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here Do We Find the Greatest Freedom
In This Sin Bound World,
Being made free from sin, ye be-
gonia the servants of rightechasuess,
—Rom, vi, 18,
St. Paul speaks of the Romans
as o1 those who had been servants
of sin, but had been delivered of
this servitude and brought to the
;gloriousliberty of the children of
God. Ail that are born of the flesh
aro naturally servants of in. To
acknowledge that is the begiuniug
of true liberty. Owing to the fact
that the, servitude of sin wraps itself
in the garb of liberty, it is nob so
easy to .distinguish true and false
liberty, and many are deceived by
.looking only at the outward appear-
True liberty is righteousness, Sin
is offering all the kingdoms of the
world and the glory of them to
those who will ,fall down and woe -
:hip it, and many it miserable slave
of sin bound in uncompromising
servitucle finds no time to seek
the glorious liberty of the children
of God, thinks himself free and in-
dependent because sin allows him
to sow to the flesh, to follow his
natural inclinations and
Though there is no law given to
the justified, his love will limit the
exercise of his freedom in much
larger measure than could ever be
attempted by law. Many a, thing
which no law forbids, which he is
at liberty to partake, a. Christian
will not touch, beceuso in his indi-
vidited case it might barns body or
soul in the 'course of time, or it
might offend ar yellow .believe•.
Christian liberty is not a license
to do what we pleese, but a desire
to do what is •expedient,
Nothing may hinder us from go-
ing into a coal mine all dressed in
white, but hew we will come out
again is a different question, Like-
wise nothing may hinder us to walk
in the counsel of the ungodly= and
stand in the way of sinners Barbel
in the white robe of Christ's righte-
ousness, but who can tellbow we
will come back? 'That's why 'St.
Paul advises "See that ye walk cies
cnmspectly, not as fools, but as
wise," lest the golden crown of
freedom be transformed into
The greatest liberator and emanci-
pator says, "If the Son therefore
shall make you free, ye shall be
free indeed."
In Him who took upon Him the
form of a servant, who became
obedient unto death, eyen the
death of the cross, that 130 might
deliver us from all sins, from death
and from the power of the devil, we
find true liberty, and the more we
become like Him the more we be-
come free from sin and servants of
May God help our people to
strive after true liberty.
JULY 21.
Paul's Second Missionary Journey
Athens. Acts 17:
18-24. Golden Text, John
4: 24.
. Athens in St. Paul's Day. Driven
from Berea, as we learned m our
last lesson, Pant came to Athens in
Greece. its he walked from the
Pincus, where he landed, along the
new road to the city, he saw raised
at intervals altars to the unknown
As the city of Athens came into
his view his soul must have been
trilled with the deepest emotions.
Ho had seen Jersualeni, the most
influential city in the world for re-
ligion; he longed to go to Rome,
which stood above all others in
power, in.law, in imperial sway, the
capital of the world; but now he
was to gaze upon the city which
then stood and still stands en-
throned above all others for in-
tellectual supremacy, for litera-
ture, art, architecture, and phil-
Its situation was one of the most
beautiful in the world. Within its
wails rose a double group of hills.
The Acropolis, Mars' Hill (Areo-
pagus), The Pnyx on which De-
mosthenes spoke his orations, the
Museum Hill, the Hill of the
Nymphs, all crowned with buildings
of the most perfect architecture.
Below these were the market, the
forum, the great square south of
the Areopagus, and the Acropolis,
like the piazza or square of St.
Mark's ab Venice, surrounded by
the most beautiful buildings and
busiest stores in the city.
II. Paul Begins His Work in
.Athens. --Vs, 18-21. While Paul
waited for Silas and Timothy to
come from Berea, before proceeding
farther, or beginning special work
in a new and peculiar field, his
spirit was stirred in him, "urged
on with a sharp goad," to give the
gospel to a city wholly given to
idolatry. -
His work was with four classes
of persons.
1. The Jews. He went first to
the synagogue, as wag his usual
custom, and reasoned, discoursed,
conversed (not disputed) with thein,
2. Devout persons, proselytes to
the Jewish religion, who accepted
the Scriptures, and believed in the
one true God.
3. Epicurean Philosophers, "The
of Epicurus, known as The
School of the Garden." Their
teaching was that the object of liv-
ing was pleasure, enjoyment in
the broadest sense including the
whole of life, in which teaching
there was some truth. But in
Paul's time, 'in spite of the safe-
guards of Epicurus, his teachingcic-
generated "into a mere series of
prudential calculations or a stere
indii]geneo of the senses and ap-
petites"; and "his followers were
Sven to gross sensualism."
4. The ,Stoics, whose school was
called the Porch an dthc Aeadotny.
They were pantheists believing
that (Sod was the soial,of the world,
that everything was governed by
fate, that there was no perpetual
individual immortality. "Virtue
was its ownreward, and ,vice its
awn punishment.' Pleasure was no
good, and pain no evil." It is well
to note the tenets of these philoso-
phers in connection with Paul's
address, to see how he answers
them by his positive teaching.
III. Paul's Address Before the
University of Athens.—Vs. 22-31.
A Gracious Introduction. 22, Ye
men of a thens. The Athenians
were proud of their city, and could
be called by no higher title. So
Demosthenes, the greatest orator
in all history, addressed them. I
perceive that in all things ye are
too superstitious. An unfortunate
translation, not in accord with
either Paul's courtesy or his skill
as an orator, or as u, Christian seek-
ing to gain converts. The Greek
means more full of reverence for
deities than the other Greeks, very
religious," alluding to the great
number of idols in the city, and to
the fact that the two g.•eat phil-
osophical sects, Epieureaas and
Stoics, were deeply concerned with
religious questions.
IV. The Effects Produced by
Paul's Address. Vs. 32-34. 1. 32.
Some moeked. The teaching seem-
ed absurd to them.
2. Some refused to decide. We
will hear thee again. Like Felix,
they would wait for a more con-
venient season. They could en-
dure almost any strange theories,
but when it came to giving up their
sins. and to a change of life, they
3. A few accepted the truth, re-
pented, and became disciples of
Jesus. 34. Dionysius the Areo-
pagite, that is, a member of the
learned council before whom Paul
had preac.ped. Damaris. Nothing
further is known concerning her,
but shs must have been a woman of
dfston d power. A
was founded here later, and thechurch
Earbfnet]henon anbecame a Christian
The City Is Cleared of Beggars and
Hopes for the future are brighter
in the Turkish capital since Mah-
mud Shevket Pasha's "army of lib-
erators" have taken possession of
the city, Constantinople has now
been cleared of a host of .beggars,
tramps, burglars, and assassins,
which had hitherto made the capital
their home. Arson has ceased and
the streets are safe. Even the polioe
about the town are hardly recogniz-
able, fur, instead of the evil -look=
ing, dirty man of recent times, one
meets to -day a neatly -dressed offi-
cial, who knows his duty and is re-
spected by all.
Even carriage drivers are feeling
the change. Horses unfit for work
may no longer be used, and the cab-
men now find that they must feed
their animals sufficiently if they
want premission to ply for hire.
In the argicnitural provinces the
roads and bridges are having at-
tention. The mutinied First Army
Corps is being usefully employed,
unarmed, in reconstructing the
roads about Monastir and Saloniea,
a special credit of nearly $400,000
having been added to the budget for'
this purpose. The Ministry of Pub.
lie Works has also in hand the pre- en
paration of an elaborate scheme T
for roads and railways the, ,ghoul at
the country. Electric lighting and
iiricessary railway lines wile teen be eh
put in Band, 'giving wore to the sp
many.unempIoycd; and encouraging
the return of capital 1
p t t c the fmpav-
cr.shed empire, t.•;.
Tales of Terrible Stiffening Lront
Correspondents of the Bible
Lands filission Aid Society have
Mete sending in tales ef the horrors
in Meth during the recent massa -
,oras. •
One of the women • from Kozo -
look, an Armenian village to the
north of Tarsus, gives the following
account of her terrible experience
at the hands of the Turks ;—
There were- forty-seven of use
men, women and children, who were
taken by the mob as if to go to one
of their villages; other groups were
driven in other directions, They
marched us for hours on the mouse
tains, with one pretext or another,
till they brought es to a level place iy minutes, then add the }tot sugar
not far from the Tarsus road, Here and let all boil only a few minutes.
they debated whether they should This makes jelly same as other li-
kill us, For a long time they ;qucrrs whore otherwise peach li-
threatened, and we besought them quor will not jell,
siith tears and trying to spare us. Chili Sauce,—Take five largo on -
They then said they must send to ions, eight green peppers, and chop
Tarsus for instructions; we gave fine thirty ripe tomatoes cut in
money 19 oneof them who was to small pieces, five tablespoonfulsofgo as messenger; what word he brown sugar; three tablespoonfuls
brought back, or whether re re- cf salt, eight cupfuls of vinegar,
turned at all, I do not know. They and boil all together two and a half
at last told us they were going to hours and bottle for use.
Pieplant Marmalade. — Four
pounds of pieplant, peeled and out
fine; four pounds of sugar, sill
oranges, chopped fine, with the yel-
low rinds of three grated; one
pound of almonds, blanched and
chopped. Mix all together and cook
until this pieplant is well done. Ptit
into glasses with paraffin on top.
This recipe makes twenty glasses.
When Canning Pineapple. - Take
pineapple and cut into one-half inch
slices. Core each slice and then
peel. By so doing time is saved
and the eyes of the pineapple oan
easily be removed without any
trouble. Leave in slices or cut each
slice into small pie.tes and can as
Pineapple Hint.—Purchase a
sharp razor. Then with a sharp
carving knife cut the pineapple in-
to slices about one-quarter or one-
eighth of an inch thick. Then with
the razor pool the slices, taking out
the eyes as you go along. 'There is
no waste at all like there is with
dullknives and pineapple snips,
and such things. Yon can prepare
three or four in this way in the
bine it used to take to_pyapare enc.
in the old way. A good way to pro-
tect the thumb in peeling any kind
of fruit is to slip the end of a fin-
ger of an old rubber gloveover it.
Sweet Coen.I ickles.—Take twelve
ears of cern and cut grains from
the cob ; add one small head of cab-
bage, one cupful of granulated
sugar, one teaspoonful of :turmer-
ic, four onions, two tablespoonfuls
of salt, two red peppers; one table-
spoonful of ground mustard, one
Grandisson, the famous tenor of tablespoonful of Amer, and one
the peal of belle in Exeter Cathed- quart of vinegar. Chop all fine and
ral, has had a narrow escape from cook about half air hour.
Canned Cherries.—Stone the
cherries without bruising, drain,
weigh, and to each pound allow a
pound ef sugar; acid just enough
water to melt the sugar, bring to
boiling point and skim. Put in the
cherries and push to one side of
the range where they may remain
hot, but not boiling, for at least
an hour ; then draw the -kettle ever
the fire and cook slowly until the
cherries .are transparent. Skim,
drain, sprinkle sugar over them,
and place in a sieve in the sun or in
an oven to dry. This syrup will an-
swer for the boiling of several
pounds of cherries.
Cucumber Catsup Without Cook-
ing.—Grate the cucumbers and
drain off the water through a col-
ander ;
ol-ander; add six large onions chop-
ped fine to a gallon of grated and.
drained cucumbers; add vinegar,
salt, pepper (cayenne), and horse-
radish to taste. Bottle it without
,f•SHF !J 4441 0,11 !11 4%4K'aF!�
i1 .901,Ten taZattetteG 944401, 06
To Make Paula Jo11y, --- Cook
peaches and tsdd e few of the ker-
nels; when done strain. Then drop
the white of an egg an to clear, the
same as making coffee. To ono
pint of peach liquor add one lemon,
one pound of sugar, Dry and heat
the sugar in a separate pan and
let the peach liquor, boil for twen-
!-ill us,
"Wo were all the edge of a field
of wheat ; they took us away into
some bushes not far from a tere-
binth tree, for they said the fire
would hurt the wheat. They order -
cd us to lie down on the ground in
a. row, with our hands to the west.
Wo begged them to shoot us
through the herirt or the head, but
they said they did not want to waste
powder arid ball on swine like us;
they would do the thing more cheap-
ly. There was a great crowd of
them.. Four or five event at each
of us with swords and daggers,
hacking our heads and breasts, I
cannot get the shrieks out of• my
ears, I was badly wounded, but
not killed.
"Thus 1.ad made a great lire of
dry bushes and now they threw us
all dead and wounded, into it. My
three little children had not been
killed; the men took my oldest and
my youngest, a mere babe, and
flung then into the flames, where
they perished. I had my second
child in my arms and we were
thrown into the fire together. 1
at once scrambled out, though bad-
ly burned, with the little one. I
ran a short distance, and sat down,
dazed and weeping. A Turk had
pity on nee and led me away, and
01 last sent me here. My husband
and thirty other members of our
large family were killed."
Tenor of tiie Peal to Exeter Nth -
disaster, says the London Stand-
, arcl.
It was being rung during
the kap
Whitsuntide when a bolt which t
the clapper in position came t
owing to the displacement of a .
The result was that the 'clapper
which weighs well on toward
hundred -eight. also came out and
fell as the bell was swinging.
good stout floor prevented the
per from going into the rin
chamber below, where there
fifteen or sixteen ringers. The
per was,,knociced clear by the
itself, .anti beyond slight chip
of the lip Grandisson suffere
The boll is the heaviest used
ringing in the world, and bas
once been rung single-hiendec 1
through a peal, the ringer in
case being IIIc. W. Pye, of Lon
Grandisson weighs seventy-two
hundredweight, and if the stoc
included something like four
The bells had not been rung f
twelvemonth, owing to repair
the tower, and the present me
is, therefore, particularly unto
clap -
d no
or a
s to
The Bingses, mother and daugh-
ter, had long outstayed their wel-
come at their country friend's
house, Moreover ,they -evinced iso
sign of going away, nor did the
mother event to he in any way af-
fected by the strong hints to go
which the overtaxed hostess .drew
out from time to time. Filially,
forbearance exhausted, the enter-
tainer decided to roach the mother
through her daughter. So one day,
calling the little visitor to her, she.
said, " Maimie, when do you ex-
pect to go homer
"0h, I'm 8111•e I don't know,"
was the careless reply, We've
several other places to stop at yet•"
"Well, when do you go on to the
next place 7"
"Can't even tell that. Mamma
says it's itnmaterial to her just when
she'll leave here,'
"But, my dear child," exclaimed
the exasperated hostess, "doesn't
your,mother realize how costly liv-
ing is +hese days 7" • •
"Oh, yes; she knows hew dear
it is. That's why she left the city."
Won. Maimie; I cannot afford to
trrtain visitors any longer, and
wish you'd tell your mother that
"Is that an insult?" rejoined the
ild, turning haughtily to the
Why do you ask that, child 7"
"fenause when w'e're insulted
ho (Ti,to the next place!"
tablospeonfuls of butter, five table-
spoonfuls vinegar, one tablespoon
fel of sugar, (.mole in double boiler
end season with 1 t pepper, Aper, salt and.
mustard to snit taste. Pour over
toegue when sold and servo, .
1]uffaln Bugs.—Allspiee freely
used will hill buffalo bugs.
Ants,• --•Spatter bunehes of sweet
fern where nuts collect,
To Rid Meuse of !+lies. ---Cut .a
piece of screen wire about four by
six inches and get a piece of lath
Mug enough 50 you tan reach the
ceiling with it. Fold one of the
narrow sides of screen over one
enol of the lath and fasten with
teas, Now wait until the light is
lit and they will all be on the. ceil-
ing, I1 you hit with a Radek jerk
it will not harm the paper,
Mignonette Drives Away Flies, --
Mignonette is abhorred by flies, and
in a room where pots of the flower
are set no fly will linger for Or mo-
ment. Now is the time to sow the
seeds and for early blooming the
pots must be subjected ,to gentle
heat. Instead of fiypapers and hor-
rible stid,y brown mixtures loft
about a room in glass dishes, what
a blessed resource as a deterrent
to the irritating fey is the sweet,
wholesome flower of mignonette.
Mosquito Remedy.—Ono of the
best methods of clearing a room of
mosquitoes and likewise moth mil
len; Put a; piece of gum camphor
on fire shovel and hold it over the
lighted gas until it smokes—it
should not blaze up, but blaze slow-
ly enough to form a good smudge.
The doors <1 closets and the bureau
drawers should bo opened if one
fears that the moth millers have
foundtheir way in. Also twenty
drops of carbolic acid evaporated
from a hot shovel will banish flies
from a room.
Tired Feet—The best remedies for
Led, sore, and painful feet are al-
cohol, alum, horacie acid, .ea1t,
soda, talcum powder, and hot
Burning Feet. ---For burning feet
dip them .in •hot water to which a
little salt has been added. 'After
;his sponge with alcohol, letting
the spirits evaporate without dry-
Keep Feb Cool.—Strive to keep
the feet cool. Astringents and
antiseptics like boracic acid, aloe -
bell, and alum usually give gratify-
ing results if used persistently.
New Shoe Help.—If one has on
new shoes away from :home or the
feet pain, they can be relieved by
removing the shoes and letting the
feet rest until the pains cease. Then
the feet may be swollen, but can •Ore of our foremost dental sur-
ae crowded in the shoe for a min- goons tells us that the reason why
uta or two as long as one can stand the present generation possesses
the pain. Then remove the shoe such bad teeth can only be attri-
again until the foot feels rested, bated to the fact that 'the system
when it will be found the foot will of dietary is all wrong.
slip quite easily into the slick, which Ho advises us to eat for break -
may be worn quite a while without fast bacon, or bacon and eggs, bak-
pain. An envelope of talcum pow- ed or toashecl bread, fresh fruit,
der carried purposely and dusted in and only drills tea or coffee when
tho shoe helps out. wonderfully.. you ham finished your meal, not
--. during its course.
HIS GREATEST TREASURE, . For lurch or dinner the surgeon
A certain shepherd boy was keep-adiveses a meat of some sort, fol-
ing his sheep in a flowery meadow;: lowed by a sweet puc,ding (if you
and because his hthaeartthe wassurrhoappyd-, must), an<I then ust. For the last
he sang so loudly t unmeal, meat; ship'frs bis^nits and but-
ing hills echoed back his song. One ter and an apple.
morning the king, who was out It will surprise you to hear that
bunting, spoke to him and said: he wholly objects to farinaceous
"Why are you so happy, my boy 7" diets, such as porridge, wheat
"Why should I not be happy 7" cakes, and the like, for the reason,
answered the boy. "Our king is he declares, that if net followed by
not richer than I." a fruit diet, which cleanses the
"Indeed," said the king, "pray teeth from deposits of :pod -matter,
tell the of your great possessions. the immediate consequence will be
The shepherd boy answered: to deprive the digestive. organs
"The sun in the bright blue sky of their lubricity, with an ultimate
shines as brightly upon me as upon reaction occurring in the teeth.
She king. The flowers upon the The perfect tooth, without fis-
m.ountain and the grass in the val- sures, or clefts, or pits, is rarely
ley grow and bloom to gladden my found, except among children who
sight at well as his. I would not have been very carefully watched
Sandwich Hint. -Flee take a hundred thousand dollars by their parents during their years
P your one for any hands; my eyes are of more of nearing,
pound baking powder cans, and value than all the precious stones Faulty molecular structure of the
when baking days come bake your in the world. T have food and teeth is accentuated by the mis-
bread for sandwiches Li them. You clothing, too. Am I not, there- chevious dietary of the children.:
then have dainty rounds when fere, as rich as the king'!"' Manylittle ones are allowed to
sliced for your sandwiches. "You are right," said the king, grind up unlimited quantities of
Lettuce Sandwiches.—Butter the with a smile, "but your great tree- hard bake when they have not
round bread and slice thin, put sure is your contented heart, Iteep long passed the teething stage,
crisp lettuce leaves on each piece, it so, and you will always be As they grow older in years, chow -
sprinkle with mayonnaise, and press haPPY. laths are showered upon them and
pieces together. WHERE TO LIVE LONG, so the poor molars, aro given no
Potted Ham Sandwich,—Mix two01181100.
well chopped pickles with potted Yarmouth, England, is living up 0f all the foods which have a bad
hamand spieled en rounds of thin- to the reputation Charles Dickens effect on the teeth, starch and sugar
ly sliced bread. gas=e it when ded e - foods are the worst and those who
Lemon Sandwich. --One-quarter chase e# an annuitheayvisanethe
] residencpare have the caro of children,or who
cupful of sugar, one egg, one -quay ab Yarmouth to attain the age of are themselves addicted to eating
ter teaspoonful of flour, one teas Methuselah. 'lhe annual report of starch or sugar foods, shoulcl never
spoonful of butter, juice of one le- ,its medical ,officer of health, issuel omit to cleanse the teeth.
mon, Cook all together until thick, recently, states that in 1908 the Mastication is one of the condi-.
Iet cool, and spread on rounds of y,t,erage rate of mortality was much tions necessary to a proper exer-
buttered bread. below the previous ten years and ciao of the digestive functions, and
Chicken Sandwich.—Take left- was two .per thousand lower than consequently to the attainment and
over pieces of chicken, remove all the oorieoted average death rate for preservation of perfect bodily
bones, put meat through food chop- the seventy-six great towns, so that health.
per; mix with mayonnaise dressing on its population of 50,000 no fewer When one eats soft foods, it is
and spread on rounds of bread. than 100 lives were saved last year certain that little gastric juice is
Peanut Sandwich.—Pet peanuts as compared with the mortality in Produced, and if sugar forms a
through finest knife of food chop- the country generally. main constituent of these foods,
yew, salt and mix with enough __.-� the quality of the juice exuded is
cream to make a paste. Spread en THE WIDOW'S CAP, Very epee lily vitiated.
thin rounds of buttered bread. Ve getai'iens have rarely
Banana Sandwich. -Mash ba -The widow's cap is a stu•,ival of teeth for the good
nanas and add a few drops of lemon an old Roman custom, Widows' to reason that their
juice, Spread on buttered breed. were obliged to wear their a foods are not of sufficient q hardness
1 $ weed., to produce a sufficient quantity of
These n1'0 delicious, but must be for ton months, and the bereaved gastric fluid to lubricate the di-
srrvrd at once, woman shaved her head as :a token gestive organs properly, The con
Tongue f4andwiches.—Boil one of mourning. Naturally the widow so ucnce is the teeth see
large beef tongue. When Bold cut could not ver wella ear' in .tui- q n slio�r
I y PP I r signs of decay.
111 small dice, Cut in small pieces llc with a bald head, so dainty caps if you must indulge ;n far'naee-
Iwn heads of celery and three hard were made in order to hide the des- g r
pus foods, and havr, what is lcnotvs
boiled eggs, Mie all together. figtu'einont, , .Cho cap still remains, es a "sweet toothyou must
T)iesslnh---One-third cupful sweet though the immediate necessi$y for nenl•ra1i,.e their effects'eon the
cream three eggs well beaten three its existeeee has lou 1
, 'ig long awe/. teeth `,ith fruit,
TUEOI1,I' 011 OR, WILLIAM 341.
Rias Put Glosses on 12004/0418 of
Offenders With Good
Oain did not wear glasses, If he
had he might not have killed Abel
A number of other catastrophes
might have hems averted by the
timely application of a pair of spec-
tacles. If you want to reform a
criminal clap a pair of glasses on
for the 0118nces are that:de-
fective physical vision has impaired
his moral views. .Such is the theory
of Dr William M. Richards of New
York, and he hopes iuside of a. year
to be ableto back his theory with
Tn compiling itis statistics and in
the search for subjects Dr. Rich-
ards has visited several police
courts, the Elmira Reformatory,
the Magdalen Home and various
other institutions. At the Elrnira
Reformatory he found that most of
the boys were suffering from abnor-
mal vision, that in the majority of
eases poor eyesight had led to tru-
ancy, truancy to bad companionship
and that to crime.
At the Magdalen Home he fitted
glasses to twenty inmates, and
everyone of these, he said, found
work on getting out and kept it.
One girl in particular had never
been able to keep a job more than
a few days. She was considered
stupid and lazy. Since leaving the
home two months ago wearing a
pair of glasses she has been stead•
ily employed by a firm of whole-
salers, and is still working 'there.
the time he examined her she
was unable to make out the largest
type on the test card at a distance
cd four feet.
Dr. Richards is now trying his
scheme on some 200 second offend-
ers, burglars, hold-up men and
grafters ef various degrees, and he
hopes that if they do not lose their
glasses they will be desirable citi-
zens by the time they emerge from
Good Advice Froia :a Prominent:.
Dental Surgeon.
G2IEAir.'l' ;ENGINEERING 1.1111!
J i,C'.l' IN la:IOU.
May enes of lnlfly biery.—
WITaveilt ho LocFeat Ilfollr to `1'ella
An engineering project of leo'
little commercial impedance is
about to be carried out in the In-
dian Ocean, The large and fertile
Island of Ceylon is to be oonneeted
with the peninsula of I3industan by
rail, For the new road, which will
extend in a geriei'ally eastward
direction from Mentapan, the pres-
ent terminus of the Indian railway
system, a foundation will be afford-
ed most of the way by intervening
islands and by a submerged reef
fn one of the few channels to be
crossed. Tho line is likely to have
a length of fifty miles or more, but
in the route selected there are few
maxima gaps to be spanned. These.
will be closed with embankments,
and for the benefit of coasting ves-
sels, which might be inconvenienced
by so, continuous a barrier, a ship
canal is to be constructed through
one of the small islands, pearly at
right angles with the railway,
The chief benefit to bo derived
from the new road will be an im
prevenient in the facilities of Cey-
lon tea growers for getting their
products to market, Not only will
quicker transportation than is now
possible' be available, but a better
system of distribution will be at the
disposal of the planters, It is
probable also thee the new road
will be employed to hasten the de-
livery of Landon mails in some of.
the large cities of India. It is
doubtful whether Bombay would
gain anything by having letters put
ashore at Colombo, the principal.
port of Ceylon, but Madras and
Calcutta unquestionably would,
In its general characteristics the
fndia-Ceylon line will resemble the
extention of the Florida East Coast
railway to Key West, now partly
completed. The American road
utilizes a succession of coral and
'keys for the support of its track.
Between the two enterprises, how-
ever, there are at least two notable
differences, The Florida road is
carried from one island to the next
by a trestle, not a solid embank-
ment, probably at a lower cost than
that -involved in the Indian Ocean
scheme; though possibly at greater
Mgr. Moreover, the . Key West
road, when finished, will be devoted
almost exclusively to passenger
traffic, while the India -Ceylon line
is expected to handle large quan-
tities of freight.
He Was a Black Sheep, hut Not as
Bad as I'resecutoe Thought.
There is a Sikh .out in Victoria,
B.C., who got himself out of a seri-
oils predicament by a clever ruse.
He was up against the law and as
he was something of a black sheep
even among the Sikhs it Looked as
if it would go hard with him.
He had had a bad record in. Hong-
kong and this was known to other
Sikhs and to the prosecuting law-
yer. So he arranged to have, an
unfriendly Sikh informed that for
a crime in Hongkong he had been
branded on the left arm. The un-
friendly Sikh lost no time in passing
the information to the prosecutor.
The lawyer held the information
until he evanted to make a telling
point at the trial. Then ho pointed
an accusing finger at the Sikh and
called out sternly:
"Pull up the sleeve on your left
arm and lot the Court see the brancl
placed there by Hongkong jus.
The Sigh obeyed. Ilis arm was.
without blemish, The unfriendly
Sikh And the lawyer did not know
that branding criminals is not m
fashion in Hongkong. The point
was so telling that the accused Sikh.
got aTf.
Liner Well Equipped for Third-
class Passengers Only.
An 'emigrant trans-Atlantic liner
which provides greatly improved ac-
oommodations for its poor passen-
gers is described in Popular Me-
chanics. The vessel- is equipped for
third-class passengers only, all her
wide expanse of deck being entirely
at the serviee of the 1,700 emigrant
passengers she . eau carry. Her
cabin arrangement is excellent, A
large. number of two -berth rooms
are set aside for the use ofmarried
couples, families also aro assigned
to small rooms, and the old type of
open -berth sections, which is . the
usual accommodation of finch pan-
aengors, is entirely done germy with.
Two large dining soothe of amply
seating eapacity aro situated on the
tipper and lower decks, and smok-
ing, reading and loureiie rooms
are also provided; ee' :"slid -of lux.
cries for emigrants hitherto..