr. Williams,' Medi- shield maidena of the Vikings.
cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Would that we knew more about
_f. them personally. The historical
sagas allude to them,.but always,
A FIGHT FOR LIFE. so far as I remember, in a matter
of fact way, as to male personafges.
One of the very grandest poetic
sagas is that of the Shield Maiden
Hervor, but even this takes for
granted nearly everything we parti-
cularly want to know. She dressed
as a man and joined the Vikings.
Presently she gained the command
of her party -and the story opens,
true in the main probably.
The circumstantial account of the
battle of Bravoll between Sigurd of
Denmark and Harold filditoun of
Norway mentions several shield
but of the tial( f can maidens who commanded troops.
you are thinking of." fusion among the .audience, sever One even bore Ilarald's standard.
"But what is it? asked the boys. al ladies fainting and others scream- All fought like heroes, or demons,
is a loop,and it is a ..in while all gazed on a fierce fight and I think all died on the field ; but
"A aight i for it seems that they were only women
thing sailor is always afraid of, 1 life.
and a whaler, especially." I _The circus attendants, though who - rose to command by daring and
And, then the captain. took a roi'i armed with red hot irons, had the military genius. Is there any a.u-
and showed them -what he meant.' greatest difficulty in preventing the thority for the legends of Viking
Be' told them about the hunting of, other tigers attacking the tamer. bands wnolly feminine1
whales; how the small boats leave The animal which had sprung upon The old Lash "Book of Levan"
the ship,and the mon row quietly Capt. Andrickson seized one of his says casually "for men and women
they legs, and the bones could be heard went alike to battle in those days" ;
up enoughto the r the until are bowaafi and the record of tribal obligations
for ' man in theto cracking. At last the tamer man-
throw the harpoon into the' whale . aged to draw his revolver, and with called "Hosting" reckoned women
Re showed them a harpoon, which the utmost coolness he placed the among the fighting strength.
is a short iron sPear with a long, barrel in the corner of the animal's Moreover, the life of Abbot Adam -
fine rope fastened to it; and he mouth and fired. The wounded Dan of Iona tolls how. he, hearing
told them how careful the eg beast rolled over, and Andrickson' of this dreadful practice, went to
must be to see that the ropewas dragged out in a terribly mang- Ireland, called an assembly of
coiled just right in the tub at the led condition. This is the fourth chiefs and bishops and persuaded
bow of the boat,obecause when the time that the same tiger has attack- them to pass a k.r, still extant,
he usually p h•m. entitled "Lex innocentium," which
performance at Soriano.
Portugal, was brought to an abrupt
termination amid a scene of terror.
Capt. Andrickson, a well-known
animal tamer, was performing with
his 10 magnificent Bengal tigers.
Profiting by a moment's inattention
on the part of the tamer, one of
the tigers made a tremendous
spring upon the captain and
brought him to the ground. There
was at once a scene o great
"How did Captain Billy lose his
leg?" the captain repeated 'after
Walter. "Why, the bight of a rope
took it off."
"The bite of a rope 1" cried' Wai-
ter. "How could rope blite a
mans leg off 1 I guess„
making fun of me, captain.
"`No, no, my boy. It was the
bight of a rope, u n
To a representative of the Lon-
don Mail Dr. Distaso stated : "My
experiments have proved that we
all of
with -
cut a lower' iclsestine, which is no-
thing more or less than an ideal
breeding place for disease germs.
Almost every chronic disease may
he traced back to the action of
those germs. Chronic heart dis-
ease,arterio, sclerosis and most
kindof headaches are examples.”
The following diet was recom-
mended as being most hygenie for
'people who refuse to part with
their large intestine, yet desire to
live as little meat long one as pmealla day onle: A y.
Plenty of green vegetables at this
and other two meals, and water in
abundance during the day. No tea,
coffee, or 'spirits. A little diluted
wine at meals if: desired.
Eggs, according to Professor
kletohnikoff s theory, are absolute-
ly dangerous as food. "An egg
undergoes the same decomposition
in the intestines," Dr. Distaso con-
tinued, "as it does'outside the
body, and in the intestinesforms
an excellent breeding place.
They Have Played Great Historical
It. is certain that blond, long
headed men once played a great
-`role in history, for' it was: they who
colonized Galatia and brought home
the treasures of Greece and Italy
to Toulouse, who overthrew the Ro-
man empire:in the west and won
England from the Britons. It is
equally certain that this physical
type was once much more dominant
and widely distributed than it is
now and that it is tending to ore
out: This is especially true of that
pronounced form of blond which is
distinguished by red hair. Red
haired persons do not now coati
tube the majority.in any known
tribe of nation, but one authority
Bas forth grounds for thinking
red Hair was once much more pre-
It must have occurred, for in-
stance, amore the Brahmans, since
they were forbidden by, the laws of
Mann to marry red haired women,
There is no doubt that blonds and,.
red haired persons are still oneoun-,
tired about the Hiudo Bush, among
ltho tribes from ,whom the Brah-
wens aro supposed to have been
imluigrants, But' obedience to the
law mentioned would in the course
of time annihilate the tendency to
their t"eproduction.--Westminster
Gazette, 3:
Don't force your advicea upon
people whose friendship S
Is the best, remedy
know* for sttrabta n,
keaiti r ul a 6cgethe
sane feet,, ;tins aria
blisters. A Skil foo
All l),wjefate end Storrs—Wo,
Blox—"Bixby claims that he al •
ways' tells the truth,"
Knox—""Yes; he seems to leave a
mania for stirring up trouble."
The transition from winter's cold
ix, • summer's heat frequently puts
e strain upon the system that pro-
duces internal complications, al-
ways painful and often serious. A
common form of disorder is dysen-
tery, to -which many are prone in
the spring and summer. The very
best medicine to use in subduing
this painful ailment is Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It
is a standard remedy, sold every-
A story Is related of an ambitious
gentleman who, rather unwisely,
steed tem a candidate for some office
ane who, at the close of the poll
was found to have reeeivtid only
one vote,
The candidata was excessively
mortified, and, to increase los
chagrin, his neighbors talked as if
it were a matter of course that he
had given that ono vote himself,
This annoyed flim so much that lie
offered a $10 suit of clothes to ...s
The fond husbaud was seeing his
wife off with the children for their
vacation in the country. As she
got into the train, he said : But,
my dear, won't you take some fic-
tion to read?"
"Oh, no !" she rerponded, sweet-
ly, "I shall depend upon your let-
ters from home."
whale feels the arpot n, forgade the summoning of women to
and goes down so fast' that a ---
the rope sometimes makes the edge war. It seems likely, however, that
of the tub smoke. If the rope is When you meet a stranger get they still turned out of their own
not coiled just right, it may catch busy and tell your troubles
oubless first. free will indeed the practice is not
"That do,"
out, and the whole „ „, „
when it runs o , Irish
boat draggedmunderptoegetter. his Twill leaveto her
now, and you need.t
And ift h.man happens
foot or his leg caught in
over- ton." "Fa th,"t replied th •girl.
the rope; he'i may t pulled"Oi hasti tion o' givin' ye
board, or his leg cut off.O 'll it t1.
That was what had happened to
Captain Billy. A r areiess sailor
had let the rope get kinked, and a
loop had caught round Captain
Billy's leg and pulled him over.
Re was carried down, down,
down, and might never have come
ue, if Captain Benny, who was in
the same boat, had not grabbed a
hatchet quicaly and cut tie ripe
Captain Billy rose to the top of the;
water at last, and the men got him
into the boat; but his leg was so
badly cut that it had to be taken
nBoth t they wouldr .d rememberthethought whey'
captain's story, but a week later,
when they were fishing from the
end of the old wharf, something
happened that made them forget.
Theywere fishing for flounders
with Ned Pierce, who lives
year in Bayhead. The cap
helped them bait their hooks, and I'
was watching them, when Walter ;
suddenly had a great tug on his;
line—so hard that he nearlyost'
his hold on it. When hep ,
the head of a big fish came to the
top of the water. "Oh, what is it 1.
What is it1" cried the boys,
"It's a dogfish ! shouted the cap-
tain. "'Hold hard, now! There
must be a school of there."fithe
Walter had been lying
wharf,' but in his eagerness to land
his big fish, he stood up and step-
ped nearer the edge, giving a hard
pull. This pull must have sunk the
hook deeper in the fish's 11 mouth,
for he, too, gave a great p g
way. Walter stepped ahead ono
step more, without seeing where
he put his foot. The next moment
he felt himself falling.
had pulled his right leg out from
heder wentnwith a ]n great another
the water.
The next he knew his head was
just above the water, while some-
thing sharp and cold was gripping
him through bit clothes, between
the shoulders, It was the captain's
boat -hook, and by the long pole
which made, the handle of it the
captain was holding him up. Ned
and Thornton ran down the steps
and pushed out in a boat, and in
a few minutes had him on board,
good deal frightened Captain
Thee, any boy,
,nay, when "youalter was safe on
see now what I
and again,
meant when I told you ;to look out
for tiro bight of a line,. You stepped
It every housekeeper would use
Wilson's Fly -Pads freely during
the Summer months the house ily
peril would soon be a thing of the
Tylle7lltanl ror ion
aNlitseRl* N
or i 8 e5Mk
Ear ex haloed Is -tyy
ll►ile l,tl I$.
0e rggssrt. ,Lddre,5
Yetarlssry Ns' i' Soy
risak A. 75 Aelelsids HO. Reel, mmeem0. pool
34 door Street Fast, Toronto.
A big Pads rtoAdea tial School for Olds. rdltt�l
ter .;year -Resident titudeANb aria EP 1-.
only supporter if the individual pay students, est to e7t,
would come forward and declare 501105*imeeene tiept, 15, Sntendar en eoPtl0ati0il
himself, hues oneremerr, TIRALI VIoo.rrinoiptl,
An Irishman responded to this
appeal, proved his claim, and
called for the reward.
'"How .did it happen?" inquired
the candidate, taken quite 'by sur-
prise. "How did it happen that
you voted for me?"
The Irishman hesitated, but on
being pressed he answered :
If 0r tell yez, ye wont go back
on the suit o' clotheai"
"Oh, no 1 I promise that you
shall have the suit, anyhow.
"Faix, then, yer, inner, re-
plied Pat, "•Shure, Oi made a mis-
take in the ballot -paper.
Mrs. C.—"Good morning, Brid-
get. I hope your master and mis-
tress have not forgotten that
they're coming to dine with me to-
night." Cook—""Indade, and
they've not; they've ordered a. good
hearty meal at home at six
Woodstock College
A reliy8gWPped Rneldsnil eirehoolfor ales ant
Yopne Man - Prepares for University, MAAWWie
151,510, Deelne8*, Le, 82n0 Annual Melinda,
sent on aaapos:tsn.
A. T. MaeNEIL, B. A., 1<'rinolpal
Ontario l cter!aa,ry College
ptabllebed 1502, felkon bear lei the Previnelal
Government or Melons, 1001.
A,a1lated who iso Univereftf of Toronto. IllMeett e
control of the Dept. of Apiculture of oatulo. C'llatt
.Pep. lot October, 1507. coon, of au f el n
thrum .6 f collegeeeera. FEES Y86a SESS.°N 515.0A1
Ooleudar on application.
C. A. A. GRANGE V.8..86,5, Prlmtpel.,, Dept. Oa
A veritable edition de luxe among.
railroad pamphlets has been issued
1.y the Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem to proclaim amongst tourists
the glories of the cities of Mont-
real and Quebec. The brochure is
beautifully printed and generally
arranged in. the artistic style of
earlier days, when the ornamenta-
tion of a volume was regaivled as
an important incident to its pre-
sentation of reading matter. It is
also very well written, and gives
an interesting description of the
two most interesting cities in Can-
ada, with many illustrations from
photographs. Sent free to any ad-
dress. Apply to Mr. J. D. Mc-
SUFFERERS' 1rem rheumatism find Instant rene7
get the genui e. ,Made by Darlardr Lawrence Co
A little girl was engaged in mak-
ing an apron for her doll. Look-
ing up to her mother, she said,
"Mother, I believe that I will be a
duchess when I grow up•" "Why,
Molly, how is it that you expect to
become a duchess?" "Why, by
marrying a Dutchman, of course."
These two desirable qualifica-
tions, pleasant to the taste and at
the same time effectual, are to be
found in Mother Graves' Worm Ex -
yet extinct, by all accounts. terminator. Children like it.
At the present day, in Europe,
has ask
Jack k Perkins
their here -say,
>, rr
ditary foes of Albania include the me to lend him ten dollars. Well,
women among their fighting e---- do it.• As a personal favor to me
let him have it." "Personal favor
to you?" "Yes. If you don't let
him have it, he'll come to me for
no in n or did at any rate a very few years
a recommendation. i `te e' ago-- before Prince Nicholas had or -
truth about ye to ivery girl thot I ganized his army. All departments
,axes me. of supply were left to the wives and
]daughters; also the recovery and
(transport of the wounded. But
when the righting line was seriously haustia are dyspepsia, which arfs-
pressed the women reinforced it. es from defecivatin of the sto-
goO�i Assured y t ey f the
Comfort for the Dyspeptic—There
is no ailment so harassing and ex -
From one man's point of view an-
other man may be all right in his
way provided he isn't in the way of
the first man.
1 h would have followed
the old custom, in spiteo
Prince's reforms, had Austriaad-
vanced into the Black Mountain the
other day.
of eb+ 6, your to n eed Butte wou1 dr
eooel 11o,. r,',1, Ent aa
IE4tve'Rte3Aisfns AGENTS 1711 ,2
The Best Liver Pill.—The action
cf the liver is easily disarranged.
A. sudden chill, undue exposure to
the elements, over -indulgence in
some favorite food, excess in drink-
ing, are a few of the causes. But
whatever may be the cause, Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills can be re-
lied upon as the best corrective
that can be taken. :They are the
leading liver pills and they have no
superiors among such preparations.
Joakley—"Now, he's got what I
really call `horse sense. " Coak-
ley—'How, for instance?" Joak-
ley—"IIs never bets on one."
It is an undisputed fact that
one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads
has actually killed a bushel of
house flies. Fortunately no such
quantity can ever be found in a
well kept house, but whether they
be few or many Wilson's Fly Pads
will kill them all.
mach and liver, and the victim of
it is to be pitied. Yet he can find
ready relief in Parmelea's Vege-
table Pills, a preparation that has
established itself by years of effee.
tive use. There are pills that are
widely advertised as the greatest
ever compounded, but not one of
them can rank in value with Par-
Libby's Cooked
Corned Beef
There's a marked distinc-
t i o n between Libby'a
Cooked Corned
Beef and even .the best
that's sold in bulk.
Evenly and mildly cured
and scientifically cooked in
LihbY's Groat White
Kitchen, all the natural
flavor of the fresh, prime
beef is retained. It is pure
wholesome, delicious and
ready to serve at meal time,.
Saves work and worry in
Other Libby "Healthful"
Meal -Time -Hints, all ready
to serve, are:
Peerless Dried Beef
Vienna Sausage
Veal Loaf
Evaporated Milk
Baked Boons
Chew Chow
Mixed Pickles
"Purity goes hand in hand
with Products of the Libby
Write for free Booklet,—
"How to make Good
Things to Eat".
Insist o n
Lm"y'te a t
your grocers.
Libby, !,MAI.
& LD,My
English Nurses Forced to Leave
Greek Hospital.
The Greek newspapers report
that Queen Olga has dismissed the
English matron and three nurses
at the military hospital in Athens.
Queen Olga, for somewhat nar-
row patriotic motives, desired the
Crown Princess, who was patroness
of the instution, to employ only
Greek nurses. But the Princess,
who is half English, being the
daughter of the late Empress Fred-
erick, declined to agree, as it was
generally recognized that the Eng-
lish nurses were better trained than
the Greek nurses, and also that the
matron was doing much to improve
the training of nurses in the coun-
Political influences were, bow -
ever, brought into play, and the
Crown Prinoess finally decided to
resign her position as patroness.
The Queen sueceeded her, and 1131—
mediately dismissed the English
nurses and matron. It is said that
they will bring an action for breach
of contract, as the term of their
engagement has not expired.
"Fred—"Yes, I like him well
enough, Minnie, but how did you
ever happen to marry a man a
head shorter than you are?" Min-
nie—"I had to choose, Fred, be-
tween a little man with a big sal-
ary and a big man with a little
"If I were younger," said the
rich old man, "I believe I might
win you for my wife." '`Yes," re-
plied the cold beauty, dreamily con-
sidering his sixty-five years; or,
say, fifteen years older."
Practically alt Canadian drug-
gists, grocers and general dealers
sell Wilson's Fly Pails. If your
storekeeper does not, ask hien why..
A disregard for appearances may,
be duo to either a lack of dollars'
or a lack of sense:
When all other corn preparations
fail, try Holloway's Corn Cure, No
pain whatever, and no inconveni-
ence in using it.
riudly mention the name of this
pap r in writing to advertisers,
CASE ]tat. 51. D.77 000 e,teM
Ii. permanoutbnalse.eea
nu oep„a4 Our a1s►
wi :x1 cow ,too •t soil ofd l
toed. up • home, an erlotly
,''+ x ��'•o-
wed. op seri o:de,P
Dame 4.4 86x.(0.1.. ter
Mors 51.05.
.Ail CATALOGUE Tae -noxa SUPSLT es,
Dept. 00. Toronto, Oat.
Don't fail to see our Exhibit al
the National Exhibition, Toronto.
WSl f3LL
to the user at manufacturers' prices.
T0? BUGGIES, $62.0(1
Save agents' profits by buying direct.
The Toronto Harness TORP) NTII
& Carriage Supply Co., ONT.
Tho Rapid Needle Threader
A practical eye-savin
time -saving device, ,use(
for any size needle 01
It threads quick.
1 •, easily, and will ;
lifetime. Mailed to you,
address, postpaid for 254
The Rapid Noedl(
Threader Co.,
/Ld j Box 1507. 0751114, Ont.*
"They's a good many bumpers on .l
the road to success. It'e a hull lot
better to turn out fur 'em than to
try to turn 'em all down."
Pain is a Punishment.—Pain is a
protest of nature against neglect
of the bodily health, against care-
lessness regarding the physical con-
dition. It steals in at the first op-
portunity and takes up its abode
in a than and it is sometimes diffi-
cult to eject it. Dr. Thomas' Ec-
lectric Oil will drive it out in short
order. Pain cannot stay where it
is used, but immediately flies away.
"What did you do before you be-
came blind?"
Beggar—"I was deaf and dumb
the record of Perry Davis' Painkiller. A
aura cure for diarrhoea, dysentery, and
all bowel complaints. Avoid substitutes,
there 1s but one ' Painkiller "—Perry
Davis' -25o. and 50c.
A Domostlo Eye Remedy.
im, Affordsnoltsble Relief to ]lyes that 'Seed
ry8xo. ne Rs
ye Remedy to Year Rye
The most widely circulated book
u the whole world, according to a
Paris authority, is a Chinese al-
manac, printed in Peking, at the
Imperial Press. The edition con-
sists of 8,000,000 copies, which are
bent into the provinces, and so
groat is the interest taken by the
Chinese in the publication, so high
the eenfidenee reposed in the infor-
mation contained, that of the 8,000,-
000 copies not one comes back to
Oho printers. Nothing approach-
ing these figures is attained•by any
publication in the Western world.
Customer — "Please, mister, I
can't remember what Ma sent ate
,for, but you eau give me 2 cents'
werth she said f peppermint cld keep 1 e e Maly, so
It's a. pity a man can put a plas-
ter on his conscience when it hurts
"You have saved my lifel" said
the old man whom the young hero
had just pulled out +if the river.
"As a reward, you may marry my
daughter there." The hero glanced
at the daughter, then bent again
ever the old man. "What are you
doing?" tasked the perplexed fa-
ther. "Going to drop you in
ISSUE NO. 3t1--01.
In our advertisement of last
week we pointed out the advan-
tages afforded by BOND invest•
meats over mortgages.
Tire are prepared al all times
to furnish statistical and other
information concerning tate bonds.
which we offer as well as all re-
presentative securities. Our cur-
rent list coldtaine many bonds of
exceptional merit --ask for guo-
If you are in fieds, 'whether
of large amount or small, you
will find our individual service
of assistance in 861661intg satis-
factory and profitable investment
—Muniolgal Securities to yield 4
to b%—
Fort William,
Part Arthur,
—Railroad, Electric Hallway, Light
Company bonds to yield 4}.{ to
5;470—Duluth, Rainy Lake and
Winnipeg Brittany Co., Canadian
Northern Railway Company, Ter-
onto and York Radial RallWay
Company, Provincial Light, Raab
and Po.ver Company, Winnipeg,
Golkirk and Lake Winnipeg Rail-
way Company, sae Paulo Tram-
way, Light and Power Company.
Industrial Sends of undoubted
Security to yield 5'7 to 6%,—West.
ern cnnada FlourComany
P. ®Urns & Gentee y,iLimi ed.
NERD 051101, TORONTO 1001(111051'. E: