HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-7-22, Page 4CO )1.313155 els THURSDAY, �' 2 2 0 a 171. ,.199 Twelfth of July Aftermath a teeolath The Vleltcrs Liked de,. '1't celebration l a oI ]uly nth in Bras, feels was alreost like an OM Boy& anti Girls Reunion on aeconut of the large Dumber of termer residents who spent the day here, We were delighted to sae theta and hope to luwe them back again. Among the newspaper men who wore here were Messrs, Bunter, of Kincar- dine ; Mooney, of . Ripley; Hall and McGuire., of Wingham. 1. Lyons, of Gorrie ; A, Jackson, of Blyth ; N. Mc. Guire, eltivertou, and J. Leslie Kerr, of Clinton, It pays to get the brethren of the quill at veer doiugs, It is estimated that 'there were B000 people In Brussels that day. The Salvation Army Brass Band, of Wingham, took advantage of the day and visited our town. '1'hey play very well and we will be glad to see them. back again. It is a difficult matter to.lnake some men who are not accustomed 10 wear a "plug" hat look comfortable with this style of headgear. Some of the very enthusiastic fifers. and drummers rather demurred at being shut off while the speech -making was in progress. For a "short" march promised on the bill tome of the brethren thought they'd mostinortally bate to be in the proces- sion if the marshals took them for a long one. It was a well behaved crowd for so large a number of people and spoke well for the visitors. Although big preparation was made for supplying the wants ot the inner - man and Inner -woman, also in meals, lunches and refreshments there was a great clearance before the day was con- cluded. In this respect the crowd was well handled and all the caterers did well. A great deal of the "blood and thun- der" style of speech -making of other days was wanting in the addresses here on the nth. THE Pos'r believes if Pull time were given to one or two addresses a better end would be served, although the mass don't want it if it is "cut and dried," especially the latter. ,No. 774 —Brussels— received many compliments for the management of the Celebration, particularly the Committee who had the work in band. Among the newspaper comments we clipthe following :— A Milbank cot respondent to Milverton Sun :—Quite a number from here took in the Orange celebration at Brussels on Monday. Kurtzville correspondent to Listowel Banner :—Who were the two young men who boarded the wrong train at Brussels on July 12111? Atwood Bee:—On Monday W. G. McCalla, station agent, sold 262 tickets on the lath of July to Brussels, this is the most that has ever been sold at this • point." A Newbridge correspondent to Listo- wel Standard :—"A large number of the Orangemen and friends took in the cele- bration in Brussels on Monday and re- port a good time." Teeswater News :—A large number from Teeswater and vicioity took in the Orange celebrations at Walkerton end Brussels on Monday. There was a big crowd at both places. Linwood correspondent to Milverton Sun :—Tae local Orange lodge left here on July 12th for Brussels about twenty- five strong. Phe lodge is now well equipped with banner and colors. Mouktou correspondent to Atwood Bee :—"Qulte a number from town took in the Orange celebration at Brussels. All report a good time and were well treated by the citizeus of Brussels." Royal Oak correspondent to Kincar- dine Review :—Joseph Mills went to Brussels on Monday and for the 53rd time inucce 1 s ss on honored "theg lotions pious and immortal memory" of King William of•Orange. Orange Hill correspondent to Gorrie Vidette :—"Quite a large number of the Orange brethren and their friends visit- ed Brussels on the lath, and speak high- ly of the way in which they were enter- tained by the citizens of Brussels." Lucknow Sentinel :—A large number went from here toBrussels B assets to70 in in the celebration on the 02th. All the • trains were over crowded and the return train was of hours late arriving after midnight with a tired crowd of excur- - 'sionists. Monkton Correspondent to Milverton Stan :—L. 0, L. 1999, celebrated the 02th this year at Brussels and were suc- cessful in capturing first prize which amounted to $1o. for the lodge initiating the largest number of members since last twelfth. Wroxeter Planet :—"The anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne was celebrat- ed in Brussels and all true sons of William of Orange were there to do justice to his glorious memory. Quite a number from Wroxeter and vicinity spent the day there, and all were of the opinion that it was the largest turnout that Brussels ever saw." The math of July only comes once a year and our old friend Matthew Me- Creight likes to celebrate it from early morn to late at night. On Monday he drove to Ripley to catch the early train. but missed it by a few minutesand had to go to Brussels on the 10 tralh.—Ver. dun correspondent to Kincardine Re- porter. Wingham Times :.—The village was profusely decorated with streamers, bunting, flags. etc„ with appropriate tnottoes, and the Brussels people almost excelled themselves in extending a royal welcome to their visitors. The brethren of Brussels have reason to feel grateful. for the success which attended the cele- bration, Gorrie Vidette :—"The local Orange- men were up betimes on Monday morn- ing .to get ready for their journey to Brussels where they, in company with many others, °commemorated the day. They were headed by the Gorrie Brass Band. A number of relatives and friends Accompanied the Orangemen. A number also drove over during the Prepare far Lumbago if You HvelMervilinQ" Handd One Rubbing Will Ow -e the Paha.. MOM USE "NENVIIINE" n 0 ills nl The "Strike" of tai ) o i like ag s it bolt of lightning—yen never know l•1 sowinggoing When i sor where r t t 1 & to r ke. ]?' eta Probably e certain n 1 the eu eel u y t l thing about lumbago is the foot thatiL ctt is be cured by �erviliue—the only liniment that penetrates deeply enough to reach the congested cords and muscles, • "Years ago I strained nay back and suffered eon- siderably with weakness over the sripus ine,"P. writes Da- , Millan, a well-knowu far net', residing near Kingsville, "Then lumbago at- tacked the weak spot, and for clays at a tiiite;I would have to lie up in bed, unable to move or turn. Liniments, poultices and hotapplications failed to bring the desired relief, and I was in deepaat of ever getting really well again. 1 at last decided to test "Ner- viline" '1 got five bottles from the drug store and had it rubbed on three times a catty. The stiffness and pain left my baclr quickly and by coutinu- ing Nerviline I was completely cured Of Lumbago." This is similar testimony to that of nearly five thousand Oanadians who have written unstinted words of praise to the manufacturer's of Nerviline. For the cure of 1lunbago, sciatica, neuralgia and rheumatism there is no liniment with one-fifth the pain re- lieving power of Nerviline. Refuse any substitute, Large 25e. bottles of Nerviline, or five for $1.00, at all dealers, or the Oatarrhozone Oo., Kingston, Out. y LETTER, NO. 4.075. Kincardine Review :—There were ten tickets sold. here for Brussels on Monday and 200 were sold at Ripley. The Kin sardine Band was unable to go with the local lodge and so the Bethel Fife and Drum baud was requisitioned. There was a tremendous crowd at Brussels and mauy good speeches were nlarle, An effort will be made to have the celebra- tion of Igwo held ar Kincardine. Listowel Banner :—The 12111 of July passed off very quietly in Listowel this year. In the morning the Listowel Lodge and a number of nearby lodges assembled at the Listowel lodge room and marched up to the station and at night marched back again. The lodges from this vicinity took in the Brussels demonstration which was a great success. Two large special trains, each crowded passed through Listowel, one coining from Stratford and the other from Palm- erston, Listowel Standard :—"'rhe "Glorious Twelfth" :vas celebrated in becomiug fashion by the Orangemen of North Perth, North el uron and West Bruce at Brussels, there being a big turnout of the three County Loyal Orange Lodges, and the anniversary passed off altogether successfully. e all v North rt h Perth was well represented, the subordinate lodges of Elmo, Wallace and ivlornington districts being out in full force, and were con• veyerl M Brussels by special trains on the Strattord and Kincardine branches of the G. T. R. A good number went from Listowel. and this town contribut- ed a large portion of the speaking talent, Mayor Foerch, H, B, Morph'', County Master Joseph Johnston and Past Coun- ty Master, Jos. Walker, being among the principal speakers, while Rev. H. 11. Lang -Ford, rector of Christ Church, acted as chairman. Some forty or more lodges were in the procession and several bands of music, including the Lucknow pipers, were on band, in addi- tion to the usual fifes and drums There were games and sports during the afternoon in the park." Wingham Advance:—The zogtb an- niversary of the Battle of the Boyne was successfully celebrated in the village of Brussels on Monday. At an early hour the village was astir, and the streets were made gay with flags and other decora- tions. Lodges soon began to arrive, some driving in, others craming on special trains provided, until there must have been five thousand visitors. An active committee of the citizens had the local arrangements in hand, end shared no efforts to make . the celebration a success, Man wereof theopinion, Many P Inion that there never been such an im- mense crowd of visitors to the village, and long before dinner hour arrived, the churches, hotels and restaurants were so crowded with hungry visitors, that it was in some cases, a task to satisfactorily attend to their wants. However in time and with patience (scarcely in some cases) the noon meat was served. and there was relaxation. The celebration was most successful throughout and with the exception of the tremendous crush at the eating places at the noon hour was very satisfactory. Early in the evening the visitors began to leave by train and otherwise, Brussels Celebra. tion Committee now write down 1goq as the very best celebration ever held in the village and one of the hest in North Huron. Kincardine Reporter :—"The Brussels lodge handled the day well and it was no doubt a relief to J. A. Fluster, the worshipful master, and M. H. Moore, the secretary of the committee when the day was finished. In the evening the visitors had the pleasure of witnessing a championship football game between Walkerton and Brussels for interntedi- ate honors. The first game bad been played in Walkerton, resulting in that town winning by r goal to o. This was the final game. Brussels had the best of the play end succeeded in scoring two goals and winning the round. They had no walkaway game, having to fight it inch by inch. Nearly a thousand people witnessed the game and it may he mentioned that Brussels seems to go crazy over football, Of course they have a winning team. The train con- ing home was late and it was t o'clock when the local lodge arrived home. Prominent iu the parade were two men from able section who have been mem- bers of the order for over 60 years. The firet is James Graham, a member of Bethel lodge. He is 83 years of age and .lay. Our.band boys have secured new has seldom missed being out on the 02112. caps and wore them over to Brussels on Over 6o years ago he joined the order in Monday." Ireland, and he takes as flitch pride in its welfare today as he ever dirt ie is ape of those no et nlen whose life shows filet the pricclples and 01 ligation auean something to hint Ill upped off with the line n1 maven ti. apt " 1a the yoaog est and felt th,t v1 doing n I 1g remarkable, In Barbel lodge lames ra in is G ha , mea tUi hl i e • g y s pt0ted by his brethren and111ruuu r Y l,et leen look Upon 1 o) h m sl father s• OS 4 1 Israel, 11 1 ne, A p itt • he long be spared 115 HE example t0 Orange. en 11 1 as to what they sin old 1 ha. The i t 0 bei num to I t ' a 1 whom a Lemma 1 6' trio I I veiled 1 H 1 a Bdwtu'd 5tataioy, tt member of Needham lodge. He once belonged to Bervle lodge when It i let In Patrick Whalen s home on the 5th of Klneardine. Ile is 78 years of age and followed the 001015 as bravely as the best." SOME C000 ADVICE if yyotlhave dandruff, get rid of it by killing riteerms, If your hair is falling ottt, stoop it. There is one sums remedy that will cure these lntsforturies and aid you to veinal') young, Parisian Sage, the great hair restorer, is guaranteed to permanently lenitive (Tendril -If in two weeks, or Jas. Pox will give yob your money back. Parisian Sage stops falling hair—it prevents the hair front fading, It is the best beautifier for ladies' hair, as it slakes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful, Parisian Sage is sold and rigida guaranteed by Jas, .Fox, Price, 50 oeuts a largo bottle, from the Cana- dian makers, all charges prepaid. Address Giroux IlIfg. One bort Erie, Ont. Lost His Life oy Drowning A melancholy drowning nccidet,ttook place near Bright Sunday, nth inst. wher- Percy Roy Crerar, aged nearly fifteen years, son of Wm, Crerar, who resides on lot 20, con, 4, North Lasthope, North of Shakespeare, lost his life while bath- ing. The rad had been staying with his sister. :vire. PeterRobertson, near Bright since last Fall and with seine other boys went into bathe about noon on Sunday in a creek which flows through the Bright neighborhood, From what was learned from the other boys who were smaller, Percy was unable to swim, was standing in the water about up to his knees when he was seen to tall over into a hole in front of where he was standing. Two of the other lads caught hold of hint and tried to rescue him but were unable to do so on account of his greater weight. People near were notified and Percy's brother, John Crerar, who lives about two miles from the scene of the accident, His hired man. whose name is Chapmau succeeded in recovering the body shortly after arriving at the scene of the drown- ing. The sad occurrence has naturally caused great distress to the family, es• pecially to his sister with whom he was staying. He was a lad who was liked by those who knew him, The body was subsequently removed to his father's home to North Easthope. Besides his father and mother, three brothers and two sisters survive. The brothers are John Crerar, near Bright ; i Fred in Downie and seones R. at home. The sisters are Mrs. Peter Robert- son, Bright, and Miss Hazel at home. Deceased was a grandson of Jas Crerar, Douro street, Stratford. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon frons his father's residence to St. Andrew's cemetery, North Eestho e at 2,1' o'clock. Service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Armstrong, of Baden, Mitchell High School Board appoint. ed Wilbert Hall, B. A., of Parkhill, to succeed H. E. Amos, as mathematical and science master in the High School at a salary of $1,200. Messrs. Donaldson and Ballantyne, of Atwood, delivered ho1'ses in Mit- chell. Among the number was a colt, three years old, which tipped the Phi HENLIv ATION CANCF, Was Cured by Lydia E. Pi nk= ham'sVegetableConipound Lindsay, Ont.—" I think it is no more than right for me to thank Mrs. Pinkham for what her kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has done for In When e. hen I wrote to her some time ago 1 was a very sick woman, suf- feringfrom female troubles. I h a d inflammation o f the female organs and could not stand or walk any distance. At last was confined to my bed, and the doctor said I would have to go through art operation, but this I refused to do. A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, Ifeel like anew woman. Imostheartily reconunend this medicine to all women who suffer with female troubles. "have also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills and think they are flne."—Mrs, FRANIZ EMSLEY, Lindsay, Ontario. We cannot understand why women will take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly half-hearted exist- ence, missing three-fourths of the joy of living, without first trying Lydd, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements; inflammation, ulcer- ation, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion, and nervous prostration. 400444* .o- •Chaage o • • hes° P U • e ESI z Having purchased the business • of the late J, G. Skene 1 non pre- • pared to (tate), . to the wants of • the public In up-to-date goods at • fain' prices in • 4 Dr, Goodsand • yo o F Groceries. b • Z : My object will be to keep a well i • assorted and seasonable line of o Dress Goods, Oottons, Novelties, Y • &c., and oleo it choice stook of ; • Fresh Gt'oeories. •. • • Eggs and butter taken al the • highest market price: • i11 -A call witi be appreciated, • Satisfaction assured. • A a e Mrs, Jennie Thompson • 2 ••0•••••••0.0.00000®0000•• scales at 1,500 lbs, He is considered to be one of the best horses of his class delivered in Mitchell. St. Marys and Western Hallway, The construction department of the C. P. R. have been instructed to con- struct the extension of the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railroad from Code's )unction to Ingersoll. Work will be commenced shortly and finished before the snow files, That eonhection will make a continuous run from St. Marys to Port Barwell, thea giving to a large section of Western Ontario the facilities of a lake port. This information was learned from one of the head officials of the St, Mali',a and Western Ontario Railroad, who has just returned from Muni real, where he with others of the railroads official,: have been conferring with the 0. P. R. on business pertaining to the road. It was also learued that the extension Westward of the St. Marys and W. 0. R. R, will not be begun this year, but next Spring when work will be rushed. Bylaws will be submitted in the town- ships betore next Winter nod all prelim- inaries settled to enable the road to be asked through speedily, P g P v. The road will run under a subway at the main street of St. Marys and on the West side of the river, passing between two piers of the huge Sarnia bridge. When the road is completed to Sarnia Mere will be a through run from Sarnia tn r ) . k Burwell. Such a sun1e ofion will be ef inestimable advantage to lenge stenion ul the Province not yet,ens IoYing 1aor Y iItoat facilities and Will unrlonhtedly open np 0 very largo twee, Pon,'t Neglect yossr (lough. You may dislike taking nteif Ou — rollt coughs aIe best curial ,tso1G 'm1110110, Tile uaociern treatment is ( u u t itllLl it 11isn'tt t t ,r ttL 11 t tag t Sa healing ramie, lull. of (lieu essences anti healing balsams, it. smarts over the Surfaces that are Weak and sore from coughing, Every, spat that's conggested is healed, irritation is Soothed away, phlegm and secl'etions are cleanest out, and. all symptoms of cold aid catarrh are cured. 1!lobhing 50 quick, s0 su1'e, a0' pleasant as Oat'arrhozous, In 25 ct. and $1,00 sizes at all dealers, Assignee's Notice to Creditors, Ie iron matte' of Mrs. 'Tlierhsa McKim lay, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Milliner, In- solvent. Nobe° is hereby given that the above named insolvent has made an assignment, to the of all her estate and effects for the general ben- efit of her maditot'a, under R. S. 0„ 1807, Ohap� 147, and amending Acta thereto: Creditor:arehereby notified to meet at my ofacie, 28 Scott Street, Toronto, on Tuesday, the 205h day of July,1902, at 8 p. in., for the purpose of receiving a statement of her af- fairs, appointing inspectors, and - fixing their remuneration and for the general ordering of the affairs of the estate. Oredltors are hereby requested to 111e their claims with me duly proven, on or before the day of meeting, anti after the 18th day of Aug- ual;, 1808, 3 will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the estate, havin regard only to. the claims of which I shall alien have received notice. Dated at Toronto, this 14th day of J1tly..1808, RICHARD saw, Assignee. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Joseph Oster; late of the Township 01 Grey in the County of Huron, farther, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to. "The Revised Statute. 00 Ontario; 1807, Chapter 120, and Amendments thereto, thin all credit- orsand others having chorus against the estete of bhe said Joseph Oster, who died on or about the 27th day of April. A. D. 1000, are hereby re- quired sit m• before the 01st day of Juely,A, D. 1000, to send by post prepaid or deliver to W. M. Slnela]r, of flex Village of Brussels, Sotieitor for Frederick Alexanderrsof o' and Laura May Teto stae, rho Executors of the haat Will and Testament 01 the said deceased, their Ohrlathm and eurnamea, of t'eeaeo and the stn es, the Pull their of their claims, the statement of their aceis and the nature of the sem, ides artny)y, held by them. And further take nodes that after auol, last mentioned date the said Executors will pro- eeed to diatribnte the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, Navin regard only to theclaims of which they shall then have notion, and the said Executors will not beliable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persona or whose clothe notice shall not have been .received at the time of such distribution, Dated this 18th day of ,hely A.D. 1008. W. nf, rN Exec, 2.0 Solicitor for thea Executors. Uion Sabbath School ion x e 7, 't) r. �.a: .• MY i. . ON T. MAY, J3LV kith 1909 Special Train, Time and Fares as Follows LEAVE Time Faro, Adults Children PALMERS'TON 7.15 a. in. $1 15 OOe.. GOWANSTOWN 7.25 1 1.5 80 LISTOW1,`L 7.42 ATWOOD 7.58 IiENF1YN 8.00 1:T REL 8.07 BRUSSELS 8.20 BLUEVA.LA: 8.82 WING HAM 8,45 WHITECHUROII 8.57 LUCKNOW 0.10 13IPLEY 9,26 Arriving at Kincardine at 9,50 1 10 1 05 1 0 05 812 8O 70 (i5 55 40 55 55 50 50 45 40 35 35 80 20 Returning will Leave Kincardine at 8.30 p. m, ' Tiekcts goad for one day, except from. Pahuerstnri to Atwood, inclusive, which inc good from. to return following day. Arrangements are being made for Tennis, Lawn Cowling, Foot Ball, Base Ball and other Sports at Kincardine Everybody Should Arrange to Go and Spend the bay at the Lake. W, J, Gersitle, J, Nr Hamann, F. N. Gilroy, Supt. St. John's S.S, Supt, Melville H,S. Supt. Meth. KS. Notice to Credito,,r Peter theMatter In la t o estate n f h o s F Sinclair, late of the Township tof Cr a : a � the .Lo ant - 1 t t of 1 r t1 0 �, l u County Fanner, dacitaaod, Notioe is berobfv elven pursuant to "apho i sed tet tree o0011414.1:i; 1 avi t 1 7 sIt 80 tot gg t) 8f1, alar ter 1'8 het Z t alt i,911 'e 1 r d ptl.asha. v et' lrtl is against the xolo of bhe said Pat, dr Sinclair, who died o1 0' about the Oth tee da u 1 dttl A , WOO, e'. ' Y Y 1? Ol are A.D.required 50 a ndhf e teethe Mat sb da of uS DIOW ' Y y A to and , b Y Roc_ eo i r s ad r. dei rte M. l Iva W. u p p hf Solufr, et p O Village beef et �$ o' Brussels, is a the nn , i 1 a ie b) d Her- on, iaattot f elle tort o Ttitnlsai) and dolts g vi l8X tt ors n utheivn said cteesaaed, their pal lne, t ll partly Lara oaea and eleln s, eta, the tuft ell' woouttt of their oluin)e, n ttabonent of theh' auaau)lta, duly Der• IMO, end monition) o0 the eoanriMee d1 any) held by them, And P»rther take inotiae tbabettor such trot mentioned dobe the said n. of the will pro• Deed to distribute i alta nssaes of erre deaaving regard ttly Darbles(debaser entitled thereto, having then. only 50 the chime 00 wkiah they abed thou have sellae and that the BOW Exeautore the Will not he liable for he said assets, or any pitet thereof, to any person or persons of Whose Mann nodes shellnot have 6001 received by theta at the lunimo of such dietribiMo,. Dated this 1011, day or July, A A„ 1008 , w, 0. OLARi 62.8 Soltuitor got idtSiNe ExccubIors. The People's Oolumn COASFORTA.BLB HOUSE AND Lor. von SALn —Good oellar, weber and fruit trees. Enquire of 112, T. HINGSTON, or P, 0, box 800, Brussels. 82.50 i3 (ILLS FOR SALE,—Two young Short Lions Belts, both fit for service for sale. Good pedigrees9 and all right in every way. For fur- ther partfeulare apply to JAS. SPIOIR, Lot 80,. Con, 0, Morris, or Brussels P. 0, -41-t0 �OR SALE,—The undoraigned effort for tale his comfortable resideneo and two lots on John street, Blutoels. Stable, good garden, As, For further. particulars es to • price, terms, &o., apply on the premises. 10. WATSON AINLAY. BARN..TIMBER AND SHINGLES,—S, S. Oole It: eat aur of ehia gleo in for auto, some of whkoh are s Mr. ole and port at ars saw mill, Ethel, As itt', ie has sold -his farm the timber he lose out to build a burn will be gold cheap,, ^05113'01/TABLE COTTAGE, stable and 32 acro of land for sale, Tarnberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, &e. Possession could o bePgiven at once. For further. Particulars remel es,rsALSEX.r1M10LAUGHLIN pply740 the COMFORTABL'E residence and 1:2 ,oro of land, being Lot 212 Albert street, Brus- sels, for Baia. House is well built, with all con- veniences mid possession could be given at once. For farther parbitulara apply on the premises to Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, or D. -Fer- guson, Teeswater. tf. COE SALE.—Hasse and ,tacre of land with fruit trees large baro, poultry house and woodshed,. )Rouse contains parlor, sitting room, :dining room, two bed recluse, kitchen, Summer kitchen and pantry down stairs ; five bed rooms upstairs ; large oellar with cement floor and heisted by furnace. Will be sold Wimp. MRS. LEWIS McDONALD, Walton. FAR0t1 FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale her 100 acro farm, being Lot 0, Con. 17, Grey. Ott the premises isa first-class two- story brick house, good bank barn, driving shed and pig pen ; all conveniences ; goo fences and plasm in drat -class condition, W4' allies from Walton station, churches and school. Possession given this Fall. For fur- ther particulars apply to MRS. PROS. 3110- 1°ADZEAN, Ja,. Walton P. 0. 1.05 FARM FOR SALE.—In order to wind up the estate of the late' William McNabb, the undersigned Executors offer for sale the 100 aore farm, being Lot 20, Con. 18, Grey. On the pre,nisee is a good tworetory brink house, bank barn and also small hay barn. Faro, in good condition. For further particulars apply to P. 1.4 or PEER MNoNA11113, Brussels P.O. To Contractors Tenders will bo received up to 4 p. m. on Monday,July,20th for followingdrams , or rho construction of]ma of the Baker Dr drama in the Township of (Trey rt Drain Drain, McNairOth D lam and bs,111 New Ira . Pro- Drnia, dspsol ratio and bey Con. Denis, Pro- files Clerk's and ape, Ethel. Amayddress be leen at the John AlaIntosh, office, Ether. Addl2, all tenders to Joint MaIutoeh, Olerk, Ethel P. 0. 2-2 WM. FRASER, Reeve.. F OR SALE 011 TO RENT,—Tho undersigned offers his well located property in Brussels for sale or to rent. There aro 04 acres of land with comfortable house, with cellar, stable, orchard, well, &c. Possession given at once, 1 For price, terms, and other information apply to .)AS, DUNFORD Clinton or THE POST Brussels, PROS, DUNPORD, Langdon, North Dakota, 100ROPERTY FOR SALE.—In order to close the estate of the late Thos. MuLeuclilln the Executors a utora o ff erPr• O salethe real estate , m-istin of a 7 roomed house e inn good. repair, ).,.acre of land, large with 5 acres of nri t• Ir,v nient and to t house. For full deous staple, quite c•niv . n e sent to hon ee. Forfull10. description iption and location of property apply to P 4Cltru o• A. STEWARTI, Queen St., West, Brussels, County of Huron, tp, Stock for Service URRAM DULL FORER S VIOE.— The unndarsigned will keep for cervi 14, Con. 4, Morrie, the there' bred Durham nbull "Jack Favorite" (7211101 bred by Alex. Gard- iner. Leadbury, which is wellbred tracing back to the best fatnilies. ALLAN SPEIR, Fair- view Farm, Proprietor. tr. COR SERVICE,—A Thoro'•bred Short Horn 28, Con. 10. Grey. Terms—V.00, Jet, 1010. Further terms may be seen at the premise. D. E. SANDERS, Proprietor, • 40 ♦g •8.64 4.4440.049.4 40 e• ny M . R Se ry 0 0 0t O 4 fneta'y wore,15e )1iaehin° 0leratol'a and for other 0 Good wages mrd 4 steady employment. Write us. ® . 0 • il The Clinton lnitt'ng Co. 1 ,2 Oaride 0 WANTED O s 0 I.imitod CL/N TON, ONT. .41•••••••o•••••••••••••••4. 00 YOU NEED Farmers and others desiring Tile for the coin log season can secure whet they're - quire at carload rates, at Brussels or lSthel stations, if orders arc Sent in suf- ficient time to arrange for quantity and date of delivery, I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the ears and as- sist in loading lrum car to, wagons, Fur- tber particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. E. San i ers Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at olice. All sizes from zk to 18' inches may be obtained. Tile from 8 inches up are 28 Inches long. CEMENT KEPT IN SEASON. FALL� M r� Ty��yyyoo���pp�� tl® Ya sgest 30 £Opens� Oar graduates are assisted asr Q to the best positions. Write DY 0 for the reason. Prepare now to outer at, the began- .6J ping of term. 11:fail Courses Y4i for those who wish to study at home. Wm ham Business Heloses College g SPOTTON, Principal eft,, . ybvlyzv. oe.:i ;o✓ r JSvu taVJ,s i The Leading School di 1 CENTRAL a STRATFORD. ONT. Courses ore practical, Onr teachers u' experienced, undone graduates capable s'• to fill responsible positions• We are 4,1,1l receiving many applications for office f•6 help. During a single doe• this week we reo-lve:l seven applications for office help and four for commends' teachers. 11 Our undue tea succeed as none otters, fres.T ❑ h ren. depu'tmonts — Commercial, 1 A Shorthand end Telegraphy, Catalogia Elliott& McLachlan, V, 1s Principals, 11 1 UMMEP NHL June, July and August leads into our Fall 'Term without any break. 1 Bitter anyI ],time. New Catalogue g free. Write for it to -day. CENTRAL BUNSEN COLLEGE Tho Largest, kind. Reliable of tts W. H. SHAW Principal Yotrge & Gerrard ate., Toronto. EWAN & vggies EWAN & C.O. have the hest and most up•to•clote Buggies on the market. Three-quarter Buggies in black and seven eighth Buggies in black, stripe or any color, with auto seats and all wheels have a deeper rine and thicker tire: than any other Baggy. Two show rooms full of all kinds of Baggies to choose from— every one fully warranted. Batch Buggy bas dash supports and mud protectors for the seats. RubWbere have also installed a machine for putting on all kinds of 'Fht'es. smallAltcost. kinds of repairs done 00 Buggies. Re -painting a spec• ialty. 'Pops re -tined or recovered and made as good as new at a Special attention given to special orders. All hinds of heavy and light Rigs made to order. Don't fail to give us a call before making your purchase and let US boots Brussels for 19o9, ' on heaAll hinds of repairs in stock, Best Dunlop Tires always kept rt The Ewan & Co, Carria o factory, Brussels if