HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-7-22, Page 3YOUNU
' . otsoaoo•cs.
Sebe is sure that grandmother's
garden is the loveliest garden a boy
ever playe,; in. On one side a white
picket fence shuts off the garden
from the, street. 1n the center is a
star-shaped flower -bed, and all the
other beds fit in a pattern round
this one, separated from it by nar-
row paths. When Bebe visits
grandmother in the summer, he
finds the garden a pleasant play-
ground and the flowers delightful
"Mother," said Bebe one day,
"I should like to play in the garden
this afternoon,"
`'Belie,, said mother, "you may
play in the garden this afternoon,
but do not play too long, for we
are going to Aunt Myra's tor tea."
I like to go to Aunt Myra's to
tea," said Bebe, "for there is al-
ways a little round cake for me to
bring,nome, because I can't eat it
ab- night. How shall I know how
long too long is?" •
When the little white blossoms
in the bed shaped litre a crescent
moon open it will be time to come
in," said mother.
"I know the moon-shaped bed,"
sa.,- Bebe, "but the little blossoms
in it are only buds. I eaw them
yesterday morning and I saw them
this morning all shut tight."
"This afternoon,"'said mother,
"you will see them all open."
Bebe went into the garden to
play. First he went to the bed of
the sleepy flowers.
"You think because you live in
the moon it is always night Wake
up l" said Bebe; but not a flower
Bebe 'pushed his way among the
flowers that bent half -way over the
walks, chatting with their neigh-
bors. He called on -the foxglove,
coxcomb, lady's -delight, larkspur,
bouncing -bet, sweet-william and
baby's-breath, and then he looked
again at the blossoms which were
totellhim when to get ready for
"Oh I" said Bebe. "Good after-
noon I" for one little flower peered
at him from a sleepy, half -open
"Have you had a pleasant nap,
sleepy -head?" asked Bebe of an-
other flower, which was beginning
to stretch its petals, Then, as he
watched, he saw the blossoms slow-
ly, slowly open, one after another,
and ;he knew it was time to go into
the house to get ready for tea at
Aunt Myra's, where there is always
a little round cake for a boy to take
"Why did they sleep so long and
wake so late, mother?" asked Bebe.
"All last night they watched in
the garden until the morning-glories
came on duty bright and early in
the morning," said -smother. "All
day to -day they slept, until four
o'clock this afternoon. Because
they always wake at four o'clock
they are called four-o'clock's, and
they are the little night-watchmen
of the garden."—Youth's Com-
Truth comes to no man in un-
broken packages.
The toplofty usually have lofts to
rent at the top.
You never beat out the chaff by
thrashing the saints.
Cultivating our own sorrows kills
the power to sympathize.
The lowliest duties have place for
the loftiest virtues.
The gas factory church does noth-
ing to illumine the world.
Tf you love a bad man. he will
soon hate some of his badness.
The more a man thinks of him-
self the less he makes of himself.
,Itis better to be wrecked through
o,erzeal than to rot from overcau-
The creed that can be stereotyped
isnot worth running through the
The leaden heart easily learns
how to praise the golden rule in
silvery tones.
The modern pharisee crosses his
fingers and then talks about his
utter unworthiness.
Many lives stay small because
they are standing still waiting for
great things to do.
No preacher can make a success
ab fishing for men and angling for
flattery at the same time,
Some people think that they work
hard because they get easily work-
ed up about other people's work.
Some of thosewho talk a great
deal about dying have never been
alive sufficiently ib know what it.
would he like to die.
"Women must consider it a
dreadful fate to be an old maid,"
mused Mr. Chugwater. They do,
Josiah," said Mrs. Chugwater,
"Look what 'terrible noodles they
sometimes marryto escape
And Josiah rubed his chin and
said nothing.
"Now, Tommy," said Mr,
O'Reilly, "I want you to be good
while I am out " "I'11 bo good for
a cent,'' replied Tommy slily,
"Tommy," said the father, "T. want
;(Olt to remember you are not a son
r1f ,'tion unlessyou are good for
%off. us."
Pau bo Banisliell by the Wonder
til Tonic Pl,wors of ho, Wit
Haws' kink Pills,
$ew often it is that the victims
of disease—fevers, measles, la
grippe, or 'any other contagious
troubles aro weak and ailing, even
after the disease itself has disap-
peared. They de not pick up
strength as t' ey ought; remain
listless, tired and discouraged, The
reason for this is that the blood
ltas been impoverished by the rav-
ages of the disease through which
the victim has passed. Strength
will not return until the blood is
enriched, The blood can be en-
riched by no other medicine as
quickly and as surely as by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People
to enrich the blood and strengthen
the nerves' is the whole duty of these
pills—thousands have found 'them
beneficial in bringing strength after
disease had left them weak and run
down. Among those who owe good
health to these Pills is Miss Laura
Risco, New Ross, N.B,, who says :—
"Following an attack- of measles
I. was left greatly run down and
suffered from a bad cough. I was
advised to use Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and procured half a dozen
boxes. Before they were all gone 1
had regained my strength; my
ccugh had disappeared and I was
once more enjoying perfect health."
Tho experience of' Miss risco is
that of many others. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills make new, rich, red
blood. This new blood strengthens
the nerves and banishes such ail-
ments as rheumatism, neuralgia,.
lumbago, dyspepsia, etc., and
brings the glow of health to pale
cheeks. The Pills are sold by all
medicine dealers or at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Devotes Lilo to Doing Something
for Old and Infirm.
The happiest woman in the State
of Iowa, perhaps the happiest in the
United States, is Mrs. Carrie Holm
of Des Moines. Comps ativa1
speaking, she is the greatest phil-
anthropist in the country, for she
gives her all to the care of the old
and infirm people she gathers about
her. All through her life she has
followed two old sayings of the
Bible: "It is better to give than to
receive," and "Do unto others as
you would have others do unto
Supporting on a meager income
five old and infirm people, all well
beyond the allotted span of life,
furnishes Mrs. Holm the enjoyment
of her life. In her little backyard
she has erected four neat tiny cot-
tages. In these live her beneficiar-
ies. The members of the little phil-
anthropic colony live happily to-
gether, and their every want is ad-
ministered to by this second' Mrs.
Wiggs, who aeually delights in sup-
plying their needs. She does their
washing, cooks their meals; in fact,
any deed which will brighten their
lives, she is ready to perform.
None of them is related to Mrs.
Holm in any way. They merely
came, and since their coming have
had every attention paid them.
• Hanging on the front door of her
little home is a large key. Anyone
passing cannot help but see it.
This key will open any door at her
humble home. If you have no place
to sleep, you are welcome to use
this key. If no one is at home, you
are still welcome to help yourself
of the family larder, and there is
Since the date of their marriage,
1875, Mrs. Holm and her husband,
who has recently died, have always
kept open house. This plan was
first practiced in Dexter, Ia.,
where the young pair first male
their home. Mr. Holm was a tailor
and Mrs. Holm cared for a , little
old schoolhouse.
44 More children die during 4
X the hot weather than at any X
other- time of the year. Dias- 4.4.
t rhoea, dysentery, cholera in -4
fantum, and stomach troubles,
come without warning, and 4
when a medicine is not at*
hand to give prompt, relief,
the delay may prove fatal to y.
.b the child. Baby's Own Tab- '
lets should be kept in every 1-
ae home where there are chit- 74
X dren during the hot weather
4 months. An occasional des° P.
of the Tablets will prevent M
deadly summer complaints, `f
4 or cure them if they come un -
expectedly, Mrs, 0. Moreau, X
St. Tite,lime., says: "My
X baby suffered from a severe,y.
:. attack of cholera infantum, 5b
to but after giving' him Baby's
I" Own Tablets the trouble dis-
4 appeared, and he regained
d« health splendidly," Sold by
met mine dealers or by mail 14.
f„ at 25 cents a box from The,
w Dr, Williams' Medicine Cs,,
• Brockville, Ont.•
U. S. Bureau of Education Pub.
'kilos Bulletin Regarding Pub..
lie Feeding.
In a bulletin, lately issued by the
United States Bureau of Education
there is an interesting review of the
extent to which public feeding of
school children in the foreign coun-
tries has progressed, It is quoted
from it as follows:
Meals are served to school chil-
dren in most of the large cities of
Germany, The money is raised
chiefly by private charitable enter-
prise, but this is supplemented by
municipal funds. The work in Ger-
many niay be considered as relief,
except in the schools for the feeble-
minded children in Leipzig where
a mid-day meal is provided for 'all
children in attendance. Milk and
rolls are given in• other schools in
Leipzig to children who are especi-
ally fragile and delicate. These aro
selected by medical officers.
In Austrian cities (Vienna,
Trieste, Prague) poor children are
fed partly by private charitable as-
sociations and partly by the use of
municipal funds, The municipality
furnishes rooms usually in the
school buildings.
In Liege the municipality has fur- Mr. B. Crooks of 340 Alexander
nished soup free for many years Ave., Winnipeg, was the winner of
to all children in the kindergartens. the One Hundred dollar prize.
The benefits of this practice have -There were prizes aggregating
thirteen hundred dollars cash, dis-
tributed on June 10th last, to the
fortunate winners.
The Orange Meat Company have
started an other similar contest
closing en November 30th next, and
in addition to the prizes given in
the last contest they have added
two Fifty dollar -and one hundred
One Dollar Prizes.
Send your name and address to
Orange Meat, Kingston, Ont., and
commence saving Orange Meat car-
ton bottoms at once.
A Cardinal Young Man's Good
Mr, David Magee, whose photo
appears below, is a elerk employed
ii. the Grocery and General store
of F. F. Adams at Cardinal, Ont.
This young man has. just won a
cash prize of Seven Hundred dol-
lars offered by the Orange Meat
Company of Kingston, Ont., to the
person sending in the largest num-
ber of carton bottoms cut from
Orange Meat boxes in their annu-
ity content closing May 31, last,
Mr. Magee, sent in 2012 counts,
carrying off First Prize, which was
a life annuity of Fifty-two Dollars
or Seven Hundred dollars in cash,
Mr. Magee elected to take the cash,
and with this money he intends
opening a grocery busihess, with a
friend in the city of Winnipeg.
recently been extended to the ehil-
dern of the first year's course, and
to needy children in the second
and third years' courses.
In Antwerp food is served to all
who wish to buy. There is a phage
of five centimes a day in the kinder-
garten and ten centimes in the ale•
In Brussels meals are served to
indigent children.
In Copenhagen meals are provid-
ed free for all children vrho wish
them. No questions are raised as to
the economic conditions of the par-
ents. One-third of the children in
the free schools were reported, in
1905, as taking advantage of this
opportunity. The work is admin-
istereck by an association directly
connected with the municipality and
recovering from it a yearly grant
to supplement the private contri-
Utrecht has since 1904 provided
free dinners during the. winter
months for children designated by
the head of sohool and approved
by the proper officials. In other.
cities of Holland the relief is en-
tirely in the hands of charitable
organizations, in most cases with-
out aid from municipal funds.
Free meals are provided neces-
sitous children by the local authori-
ties. In Stockholm, kitchens aro
constructed in connection with the
school buildings in all parishes.
In Christiania provision is made for Domestic) Eye Remedy.
the purchase of tickets by parents Serino Affords Reliable Relief to Eyes that Need
who are able to pay about VA cents . .are, Try Morino Era xomedy In your Eyes.
per meal, and in some parishes of t soothes Eye Pain.
Stock..olm, those who are able to
pay are charged about 1 cent for a
meal, consisting as a rule of two
dishes. In some parishes the' poor-
est are served a breakfast of milk
and bread. In the elementary
schools of Stockholm the food is
prepared by the pupils in the cook-
ing section of the schools.
Charlie Loveday—"Um—ah—er—
er—er ! He! he,--"
Jeweler (to_his assistant)—"Bring
that tray of engagement rings here,
Costiveness and Its Cure.—When
the excretory organs refuse to per-
form their functions properly the
intestines become clogged. This is
known as costiveness and if neglect -
ea gives rise to dangerous compli-
cations. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills will effect a speedy cure. At
the first intimation of this ailment
the sufferer shank' procure a pack-
et of the pills and put himself un-
der a course of treatment. The
good effects of the pills will be al-
most immediately edident.
People aren't necessarily good
because they feel that way.
The man with the largest library
usually has the least time to read.
In Madrid an association has re'
cantly been organized for maintain-
ing "school canteens." This is un-
der supervision of the public au-
thorities and receives assistance
f.om the ministry of education, the
provincial administration and the
municipality. It supplies food to
those qualified for relief, while
children who can afford it pay 2%
to 314 cents per week toward the
canteen expenses.
Barcelona supplies, through re-
ligious charitable associations,
breakfast and lunch to children
who furnish certificates of poverty.
In Zurich the provision of meals
is in the hands of the school author-
ity of each district, assisted in some
districts by charreable organiza-
tions. Meals are given to all under-
fed children. Well-to-do parents
pay 3 cents a meal.
In Italy the care of unfed ahil.
dren is, as a rule, in the hands of
private institutions, receiving as-
sistance from state, provincial and
municipal funds. An
exception is
Milan, where a central organiza-
tion connected directly with and
administered by the municipality
feeds the children,
Anyway the chap who thinks' he
knows it all doesn't know a lot that
is said of him behind his back.
Wilson's Fly Pads, the best of
all fly killers, kill both the flies and
the disease germs.
Some men would rather be
wrong than right if there is more
money in it.
the fact that Painkiller has alleviated moa,,
pain tltau any one medicine. Unequalled
for diarrhoea and dysentery. Avoid cub.
stitutee, there is but one "Painkiller "—
Perry Davis'—iSe. and 80e.
How a man loves to find the house
full of company when he comes
home with something on his mind
that he wants to scold about.
Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator has no equal for destroying
worms in children and adults. See
that you get the genuine when pur-
"Hasa you any alarm clocks?"
inquired the customer of a jewel-
ler recently.,
"Yes, ma'am," said the man be-
hind Ithe counter. "About what
price do you wish to pay for one?"
"The price is no object if I can
get the kind I am after. What I
want is one that will rouse the girl
without waking the whole family."
"I don't know of any such alarm
clock as that ma'am,"said the
man, "We keep just the ordinary
kind ---the kind that will wake the
whole family without disturbing the
Host: "Have yon seen the wed -
A man has a heavy load to carry ding presents, old man I" Guest:
when his• wife tries to share ib by "No, not yet." Bost: "Well,
putting all his earnings on her wait a moment, I'll get one of the
back. detectives to escort you through."
Peak's Hair Grower
nae novel lolled to stop railing Rain 11 posh
tivolyy Mile rho DanttrSOC uses. Try It SOS bo
eoi1Ylueed for yourself.
Write far Descriptive Pamphlet
The P0014 M05 0o,, 120 Vlolorta Et., Toronto, 0n1
Eighty Potato Friers Competed in
Ono of the most amusing ineid-
ants of the Whitsuntide holiday
in Paris was the fried potato con-
test. is was held at Bagfolet, a
suburb which compares with the
Vale of Heath at Hampstead
Heath, London.
Potato friers to the number of
eighty, with their stoves, lined up
before a crowd of several thousand
persons in the morning. Each pro-
vided lus o wn potatoes and his own
At the word "Go!" each man or
woman—there were fifteen women—
chose six potatoes from a sack, peel-
ed them, buttered the pan, and be-
gan to fry.
There were two prizes—one for
rapidity and one for excellence.
Both were won by the same lady,
who, amid cheers, asked permission
to offer a glass of brandy to each of
the judges, most of whom were in
danger of collapse from indigestion.
Toronto, with its famous Univer-
sities, Colleges, Churches, Librar-
ies, Art Collections and Museums,
There had been It lover's quarrel,
and it was . his f rst visit in two
"I guess you know there was a
difference between your sister and
myself V he _ventured, trying to
pump the little sildter.
"Yes, indeed responded the lat-
ter without hesitation,
"Weil--er'-do you think Clara
will make up when she comes
down ?"
Little Bessie leaned over and
whispered :
"S�ho,s upstairs making up now."
A Young Toronto Business Man
Tells What He Thinks of Tonicine.
Toronto, July� 8rd. 1053.
15 Narthoote Aye.
The Tonicfue Company, Limited, Toronto.
Dear Sire,—,
Will you kindly send mo by return mail
another 505, box of 'ibuich,o, as 1 here reoetved
vory groat results from the Ont box, which I have
Joie finished,
For long time my ey§tom has boon run down,
being subject to stoning trouble and haying hu.
pare blood, After taking 'Fontaine for two o,
that this b xf felt meal
flx�rue pe, although I wilquite l at
ways keep a small quantity of your pills on hand
Yours very truly, GEORGE nin'rLETT.
Tmdotne, the great Heart and Nerve Tonle, has
now been serving the public for the past fourteen
years, and is fur sum by all bigl.olass druggists
or bead 50c, direct to 'rho Touicine Company
Limited, to Victoria et., Toronto,
"Do you keep a servant?"
"Never for very long."
Relief for the Depressed.—Physi-
eal and mental depression usually
is the great educational centre of have their origin in a disordere
Canada. The pupils attending St. state of the stomach and liver, as
Margaret's College have therefore when those organs are deranged in
distinct advantages that cannot be their action the whole system is af-
obtained elsewhere. The teachers' fected. Try Parmelee's Vegetable
-have the same high academic stand- Pills. They revive the digestive
ing as those in the great Collegiate processes, act beneficially on the
Institutes. The attendance of pu- nerves and restore the spirits as no
Ails is limited ; the classes average other pills will. They are cheap,
simple and sure, and the effects are
Pat got a job moving some kegs
of powder, and, to the alarm of
the foreman, was discovered smok-
ing at his work. "Gracious l" ex-
claimed the foreman. "Do you
know what happened when a man
smoked at this job some years ago?
There was an explosion which blew
up a dozen men." "That couldn't
happen here," returned Pat, calm-
ly. "Why not?" "'Cos there's
only me and you!" was the reply.
ten each; personal attention can
thus be given to each pupil. Then
there is a most thorough Musical
Course taught by Canada's great-
est Musicians; Art, Domestic Sci-
ence and Physical Education are
also thoroughly taught: To all de-
siring it an illustrated Booklet will
be sent on application being made
to the Secretary.
Mamma—"Yes, indeed; I think
this young man who is calling on
Grace is very sensible."
Papa—"Well, don't you go and
tell that to Grace. Give the young
fellow a fair show."
Nip Disease in the Bnd.—It is
difficult to eradicate a disease after
it has become seated, therefore it
is wise to take any ailment in its
initial stages and by such remedies
as are sufficient, stop it in its
course. Cold is the commonest
complaint of man, and when neg-
lected leads to serious results. Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil will cure the
severest cold or most violent cough.
Mother (to a married daughter):
"What's the matter, Clara? Why
are you crying?" Clara: "Henry
is so awfully cruel—he is getting
worse and worse every day. What jthem all separately and call it a
d0. you think he said just now? He menu. In the forecastle we get
told me that I must get rid of the them altogether and call it Irish
cook; he couldn't stand her cooking stew."
any longer. And he knows well
enough that she has not done one
bit of cooking for a fortnight, and
that I have done it all myself 1"
The microscope in the hands of
experts employed by the United
States Government has revealed
the fact that a house fly sometimes
tarries thousands of disease germs
attached to its hairy body. The
continuous use of Wilson's Fly
Pads will prevent all danger of
infection from that source by killing
both the germs and the flies. .
First Seaman : •'1 say, Bill, wot's
this card?" Second Seaman:
"That's the saloon passengers'
menu, of course." '`But wot does
it mean?" "Oh, it's a list of all the
things they have for dinner—soup
and fish and vegetables and meat.
That's the difference between the
saloon and the forecastle; they get
Don t experiment with unsatlsl
factory . substitutes. Wilson's Fly
Pads kill many times more house
flies than any other known article.
Some men are a good deal like
froth, their usefulness is at an end
as soon as they get to the top.
Thos. Sabin of Eglington, says:
"I have removed ten corns from
my feet with Holloway's Corn
Cure." Reader, go thou and do
The magnitude of the banquet
which the British newspaper men
tendered the visiting delegates from
the overseas dominions on June 5,
is indicated by the following One of the surgeons of a hospital
figures: For the banquet there asked an Irish help which he con -
provided 400 fowl, 200 duck,sidered the most dangerous of the
30 to
30 turtles, 300 pounds of salmon, 500' `
bottles champagne, and 2,000 cigars. ;tiny cases then in the hospital.
Forty chefs prepared the food, and'"That, sir, said Patrick, as he
300 waiters served it, using 10,000 pointed to a case of surgical fn -
plates and dishes, and 20 tons of strurnents lying on the table.
china, glass, linen and silver.
There's music in the sole of a
new boot—such as it is.
AN IMPOSSIBLE THING to find a plaster
equal to The D. C L." Menthol Plaster,
and it Is being imitated. Get the genuine.
For side aches, backaches, stitches, noth-
ing equals it. Made by Davis & Lawrence
"I never knew until I attended
the horse show what an absurd
term `horse laugh' was." "What
impressed you?" "Why, there's
no such thing as a horse laugh :
The horses looked right at the lad-
ies' hats, and didn't even smile."
In the causes of infant mortality
cholera morbus figures frequently,
and it may be said that complaints
cf the bowels are great destroyers
of child life. If all mothers would
avail themselves of so effective a
remedy as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy-
sentery Cordial many a little one
could be saved. This Cordial can be
given with safety to the smallest
child, as there is no injurious sub-
stance in it.
Treatment for nil
Allmonte et
OP Llve Stook
Pully es luiood 15 055
nttlg bouKlut. Ofallod(rell
on roquoit. Address Itis,
VotorInrer'y. Bpmedy 004
Desk e, (0 AdVlafde LOA Hast, y540510, 05051
A young girl once asked Mark
Twain if lee liked books for Christ-
mas gifts? "Well, that depends,"
drawled the great humorist. "11
a book has a leather cover, it is
really valuable as a razor strop,
If it is brief, concise work, such
as the French write, it is useful to
put ander the short leg of a wobbly
table, An old-fashioned book with
a clasp can't be beat as a missile
to hurl at a deg; and a large book,
like a geography, is as good as a
piece of tin to nail over a broken
pane of glass,
I1ete1 Veterinary College
Ontario y a
Eetahllnhgd 1332, takenover by the Provincial
Government of Ontarlo, 1008, I
AMIlotod .with the U ivere!ty of Toronto. under thq
control of the Dept, of Agrl,'ultnre of Outwit,. Oollegq
opens 15t Uetuber, 1001 °nurse of 1111117 extend*
throu,h 3 rMiesa years. FEES BEIt SES8.01,1 $(5.081
(intender en application.
E. A. A, GRANGE V.80113 , rrin dpal. Dept. BL,
34 moor Street East, Toronto.
A high grade nesidouttal School for Oirls, Fee
for fire year—Resident Students, 0052 to 6202:'
May Students, 684 to MS.
College Reopen 3opt,15. Oatondar on applloatlo0
'Woodstock College
A roily Equipped Bostdentlsl School for Boys am,
Young Men. Prepares Ter 0ulversity, 8ohcols 05
Science, Business, &o. 62nd Annual Calendar
sent on a '.cation.
A. T. lILacNEIL, B. A., Principal.,
1Ve manufacture aline -that must positively bo use
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Entertainer TORO\0 ,
Write fo terms, eto 'Phones : Long Distance
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Oen bs dont perfee1)7 by our Frena6 Process. Tuf i6
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070 Personal Liability)
Montreal River District
Subscription forms and other papers can bo had
by applying to
Ai.EXAII®:R WARIEff, Broker,
W A I0 T E D
11 you want to soil property which you own In the
'United Staten or a u„ prope,rty or s
4 4,00 ouch n00 re A�r! nlaaI ode wain, ue
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ty and state lowest 7 r o d yott • nut to bay 710•
petty of any kind in rimy locality, write us, stating
what and wr.ere you wish to buy, and we will send,
s mats our mag sin0, 1 ,�bo.o ar nine fur sale
4(000517am loo 0 ,na, with n0 eATalo scion 5,a''si �4L.L
BUYt 67820th Av. N eM'finn spot s,o1Minn. Sly
CASE Mate $3spay and estab-
lish m•rmenont bonne to on
our 0apxal. Oar 1105
cites ono ,s sell on sight
In up nus event 0; hi.
come 10.4 Exolustve tor.
fitful evert
Tris moats SUPPLY Oa.
/ CATALOGUE Dept: 50, Toronto, Oat.
The"Richmond (Glue.) Guardian,' in Its
63rd Year of Publication.
For very many years the chief
organ of the Conservative party of
the Eastern Townships. "The
Guardian" is an 8 -page 0 -column
paper, and has been conducted by
the present editor without inter-
ruption for 50 years, who retires
in consequence of advancing years.
The plant is in fair order, and
consists of a moderate stock of news
and job type, 7 -horse -power engin.
and boiler, Peerless Gem nutter,
28 -in. Campbell power pressme-
dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty
circular and card press, all in per-
fect order; three very large stones,
tables, furniture, feels, addressing
machine, stoves, etc., etc.,
Apply either to
S. FRANI( WILSON, Toronto.,
or W. E. JONES, Richmond, Que.
So many institutions devoted to the higher Edu-
cation select Bail pianos? The fact that they use
prefer the Bends evidence of distinct merit
slid nl
One follow, professional adyiao in acquiring as oducatioa,
why not follow ptofeadoaal =Ion is Luyiog 1108 pion*, )
The may piano, with oho IUimitablo Qlirdt
Reporting Action.
ISSUB NO. 20-03.
Send for (frog) Catalogue
iTheBEL4PIANO cDOrganio..lami'tmd GL r11uPH.QNTiQ►,,l