The Brussels Post, 1909-8-12, Page 3la Heat alsielle*least tehi ra-rule* Fashion glint_:. la i•.,l.l..t. l .ieeelalel .L,rl:l,ieleb 1"1»1" 1-h FADS AND FANCIES. Stylish shoes are highly arched, Si'iped effects rule supreme, in skirtings. Many summer coats are lined with shantung. Sequins play a leading part in fan decoration. Military straps are among the popular sleeve tl'imminge, The white lace veil is more wide ly worn than any other: Hats are larger now thantheY will be later in the season. Mohair is the t &'vorite materia for automobile dust coats. Pongee hats, matching pongee costumes are smart just now. Walking costumes are a bit se- vere, with little trimming, Linen frocks with short skirts are popular for street wear, "Linden," a creamy yellow gree is a leading shade in new dresses. The overskirt effect is seen more and more as the summer advances Mittens are worn by some of the fafeionable women at watering places. Lace has a wider vogue than ever before, and is freely used, even oh shoes. The separate linen skirt is popu- lar for wear with dainty lingerie blouses. Some of the fancy sleeves have lacings and buttons carried up the entire length. Some of the new foulards have large dots, black on white and white on black. Pale shades of ecru and brown are not so much it fashion as they were last season. Summer suite' in the "brown" class range from really dark brown to greenish yellow. All greens are popular in the pre - Fent fashions, jade green being an especial favorite. The correct petticoat of the hour is of pure white lingerie fabric, limp and soft. Buttons, are still popular, but are more modest in size than a, few months ago. When a color is used for Lining, the hat, shoes, belt, and gloves ,a11 partake of the same hue. Narrow turndown collars of ba- tiste and Irish point.embroidery. are among the new'neekwear seen in the shops.- Lingerie waists made after the pretty Dutch neck model of wide Lands of embroidery are among the. newest models of the season, Some of the prettiest coats for children are being made with the old-fashioned double or single cape, many of the small ones being made of dotted and figured Swiss, lined with China silk. Dog collars of velvet are especi- ally pretty when embroidered in tiny buds and flowers or a spray of foliage, in natural colors. Worn with summer dresses, they are smart and stylish. Black chiffon yokes and under - sleeves are still enjoying the po- pularity that was theirs a year ago. They are even worn with gowns of palest shades, and the fashion is most economical Cotton and linen crochet buttons aro used on all the "tub" dresses this season. They are flat and can be laundered without being taken from the dress,` thus having a great advantage over the pearl button "DAD, HERE'S TO YOU." PALE, 1,,ANGUIU GIRLS Weals Blood During Develop - went May Lastly Cause a Life of suffering. A Tonle Snell as Dr Williams' Pink Pills is }ceded to Build Up the GINA and Give libW Stt ongth, • At no time in her life does a gin ,stand in greater need of pure red blood and the strength wnieh it alone can give her, than whop BOO is developing into womanhood. It - is then that any inherited tenden- cy to anaemia or consumption needs only the slightest encourage- ment to rapidly develop, This 1'. danger is especially threatening w girls who are eonfined long hours indoors, in stores, offices and fac- tories—girls depressed by worry and cares. All these conditions quickly impoverish the blood aael are among the most common caus- es of sickness among growing girls n and young women. If at any time a girl finds that her strength is failing and she is becoming pale • and nervous, has no ambition and is languid, it is a certain sign that her blood is failing to meet the de- mands upon it, because it is im- pure and thin. It is at a time like this that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills - are invalu- able to young women and growing girls. They build up the blood, make it rich, red and pure, tone the nerves and give new health and strength to every part of the body. They have cured so many cases of -this kind that they may truly bo called a specific for the common diseases of girlhood. Miss Minnie Smith, Creighton street, Halifax,- says —'`I' have proved that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are all that is claimed for them in cases similar to mine. About three years ago I suddenly began to run down. I grew so weak that I could hardly attend to my school studies. I suf- fered from headaches, my heart would palpitate violently at the least exertion, and my appetite was very fickle. I tried doctors' medicine and emulsions, 'but, the treatment did not help me. Then I started taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and after taking seven or eight boxes I was stronger than ever before. I feel that I owe my present good health to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and gratefully recommend them to other ailing girls." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be. sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine 0o., Brockville, Ont. THE ARMY TAILOR'S BILL GJULI ' CLOTHING FACTORY AT PIMLICO, ENGLAND. Tito Thousand Suits Can he.Turoad Out in a Normal Workin6 r Day. It will astonish most people to be told that the British Govern - meg, in addition to being a maker 1 of laws, is the greatest toiler in the world, The Army Olotlling 1t'aotory or, Pimlico is the biggest tailor's shop,in England. Last year Tommy Attunes' tailor's bill amounted to £355,375. During the Beer. War the clothingof the Army cost near- ly 25,000,000, says London, Tit -Bits. Trousers are the most costly item ir the soldier's wardrobe, and for their nether garnnents last year the nation had to pay no less a sum than £73,276. And this recalls the fact that it is less than ninety years since the British Army first put on its trousers—that the British infan- try soldier, that is to say, first sub stituted trousers for the old-fash- ioned knee breeches. NEW RULES FOR TOMMY. From April 1st last the British soldier was clothed on an entirely. different system to what has pre- vailed for so many years, and, the innovation will probably be a great deal more satisfactory to the rank and file. Every man will receive his free outfit on enlistment as heretofore., but will be required to provide his personal clothing and necessaries out of an allowance ere- dited to him quarterly in advance. Instead of his present kit allowance Of twopence a day after six months' service,' he will receive at the end of his first year a lump sum equiva- lent to the accumulated twopences in addition to the separate cloth- ing allowance. The maintenance of kit and cloth- ing will be a matter between the soldier and his commanding officer. It is intended that, the present ar- bitrary periods of wear allotted to each garment shall be abolished; under the old system a pair of trou- sers might be serviceable to -day and "time -expired" to -morrow,: ONE MILLION A YEAR. We happened in a home the other night, and over the parlor door saw the legend worked in letters of red, "What is Home without a Mother t" • Across the room was another brief, / "God bless our Heine." Now, what's the matter with "God Bless Our Dad!" He gets up early, lights the fire, boils an egg, and wipes the dew off the lawn with his boots, while many a mother is sleeping. He makes the weekly hand out for the butcher, the grocer, the milkman, the baker, and his little pile is badly worn be- fore he has been home an hour. If there is a noise in the night Dad is kicked in the back and made to go downstairs and find the burglar and kiIl him, Mother darns the socks, but dad bought the socks in the first place, and the needles and yarn afterwards. Mother does up the fruit; Dad bought it all, and jars and sugar cost Eike the mis- ebief. Dad buys the chickens for Sunday dinner, serves them himself and draws the neck from the ruins after everyone else is served. "What is home without a mother 1" Yes, that's alright; but What is .Home Without a Father? Ten chalices to one it's a boarding house. Father is under a slab, and the landlady is the widow. Dad, here's to you you've get your faults -you . may have lots of 'em—but you're all right, and we'll miss you when you're gone. The .Heiress: "But why should I. marry yon. I don't love you." Her Suitor: "Oh, that's all right. I shan't bo at home very much, you know," SELF ISH. The woman that maketh a good puddingin silence is better than she who maketh a tart reply. Next to saying you are jealous, a girl would rather have you tell her she inspires you to noble things. Food - Products Libby''. Vienna Sausage Is distinctly different from any other sausage you ever tasted. Just try one can and it is sure to become a meal -time necessity, to be served at frequent intervals. Llbby's Vienna Sau- sage just suits for breakfast, is fine for luncheon and satisfies at dinner or supper. Like all of Libb s Food Products it is care- fully cooked and prepared, ready to -serve, in Llbby's Great White Kitchen- the cleanest, most scientific kitchen in the world. Other popular, ready -to -serve Libby Pure Foods are:— °coked Corned Seed Peerless Dried Beef Veal Loaf ;Evaporated Mk Baked Baan Chow Chow Mixed Pickles Write for free booklet,--"Eiorf to make Good Things to Ent". Insist on Lobby's at your grocers. Libby, McNeill tt, Libby °Moogo Even in the piping times et peace Tommy Atkins's tailor's bill would make a millionaire poor. in a year. Roughly speaking, it costs a1,000,- 000 ever year to clothe.the British Army. The headgear of the troops, embracing everything from a sim- ple cap to a bearskin helmet, ex- hausts nearly 250,000, and boots, shoes, and leggings, which are pur- chased ready-made, cost nearly £250,000. The cost of a soldier's uniform varies from just over £10 10s. to less than £3, according to the regiment in, which he may be serving. For instance, the annual tailor's bill for the rank and file in the Life Guards is just over £7, while in the infanty of the line it is under £3. TESTING THE CLOTH. At the Army Clothing Depart- ment at Pimlico many hundreds of workers, chiefly women and girls, are employed in turning out soldi- ers' suits: Apart from the mere making of the clothes the most im- portant part of the work is the in- spection of the raw material brought in to be worked up, and of the finished articles which are de- livered at the factory to be distri- buted. : Not a yard of cloth is ac- cepted on trust. Every piece is objected to several tests to prove its quality. There are machines on which small pieces are broken to. ascertain the strength of the ma- terial; and other apparatus for ,eating the permanence of the color. Each web of cloth is also unrelled before an examiner, who goes over very yard with the utmost care to seek out any flaws which may exist. No shoddy is accepted, and tho lightest defects or deviations from attern•or specification are regard- ed as ample justification for the re- ection of the piece. When it has been submitted to all the tests, owever, and found satisfactory, it s stamped on every square yard with the official mark and passed i, -lo the cutters. WO THOUSAND SUITS A DAY Thus throughout th a hour thebuilding g uridine the ork of examination goes on along ids that of manufacture, so that, ommy may not only be amply but well clad. The work is really taiI- ring, however; that is to say, its. reductive side is mainly engaged making coats and trousers for is soldiers, and of these, working he • normal . day, 2,000 complete hits can be turned out. Tho other rticles are distributed among those ho accept Army contracts. The boots cone from Northamp- n and Fettering chiefly, but not no pair is accepted till they have. Oen examined by an expert, who held personally responsible for e quality of the articles, Gloves re also made- outside, and some them such as the buckskin oyes o? the creels regiment�q, are ade in the Ilistorie town of \Vood- took, he sh}its are outan pent t to be made Up, apd the hose nd other worst goods are Pa y, aide bypoo Ir sliworapn who e: and on home me o d �Il ustriea!o r the 1 B r e 5 p h c T w s 0 p In tl t s a w to O b is th of (ll s ou m p augmentation of their meagre stan- dard of living. The Department deals with amaze fag quantities of material. The stooks are Never allowed to run low and it is always possible at a me• nlent's notice to equip 15,000 to 20,000 men with the articles in hand, But the productive oapacity of the establishment is very great, and a week's work would represent the provision of clothing and kit for 12,000 men, TEACHING 111 STORIES. Row an English Teacher. Drove Bomo a Aioi'al Lesson, The simple manner in which' a moral lesson can be conveyed to the mind of a child was delightfully de- monstrated recently at the house of Mrs. Eric Hembree London, Eng. land, The children sat round a slightly raised platform with their backs to the audience. Mr. Gould, with the aid of a blackboard, eom- menced straightway to take them into his confidence. "1 an going to draw a map," said Mr. Gould, with a smile; ' °and I wonder if ynu can name the country—I wonder i" It was a crude outline, but this teen hands went up simultaneously, "India ! eerie a chorus of th' voices. "And the religion of the people? They are Mahometans." And there and then he told a, story of Jelal, the Mahometan teacher, who bowed acknowledgment to a street child that had bowed to him. '!Now, what trait had' the great Jelal displayed in bowing to that child?" Thirteen children mune thirteen guesses, but the wo"l that expressed the situation was not named, "Never mind," said Me Gould; "it will occur to you pre sently," and with charming tact he commenced to relate a story of a gentleman -who, while traveling in e Parisian: railway carriage with a number of miners, was asked if he objected to their smoking. He re- plied in the negative, although suf- fering from a bronchial affe,ttol:. "Any way, the miners put away their pipes," the story -teller pea ceeded. "Now, what had they shown?" "Respect," came the an- swer in a flash. Then back the children were taken to India and the story of Jelal. They saw the point, and so at the end of twelve minutes a great lesson had beea. taught in the simplest of ways. So by story -telling Mr. Qoui+l built up "a golden ladder" of re- spect—respect to a child, an inva- lid, a teacher, other nations, other religions and to animals. arm - 'Tis a Marvellous Thing.—When the cures effected by Dr. Thoma' Eclectric Oil are considered, the speedy and permanent relief it has brought to the suffering wherever it has been used, it must be re- garded as a marvellous thing that so potent a medicine should result from the six simple ingredient, which enter into its composition. A trial will convince the most skep- tical of its healing virtues. Collector (warmly) : "I've been here a dozen times, sir, and I posi- tively won't call again 1" Mr. Poorpay (cheerfully): "Oh, come now, my man, don't be so superstiti- ous about making the thirteenth call; nothing will happen, I assure you." FOR RHEUMATISM—it in not necessary to go to Hot Springs. Just use "The D. 5 L " Menthol Platters and results willbe satisfactory. 25a at druggists. Dario a Lawrence Company, mann. taotarero. A Mike had only recently been made foreman, but he knew the re- spect due to his rank. "Finnegan,'' he said to an argumentative assist- ant, "I'll have nawthing out of ye. but silence—and mighty little o' that 1" Wilson's Fly Pnds, the best of all ily killers, kill both the Ries and the disease genus. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. A USE FOR THEM. "At last I've • found a use for those cigars my wife gave me last Christbmas." "You have?" "Yes, they make a splendid smudge to keep the mosquitoes ttiyay. The girl who knows how to make good biscuit and cream gravy sel- dom knows how to carry on a flirta- tion. ISSUE N0. $2--00. 0UNYAINS eo *emu (mak or * 4' mai ANY MINrKALtieialv VV4rtaatrm lr lfe r. y .,Y/ ,� •fi.r Son 6S BURR`41, •FlLtia•plrtrles•6tttoe is lira t$SI5M•/Cl,,,CA•a*e UO' *1500* 11500, s,aQ6ns•ONAPPLP HMO' immuo LLepyopq Ca/CKerows, . Cyc1/srs•roQr1ALf, pL,lYros a avaarreeo OENSa 1Lf' or When troubled with sun- burn, blisters, insect stings, sore feet, or heat rashes, apply Zem-Buk 1 Surprising hew quickly it eases the smarting and stinging I Cures gores on young babies due to chafing. Zam-Bute Is made from pure herbal essences. No animal tas— tier mineral poisons. Finest healer! Druevtats and Store+ oven/01 THE TEST OF SOBRIETY. Guzzle (after he had succeeded in waking his wife)—"Open the dorsi'!" Mrs, Guzzle—(head out of the Second story window)—"Are you sober 1" Guzzle—"Yes." Mrs. Guzzle—"Then say 'recipro- city."' Used according to directions, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial will afford relief in the moat acute form of summer complaint, When- ever the attack manifests itself no time should be lost in seeking the aid of the Cordial. It will act im- mediately on the stomach and in- testines and allay the irritation and pain. A trial of it will con- vince anyone of the truth of these assertions. REFORMED. "My lazy son has at last decided on a profession that he thinks he'll like." "Good. What has he chosen?" 'Be wants to be a lineman for a wireless telegraph company." A licmestio Eye Remedy. !urine Affords Reliable Relief to Eyes that Need are, Try Morino Eye Remedy in Your Eyes. t Soothes Eye Pain. NO LONGER POSSIBLE. "Young man," said the success- ful old guy, "I started as a clerk en $3 a week and to -day I own my own business." I know," answered the Young Chap, "but they have cash regis- ters in all the stores now." Don't experiment ,with unsatis- factory substitutes. Wilson's Fly Pacts kill many times more house flies than any other known article. The grocer's boy was lumberiug up the kitchen stairway with his arms full of packages. "Boy," said the mistress of the house somewhat sharply, "are your feet clean 1" "Yes'm," he answered, still climbing the stairs, "it's only me shoes that's dirty." It takes an expert female shopper to got rid of a dollar's worth of en- ergy in an attempt to save 2 oents. Impurities of the Blood Counter- a'cted.—Impurities in the blood come from defeats in the action of the liver. They are revealed by pimples and unsightly blothes on t' a skin. They must be treated inwardly, and for this purpose there is no more effective compound to be used than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They act directly on the liver .and by setting up heal- thy processes have a beneficial ef- fect upon the blood, so that impuri- ties are eliminated. "What is it, madam!" asked the man behind the desk in a servants' registry office, "I want a cook," explained the lady. "and I want her bad " "Quite simple, madam," the clerk assured her, "We have nc other kind." There is nothing equal to Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator BABYLON'S ANCIENT WALLS. I rilnevel Dwellings 0,000 Years OK(f, Beneath Euphrates, The ;nest ancient walls of Baby - Ion were conatrtloted of sun -burnt brick, scarcely distinguishable from the closely packed earth, tend some idea can be obtained of the extreme difficulty of the work of excavation, The oldest -'Babylonian houses which have been uncovered themselves rest on rubbish heaps and ruins, but deeper .diggings is impossible owing to the fact that water lev has been reached, The Euphrat channel has silted np several me res during the peat 5,000 years, 'a the primeval dwellings are now b low it, While we were standing the bottom of one, of those pits workman struck out with his pick the little heap of ornaments, a cou- ple of copper bracelets and the beads of a necklace that had been worn by some Babylenian woman in the third millenium before Quiet, and were restored at last to the light of the sun. Treatment ter all Ailments or t■ORSI S Pr tlw stoats pp''y!ltly ex latayyd (0 Par **Otis uestlal„atall*jfree on request. Addleas 15*. Veterinary (remedy Os* kiner7+0, Desk. , ffl 4w4+dde at, dart, TO40NT'0, tux 'Long after forgiving an injury r4 woman kelps trying to forget thaa she, has forgiven it, el es AGENTS WAltirgo, t- 1lOn14LXAi*L50 MAN WANT)!,» TN EVERI( nd. `J town totako ordore fo boot custmn mad olothee h, Canada, lilghea uemmtssion. *oil 0- Tntiokhrg 00,, n'oronto, ab a FOR SALE. Twenty sores (two biooke)dret•elase Kootenay fruit laod,all alaohod, adyotuing tiMSlegerJunotloe and townsite, oloee t., unpan railroad frontage, ri iorelland,good eon, abundance of water, oohool, story i goodgi,aattng, lishtng, huminq 1 as etteeAea looattou: ao gaphorB her, O see this at once, A. Millaro Orvner, Castlegar Junction, nrltfsb Columbia. *1 A BOY'S HOLIDAYS. The ardent controversy which has been waging in England and America concerning the best way to dispose of school boys in the long summer vacation has prompt- ed the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem to issue a special publication giving suggestions and practical hints to parents, as to what to do with the public and preparatory school boy during the months of July and August. The vacation camp is one of the solutions and the publication entitled, "What shall a Boy do with his vacation" thoroughly covers the ground and solves the problem of the best way for a schoolboy to enjoy his holi- days. A copy may be obtained for the asking by applying to Mr. J. . McDonald. PROUD. b "They say be's proud of his new "Proud! I should say he is. He aotuaIly believes that something has occurred in his family that no other family has ever experienced," — Faultless inPreparation.—Un- like any other stomach regulator, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of long study of vegetable compounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions and main- tain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character and established their excellent reputation. And this reputation they have main- tained for years and will continue to maintain, for these pills must al- ways stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. HAPPY ENDING. He—"So you've read my new novel. How did you like it?" She—"I laid down the volume with intense pleasure." .The microscope in the hands of experts employed by the 'United States Government has revealed the fact that a house fly sometimes car- ries thousands of disease germs aitaebeil to its hairy body. The; eoatinuons use of Wilson's Fly Pads will prevent all danger of in- fection from that source by killing both the germs and the flies. HER INFORMATION ACCURATE "I understand that young man has quit calling on you 1" "How do you know?" "Because he's calling on me." BICYCLISTS, young or old, should ab ways: carry a bottle of Painkiller in their saddle bags. 1t cures outs and wounds with wonderful gnielille , Avoid substi- tutes, there is but one "Painkiller '— Portz Davis' -25o and 50o. "Your daughter ! Is it possible? Why, you look more like twin sis- ters!" remarked a lady who pos- sessed a barbed tongue. "No; I assure you, she is my only daugh- ter," replied the pleased mother. And the lady remarked : "Well, she certainly looks old enough to be your sister !" Holloway's Corn Clue is the medicine to remove all kinds of fax destroying worms. lea article corns and warts, and only costs the of its kind has given such satis- small sum of twenty-five cents. faction, FIREMEN'S HAND SIGNAL.. A code of hand signals, which appears to be something similar to the "tic-tao" operations of the racecourse tout, has been adopted by the Edinburgh Fire Brigade. It is supposed to be the only brig- ade to be in possession of such a system. The uses are apparent when a fireman fends himself iso• laced in the upper part of, any a tall tenement. Leaning out of the win- dow he could signal to his collea- gues in the street that the fire - escape was required, or that an• other line of hose should be brought into use. Then, again, a fireman posted on the roof could signal be- low that another steamer should be telephoned for, at', perhaps, a sec- ond hose -tender, under Mecum - gantries when the loudest shout would be without at'sil. Kindly mention the name of this paper iu writing to advertisers. REC D CARPET DYEING and Oloaelee. This is e .p.eloI% wit** th. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 04 W ad p.,tro,lua ley wort and wo an *ere to WWI atir®oe, Boa tag. idantreat, t cIt r-m-8AliPIF AGENTS "'cit eft WOMEN. ?k CASE Mato 53ana77 and urtaA il*h permanentbasInos. op our. capital, Our I.fep *orris .oil en *Wilt in every bonne, are yula.iy used Ilp.00d 1000em Order* come font. Exclusive tee WRITE :.;�'.-0'' ritory green. + CATALOG�IETun ROM Aver*.: 43114, '+, Dept. 50, Toronto, Oat. Ontario deter' r o 'Veterinary �OI�OaB TEMPERANCE ST., TORONTO, CAN. 'Established 1505, taken over by this Prowlnola' Government of Ontario, 7000, AEI/fluted with the iimrer.ity of Toronto. under tb control of rho Dept, of Agrloultore of Ootarto. oo11e8g�� 04100* let Ootobor, 1009. Ouurao of otuopp extend* tbrou,b 9 oo7e¢a 000ra. FSEB rEn 51058101(1570,00. EE. ▪ A, 010AN010,oV,s., AT,B. Prla 1p,i. Dopt.,&. Viar IN SELECTING INVESTIVIENIS INCLUDE SOME BOMBS Standard Canadian Bonds have long been important assets of our Financial institutions, of large Estates and of indi- viduals of wealth. First Afortgagrs on farm, pro- perty formerly made the favored form. of investment to persons of Zio*ited means, To many, an issue of bonds was not well un- derstood. Io•day such investors, know- ing the merits of our Canadian bonds, knowing that they are fractional mortgages—represent- ing a larger mortgage secured through a Trust Company—are making a distribution of their interests, do ideal division of surplusfatnds, we might suggest, would be—a mortgage—a muni- cipal debenture—a railroad or public utility Gond--=art approv- ed bond of a manufacturing concern. Bonds eabrd a number of important adranlages over *tort. gages. amorty which might be mentioned —Safety — Issues recommended by us are purchased only after rigid investigation by experts. —Coed interest return. — Prompt and regular payment of Interest ; coupons will be cashed at your bankers. — Long investment— bonds run from one to thirty years. —No expense for investigation, —nasaiey marketable. --Can be used as bank collateral, iPe ager the services of our organization for assistance in selecting yoar investmeuts. Some Railroad bonds yield 5 to 6;%. some minty bonds plaid 45 to 81 ./... dome approved hoods. of Manufacturing Companies yield to 6y. DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 26 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO F $6 045 738Gm El EOSIN SFORCE CANADA. s 1908 $8,645,730 Fifty par cent greater increase in Canadian Business than any other Company—Canadian, English or Foreign, The strongest possible evi- dence that Policyholders are well satisfied with their Policies, Premium rates, with or without profits, are lower than other Conns panes charge, while profits to Policyholders are much higher, beeauge management expenses are the lowest wad interest earnings the highest, Ask our Agents for Annual Report and Record for 1908, and be oe guard ,against the anonymous letter distributor and his friende, the blackmailing journalists, with whom we do not advertise. The Creat -West Life Assurance Company NEAR 0FP!CE 0 1YINRiPECe B.RAA'CIT OFFICES Termite, llfontrcal, Rallfaxp, Qt, to iii„ Cherlettetou n5 I'aaeouter? Calrarq, and Perks Ieie ' •