HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-8-5, Page 5-w1
•A"•'�'11�J••F '#.'YAY, 4R�FM1;�IW�.W�:tIR ,:.VNu
Wzip. MMc0.340L-41''-
e issuer of Marriage ra10)oa0es, Of,
2.02 at (3131eexy,'•t'arallerry stmt., Brussels.
ilruseel ];rent et the ktaooui,00s, No, 24
holdthol regular meetings iu the 'Lod0 o
''pout, saelior Bleak, on each let and 8rd
'i'gotony.bvonfuge of eaup tUOUi0
Vlsite:8 always weloo4to.
A. so3215its, potty, A, sloCULTtE, It, I.
nice hf 1$i4) Post ottlae, Ethel, $0.4
Agent }IoTyick Mutual
Fire insurance Company
oni e a
s h)d 1 eldonoo-
.M+..•r-.`•'1.12 r ' w�' • - a ... , - rfr
i ut/I M+MO QNtrtla also a verse of "My cotlntey 'tis of
A 14, MAN thee," The service was' se much au-
TH preelateel, tient next, ntor'nieg, sit
Berriator, *Molter, ary, o,ieuaea so to ,
American lady tourist cane to the B. Macdonald. Ateer b,ndord Bonk
peceonage her •auto, and hanrrcrse
T, M'R.E
lhloheloref Medioine, Univoreity of'0rontto,,
Ideethtnte and Grudnato of the College of b']ly
sivlans told Surgeons, Ont.,j,
Ohioago Stye, Ear, Idose nod 'I<hron2 klosltt1ltal',
attient:o. Ill. 1x -House Surgeon to tit, itlich•
1 Hospital, Toronto.
Office over N, It, einitlt's Drug Store. Tele•
rheas conneottee with urnnbrooltat till !lours,
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University ; beentit:to of Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office over J,
21, Ross' store, Brussels,
0.'Wili vis), Wroxeter the first and third
Mondays and Gorrlo the s000nd and foartlt
Mondays of each month,
ala., M P. C.
Trhuty Mediot College, Toronto
,1Physicians and Surgeons,
011, Lwoblata Royal College lans ed nto f5uoo, Edinburgh ;Felow1oy lColliSrgeuEdinburgh:(WOO,
000 0r Registration, Great Office, ea
formerly, ou
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and night oallo, Office opposite
/hour Mill, Ethel,
• Ban, w111 sell for batter prices, to
batter oleo in lose tune anti less obarcos
than any other Auotioneer In East Enron or
.he :won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this °Moe orby
p ereonal aenni:f tion,
13L0ItVA LE -
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reaoouable, Soles arranged for
at the office of THE POUT. Bvussele, 52tt
�/ M. SIN CLA.Ikt-
1 • Earrieter, flolioltor, Uuoveyanoer,
Nutar Publio &o. tinea t
Y S eWnrrs "look
I dacYr
No th of Central etr Hotel,
Solicitor for the Metropolitan "auk,
t3 R1SLa1LR8y a1,10, E,lts, NO'1'AR114e
W. Puounyoou, 10.0 34. 0, tiers
G. 1. Roams,
Onices-Those formerly occupied by Messrs
OlLworon & nolo,
DR. R. P. FE/LD,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
aargeoua of uutarlo and Girst.o.leao Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Ogles
next to Brewer's Photograph (allery,
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coining to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
in LIN
. ----•moo
Virginian Atig. 0 Sept. 8
Tunisian Ang, 18 Sept, 10
Victorian Aug. 20 Sept.11'
Oorsiunn ................... Aug. 27 Sept. 24
Grampian Au 7 Sept. 1
Pretorhm Ang.14 Sept.11
Hesporittn Aug. 21 Sept.18
Ioniiui Aug. 28 Sept. 25
Corinthian Aug. 14 sept, 25
Sardinian Aug. 21 Oot, 2
Pomeranian Ang. 28 Oat. 9
According to steamer,
1st Class -$07 50 $77 50 287 50 and up{
2nd Claes - 4000 45 00 47 00 $00 00
Ord Class - 22--50 27 50 28 75
Tor full partiouhos of rates and sailings
apply to
Agent Allan Line, Brussels,
Stop That Cold
To cheek early colds or Grippe with "Preventive'
Moans suro defeat for Pneumonia, To stop n cold
with Prevention is eater than to let it run and be
obliged to cure it aftorwnrds. To basun, Pre-
vention will cum even a deeply coated cold but
taken early -at the sneeze stage -they break, or
bawd off those early colds. That's surely better.
That's why they lire caned Prevontico.
Proventiosare little Candy Cold Cures. No quin-
ine,no physio nothing nickelling. Nice for the
chidren-and thoroughly sato too, It you tool
Philly,lf you sneeze, If you aeho all over. think of
revention. Promptness may also save ha» your
usual Wakens. And don't forget your child, If
there is feverishness, nightie day. Herein prob.
pbey 1103 Provontlan' greatest eilialonoy. Bold to
po bozos for the pocket, also in 250 boxes of 48
viatica. moist on your druggists gluing you
Drive rheumatism feoin the blood
with Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic ]Remedy.
Tablet or liquid. Sohl by all dealers,
Gleam) TW"elFfctild /aL7iz4 rear
Goias Sont % (}0150 Nolen]
Mail 7:00 a m Ex real 10:85 a in
Express 11:25a 01 Mall 1:44 p to
F,xproos 8402 p m Expreoe� 8.50 p In
C'a .zro to ,�
To Toronto . To Goderioh
Express„.„7:41 a in I Express 12:11 a m
Express...,,,... 8:00. p m. :Express 9:15p m
R:CstrlCLt StiDs
Joseph l
Leech, now of Toronto, is
making a stay with his brother, James
for la time.
Robert Musgrove, who was quite ill
last Winter, but rallied] nicely during
the Spring, is sick again.
WVm and lairs. Williams, of
the Southern States, and Mrs. Harry
Toting arrived in (Iowa last week.
Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter,
preached in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday. Hewitt preach here next
Sunday also.
The bawl boys have worked] faithful-
ly to wipe off the debt on the inetru-
luent5, and to accomplish this resnit
completely have deuided to held a
garden party soon.
.Alex. Smith recently paid Geo. Gram
$214,50 for a load of hogs, $7.80 a hun-
D. Urquhart has his hoop mill going
and is turning out barrel hoops. Ile
has several teen employed in this in-
Mrs. Jos. Ellis, who )
1 1 1nor health
prior to leaving auto for
Manitoba, atoba
l t was
operated on forgappemcliitis over a
week ago and according to late reports
is recovering.
The new engine recently installed at
the foundry, to replace the one injur-
ed in the file, is giving flue satisfaction
and work is being.resumed.
The Observet•says:-We understand
that the Council intend to compel all
putting in filled driveways over the
town drain, to put in 12 inch cement
tile under them.
Vl7heat harvest is now in full swing,
flax pulling has commenced in earnest
and onion growers are busy pulling
the sets. 02 the latter some report
excellent crops while 061301.5 will not
have enough to pay foe labor and seed.
What causes "Nerves?"
bloat people say worry -they are
wrong -the cause is in the blood
which is thin, and lacks nutriment.
To cure "Nerves" mole biooci, sinew
and flesh are required. Yon get these
quickly by taking I3'errozone. No
health bringer is so certain, no nerve
strengthener more potent, no system
tonic so well adapted to the wants of
the run-down nervus
o sleepless.
Let Fernozone' build you up, let it fill
you with vine, energy and surplus
vigor, hints doue'this for thousands.
The exterior of Knox Ohnrrh, 13e1 -
grave, is being repainted].
Mrs, H. Deacon, who has been ill
for some tlnle is improving.
There were 115 tickets sold at Bel -
grave for the S. S. excursion to Kin-
Wm. Geddes is inspectr of cement
works at the stone school house iron
bt'idge, Morris.
H. and. Sirs. Perclue's little daughter
has suffered badly from blood poison-
ing, caused from a cut on one foot.
Qnartorly services were held in the
Methodist church, Belgx'ave, Sunday
at 10.80 a. x12. The Quarterly Board
(net on Monday.
Frank Shoebottom has pnrehased a
White Threshing outfit, oonlprilitlg a
self -feeder, cutting box and wind-,
stuck' ng attachments.
Thos. Black loft by O. P. R. for
Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton,
whole he will spend a month or so in
visiting and sightseeing.
Garner Nicholson has bad erected a
new pumping windmill with all the
modern appliances, which makes it
vett' couvement for his stock.
Mrs. R. Leishman and daughter,
Miss Delia, have returned home after
spending a couple of months among
friends at Bynoe Mines and Thessalon.
A very critical operation was per-
formed o11 Thos. Bill on Tuesday of
last week, The operation wilts per-
formed. at the 1101130 of Mr. hill in this
villab n
Sunday, 7"137 4th
Rev, IV'. ,T. Bran-
don, f lit 1 I
n Port Cn box le who is well-
known in this vicinity, pxeaulled a
national serluon to his congregation,
some of whom ars American Summer
visitors at the Port. He referred to
Canada's natal clay, July iso, attd'also
to the American notional day, July
4th, At the close of the service, Cana-
da's National anthema was sung, and
Rev, 512', 110I1Uoei an envelope, in
which ono)*ing, lie found $60. A
wish was 12100 expressed to have Mx'..
Blandon become pasta' of a eller eh in
St. Louis,
l'aun anywhere slopped Ill 20 rein t
l:es ante with 0120 of r, Shoop'a I'lulc
Pain Tablets, The formula is on the
25 -cent box. Aslc your, Doctor or
Druggist about this formula. Stops
womanly pains, headache, pains any-
where, Write Dr, Shoop, Racine,
Wis., for free trial, to prove value of
]tie ]Headache or Pink Pale 'Tablets.
Sold by all dealers,
1\1iall3 ie
Lu v lc of ;L'or antu is spending
her holiday at her home here,
Alex, Gibeon n
i a t is ""fine]] to 1111
house with an attack of erysipelas.
At a recent Sunday School Oonvou-
tiot It was decided to hold the next.
Convention in Wroxeter Pr'esbyterian
ch01013 in June 1010, W..MeKercher
was appointed President and J.
Brethatuer Secretary-treesuo'er.
Many down with Pleurisy.
Doctors say the country is full of it.
First conies a chill, then mild develops
-tile inflammation grows -yon can't
draw a lopg,•.bt'eath-lungs and sidles
get sole, and pleurisy sets in. .A. good
home -cure consists in taking twenty
drops of Nerviliue every four hours.
Supplement this
by vig.
the sides and chest with Nervi -
line, and when warmth and circula-
tion are established,ut to Nerviline
Porous Piaster over the itching spot.
Nerviline Theattnent is always success-
ful in colds, neuralgia and pleurisy.
Try it yourself.
A. II. Carroll, M, 1'. P. for South
Brandon, spent a few days in town
with his cousin, i ] Mrs. J. B Burton.
B ht011.
He reports p prospects gond for it fine
cropiu the West this season.
Mayor rc oerch has proclaimed Wed-
nesday, August 4th, as civic holiday
for thetown,
cc in accordance
reoulotion of
the Council. The elate
was fixed so as to peewit our citizens
to attend the Old Boys' Reunion in
Palmerston. •
Lightning plays peculiar freaks at
times. Gus. Nichol's barn in the .5611
concession Wallace, was struck, the
bolt splintering some of the timbers
inside and tearing a hole through
three or foto feet of straw, and made
its exit without setting lire to the
The formal induction of Rev. D. W.
S. Urquhart, formerly of Kippen, into
the pastorate of Knox Church, Listo-
wel, tools place on Wednesday after-
noon of last week. and the oecasiou
was marked by a large attendance of
the congregation, as well as by the
presence of the members of the Strat-
ford i Presbytery L[1
x and the elders
church. Y Yof the
August time tells
b on the nerves,
but that spiritless, no ambition feeling
can be easily and quickly altered by
taking what is known to druggists
everywhere as Dr.Shoop's Restorative.
Within 48 hoursafter beginuingi to
use the Restorative, improvement will
be noticed. Of course full health will
not immediately return. The gain
however will surely follow. And best
of all you tvi11 realize and feel your
strengthand ambition as it is return-
ing. Outside influences depress first
the "inside nerves" then the stomach,
heart and kidneys will usually fail.
Strengthen these failing nerves with
Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see bow
quickly health will be yours again.
Sold by nall de 1 ers .
H. aid Mrs. Davis' returned after a
delightful trip
to Boston st and other
g of 117.
points on the Atlantic coast.
T. A. Mills arrived home on Tuesday
of last week and his numerous friends
are pleased to see him so much im-
proved in health.
ii'Irs. Chas. Mausex', who came recent-
ly to Wingham fermi Detroit, took her
eight-year-old son to the sick Children's
Hospital in Toronto, to be treated for
curvature of the spine.
W. D. Pringle is rushing the work
of v'ebeilding his tanuery. The brick
work of first story has been complet-
ed and the new entire and shafting
are here ready to be installed.
Albert Fleming has been laid up
for the past two weeks with an injur-
ed leg. He was in Wyoming on busi-
ness and was invited to ride down
street. He accepted the invitation
but one wheel of the rig came off and
Mr. Fleming was thrown out severely
injuring one leg.
Photographs of the children
pictures for their friends ; pic-
tures for your family and your
wife's ; pictures for you and
the children both to look on
in future years and bring back
the childhood days again.
Wets them, take L trtn, and LELi.0 them so
well that they 6)32111 all the thanes
and preserve tllenh for you.
Art Studio
When the
Hair Falls
Stop 1t0 And why not,' Fall-
ing ]lair i5 a disease, a regular
disease; and Ayer's Hair Vigor,
as made from our new im-
proved formula, quickly and
completely destroys that dis-
ease. The hair stops falling
out, growsmore rapidly, and
all dandruff disappears.
Does not change the color of the hair.
Formula a
w a I th
dash bat tlo
A9800375160 yna
Ask him abe it,
y.7t gyD ,
than do • says
r� 0 ,1
The little book in each package gives
the formula of our new ,Hair Vigor, tells
why each ingredient is used, and ex-
plains many outer interesting things.
After reading you will know why this new
hair preparation does its work so well,
--Mule by the 5. 0, jyee 00., LOwell.N$H:'
Word was received last week of the
death of Jets, 111elielvie, of Petrolea, a
fermex' resident of this town, who a
few years two kept a restaurant in the
building nolo used as a butcher shop
by Mr. Louttit. He died on Monday
aged 47
Heleaves a
widow but no children. He was a
member) of I. 0. 0. F. and 0. 0. P.
She wears largo boots.
}Isis to on account of corns -but
they can be cured In twenty -foto'
hours with Prltnam's Painless Corn
Extractor, Use no other but Put-
G. 1V, Allen
left Tuesday s of
week for o Lethbridge, 1„ A1L•a.
Thos. Howe, of Detroit, is visiting
his cousin, Miss 0. Duhuage,
13. and Ma's. Rothwell, of Swan
River, called. on friends last week.
Quite la number noel' feel" this'
villa e at-
tended the garden party Atwood.
g p
Miss Blackwell. of Kineardine., is
visiting iter cousin, ,Miss ]babel 'Tugh-
en. •
We are glad to report that Mrs. P.
.Iucdtson, who has been very ill, is im-
Miss Estella Moore, of Brussels, is
Ole guest of her cousin, Miss - Clara
Mts. F. Adams, of Fordwich, and
daughter, iters. Ayleswort 1, of Toren -
to, spent Sunday with friends in the
For a Bad Cold.
Nothing cures so quickly as the
healing Pine essences in Catarrh -
ozone. It fills the breathing organs
with healing,
vapor that
relieves irritation at once. Ordinary
colds are cured.
in ten minutes. Ab-
solu el
t vur>
s e fur Catarrh.
and 't
throatteouble 11; works like a charm,
•Oatarrhozoie is a permanent cure for
bronchitis and throat trouble. Not
an experiment -not a temporary re-
lief -but a cure that's guaranteed.
Get "Catarrhozone" to -day. 25c. and
$1,00 sizes.
TY1sorm rmy 000NCIL: Minutes of
Council held in Clerk's office, Blue -
vale, on July 20111. Members of Ouun
eil all peeserd, Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and.
adopted on motion of Messrs. Ruther-
ford and lilc5ichael. Commuuica-
Sons were read from The Central Oan-
ada Citizen, 01t1,eu re petition L on to amend
Assessment Act. Filed. Also from
Municipal Association re membership.
Filed. Moved by Mr. McMichael,
seconded by Ni'. I?reliy that the Cleric
b instructed
e L•enter
n ou Culla Lur' S•
Roll the extra am01nt required over
Engineer's estimate to complete. Muni-
cipal Drain in 8th and 0th cons. ; all
the uncollected amounts of Engineer'sAward on 4th and 5th colt. drains ;
also the full amount of Engineer's
Award on 12th
cou. drainknownas
the O'Malley Drain. Carried. Treas-
urer laic] his half yearly report before
the Council which shows a cash bal-
ance On Band of $808.00. Moved by
Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Wheeler
that the eeasux'i3r's report bo received
and adopted. Carried. Moved by
Mr. Rutherford, seconded by Me,
Wheeler that By -Law No. 10, 1909, be
passed for levying a tate of 14 ]nibs on
the dollar, on the last revised assess-
ment of the municipality to meet the
expenditure for the current year,
Carried, Moved by 111'1'. Wheeler,
seconded by Mr. Rutherford that By -
Law No. 12, 1900, be passed for levy-
evyittg a rate of 24 trills on the dollar, 011
the last revised] ]assessment of the
municipality to meet the Township
grant to schools for the Current year.
Carried. Moved by Me. McMichael,
seconded by Mr. Kelly that By -Law
No. 11, 1000, be passed for levying a
rate of 25/100 nulls on. the dollar on
the last' i
1037 sect assessment of the
muliicipality to meet the County rate
for the current year. Carried Mov-
ed by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr,
11IcMichael that we appoint Paul
Powell, Tax Collector for the current
year provided he gives security to the
satisfaction of this Council, also pro-
vided he gives to the ratepayers of the
East side of the township the same
privilege or paying their 211E00 113 20
the Bank of Hamilton at Wroxeter as
he gives to those of the West side of
paying; into the Bank in Wingpam,
Carried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seeond-
ed by Mr. Rutherford that the Clerk
be authorized In advertise for tenders
for the completion of the King Drain
in the 4th and 5611 0011,, tenders to be
addressed to 1
c the Olexlc's office, Blue -
vale, u
p to 8 o'clock p. m. Monday, 806h. Carried. Following ac-
counts were passed and checks issued
Municipal World, rolls, $2,80 ; Wm.
Mitchell, repairing culvert, $2.25 ;
Robt. Hogg, rep. 1») voo'I and ditching,
.13.00 ; James Nichol, rep, King drain,
1.00 ; Jtlo, W. King, gravelling, 510 ;
owan 1 Bolt ra
. g tlin
g, $]sine ;v, B.
Edwards, Iutubor, $0.85 ; Thos. 'Weir,
lumber and spikos, 8125 Jno, Me.
:Goan, lumber, '17,03; ler Ur'win, work
041 road 80,00 ; t'lirs, J. Robinson,
gr,ivel, $3,481 ;No. South, dee/ 4 e,
11,110 t 13, 13. li111on, printing, $211;,25 ;
. o1gravel, SLIM eewPcllok,gravee, 10' Alex,
Me -
Donald, gravel, $3,50 ; 8, VanStone,
gravel & damages, $8,03 ; Jae, Gaunt,
1)tether, $0,33 ; Ben Ringlet., gravel,
180. 1 David Pocock, gravel, $2,04.
Pe1.03' 1'0337111', 4�0)301 and damages,
23.40: 0, Moffitt, gravel and damages,
22.44 ; D. Brun, teat" on grade,',
$8.00 ; T, App1leby, team on grader,
$3.00 ; Oliver Stopes, team on grader,
' :{;3.00 ; 10, Stokes, team an grader,
.00; Hugh McKinnon, gravelling,
$95.70 Robt, Yea, inspecting gravel-
ling, 85.20 ; W. .T, 'Yeo, inspecting
gravelling, $4.00: Jno, Balfour, in-
specting gravelling, $8.00 ; WoI, Con-
nolly, ditching, $4.50 ,• A. Taylor,
work Oalross to pay
,00 Moakley, gravel and damages, 8'2.01 11•,
ZVin. Abraham, 'ravel and damages,�
s. Bxl
ld e
gravel Lail
damages, 80.48 ; las, 1eaenck, grave
and daul1305,
2.03 ; 111rs. 13, Moines,
gravel and damages, $0,72 ; 1':, Ct'vis,
gl ave! and damages, $4.72 ; i ), l;adie,
66tavel and damages, $2.52 ; Thos,
Aitkin, gravel and. damages, 86,00.
Moved by 1111'. Wheeler, seconded by
Mr. Kelly that this meeting do now
adjourn to meet 1n the Cler'k's office,
Bluevale, on Monday, Aug. 30th at 10
o'clock a, m, Carried.
Trio. BURGESS, Clerk.
The foot prints of Dyspepsia have
been direotly traced to the Stomach
nerves. When these "inside nerves"
fail, indigestion and stomach distress
must surely alt
t t sol I result. For this druggists
everywhere ars supplying a prescrip-
tion known as Dr. Sltoop'sResforative.
First these tiny inside stomach, heart
and kidney nerves fail. Then gas
belching, heart palpitation or failing
kidneys follow. Don't drug the
stomaelt ol'stimulate the heart or kid-
neys. That is wrong. Strengthen
these failing nerves with Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. Itis the nerves not the
organs that are calling for help,
Within 48 hours after starting the
treatmentou will realize
the gain. A test will tell. Sold by
all dealers.
Grey Council
The Council met on Monday, July
26131, it re a. ,n, in the Township Hall,
i1tli 1. Members all present, Reeve in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting read
and passed,
Moved by folio Brown, seconded by
ino. Cott that the Clerk notify owners
05 110adon engines, that it shall be their
fluty to hie down on the bridges and
dulverls in this Township planks of
sufficient width and thickness as may be
necessary to fully protect the flooring
or surface of such bridges or culverts
from any injury that alight otherwise
result thereto from the contact of the
wheels of such engine ; and in default
thereof the person in charge and his
employer, if any, shall be liable to the
Municipality for all damages resulting
to the flooring or surface of 80011 bridges
or culverts as aforesaid. Carried.
by Grant,
seconded by
John Cutt that the Clerk
be authorized
toface the Boyle p ov drain assessments in
this Township on the Collector's Roll
this year, Carried.
On motion of Brown and Grant the
Treasurer is authorized to pay Messrs.
Proudfoot, Hays & Blair the sum of
8199 66, legal expenses re Marsh suit.
Moved by James McFsdzeau, second.
ed by john Cutt that the contract of the
5th eon. drain be given to Richard
lacklin for the sum of 1lr.sgo,00, high-
way culverts included, contract to be
completed on or before the 31st day of
December, 1909 Carried.
Moved by John Brown, seeonded by
John Cutt that the contract of the 9th
con. drain be given to John Denstedt
fur the slim of $2,5So.00, highway cul-
verts included contract to completed
on or betore the e e )e 310) day of December,
1909 Carried.
Moved by John Cutt, seconded by
Jno. Grant that the contract of the
Baker drain beg
iv n
t e to Wm. Stevenson
for the sum oL $2,495•co, highway cul-
verts included, contract to be completed
on or before the 31st day of December.
term. Carried,
Moved by John Grant, seconded by
John Cutt that the contract of the New -
Man art
drain he
gg given to Charles
Henry forthe sum of 8970.00, trap in-
cluded, contract to be completed on or
before the 31st clay of December, mug.
The refund on the New•ivic'raggart
pdrainaid wilt be Unit on the Seth day of
August at na. 127.
On motion of Brown and Cutt the
following accounts were ordered to be
Wm. Reedier, cement side-
walks, Welton $ So7 20
'rhos. Alcock, on contract Wal-
ton drain 360 00
Listowel Drilling Machine Co,
sharpening grader Weds and
express 2 10
Municipal World, 2 Cnlleetor's
Rolls 11 50
W. H. Humphries, itlspeccing
sidewalk contract 22 50
Wilson Evans, working grader36 25
Wm Coats, registering sth Cou,
Drain By- Lit w 2 06
Writ. Coats, registering Smith
Drain Hy -Law...,.. 2 07
Wm. Coats, registering McNair
Drain By Law.. ... 2 06
Wm. Coats, registering New-
Mc'6ageart Drain By-Lnw•.,,
R. Cox, Fence Viewers Award
fees McNichol & McLeod,.,,,, 2 00
D. W. Dunbar, fence viewers
atvat•d fees McNichol & Mc-
Leod ........... 2 5o
Edward Bryan ,s fence viewers
award fees McNichol & Me -
Peter Tart, 7 30 inch tile at $5
2 06
Peter Tarr, 8 iS in. tile, lot 64,
cons, '7, 8 Hall Drain
Wm, H. Baker, gravelling on
tidy. Grey Elmo
v 8C
H. Balzer,gravelling I' t
avell u at lot
35, cons. q & 10.,
lno, 117itcltell, gravel
R. Dookett, rep13, allots. lot
20, cons. s & 6,...
R. Deckett, shovelling gravel
Alex. Buchanan, rcpg culvert
lot 7, eons. 17 & 18 ..
Angus McKay, gravelling lot
27, eons, 17 &,8..
2 50
35 00
14 00
4 20
2 8o
8 00
5 00
2 00
25 00
'rhos. Roan, farm bridge Wal•.
too Crain
)h t
J0 t Ryan, farm bridge Wai-
te)] l)rnie •15 00
(as 1101+adaLso, Inspecting two
(term bridges Walton 1Dtaiu,,, I oo
'Thos. McDonald, hasp, well at
U. S. S„ No 4 and postage
(Hoard of health) i no
Geo, Speiren, gravel, 30 84
Wm, Stevenson, gravel,,. 22 00
Whl. Stevenson, commutation
Slattite Labor 2 PO
Wnt, Stevenson, shuvclling
grovel AI,,,..... , 2 50
Jno. W. Rose, gravel 5 30
rhos, Vodden, gravel .. ,....,87 20
!Robert McLeenan, digging A -
were! Drain lot 23, 000,2
Robt. McLennan, placing 3o in,
tile et lot 3, Cons, I & a
Duff a( Stewart, lamaree 4)11:1
cedar , . ,.,,,,
Angus McKay, commutation
Statute 1 t h .nho•
r .
p . (Alf. Smith)
'rhos, Stevenson, gravel
J no. Meehan, contract gravel
Aligns McKay, rope. bridge lot
27, Dptis. 07, 15, 100
Jno. Heibeine, shovelling gravel 1 25
Wm. Fraser, drawing tile.,,,,,., 1 25
Edward Armstrong, gravel 3 20
Wm, Hemingway, shovelling
gravel ,,.. 3 00
Juo. 'McIntosh, preparing Boyle
Drain 1337 -Law, No, 194. ,,,, 30 30
Messrs, Prondfoot, Hays and
Blair, legal expenses re Marsh
suit . /99 06
Richard Armstrong, grading on
Ray. Grey & Etnia, grey's
share 73 50
Moved, seconded and carried Chet the
d0 now('
to meet the
on t le
30111 ay ot August at to a, ill.
JOHN 11/1cINTos1e, Clerk,
5 00
48 29
Li )2
8 24
To Lydia E. Pinkliam's
Vegetable Compound
Rockland, Maine. -"I was troubled
for a long time with pains in toy back
and side, and was miserable m every
Ray. 1 doctored
until I was dis-
couraged, a n d
thought I should
never get well. I
read a testimonial
about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound, and
thought I would
try it. After tak-
ing three bottles
was cured, and
never felt so well
n all my life. I recommend Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all
my friends." -Mrs. WILL 'YOUNG, 6
Columbia Avenue, Rockland, Me.
Backache is a symptom of female
weakness or derangement. If you
have backache, don't neglect it. To
get permanent relief you must reach
the root of the trouble. Nothing we
knowof willdo this so safely and surely
as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. Cure the cause of these dis-
tressing aches and pains and you will
become well and strong.
The great volume of unsolicited
testimony constantly pouring in proves
conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Compound, made from roots
and herbs, has restored health to thou-
lt'IMrs.Pinkham, of Lynn, lllass,,
invites all sick women to write
her for advice. She has guided
thousands to health free of
They help Your Stomach :pad
And Save you a World of
Asna f
to o cli that t cannot digest A good
meal is certainly a sore trial. It has
bee u
r, resp risible for almost everything
ie the way of human misery, lip tp
The trouble in most cases is that the
stomach and other digestive 065(10s
lack vigor. Not enough of the juicen
necessary to digestion ere secreted, nor
does thstomach work up the food
rhe worst of it is that there is not
sufficient nourishment taken out of the,
food to restore the system's vigor, and
the trouble goes froth bad to worse.
The stach nee
x12 h l
e .
"ttto i r "
L le D eerieds sP "loci the need
ctl . One "Little Digester" after
each m will ensure perfect digestion,
provided, of course, that the food is
good and wholesome.
"Little Digesters" are guaranteed
to cure Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, or
your money will be refunded,
250 at your druggist's, or by mail
from the Coleman Medicine C o •,xoronto.
alLIOTT 1titi4'cwY.eavbFco±L�:.),�,+,,rvt�Ge.:✓:+r✓4rr✓
dFa11 Term Opens Sept. 1
This school Is unquestionably one of c�
CManslace orA
coeGs efaeC EE
g odna eere die secure o, to wont
• Leans educate Touter pp�,enworth
• from $55 to a "tont!. We know
how. Wrltto-day fm magnifoent
%! catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, t
00r. Yonge &Alexander 1110, Toronto. f
a� &tiven_
RV the error that all Flour is
ti alike. The proof of it lies in a
=trial of our
Loaf Family flour
The better baking 11.ud more
of it you can clo with a sack or
barrel of our flour will be a
revelation to you. We won't
have to ask you to try the sec -
caul time -you'll do that of
your OR11
Remember we have all kinds
of Grain and feed in lit zo k,
Wm. &1SA8 gyne
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The Biggest business men of the country have
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