HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-6-24, Page 2THE MYSTEEIOUS HEY
FD `1'•URI?.,
"Ellen!" exclaimed Lady 13rom-
ley, somewhat sternly, although
she,Wa s herself little startled
not a a
by the, girl's wild manner, her
Strange and incehereet language,
"get up from the floor at once, and
sit upon this chair, There !+ as
her young servant obeyed her;
shookod into a semblance of compo-
sure by her mistress' unusual tone,
"now collect your thoughts and
tell ire whet all this excited mumb-
liug means, What is that you
know'! Why were you so startled
when 1 spoke of Mr, Hubbard'!
What is it that you are going to
tell, even at the supposed risk of
your life'!"
"Oh, it is a queer story, maria,
and 1 didn't understand what it al!
meant at the time; but now I see!
now I see!"
"Hush! be quiet! don't excite
yourself again!" interposed Lamy
Bromley. '1)o you know lilr. Jon
Hubbard ?"
"Don't 1 know him! I should
think so; he kicked me once," said
the girl vindictively.
"Kicked your
"Yes; 1 was letting him in ono
day, and not meaning to, I knocked
his hat, and it got jammed. Then
he swore, and gave me a kick."
"You wore letting him in—
"Into our house."
"What was he doing at your
house 7 Was he in the habit of cal
ling there? 1 thought your aunt
was very poor."
"Yes, so she was; but we lived
in a tenement that belonged to M.
_Rebhard, and he used to come
every month for his rent, After
s, while he and aunt Lu got very
thick over something they were
planning between them. I couldn't
make head nor tail out of it, though
1 used to listen when I could, '
said Ellen, as innocently as if lists -
ening were the most proper thing
in the world to do. "But one day
I heard him tell her that if she'd
help hint out, he'd make her a rich
woman, and she'd never have to
sew another stitch for her living;
he said he'd come the next night
and explain the whole thing to her.
The thought of being rich almost
took my breath away. I got all
stirred up over it. 1 thought of no-
thing else all that day and next,
and finally made up my mind that
1 would know what was going on
if 1 could manage it. There was an
old-fashioned sofa in aur sitting -
room; it had a valance around it,
tet hide the legs, and it popped into
my head that if I could slip under -
teeth it, 1 could easily hear all
that was said. So 1 pretended to
have a toothache, so 1 could make
an excuse to go to bed right after
"Oh, El/en!" said Lady Brom-
ley, regretfully, at this point.
"Oh, of course, 1 know that a
lady like you, or -her," glancing
at Allison's picture, "wouldn't do
anything like that; butyou just
try being as poorand -abused
I've been, and sea if you wouldn't
get to lying after a while; it's a
good sohooi for liars," said the girl
half -defiantly. "Well," she re-
sumed, "1 just watched my chance,
while Aunt Lu was in the bedroom
changing her dress. Anna hart gone
"Stop a moment, !'ellen," her
ladyship here interrupted; "who is
"She's my cousin; Aunt Lu's
"Yes, yes, 1 see; now go on,"
said her mistress eagerly, and ting-
ling in every nerve as she began
to grasp oertain important points
it, this remarkable story.
"As 1 was saying," Ellen resum-
ed, "1 watched my chance, crawled
under the sofa, and lay flat on the
floor. It wasn't very comfortable,
especially after that man came and
plumped himself down right over
nit, For I didn't dare to move so
much as a finger—hardly to breathe
hill and !tiong .:
"Now, wait just a minute, El-
len," lively Bramley here interpos-
ed, "When was t long
ego was it when Mr. Hubbard paid
this visit to yowl' aunt'!"
"Oh•-lct me see," said the girl
reflectively; "it must have• been
somewhere about the last of July.
Ib was on 'Tuesday night --the next
day 1 went to Doctor Ashmore to
have the splints taken off my arm.
That was the time 1 fainted, and
he told me 1 might go t olive with
him. It was the second day after
that 1 went, and l have never seen
either Aunt .Lu or Anna since,"
".But if there was a prospect of
your aunt becoming rich, why did
yon wish to run away? You might
have fared butter if you had re,•
mauled with her," her ladyship oh•
"You'll see why, when I've told
you what 1 heard that night," El-
len replied, with a shiver. "'Wall,
Mrs. Brown,' Mr. -Hubbard said, as
lin set down --u
"'Brown I" repeated Lady Brom
"Yes, that was Aunt Lu's name
—she married my uncle, Atan
"Ali I"
'Well,' he said, 'I guess .I've
got everything fixed just es I want
it at last, and you can ohmage your
name and position just as soon as
you oho-the—that is, if you think
you've got grit enough to carry out
this plan of mind.'
" `I've got grit enough for sew -
thing on earth that will get me will
of this terrible grind,' said Aunt
Lu. '!cave you been to New Jia•
ven yet, to look at those records 7' "
" `Yes,' he said, `and, as luck
would have it, 1 found them exactly
as you said, Brewster was mar-
ried on the same day you were; how
(lid you happen to know about it 7'
" 'Why, Alan was one of tho jani-
tors at the college, and knew young
Brewster well; and when he went
for our license, he met the swell just
coming out of the city clerk's of-
fice. He thought 'twas queer, but
the book was lying open on the
desk, and he saw nis name and his
girl's --Miriam Harris—and under-
stood what was up,' Aunt Lu ex-
plained. 'But as he was a rich chap
and not through college, Alan knew
he had done it on the sly, and that
it would be for his int.rest to keep
mum; he never said a word about
it; he didn't tell even me until
years afterward. klow queer things
do come about,' she said; 'I knew
Miriam Barris, and she wasn't any
better off than 1, even if her father
was a musician, and mine a journey-
man tailor; they were as prou as
Lucifer, and as poor as church
mice, and now here you propose
that 1 step right into the shoes that
were intended for her!'
"'You think you can keep a stiff
upper lip 7' said Mr. Hubbard. _
"'you bet,' said Aunt Lu.
" `Well, get me your certificate,'
he told her, 'and 1'11 fix. it up for
"Aunt Lit took a paper from her
pocket, and handed it to him, i
couldn't see what it was, but it rat-
tled like letter -paper.
" `kta!' 1 beard him laugh, 'it's
a piece of real luck to have every-
thing turn out so cleverly; when
1 found out that your husband's
name was Alan crown, it struck
me that it might very easily be made
over into Adam Brewster.'
" '1 don't see how you are going
to do it,' said Aunt Lu nervously.
'1 don't want to get caught in any
law scrape.' -
"'See here,' he said, and then
he showed her how he could make
an '1' into a `d,' and—oh, I can't
remember all the rest; but when
he got through explaining, she
seemed satisfied and well pleased.
" 'Yes, yes,' she said, '1 believe
you can do it ; and if 1 do my part,
you swear that you will hand over
a• lot of money to me?'
" 'Mrs. Brown,' he said, speak-
ing very slow and positive, "you'll
Clever need to do another day's
work as long as you live.'
" '0111 what a blessed relief that
will be,' she told him, and just
ready to cry. '1 don't think l could
have stood it much longer without
going mad. I've beenmore'n half -
tempted to jump off the Brooklyn
Bridge into the East River many a
time—guess 1 should if it hadn't
been for Anna; 1 thought ib would
be cruel to leave her to struggle
on alone.' "
"Oh I" here breathed Lady Brom-
ley, with a shiver, "what misery
there is in the world! To what des-
perate deeds poverty drives man-
kind I"
Yes' said Mr. Hubbard,"
len went on, without heeding the
interruption of her mistress, ` 'An-
na is too fine a girl to be left to
hoe her own row alone. What have
you to say to that other plan which
L hinted at a few days ago?'
" What About your marrying
Anna'!' said Aunt Lu, when my
heart gave such a jump that I came
near crying out, 1 was so stirred
up. But 1 caught m
yselt just in
time, and shut my teeth together
'Yes,' that man said, as if he
thought ho was the Great Mogul,
`don't you think it would be a rare
chance for her i'
"'1 know it would, of course,'
she answered, 'but 1 can't tell how
she may feel about it. I haven't
said anything to her yet ; but I'm
of the opinion that 5100'11 be reedy
for almost anything that will imn
prove her condition.'
"'Welt, it strikes me that we
had better all cast our lots into
one box together, and have a gond
time for the rest of our lives,' he
went on. '1 will settle a handsome
income on you the day she marries
me, then 1 wilt take her al! over
the world, and she shall have ev-
erything she wants, !+bolll make
a handsome woman dressed in her
satins and diamonds.'
don't believe there's a bit of
elnnht about her doing as you want
her Lo ; she's dead dtl'•ei•nragcd with
the grind she's had Over since her
Cathay died, 1'11 clo my best to per.
suede, her. {Jit, I'd almost; give in
eyes to see her wearing velvets a
diamonds,' Aunt em said, elmos
reedy to o ` again.
'it would be the most wither
table way to settle matters, for e
parties,' be raid; 'beet what wil
you do with that little feel of
niece iaf yours'!'
"I tell you, maim, I was nearl
choked again with the jump m
heart gave at this," Ellen Here eb
served, lief• face growing very pal
with the remembrance of the ex
perionce; "it told the right off tint
1. wasn't expected to have any shay
in the good time that was coming.
" 'Site isn't any'niece of mine
and I'd have been mighty glia•! t
get rid of her long. ago, if I,, badn
needed her in the kitchen,' she tol
him, in a spiteful way that madame
just ache to strangle her."
"010, hush I Ellen," reproving)
bceatbed her conipanion.
"1 know it's wicked," said th
girl stoically, "but poverty is bl
devil's t9•aining-school, and it lin
ishes off more devils, than anythin
"My ehild, you must not talk so,'
said her mistress authoritatively.
"'But it stirs up all the bad there
is in me, whenever I look back and
think of how that woman treated
me," was the sullen reply.
"Well, go on and get through
with your story as soon as you can
then we will try to find something
better to think about," responded
Lady Bromley, in a gentle tone.
"You were saying that Mrs. Brown
wanted to get rid of you."
"Yes, and he answered, sharp
and quick, 'We must get rid of hs
now; she'd make it very hot to
us if we kept her on the string; see
would be sure to blurt out, some
day, that your namo was once Mrs.
Brown, and then our fat would all
ibe in the fire,'
"'But what can I do with herr
Aunt Lu asked.
1 think 1 know of a—a school,
in a certain town out West, where
site could be sent, and would never
he likely to trouble us again,' Mr,
Hubbard told her, in a voice that
umade me creep all over. But I. said
to myself that neither of them
would have a chance to work me on
in that way—that 1 should light out
all of a sudden, and then, if 1 ever
saw my way clear to give them tee
grand bounce for their golden stilts,
1'd do it. At first I thought I'd go
that very night, after the house got
quiet; but a few minutes afterward
the told her that it might take a
few days to fix things up before he
eould bring them to a—a—"
"tresis'?" suggested her ladyship,
as Ellen appeared unable to think
of the word she wanted.
"Yes, that was it. So I told my-
self that 1 needn't be in any great
hurry. 1 could look about a bit Ior
a place. 1 had that ten dollars that
she," with another fond look at the
photograph across the room, "gave
me, and 1 knew 1 needn't suffer;
1 could take care of myself for a
while, even if 1 ran away before I
found anything to do. Before Mr.
Hubbard left he told Aunt Lu that
in a week or so, he should want
her and Anna to move into a bet-
ter place, and they must have some
good clothes to wear—they mustn't
get anything swell or showy at first,
but a few nice things to make them
look ladylike and respectable. he
was going to New Raven the next
day, `to file the records,' and when
ho came back he'd he ready to push
matters, and would give her some
lessons on law points, and what
she'd have to sayand stick to in
court; for he expected there might
P e g t
be some tough fighting, as there
was somebody else who would try
to get the Brewster fortune."
".Diet he say who—did he men-
tion any names?" inquires Lady
"No ; and he didn't talk as if he
had any fear of them. Aunt Lu
said she'd do whatever he told her
—she was ready to swear to any-
thing, for the sake - of having an
easy time for the rest of her life.
He went away then, and a little
while after Anna came in. Aunt;
Lu told her all about Mr. Hub -
bard's call, and when she came to
what he had said about marrying
ear—Anna—she laughed until I
thought she'd burst a blood-ves-
Oh, he's a clever one, mother,'
she said, when the could get her
'What do you mean?' Aunt Lu
asked, '
He means to nail everything,
so titers will be no fear of ever los-
ing his grip on •that money,' said
1 don't understand you,' her
mother told her.
'' 'Why, 1 should think you'd have
seen through his game from the
first,' Anna snapped. 'Of course,
John Hubbard meant to have the
lion's share of this feast, under any
circumstances; but lie was keen
enough to see that it wouldn't do
to leave any loophole for us to go
back on him; so if he married me,
our interests would be so mixed up
with his that we couldn't blow on
hini or be grinding more money out
of him all the time.'
" 'Yes, 1 see,' said her mother;
then she went on anxiously, 'But 1
hope you will marry him, Anna—
ho can't be such is great deal older
than you; girls often marry men
alder than he, 'Then just think 1
the good times you'll have -- the
leave!, moa clothes, and jewels--
";Uh, ,les, 1'!l marry him,' she
said sharply. '1'd marry almost ;thy
ether dried -lip, old bachelor for the
sake of getting out of shah a hole
y' es this, and having all the merely
J want to spend, flood gi+agiaus l
t I'. seems almost tem good tel be true,
r �,
"They wont to bed soon after
11 that," Ellen resumed, "and I was
! Mighty glad of it, for I tithed in
a every bone from lying still so long
upon the floor. Then, as 800n as
they settled themselves to sleep, 1
Y °rept out from under the sofa and
y slipped away to my room.
"But 1 didn't get much sloop that
e night -1 kept thinking ever and
over of what 1. had heard, and, be-
sides, 1 wee triad through and
° through, to 'Flew teat when 1'd
been doing alt the drudgery in the
+ house for years, Aunt Lu had no
notion of letting me share the easy
dtime and good things that were
coming to her, i tt !lave' been glad
111 could have stopped their gains
then and there, just out of spite,
Y but 1 didn't understand it very
wolf, so didai't know just how to go
o to work.
"The most 1 'could get through
- 'nly brain was that by some kind of
g trick they were going to get a' lot
of money, but Mr. Hubbard was a
great lawyer, and 1 thought nobody
would believe me if I tried to give
them away, and 1 might only gel;
myself put in jail for modelling. 1
suppose 1 could have told that
Aunt Lu's name had always been
!frown, and she was only playing at
, being Mrs. Brewster, if 1 had wait-
ed until they sprang their trap ; but
1 was afraid of them all, and 1 knew
they'd be just about ready to kill
the if they should find out all that
1 had learned of what they were
up to. At any rate, it was plain
r enough that they meant to get rid
r of me by sending me off to some
horrid place, so when I fainted that
next day in Doctor Ashmore's -of-
fice, and he said 1 might go to live
with him, 1 made up my mind right
off what 1 would do. I made up my
bundle that night and skipped out
the next morning, as I've told you."
"And you have never seen either
your aunt or cousin since?" In-
quired Lady Bromley.
"No, and 1 don't want to," said
Ellen sharply ; "1 want to give
them a wide berth, and hope they'll
do the same by me."
('To be continued.)
On the Farm
As a pasture or soiling crop for
sows and young pigs, alfalfa proves
a wonderfully helpful ration for
milk -making in the sow ;and for
growth in the pigs. Experiments
have shown that pigs make better
growth when the dam is fed con-
siderable alfalfa than those from
sows fed the best of commercial ra-
tions, but with no alfalfa. Of two
sets of pigs, one fed clover, rape
and soaked corn, and the other with
access to alfalfa, in lieu of clover
and rape, those having alfalfa seem-
ed to grow the more rapidly. For
brood sows, it is a most valuable
food, either as hay, a soiling crop,
or as pasture. Tho litters of such
sows are generally large and vigor-
ous, and the dams have a strong
flow of nutritious milk. Alfalfa
meal in slop may be used with pro-
where the hay > is not to be ob-
b-tained. It is also claimed that sows
fed on alfalfa during pregnancy will
not devour their young, its mineral
elements seeming to satisfy the
appetite of the sow while contribut-
ing to the foetal development of the
On a farm of former Governor
Hoard, in Jefferson County, Wis-
consin, all the brood sows have for
several years been wintered on al-
falfa hay of the season's third cut
ting, and their drink skim milk
from the dairy, without any grain
until the last two weeks of gesta-
tion. Mr. Hoard says the object
is to give the sows a food that will
keep them in a non -feverish state,
and furnish pro?'iti sufficient to
build the bodies of the forthcoming
A Finney County, Kansas, farmer
reports having pastured pigs on
one acre of alfalfa from May 1st to
September 1st, when they weighed
100 pounds each, and were in fine
condition fattening. Inc tttten n Another
Kansas farmer reports keeping 100
pigs from about the middle of April
to September on five acres of alfalfa
pasture. A little grain during the
Iast two months would have gained
hint many, pounds of pork. Many
alfalfa -raising pig -growers insist
that their pigs can be maintained
from May to October on alfalfa for
one-half what it would cost for al-
most any other feed,
The Utah Station found that
young shoats gained one-third
pound a day on alfalfa pasture,
without grain. But the Station
found, also, that the gain was not
so groat in older hogs. A Wiscon-
sin dairyman reported that be kept
nine snws all winter and spring
on alfalfa hay and skim milk, with-
out any grain, and raised from
them 75 pigs, all healthy and vigor-
The Colorado Ration cansidwys
that a ration of three fourths corn
and one-fourth alfalfa hay is the
hest for fattening kings for market,
but for young hogs not ready for
fattening the proportions should be
reversed, Tho Station sloes not re-
commend grinding alfalfa hay for
(cogs, probably on the theory that
o notworth muoh,
the li s time s aril. m ml
at best, and he can do his own
grinding;—Icrom C.oburn's "Swine
in America."
Ab least enc experiment station
in the United States has suggested
a practical method of lighting Lata=
ada thistle. An Iowa press bulletin
says, truly, that a good method to
eradicate the weed is to plow filial,
low and cultivate frequently dur-
ing the summer. It is pointed out
that the roots of the Oenada thistle
deeply clown into soil,
y d K n in .othe
hence for this, reason deep cultiva-
tionwill be of no swell, After plow-
ing, the soil, should be dragged, and
the roots exposed to the sun and
removed when possible. Itmay be
necessary to rtin•over the field with
a hoe to cut off stray plants that
appear. This method was tried on
a patch several years ago, and no,
Canada thistles have since made,
their appearance ' in this place,
Various crops, such as clover and
sorghum, aro said to be effective
in subduing the thistles,
Of the chemicals which have been..
used to exterminate Canada thist-
les, none are more effective than
sodium arsenite. It is applied at
the rate of one and one-halfto two
pounds. to 52 gallons of water.
Carbolic acid, at the rate of ono
part to one part water, destroys
the root where it domes in contact
with the mixture, lend for a little
distance beyond. This is not an
effective method, as the roots sprout
out from below, In response to
circulars of inquiry sent out J y the
station, the majority of correspond-
ents leoommended shallow plow-
ing, disking and harrowing, and
continuing cultivation and hoeing
as long t1 the thistles make their
appearance. Some report success-
ful treatment with salt, when scat-
tered thickly abotit the thistles,
especially if cattle or sheep are
given access to it. Some reported
success with carbolic acid where it.
is applied directly to the stem.
Some original and striking state-
ments with regard to the attitude
of the public in general, and the
medical profession in particular, to-
wards humanity's common enemy,
'disease, are made by Berner
Maefadden in the June issue of the
Physical Culture magazine. The
following quotations will serve to
illustrate the standpoint from which
this writer views .the ordinary
method of dealing with pliysieal
ill t d e• hisbeliefs
nen s i mut of
a ai
are gainingiaeeeptanoe in the minds
of those wlio think for themselves
the world over:
"Praotically every advanced stud-
ent of 'medicine is prepared to ad-
mit that disease germs ere in-
nocuous or harmless t0 these who
possess what might he termed a
high degree of vital resistance. Such
persons are glassed as immune, and
it has always been an unsoluable
riddle to me why the germ -seeking
sgientists do not turn their atten-
tion, to the study of the !tow and
why of this immunity, They are
socking a method of insuring im-
munity against disoasq. Why do
they devote so much time to the
study of the minute details of dis-
ease itself, instead of learning some-
thing of the nature of the forces
within the body which can render it
practically immune from all disease?
"Disease is not an enemy! It is
a friend,! It comes as a means of
bringing relief. It is an effort on
the part of the body to right e
wrong, It shows that .the body is
struggling for life and health, and
on many occasions, if it wore not
for the disease that come as is
means of ridding the body of the
vile accumulations of poisons,
death would unquestionably ensue.
Therefore, disease in many cases
actually saves life, To be sure, if
there is but a small amount of for-
eign material in the circulation and
tissues of the body, the attack of
the disease will be slight in char-
That a cavalryman unhorsed is
the most easily cowed?
That one can show his temper
only after he has lost it7
That -a contractor should be called
upon to expand a house? .
That no young man ever rose
rapidly till ho had settled down 7
That the plow must be soiled be;.
fore the soil can bo piowed?
That a susceptible fellow is hard-
est hit by the softest glances 'I
That in everything (except base-
ball) you must strike out to make
a hit?
That many students cannot state
bald facts +without splitting hairs 7
That the papers often refer to a
uman's double life as a singular ca-
reer.—Success Magazine,
Most people who cross the ocean
for the first time find it a very swell
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• Ea Ii o l •
Many long coats are seen in white
ot is to playa leading, part this
For run-around Irwin) nothing is
more popular than serge.
Navy, blest veiling with dots in
velvet are a feature of the season.
The pompadours and Dresden
sines are bewilderingly attractive.
Black collars on white serge suits
al•e not so often scan as earlier in
the season.
Mossaline sillsin exquisite Dres-
den patterns makes charmingly
dainty un lerskii'ts,
Hand tucks and hand ;embroid--
ery are favored to be found among
the now embroideries.
The bottoms of sleeves are much
trimmed, while ole upper parts
are left absolutely plain. •
Stripes are not as wide as they
were last year in men's shirtings;
nor are they as fancy,
Frocks of stilt, crepe, and other
unlined materials . are weighted
down by broadcloth facings.,
Stockings of lisle with self -co
ed "clocks" are generally the
satisfactory for every day.
Softest sheer satins are used
underskirts with wool or s
frocks, the tops being of s
The new veil is much shorter
narrower. The designs with clic
spots, finely dotted, are 'amon
most popular,
The pin stripe in linen law,
positively faseinatiug for. wear
the linen suit when it repeats
gown color.
Ohildren will wear cooks o
brightest colors, and espe
white once, blocked off with c
ed stripes, this su,nmer.
There is a new material call
cotton voile. It is so fine and s
that it must be hung in silk, but
wear it is said to be unsurpassed
Flowers promise to be worn mo
than ever on summer hats, an
among the specialties offered ar
water lilies in combination -with
other flowers.
Millinery continues eecentalp,
though sometimes extraordinarily
pretty; but much depends upon the
coiffure underneath and the tilt at
which the !tat is poised. •
While shoes colored to match the
costume are rampant even to bold-
ness, all shades of brown and tan
may be worn'with mixtures or col-
ored costumes; in fact, everything
except black,
Strings, usually not serving any
practical purpose, but caught up
and knotted in some graceful fash-
ion, appear upon anumber of the
most picturesque broad brimmed
hats this season.
Should the Louis XVI. ,modes re-
turn to favor, it is likely that the
lmig.e coiffure will be revived, with
the hair brushed off the forehead,
the many puffs and coils, and even
the side ringlets of the period.
The new school -teacher had a talk
with Mrs. Hobart one day in re-
gard to discipline.
I don't se
how you manage Bobby as well es
you do," said the teacher. ''1 like
him, but he's such a mischievous
little fellow, and he will not mind;
yet every one says he minds you. I
wish you'd explain it to me.'
"Well," said Mrs. Hobart;
doubtfully, "I'd just as soon tell
you, bub I'm afraid it won't help
you much. You see I kind of coax
"Coax him I" echoed the teacher.
"Yes," said Mrs, Hobart, "that's
what I do. I say to him, 'Now
come, Bobby, wouldn't you rather
be mother's good boy ane have
griddle -cakes and syrup for supper,
and play games till eight o'clock,
than have just plain bread, and
milk that's been through the sep-
arator, and go to bed right after
it, with the curtains drawed so you
can'e see the stars?'
"I can always coax him that
"Once in a while, if he's real St t
to be naughty, I'll say, See here,
!lobby, which'cl you rather, hare
mother fry you some doughnuts, cit
cut a little willow switch, nth :et
very little, either ?'
"I can coax him that way sure,
if the other fails."
A story is toe/ of a woman living
in a lonely part of the liar \Vett,
whoa husband had one day been
away from home much longer than
usual, She waited patiently, hoe,
ever, when to' her • surprise an I
einem a band of miliaria rock up
and dismounted a little 'distance
from the hut. •
Approaching her, the lcadrr
the party evalaimed apologeticnlly:
"We've mime to toll yer, ma'am,
that we've lynched yer husband.
We admit we've, hung the wrong
man, so you've got the laugh on 1.1
Women usuallyyq like to look on
the bright side of things—especially