HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-8-12, Page 4gilje rnoo ,to' " .05t THURSDAY, AUGUSf r2 r9o9 A cAl,i: Goal the West says '' We waft hoe cars more then dreadnoughts," CAti,oAay citizens voted ter the Sum day street tare with a majority in their favor, We woul:l not be afraid toyen• three the guess that the congregations of a l not be inoteas. tnevar(ouschnlcli s will i t are anxious to o a' t I ea by the people who , a lx possess the so styled advantages of Sun. day travel by electric car; 1'Jtit almost daily railway accident con- tinues to be recorded, not many of them happening without their toll of death. If increased speed is demanded on the rail it will be incumbent on the railway companies to pay closer attention to their rolling stock and roadbed so that as far as possible accidents may be avoided. Seam the youngsters to school next Monday so that they may take their Pieces in the Fall" term Eine op. Make Your teacher earn their salary by in- creasiog the attendance and adding interest to the work and efficiency M. the school. There should be little necessity, for compulsory enforcement of the school law as to the number of days the boys and girls attend. Im- prove the opportunities. Ie the millions spent annually in in• creasing warlike armament were turned over for the advancement of Missionary effort and the holding of great Peace Conferences the world would stand amazed at the results. It would be an effort well worthy of the dawning of better days toward reconciliation and the abandonment of war. Let the white flag be hoisted and the doctrine taught, "That the men who make the quarrel be the only ones to fight," if arbitration fails. A 0000 work is being done for the people of Canada by the investigation as to adulteration of foods and some of the discoveries prove that the United States manufacturers are not the only ones who need to be wa.ebed and brought to a halt with an emphasis that will make them awake to the fact that they should add the word thief to the Coffee, pepper, labels on their goods. Co ff p pp , and maple syrup are among some of the commodities whose adulteration is par. Ocularly marked. In not a few cases the frauds were practiced by men who would have felt quite insulted if they were designated by the proper name. One excuse offered is that customers demand low priced goods and to supply these measures have to be applied that commodity •� _ reduces the purity ofthe -` ssametime "scoops" the at ablethep coin iioi• worse than valueless goods. LAST week Chas. M. Hays, General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway, visited Stratford along with other offi- cials. The classic city has been longing a long time for a new depot and the genial Mr. Hays sugar coats them by telling them their request has not been forgotten and that it will be built when business warrants it. We suppose we will get our long promised cement side- walk from Turnberry street to the depot at Brussels about the same time, Guess the old scientific statement that "great bodies move slowly" is true all right but if a bar or two of the "soft soap" could be applied to grease the runway of the G. T. R. instead of blowing pretty bubbles those interested would be better pleased. Taking things into serious consideration is all right in its place but if the time occupied is so lengthened that the applicant dies before favorable decision is arrived at it is poor satisfac- tion. Those Stratford boomsters will have to get busy in stirring up business if modern and comfortable conveniences are to be secured in the neer future. Their old station house is a discredit to the city and the railway company. BETaAYEO of trust is becoming too frequent to be regarded as a compliment to strict honesty and integrity. Men do not f aPP ea r to be satisfied with th t be im- proved s tari a and other advantages of to -day hence recourse to tapping the till, crooked book keeping and abused con- fidence. Many a man, with a bright career before him, has pulled the rope for bis own death knell because he did a crooked thing, although it may have been of little value to him at the time. The public demand square dealing and law breakers need not ask pity nor the overlooking of wrong doing where they wantonly plan and purpose to play the game of deadbeat or fraud. It is a mat- ter,ef thanktulness to anew that there are many who possess those sterling qualifications that win approval and establish the confidence of the comniuni- ty'in people who occupy positions of trust, .The, old saying "1 -lis word is as good as his bond" le a distinction that is worthy of seeking after and possessing. .An honorable life must bo built on the right kind of foundation, It would be well for the young people particularly to take the, trouble folks bring upon theni- seivee sadetheir friendsby their misguid- Like "Ne rviI ne" FlftY Years' tJse Proves it the Strongest, Safest, Best 1,000,404 Bottles sold Annually The unexampled sueeeseof Nerviline is due to the feet thee it is five times stronger, three ti Pe moretltl0e tl a t• gg, move pain relieving tian any other `liniment, of One million bottles used every year think what this meatus I Sttrely stroner proof is not possible that Nexwiline is tt trusty liniment, a house- hold remedy upon which mothers can depend in case of accident or sudden sickness. Scarcely en ache or pain that Nerviline lvon't ours—among the hundreds of ailments for which it le guaranteed are the following ;— Headache Nouraigla Sciatica Rheumatism Lumbago Chest Colds Sore pack Earache CraToompsthache Diarrhoea Bowel Disorders Doctors will tell you that nothing but the purest and most healing anti- septic drugs are used ih Netviline-- that's why it is so safe for personal family use, for the baby as well as the parent, If you havetfttried Nerviline eto so now—your neighbors are almost sure to know of its manifold merits and uses. Refuse any substitute for Nerviline, sold the world over in large 25c bottles live for $1.00, all dealer's, oe the Catarrltozone Co., 1 iugston, Ont. ed actions as the red light showing the danger there is' in departing from the stare straight pati of rectitude,Be sq and only and always square, nothing else will wear like it, HURON COUNTY LEVY The amount of the County levy ou the minor municipalities for the year Sgoq is shown in the table below. The first column of figures gives the proportion assigned to each municipality on the equalized assessment to raise the amount estimated ae required for general pur- poses and the second column gives the figures of the assessments on the several townships for a sum equal to the Legis- lative School Grant which is appointed on the basis of equipment acid accommo' dation. For For General School Purposes Purposes Ashfield.... ...... -54154 go $167 00 Colborne .............. 2435 20 97 00 Goderich Twp 3533 76 142 00 Grey......., •.........,4572 00 Hay 385i 20 Howick 5411 05 Huliett 4113 6o Morris... •3986 go McRillo ...•286 to Stanley P 3416 t6 Stephen ...........4382 eo Tuekersinith ..,......3801 3o Turnberry 26o8 00 102 70 Usborne ..3868 00 155 50 West Wawanosh 2582 25 103 23 East Wawanosb. 2567 65 003 30 Bayfield. 226 25 Blyth 433 25 Brussels. ..... 513 6o Clinton logs 05 Exeter. ..... .... 861 12 Goderich .2a 6 1 rode it.h 0 7 Hensall....,...... 400 65 Seaforth 1200 00 Wingham ...- 1125 75 Wroxeter ..,...•240 30 Total ....$68002 24 52394 00 Thefoot prints ofDyspepsia f n have been directly traced to the Stomach nerves. When these "inside nerves" fail, indigestion and stomach distress must surely result. For this druggists everywhere are supplying a prescrip- tion known as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. First these tiny inside stomach, heart and kidney nerves fail. Then has belching, heart palpitation or failing kidneys follow. Don't drug the stomach oratimulate the heart or kid- neys. That is wrong. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative. It is the nerves not the organs that are calling for help. Within 48 hours after starting the Restorative treatment you will realize the gain. A test will tell. Sold by all dealers. 183 75 154 80 217 6o 165 95 1,60 32 172 35 137 35 176 5o 155 25 Junior Matriculation Exams. Results The following list contains names of classes of candidates, First those who have written upon and fulfilled the re- quirements of the University of Toronto in a sufficient number of subjects for complete pass junior matriculation. Second, those who have written upon one or more papers or part papers of this examination and have obtained 40 per cent on each paper written. Matriculation 1 triculation candidates who also wrote on the ',Terme' Entrance examine. time In whole or in part, should note tbat the fact of their names appearing in this list indicates only that they passed on the actual matriculation papers taken Matriculation value ofstandingobtain- ed tof -ed on Normal entrance examination can only be ascertained by presenting certi- ficate of standing to the registrar of university or college concerned. Certificates containing marks will be sent to the principals of high schools and inspectors in a week. Candidates will apply to these officials for reports in detail. 1101105 00, W jj Aikenhead, R Ball, G Brandt, he A R Beatty, E Ball, A M Barber, J C Bowmen, ) H Camelot), N Clefi, I A Coombs, £ I Collins, '1 le Case, A M Clarke, M L Coleman, 0 R Cruickshank, G Cruickshank, A T Davidson, W Do. herty, E le Dean j 8 C Dickson, R L Doiran0e, h1 Evans, T L Govenlook, W P Grieve, 11 A Grieve, M J Holmes, E Hill, L Hoggert, 0 V M Isartlr, E I Ihister. G W Jordan, B Itay, 3 G Leckie. H M Leppard, F D Laidlaw, S. McKer- cher, H C Moore W 13 MdTaggart, A M Middleton, I r4 Marchand, A L Mat- tein,. J A McMahon, 1/1 P IvleGillivray, G 3 Willem V E McDonald, A Mac- oleoeleeeealieekeetilioeiteetteelbeeleedleeelle Millinery Business Sold HAVING disposed 01 nay Millinery heenPss to Miss .Edith Icxnan, of town, I Wish to elucertly Chalk my num- erous patrons for their appreci- ated patronage during the past 8 years and heartily teconinientl them to Miss Inman, who is well experienced in the business, Settlement Desired On account of selling it will be necessary .,to close up my as - counts d I ato kindle' co1]tsau askt Y call at Misslltusan'sstore, where I will be until Sept. 1st, anal set- tle the same. Miss Hablkirk kenzie, 84 A Mettle, L H Mulholland, F le Murphy, It S McBurney, W J Me, beau, H A O'Neil, j M Oestericher, T. le Patterson. j R Petbic, J R Porter, R C Proctor, G L Robb, C C Rance, I M Rowen, D M Ryan, F Roberts, 1 S Robertson. S Stubbs. ] Scott, W R Smillie, '1' Sanders, G Short, 1, el Snell, W K Stewart, H I-hTowih, C Trelevan, W H Waller, G I Warnock, '1 G Wilson. rna'rR 00. H A Nixon, H S Pre❑ter, le el Freed - foot, W J Preston, A M` Pearson, F 13 Rothwell, G Ryan C Sharpe, E Ohne- son, Cel Stevenson, F W Small, j R Stater, M M Sterritt, M K Stevenson, E j 'Turner, R D Turnbull, , F I Van. Brick, E D Walsh, R 3 Waken, le G Young. As Unexpected as Burglars. That's the way cramps come—strike without warning, Nothing so in- stantly relieves as Nerviline,—justa few drops in sweetened water is all that's required to stop the pain, Poi- son's Nerviline is a true comfort to every family, for it stomach and bowel derangements it is an absolute speci- fic. Guaranteed to have at least five times the strength of any other pain relieving g medicine,— perfectly safe, pleasant, and useful for external pains 1 Coo. r 01 a reliable llansaho d medi- cine -case cine -case Nerviline supplies all that's thecessary. Large 250. bottles sold eve yv r \bene. The customs returns for the mouth of July were $10,400.83. Quite a lot better than the same month last year. A baseball tournament will be held on the Flats, St. Marys, on Wednes- day afternoon, Aug. 25111, the last Wednesday half -holiday. }¢4449.4444044.449444444444 4 0 Chanije o ♦ • P j ♦ n ♦ ♦,,... s ♦ klaviu, purchased the lei sine s +Y • of the late J, 0, Scene 1 andre- -t hired to eater to the ants of b the publiw c in moth -date goods at i • fair prices in Z 4 • A 4 Dry Goods and o Groceries. • ♦ My object will be to keep a well• p assorted and seasonable line of Dress Goods, cottons, Novelties, ♦ &c„ and also a choice stock cf o Fresh Groceries. ♦• • Eggs. tend butter taken at the ♦ higltest.minketprice, • it -A call will be appreciated. • • • Satisfaction assured. • •e Mrs. Jennie Thompson ♦ ♦ 4 444♦♦♦4s♦♦♦bar♦♦44444♦♦44♦4 Dr, G. L. Sparks, sots of Dr. Sparks, St. Marys, has opened a practice at Jarratt, near Orillia, Thos. Hanson, Fullerton, has a field of oats Harvested and in the barn. ilis oat crop is an excellent one. Beware of Substitutes Greedy dealers endeavor to palm off a substitute for Pntnam's Oorn Ex- tractor, Insist on "Putnam's" only— It cures corns and warts thoroughly. The imitation may fail. Morris Council 3e 0000 lie encore i g 1 jnulmnetit iu the Oonneil 'emu. on July 20th. Membersall present except Mr.. McCracken, Reeve to the chair. Minutes of last meeting reach and. confirmed. A petition was presented from Geo. Kelly and •there asking for the consta'uciion of a chain under the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Act. On nlotiou of Wilkinson and Johnston said petition Was entertain- ed and the Clerk instructed to notify Engineer Roger to examine locality described in said petition and make his report thereou. Treasurer pre- sented his half yearly statement and on motion of Shortreed and Wilk - factory. The inson, the satne was accepted as satin- iota on e s 0of t rt of ReVl Russell drain By-law was opened ac-' cording to notice, but as no appeals were entered the Court of Revision I was closed and on motion of Wilkie - SOD and Johnston, the By-law as read t %MS finally passed. The Court of Re-! vision on By -late No. 5 re Smith drain was opened according to notice but as `. Notice 'o Creditors In the matter of the estate of John Alin, lute of the tewesllip of Morris, in the Comity of Huron, fanner, deceased, Notioe ig /WebPIM pursuant to "The Rovlsed a atutes o' Coterie,' 1807, 5eetio 00, %Menta1• 120, t111rt al oreditoes anti others Me - tug elalms fielded the collate et the said Jelin ARM, 1 Wed n. 01 .f A t Who d or t!e G on i de o July,'A 1000 aloe required on or beYoreyth.. Mit day of August A. D.1200, to 80516 by poet, eremite, iteor eulivea t9 10 11, Scott, of the Vii• Mace of Bt'useelx in the (tensity of Bison, agent for Peter McNabb and Charles Agin, the Eseeetors of Gbe said deopased Weir Oltclstlan and earne/nos, Addresses and it eseriptions, the fill pavtioulers of their elating, a statement of their a000unt8, duly certified sad the nature of the securities (11 any) held by them, And further take notice that niter pooh lest dead to distoned ribute butute the theaid asseExecutors s of the hdeaees pro- ceed entitled thereto, having regard only to the elolms of tyhieh they shall then have netts and that the said Exesutoro will not be liable for the said assets, o1' any part thereof, to any person or Persons of When dabs notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such dietributton Dated this With day of July, A. D., i990, frhe0ecAgent o60SCOTT, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of John Whitfield, late of the 'township of Gray, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, ' Notice le hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, section 88, chapter 110,1156 all ereditore and others - hav- ing claims against the estate of Ole said Jelin Whitfield, who died on or about the 18th day of June, A.D. 1009, are required on or be- fore the 20th day of Auguet, A. D._1000, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to F. B. Scott, of the Village of Brussels. in the County of Rur-- on, Agent for Robert 3. Whitfield and Joseph W. Whitfield, Executors of the saiddeooesed, heir Ohrlatian and surnames addresses and b airtime, ao ta, the full their particulars ;duly their alniine, a statement of thele a000Gruts, duly car• tified, and the nature of the securities dE any) held by them. And further talcs notice that after 5501 lest mentioned date the said Executors will pro- eeed to distribute the assets of the deceased' amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shal then have notice and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by Omni at the timeor such distribution. Dated this 28th day of July, A. D.,1800. F. S. SCOTT, 4-2 Agent for the Exeoutore. Notice to Creditors Iu the matter of the estate of John D, McNeil, late of the Township of Grey In the County of Huron, farms er, deceased. en pursuant to. "The Notice is babes iv P t Revised metates of Ontario;" 1857, tChapter 015 and Amendments Maims thereto, that alletecredit. ore sed otherssaid having 5lahns who t died astuor of the thed tJohn D. McNeil, who died -on or e- , about the 24th day of April, A.A. 1900, are byre• bye eiredon or before the 206b day of August A. D. 100D, to nandby p0O8 prepaid or deliver to F. S. Sooat• of the Village of .Brussels, Agent 1 Donald 000 McNeil and Sidney Du inn e for Dna o a lit S g, the Btof he's sb the haat will .and Testa• I n s of ,the said addresses end, tscrr tions, tae and particular of their and , descriptions, the of particulars ,ts a,, cream rims, the eteinent oP their accounts and tete, nature of the scour• itse held b them. if rib Y. An 1 blether eake native that after aitch last c ed toned date the said Es of the deceased .pro- sononn tOlebsrlthe assets of the deeav1n aegard o ly parties entitled thereto, h abs then n only to the cldhth oY which utoo-s all ill notbeand the sledExecutors>art not eo liable for the said r per or any part thereof, in any person or personsofmoat claire notice shall not have been received at the tune of such distribution; Dated thi.a 28th day of July, A. D. 1000. F. A. SCOTT, 4.8 Agent for the Exeoebors. 44.4,:4444•444+4+4444.04-1.4404044• 4+113.4÷044.14 44 4444444. s:•4 i • •• i +•4 1.,, 4 s \t« R > 4 . e ♦♦' 8 E 4. M✓♦4• r • • • wassmair •F .T. • 0I During this month we are •4. offering• manyLines of o o • Summer Goods at 4 .1 Greatly Reduced aces +•. ••4 • $2 00 SHiRT WAISTS for • 1 75 ., .l. • 1 5o 1 35 .e I 25 • 4• a I 00 ♦ • ♦ i. Straw and Liinen Hats • • • Giels', Boys' and Men's Straw and Linen Hats 4• going at :-25c for 190 ; 50c for 39c ; 75cfor 55e; T $L00 for 75c ; $1.25 for 05c ; $2.00 for $1,50, 4 4 • it All Lines of White Wear T to he cleared out at OUT PRICES • • All Colored Muslins • go at the R'E'DUCTION PRICES 4 • •i s_._.__.__..- +ln 4 t.It4 .+4+44•4•44.104+44-4,14+++4,44+409•449+9444+++.44+4+44.444+4 $1 I I I 50 25 I0 00 95 75 L Good range of Cinghams in small and large checks going at 110 Rest English and Canadian Prints, now Ilc Plain Ghambrays at 11c. No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap STRACHAN 1u, appeals were entered ered the Court of t R'evlslon was closed and on motion 040 Shortreed and Wilkinson, said By-law as read was finally passed. Court of of Revision on By-law No, 7 re 5th concession drain was opened accord- ing to notice bat no appeal being entered the Court was closed and on and Shortreed of alt of Johnston motion , tisolicit the Clerk was instructed tc ect to Ba tenders for the construction of the Russel and Smith drains, tenders to be opened at the Town Hall on Aug, 23rd at 2 o'clock p. in. On motion of Shortreed and Joluiston the Reeve and Treasurer were empowered to pay the contractor• on the Grasby drain balance of contract' price on peodu0- bion of engfneer'e certificate that the work is completed. Accounts were paid as follows :—Duff & Stewart, plank, $23.00 0. T. R Co., culvert on Grasby drain, 582.35 J. Gibson, worlc on road, $2.50 W. 1i Kerr, printing Russell and Smith drain By-laws, $08.00 ; T. Marshall, repairing bridge $24.241 ; Geo. McCall, tile drain, $9.20 ; Jno. McDonald, tile drain, 0111 line, cement, McDonald, J.o bb,gravelin, t tile,$8.0 $4.55 : W. McCall, use of scraper, 51.00 ; Thos. McCall, gravel, $1.82 ; R. Garniss, gravel, $8.95; D Agar, gravel, $1,12 ; Guelph Metal Culvert Co., cul- vert on Grasby drain $90 ; Bell Tele- phone Co, services, $1.85 ; R. Nesbitt, drawing and putting in metal culvert, 5.00; Jas. Nichol, cleaning out ditch, 2.25 •; A. T. Cole, bridge on Cole drain, 15,00; S. Irvine, gravel, 3.15; J. Smith, gravel, 0.72 ; T. Miller, supplies and operating grader, 17.00 ; W. Palmer, ae eg tn u ine on grader, 31.20 ; S. .f 1 Plum, repairs on grader, 5.25 W. 11. Knox, repairing bodge, 8.75 •tV, H. Knox, work on road, 5.00 ; W. Bird, repairing culvert, 8.00 ; R. Vint, work nnabutineut 25.00' Kerney, gravel, t vel 4,50 ; R. B.�lcocc, drawing anti tt . t tile lams R. McMur- ray, incelnen r 3 ray, gravel 483 ; W. Clark, fees on Russell and 5th concession drains 313,00. A. Cronin, digging ditch, 20.53. i i i s n and d S h o - O n motion of W 11 n o t 1t reed, the Council then adjourned to meet again 011 the 23rd day of August next. W.OLLItK, Clerk. Hay Fever Cured. Nothing can be more certain than the instant relief and sure cure of Hay Fever by "Catarrhozone." The well known Deputy Collector of Inland Revenue at Sarnia, W. 11. Hicks, says : "1 used hundreds of dollar's worth of remedies but until I Waded Oatarrhozone I, never even experi- enced relief, It was an the recom- mendation of Geo. Ingersoll, clrngggist, that I used Catarrhozone. He knew of others it had awed and advised me strongly to try 11. cattu`rhozona worked marvels. Almostim,nedietely I experienced grateful relief in a few 's erhozotte immanently' howl . Cita cured me of Hay Fever, and I gen most heartily recobnnend it as the most speedily effective remedy on tate market, It will cure any case of Hay Fever ever known." Tenders Warted Seulod tondo,. will be 1'eselved by the uu• designed nitttl ll o'eloolt p m on tee 10th day or August, 1009 for oflkue anti 0 ezAtle 1 of Om Brusst)s, Morrie 4 Grey 1l4uuloan)l 1018111050 1134111001,.tlb a pate per 'prone tot 11 1811)1 91 one Year from eemeren0emenb et o wietioll J, 10t0EIE, 13tn.:lrcas, e 611 Bross ls, JUIy 26 ,1DOD. Tenders Warned goaiod totem addreseod to the undersigned w1111 be r08eivee omni 2 o'o10ok p, 111. on the Nth rimy of August, WA for the cgnetreet1011 of the 1811045045, Morrie ,4 Grey e uuieipal Tele - hon of m llo a 1-- p 1. Vet.tllli oo d5 fon a ur the whole syetsm, a O.1p1'or Elle oouativation of the 0yetem 002)07 for wiring ; 8, For the eosstreotion of the 8yetem frown the wiring 00 fait oanptetiun end ready for oporetion. 8'bo Oomplmy finding ail Materiel at Brute sole. The contract to be completed by tat day of NOveuyer, 1900, In Onee of teldete under Noe, 2 and 8 being accepted, No. 1, to be 00101• Meted on 101(1 day of October and No. 9 on let day of November, 10110. The lowest 01' any tender not uecessat•Ily accepted, Plans and apeolfloetlone 5011 be aeon at the olikeo of the undersigned at Brussels. J. LECKIE, Soe,•T1'es. Notic. e N0TIOE Is hereby given that a By -haw was passed by the Village of Brussels, 10 the coon ty of Huron, on the teamed day of August, A. 0, 1000, providing for the 18000 of debenture% to the amount or $10,000,00 for the purpose of oon0truoIing and instilling the Iirttssels Mor- ris and Grey Telephone byetenl in the Village of Brussels and i'ownalups of. Morris, Grey and Bust Wawanosh. under and by authority of the Local Oimtioipal Telephone AM, 1008, and that smelt B..11' -law was registered in the Registry Office of the County or - Huron on the. Fourth day or August A. 0. 1900. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any portion thereof must be made within' one month from the date of registration and cannot be made thereafter. F, 8.L 1 9 -. Dated the 4th day of AP, 90 , CA , s• SCOTT, alert, The People's Column COMFORTABLE HOUSE Ann Lots von SAnm,-Good cellar, water and fruit trees.: llnqulre of R.'1'. HINGSTON, or P. 0, box 800, Bruges's. - 82-tf �1.21:7148 FOR SALE. Twoyouug Short Rom Bulls, both At for service, for sale. Good podigreee and all right in every way. For fur. •her particulars apply to JAS. SPL41111, Lot 80,E Lion, 0, Morris, or. Brussels P. 0. 914f COR SALE.—The undersigned Wore for sale 0,18 emnl'ortabie residence and two Tote on John street, Brussels. Stable, good garden, &c. For further partiaulnra as to price. Venue, Ste., apply on the premises, tf. WA'L1ON .INLAY. O0M1ORTABLE 001150E, stable and Sure of land for sale, Turnberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, 40. Possession couldbo given at once.: For further particulars as to pprice, terms, &se apply on the premises. .A premises. 74f PROPERTY FOR SALE. — The following property in the village of Ethel is offered for sale c -One frame house and stable, one brick house, one eta blu and lot, one house and stable. will gall whole orin part. Por priee0 and particulars apply to O..1. SPARROW, Wingham, Ont. COM9'ORTABLE residence and ee acre of land, being Lot 218 Albert street, Brus- sels, for sale. House is well built, with all con- veniences and possession could be given at 51100. For further partiodflr'e apply on the premises to Mrs, Jas. Ferguson, or D. Fer- guson, e'- guson,Teecwater. tf. MDR SALE. -House and4j acre of land with Pruittrees large baric, poultry house end woodshed. Rouse contains parlor, sitting room, dining room, two bed rooms, kitchen, Bummer kitchen mid pantry down stairs ; live bed rooms upstairs ; large cellar with cement door and heated by furnace. Will be sold cheap. MRS. LEWIS OIaDONALD, Walton. FAR FOR SALE. -The undersignedersign edoffers YreBale her a auraleoIsbang Lot 0, Coo-. 17, Grey. On the goad is g ll barn, da two - vin story brink house, good bank barn, drivenK shed and pig pen ; ill conveniences 1 good fences and place in flret•elese condition. I miles from Walton station, churches and soltooL Possession given this Fall. For fur- ther particulars apply to MRS. THOS. 010 5'ADZEAN, Ja.. Walton P. 0. 1.60 COR SALE OR TO RENT.—The undersigned Hers his well located property ro e't 0 o p Y in Brussels for hale or rant There are Ong parrs of land with comfortable house with ltilnr, stable orahard, well, 45. Possosalon given tat once borBrice terms and other informetio❑ npplry to JAS.dUH NFORD, 011nton. or TE P051' Brussels. THOS. DUNFO11D, Laugdon, North Dakota. PROPE1lTY FOR SALE,—In order to aloes. the estate of the late Thos. Meeun:itlin the Executors offer for sale the real estate consisting of a:7 roomed house In good repair, Nacre of land, together with 0 mires of lirst- eieas land and large commodious stable, quite ronvenient to house. For full desertPP' time and location of. property apply to r A. STEWAn7.F Qunetiaubt.; West, Brnssels, County of Huron. Et, Stook for Service • p1712HA 1 BULL FOR SERV70E.—The unndersigoed will keep for service on Lot 14, Oon. 4, Morris, the thorn bred Durham bull "Jack Favorite" (721051 bred. by Alex. Gerd. hoer. Leadbury, which is Wen bred, treeing beck to the best families. ALLAN SP)&1R, Fair- view Farm, tf. COR SERVICE. -A Thoro'-bred Short Horn Bull (Captain Brondhooke) No. (74074) Lot 28 Con. 10, Grey, Terms -$1.00, payable 1en,. 1st, 1010. Further terms may be seen at the premises, D. E. SANDERS, Proprietor, (0444444404044.44044444.44444 ♦ 4 4 i 4 2 4 4 4yy h es ♦ 4 4 • 1an 4 4i W i' A '" T1L)4 • a 4 for other rtt o • n o oil 0 nnoliinoo o tae d Z`z es 1 n. pp fnator•y sivg. Good Wlle2 cud ♦ etandyenployuleuE, Wrlteuo.. ppA 2 ♦ ♦ The Clinton KnittingCol fr ©O© • A LIMItod .' CLINTON, ION T. 04 • 4 4444.44444444•♦44♦4444444® 00- YOU NEED Farmers and others desiring:;) ile for the corning season can secure what hey re- quire at carload. rates, at Ben�s'gels 01' r it i' orders are nt bel s atlrus t o d se i14 ef- ficient , time to arrange for quantity date of delivery. 1 will notify the pu 7. chasers of the arrival of the cars end figeeI ti sist in loading 1row car to wagons. Fur- ther . particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. All sizes from 2} to 13 inches may be obtained. 'file from 8 inches up are 28 inches long. CEmaNT KEPT 1N SEASON. eYET`eefee& tioeteA elekt reeteeereO rfi'3Y ;' FALL TERM it.1 Opens August 30 1,9 Our graduates are assistctl of to the best positions. Write t�(y re Y for elle reclean. PLCial[. ynOW to enter at the .begin- 1! ging of term, 11511111 Couesee for 1•bose who wish to study -S at home. Win ham Busmess College g 0E0. SPOTTON, Principal sOPY•WelltalnWO.44,V00ZU dY1 818308�t `BS i �)r- G� d�� 11 fall Term from Sept, 1st ri CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Aftertweittytwo yours of solid work jy we have become the largest, best and 1 .i• most ,mceesaful practical training yt y I inaWnoaydtTnroio w mno l i - I u, Commercial Shorthand and Tolography Y h b' P Y r' dd Wow l d.� xssS t raduot topositions na 11 v011 es give n most thea trohtraining.y l (ret our file cntelogue etb one once, et r Elliott & McLachlan, // ed' Prinoipale. nP y k iw�a�'-ia==•ir-:"3e• _ :;t='.a'U�=,`1'F�;; S..:.1,� SUMMER CHS E p June, July and August leads into our Fall Term without any break. Enter any time. Nev'tCatalogue free. Write for it to -day. CENTRAL EtitINRCC COLLEGE The Largest, most Reliable 1 of its kind. { W. H. SHAW Principal 'rouge ,4 Gerrard eta., Toronto Osiesilsrel EWA .Y )uggies' oil 0 0. E'WAN & CO. have the best and most up•to•clale Buggies en the market, 'three.quau'ter lieggiss In black anti seven eighth 13uggiesin bleak, stripe or •m1 color, with auto seats and ail wheels have a1 deeper rite and thicker lire than any other Buggy. Two show rooms full of all kinds of Buggies to choose 11001— every one folly warranted. Each Buggy has dash supports and mud protector's for the seats.. We have also Metalled a machine for putting ou all kinds of Rubber Tires. All kinds of repairs done un Buggies, Re.peintiug a spec. laity, Tops re•liihetl or re.coverod and nlade Mt good as new at al small cost. Special atteetiotl given to special orders. All kinds of heavy and light Rigs made to order, Don't fail to give us a call before making your p01101lage and let us boon Brussels for Igoe. All kinds of repairs in stork.. Bast Dunlap Tires always kept on hand, The Ewan & Co. Carriage factor Bros* 1