HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-7-15, Page 5r6D MNUSS CARDS, W MoO Is Oli - AR N E • e of Lamer u MarriageAga , 9i' a(3rOcory,rurubcrry treeth breeeelB, k, O. T, M, Brussels ;Pent of the A1,weaboee, 240. 04 hold their regular 1umol0i48 In the Lodge ltoom, Atelier Block, on the ist and Ord Tumidity oveuiugs 0f vaolu mouth, Miters always welcome, A, SOBERS, OPUt, A, MoGUtlll0i tl, Z. $Pi1 Wog CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER 017 MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee til the Pen( 0111014 lintel. 00.4 JAMES HARRIS, -- Agent 7,Iowick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Oiloo and Itenlde5ee-. WALTONr OIVr, JOHN SUTHERLAND INBORANOa, FIRE ANO MARINE, GUELPH. 4.0=11•1•111•1MIG .4.1.1111111M. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • sun, will sell for better prides, to hotter men, In less time and lees charges toast any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders eau always be arranged at tie office or by 0 arsenal application, RCgBT. H. QARNISS BLwrv,SLE •- ONT. Auctioneer for Duron County, 'J'srmsreasonable, galea arranged for at the olMee of Tun PM, Brussels, 2251 LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. ,1J M, ,SINCLA11t- V • Barrister, Solicitor, Oeaveyalleer, Notary Public, &e. Ofloo—Stewart's Bleali t dour North of Central Rotel. Schaller for the Sletropolltau Bauk. ltOUDFOOT, FIAI'S ch 13LAIR-- eamtneeents, BOLIOI'1'nit8, NOTARIES PUBLIU, ETC. W, raOUDFSOT, If. O. R. O. HAY% 0. i1'. BLaun. Ohieee-Those formerly occupied by bleesrs Oamurou do Holt. ti00RRi0n'., ,... ONTARIO. DEENTiSTRY OR. R. P. PEIL.D. DENTIST ti raduato of the ,Royal nollogo of Dental lin goousof Ontario unit Firat.olaue Heuer Oraduato of Toronto University. Odloe next to Brewer's Pburograpu fishery, 1311W8810L8, LT .Farmers or Storekeepers ' by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. TINE Royal Mail Steamers --via MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Tunisian July 10 Aug. 18 Victorian Tuly 28 Aug. 20 Corsican - July 80 Ang. 27 Virginian. Aug. 8 Sept. 8 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Waterton July 17 Aug. 14 Hesporinn 7uly 24 Aug. 21 Ionian Tuly 81 Aug. 28 Grampian Aug. 7 Sept. 4 TO HAVRE «0 LONOON Pomeranian Tuly 17 Aug. 28 Stetllnn Tuly 81 Sept. 11 Corinthian Aug. 14 Sopt,25 RATES OF PASSAGE According to steamer. 1st Class -$07 50 $77 50 $87 s0 and up 2nd Olins - 40 00 45 00 47 60 760 W 8rd Class - 27 50 28 75 Por Cull particulate of rates and endings apply to W. H. KERR, A gent Allan Line. Drttssels, x Pain in the head -pain anywhere, has its cause rainiscongostion paints blood pressure -nothing else usually. At least so Says Dr, Shoot), and to Provo it ho bas created n little pink tablet. Thai tablet -called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet✓ coaxes blood pre00mo away from pain oegtero, Its egootfsoharming, vyloasinglydelightful. GentIA though safely, it surely eauallteo the blood clrom Wien. Ifou have n headache, ft's blood pressure. If let's painful periods with women, same 00nae. 12 you are sleepless, restless, nervous, ft's blood Congestion -blood pressure. That surely is u Certainty for Dr, Snoop's Headache Tablets atop 15 in 20 minutes; and the tablets simply distribute the uunaturntttblood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn't It get red, and Swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It's con. aeetlbn, blood pressnra. You'll find it where pain is -always. It's simply. Common Sense. %lien at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend Dr. Shoop's Headache l,.Tablets�, ALL DEALERS .A tickling 8)r dry cough. can be (5niokly loosened with Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. No opihun, 8)a chloroform, nothing inmate or harsh, ,Sold by all clutters. ellslnO4e Oareee A H. MQNTgITH Barrister, atmr , SOlioi6ar, Na6ary, �a, eu',u a Itu .Atttamdoxald, Aie over itand5rd 3t lk,Arusnels DR, r, T, ee' RAS' leteltel91' mf Medicine, University of Toronto ; Lfeenelate nisi Gtmdwrte of the Uollogoof Phy- !on Wahine t 1 and lEa , 3108 :Got, oao Hospital, 2rionl;o 101'b, Ear, Hone :end 9.hroa6 ]donlI,rteal, Oltioe 9,111. Ex'Aouoo burgeon to St, Affob- ectes nospital,Toroute,• 011loe over 1P, 12, 4hnitlt'e Drug Stole. T'olo' phone oo,mootlon with eranbroeh at all hum's. OR. HAMILTON Dental au rgoors Honor Gradun68 Dental Department,Toronto UniversityoargeLicentiate, Tronto my 01t1e 10701' T !,:.floss' storm Brussels, A�"w111 visit Wroxeter the Bret find third Mondays and Gerrie the 005oud and fourth Mondrtyn of Sieh month. J, A. M'iVAUGHTQN M. 8., M. A., O. M., /fellow Trinity Medical Oolleee, Toronto Member College Phy0fohum and Burgeon% Ont.; X:ioen5laboRoyal Gel lege Physliciansmin Llomitiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh , Fellow lloyal Golloge Surgeons, Edinburgh'; (Serbia - ante of Registration, Great Britain. Ciffoe,as lol'Inerly, o11 MILL Sr:, BRUSSELS DR, WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ou0al'ie Veterinary Oollege, Day and night mulls. Office opposite ]dour Mui, Ether, QRALirz4 V'pW, xt Razz tram BRUSSELS HallGoma Boma G01L,e Women 7:06 a ,nII Exph ess ,.,....,.10:56 n m Express 1)' 25a 11t,I.Mall 1:44p us Express ...,., 0:02 p an I Express Sap m Qaura$ !/sx Aflame WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:41 a no I Express 12:11e m Expl'ess......... 8:00 p m Express 0:15p m Mist izt Sat s Morris Smoot, REPORT,-'J'hefollowing is the report of S. S. No. 6 Morris, for the month of June. • Exam, in A1itb., Gen„ Spell., Comp., and Lit. Total '150. Honors 888. Sr, 1V. -Mabel Bone, 305; Mussel Onrrie 325. Jr'. IV. -Russel: Bone, 330. 41. Ill. -Lila Wilkinson, 253, Jr. III.-Oharlie Sellers, $60 ; Harold Ourrie, 348 ; Isa- be] Shaw, 333 ; John Yuill, 328 ; Irene Wilkinson, 311. Sr. II, -Ward Sellers, 263. Sr. Pt. I Excellent. - Mary Bowman, Mina Wilkinson. Pair. -Harold Sellers, Lilian Selier,'s. • 0. M. McORAce:EN, Teacher. Pain can be easily and quickly stop- ped. Pink Pain Tablets -Dr. Snoop's -stop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, 111 20 :Mentes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula -it's fine. Sold by all detalels. Grey Souoot REPORT. -S. S. No. 0. Jt'. JV,- x L am! in Arith. bite Hist.'g Gtn . 'Total, 400. --Roy $(317, 37'2 ; Satoh Hutchinson, 174 Eva Mitchell, 114; *Duette Jeckliu, 8r. III. -Exam. l8) Arith., Gram., Writ., Spell. -Wesley Yeo, 112 ; *Willie Mitchell, 92. Jr. III.-l.xam. ]u Arith., Comp., Spell., Writing:1 Total 400. -George 13x11 244 JohnSavage, l02 g Sr. II.- Ream, hp. Arith., Cp., Spell., Writ. Total 400. --Gertrude Ames, 291 ; Hazel Rose, 115. Jr. II. -Exam. [ti Arith., Comp., Spell., Writ. Total 400. - Bernice. Flood, 202 ; Russel Yen, 131 ; Mary Rose, 118 ; *Lily Jtackliu ; *Earl Love. Sr. Pt. IL-A'Iya'tle Lamont, Stanley Hall, Robert Jacktin. Jr. Pt, IL -Clarence Menary. Sr. Pt. I, -.Edith ARIAS, Aiilton Flood, Wilfrid Hoye, Issue Rose. Jr. It I O a Olaren c0 Flood, Alfred d iVfenar v Lawrence Love. e. Jr. pt. (b) .Joseph. Martin, Viola Mitchell, *absent. Theists: MOSES, Teacher, Molesworth Senors', R.EPORr,-The following is the School Report of S. S. No.16 How - ick and Grey for the month of Junta'. Results are based on class work and examinations. Sr. IV.--Olayton Grainger. Jr. IV.-Excettent, Ewalt McKevehar. Tindall MuKeroltar, Good, Annie Hislop. Sr. III, -Ex- cellent. -Robbie McDouaici. Fair. - Lawrence Hislop. Jr. 3,II. Birks Robertson, Wilbert Grainger. Sr. II. Excellent•, -Jean Doig. Good, Maria Bennett, Carl Grainger, Veruie Mc- Donald. Jr. II. -Excellent, Addis .Armstrong. Goocl, Gertie Hislop. Fair, Lloyd Arrester:rlg, Willie Arm- strong. Part 11, -Excellent, Myrtle Bonnett, James MclCer7har. Fair, Della Doig. Part I. -Good. Mabel Robertson. Number on roll 28. Average: attendance 18. NORMA R. SPARLXNG, Teacher. 18 your Chest "Whcoxy 7" Tightness and wheezing means your trouble is deep-seated. To delay is clangerous. .inflammation must be drawn out at once. Rub the throat and chest with Nervilino, and put 081 a Neevilino Porous Plaster. Relief (10ines in an hour, The counter -irri- tant 0ffec5 of the plaster relieves the tightness and strain, draws out the soreness, eases the pain. Thepene- trating meth ties o1' Ntn'viline enable it; to soak to the very core of the trouble, and you experience ra feeling of wnrnith and relief Staab proves the clanger is past. For weak chest, sore throat and tendency to colds, the Net'viline Treatment beats all Others, Ley it, McKillop • Tuwersuie CotlECtt.-Coun011 met at 'Down Ball Seaforth, cll Jwne ogth, All the members present, Minutes of hist niceties; read anci adopted, The amend• ea report of the Engineer on the Tobias Nash Drain, wits read and considered and provisionally adopted, and the clerk was authorized to draft a by-law for borrowing on the credit of the Muni- cipality feuds, for the constenctlon thereof, repayable in ten equal annual payments. A petition from Calvin 11illen and others asking For a Municipal Drain, was accepted by the Connell, and n copy sent by the cleric to 11. 0. Puce, Lugineer, asking him to exutuiue the area Ntc., anci report thereon. Accounts to the emnua1 u1' Salo o8, were pal', len r q Me , tier for I urp ut,li0n of the I v Bolton Drain Me veiled fordo bo Open• ed at Dublin un blundsy afternoon, July, 89th The tuh14131$for copsnls08- ulg the two (0(1(0(11 brl0Ses, opo on lot 39 30, con, 14, Io- foot, end ono on let '10-r 1, cote 3, b foot, Was gluon to L. Looby, for $Ia4(eoe and $t35•o0 1'05790' Lively. Council edjon•ued to meet 8)t Dublin, on lulu loth p.eas r8). Nothing in the ,Way of a Cough is quite so annoying tie a 1iekling, teas- ing, wheezing, bronchial °tingle The I quickest relief 501ne8 pereaps from a prescription known to Druggists everywhere ae' Dr. Sheep's Cough Re- ' T110dy. And besides, itissothoaugh- ly llar.'nlless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The 1913495' !Paves oi' a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its remarkable 0111.0- .tive effect, Itis truly at most eettahr a1a(1 trustworthy prescription. Sohl by all dealers. 1111858E M, Plokson, B. A., and Miss J. 0, Dickson, B. A., datlg.hters of Jot ,, Joint )r, Na u ' Dickeon, T, 11 1 lTuele• t lamilh, sail, qtr W1511 a 1• Glasgow, on July let. oltThey expect to spend the Summer abroad and w111 welt the continent as well as Groat Br'itain and Ireland. Oea'yor th 7atiws Robb bite returned from De- ' troll, after speeding two weeks with relati Vee. Ir, Melee of 13oii'itlo, is 07elutillg a few ds s with Mier parents, le. (1. and Mrs, Pled Iis, W. Byrnes has ptu'vllesed the livery business of W. Llndettp, and took Pee - Session 08) Monday of ]sst week. S. and Airs. Dickson and (langbtev, Norma, left on Wednesday al last week for Seattle Wash., where they Will visit Mrs. Dickson's sister, Mrs. Laurie, Prof, Vogt, of Totemic: Conserves tory of Music, was here on 3.(18)0 28011 and conducted m ut:t1(/al 9E1'1121575exlaln- inatious, with the following lesnit8 h- i'rinrtah'y Piano, Lena Holmes, Olin - ton • first 0115858 donors, Equal, Mat•-. garret Oowan, Seaforth, puss; 0or(a Peart Dodds, Swaforth, lass. Aileen Scott, Seafart 1, pass. 11n)or piano, A.01810 0. 00001:leek, Seafo'th, glass ; Florence Pearson, 01i 01011, pass ; Evelyn 0lar'ke, 0oustance, piss, Ar• termediato, Bertha 0. Armstrong, Brussels, pass. Zurich BURGLARS USED N1T0010,--'.1'illlrati1y I/miming about oue ocicek burglars entered the office of Edmund Zeller, conveyancer, of this town, ally suc- ceeded in demolishing his large safe, nitro-glycerine being used. Tho store front of the Herald printing and tele- phone office, also owned by Mr. Zeller, was blown to atoms. A pale 01 the safe wra5 driven through the telephone cabinet. The cracks, 110W00er, got nothing for (heir work. The lass will be considerable to A11•. Zeller. His fine gold watch and chain hung dile ectly behind* the safe, but were not taken. A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis., tells some plain truths, and in a plain and pear,. tical way. Get this booklet, and a free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some ells - heartened sufferer in your .vicinity. Make a grateful and appreciative friend of scene one who is discouraged because of the failures of others to belt him. Help me to make this test, and I'll certainly help yowl' Buffeting friend. Listowel Cecil Wilson has sold his fancy driv- er to J. A. Kelly fog' a good ffgnee, Thos. and Airs, Male are home again after a couple of weeks visit in New Yolk with their son Harry, in Buffalo, Toronto and other places. Russell McPherson, electrician, is moving to town from Windsor, and will take full charge of George P. Thomas' electrical store on Wallace street. The excursion 1•o Goderich over the 0. P. R. was a great success, nearly 500 people taking it in, 239 tickets were sold at Listowel. The excursion was under the auspices of the Evangelical St18115ay School of town. The question of street paving has been before the Council for some time, and 1135 to•tmP' ' s L in bhat direction pre- liminary steps have been taken to have a portion ofMain sweet West, from Dodd street to Victoria street, paved with Westrnlnite pavement, that be- ing considered the most desirable pavement to lay clown. Knox Church, Harriston, is being completely remodeled at a cost of '5 ffi ,ODU V. ti L. Bimmn r architect, rtect, town, prepared the plans, and the wore will be done by Listowt umbrae - tors, Messrs Fritz, Calder and Se - burger having secured the mason work, carpentering and painting re- spectively. While a heavy thunderstorm was passing over here Saturday evening, the lightning struck the public school building, but 414 not do much damage. About the sante time it struck elle st:tof bre Dr. Thompson not th L a • star 8)t which ell w ' its nearly all bttt'necl. Tins 11101uante will cover the loss. The following from this district have been successful in passing the recent Normal examinations and are now entitled to professional certifi- cates :-Permanent Second Class - Annie E. Bright. Interim Second Claes-A. Edna Coulter, Win. F. Nick- el, Alvin .1. Ktanfmale Mildred Kay, all ex -pupils of Listowel high School Flora Donaldson, Palmerston, and Edna, elorley, Milverton. Are. you Subject to Colds? Theo don't Load your stomach with cough syrups. Send healing media- tion through the nostrils -send it into the passages that are subject to colds and catarrh. Easy to do this with Oatarehozone, wirier cures a cold in. ten minutes. Even to the lungs goes the healing vapor of Oatarrbozoso- all through the bronchial tubes, nos- trils and air passages -every where a trace of disease remains will Catarrh - ozone follow. You'll floe, have colds, nor will you stiffer from Atiffles, bron- chitis or throat trouble if Catarrh- ozone is used. Get it to -day. 25 mts. and $1..00 at all dealers. Goderich The Criminal Board of Audit for the bounty conlrueneed their July sitting on Tuesday of last week. The assessment of the 0. P. R. in Gudericll was reduced by the court of Revision from $28,000 to $20,000. Some people placed the fabulous, value of $150.000 on the property. D, A'Ie.Donald, clerk of the Surrogate Court, left last weelt 011 a visit 8.0 51i 01,1 Land, Mr. McDonald's last visit was about. 36 years ago, and his trip will enable him to see Lite many changes in that period, In ntlu0r of Dominion Day the pul- pit of North street Methodist 0hurch on Smithy was (1115peclwith the British ensign and the national anthem toil the hymn "Land of Hope and Glory" were features of the mttsicttl service, Two cows belonging to Dick Romp went over the riven' bank at th0 old Echeard5 place, near the woollen mill, on -Monday of last week and were kill- ed. Itis a serious loss to Air, Romp, as he was offered 0goodsuns for the two animals a short time ago. Through the ingonnity of Alex, Welch, Godovic1 toweship,.he contriv- ed trent trap, and diming the night he trapped fourteen large scats. It re- quired no email amount of centime and considerable an10001)191111 to kill th0110, but; of the lot only one escaped, To Move offa cold. • Cough mixtures "dope" a colts -bet don't cure, Above all else, keep the bowels regular mud stimulate the eleminating organs. More valuable than any cough syrup are De. Ham- ilton's Pills, They clear the system of every trace of colo -the dull headache, aching limbs, and cough disappears. Take the pills before retiring, they work while you sleep, and by morning All dealers sell Dp rtHagi ]x to 's away. Pills in 25 ct. boxes; f5etgrave Belgrave Orangemen spent the 12111 at Brussels. Air's, Bates was matted to attend the funeral of lice mother, in Stratford. The Presbyterian Lawn Social was a$ d$10,5.ecir001ed, snrreas, the proceeds being f ot'e 1 Vint have the rlei60•act. to build (3 stone basement. underneath Miss Beugolgles dwelling. John Armstrong, stock dealer, de- livered 125 head of cattle to 'John Ransl'ord, of Clinton, and realized therefrom $7,870. The Trustees of Belgrave School have had the school grounds hl]cely levelled and in good shape. A flag Pole has been erected and a new flag floated on the 1st of July. Trinity 011tu'ah garden party, hell Tuesday evening of last week on Jim. Armstrong's lawn, 27(38 a success, `.1'he receipts totalled about .$110. Wingham Fife and Drum Band sup- plied plenty of good music, and an all- roundo0 tit d g llC tVaB enjoyed those present. J Y by The annual r P 151t fee Bel grave tausCir- cuit Methodist Church ]cis been issued It shows that Belgrave 1 xis• ed $488.00, Snnshipe $246.98 ; Brick Church, 5306.5)1, Missionary con- tributions were 8265.55 ; other enn- nexi0nal fends, $115.49 ; Woman's Missionary Society, $69 • Ladies' a Aid, $100. n 00 and Trustee $ , Boards $240,00, in all, $149L69. C. Grasby is Record- ing -Steward, Wingham Miss Eaensoliffe Musgrove has been engaged as teacher in No. 9, Howlett, at $435.00. W. J. Howson has purchased A. J. Nicholls' Bakery business, and got possession Monday, Miss Viola Davidson 2 Sou has been s elec - t ed as assistant 1 It Leatlul of Ripley Public School at a salal y of $450. Miss E. M. Lloyd has purchased a millinery business in .Elmira, and left, 00 Saturday to take possession. Mrs. (Rev.) Rutledge met with an accident, severely spraining one of her rtnlcles. She has been obliged to re - mein in bee room for a few days. Ale. Watters, of the Fordwich Re - meld, underwent an operation in 1Vinglxam Hospital for the removal of a growth upon his under lip. It mus- ed hive considerable paha for the past few months. Alrs. Lougheed received sad news from Regina by wire, last week to the effect that her son David, 17110 went West in the Spring, had been serious- ly hurt, and very little hope of his re- covery w1a5 entertained. Under Help Wanted Alxperiencecl operator's 08) Pants. Knicketrs, Overalls, Ooustant em- ployment the year round. High- est union wage paid, piece work. Inexperienced hands to learn op- erating. Taylor- Anderson - Southgate Co. Limited SEAPORTI-I You are Proud of Your Wife and Children MINIUMNIUMIDANDINSONND oomlalirlooEDEIa Why don't you bring them to ns to b0 photographed 2 We will give you a motive that will make you prouder still. Always weleoine to call ;and see one sleetees, 'E .ER'S Art Studio tops a .. Fr�lx l Ayer's Hair Vigor, new int- proved formula, will certainly stop failing of the hair, Indeed, we believe it will always do this unless there is some disturb- ance of the general health. Then,a constitutionalmedieine may be necessary. Consult your physician About this, Dow nor change the color of the bah. Permute with each bottle show 18 to Tear ersty hTzu doctor ® ''1v� Lek ltlm he o y than d o he este The reason why Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair is because it first destroys the germs which cause this trouble. After this is done, nature soon brings shout'a full recovery, restoring the hair and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition. ----5tede by the J. 0. Dyer W„ yq,r,lt, ••�-'- - Beckr; ! t i;' rI 'r 30 Tito large tannery and glove factory here, owned by W. D. Pringle, was completely destroyed by fire shortly after 1 o'clock Thursday morning. The origin of the flee hs unknown, bit incen1115r1sm ]s suspected as, the stables belonging to the glove factory were set on fire a few days ago. The flames had gained great headway be- fore they were discovered, anti despite all efforts nothing was saved. The building and contents are a total loss. Partially covered by insurance. A failing tiny nerve -no larger than the finest silken thread --.takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its rogulariby. The Stonach also has its 111040(1, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescription -Dr. Shoop's Restorative -is directed straight fit' the cause of these ail- ments -these weak and faltering in- side nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative 141155 of ale grotvn so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days Senn become fully convinced of its wonder. fill merit. Anyway don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sick- ness is the only sensible and success- ful way. Sold by all cleaners, • The Western Fair, London. The management of the Western Fair, London, One, are punting forth extra efforts this veau• to make the Exhibition more popular than ever in all its differ eat b• I,tnches hut to none of then n are they giving more attention than to the Live Stock Department. A Targe anuout ofn rt money t h8),s been added to the Prize List In the Horse classes several changes bay, been made t sections are added in the Roadster class for "farm ers only ; "other sections in the High Steppers psis 1 I fur C:uidems tad pour it: - hands, 1 u•bit in Speed events ve its several !unsaved ted dollars have been addedo the e purses. In the Cattle $goo has been added to the Shorthorn Class alone, and substantial inLreoses to the other classes. Increases Have beets made in the Sheep classes and one netv class added to the Swine. A third prize in cash has been given the entire Poultry list beside a hoe lot of Specials. The Agricultural and Fruit Departments have been carefully revised and added to where it was thought t advise hl a The he Ladies' work has re • ' cot cl special notice \e p and the Prize f i tzc List arranged up to dote. Send for Prize Lists, entry forms and all in- formation to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ontario. Morris Council The Court of Revision met according to adj0uremeut in the Council 410000 08) June 28tH. Metnbers all present. John M. Hopper was entered F. 8, Se 3 con. 3 ; H. Kirkby, entered tenant S. W. pt, 1, con, 4 ; Joseph Smith, entered owner N. pt. 27 and 28 in place of John Bloom- fieicl. On notion of McCracken and Shortreed the Court of Revision was then closed and rite Assessment Roll as revised and untreated was established as the Assessment Roll of the TOwtssliip of Monis for the current year, 'Council business was then proceeded with. Minutes of i'ast meeting regal sod passed, A petition was presented by '.Giros. Mc- Call and other's asking for the construc- tion of drain tender the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Act. On motion of Wilkinson and Johuston said petition woe entertained and the Clerk tustruc- ted ro notify the Engineer to examine the locality and make his report thereon. ByLaw No. 7 re 5th coo, drain was read and provisionally adopted. Moved by Johust0n.seconded by Shortreed, that the Court of Revision on Russel drain be belt on July 26th at o'clock 7. r8). ; On 5111101 dl'altr at 3.30 p, 8)p.; and on 5th con. drain at 5 p, 111. Carried. On motion 01 Shortreed and Wilkinson, Wnh, Geddes, of Belgrave, was appoint- ed Inspector oI cement work on Stone School bridge, By -Laws Nos. 8 and 9 were duly read and passed. Accounts were pei[tl e s follows t-1... Craig, farm bridge, $t$oo; J. McGill, guard fence end repairing culvert, $28 5o ; H. Kirk- by, hauhug plank and repairing bridge, $5,00 ; G. Grigg, hauling and putting in cement ti to ou South boundary, $3 00 ; R. Richmond, drawing and putting in tile, $3.59 ; J, AloCaughey, drawing plank and repairing bridge, 58.75 ; Geo. Jackson, tile drain, $5,00 ; Gilbert Me - Callum, work on road, $4 00 ; N, A. Taylor, expenses taking Wm, Wood• Ivan, to House of Refuge; 60c ; Geo, Gegen, work on bridge 750 ; 1Vm. Mc - Walt 011 bridge, $6 40 ; Wm, Tay- lor, week on bridge, 750 ; J. Shortreed, work on bridge, 750 ; Tens, McCall, limber anti writ on bridge $2 00 ; Wm, Greig, =Hog tile, $20,00; Geo, Cole, 118910514/00 011 Cole drain, $2.00 1 A. T. Cola assistance 0u Cole drain, $1.00; 1. Douglas, gravel and use of scraper, $1.45 ; D. Sommerville, filling st bridge, 53.75: W. C. Procto', gravelling 1115,o0 ; J. McArter, to pay ter shovelling gravel ou 5th line, $12,00 ; A. Cronin, digging ,y,,ys Ifeeteeeesete To Introduce The ASTORIA SIR 11311 MEN we offer 10 per cent off' the price stamped. on shoe by duan ufac1tlrer, The 141fitte87a1 and workmanship on them: elutes etre strictly the best mid this is 10i exeeptitnl- al ehnmoe 10 001,111.0 11 high glade 01100 at. n reduced pkit:•9. \Vi' lin ye them in, difl.'eront widths 01' lasts and different Shapes of toes. Would be pleased to show you these goods. See our window display this week, Shoes of all kinds. Trunks, satchels, Lap Rungs, Harness. L C. IC ards corporation share of ditch at lot 7, 6th con. line, 520.53. For gravel, R, Craig, $9.06; Wm, Wilkinson, $4.90; 11, Kirkby, 59.63 ; Wm. Gray, $6.02 ; A. Cloakev, 58.19i Wm. Salter, $1.27; Geo. Kerr, 58.35 ; Wm, 'esteem, $12.10 ; Phos. McCall, $8,33 ; J. Niohol, 83.15 ; Geo, Peacock, $7.72 ; las. Peacock, $1.89 ; W. H. Knox, 56.20 ; Wm, Skelton, 53.50 ; D, Sommerville, $5.33 ; D. Agar, $9.03 ; 30n Sellars, $3.29 ; A. Pollock, $4.20, On motion of McCracken and Wilkinson, the 00011eil then adjourned to meet again on July 26th at tett o'clock a, m, W, CLARK Clerk, ---..rs • Are you Slooptees, Nervous? TWO horrors crowded into one lite -- the product: of poo»• digestion and a poisoned system. There is jest, one cure for this terrible condition -- plenty of fond -but rminil you, food properly digested that's the dif- ficulty, to improve the (ligesti41,' power of the stomach. Get tech nutritious blood, strengthen the Sys- tem and drive out poisons. ---then comes vitality, eneui'auce, power. Ferruzone does all this and more, it makes sick people well, weals people strong, changes "nerves" and insoltl- ailiha into robust health. Take leer- rozone and health is yawls. 50 ets. at all dealers. • ♦W ♦ ♦ P • ome ♦ O ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 ♦ P P dGirls O O ♦ • WANTED •0 t a' ♦P • ns Inedible operators and for other feetry work. Good wages and ♦ steady employment. write us. 4 • • ♦ • 9 s The Clinton Knitting Co,, e. ♦• Limited 4' • OL/NTON. ONT. A • • ♦♦PPPP♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦PP♦e♦PPPaea ']'ree Washington State new law, pro- viding that applicants tar marriage liceures must undergo medical examina- tion, went into effect last Week, The, only exception to this dreetic law is in the case of women 0091 45 yea's of age. Ten couples atpeared with - pbysicians' certificates. l'.u'o couples announce that they iron',! cross into British Columbia and be n:•u'ried. It is the opinion of the officials 11,53 the new taw will mance Victoria or Vancouver across the border a new venni i Breen for American couples with physical elt- fetes. NATIONAL RINE P l6tl the error that a 1 Flour is alike. The proof of it lies in a trial of our White loaf Family Flour The Netter baking and More of it you can do with a smolt or bareel of our flour will be a revelation to you. We won't have t0 ask on Lo try the •- Y � sec- ond , hue of 11 do that. xaL u' Y 1 your O wuaccord. Rehr Remember We 1191 .1. 111 lands of Grain and feed lu .stuck. SU &FLAI Pryoe i hr, a - , f The Oldest Insurance Office in the World Founded 1710 8)i -Centenary 1910 Home Office : London, England Canadian Branch, Bun Building, Toronto, If, M. Blackburn, Manager B. GERRY, BRUSSELS AGENT WELL BRED STALLION," # 1909; 1909 Calan 215082 and Costuaer Witt stand for service this season at their own staple, BRUSSELS. Baron bel Kapian it choice young Registered Roadster Stallion, 11'1100e rat (181111 10 Dolwoir011; 2nd darn, Baron Wilkes ; sed (lam. Jay Gould, 101 producers of speed, will taken limited number of mares, Intending breeder's should call and sec the horses for themselves. Scott , 'Warwick PROPRIETORS BRUSSELS 0