HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-8-5, Page 1VOL 38 NO. 5
'New Advertisements
Notice -0, 0. Scott,
M'ouutnonts-A, .T, Blowes,
germ for (11110,41 4a1dhlok,
Farm for sale -W, J. nitro
Animal; apeoh 1s -A, Strachan,
Debentures for sale -J, Leckie.
Ornshed Rose Talenin-0. R. Smith.
o machinerytusozx-GareideDaJaiines.
MRS, (Env.) RIM:3BLAL ] CP'A$E1),-
Word was received this week of the
death of. Mrs, (Rev,) A. L. Russell,
whichoccurred in St. Paul, Menne-
seta, on Sunday. Mrs. Russell was.
the wife of Rev. A. L. Russell, a re-
cent asto
p r of the Methodist church.
He was a veteran minister, and retired
at the last year, after about 50 years'
service. Sino that time, Mr. and
Mee. Russell have been visiting their
daughter in St. Paul, Mis. Russell
is survived by one son and three
daughters, The funeral was held on
• Machinery To Machiner Users f•
®and Fainters •••
e• ♦
m •
The New Machine Shu of the
m p •
• and MACHINE Co.
•• is now ready for business, and •.
with gond Machinery and Skilled •
A Mechanics, we are in a position :
• to attend to your repairs prompt,- •
• ly and at reasonable rates. •
• If you will leb us know your •
v wants we will give you Honest •
• ttdviee and help if couneeted •
o with Machinery.•
a• Give us a trial and, by coming
• to Brussels, save time and money •
® for yourselves, •
r Mill Street Brussels •
Wednesday afternoon at 2,80 from A s eciel meetingof the School Mrs. Rev Coe per 'a t 1 t l e in a
Reveler, and had 1i
,undergoa inet )ea t
Smith, Son la OJarlre's undertaking Board hie evening of this week, Ohnton iPriesda oft this is tt can a lead a veru hip place the opinion
Parlors to Wondl tel ion iev I+ I Y Week Where oP all l l c1 1 s bndll strength been
ai letery, Lou 1 r �anlon conducted ser•virc+ she was to B
W. II. I ERR, Proprietor
don. Deceased was a daughter of the
l4t0M1. and Mrs. Dulmage, formerly
of the let line, Morris, and is a sister
to' Ansel) Dulmage, of Whigharn, and
Mrs. L, Ratan, of Blnovale. , She
was an extra fine woman,
East At Last Wawnnosh Counoilanoeting
held July 20111, J. H. 'McClinton,' was
le -appointed Tax Collector for 1909 at
a saleLry of $79, witioh includes post-
age, &c., 5 per cent added after
Dec. 15th on all taxes unpaid. The
rate will be 5 4/10 mills' on the i$.
Co. rate arnonnts to $2670.95; for town-
ship ;purposes $2,927 ; schools, drains
salaries, Sze, $3,500 ; 'the total suin a -
gregating ,$9,097.95, $220.75 is to be
collected from Southerly half of the
township for railway bonus and $143.21
deficit on sale of railway debentures.
Miss Olive Floody, of Toronto, is.
the guest of Miss Floody, of town.
Y. M. C. A. Secretary Fleming was
in town on Monday in the interests of
the wor1t.
W. W. Sloan, of Toronto, was here
Friday, coming to attend the flor-
al of his aunt, the late Mrs. SuelI
Mrs. Wettlaufer was at Stratford
visiting daughter, Mrs, Ahuaaker,
A son arrived to gladden the home.
P. and Mrs. Gardiner were enjoy-
ing a visit with relatives and friends
.at Exeter and locality during the past
Peter• Douglas, manager of the
Crown Northern Bank, MacLeod,
Alta., spent last week visiting his
uncle, John McInnis.
Dr, Wilford and bride are enjoying
n visit here under the parental roof of
the former and receiving the congrat-
ulations of many old friends.
A.13. Wilford, of London, spent a
few holidays at the old home in Blyth,
returning to the Forest city on Tues-
day, where be holds a good position.
Miss Ferne Davidson, of Franklin,
Pa., who has been holidaying at the
home of her cousins, Misses McInnes,
left Thursday for a visit to friends in
We are sorry to report the ill-
ness of E. Bender, a well known.mer-
chant of Blyth, who is laid aside by
typhoid fever. His many friends hope
he will soon be able to be about as
Councillor and Mrs. Cutt left on
Tuesday for a holiday outing to the
West, which will include Winnipeg
and points to the Pacific, Seattle, &c.
We wish them a good time on their
e11 deserved holiday anti a safe re -
• w
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•+•+•+•+0+41.1447•4-•••••••••4 •••+♦'4'♦+♦+♦�r•'F♦fi•••14+•♦ ♦4•+♦
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• �!- fir. iFi,.. es ass tr artt�
During this month we are
offering many Lines of
Summer Goods at
Greatly Reduced Prices
$2 00 SHIRT WAISTS for
1 50
I 25
I 00
Straw and Linen Hats
Girls', Boys' and Men's Straw and Linen Bats
Ding at :-25e for 190 ; 50c far 89c ; 75c for 55s;
1.00 for 75c ; $1,25 for 95c ; 52.00 for $1.50,
AU Lines oflAl'hi
White Wear
to be cleared out at CUT PRICES
AU Colored Muslins
Good range of Ginghams
in small and large checks going at lie
Best English and Canadian Prints, now 11c
Plain Chamhrays at 11c.
NO Fancy Prices Everything Cheap •
opera- see s a'ong as his s brit le would have
s h ped been enabled to .
) dnagreet
the .. e heerk ed
church and for the cause loved.
so well, An attack of rheunlatlem
suffered while in the East some years
ago, left him with a weak heart and
last week the disease aesunied a dan-
gerous form and in spite of all that
soul t b
e eclo
intense suffering1 came as m dnesd to
last Wednesday
in St, Michael's church last Sabbath.' tion which her many friend o
Dr. Wilford will take eharge of would trend to her speedy restoration,
the prayer meeting in the .Methodist bot the examination confirmed the
church on Thursday eveuing. worst fears and the operation did not
Rev, Mr. Sowers of Brucefl r
> old, p oceeci, She has been poorly for a
preached in 51, Andr'ew's chine:Mese consider'able time.
Sabbath giving ewoexcellenst sermons. Last Sabbath morning Rev, Mr.
Rev, Me. Small was at Bromfield. Cooper preached in .o0nnection with
O0r former' popillar townsman, 3. 8, the Quarterly Communion in 1110
McKinnon, of Toronto was in Blyth Methodist churnll, his text being
for a few days visiting lits fattier and "Without shedding of blood there 18
old friends. Monday was Oivic boli no remission," The evening topic was
day in the Queen ei1y. "Whitt is successgP A male choir
Drummond and other streets re- composed of members of the Maple
ceived the attention of the street gi+11[1- Leaf Bible Class lead the musical ex-
ing machine during the past week excises.
under the generalship of Joseph At the Methodist Sabbath Selma'
Taman and George White. last Sunday afternoon Jno. Wil rel
An excursionfrorn Milverton passed Mei/Mated as Superintendent in the
through town last Saturday for an absence of Mr. Reese and illness of
outing to Goclerioh. It was -tinder the Mr. Bender. Short Addresses were
auspices of theE+vangelioal church and given by Revels, Messrs. Reese and
attracted quite a number of people, Cheaper and a gneetette was well sung
It diel nob stop here. by Dr. and Mrs. Wilford, Mips Floody
Wesley Walker. wife and children, and Albert Wilford, Miss Olive Floody,
of Clinton, have been visiting at the of Toronto, playing the acconnpani-
home of ex -Reeve and Mrs. Sloan, hent
parents of Mrs. Walker. Lumbago Loi's oto F:W.-Therm was rare sport
has been bothering lllr. Walker and he on hand at a star Base Ball match la
has been l last
putting up a good fight to I'rielety evening between sides wearin
beat the encgg
t my out. the every clay names of "Pats" and
It is is reported that G. lg. Cham Leans. Captains were W. Johnston
bens, merchant, has purchased the and Thos. Moon. Thee twirlers were
eligible property belonging to Mrs. A. in the box for the Porter, viz., W.
V. Brown, paying the sum of $1,500. Johnston, D, Carter and R. H, Robin -
Mrs. Brown will remove to Wingham, son with A. McKenzie at the receiving
we understand. The purchaser has end. There were high balls, low balls,
secured a desirable home. the in tnrrl, out turn and balls without
Nies. 'Tamblyn and children, who a turn, some you'd require a flying
have been visiting friends here for machine to reach and others you could
the past two months, left for Toronto, hit better lyiug down. There were
where they will visit before leaving wides, narrows, spit balls and some
for )inure in Southern Manitoba. without any. For the "Leans" C.
Mrs. Tamblyn was accompanied by Willis and M. Robinson gave real pro -
her brother, Geo. Caldwell, as far as fessional exhibitions and Thos. Moon
Toronto. hauled them in to the disaster of the
A Fire Engine arrived last Friday plump fellows. The score was 22 to 15
from London to tante the place of our in favor of the "fats." With Hard
Ronald steamer which is being over- practice and repeated rub downs the
nailed in the above mentioned city losers call reverse the score. Some of
The new arrival was tested before it the "leans" were so thin it was dii:'-
was taken to the Fire Hall to make ficult to toll when they got to the
sure that it was in readiness in case it home plate. Itis suggested that they
might be needed. be compelled to carry a flag. Space is
Civic HoLtnax,-Teesclay, 17th not at our disposal to speak of features
nst., will be Civic Holiday in Blyth .that are almost beyond description.
and a program of interest' will be ar- You mist attend the next game.
'anged, A junior Base Ball game will. What's the matter with a match on
ikelybe put on in the forenoon and a Civic holiday the winners to be given
League match with Mitchell in the a trip to Westfield?
fternovn. Matinee horse races will
be arranged on the half mile track
nd perhaps an entertainment in the
$40 FOR GOOD BRaAn. Mr's. Byron
Johnston, of Winnipeg. captured at
he reoontFaih• in that city, $40 for
he best home made bread. The Win-
er is a daughter of Nicholas and 'Mrs.
Cumming, of Blyth, who no doubt
wes her success to the practical traili-
ng in the old home in this locality in
her girlhood days. We congratulate
her on her success.
The public meeting announced for
ay evening of last week to
isouss the question of what might be
esignated a small System of water-
omks, was not as largely attended as
bound have been for a matter that
hound be of vital importance to every
atepayer. A resolution moved by
Sims and F. Baintou was careied
ecommending the proposition.
Wm, and Mrs. Richmond, of Lon -
on, were renewing old friendships in
lyth and locality. Mrs. Richmond,
who is a daie�p•hter• of Mrs. Geo, Mc-
owan, of teefn, will . extend her visit
or a few weeks. Melvin Richmond, a
on, is also holidayiug ire e. 'We are
a ways gled to welcome the old boys
nd girls back. Mr. Richmond was a
rmer resident of this Locality.
S. A, Popleston leaves on Saturclay
r Ottawa to attend Grand Lodge of
e Indepsndeut Order of Odd Fellows
vhich will meet there next week. He
a member of a Committee. Mr.
oplestone is a candidate for the office
19 -rand Warden and we hope to see
m elected as he is en enthusiastic
ember of the Order. There are 17 in
e field for the office so the defeated
ill not be lonesome, F. A. Ander-
who represents Blyth lodge, will
ave for the Capital on Monday. It
ould be an enjoyable session.
♦ •
• ••GRA •NITS •
• •
Doyou want to save 's ?
� r*
If so, correspond with the
OHIILL, for prices and spoilt -
4 cations, We are alwaysleased •
to show designs. Evry piece
ee of work is guaranteed and prices .
• are right. Nothing handled but •
♦ Scotch Greene, We don't use ♦
4. Canadian 01 inferior Granites. +l•
• Write us mid give es a chance .4•
to please you. We buy in ear
4. load lots and give the constnner •
• the advantage. •
F. •
• Porterfield A. J. Blawes
• 14lanager Prop.
W. H. and Mrs. Cole spent Sunday
with the former's parents and sister at
Kin barn.
Earnest Cole returned home from a
two weeks visit with relatives and
friends at Clinton and Londesboro',
Wednesday of last week Mrs. Neil
itleTaggarb, 160h con., underwent a
serious 105)11cal operation at her home
for a throat trouble which we trust
may prove successful, It• has been
bothering her for some time.
Mis. W. H. Humphries had a
growth removed from her nostril on
Tuesday of this week.
Service in the Methodist Oburch
next Sunday motoring at 11 a. m. A
student will have charge of service.
Rev. Mr. Harris, Missionary to
China, will give an address for
leaguers on Friday evening, Aug. 6th,
in the Methodist Church.
Mrs. J. Hall and children left on
Monday of this week for their home
at Gravelbnrg, Sask., after an enjoy-
able stay here for the past two
David and Mrs. Campbell returned
last Saturday from a two months'
visit with their dauebters, Mrs.
Spence and Mrs. Campbell, at Hard-
ing, Man.
The annual garden party in con-
nectins with the Methodist Church
will be held on the church grounds on
Tuesday evening, Ang. 171h. A good
program will be given.
A lecture will be given on Friday
evening of this week, Aug. 6th in the
Walton Methodist church, by Rev. T.
T. Harris, B. A. under the auspices of
the League. All will be welcome.
Tau, LATE Rev. ibis. Dxvme.-A
B. 0., newspaper, reporting the burial
of Rev. A. W Dever says that his
death "removed from the ranks of the
Methodist clergy in Canada one of
their most promising young men."
Three clergymen officiated at the fun-
eral service and touching reference
was made to the deceased minister's
character and of the loss the church
had sustained. and there was a wealth
of floral tributes laid on his bier. Six
clergymen en offlc[atecl as pallbearers.
The V'ictor'ia paper concludes. "Rev,
Mr, Dever 1658 born in Cartwright,
Ontario, in November, 1809, and re-
ceived hie a uta
d traniu that province.
entering the teaching profession fora
year or two. In 1895 he was received
as a candidate for the Methodist
ministry and while on probation serv-
ed the churches at Met'1in and Bervie,
Ont. His theological studies were
taken at 'Victoria University, Toronto,
and in the year 1900 he was ordained
by the London Conference and was
stationed ed at 417'aitou. Inwards the
close of that year he married Miss
Mary S. Blair, who survives. In the
yeti' 1006 Mr. Dever Dams to British
Columbia and was stationed at Dnn-
oan and continued to act 48 pastor of
time circuit until sickness compelled
him to desist. 141r. Dever wee much
beloved by the people to whom he
ministered and at the funeral yes-
terday Mr. Dodds and Mrs. Bell were
sent as represenatives of the congre-
ggatiou ; 1lliss Ford Inc the Sunday
School and Mr. Williams for the Ep-
worth League. The Rev. J. W. Dick-
> who tied 14Ir,
Dever as
pastor of the,11
c tuoh this month, was
also present at the funeral. There
Were many floral tokens of the esteem
in which those who knew him hold the
deceased, sotto of these also coming
from Duncan. As a pastor Mr. Dever
Miss Nettie Mitchell visited in Lis-
towel for a tete days.
Miss Alice Duff is visiting her friend
bliss Effie Grainger at ppt Demi.
Miss 13. Oogblin, of rornuto, visited
her parents, H. and Mrs. Cogblin.
Will. McAllister, of New Westmin-
ster, B. C., is visiting friends here.
Miss Jessie Murray, of Pinkerton, is
visiting her•sister, Mrs. T. Cumming.
D. F. ancl Mts. Stewart left on Tues-
day for a two months' visit in the
Mrs. Allan Mitchell and Mrs. C.
Sangster returned home from Tara on
A large number took in the Excur-
sion to Kincardine last Friday. All
report 11 good time.
Mr. Harkness, of Bright, is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. Donald Menzies,
for a couple of weeks.
Misses Mary Fraser and Pauline
Burke, of Toronto, spent the week
end holiday at home here.
Geo. Shannon, of Drew Station vie-
ited in the burg this week. "Should
mild acquaintance be forgot, Geo."
Eli Smith took the service here last.
Sunday evening.
Miss Allie McKelvey is home for her
holidays from Toronto.
Andrew Pollock took in the excur-
sion to Kincardine last Friday,
Will. McDonald spent last Sunday
in Wingham visiting his mother, Mrs.
Berries and berry pickers are very
numerous, everyone returning with
a well filled pail.
Miss Lizzie Innes, of 141oorefield,
spent a few days here, the guest of
ltliss Fern Eckmier.
Misses 14letry. Livingstone and Elsie
Straobau took in the Old Boys' Re-
nuion at Palmerston this week.
bliss Lizzie Strachan accompanied
her nephew R. A. Mc0osh to his home
near Kincardine where she will spend
a few weeks enjoying the lake breezes.
Mrs. Arthur Youmans, of Toronto,
visited her parents for a few days,
James and Mrs. Strachan. She was
accompanied by Master Gordon Mc-
'4V. W. Knight, of Belleville, is vis-
iting friends here.
A. A, Naylor, of Belgrave, Sunday-
ed at the home of Chas. Seel.
Miss Rathwell, of Clinton, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs, G. Sperling.
Wm. Hunter.', of Oshawa, spent a
few days under the parental roof.
Eli Smith will take the service for
Rev. Powell here on Sunday next.
Miss Emma Stacey, of St. Marys, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Dunn.
Miss Myrtle Sperling of Clinton, is
spending a vacation under' the parental
Upwards of forty dollars were clear-
ed at the garden party here on Friday
Geb. Bother is improving his prop-
erty by a new fence and cement
Misses Annie and Mabel Menzies
are taking in the 0)d Boys' Reunion
at Palmerston.
W. E. Forrest returned to Toronto
this week after spending his holidays
at his home here.
Miss Etta McNair has returned to
Chicago after visiting in the vicinity
for the past month.
Mrs. Finn and Miss Sadie Nicholson,
of Toronto, are guests at the
home of A. 'McDonald.
Obris. Seel, of Cadillac, Mich., has
purchased the farm belonging to J.
Long. It is a good farm,
Chas, and Mrs. Brodie and children,
of Seafor th ; Mus. F. Toor, Rochester,
N. Y. ; and Mrs. Holman and Master
Russell, of Toronto, were visitors at
the home of J. McIntosh lust week.
The Garden Party last Friday even-
ing ab the Methodist Church was a
great success. A gond. program was
supplied by the Salvation Army Band,
of Win'.'ham, Proceeds amounted to
over $0$.00.
676,00 to Vancouver Victoria Y of tn, Seattle,
Tacoma, or, choices of rsute rgoing, d r tern
atop• overs, mta mute, o5. and return-
ing., return AmitCot. Stet, 1115 Tickets on
Wile now iat C. P. R. Town OlHoe, J, MOMnr•
Wile, agent, Blyth.
Between berry picking and harvest
a busyy time is on.
Mrs. Alex. Nichol, dth line, has been
under the doctor's care but we trust
she will soon be o. k.
Miss Minnie Walker, Otlt line, is
home from tom attending the pveddiug of
a friend at Berlin,
Miss Grace Robb is holidaying in
Inuerkip, Drumbo, Ayr and Seaforth.
We hope she may have all enjoyable
=•Everett Walker, who bas been
camping at Tamagin near Cobalt, for
the past month, is home for his holi-
Master Norman Hall, of the Queen
City, is enjoying a holiday with his
grandparents, Jas. and Niles. Hall, Oth
There was no preaching service lu
the Jackson ohm eh last Sunday owing
to the e Qaatter
Communion nn
held at Blyth,
Next meeting of Morris Cannell will
be held Monday 28rd inst, Tenders for
construction of 1h0 Russell and Smith
drains will be opened that day at 2
p. ln.
Miss Magi;le Hall, Othiine, is visiting
relatives 111 Totemic',
D. A, 0. Russell, wife and daughter
of Orrick, Mo„ apd Percy, 0f Detroit,
are visiting with their J10I60nts, Jas,
and Mis. Russell, Sutlahme.
Quite a number of Morrisites attend-
ed the annual service to the Canadian
Ceder of Foresters last Sunday even:
ingg in the Methodist church Brussels.
Among the visitors at the home of
Thos. Bielby during the past two
weeks were :--Rev. A. R. and Mee,
Kellam and Mies Laura of Stratford,
Miss Code of Blyth ; Mrs, Trotter, of
Dunlop ; Dr. Calder, of Wingham ;
George Bielby, of Georgetown t and
Jas. and Mrs, Calder.
The trustees of Button's school 8th
line, known as S. S. No. 9, have en-
gaged the services of Miss M. Fear as
teacher for the coming term. Duties
to continence on MMlonday,Au test 16th.
Miss Fear has taught in Milverton
locality with marked success and we
wish her a good time. The salary is
DAN:M-Dr.1siid, deniOat, will visit /ether
on Monday, .Ang. pith and every two weeks
after that elate.
B. and Mrs. Laing left last week on
a holiday trip to Wisednsin, U. S.,
where they will visit relatives and
friends fora few weeks. We hope
they will enjoy a good time.
Gorr Roma, -Sunday evening July
2511), was the closing eve of Wm.
Pollard's life when he passed away
front the home of his daughter, Mrs,
Newton McCauley, Queen street West
Brussels, in his 78th year. Deceased
was born in County Clare, Ireland, in
the year 1881 and came to this country
in early manhood, settling in the Co,
of Perth, Logan, township, where he
married Miss Mary Moody, who now
mourns ins death. After a residence
of 14 years 111 Logan he sold out and
purchased lot I9, con. 6, Grey, from
Win. Sanders, securing the crown
deed of the 100 acres and moved his.
wife and family to it, which property
he held in his possession until 4months
prior to his death when he sold to
Robert Dockett and went to live with
his daughter in Brussels. Mr. Pollard
had not been in good health for the
past few months and sank rapidly the
last two weeks, heart failure canning
his death. The family consisted of 10
sons and 3 daughters, viz :-Henry,
Ladysmith, B. C. ; Adam, Loddington,
Mich. ; Rufus, Deex'wood, Man. ; Wm.
A., Listowel ; Geo. W., Ethel; Eli,
Rothwell, Man. ; Jonas, • WiIlow
Ranges, Man. ; enj., Manchester,
B. C. ; Edward S., 6th con„ Grey ; one
son dying in infancy, 2 daughters died
6 and 4 years ago -Mrs. Chas. Pratt,
Hamilton, and Mrs. D. Tyreman,
Ethel ; and living Mrs. N. McCauley,
Brussels, from whose residence the
funeral took place Thursday after-
noon. Rev. J. Henderson, deceased's
pastor and Rev. E. G. Powell conduct-
ed a
beautiful service both at the
house and grave. Pall bearers were
4 sons and a son-in-law and nephew,
(Adam, Wm., Wesley and Ed. Pol-
lard), N. Mebaulay and Charles Pol-
lard. Mr. Pollard's last few days on
earth were spent conversing about the
house not made with hands elerual in
the Heavens ancl a constant longing to
go home and be at rest. He was a
Methodist in religion and a true Con-
servative in politics and was of a very
cheerful disposition and his vacant
chair reminds us of his cbeetfiulness
gone from among those who loved him.
Those who attended his funeral from
a distance were Joe Hannon and
sister, Miss l4Iary, Mitchell ; Mrs. J.
Warman and son, Wm., Clinton ; A.
and Mrs. Pollard and children, of
Luddiugton, Mich. ; W. and Mrs. Pol-
lard and children, Listowel ; Geo, and
Mrs. Pollard and children, Ethel, and
E. J. and Mrs. Pollard, Ethel. It was
impossible for the other 5 sons to ar-
rive in time for the funeral. Mr. and
Mrs. Pollard were married 50 years
last December.
We shall meet but we shall 11155 h1,
There shall be his vacant chair,
We shall linger to ogress him
When we kneel in family prayer.
Church Chimes
':here will be Divine service in the
Catholic church Brussels, next Sunday
et to.3o a, m,
August is possessed of five Sabbaths
affording people additional opportunities
of getting to church.
At St, John's church next Sunday the
subjects will be :-a. m., "'Phe Queen of
the South," and p. m. "Can man live
without ut stn?"
Brussels Methodist Sabbath School
is malting a good start on their $505.00
aimed at for Missions this year. The
monthly contribution last s Sunday after-
noon was $6.35.
The Sabbath School Superintendency
of St. John's church has been filled by
W J, Garside, who is displaying anergy,
that ahould be rewarded by cordial sup.
port, in undertaking to do forward
movement work.
Rev Walter Russell, the able and well
known evangelist, of Toronto, will con-
duct a series of special service for three
weeks in tine month of October in the
Methodist church, Brussels. He is a
wonderful expounder of the wonderful
Gospel of Christ.
St. John's church Board purpose utak.
iug a Dumber of necessary improvements
to the building, largely of an exterior
character, in the near future. A gond
share of the money required hes been
pledged, a very pleasing feature and
worthy of the congregation,
Last Sabbath morning in cnunectinn
with the Quarterly Communion in the
Methodist church the pastor preached
from Psaln) 75 and 25, "Who hive 1 in
heaven en bat Thee, &c, Tito sacrament
followed the sermon and the fellowship
meeting the discourse in the evening,
The morning service next Sabbath in
tate Methodist church will be 151)011 br
Robert McKay, of Ethel, and in the
evening Rev, D, B. McRae, of Cran
brook, will preach. Rev. and Mrs.
Powell ere .away t0 Grand Bend fpr a
three weeks' holiday.
w y.
At a meeting o t e' 13
t y, P be Offs isl Darin of
Brussels Methntliet church lastThurs. '
day evening, Rev E. G P w 's salary
for next year wee increased by $5o
making it now 5950.m.. '!`he reverend
gentlemen never preached better than
he is doing niece Coufsrence and the
raise in pay will not detract from it.
Iutbe absence of Rev. A, C, Wishart,
B A., pastor of Melville choral), wlio
left last week for his annual vacation,
his pulpit 16.11 supplied lest . Sabbath by.
Rev, Mr Kay, of,Stratford, 'wbo gave
two profitable discourses, The morning
theme was "Despondency and how to
cure it," Next Sunday Rev. Mr, Key,
sr., falber to the rev. gentleman refer-
red to, will conduct the services.
Rev. Jes. W. McIntosh, M. A., pastor
of Knox church, Mitchell, Ont., has
been offered tine position of lecturer in
French and German in iitnnitoba Col-
lege, Winnipeg. Mr, el dotes!) is a
graduate of Queen's College, Kingston,
and after graduating he tonic a course of
study in French and German on the
Continent, We believe him to be well
qualified for the position and that Mani -
to ba will be very fortunate could it
secure the services of tee, clever and
earnest young than.
Standing Field Crop
Competition 1909
Following is a list of competitors who
have entered in the Pen Field Crop
Competition being conducted by East
Huron Agricultural Society this Sum-
mer :-
And. P. McKee, Ethel, lot 23, con. 7,
Hugh Cunningham, Ethel, lot, 20, eon,
to, Grey.
Frank Collins, Trowbridge, lot 27, con, 6
A. Stephenson, Atwood, lel 5, eon, 6
Dickson Bros., Atwood, lot 12. 0017, 8,
Robert Nichol, Brussels, int 26, con. 6,
Geo. Robb, Brussels, lot N. 1-4 of 3o,
con. 6, Morris.
Wm, '1'huell, Brussels, lot 27, con. 6,
las, Speir, Brussels lot 30, con 6,
Thos Miller, Brussels, lot 28, 2,1, 6,
Wm. Armstrong Brussels. lot 2, con. g,
Robt. Mete ,veld, Cranbrook, let 16,
con. 9, Grey.
Thus. R. Bennett Wroxeter, Int 21, con.
x, Grey.
Walter Broadfoot, Brussels, lot 28, con.
6. Morris.
John McTaggart, Monoricff, lot 24, con.
15, Gley.
Oliver Turnbull, Walton, lot to, con. i5,
J, W. Edgar, Gorrie, lot 5, con. 2, How
Oliver Hemingway, Brussels, lot 7, con.
to. Grey.
Wm, Hemingway, Brussels, lot 4, con.
to, Grey.
David Milne, Ethel, Lots 23, 24, 0011. 8.
Geo. McDonald, Wroxeter, lots, 17-18,
con. r• Grey.
W. H. Kerr, Brussels, Secy. of Society.
An expert Judge bas been named by
the Provincial Government who will
award the five prizes in the near future.
Normal Entrance
The results of the examinations in
Huron Co. for entrance into 1Normal'
Schools are given below. '['ire successful
condidates who desire to attend the
coming session of Normal schools are re-
minded that application for admission
must be made to the deputy minister of
education 170 later than Tuesday,
Septmber 7. No student will be admit-
ted who will not be at least 18 years of
age before September tat. P. A, Bae-
ker, R. Ball (honors), E L Baillie, I. H.
Barkley (honors), M. R. Bichau, E. A.
Beatty, E. Bell, (honors), A. Ni. Barber.
T. 0. Cantelou (honors), A. E. Challenge
er (honors), 11, D. Courtice (honors), K.
1. Collins. T. H. Case, E. J. Clark, J.
Clutton, W. Curiningham, A. M. Clarke
(honors), M. L, Coleman, (honors), R.
Clegg, S. J. h Clegg (heuorsl, A. '1".
Davidson, (honors), i• S. Dickson,
(honors), W. S. Doherrr (honors), le,
L. Dorrance (honors), C. I. Douglas,
H. Dore Evans (honors), J. F. Edis
(honors), V. 0. Elliott, 5 Elliott, L, D.
Ford (honors), F. J. Raster, M. E.
), Fat
E. M. FryfoRle, N. Graham G S
Gauld (honors), T. E. Guvelock (honors),
W. P. Grieve (honors), A, T. Glanville,
H. E. Hagar, R. 1l. Henry, R. T.
Irwin, P. M. Imlay, G. W. ,Jordan, T.
Johnston, J.r
E. Johnston, A. , Jordan,
F. H. Jsckson, L. M. Jewett, 1t. 0.
Kerr, 1. G. Leckie (honors), L. M.
Locke, F. 0, Laidlaw, I. L. Love, R.
H. Lloyd, S. McKercher (honors), H. C.
Moore (honors), J. A. McMahon (honor's),
M. P. MacGillivenay, G. T. McNevin
(honors), A. McKenzie (honors), V, E.
McDonald, M. S, McDougall ((tonors),
N. McGregor, M. A. Meliis, L. H. Mul-
holland, F. L. Murphy, Fe B. McKee,
A. M. McKeersie, G. R. MOKeersie,
8. J. McTavish, J. M. Oestrioher, R. T.
Patterson (honors), L. 13. Pentland. G.
L. Robb, M. G. Rausfoi+l, 1. 1l. Rowe,
T. E. Robertson (houor.), D. NI, Ryan
Reids le S. Shaw, S. StuP. Roberts bbss)(houors),
W. R. Smillie collie (hovers), S. Souders'
(liot1ors), A. V. Shackleton, M. E.
t (honors), NI. Saddler, dd
12, •
Sm 1 F
a e (honors), ) S. Stevens, (honors).
P. L. Stewart (honors), W. R. Stack-
house, F. A. Famblin, W. 1, W. Tanto.
lin, 11. 11, '1`otvill (1100005), A. lt, Wens,
I. C. Wiseman W. 11. Walter (honors), M. 0, Wthiiito
(honors), M, H, Wilkinson (honors,)