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The Brussels Post, 1909-7-22, Page 8
is n very necessary possession. Our steels of Tooth Brushes is very • complete with Srilslles of real quality, mads in a variety of shapes, with hard or soft bristles. When you need a new 'tooth Brush see ours -the spacial ege brushes which we recommend ars guareeteed, and if they do not prove eatisfaotary a new sue will be supplied in their pleve. food values also at toe, 15c and 200. An ail round Tooth Preparation is found In �uthymol Tooth Paste Put up in collapsible tubes -•is a great cleanser and antiseptic, is free from all injurious substances, Its use will not or canuot injure the teeth, but on the other band its constant use whitens the teeth aoci prevents decay, and imparts a sensation of cleanliness to the mouth, Price 25c per tube, We also keep almost all the other tooth prepara- tions that are of worth. F. See our new Cards. Stereoscopic Brussels Post Ten Views. DRUGGIST AND S'1'ATIONBR, Pad B.etus Pins Naw potatoes, RIFE cherries. THE Posr gives the news. KINCARDINE on Tuesday 27th. CHERRIES and raspberries are on the market, BRUSSELS should have a brass band of its own, How does the address label read on your Pos'r PLUMSare going to be a great crop in this locality. POTATO bugs are a good crop and As vigorous as ever. LEss profanity on Victoria park in the evenings by some of the youths would improve things. 35c, secures THE POST to Jan. 1st, 1910 to any subscriber in Canada. Don't borrow any longer. A saprIc tank will be put in the Car- negie Library building to dispose of any nuisance that might arise from the closet. AN excursion was rue to Kincardine, over the W. G. & B., on Tuesday from Clifford. It was the civic holiday in the latter place. THE new gasoline engine for the Gar- side -lames factory was installed last week and works o. k. It is an upright 1a horse ppwer, Other machinery is on the way, DECORATION SERVICE. -Next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the members of Western Star Lodge, No. 549, 1. U. 0. F., Brussels, will march from their Hall, THE. POST block, to the cemetery for the annual floral decoration service of their deceased brethren. Alt who can are asked to contribute boquets and wreaths. A PARCEL shower was tendered Miss Maggie Baeker, at the residence of Mrs. John Downing, Flora street, on a rete evening when a number of valuab gifts were made in rather an un ceremonious manner. If coming even cast their shadows before then we ma hear something at no distant date tha must not be mentioned just now. A HUSTLER. -Not long ago Dunce McArthur, of Brussels, decided to go t Clifford for a visit and although gettin alongin years be scouted the idea making the trip any other way than o foot. He made the 25 miles in 6 hon which is good travelling. If you don' think so make a trial of the same dis tante and see how you'll fare. TUESDAY of next week will be Brussel Civic Holiday, The business place will be closed. On that day the annus Excursion will be run to Kincardine b special train. Fares from Brussels ar 85c. for adults and 45c. for ohildre under 12 years. A program of Bas Ball, Bowling, Tennis, &c. is bein arranged for the day at the Lakeside Don't miss the outing. Lucknow Civi holiday is on the same date and man from that town will join the Excursion MRs. P. J.DILLON DIES. -The Win nipeg Free Press says ;- "The man friends in this city of Mrs. P. J. Dille will be grieved to bear of her death which occurred after a lingering illnes in Los Angeles, Cat., last week. De ceased, who was formerly Miss Dotti Drewe, second daughter of Jas. Drewe of Winnipeg, was for many years a resi dant of this city. She is survived by her husband and parents, four brother and two sisters, John and Alfred, o Winnipeg; James, of Neepawa, Man. George, of Windsor ; Mrs. H. B. Kirby, of Winnipeg, and Mrs. W. L. Insell, of this city." Mr. Drewe and family were former well known residents of Brussels, the former being engaged in the hard- ware business. ADvlr1 SHIEL PASSES AWAY. -'Tile Los Angeles (California) Sunday Times of July iitb says :- "Funeral services for Advid Shiel, who died in Avalon on Tuesday morning, July 6th, were held in the Congregational Church. Many floral offerings attested to the respect and esteem m which he was held. He. leaves a mother. Advid Shiel ;was born in Brussels, Ontario, Can., September t9, 287o, and was educated at Upper Canada College and Toronto University, He was an electrical ee icor en inner• having a to g been eight years in the t' ,g Westinghouse Electric Company. Since 1892 he had lived in California." Deceased was the only son of the late John W, Shiel, Brus- sels, who. died at Richmond, Va., ou Dec. 22nd, 5879, in his 44th year, of pulmon- ary trouble. Violet Lillian, an only sister of Advid's, passed away at Geneva, Switzerland, on March 19th, 5882, aged to years and 4 months. She and her mother and Advid were travel- ling on the Continent with a view of benefitting Violet's health, Heart weakness was the cause of her demise, Mrs, Shiel, who was With her son when he died, is an aunt of Mrs, W, H. Kerr, of Brussels, and Miss Kay. Advld Shiel had been an invalid for years. He was a very clever youth GEORGIC EDWARDs has rebuilt the frame work of his well drilling apparatus and is once more ready for business. A °ewe showing of mulberries may be seen in the garden of Geo. Edwards, Mill street, They are not a commonly grown fruit. SMART boy, 14 to 16 years of age, who has passed the Entrance examination, to learn the printiug business. Enquire at THE POST. THE Atwood Bee remarks :-Brussels Football Team defeated Walkerton on the rsth by a score of 2•-o, this giving them the intermediate championship of Ontario. 'rhe game was fairly clean. The Brussels boys are to be congratulat- ed on their success, CONTRACTOR HUNTER IS getting the joists on the finefoundation of the Car- negie Library building and the brick work will•begin next week it is expected. A splendid job hes been made of the cement foundation and no doubt the same care and excellence will mark the work throughout, THE RECORD HOLDS 000D. -Brussels public school has an enviable reputation for examination results and this year the good name is well upheld. Fifteen pupils wrote at the Entrance examina- tion and all were successful, six taking honors, The pupils are to be congratu- lated as is their excellent teacher, Miss Dora Smith, who worked like a heroine to achieve the desired results. 0--- Praes found last week. Owner may have it by proving property at TDB Poem. THREE single buggies for sale, new. Apply to Walter Lowry or S. Carter, Brussels. WILL sharpen reapers and mowers to your fancy at lowest figure. T. McGregor, corner Mi11 and Main street, Brussels, Ont. OOMPORTAELEI hoose and lot for sale. with plastered stable, &c. William street, Brussels. For further particulars apply on the premises or by letter to Brussels P. 0. Taos, MooRE, Proprietor, MISO Psute fiRARPM has passed successfully n t her second examination of the Pianoforte De• le artment of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and is prepared to take pupils et her t5 home, Princess street. Dw5i, ,n to let or sell. Comfortable and V convenient • hard and sort water • nice lawn ; t fruits of different kinds. Also dwelling rooms to let above stores, very convenient, occupied et present by Mrs. McKinley ; possession can n be given August 1st. I. C. Richards, o --o of BRUSSELS Fall Fair will be held on n Thursday and Friday, Sept. 3oth and hour Oct. 1st. Among some of the already secured attractions by the committee is the Highlanders Pipe Band, of Luck - now, and for the big Concert Friday evening las, Fax, Canada's greatest s humorous vocalist. A number of other s interesting Features are also being ar- 1 ranged, 1t will be a hummer of a Fair y and the biggest crowd on record. Keep e the date. n - PROTEST ALLOWED, -Walkerton Inter - e mediate Football team protested the g game played in their town with Brussels • in which the Walkertonians loon by t -o. o The disputed point was over a penalty Y kick as to when the opposing players • may kick. The referee said the ball - was in play as soon as the whistle blew y and Brussels acted on this and iuterrupt- n ed the passage of the sphere shortly after it left the toe of the Walkerton s mac. Committee's decision is that the • team getting the penalty must have a e free kick before their opponents can , interfere, As a consequence of the pro- - test being allowed the Walkerton game bas to be played over at that town Fri- a day evening of this week, Brussels E entering the play with a score of 2-0 in ; their favor. In case of a tie the neces• sary game will come off at Brussels. Our boys acted according to instructions of the referee and did so in goad faith. We hope to see them win at Walkerton. Jas. Ballantyne, Manager, represented Brussels at the Committee meeting at Berlin on Saturday. THE LATE MRS. ROS'T, ARMSTRONG. - The death occurred in Buffalo, N. Y., on Wednesday, July 14th, of a well known Brusselite in the person of Mrs, Mary Armstrong. The late Mrs. Armstrong was in her 77th year and was pre -de- ceased by her husband, Robert Arm- strong, nearly 7 years ago, who died in London 1902, they having moved from Brussels to that city. The greater part of Mrs. Armstrong's life was spent in and around Brussels. During the past twoear she mad s Y e het• home with her two sous and daughter, ht g er, namely David and Will. Armstrong and Mrs. T. John- ston. She is survived by 4 sons, David and Will, of Buffalo, N. V. ; Elisha, of Toronto • andRobt. M., of California, and three daughters, Mrs, W, H. Gra- bill, of Toronto ; Mrs. T, Johnston, of Buffalo ; and Mrs. S, Drewe, of Win- nipeg. The body was taken to London for burial Friday, July roth, where in- terment was made in iilount Pleasant cemetery, All the children were present at the funeral except Mrs, S. Drewe and Robt. M., of California, Rev, Dr. Hannon, in the absence of the pastor of Colborne St, Methodist church, officiated. The subject of this notice was an:industrious, kindly woman ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in need and is remembered by many iu this locality. She was a faithful member of the, Methodist church tied died as she lived in full trust of possessing a man- slon in the House not made with hands. of a somewhat reserved turn and had many friends who will sympathise with , the bereft mother, The J. W. Shiei farm is now owned by Chas, Rozell, Mr. Spiel was well known here. ' usiness . hance is often hissed when it rnight have been easily embraced by Systematic Savin Begin now to prepare for the day of oppor ty by depositing your savings in The. Metropolitan• Bank, $LQO OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT The METRGPOUTAN BANK BRUSSELS BRANCH -• F. H. GILROY, MANAGER A Slightly Used $500 Heintzman Co, Upright Piano at a Great Bargain This instrument now on view at my store, next door North of the Standard Bank, Brussels. Cash or easy terms of payment, Sami. Carter THREE cars of horses were shipped to the West on Tuesday of this week•by Messrs, Muldoon, Keys and Galbraith. They were accompanied by the two former gentlemen. IT may not be out of place to call at- tention of rural school trustees to the fact that the Government gives a grant of $loo to any section that purchases an acre of land for a school garden, and also gives an annual grant of no to the trus- tees and $30 to the teacher where it is carried ou, SCOTCH GAMES AT KINCARDINE• -Big day of Scotch games at Kincardine, on Friday, July 3ot11. 48th Highlanders Brass Band, piping and dancing. Special train will leave Brussels at 9.07 o'clock a. m., and return fare is 85 cents. Arrange to spend the 3oth of July at the lake town. JUNIOR FOOTBALL, -A rather ragged game of Football was played Friday evening on Victoria Park here between the Wroxeter team and a Junior eleven. The latter won by a score of ,-o, Mr. VanVelsor, of Wroxeter, was the referee. The line up was as follows :- Brussels Wroxeter Gerry Goal McLean Armstrong �. Book, W. Thistle P. McEwen en ) 5( Balbfleisoh tr, Scott } 34 Backe 4 G. Hestia Ptmlgh ) (t Montgomery McMillan G McFiwen Ewen .... . W. Black ScottW 0 Forwards Howe Henderson .. ..... Mn Me ,7 Elliott L McEwen One of the Hastie boys gave his ankle a bad twist while running. Benny Wal- ker took Jno. Elliott's place at half time permitting the latter to take up the collection. Benny received great ap- plause for his vigorous work. ]sowiixo ON •THE GREEN, --Wednesday afternoon three rinks from Blyth drove over to Brussels and played a friendly game with our sphere trundlers winning by 3o shots. The rinks and scores were as follows :- Blyth Brussels J, Blahey F. H. Gilroy S. 13. Gidley R. Leatlrerdale F. Anderson J. H. Cameron J. McMurchie, Dr. McNaughtou skip,.. ,,34 strip 12 A. McKellar W. Emigh J. Glenuie A. Strachan Dr. Charlesworth Dr. Feild A. W. Sloan, sk 20 Jas. Jones, sk 23 F. Everett J. L. McClocklin J. Coombes A. T. Currie A. W. Robinson J. Ferguson Dr. Long, ak30 A. Monteith sic t9 Totals „ 84 5 A return game will be played on Blytli green before long. Blyth bowlers bow beautifully. - , FOOT BALL. -The Walkerton 'Tele ope of last week says :-The Brussel Walkerton football match here or iday evening last, was one of th sanest and most professional game have ever seen played, and tiler en't a jar from start to finish, least vs we didn't notice any. The tennis re pretty evenly matched, but Wal rtou had a little the best of it all the v through and won by a score of one nothing, A special train brought P in d in three to four hundred Brussels mpstbizers, all prepared to whoop-er- for their home team, But they took defeat of their champions good turedly, consoling themselves with hope that the tables would be revers - in the return match. And so they re. This return match was played Brussels on Monday, and the Walker. bunch, short one man, couldn't cls hing but get licked. So °nee again championship goes to Brussels. is is annoying, seeing that Walker - has the best team in the league DON'T kick at ns if the name of your visitor is omitted. Take yourself to the woodshed and administer a few swift (ticks because you neglected to hand the item to THE POST. LISTOWEL Standard says t -The Brus- sels football team have' again won the intermediate championship of the W. F. A., winning from Walkerton by a score of 2-,, Thin is the fourth tune that the championship hat been hold by lltussels, Evidently the best football is, being played in this district, Con- grat ulationstBru ssels, ONE -THOUSAND POSITIONS. --,As a chain is no stronger than its weakest liiilt. every link in Canada's Greatest Chain of High-grade Business Schools has been kept in the highest state of proficiency known to business seienee.; While over one thousand students were enrolled last year, the demand for graduates was three times the supply. The Wingham Business College, which re -opens August 3oth,invites the most critical inspection from prospective stu- dents. OWing to the prestige of this chain, every graduate of neat appear- ance and good character is guaranteed a good situation. rhe new advertisement of this college appears on page 5. JNo. BEA'rTIE MARRIED. -'rhe follow- ing from the Chesley Enterprise refers to a former resident of Brussels :-John Beattie is uo longer a bachelor. He went aver to his bride's hone in Corbet- ton, near Dundalk, on Monday and was married to Miss Sime, Wl3o until the millinery season closed recently, had been head milliner at C. i. J3alliday's. We do not know how the bride Wes dressed nor how a shy man like our own John stood the trying ordeal, but, we understand, he is in double harness now and will be just as tractable as other married men. On their return from their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Beattie will live on McGaw street, the groom having owned a fine residence for a couple of years in sweet anticipation of just such an event as happened on Mon- day. PALM ERSTON OLD HOME WEEK,. AUG, 5, 3 AND 4. -The greatest home coming event in Palmerston's history will be held in the Agricultural Park, Palmer- ston, on Aug. 2, 3 and 4, Great prepar- ations are being made and the program of events will be varied and extensive and will include Reception and Wel- come, Parades, Decorations, Lacrosse, Base Ball and League matches, Irish dancing, sword and bayonet exercises, high wire feats, belloou ascensions, the .18111 Highlanders' Band, Chesley and other Bands, grand concert, etc, The following attractive program of horse racing has been arrant -0d for Wednes- 'day, August 4th :-Free-for all, trot or paco, parse $too ; 2.3o trot or pace, purse Brso ; 3.00 trot or pace purse Blots ; green race, purse $50. For fur- ther particulars apply to Dr. H. B. Cole- man, Secretary Old Boys' Association, People We Talk About Cardiff Best is spending a few weeks with friends at Perth, Miss Gladys Ross, of Kincardine, is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Dunsmore, of Goderich, is visit- ing Mrs, 13. L. Jackson, Harry Mercer was hardly as well a as usual a portion of last week. Miss Ethel Creighton made a holi- day visit with Goderich friends, Miss Sarah Dudley, of 'Toronto, is holidaying under the parental roof. Miss May Deadman is home from Toronto for a vacation of two weeks. Miss Maggie Brass, of Breslau, bas been hereon a visit at las. Dudley's, Miss Cherry Bell, of Fulton, N. 'Sr., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. A. Deadman. Percy Watt, of Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. James for a few days. Harry Fox is enjoying part of his vacation with Wilfrid and Allan Blair at Goderich, 4 Dr, Alex, McKelvey, jr., of Toronto, spent a few .lays ander the parental roof in Brussels, t Miss May Reading, of Wingham, is spending her holidays with her uncle, s Geo. Brown, Roy Patterson, of Toronto, was'a e for with G. N. and Mrs. McLaren, s Alexander street, e Earl Ament was with an attack of pneumonia but is i wcting nicely we are glad to state, ' Mrs, Iris. Burgess a,•ncl daughter are visiting friends in Blwth and Auburn for a week or two, "Carman Powell is Tway t o London township,losPe d ilia vacation onhis Is grandfather 'hickey's farm, Geo. Ross and sister, Mies Gertie are visiting their uncle at JCincardine for a week or so enjoying the lake breeze, Miss Mabel E, Yule. of Brantford, is spending her vacation in Brussels, the guest of Mrs. E. Grieve, Thomas street, S H. Jackson is at London this week attending she Masonic Grand Lodge as delegate from St. John's Lodge Bras gels. has been appoiformerly nttedprincipal of thea Sea - forth public school. He's an excellent teacher, Miss Stella Gerry isvisiting her grand• parents, W. P. and Mrs. Stewart at Guelph, where she will spend the next few weeks. Mrs Service, who has spent the last few weeks visiting Mrs, F. S. Scott, re• turned to her borne in Ingersoll, Thurs- day of this week. se Fr cl the wa wa we ke wa to fro sy up the na the ed we at ton al the Th ton But what s the nae when the players won't play. One of the visitors who took in the Brussels -Walkerton foot- ball match 011 Friday last, was W. 13. TCerr critter for s e r f T B SILLS Pos'r. Mr. Kerr rtes a clean newsy paper and has made an eminent success of the business, Mr. Kerr is t also proprietor of the Clinton 'NM BRA and the Blyth STANDARD 3 Yat o HE Rt/S. The Money You Slave' Staves You from worry-•'*ant--debt--humUiatlon, Acomfortable BankAceount gives ono a0 easy mind. self-confidepee, and the power to take advantage of every' opportunity that comes to better' one's position. THEBANK Est1873 OF CANADA 77 Branches gives Savings Depositors, whether their accounts be large or small, the most courteous service. - - _ MVlaise a beginning at once with a Deposit of One Dollar or more, in_our Savings Department. 73 BIU S$EL'-.S ERANCU W'1a1Yad, 1 azsaBfwr Miss Addle Robb is holidaying at Blyth, J, T. Wood made a business 11.19 to Berlin and Toronto, Miss Verne Walker is holidaying with relatives in London, Miss Kate MoKinlay is holidaying with her sister at Rodney. Wm. and Mrs. Jewitt, spent .a few days in Mitchell and locality. Miss Dickson, of Seaforth, is visiting Miss Aileen Scott this week, Chas. Bryans, of the Standard Bank, Picton, is home for bis holidays. Misses Rilla and Myrtle Hunter made a visit with Detroit friends recently. Ashley Lowry .arrived home last week. He will assist his father in his contracts. Thomas and Mrs. Moore were.away on a holiday trip to Stratford and St. Thomas. Mrs, Watson Ainlay is enjoying a holiday with old friends at Fordwish and locality. Misses McCallum, of Newark, N. J•, are visiting their aunt, -Mrs, Robt, Henderson. Misses Mary Ross and Bertha Dowd- ing are visiting at W. McCracken's, 4th line, Morris. Wilbert and Miss Vera Ainlay are spending part of their vacation with'. Mrs: Vines, of Atwood. Mrs. P. McQuarrie and Miss Annie, of town, and Miss Girbardt, of '!`avis• tock. were visiting in Blyth. Mrs. Geo, Colvin, of Brussels, and Mrs. E J. Anderson, of Toronto, were holidaying with Blyth relatives. Thnraday of this week Mrs. McKin- ley left for a vacation with friends at Rodney. Ridgetown and Detroit, The little daughter of Robt. and Mrs. Francis. has been quite ill this week but we trust she willsoonbe convalescent, Mrs. Robert Hunter, of Hamilton, and Mrs, Jno. Shearer, of Listowel, were visiting at Peter Watson's during this week. Mrs. John Stewart and grand daugh- ter, Oral. McMillan, of Stratford, are visiting at Mrs. John Sinclair's, Prin- ess street. - Will. Grieve, who has been home on the sick list, does not regain his old time vigor as quickly as his many friends would like to see, Mrs. Alex. Hunter is away to Casey, Ill., to visit her son Hilton and will alio visit Rev, Fred. Hunter, her other sou, in the same State. James Blashill, of Ypsilanti, Mich., is renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality. He was a former well known resident of town. Mrs. A.. Sevenpipers, of Berlin, has been visiting her parents, Jas. and Mrs. Dudley. 'J'he visitor is recruiting from an extended illness Mrs. and Miss Pearl Robertson, of Ilderton, are at Postmaster Farrows. The latter has been ill this week and under the doctor's care. Mrs. A. Good, of Emerson, Man., and Mrs. Simpson and children, of Antigon- isi1, N. S., are visiting C. R. Vanstone and family at Southampton. H. C. Hewson, teller in the Standard Bank, is away to Gore Bay for his holi- days. His father Judge Hewson isloeat- ed at the aforementioned town, Miss Minnie Moore, of St. Thomas, is home ou a short vacation. She has au extensive dress and mantle snaking business iu the city of the saints. J. D. and Mrs, Ronald, of Stratford, are making a visit with their old friends in town. They really ought to move back to Brussels and make their home here. Mrs. Chas, Murr returned to her home at Moukton ou Tuesday morning of last week after spending a couple of weeks with friends iu Brussels and vicinity. Louis Crist has sold his harness busi• ness in Gerrie and has moved to Brus- sels where he has acceepted a position as harness maker with G. 1 -louse. He is a firstclass mechanic, Misses Georgie and Bethel Kerr are visiting their aunt, Mrs, R. J. Mc- Alpine, of Stratbroy, for a few weeks. They will also visit at Roderick Ross' Listowel, before they return; Mr. and Mrs. Sybil, of Goderich, were in town last week. The lady will he re- membered as Miss Ethel Shannon of other days, whose parents and brothers lived in Brussels for a number of years. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Roberton and daughter, of Auburn, were visitors at Jno. Cunningham's, Brussels, last week. The former is a sister and Mrs, Roberton, a cousin ❑f Mrs. Cunning - ham's, ham's The many 1 y friends of Stewart Scott, who has been ill for months at Seatortll wi.1 be pleased to bear that he was able et out on the verandah this week is hoping n to be strong enough to g g be r�o lit borne me next weals. AN40, Kyle, agent G. T, R„ Brussels, itiM Milted in marriage to Miss Good - }yin of Chesley. In Mr. Kyle's absence -C Ober, of Berlin, is relieving at the `depot here. Mr. Kvle and bride will make their home in the residence of the tate Thos. McLanchlin, Turnberry street North. Rev, G. F. Salton Mrs. Salton and family, of Stratford, formerly of Brus- sels, have left for holidays in Algonquin Park. The pulpit of Central Methodist will be supplied for the next few weeps by Rev. C. G. Gifford, of Victoria University, Toronto, son of Rev. Dr, Gifford of Stratford, and who so accept- ably filled the pulpit during Mr. Salton's Vacation last year, Oranbrook Mrs. McKay attended a family re- union at Godelioli last week and had an enjoyable time. LAWN PAna,v,-The animal Lawn Party will be held on the Methodist church grounds on Friday evening of next week, 80th inst. After a good supper a program of vocal and instru- mentalmusic will bo provided by the Wingliam Salvation Army Band and others, If you want a good time take in this party on. Friday evening, BORN Hossx. 1n Innerkipp,� 00 Wednesday,July 70h, to D. and Mrs, Hossaok, a 'daughter. HAMILTON. At Jamestown, on .fnly 21st, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, a eon. PRIDE. -1n Brussels, on July 15511, to Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Prise, n son, MARRIED BNATTrn-Srsas.-On Wednesday, July 1418, at the home of the bride's parents, . Mr, and Mrs. Peter Moir Shoe Corbetton Ont., by the Rev. Hugh Ross, their eldest daughter, Martha Jane,: to Mr. John Beattie,.Ohealey, GARNSse-SooTT.-At the home of the bride's Parents. Bluevale, on July 14th, by Rev. W. J. West, M. A., Mr, Reuben Garnier, of Morris, to Mies Mary Helen Scott, -daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr•s. E`. B, Scott. DIED AOIN.-In Morris, on July 20th, John Agin, aged 62 years and 0 months, AaueTnoNo.-In Buffalo, on July 14th, Mary, relict of the late Robert Arfnstrong, for- merly of Brussels, in her 77th year, GRANT. -In Grey, on July 10th, David Grant, aged 80 years and 2 days, MOLAUoaLAN,-I,, Oranbrook, on JuIY 181h, Lau Msrey hlan, Mclned 85, relictyears. of the late Wm, Me- adoge Ra1EL,-In Avalon, Cal., on July 004, Advid Shiel, Only .son of the late J. W. Shiel, in his 44th year. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 4120 9120 Oats J6 47 Peas Barley 0 50 Butter Eggs-18 10 PHotatoes 8 00 8 00 Hoge Wool 715 7 8 00"000at�i0**, 0•900ww400a,00 • The iluuui-Reupur's �° ro • to ei is c2 p A boll Booklet Containing g Sa 288 trammed labels S 0 tar fruit, Bance and Pickles g • f9 W Saves the trouble of writing and E • pasting labels when putting • • away fruit: The list comprises 0° p Strawberry, Raspberry, Black m o ()arrant, Red Currant, Goose- til • llsrry, Cltorry, Poach, Pear, S • Plum, Crab ,Hollis, OitI'on, Pine g • Apple, Grape, Jelly, Jain, Mar- • malate; Catsup,Obow-Chow, al itChili. Sauce, Pickles- roo 288 Labels in all ff F, Friend t� for 6c, at rs : f4 6 04 s YDrug g !j -kt S Store g The People's Column "rEAOHER WANTED for S. S. No, 8, Grey. • Duties to ooiiunouoe August 18th, State salary expected. Applications received bythe undersigned up to July 28th. ED. ]l'ULTON, Secretary, O9anbroolc 1'. 0. - 1.8 MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher of Piano Studio at darter's Music Store, one,door North of the Standard Banlc, Brussels, 8-tf' Notice ! As my wife, Flossie Warden has left me without just cease or provocation I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by her after this date. Brussels, July 20th, 1000,1°ETER DUDLEY. Voters' List . 1909 !Municipality of the Township of' Grey, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the .persons mentioned in aeetione 8 and 0 . of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Muniolpal Elea. tions ;'and that the said list was first posted up in my oftce, al Sltlrel, on the 14th day of July, 1000, sad remains therefor lnspeotlen.. Electors are galled upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors nre found therein to take immediate proceed- ings to hays the said errors corrected accord• in%•to d law.111 Date5, 10th day of July, 1000. .105114 id01NTOSH, Clerk of Grey, atuestiessaaosouto©Be iaataamm®Ftdioaaa Cw304ii ecooeseetJatosSS•k`v ease Brussels Daylight • Y ght Store G. hi. IVicLaren 0 t3 ® Sale :; %f Cn Es B9. st`r ® to ® aaa3Tc] 0 8 For the next 15 Days we are offering w �i Boys' Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices. E oEO9 BuyBoys' Sults Now 0 n e Boys' 3.50 & 3.15 Suits for 2.69 e Boys' 2 piece Suits, this season's newest models, in 0 �% a light and dark Tweeds and Worsteds. Sizes 24'180 69 es 28. Regular up to $3.75, Sale price 0 ---- ,__-_...___ _ _..__ . e ea ©Bo'.4D ® ys . 0 & 4.50 Suits for 3.25 ks, 80 Boys' 2 piece Suits, new models, in light and dant • Tweeds oast Worsteds, also blues ; sizes 20 to 33, 3 25 ,o m 1Tegniar up to $4.50. Sale mien. 0 O m €3 p o Boys) 5.00 & 5,50 Suits for 3.85 ao • Boys' 8 piece Suits with kuickor pants, in a. big range o • of light and dark Tweeds ; perfect lilting ; newest3 85 !o E , 5.00 & 5.50. modelsels ; sizes 28 to 34. Reg, Te E e Saleoi 0 0 e e Boys' 6.00 and d 6.75 Suits for 4.85 ® & • Bo s 3 piece Snits, 1i lt and lack Tweeds, Fancy lln ltsWorsteds, his seasons best models in double � E and single breasted sacqucs. All sizes from 20 to 34,4 e Regular85 e g ptroes upta 0.'16, Sale price et 0 f't 01 0 We are clearing: ,c1 a number of Men's Suits -odd o8 s' sizes and broken . lots --at I • s 5 to 25 per cent, less than �• 3 regular prices. a E +44.4.•+++4 44.44+44.44+•44+ j t oe Goods Right or your Money Back, 0 Highest Prices for r r' e g Produce. t o Gw 14 xi, f g,, }t.. z lt Y ft 0Iltt C4 ru i ft es ••S••••S•••••••••••es••Ole •eeemeoeeeeeeseeesieeeeeosee 3 0 • r1 1'