HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-6-17, Page 5411.. is
( T I aQRAO1iEN—
Y 1' ct hinter o1rrlage 74117014011. 01.
no alp Groaery,Tur, arty street, Brussels.
K., 0, T. M.
Brussel Brant of the Maoeabeus, No. 04
hold the regular 00000l)18o'!n the Ledge
/Wont,.Seller along, on the 1st and 8111
Y ea oYe ih 9 of (ash h
Y s unlit ant ,
Visitors Co always Moe,
VERB, A. MatoGUIIiE,$,1t,
dee In tile' Pest Office, Eche;,' 90.4
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire ire Tnsur
a (S
q Company
Oflloe and Residence-
• nun, w111 sell for better prices, to
batter men In less time and lose chargee
Liam any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
Ise won't °barge anything.- nates andorders
can always be arranged at this ollloe or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reaeoaable, Sales arranged tot
at the office of Tun Poem, Brussels, 92tf
IAT -M. 61NULA111,—
• V V e Barrister, Solicitor,Conveyancer,
Notary Public, ko, canoe—B
I door Nortb of central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
17 lit0UDFO0T, HAY8 & BLAIR—
.iURfaa, E'ru,
W. PAolDeoom, K. O. 10. 0. HAYS
et. 9'. Bnr[a.
Oilloos-Those formerly 000apled by Lleears
Oanrer0D te Holt,
04ODna100, ON19020.
DR. R. P. PF -ILD.
G „duate or the Royal nonage of Deuced
Surgeons of Mame) and Fh•9t-class Honor
Graduate of Toronto tlnivorsi Cy, Mee
text to ll rower's rho iograan • al.eery.
Fanners os Storekeepers
by coiling to the
Brussels 8aflt Works
eau gut Buy kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
H'luelnau, liruspeds.
For Your
Summer Holiday
A Trip to Europe ,
Mloderate Rates
Liverpool Glasgow
London Havre
New Steamers Superior Service
l'qr full particulars offates end millings
apply to
Agent Allam Line. Brussels.
e. t
Weak Mamas, introlY Point to weak kidney
Nerves. Tbo khinu a ! the aeon, land the
Stomach, find tl t t ata , not. b1 the organ
itself, but, In .l 1 ro,'o idiot control and guide.
and strengthen th1 in. Dr. Shoop's Restorative Is
a medicine suecil mile nr0pared to moll those -
controlling nerves, Tn doctor the Kidneys alone,,
1s futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as
Il -our bank aches of is 'mak,if the Brim
OfBr1 htsor dark and of i ng or dangerous kid -
tryDr 12 .uio I o ctiVearo0 ktd-
Ta disease Mould-andPl sou
a vihat it ran
a and w
do for you.
'Druggitsou i,ent it ran and will
doforyou. llruggistrocoiltacnd and 0011.
Pains of women, head pains, or any
linin stopped ill 20 minutes sure, with
Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain • Tablets. See
full formula on 25e, Box, Sold by all
Buai:nesa Cards The volunteers, twentyflve etrolag,.
. under the cununanll .of taut, Leaman,
1.101111, Stanbul•y and fiergt,•11'aiol'
B4rt'leter, Botioltor, Notary, .te„ sueese901' t0 Relator are et .L Unr1U11 vamp for two
A B Afacdomlld O1$ae over 8taudord Bnnk, weeks
Olcero'Ahl0W01t11 reu,t With a run-
away while (hawing (ream foe the
Exeter creamery, 1..e was putting a
can of the wagon tit John Oan)pboll's,
0051, 2, Hay, when the horse became
frightened 000 the thunder and light-
ening and 01109'10101 off. •In latticing the
turn at Sexslnibh corner tall t110 eons
n'1 L 1
u the a lsllolfar t' upside
l d l i h u
dupe i I
u spilled the whole o' the I t v l 01 1 1 wagon
load 01 cream to the value of about
$75, the weight being about 1000
pounds. The team was ill'ought 10 a
halt by the
wheel becomi
lg (aught in
a tree, One horse was injured having
one leg badlyskiioned but the wagon
was (14tnagod but little.
The% Prior had his right arm Mk
en midway between - the . elbow and
6h n dc1. Haying cleaned la driving
mare he was in the net of throwing
111e harness on her when she iv1)001ed
and kicked John on the arm, with the
1980211118 stated, She was a part cul-
aely savage brute and had landed her
heels on more than one prior to this,
consequently Mr, Prior usually kept
one front -foot tied up. Such VMS the.
case Wednesday, but that did not pre-
vent her i'1'om doing the trick, The
blow diel not knock Mr. Prion clown
and in order to get out of the box stall
he was forced to climb over the front
which he did with considerable diffi-
culty and
liffi-cultyand walked to the house.
If youwould have a safe yet certain
Cough Remedy in the home, Ley Da
Shoop's—at least once. It is thor-
oughly taillike any other Oough prep -
elation. Its taste will be entirely
new to you -unless it is already your
favorite Cough Rernc:cly. No.opimn,
ohlorofornt, or ally other 0Cnpil'y1ng
ingredients are used. The teudet'
leaves of au ltarrnless, lung -healing
mountainous shrub, give to Dr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy itswonderful
curative properties. It is truly a
most certain and trustworthy pre-
scription. Sold by all dealers.
Bachelor of Mediolne, University of Toronto ;
tdoehtlate and Graduate of the uohegoo4 Pity
stainne anal Burgeons, Ont, I Post. graduate
011100500Ese, Bar, Nose and Throat es ltul,
Nem111. MeinSerowe Oh Nem Surgn to St, Wtoh•
nose ose en1 Toronto.
Mee over F. P. Smith's Dug store, Tele.
phone Oane0ti with Urea )100at , o1r
Dental Burgeon
Honor G1ndualt Dental Department, Toronto.
'University ; T•1oenttate of Royal college of
Den Gni 4ins eerrs, of 01.00 o. Ofaoe. eve(' J,
T. Hess' store l3russole.
L-n•Will visit Wroxeter the first and third
Mondays and Gerrie the mama and fourth
Mondavi of eaoh month.
Honor graduate of the Ontario 'Veterinary
UlleruDay hdnight
iMh on1
n, 01Boo opposite9louMili, Ethel,
Glome Tams Razz Ira r
Mni002N0 BoomGO2Na Noun
7:05a in Express 10:50 a m
Express 11 25 0 in Mail -1:44 p m
Express ........ 8:02 p m t Express 8159 n m
To Toronto To Godericlr.
Express 7:41 a m I Express 12:11 a m
15xpress...... ... 8:00 p m .Express - 0:15 p 10
i f in getmm
Iiowiek District will celebrate the
corning 12th in 'Brussels.
Mrs. (Rev.) A. L. `Russell, of Wrox-
eter, is here on a two -weeks' visit with
her sister, Mrs. J. McKee.
Howick Sunday School Convention
will be held in the Methodist church
Fordwich, Tuesday afternoon, 20th.
L. 0. L. 642 will holcl a lawn social:
on B. S. Cook's lawn Tuesday evening
June 22nd. A good program is being
prepared and.Rev. Wm. Walsh, of
Brampton, G9aucl Chaplain, of British
America, will give an address.
The return game of football between
Forclwich and Harriston High School
was played on the High School
grounds in the latter plaice. The
grounds being wet there was no brill -
ant playing and neither goal was in
great. danger at any stage of the game.
W. Blackwood greatly strengthened
the home team, while Fordwich was
weakened by the loss of H. Downey,
T. McKee, Wm. Spence and others.
The game resulted in a draw.
Pain anywhere stopped in 20 min-
utes stare with one of Dr. Shoop's
Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is
on the 25 cent box. Ask your Doctor
or Druggist about this formula l
Stops womanly pains, headache, pains
anywhere. Wrote Dr, Shoop, Racine,
Wis., for free trial to prove value.
The trustees of theublic school
have had the school ground plowed
and levelled which will make it much
more pleasant for games.
R M. Ballantyne was yn in ToLon to
attending Grand Lodge of the Chosen
Friends. A. new lodge of that Order
g o
will likely be opened up in Atwood
Wm. Klump was engaged in render-
ing tallow at their slaughter house,
and when he leftfor dinner, there was
still a fire on and in some manner it
caught to the building, when it was
seen, the alarm was gnickly given
and as a well and hose are in connec-
tion with the place the blaze was soon
licit out.
Quite a bit of excitement as caused
R w
at the school, when at the last recess.
some of the children were walking
the ledge which projects ont.from the
building about three feet from the
ground, when Olara Willoughby fell
to the ground causing a scalp wound..
A number of other children playing
there, on seeing the injuries, became
sick and others fainted, thus the
teachers hada lively time for a while.
The cement works was put out of
business for a few days when an ex-
plosion occurred in the large rotrary,
blowing the encl out of it which is a
huge piece of iron. Robert Cunning-
ham, the burner, who was in Charge
was fortunately away from the end of
it when the explosion occurred or it
would likely have proved another
fatal accident. About 8.80 o'clock, p.
m., the whistle blew giving the alarm
of the
and it was discovered that the
coal tank and the coal conveyor was
on fire, but with quick response and as
few pails of water it was extinguished
before doing much damage.
A Vegetable Constipation Cure.
Because they contain mercury and.
mineral salts, niltity pills ase harsh.
The easiest and safest laxative is Dr.
Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut. They.cleau the stomach,
intestines and bowels—drive out waste
matter, tone' the kidneys and forever
cure constipation. As a general tonin
and system cleausernothingg is so mild
and efficient as Di'.'I3arnilton's .Pills
of Mandrake and Butternut. Sokl
everywhere in 25c, boxes...
The Presbyterian Sunday School
(told their annual - picnic to Grand
Bend on Friday of this week.
Hugh Speakman has returned from
kis fishing trip to Owen Seam' and
visit to Dr..Rollin's at Orillia.
Court Exeter, 123, I. 0, 0, F., will
attend divine service the
street church on Sunday 20t11. inst.
Mr's. Gladtnan, who was called to
Petea'boro' owing to the illness. of her
uncle, as since1 Wan. Fowler, sends back wool
that heh died.
August Guhr, Shakespeare, was a
of e v
visitor in town. Ile was lone 'of the
teederevs for the intprovenlent"af the
Saublo river in Usborne township,
Exeter Canning and Preserving Co.
iserecting nshedhe
tee, ga targe open at the
Son 01 of theiefactory for the px'0teo•
Lion of green peas brought to the foto-
tory. The foundation ]s being built
of content,
The Ladies' Guild of Trinity church
expects to hold a Garden Party on
the evening of July 1st.
Thos. Ballantyne visited, friends
here. Ile has gone ,to .Lucknow,
where he has taken a position in the
woollen mill,
Jos. Cootnbes had a new front plat:'
ed in the store now occupied by L. 0.
Charlesworth, which makes a decided
improvement on the store.
McMillan & 0ci: have commenced
tearing down their old store and will
erect as soon as possible 'a ttvo story
brick building with basement S1x60,
with cold storage combined.
H. Bradford, who has run a black-
smith shop here for the past two
years left. for New Liskeard. Itis
family will not move at present and
the furniture has been stored in the
vacant part of J. Cook's house. The
shop in which be worked is at present
A lawn social under the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
church, Blyth, will be held on the
church lawn On Wednesday
Jtue.3ri. A musical program will
be furnished byon Tata Harpers,
London, and others. Lunch seved
from 5.80 to 8.80 o'clock.
PBlITTr WBoDueG,—Tuesday morn-
ing s o'clock a of last week t 6 o' lock St.
Michael's uUUrch Blyth,
was well fill-
ed to witness the eonstn:natin of a
matrimonial alliance between gJaures
B. Reynolds, of Detroit, and Miss
Harriet, daughter of. J. J. and firs.
McCaughy, of this place. Prof. Glen
Campbell, of Clinton, player( the
Wedding March and Rev. Fr. Renton
performed the ceremony. The bride,
whom Nature had smiled upon, wore
a becoming travelling suit of taupe.
She was attended by her sister, Miss
Rose, very neatly attired in pa1e blue.
The •lot (swan was John. Reynolds,
g Y ,
of Detroit, brother' of the groom.
Wedding gifts in rich profusion at-
tested to the deserved popularity of
the bride. Groom's present to the
bride,a handsome 1)8010101, and u ]le
t t
briclemaid.a beautiful pearl crescent.
Congratulations over Mr. and Mrs.
Reynolds took the 7 a. in. G. T. R.
train for a wedding tour which will
include London, Toronto, Buffalo,
Cleveland, Detroit, the latter city be-
ing their future home. The happy
twain were showered with confetti,
rice and flowers and are followed by
many good wishes for a long, happy
Taking a Chance
's a serious thing when it
comes to a food product.
It may lead to indigestion
and from thaton a a
p to
Unexcelled Flour
purity shell
ofguaranteed 1
1 Y
as tvo sell is always theo t y
cheapest. You take no
chance i11 using it as every
pound is sold muter our
B.A. Pryne
Fine Care
Fine Hair
It's fine care that makes fine
hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
new improved formula,
tem s-
te sties lt Yl nse a tious!Ys
and you will get results. We
know it stops falling hair, cures
dandruff, and is a most elegant
dressing. Entirely new. New
bottle. New contents.
Does not change the color of the hair,
Vermins with eachp 01110
show11 we
■/ Mk him about 10 then do na he (aye
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our
new improved formula, is the latest, most
scientific, and in every way the very best
hair preparation ever placed upon the
market. For failing hair and dandruff it
is the one great medicine.
—tondo by the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowen. 51000...
andros erons lire. THE POST joins
in the felicitations and hopes many
joys may be the portion of 1VIr. and
Mrs. Reynolds. Miss McOaughy was
deservedly popular and will be :tnucll
missed. For several year's she Most
competently filled the position of or-
ganist in St. Michael's church.
The Girl that Is Palo.
Sheis in clanger, her system is run
down, weak—she needs nauriahinont,
needs richer blood. Mora than all
ego she needs -Ferrozone, needs it
because it brings back the nerve
energy which rapid growth and study
have exhausted. '11101 ellcl-time vigor,
happy spirits and new strength return
with Ferrozone. Tlie delicate maid is
energized, strengthened and rebuilt.
Isn't it worth while using Ferrozone
when it surelydoes so numb. At all
dealers in 50e, boxes.
Tho Bawling Club has decided to
hold a Bowling Tournament in Listo-
wel on July 1st and 211(1.
At a meeting of the Oo. Council in
Stratford it was settled that the Octo-
ber session would be held in Listowel.
Listowel races .Trine 22, 28 and 24.
The Eel, 2.021, will be here and give.
exhibition performances each clay.
Inti Snelling, of this town, sold his
chestnut snare Rosebud to Joseph An-
derson, manager of the Union Bank,
Wiarton, for $850.
The offer of. the Listowel High
School Board to appoint Wm. Ramsay
to the principalship of the school has
been accepted, and he will assume his
duties as heed master at the beginning
of the Fall term.
The names of O. 112, Scott and Harry
Livingstone are among the list of suc-
cessful students at the recent examines
None of Toronto University. Morton
Scott has graduated in Arts and is en-
titled to write B. A. after his name
and lllr•ry Livingstone has success-
fully passed his third year iu Medicine.
The fife brigade had a second run
Jail week, the
roof of Bamford
amford Bapb
planing mill having caught fire from a
mispark from the smoke stack. Iu 3s
nutes from the time the alarm
was given the firemen. were on hand
with the hose cart ane( had a stream.
playing upon the ruof, and the fire
was extinguished before any serious
damage was done.
Bnt for the prompt and well direct-
ed work of the Listowel Fire Brigade,
the Large frame residence of Dr. A. H.
Nichol ou Wallace street, would have
been totally destroyed by fire on
Monday of last week• About
2 o'clock fire broke out from some un-
known cause in the woodshed at the
rear of the house and the builcling be-
ing frame mud as diy as match -wood,
the fairly strong East wind which was
blowing at the time quickly carried
the fire to the main building, the
kitchen part and gable above being
soon ablaze. The whistle speedily
brought the town's fire-fighters to the
scene and iu almost incredibly short
time two streams of water were play-
ing on the burning building from the
nearest hydrant. The fire had in the
meantime got a strong lodgement un-
der the gable roof of the main build-
ing, as well as enveloping the wooden
shed and spreading to the stable of
Mrs. Roulston which adjoined the
shed. The copious supply of water,
however, soon drowned ont the fire,
and Dr. Nichol's many gabled resi-
dence,, is left still standing, though
somewhat damaged by fire and water.
The principal ),part of the contents were
re( 7(111 by willing citizens to a place
Tell some deserving Rheumatic suf-
ferer, 611110, there is yet one simple way
to certain relief. Get Dr. :Sheep's
book on llhenlnat.ism and 0 free trial
test. This bon] %vial make it entirely
elem. how Rheumatic pains are quick-
ly killed by Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic
Remedy -liquid or tablets, Send no
looney. The test is free. Surprise
son10 disheartened sufferer by first
getting for him the book from Dr,
Shoop, Racine, Wis.
1 t )tinTolgtn disposed of his s lrwoh
business to111 Hess, of Palmerston,
Gordon (lune whole studying llledi-
ciue ill Toy onto, is spending his vaca-
tion at his home here.
The Canadian Order of Forester's at-
tended service in the Orwell. of Eng
r •1st Sundity evening,
Chas. Sills loft for the Nipegnn
district, where he will be engaged ass
:flee ranger, in the employ of the
'Dominion Government.
.The ol Miming
news item from
erhlll Lveaia Gazette, will be of in-
terest to ,many' Seaforthites J.
LeslicReid, who for Lhe past three
years has been assistant secretary of
the Y. M. 0. A. was presented ivit1 a
loving 0)10) by the members of the as-
sociation to relinquishing his duties.
11r, Reid resigned to become secretary
of the Y. 101. 0, A. of Franklin county.
Ile has been Very suce-essftil during
Plants and flowers
Any quwutity of Tomato, 010110-
Mower, Oeleryy and Cabbage Plants,
Tomato Plants 10c a box or So .a dozen
blue (a
lit vliC1 r
I ]
werlng Plants,
and Annuals
for bedding Boston and Japatl Ivy
can be put out any time 1m Stomper -
150, 20c and 25e each.
Floral Designs made to order,
Agent for Dale's Out Flowers,
his salty in this city David 1 ar-
ctuharson left last week foe North
Tial, whore lie joined a surveying
pasty a reratitig on the G. T. P.
Miss Minnie A, Bast, tinughter of
Frank Best, peas successful in winning
the Arthur McCallum Memorial
Scholarship, (50,) in the junior' year,
fol' general proficiency at the Toronto
General hospital Training School for
The return game of football was
played Wednesday night of last week,
at 13rncefiel0, between Seaforth and
13rncefi.eld, resulting in a score of 0-0.
One regretting feature was au
accident that happened to James
SL'aples, who was unlucky enough to
havehis collar bone broken,
A Wonderful Cold Caro.
Just think of it, u cold cured in ten
minutes—that's what happens when
you use "Oatarrhozone." You inhale
its soothing balsams and out, goes the
cold—sniffles are cured—headache is
cured — symptoms of catarrh and
grippe disappear at once. It's the
heating pine essences and powerful
antiseptics in Oatarrhozone that en-
able it to act so quickly. In disease+
of the nose, for irritable throat, bron-
chitis, coughs and catarrh it's a mar-
vel. Safe even for children. 25c. and
$1.00 sizes at all dealers.
The cadet corps of the Collegiate In-
stitnte+ was inspected by Ool. Law,
and passed a very snceessful examina-
L"harles Shepherd left for Seattle
Fair, and will see all the leading
points on the Pacific coast before hie
Ttnrhe 0. 0. F. held their annual
church parade on. Sunday Morning,
attending North street Methodist
Cotmtp Clerk Laue was in London
611]8 week representing the loeal Court
of the 0, 0. F. at the Grand Lodge
session held in that city.
John Wyun, who has been in poor
health for some time, had a fainting
spell on the Court Uonse Square. lie
was assisted to bis home.
Sydney Malcolunson reached his
boyhood's home here from West-
minster, B. C. He has been welcom-
ed by many old time friends and in-
tends staying till Dominion Day.
Sunday was the last Sunday Dr.
Dougall will be in his own pulpit for
smile weeks. His Board has given
him a month's vacation. He andMrs.
Dougall willspend oata of Pitts-
burg P
and the test in l t ko -
h Its ].n. Rev.
DL Curl who with his family is to
spend the Summer in Goderich, will
take Dl Dougall s work for him.
The following former pupils of God-
erich Collegiate Institute have passed
the examinations of the Faculty of
Education of Toronto University :—
May Newton, Agnes Welsh, Charlotte
Stirling and Wilhelmina Rutherford.
In 3rd year Arts Marion Coats with
high honors in Modern Languages ;
and Wnl. Pi'oudfoot in the Political
Sc ace course. Lty
th year Medicine
1 a
Harold lc Taylor, E. J. Eacrett anti
\arm. Hackett.
It Prevents Sore Throat.
No simpler way to kill a cold and
stamp out sore throat than by apply-
ing erviline—rub it in freely, and
then put on at Nerviline PorousPlaster.
on the chest. These remedies hunt
out pain, destroy every trace of con-
gestion, cure the cold and tendency
to bronchitis. Thousands find Nelms
line inestimably the best remedy for
pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia,
sciatica, colds and Winter ills. Not
only is 't penetrating andf
c x t powerful,
but it is safe and economical. A11
dealers sell Poison's Nerviline. Large
bottles for 25c.the plasters stone
price. Beware o,f substitutes.
Domicil estimates for 1009 will re-
quire a rate of 25 mills on Hie dollar.
14.13. Elliott' and Jas. H. Mitchell
represented Court Maitland No. 28,
0. 0. F. at the high Court, London.
lsIrs. Alex. Showers, who underwent
as critical operation tat the \Vinghtun
hospital is Making satisfactory pro-
gress towards recovery.
Among the graduates of Osgoode
Hall we noticed the name of James
Mhl:wen, second son of John MCEWen,
B. Line, Turnberry. We wish 11r.
Mellwen every 5lteee1s as lawyer.
Ata ulcering of the Street amid Side-
wali(s committee of the Council, Wm.
1'ryfogle was awarded the contract
for tits new cement sidewalks on
Catharine St,. East side at Ruts per
square foot.
l Kennedy u e
.,. ! t with an accident
that causes ilius to putt his arm itl 1a
sling. One of his (lands was caught
in the ice -breaker of his ice-cream
Machine, and was badly torn, ramie
ing several stitches.
Osler, \\rade,•assignee. in the Hattie
Bros. estate, to (pas sent t of
L , t 1t a statement
of the receipts and expenditure 111 this
estate. The assets amounted to $21,-
770.48. The creditors will receive a
dividend of 81 cents on the dollar and
$8871.135 wits laid ill refer l '
preferred ed a aims
1 p
coat of runningbusiness and of
ing op the estate,
Palmer Morden appeared before
Polite Magistrate J, A, Morton., on at
charge of supplying liquor to John
-McLeod, who is on the `Indian list."
The unl'oruaatiolt was laid by License
In9pertor\Vln. Clegg, at the instance
of Provincial ovincial Constable Phip pen. A
number of witnesses were called and
• •
• Leave Kincardine s a. Arrive Detroit 4,45 p, •
4. H. T. Hurdon, T. J. Kennedy,
Local Agent. Traffic Mltnagex', Sault Ste Marie, Ont. : '
soiseee!•eoseeeeeseeie0ell eeeeeseeeesseeeecoompeos•ees i
Kincardine to Detroit
and Return
$ 2 . 00
Steel Steamer King 9 Edward Algoma Central Steamship tine
Tckets goodgoing Juni 15th
Return June 27th and July 4111.
Leave Detroit a. in. Oeu brat time.
Meals ants Bel 011 Extra.
after hearing the evidence the magis-
trate decided as clear -case load been
made out ancl iinposed a fine of $35
and costs, amouut.ieg iu1 all to $42 or
the option of 30 days n1 jail.
Sir William Macdonald has purchased
the Joseph property at M0nu'tal and
presented it to McGill University.
The General Assembly adopted the
granor his 0011, Edwald P. Seagram.
to run, Mr. Huber says he will oppose
Mr. King if n0 one else does.
North Waterloo Conservatives may
oppose the election of Hon, Mackenzie
King if they can get .either Joseph Set -
report. of the Committee on Church
Union, which will be submitted to the
Presbyteries and congregations, and
also appointed a committee to consider
the case of Queen's University,
In sickness, if a certain hidden
nerve goes wr0ug, then the organ
that this nerve controls will also sure-
ly fail. it may be at .Stoluach nerve,
or it may have given strength and
support to the Heart or Kidneys. It
was Dr. Shoop tbat first pointed to
this vital truth. Dr. -Shoop s Reetola-
live was not matte to dose the Stom-
ach nor to temporaril stimulate the.
Heart or Kidneys. That old-fashion-
ed method ie all Wrong. Dr, Shoop's
Restorative goes directly to these fails
ing inside nerves. The remarkable
success of this prescription demon-
strates the wisdom of treating the
actual cause of these failing organs.
And it is indeed easy to prove, A
simple five or ten clays test will surely
tell. Try it once, and see 1 Sold by
all dealers.
l.. ti,'.{..-+fi_.'OA ..i F.F. ....V. .,:.1, 1
The Oldest insurance Office in the World
Founded 1710 Lei -Centenary 1910
Home Office : London, England
Canadian Branch, BIM Building, Toronto, B. M. Blackburn, Manager
EWAN & Ce.
uggies and Wagons
EWAN & CO. have the best and most up-to-date Buggies on
the market, Three.quarter Buggies in black and seven eighth
Buggies in black, stripe or any color, with auto seats and all
wheels have a deeper rim and thicker tire than any other Buggy.
Two shote rooms full of all kinds of Buggies to choose Erom—
• every one fully warranted. Each Buggy has dash supports and
mud protectors for the seats.
We have also installed a machine for putting on all kinds of
Rubber Tires.
All kinds of repairs done on Buggies. Re -painting a spec-
ialty. Tops re -lined or re-covered and made a5 good as new at a
small cost.
Special attention given to special orders. All kinds of heavy
and light Rigs made to order.
Don't fail to give us a call before making your purchase and
let us boom Brussels for 1909.
All kinds of repairs in stock, Best Dunlop Tires always kept
on hand.
The Ewan & Co, Carriage factor Brussels
Kaplan 2.081 and Costume
Will stand for service this season at thein' own stable,
BaronDel t:l Ka la
e choice Yout
Registered Roadster -St Ili n
Stallion, whose zst dam i
s Denarei;
and dam, Baron Wilkes ; grd dam, Jay Goud,
all producers of speed, will
take a limited number of mares. Intending breeders should call and see
the horses for themselves.
Scott 84 Wrd. r''9ck