HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-8-19, Page 4THURSDAY ,li.UOUSlT To, agog HEAB DEATH _FROM PI!.BD llN 3, 13, k10rJtago, the Sar i a gravel road,L 4ndor township, sh ip , his daughter htor Blanche d Miss Nina Crittle of Go; Ding street, who wits visiting the Herb rage family all had a narrow escape from deaths by ptomaine poisoning Monday of last week. Mr. Heritage though expected to re• cover was 10 a very precarious condition. Monday for dinner the family had canned meclterel, Mrs, Heritage and her younger daughter do not like the mackerel and therefore did not, eat ILMr'. Heritage ate heartily as did his daughter and Miss Crittle. Shortly after the dinner hour the three were taken with severe palms, which soon grew' worse. A Dr. was called and at once recognized it as pto- maine poisoning. By the time the doctor arrived the father was suffering greatly and the daughter and Miss Critile also complain- ed ot severe pains, The doctor at once set to work to re- lieve their pain andhadthe three put to bed, For tally three hours he worked over Mr. Heritage and for a time it was thought that kis efforts were fruitless as he gradually grew worse complaining of the great pains which nearly drew him into'a knot. Towards night the pain let up for a short time, and it was thought that he was out of danger but they returned latter with renewed force. The doctor was again called and every- thing done to relieve the pain. Totvarils morning the pain eased and the doctor pronounced bio out of danger. The daughter Blanche and Miss Crittle ate quite an amount of the mackerel. but they also drank a quantity of milk, and it is thought that the milk saved them from tbe extreme effects of the poisoning. It appears that the can of mackerel was purchased on Saturday: and was kept in the cellar until Monday noon, when it wasbrought up for dinner. "I don't knots any reason why it should have poisoned tbe family, "stated Mrs. Heritage, "as we have had canned goods hundreds of times, and we never bad a like experience.' She stated that the doctor could give no reason for the poisoning either, Mr, Heritage is a svell•kuown township market gardener and a former resident of the 6th con. of Grey township, HAD GREAT TRIP D. M. Ferguson Tells of His Recent European Jaunt. D. M. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Strat- ford, formerly of Brussels, have re- turned from their trip to Europe. where Mr. Ferguson has been on his annual buying tour. Eugland, France and Germany were visited, and combining business with pleasure, Mr, and Mrs. Ferguson had a very enjoyable trip. In an interview Mr. Ferguson gave an interesting account of his trip which wilt be of interest to our readers. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson went via New York on the steamer Cedric and their voyage over was unique in that it was the first '41al of the experiment which the White Star,Line is conducting in landing pas- sengers at Holyhead instead of Liver- pool. Tenders came up the river and also porters to trapsEerthe luggagef on theteamer. s As it was optional with the passengers whether they landed at Holyhead or Liverpool only s60 passen- gers were landed and the baggage trans- ferred all in the remarkably short period of 25 minutes and the voyage was re- sumed to Liverpool. This change is said to be made in view of the two extra largeships wbich the White Star Line anticipate building next year. Such large vessels as the Maurentania and the Lusitaoia quite frequently find it neces- sary to wait in the River Mersey for a few hours before entering Liverpool be- cause of low water. Passengers whorlis- embark at Holyhead arrived at London at the same time that the Cedric reach- ed Liverpool which meant that they were in London'. five boors earlier than had they remained in the ship and gone via Liverpool. White Star people were quite satisfied with the experiment and hence Liverpool residents are quite exer- cised over the proposed change of land• ing. On Dominion Day Mr, and Mrs. Fer- guson bad the pleasure of attending a reception given by Lord Strathcona and had the pleasure of shaking bands with "the grand old man of Canada." Not- withstanding the fact that he is keeping his age well he appeared to have aged preceptibly since Mr. Ferguson saw him seven years ago. This reception was held in the Arts Palace iu the While City, Shepherd's Bush, London, at which 2,00o Canadians were present. Throughout their stay in England Mr. and Mrs, Ferguson encountered very cold and wet weather. During the whole of June there were only ninety hours of sunshine and it was colder in the month of roses in London than in Iceland. It WaS also very y wet in Germany and Franco So wet was it in the latter country that hut very little of the hay crop was saved, On going into Ger- many the crops looked msgoificent but on cotniug out a great change was ap- parent. It could easily be seen thet the crops had been badly damaged by the heavy rain and much depreciated in value. While in England Mr, and Mrs. Fer- guson had the pleasure of seeing the world's greatest fleet. The whole British fleet which had been assembled for the naval review was lying in the Thames. The torPedo boats stretched up as far as Waterloo bridge and the ships gradually increased in size until down at Southend the great Dreadnaughts were lying at' anchor. Southend is situated 40 miles from London which will give some con. ception of the immense size' of the British fleet, "Anyone seeing the monstr Ons fleet said Ferguson, s d Mr, b t us u could not help shudderiog with the thought of whet destruction of property and loss of life would result from a battle between two such fleets," Touching epee the talk of the German invasion Alt. Ferg,usou stated that everwthere in Bnglahf a great deal of talk is heard concerning the possibility of a German � z ondoc9 His toroa hl cameo Paipltwtlon and Prevented Sleep When Health was Gene, Cure fol* lowed the neo of rrNorynlno," "nly last wish. will be," writes Harry P. Pollard, g well-known boob egad sloe traveller, of Hartford, „that over one will Wert) as I did, before it's too late, that Nalt1l nu is the one remedy to it Whypretty i olive. e 3rla I was in y bad shape, my digestion was all wrong and every night 1 would waken with as ' vt anti fln1 my NO. a threshing me - start jumping- l chine, This was caused by gas on 469i my stomach press- ing against nig mart. \Vhen 1 etarted to use Nervi - line I gob better mighty fast, It is. certainly a grand. reinedy for the travelling man, keeps your stomach in circler, eaves cramps, preventslumbego or rhenmatism, breaks tip chest colds and' sore throat—in fact there hasn't been an ache or pain inside or outside for the past two years that I have'nt cured with Nerviline. Do you wonder I reeonrmeed it ? ' For general household use Nerviline has no equal ; it will cure the aches and ailments of the entire family—re- fuse anyqthing but Nerviline, 25c per bottle, five for $1.00, all dealers or The Catavrhozone Co„ 1 iugston, Ont. invasion. "In Germany a Canadian would naturally bear less of this talk; but 1 am satisfied," said 14r. Ferguson, "from remarks I have beard dropped that the Germans think that they have an army able to defeat England, Russia, and France combined and notwithstand- ing this they realize that even with the army they cannot reduce England's splendid isolation and I sin fully con- vinced that they have now adopted a naval policy and intend buildinga navy not with the intention of attacking England but of building a navy that will not be able to dictate to them on any colonial policy that they wish to pursue." . In France the 1411) of July was observ- ed as the day of celebration of the fall of Bastile. In the Place Concord are monuments of all the cities of France which also includes Strassburg, one of the cities taken by Germany along with Alsace and Lorraine. This statue is kept in mourning, national sentiment being in favor of such a policy. This year Mr. Ferguson was so fortunate as to see the procession. Flowers and wreaths tied with crepe were carried for decorating the monument and the whole procession was very primitive looking, there being little sign of a natural spirit attached to it. "Notwithstanding the fact that I am in London every year," said Mr. Fergu- son, "it appears more wonderful to me. Last year it was very crowded which some attributed to the Frantto•Britisb Exposition, but this year without any special attraction it appeared to be more crowded than ever. Everybody who crosses the sea goes to London and it would appear that only a few go to Berlin and Paris. When one sees the contrast of the number of visitors in this place the great cities of Paris and Berlin particularly the latter, seem very dull and quiet after London." BEAUTIFUL, WOMEN Paris Is Pull of Them and Nearly Ali Use Parisian Sago. In the beauty show at the metropo- lis two years ago Gold medals were awarded to five different women. To the most beautiful women be- tween 20 and 25 : between 25 to 30 ; between 80 and 36 and between 85 and 40 and between 40 and 45. A Society reporter who interviewed all five women in the interest of his papers, reported that all of them bad beautiful hail' and that each of the five enthusiastically attributed her luxuriant hair to Parisian Sage. Tats. Fox sells Parisian Sage for 50 cents a large bottle. He guarantees it to cur. daudruff in two e weeks ;tri stop felling hair and itching of the scalp. It makes any woman's hair beautiful, soft and luxuriant. DUE TO HEART FAILURE. Interest in the strange death of Mrs. W. J. Burns, who was found dead in her home, July 175h, a bruise on one of her temples. and a stocking knotted loosely about ber throat, was revived by the appearance in Bayfield of Provincial Detective Greer to investigate the case. The detective was sent at the request of the woman's husband, who desired to set at rest certain rumors which had been flying around the town. A coroner's jury a few weeks ago found the woman came to her death flvim causes unknown. It is understood Detective Greer, as the result of his investigations, has de - (sided that death was clue to heart failure. Quakes Common But Not Serious in Mexico. The Toronto Star of Wednesday of last week refers to former Brusselibes as follows :—"We have had earth- quakes artitquakes in Mexico City much worse than that which razed San Francisco," said a Toronto lady to the Star this morning, whose husband is a hanker.' in that city and who has lived there herself for several years. "but owing to the soft nature of the ground on which the city is built, there is acidom any serious damage. You know there is a theory that Mexico Oity is built over ;slake. At, all events the force of the earth quakes seems to be ren- dered less harmful by the nature of the geological or the surface forma- tions in Usat country." "Are there many Canadians in Mexico City ?" asked the reporter, "Yea, we have a colony of splendid Canadiane. The president of the bank with which my husband is connected is a Canadian,are as a e also some of the other officers and employees, Engin- eer's, manufttotueers, agents and the employees of big Canaclian or Ameri- can enterprises mnalte tip an excellent colony, There are several "Toronto penple, I believe, but the bulk of them seem from Eastern Canada, Quebec, and the Maratime Provinces," ,Tohn Mo alis, of the Milton I'reesod Bieck Oo„ Inas a brother -in -lave, Herold J, Morden, living in the earth- quake disbriet. He ie a ZJlitUaggel' of the United States Banking Oct„ 05 Mexico City, acid' is lair ex-Ottnetlltttl hailing from Pintail, Ontario. Mrs, Morden is visiting her brother -ill -law, Joe, Mol3aku here at the present tinxe, The firstlndication that they had that tters had been disturbance was the lecvei t of the following teeg ra m :— Tttovciseve1oaartln k shocks dining night. No muse for alarms, Ant all right," (Signed) Harold. How to im o..o Health. p v No better way thaii to Improve the blood,—cleanse and enrich it,—give it nourishment and strength.. This can, be ;quickly clone by Dl', Hamilton's Pills which have a vitalizing, petal's'. ing effect that is unequalled in any other medicine. Withlots of pure viol' blood circulating to all parts of the body, with snap and vim running through every vein and artery, robust ]health is inevitable. No cleansing' bending, tonic is as good as Dr, i4t st- ilton's Pills, Sold by all dealers. TAVISTOCK JUNIORS W. F. A. CHAMPIONS. After having tied Tavistock twice in home and home games for the junior championship of the W. F. A. the Galt teem went clown to defeat ill a closely) contested game in Dickson Park,&Galt, Thursday evening of last week. The game started with Galt on the ag- gressive ani' several times it looked as it they must score, but the visitors broke tiwav and the ball was placed between the posts by Ufiieinan. At half time the score was 1 to o in favor of 'Tavistock. The second half was just a series of rushes from one end of the field to the other but at no time was there any great danger of either team scoring. When the timekeeper blew itis whir,tle the figures were unchanged and Taal - stock juniors were the junior champions of the W. F. A, for .gag. They willluow meet the Little Yorks of Toronto to decide the Ontario champion. ship 'Phe news that the Tavistock juniors were champions of W. F. A. by the nar- row margin of 1 to o was received with great signs of jubilation. A feeling of doubtfulness had existed all clay and the announcement let loosen lot of tensifled feeling. A considerable number had gathered on the streets and their shouts of victory could be heard for consider. able distance. Then there was the small boy, not oue, but many, but all united in making a noise, and vied with each other as to who could snake the loudest, Kitchen uteusils ot every kind, from the wash pan to the dipper, were brought iuto commission. An old drum was purloined from its hiding place. The . mooley" cow in the village pasture field was captured and the bell confiscated and those with other noise producing articles, combined to give the young Dutchman a glorious night. The sound of revelry continued into the early hours. Galt had been vanquished and the Dutchmen were happy. Perth county time Hord, of Mitehell, visited his diuugihter, lairs, (1.)r.) McNaughton, Pet' Yen, S m, Ile e South ward, Mitchell, has some tall corn, One etallt pulled last week aneaserec110 feet 7 inches, Sevex'al farmers 117, St, Mary's 71010 t3, have threshed tiaeil' Fell Wheat an 1tatu1L yields between 30 1 i t t eerie U 40. x'n as is t i h a d1 1 et I t eel 1 of St Sir t uu Ata st la n h I I 6 eouuetl a by-law to suLhoriee Ilie rais- ing of $0,000 ford,the Collegiate iu- stitul•ti extension was peseta!, 1441'.. 1Vlury Jalle Kent, of Donegal, lied the xnisfortune on August let to slip on the grass causing 0 eampotlitd fracture of the left leg above the ankle. E. A. Ilea,' who has, been wolkin a farm on the St. Marys: Rolul for the last few months, has gone 10' Wood- stock, where he has purchased a drug' business, A carload of Indians twelves' in Mitchell to pall flax for W, . Forrester, who has four hundred acres. A nuxn- ber of the Indians were very circuit when they landed. The cement work on the new clam across the ,Avon at Stratford, has been commenced. Home difficulty has been experienced with water which now seems to beoveroome by the aid of a pum MAD HIEIFs1I.—A two-year-old heifer, in which rabies had developed, was killed on the William Peake farm 10111, eon. 11, Downie, near the Hur- on road, two and a half utiles West of Stratford. The shooting was clonelby direction of Dr. L. 11. Likert, V, S., Sebringville, and Di•. 3. 13. Tennent•, V. S., government inepeoier, London. This is the third animal of the bovine species which has gone mad and been killed on this farm, the first rabies be- ing evidently communicated by a dog which bit young George Peake inTune. Ile, it will be remembered, went to the Willard hospital in New York for treatment, according to the Pasture method, in the early part of July and returned home some days ago, no doubt completely c'u'ed, if even the virus of the dread disease hart entered his system. The heifer killed 00 Monday developed the -madness on Monday, but Dr. Eckert thought it better to have the government veterin- ary inspector, Dr. Tennent, present also, and so the animal was not des- patched on Monday. The first bovine who went mad on thefarnl was a steer which was 'tilled on June 171b and the next a cow on June 28th so that almost six weeks lead' elapsed between the clevelopntentof rabies in this animal and the one killed last. The usual period of quarantine for animals by aother which busrabies is 00 days, s , but the disease, it is stated, has been known to break• out in ten months after. This is confirmed by the fact that Dr. Tennent, of London, govern- ment veterinary inspector, has been called to inquire into an outbreak of rabies in the neighborhood of Port Rowan although no mad animals ai'e known to have been about there pre- viously for so long a period as that named, ten months. There have been various rumors afloat to the effect that are TiIrig For a Monument firm to advertise their busi- ness but at this time on account of change in management of the Brussels Monument Works and opposition trying to gain an advantage we make the following announcement for a few weeks, The old firm of WILSON ea BUNTER are dissolving partnership and the new firm of The J. A. Hunter Mon- ument Co. has oomment+ed business. As always out aim is Best Material and Workmanship guaranteed at lowest possible cost, Our work speaks for itself and our only advice to intending puzrhasers in this line of wore, a8 in every othe • 1, is We Guarantee all our Work for Five Years. ° See What You Buy and Don't Buy f a Hurry We invite opposition and have never been undersold in price for first-class material and workmanship. A full stock of Scotch Granite, Canadian Granites, Sweeil- isleGranites, English and American eremites always on hand. Also Marble of all kinds, Building Stone, Tete. Call and inspect our stock. Always at home Wednesdays and Saturdays. The J. W. Hunter Monument Co. BRUSSELS the m2101415 on the Peake farm have net been atfeoted with rabies tat afl. To the contrary is the o*inion of Dr. Eckert, V. te. and Pr. '1`ennen.t, ggovermntemt luspeetor, All doubt; however, will probably note be ell'eot- uallysotat rest, as the head of the heifer bus even sent to the biological laboratory at Ottawa, for examination by experts of that division of the de- partment 11 apieultuee, Dl Rebell Rase Ball ll b intend Ind- time 0n0 at of a o t5 Lebo]; La3, Sept. 01It 'mantling Magna bases ball and other' sports. LewI'ence and Wm, Hutlbm't left for Manitoulin Islands, to luspt:et the timber on the lands of their father, Dr. Hurlbert, with a view of placing it on the market, Rev. T. W. McIntosh has declined the position as lecturer in.Frencll and German at Manitoba College. This will be good news to his Mitchell friends. J. L, Doble, Vancouver, has sold the Casey : farm in the West ward, Mitchell, to Henry James. Theis are 95 sores, no house, but a good bank barn. Price, $4,500. J. 0. Fuller, of 'Mitchell, celebrated his 77th birthday on Monday. His children and grand children were present, to the number 'elf 40. The tables were spread on the lawn and a few happy hours were spent. While fishing the other day Mrs, John Ooppin had the luck to catch a turtle about the size of a wash basin. Mrs, Ooppin along with the other oc- cupants of the boat, were so startled that they came near being' thrown in- to the water. Alex. P. Martin, of : Cheboygan,. Mich., a son of Thomas Martin, a former: resident of St. Marys, was thrown from his horse and sustained injuries from which he died a, tow clays later in the Harper's hospital, Detroit. • He leaves a wife and one son. Some few weeks ago a nail entered the foot of one of the horses on the Hicks House bus, Mitchell. A. veterinary surgeon reported the ease incurable, and outMonday of last week the animal was chloroformed and then shot. A post mortem revealed about half an inch of a nail broken off in the coffin joint. The loss to -Messrs. Davidson will be at least $150. HAY FEVER CURE i8 GUARANTEED. No sufferer ever used Catarrhozone without being cured quickly, Thous- ands recommend Catal•rhozone, among them Thomas Easton, well known in Westwood, Ont., writes : "For'yeara I was so bad with Hay Fever I could not leave this part of the country. This season I commenced to use Oatarrhozone about one mouth before the usual time of attack, and it kept the Hay Fever away. I can recom- mend Oatarrhozone for Hay Fever as it cured me perfectly." Don't fail to use Catarrhozone. Its cures are last- ing and it costs only $L00 for a two months' treatment all dealers or The Oatarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont.,. and Buffalo, N. Y. - -t•••l•.*'r••fi•'i••.••II••I•• 2•*@•✓r••F•%• MAR L E 401. • • AND • • GRANITE • r + MONUMENTS • Do you want to save $'s ? • If so, correspond with the A. J. r BLOWES MARBLE AND i s cations. We are always pleased • * to show designs. Every piece • of work is guaranteed a u d primes •y + are right. Nothing handled but • • Scotch Granite. We don't use - Canadian a1 inferior ,Granites..t, 4* Write us and give us a chance • • to please yon. We buy in car • load lots and give the consumer •l. the advantage. • • F. Porterfield A. J. Blowes • GRANITE WORKS, MIT- • CHELL, for prices and specifl- • Manager Prop. o MITCHELL 2 se •-S•444.40444-••14+•+•444- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • o 1,000•• •• • • Over' one thousand ate- • dents enrolled by out °baro last year. 1t pays to at- tend a link of this great • chain, fie, "157 UNNION THERE O 19 STRENGTH." • The demand for oar graduates is TSHEE TIMES • J 1kILS the supply: Other sobools engage our • graduates for teachers. A b special course for teachers, e Graduates of two years are now earning $2,00l) per annum. e Three courses—CoMereR- CIAL, STENOGRAPHY and • TELEGRAPHY. • ALL TERM OPENS AOO, 30 Write for particulars, 2 • WINGHAIVI o' ° z9 R'Srt.,•aa College • a • ••• •• t i o • • •C • t3,, • • y- • O� o• V. • O • 0 i� 1 O GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. •' • 6/I••••••••♦•6••*••••*•0••••• Notice to Qroditor$ In the matter of the estate of William Pollard, lute of the Villaige of Brus. I' in 1 County f illi: se the 0 Huron, a, a u, gentleman, deceased, Notlee Is 1elab gtyen pm'etuUit to "The Rtvteed tee. at 0 credit , 1807, section 115,. chapter 120, that ski creditors and ethers hay* ing Maims against dieastste of ilio said Wil. au Pols t died ora 1' S ! ul who 'bOt the nth 1 d{t 1 t 0 n• required 1 0• ofA.D.11109,e e tot day AAept ' 1 1 1 a1 tra• y i! o tt n q by • theist cep Rfoe to ve 4,1).1951/,b Bond rail. y e Rep tem , best prepaid, •o, ver t. u is toff of or !t o S post, p ill p r' a iyh n a they m eoPB u to tit oSou 6 Y Pour er, uua11, Yor Goo Wp1 the lia•d tdss JoJnl• _. Bateman, Exeautore of the said deoeased 0 ` their' Oltristian and s001aantee, addresses anti • S ileseriptlons, the fa11 pertteultn'a of their • WANTED 2 oh iron, a slatemont.02 their accolnits, duly eels .. • titled, aiid the mutate of the sauttrltiss alt any) • - hall ul Cham, 1. And tuatlrller Enke notice that nPnor sunk Ise. - nantlo le ate the a da Exeoat is will apro- a otherAe-oeft0 and for . 0seed 40 distribute the assets of the deceased factory wont, God wages usd amonst the perties entitled thereto, lawful; Osteady employment. Writus, • regard only to the otaime of whleh they shalt A. then have notice and that the said Executors • will not be liable for the said assets, or any • • part thereof, to any person or persons of whose elann notice shall not have been received by The Clinton Knitting • Co. • Mom at the time of such distribution, $ 0 Dated this 10111 day of August, A. D,, 1009. . 0 40 LI • •• • • • ••0•v*y*4a**+4••••940••0 • • 2 4, IrIS4 • r • • oma 2 F. S. SCOTT, 0 Limited A 0.0, Agent for the Executors. • CLPNTCN, ONT. • O • Notice I •••**•40*******o*•****`04400 . NOT1015 is hereby given that a Bylaw was passed by the Village of Brussels, in the Ootta- {-•9, t3,y of Huron, on the second day of August, 0..1509, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of 810,O50,110 101' the purpose 01 omtetruoting and installing the Brussels Mor- ris and Grey Telephone System in the Village of Brussels and Townships ef.Dlorrie, Grey and East Wawauosh,under and by authority of the Local Municipal Telephone Act, 1008, and that such By-law was re •ietered in the Registry Moe of the County of Huron en the Fourth day of August A. D. t000. Any motion to quash or set aside the same 00 5113, portion thereof must be made within one month from the date of registration and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the Alb day of August, 1509, 5-11 F. S. SCOPT,Olorle.. COMFORTABLE HOUSE 250 Lou! 5011 SAI.a.—Good oelair, water and fruit trees. Enquire of 15. T. HINGSTON, or P. 0. box 500, Brussels. 82.11 BP ULLs FOR SALE,—Two young Short Horn. Bulls, both fit for service, for. sale. Good pedigrees and all right in every wayy. For fm•- ahoy particulars apply, to JAS, SP1i8I112, Lot 110, Oon. 5, Morris, or Brussels P. 0. 414l F011 SALE.—Tile undersigned offers for sale his comfortable residence and two lots on John street, Brussels. Stable,good garden, 50. For further particulars Se to price, terns, &e., apply on the premises. 58. WATSON AS'NLAY. COMFORTABLE OOTTAGID, stable and 74 aura of land for eine, '1'urnberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, 50. Possession could be given at once. For further particulars as to prim, terms, &c„ apply on the premises. ALEX. MOLKUGHL1N. 7.11 PROPERl'Y F012: SALE. - 1'he following.' property in the village ofBthel -is -offered for sale :—One frame house and stable, one brick house one stable and lot, one house end stable. will sell whole or in tort. For prices and-partioulnre apply to O. J. SPARROW, W lugham, Ont. COMPoR1'ABLE residence and al acre of laud, being Lot 212 Albert street, Bras- eels for sale. house is well built, with all con- veniences and possession could be given at once. For further particulars apply on the premises to Dim. Jas. Ferguson, or D. Fer- guson,Teeswater. tf. FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale his 50 acre farm being W 1 Lot 22, Oen. 11, Grey.. On the premises is a good frame house and bank barn, orchard and wells. mifles fom two from 11 sellitaitiirortw thout crop. -.Possession given this Fall. For further particulars apply on the premises or it by let- ter to W.J. SHARP, Oranbrosk. 9.4° R I1H-.., Term from ° Ji P!{dim FOR SALE. -House and n pore of land with 11 Call tl tl7t( Sept, I st fruit trees large born, poultry hoose and fall woodshed. Douse contains parlor, suiting room, dining room, two bed rooms, kitchen, 9h+umar kitchen sad- pantry downstairs •flue YOU NEED Farmers and others desiring Tile for the coming season can secure what they re- quire at carload rates, tit Brussels or Ethel stations, if- orders are sent in suf. fieieut time to arrange for quantity and date of delivery. I will notify the put. chasers of the arrival of the oars and as- sist ill loading trent ear to wagons. Fur- ther partieplar:s may be obtained, by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. All sizes from c} 10 18 inches may be obtained. Tyle from 8 inches up are a8 inches long. CEMENT KEPT IN SEASON. /�a`4�a''� s:'a'V+ma'ysa�PEt'at aa`vr:a14�� rfia'4;s� F1,LLTERM Opens August 30 Our 'graduates are assisted Svi to the best positions. Write for the reason, Prepare not toenter l - v at the begin- ning of terns. Mail Courses for those who wish to study e at home. i�(n ha B � m Business College d � 9 GEO. SPOTTON, Principal - J �uvbv rAYtr v v, Wra%."Ak5/0.,i>yq� �P/A1i >0 bed rooms ap-stairs ; arge ellar with oeinent floor and heated by furnace. Will be sold cheap. MRS. LBWTS McDONALD, Walton. M F It.—The o-1 r. i 1 offers for e h SAL ibe o- 1 ed F g for her re arra to Lot 'N sale .o x40 Y being two- story g 17, Grey. On the , good ais a d1a barn, d .two army brisk house, .good hath born driving shed and pig pen ; al! conveniences good. fences and place in first -else* condition, l74 milds from Welton alio and school. Possession given this Fall. For fur- ther ppe�rticulars apply to MRS. THOS. Mo- FADZEAN, Jit., Walton P. 0. 1.12 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undersigned offers his well located property in Brussels for sale or to rent. There are 514 acres of land with comfortable house,ith cellar, stable, orchard, well, &a. Possession given at. once. ms, and other information apply For rice, ter to JAS. DUb7FORD, Clinton or THE POST 151 nasals. THOS.DUNFORD,Langdon,North. 1'i:theta. teROP11RTY FOR SALE. -In order to close the estate ofthe late Thos, 111cLeuoltlin the Executors offer for ssle the real estate consisting of a 7 roomed house in good repair, acre of land, together with 5 mores of first- -ohms land and large commodious stable, quite convenient to house. For full description .and location of property apply to P. SCOTT, or A. STEWAnT, Queen St., West, Brussels, County of Huron. tf. Stock for Service D U URHAM BLL FOR SERYIOE.-The undersigned w111 keep for service on Lot 14, Con. 4, Morris, the Moro' bred Durham butt ,Took Favorite" (7219.11 bred by Alex. Gard. Mar. Leadbury, which is wellbred tracing book to the boat families. ALLAN sPEIR, Fair. view Farm, Proprietor. tf. CENTIIAL STRATFORD. T RD ONT. After ft r tv anntY years soI!d work Iv we have become the largest, bestand ) •- most successful practicaltraining C,, school in WesternOntario with no sup. "I 1n Canada. Three deartmelt— Commorclal Shorthand ` d Telegraphy F Wo ns_isf( g1'ndnntes to positions PS L rl welt es give a meet thorough training. la 5 .Get our free catalogue at once. ii 1° Elliott& McLachlan, i" 1.1) ,{VL' 4.1 s..,at�`4r..-a '.3n-="2ril B i?.' I1.1 NAMVAIAMIMMOINI.101.10111• 101•11M.1.11.111 OMh9ER SCHOOL June, July and August leads into our Fall 'Terra without any break. ,Enter any time. New Catalogue free, Write for it to -day, CINTRAL MINNS CQLLCCB The LargeofsIts t, mkind.ost Reliable W. H. SHAW Principal Yong* & Gerrard ate., Toronto EWAN & Co. uggies aiui ioi EWAN & CO. have the best and most ftp-to•date Buggies on the market, 'Three ,quarter Buggies in black and seven eighth Buggies in black, stripe or any color, with auto seats and n11 wheels have a deeper ran and thicket tire than any other Buggy, Two shote rooms full of all kinds of P w:Ries to choose from every one fully warranted. Each 13uggy has dash supports and mud protectors for the seats. Rubber We have also installed a machine for putting on all kinds of All kinds of repairs clone on Buggies, Repainting a spec. laity. 'Tops re'lined or recovered and made ns good as new at a sinal' cost. Special attention given to special orders, All kinds of heavy and light Rigs made to order. Don't fail to give us a call before making your purchase and let us boom Brussels for 5909. • Ail kinds of repairs in stock, 'Best Dunlop Tires always kept 011 hand.. The Ewan & Co. Carriage Factory, Brussels a