HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-7-22, Page 1VOL 38 NO, 3 New A e i M S en B SI rt e t ISottee— eG r Dudley. k ore Fur Hole—Thos., Moore. Photographs --I):• R. Brewer, Oard—blies Berths Armstrong. .Assigitee'onot1cc HaroldTow. 1,good tooth britsk—F. It, smith, 000—Wingharn Business Oo)leRe, r",CCt ,.Crus Kenfryn The Rev, A. L. Charles,; rector of Milverton, will conduct the service And preach in St. David's cbtireb, lienfryn, Sunday afternoon, Jelly 25tH at 8 c clock. Moncrleff Some of the farmers are through with the hay in this vicinity, The Trustees of Monerie'fl school are remodelling the school house, putting in more seats and making au addition- to the end of the school. BAaN RAISING.—Sohn Melville put a bent up to the end of his barn and also raised a new driving shed last Saturday afternoon,, Raymond Mc- Naught hada narrow escape from be- ing killed by au. overlay ,failing and striking hien on the shoulder, knock- ing him down and bruising him very badly. The 'doctor was soon on hand and we are glad to report that no bones were broken. Wingham Three important bylaws ere to be Voted •r otecl ou by the ratepayers of Wing - hem; on Monday, July 26th. The first provides for the raising of $1,000 to pay town hall debentures which are due in September. The second is to provide 186,000 for Improving the present waterworks system antisup- plying pure water foe_ domestic pur- poses, and the third provides for the placing of the electric light and wat- erworks uncles the control of three commissioners, one of whom will be the.Mayor and two others to be elect- ed. Blyth Miss Addie Robb, of Brussels, is visiting friends 10 Blyth. Miss Irene Bennett was the guest of Miss Frankie Barnett, of Mitchell. Airs. S. G. Mosel, of Waterloo, has been renewing old friendships in Blyth. Mi,. and Mrs. Gooday, of Ottawa, are renewing old friendships in this locality. AMrs. Myles Young and her sister, Miss Fannie ilaskett, have goue to Markdale to visit relatives. A fine 6 year old sorrel driver has been added to the livery stable of Win. Johnston. It was peva/lased from Samuel Welsh, of .East Wawa - nosh. Monday last C. H. Besse, of Blyth, and his brother, of Winnipeg, left the latter city for a trip to Edmonton. fifes, Beese was not able to go owing to-her,aulcle bothering her. WVe hope. site will soon be quite better of her rheumatism. The Missionary address by Barrister Blair, or Goclerich, in the. Presbyterian church here last Sabbath morning was a most practical one and set a good many thinking along .lines that had not engrossed their attention very Much in the past, LAwtr SoMA.L.—A lawn social will be held on the grounds of St. Michael's church, Blyth, on Tuesday evening next. The Clinton Citizen's Band will render a good musical program. Ice dream and refreshments will be served nu the grounds. A fish pond and other attractions. All welcome. Not long ago 0 find herd of cattle were taken through town purchased from James Armstrong, the well known Belgrave drover, by John Ransford, the Salt King, of Clinton,. There were 125 head in the bunch and the price paid was said to be $7,842. The cattle were turned on the grass on Mr. RansCord's farm and will no doubt improve. Nnsw Bentun.—Last week the Coun- cil let the contract to a London firm for a new boiler on the Fire Engine at a cost of $900. The work was eom- pulso'y as a big hole was discovered M the crown sheet and the life of the boiler was about lived anyhow as it has been in use for nearly 25 years. It is a Ronald manufacture. Another engine has been sock here in caro of necessity while the work is being done on the town machine which will occupy a few weeks. Photographs of the children ; pictures for their friends ; pic- tures for your family your wife's r wife's ; pictures for you and the children both to look on in future years and bring back the childhood clays again. 'SVe take them, and take thele 80 well that they catch all the charms and preserve them for you. EWER'S Art Studio BRUSSELS, ONTARIO,. THURSDAY, yU1,Y 22, 1909 Mise A. Watson, of Toronto, is at Present Malting altin g a lengthy v isit with esslet Llw td�atshl2ins1iy street, Blyth. Barrister Archie Meissen, who practised, hove some. years ago, Was calling on old frlends this week, lie is located in the Mate of 'Mississippi nosy, Subject. in • the Metlioclist ohuroh next Sunday at 11 a. m. will be :— 'The Christian Sentinel" and at 7 p. tn. "What is the sin against the kfoly Ghost?" Geo. IS, and gibe. Powell are away on a trip through the Northwest to the Coast, combining btisioess and pleasure. We wish them a good time and a safe return, . The many friends of blaster Alonzo Fiulcer, fortnerlyq of Blyth, wino under. went as critical' opsratioe, will be pleased' to learn he is doing nicely and we hope lie will soon be o. k, The Gerrie Vidette of last Week says a—Mrs, Robt. Dane was taken, aucldenly ill on Tuesday. A message was despatched hurriedly for the doctor and Mrs. James Sheila, her sis- ter. For a time she was'unable to speak, and a portion of her body seemed quite bloocllees,but in a short time elle was able to converse and her' body resumed its normal condition. he doctor visited her Wednesday, and found her very much improved. Mrs. Dane is a cousin of C. H. Beese, DR. WILIrOno 11IARnncD,—The mar- riage of Florence Claudia, danglitsr of Airs. Gaviller and the late Dr. A, 0. GaviIlerr, of Glenbnrnie Lodge, Grand Valley, and E, C. Wilford, M. D„ L. 11. C. P. and S. Edinburgh, of Blyth, was solemnized on Wednesday of last. week. Rev. B. 11. Strangways, B. A„ 13. D., uncle of the bride, eonclueted the ceremony. The bride word a becoming gown of white embroidered batiste and travelled later in a shit of white poplin. In the Antonin Dr, and Mrs. Wilford will go to Chentn, China where Dr. Wilford will identify him- self with the wont of the AMethodist. China Inland Mission. SUDDEN DEATH,—On July 8th, Jas. Hart, of Owen Sound, formerly of Brussels, died quite suddenly of apo- plexy. Ile had been working as usual, the day before and retired in apparent- ly his usual health and passed away at 11.80 at night. He was 53 years of age aid was married to Fannie Carter, sister to the Carter Bros., of Blyth, and S. Carter, of Brussels. The widow and three children survive. Deceased was a gardener and was a fine man and a faithful worker in the Metho- dist cltitreb. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and was largely Weeded.. Mr. Hent t was a member of the Maoeabee Order. His sudden cleat'h came as a great shock to his wife and family who share largely ill the sympathy of the community. One of their children died during the past year. Torn MANSE DESTROYED,—About 5.30 o'clock Thursday morning of last week, the frame stable at the Presby- terian manse was discovered to be on fire by Mr. Pawkey, who works on the 0. P. R. He speedily gave the alarm but the devouring element had made such headway that before peo- ple got there it was impossible to get anything out and licev, Mr. Small s shiver, which was a great favorite, 2 buggles, a cutter, harness; feed, &c. fell a prey to the flames. The fire quickly spread both North and South demolishing the 16 stalled horse shed and also firing the manse, which des- pite all that could be clone was speed- ily in ruins. Williug hands aided in the removal of furniture and belong- ings in the main house- but the con- tents of the kitchen could not be reached. There was an insurance of $1,000 in the Liverpool, Loudon and Globe Co. butMr. Small's loss will be 5500 or 5600, The manse was a frame building built 88 or 40 years ago. The Scotch thoro' bred bull "Golden Cross," imp., owned by Councillor John Barr, of Hullett, that; has been so sick is improving nicely and will soon be o. k. He cost $1,000 at 4 months of age and is too good to lose. Fire engine was Slow in steaming and with only one line of inose it might have been a serious fire only that the morning was calm. The homes of Messrs. Carr and Mc0anghey were threatened bot by taking prompt measures at fire fighting the flames were beaten orf. The manse furniture and household effects felted temporary resting place in the church basement adjoining, Rev. and Mrs. Small have resumed housekeeping in the house recently vacated by J: L. and Mrs. Kerr, immediately West of the Orange Hall, where they are now fairly comfortablysettled. The mana- gers met on 151onc1157 and discussed the question of rebuilding and it was de. skied to calla meeting of the congre- gation next Monday evening to submit the question to them and arrive e.t a eoncluslon. A Mitchell correspondent to the Stratford Beacon reports the Base Ball game of last )i'rklay as follows :— "A league game of baseball was play- ed in IZetersot Park on Friday .even- ing between the Blyth nine and the local team and it was certainly the best ball that has been tilayed here this Summer. lJp to thesixth innings the score stood five to one in favor of Mitchell, bet ie theiveuth innings Blyth changed pitcheyc apt. Mitchell made four runs off him.4Pheir regular pitcher was again put ]]' the box and our boys made no me& runs, and it was not necessary for them to play the ninth. The aeon :- 14itcllelL.,,.,,,.,0 0 2 1 0 2 4 2 x-11 Blyth.,..,,...,,,1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0— 3 Batteries — Mitchell, Blantyre and, Turner ; Blyth, Tainan, McArter and Somers," This was the third game played this season, Blyth winning 2 of thein, so the recn d is all right yet. It would take a good team to dowel illyth it the latter world get out and do faithful praetioe work. VERY CnAIrAA ;,--"1e animal Mendel Rapott of Blyth Methodist ehnroh has been issued and distribut- ed and shotes growth and devolo meet refloatingp- credit on both pastae and people. Each department dict well. The total amount of move raised for all purposes wee $2,726.42, For general Missionary contributions Were 5350 00 ; Women's Missionary Soolety, $144.U0; Organ Fund, 51305.00 ; Ladies' .Aid; 5134.28, Jaaokson's ap- pointment paid'5220',00 as their 51)11 e toward ministerial support and are generous in Sustaining the other interests, 'The two congregations are a healthy condition, well officered and have a good preechee and pastae in Rev, Mr. Ooo er. Wu ,Jackson is Rg ecordin Steward. 7, 1 Walton The stave and saw hill commenced work this week. A cement sidewalk has been put down from the street walk to Doc. Waghorn's residence, James Blair, of Palmerston, was a visitor at Bob!, Blair's last week, The gentlemen are cousins. Miss Vera McDonald arrived home from Ottawa last week after an en- joyable visit of 4 or 5 weeks. The painter's brush has much im- proved the appearance of the homes of Wm. Neal and Miss McDonald. Rev. and Mrs. Crittenden, of Dam- ascus, are visiting at W. Neal's, MI's. Neal and Mrs. Crittenden are sisters. Miss Gladys Martin, of Redgrave, Bruce Co., and 15liss Eliza Bishop, of Ethel, were visitors with the Misses Blair, 18th con. Grey. John Stark, a one time resident of Walton, died recently at the home of his son James at London. He will be remembered by the °icier people. Our base ball team played a friendly game with the Menkt'on boys at the latter place on Thursday of hast week. The score resulted in a tie, 7 to 7, Walton now has connection with the McKillop rural telephone line on which there are 10 'phoues. It is working in good shape. There are 3 of their telephones in the village. W. H. Govenloclt aucl Harold Min - alter, of of Chicago; Miss Callaghan, of St. Tbomes ; and Miss Mabel Goven- lock, of Seaforth, were visitors last week at the home of Postmaster Neal. 580.00 was received from the Gar- den Party recently held on the lawn of the manse. Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A,., of Brussels, seas chairman and the program consisted of vocal and instrumental music, recitations and Broadhagen Band. There was a large attendance and air A.1 supper, We are pleased to state that *hiss Lillian Oolclough, 17th con. of Grey, was awarded a diploma for reciting earrectly the Shorter Catechism. This wits in connection with Duff's church, Walton. She had received a prize previously for reciting 38 ques- tions in same book. Grey Towuship Council on Monday next. Grey township schools did well at the recent Entrance Examination. Miss Jennie Rands, nth con., has been holidaying with friends in Tucker - smith. N elson Cardiff had Meads of bay off 12 acres this season, an unusually good crop. This township will be well represent- ed at the Excursion to Kincardine next Tuesday.- Alex, uesday- Alex, and Leslie Lamont are home for their holidays from the schools they are teaching. Andrew Hislop is having some trouble with quick sand in his dredg- in contract in Logan township, Pownship Council will be held on Monday, 26th ]net. Several drain eonttacts will also be let that day. Mrs. J. Trick and Mrs. A. Tuck, of Clifford, have been holidaying with the latter.s mother, Mrs. F. Miller. 11. Wheeler, is hone from South- ampton for a fete weeks holidays and is building up btawn in the hay field. B. W. and Mrs. Hoy and daughter, Miss Anniee, of Port Albert have been visiting at the home of Jas. and Mrs. Cusic. H. Tyerman, gravel road West, has been bothered lately with a lame knee but we hope he will soon be as active as usual. Geo. McAllister, wife and fem8ly, of Guelph, were visitors with relatives in this locality. They made the trip in their auto. Mrs, Edward Armstrong, 13th can., is a sister to John Amu, late of Morris, who died last Tuesday and was buried on 'Thursday. This week .lames and Mrs. 4r10 - strong and slaughter, lode con., ar- rived home from it very pleasant visit of two months with relatives and old friends in the West. CALLED AWAY,—Quiet and peace- ful was the closing of the earthly life of Daviel Grant, Lot 8, Con. 14, last Monday when at the advanced age of 80 years and 2 days he respnuded to the call "Came up higher." Deceased was abort the farm on .Saturday and had been a re -inevitably healthy ?man hardly knowing what a clay's illness Was. Hernia, coupled with his ac1- wowe6, age, was the cause of his cle bl mise, r, Grout was born in Aber- deenshire; Scotland, where he was married 52 years ago ho Eldon Wilson, who pre-doeeased him 11 years. They calve to Canada shortly after their marriage, the voyage occupying 11 weeks, After a residence of 11 or 12 years in Blenheim township, Ox- ford 0o., they mune to Grey 40 years ago purchasing the Tartu on which both died. Their family consisted of three sons :-David (deceased 2 years ago), James on the homestead, and Jobe, Deputy Reeve of this township, and one ciaxotiter, Miss Maggie. The. subject of t;his sketch was an honest indnsta'ions, honorable roan, quiet in his manner and ateat lover of home, In cisme%,relation hip he was a Pees- 1 bytetian for many years and in politica he was a staunch Liberal. Fel/oral 4 pile's ' 1 ip 1t1 nog e tools alae Wednesday do sia'e''��: esti to II at I i noon and ryas conducted by Rev. A. 0, Wishart, B, A„ Brussels, cleceasecl's pastor: Interment was made in�the fancily plot, Brussels cemetery, Very few of the olcl residents are lett o1 the 1411s con, The"bereaved will be aoeorded sincere sympathy, People were rather surprised to hear that Jac, B. Smith and pp m n family, of lot18, con. 4, old and highly respected. residents were shol•tiy to remove to .the township of i3ieheim, Oxford Co., where Mr. Smith has purchasocl ta150 acre farm from R, '\'Vail. Ile gete possession on Nov 16111 next, The property is 'dear Paris and 3 miles from Princeton, Mr. Wait takes Mr, Mirth's farm, Many old neighbors and friends will regret to know that the "family is shortly to leave Grey. 111'. Smith has lived on the farm here nearly all his life. Ether DMs'e i,r —Dr. Feild, dentist, will visit Ethel on Monday, Aug. Ind andlevery two weeks after that date. Losm,—/n or near Ethel, on June 20th, the (lover off the batik of a bu • y box. Finder will rent) obi by6g g oblige 01 notifying. it 11 Mr, Brown, Lot 10, son.store,10, re or no011p'. 0g ,Toho Brown, Lot 10, Oon. 10. Grail, Dthe1:P, 9. Township Council will meet here next Monday. A load of flour was delivered at 131y'til last Saturday by I. M. I3eury, of Ethel Flour mill: Miss Beryl Putlancl has gone to Ripley where she has taken a position in the store of her brother-m-1aw, We wish her we11. 8The local Orangemen were treated to fruit on their arrival house from the celebration of the 12th at Brus sets. S. Chambers was the thought - fol donor. There is a new agent at the G. T. 11., here. His name is James Murray and he comes from the local ticket office at Stratford. We bid him welcome to our community. 31 Members have milted with Ethel L. 0. L. during the past year, 15 of them being secured byS. S. OoTe. The lodge alms at 100. There were 64 in the march at Brussels, Mrs. John T. Ralph, of Neepawa, Mau., is visiting her sister, firs. J. King. It is 10 years since Mrs. Ralph went West. She sees quite a change in the place and sieo}ple since then. From a letter• received from Thomas Watson, who went West from here a short time ago, we learn that his fath- er, who was over 90 years of age, died since he went out there. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are reported in the en- joyment of good health. Deceased was a wonderful old man. The officers of the Ethel Young People's Christian Endeavor Society for the next six months are t—Hon.- President, Rev. D. B. McRae ; Presi- dent, Miss Kate McLeod ; Vice -Pres., Miss Elsie Davidson ; Rec.-Sea, Miss Annie Cunningham ; Con -See., Miss Agnes 'Walker ; Treas., Miss Lizzie McLeeod ; Organist, Miss Alice Herns- worth ; Catechist, Miss Maucl Lamont. The new proprietor, J. M. Schaefer, is installed in the hotel here succeed- ingJno. Putiand, who spent the past 14 months iu Ethel and ran a No. 1 house. Mr. and Mrs. Putland will take a well earned holiday and will visit relatives and friends. They stor- ed their household belongings here in the meantime. You'd travel many a utile befohe you'd fiud a finer couple than they tate and their many old friends here hope they will enjoy a good time, Mr. Schaefer comes with a good name from Fodwich and is determined to 01111 a first-class house. Morris $70,00 to Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma, or Portland, and return, flrst•class, stopovers, choices of routes going and return- ing, return limit Oct. 01st, 1900. Tkl,ets ou salenow-at C. P. R. Town (Me, J. Moktur- chin, agent, Blyth. Some Fall wheat will be cut by the close of the week. 35 cents gets THE Pose! to Tan. 1st, 1010, to any Canadian subscriber. Many Morris farmers are using hay loaders in caring for their crop this season. Miss Beatrice Store, of Toronto, is a visitor with Miss Gertrude Duncan, 4th line, Wm. and Mrs. Oloakey, of Toronto, Piave been renewing old friendships in this locality. W. R, Mooney, 5th line has taken a. position in a boot and shoe store at Weston. IVe Wish hien success, Township Council will meet next Monday. Court of Revision on Drain By -Laws will also be held cu the same date. The enlargement of W. Tlmell's barn, 6th line, is completed. A metal roof was put on it. Edward Arm- strong, en the Easterly end of the stone hue, has enlarged and improved his barn also. These are good signs. Policeman and Mrs. Ouldbick and family are welcome visitors at the Home of 5. and Mrs. Caldbick, 2nd con. MR Caidbick is peace preserver at the much talked of silver town of Cobalt. He says the recent fire diel good in removing a large number of shacks that will make roen for better structures. AUCTION Sams—Dennis O'Connor, Let 6, Con. 10, has instructed Thos. Gunch'y to sell by public anchor at his farm on Saturday afternoon of this week, July 24th, faun stock, imple- ments, feed, &e. The sale will be without reserve. Mr. O'Connor has disposed of his farm, which contained (10 acres, to Thomas Wallace, of New - ask, N. J. a former M011151te for the stun of 53,600, the erop being includ- ed. He gets possession at once, It is 25 years since the former came to the farm. Mr. O'Conner may remove to the. Wert as be has been through quite a section of it and is Well satis- fied with it. Cid friends end neigh- b01's will wish Mr. °Teener and fam- ily prospot'ity wherever they may locate. W. H. iRRR, ProjrieEor Miss Stella tan las i, 1d e i • a p Master Ir- win) of Goderleh, are holidaying with Mends in Morris. Misses May and Fanny Grasb , o fGrey; spent a few days last weelcwiLiMiss Lila Br des.We are sores, to hear that Mrs. Peter Barr, 5th line, is not enjoying her customary good health but we hope a change for the beam. will speedily ensue. Mrs. Sao, Mooney, her adopted mother, is waitingon her. Alex. Stewart, while unloading hay at WM'tt, Stubbs', 40 line, fell tr01'7't t1,]e load to the floor, alight ing on his head and shoulders, hurting himself very badly, The accident WAR raised by the trip -rope breaking, while pull- ing the carrier' back. JOHN AGIN PAYS NATURE'S DItnT.-- Tuesday of this week a well known resident of Morris township passed away at the home of bis bx'other-ln- law. J. Kelly. North half lot, 18, con, 7, in the person of John Agin, aged 52 years and 9 months, Pneumonia was the cause, Deceased was born in this township and spent Isis life here. He is survived by 2 brothers and 5 sisters. Mr. Agin was unmarried, Mr. Agin was a Conservative in politics and belonged to the R. 0. church. The funeral took place Thursday at 9,90 a. In. service being held in the R. 0. church, Brussels, after whioh interment was made in the cemetery 7th line. Deceased had many friends who will regret his demise. Lucknow Lucknow Sentinel says :— What roved t p to,.be one of the most enjoy- able affairs ever held in Lucknow took place at the Cain House on Tuesday, when about forty of the citizens of tate village assembled to clo honor to our townsman, Secs Murchison, who is about to take up his residence in Tor- onto after twenty-eight years of active participation in the affairs of the village and distriot, both in busi- ness and municipal matters. The gathering took the form of a banquet followed by the presentation to 11Ir. Murchison of a bandsome gold -headed cane suitably engraved, and a luxur- ious easy chair. Reeve John Joynt occupied the chair and performed the duties of toastmaster in an able man- ner. Belgrave Miss Olive Leishman, of Canfield, is visiting her friends in this locality. A little daughter came to gladden the home of Will. and Mrs. Corbett. Miss Mabel Clark, of Chicago, is the guest of her cousin, 'Sties Ross Clark, Mrs. H. Perrin, of Tur'nberry, visit- ed her sister, Miss Mina Bengough, for a fete clays. Mrs, Ross, of Seaforth, is a visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton and Wm. Watson are attending the MasouicGrandLodge in London this week. Mrs. Tisdale, of Belgrave, is spend- ing a couple of weeks at the home of her parents at St. Augustine. lir, and lits. Smith and Isabel, of Bluevale, and Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of Blyth, Snndayed at Wm. Watson's. Miss Lillian A•IcCool, of 'Wingham, is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. 0. Proctor, and other friends.. Adam Geddes has returned to Fargo, North Dakota, after spending six months with his aged father, David Geddes. Mrs. il.MoOague, of Keeton, and S. Wray, of Loudon, were visitors at their brother's, Win. Ways and other relatives. Bluevale HemnsraAL.—At six p, m. on Wed- nesday, July 14th, at the home of F. B. and Mrs. Scott, the marriage of their clanghter, Miss Mary Helen and Rueben Garniss, of Morris, was solemnized by Rev. W. J. West, M. A. The bride, who was unattended, wasiven away by her father. She was handsomely attiredlen cream eau toy and carried a shower boquet of white caruatious and maidenhair ferns. Miss Helen Beattie, of Sea - forth, played the wedding march, Only immediaterelativos were present and the bride and groom left the same evening for their new home on the second line of Morris, On the pre - vines evening a large number of Miss Scott's friends gathered and gave her a kitchen shower, Mrs. J. W. King introduced the ladies in 0 few witty remarks. After singing "She's a jolly good fellow." the company dispersed with many expressions of good wi1I to the new bride. Mr. and Mrs. Garniss have malty friends whose hearty good wishes for happiness and prosperity follow then in their neve life. Jamestown Mrs. P. Scott left last Tuesday to visit friends in the West, 13. F. Carr took the service in Victoria Hall Sunday evening, James and Miss Bessie dioses visited D. McCallum, of Blyth, on Thursday. Next Sabbath evening the service In Victoria Hall will be conducted by J. el. Hunter, of Wessels. Miss Margaret Reid, who Inas been visiting her grand parents, Andrew and Mrs. Simpson; has returned to her home Mn 3Vinghaul. Harold Hogg has secured the Londesbo'o' school for the coning year. Mr. Hogg is a fine young mane and no doubt will do well. A number talk of going to Kittens, dine next Tuesday on the Sunday School excursion, Special train will leave Brussels at 5.20 a. in, and Blue - vale at 8.32. At the recant Entrance Examine - tion the three pupils of S. S. No. 4, Grey, Thomas Goodfellow, Arthur Johnston and Alex. McDonald were all emeccssfull, 'Teacher Fraser and his pupils are to be congratulated on it u the 9 aces, Miss s Net)i . Shinn n In 1 as returned home after spending a few weeks- at .Atwood, 0151 old friend Thomas Straelran has been laid aside by a clisablsd foot and was unable to get to chords for the past wo Sundays, proof positive of something being wrong. We hope he will soon be o, k, The ladles institute is to meet at the home of Mrs. James Strachan Thursday afternoeu of next week, July 20th, at 2,80 o'clock. A discus- sion will take place on "'Salads and Sunday dinners." A cordial invita- tion is extended to,all the ladies. Miss Berea Bryans leaves shortly for the West where she has secured a school in Graeae, Bask, lier brother, Dr. B. E. Bryans, has a practice in the same townn. Miss 13ryans lean excel- lent teacher and we wish her every success. Wroxeter Editor Chisholm spent last Friday 111 Toronto. Harry Brawn made a business trip to Toronto last week, We regret to learn that Mrs, W. 0. Currie still continues very poorly. Alex. Gibson, of Toronto, is the guest of his cousin, Tohn Dickson. Alia. North, of Wiarton, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Hy. Armstrong. Mrs, Wm. Wilson spent several clays recently with friends in Baylis - ton. Miss Blythe Wilson, of Ferdwieh, called cu friends in the village on Monday. Miss Stanley, of Listowel, is spend - Mg the vacation with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Tex. Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor and children are spending a few days with friends in Mildmay. Mr. „and Mrs. Koehler, of Ayton, were guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. A. H. Mof$tt last week. David Teriff, of Hamilton, is spend- ing several weeks' holidays with his sister, Airs. Chas. Sproal. D. W. and Mrs. Rae spent several days of last week renewing acquaint- ances in Lucknow and St. Helens, Our foot -ball boys went to Brnssels last Friday evening but met with a defeat the score standing 1-0 hi favor of the home team. Rev. Mr, Mahood, of Iowa, wino has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for some time, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Obelch on Sunday. McKillop Henry Oash, of A'IcKillop, met with a painful accident recently. He was helping shingle a barn for Mrs, J. Mc- Millan, when he fell from the roof to the ground, a distance of about eighteen feet. As a result his shoulder blade was fractured and he was considerably bruised. Cor molt.—Township Council met at Wolfe's House, Dublin, on July 19111. All the members present. Minutes of last meeting accepted. A claim for damages sustained by Mrs. Bell, at Storey's bridge, cons, 12 and 13, was presented by Solomon Bell but no definite claim was made. The matter was left over till next meeting. The tender of Crowley & A1cDonnell for the construction of the Bolton No. 2 drain for $1,849.00, was accepted. .The requisition of the Commissioners of the McKillop Telephone System re- quiring the Council to issue deben- tures for 53,67746 for the purpose of continuing the construction of the line in McKillop and to points in Grey, Morris and Huliett, was accepted, said debentures to run for a period of ten years at 5 per Dent, per annum. Ac- counts to the ,camottnt of 5276.30 were paid. Ratepayers and others are re- minded that they will be liable for any damages caused by their placing of Walsh, stones or any other obstruction on the highways of this municipality, and pathmasters and others are re- minded of their duties re noxious weeds. Next meeting of Connell will be held at Winthrop on August 14th. M. Aunts, Clerk. EDITORIAL NOTES THE stage lines between Brussels and Seaforth and Brussels and •7SWrox- eter would afford a tine opportunity to exemplify the working of the Rural Mail delivery at the hands of the pastoific0 authorities at Ottawa. Country is well populated and present postoifiees far enough apart to snake the delivery a real service to the farming community. What do you say Mr. Postmaster General ? * * INVESTIGATION in Toronto snakes blare the fact that a regular traffic is being carried on in the sale of oocaine to regular customet's who use it as ti sedative with the same idea as John Chinaman takes his opium or others innoculate themselves with other drugs. It is no compliment to the people of that city and the business should have the impress of the law put upon it so solidly that the trans- gressors would wake right ,tp. Kelso Brussels to the front by do- ing the right thing at the right. time. Good impressions wear well and pen - pie should not forget this. There must be a giving out if a coming ]u is etpeeted. The business men have a large responsibility resting upon them in the cultivation of increased trade. Ifoe p rwon is sieves invited to your place of business they are not dispos- ed to be as likely to go as if they were 0ardially and ttuthfitlly accorded an invitation, Do you take lht, hint I' Meleaworth Toni 1+<liinit, who has been on the sick li81 is almost 0. Is, again, Miss Maggie Scott left Jrast weals fol' an extondotl visit to the •West, The Misses Mabel and Nettie Mitchell visited friends ]tl 33115)52 last week. Miss Jean 1), Snaith, of 1:T,arriston, is visiting her friend, Miss Maher Elliott for a week. TMrs. Robert Mitchell has gone to oronto fa0 a two we tilt's visit with her son Idarvey, Rev. .2.111111 Mrs. 13111'n(9ttanc) family left last week f'oe a 3 weeks' visit to the lake. Mr, 14lefnt ue, of Listowel,. is occupying the pulpit 111 the pastor's absence, Church Chimes The Young People's Soviety of Mei. vine ohureh have withdrawn their Sab- bAatuh gust, evening meeliogs dining July and A specially practical discourse ;vas given by the pastor of the Methodist church last Sabbath evening on "Zaeeheus," The 7th saying an the sews was Rev. A. C. Wishart's subject last Sabbath mol•ping in Melville church "'Ask of me wbat I shall give thee" was the evening text. - .. As a result of the serving of meals at the Methodist church on July i2th the Ladies' Aid cleared the tidy sum of 5217.00, Thera was a lot „f bard work' but the results were most satisfactory. Mr, Young, of Lucknow, a layman, is the new man in charge of the Tivertou, Wesley and Underwood Methodist churches, Mr, and Mrs. Young bavn taken up their residence there at the parsonage, Mr. Ycnug, who is a good speaker, has been sent on this circuit owing to the scarcity 01 ministers, Mrs. Barker, wife 0i Rev, G. W. Barker, pastor of the College Avenue Methodist Church, Woodstock, 'met with an unfortunate accident on 'Friday night last. Mrs. Barker in passing along the hall upstairs without any light and being somewhat unfamiliar with the layout of the door as yet, fell down the stairs, alighting on the landing several steps down. She struck her head and face and sustained severe and painful injuries. Her head was badly cut, the wounds requiring several stitches to close. Her face was rlso bruised and torn. A call from Listowel congre511 ion was presented at Stratford Presbytery by Rev. N. D. McKinnon to Rev. D. W. S. Urquhart, 01 Kippen. The call was signed by 258 members and 52 ad- dereuts and was unanimous. This was accompanied by a stipend of $1,400 with four weeks' 110111100s. Messrs._ Ross, Yule and Hamilton representa- tives of the congregation, were heard re the prosecution of the call. The call was sustained and Rev, Mr. McKinnon and Messrs. Ross, Yule end Hamilton were appointed to prosecute the call at the Huron Presbytery. Provisional arrangements were made for bis induc- tion on Wednesday, July 28th. Rev. R 13. Stevenson, of Liman, is to preach; Rev. D. N. Morden, of St. Marys, will address the minister, awl Rev. T. J Thompson is to addre,s the. people, A communication from the Presbytery of Maitland was read asking that a com• nlittee of that Presbytery be permitted to confer with the session of Monktoa regarding the orgauizetion of a congre- gation at Moncrieff and the privilege was granted. TER YOUNG PEovLi4 s MISSIONARY CoNFaaENCE,—Tile 4th Annual Cauadiau Conference of the Young People's Missionary Movement of the Dulled States and Canada was held in the On- tario Ladies' College, Whitby, from the and to the loth of July and was a great success, 240 being registered, One cannot help receiving a t,piritnal uplift and increased interest in all branches of Mission work from such a Conference. It would be impossible to speak of all the interesting studies conducted, there- fore I will only enumerate them briefly. Each morning three (planers of au hour WAS spent in Bible exposition. These studies were extremely interesting and also very instructive, many new thoughts being suggested. 1; hours were spent each morning on Mission study. Five different text books were used. "The servants of the King" by Robert C. Speer ; "The Why and the How of Missions," by lir. Swenler ; "South America," by B1ele.p Neely and "Korea" by Dr, Yale.'rhe classes were conducted by capable study class leaders having experience 011 tile field. A short time each morning was spent iu open Conferences on 'esthete work and the remainder of the morning was spent is messages Worn the home and foreign mission fields. These addresses were of great interest and very expressive of the great needs. Surely they should m•ge ns to greater missionary activity and in- creased usefulness in the Master's ser- vice, Cali we in the face of such a need. "the lamp of life deny 7" The afters noons were spent in recreation and were very much enjoyed. "The Life Work" conferences were held each evening tender the trees, The object ot these gatherings was to discuss holy best we can invest our lives for 1110 glory of God and the futherauce ot His King- dom, Full surrender of ourselves to 0011 was particularly emphasised for only in submission to Piing can we realize the greatest results. Platform meetings 50108 held at 5 p,in. Series of lectutas all the "Wor'ld Religioos," COnfueiacism Bnddh'toiu, Hinduism, M••'lern Judaism qnd Mohnnnnedaniree were discussed, `be closing session ,vas impressive: Seven young people who are going for the first time to the foreign field in the Fall, spoke a few words full of hopoful Hess and trust. There were sixty value•+ tee's for the foreign field, twenty of whom heal made their t i t decisionduring the Conference. One cannot over-esti- mate the \mile of such a Conference acicl it is very important that all who are able slimed take advantage of such a wonder. 101 "lipcn'tuuity,