HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-6-3, Page 4Enter
has been tented to reo publiplo of on,
perinea, with the are of public opinion,
and s not been found warning. The
Pm axcelleofoar .thelarges has not been
et excelled. Not .thsOngeet,bitthe high•
est rade modern Bw,tness School in
storm Ontario.
IlotlndualinetHelel'e. Nevaeathon.
hlnlleeuoXlea. Enter,lny [lay.
\Write fox 1pnrticulsne.
CEO, SPOTTON, Principal
Ctyxt,;il vFdnr„yAvz,YAvety afiir'rd 2.WAtta iviiYfsb,
e rus$e1s Vint
THURSDAY, )UNE 3. 1909
Wittttznitsa: Fate people had a good
deal of nerve in their request of the
Dominion Government that a grant of
$e,500,000 be'rtlado for a big centennial
ExhIbitinn to be held in that cisY • It is.
well itis an affait of too yearn only so
that the requests cannot eome so often.
The Government did not aeeede to the
modest proposition,
A "Loos," named Bobby Leach, of
Chippewa, is arrenging,to. take a trip
over Niagara Falls In the near future iu
a rubber ball, 'These exhibitions should
not be permitted by the authorities.
Human life is too sacred to run such
hazards and the example is detrimental
to the pobiio good. People who desire
to win notoriety by such freaks should
be put to work and kept at it In some
pubiio institution until they cool down.
Tns young people, particularly in
farming communities, should make an
effort to go to the Experimental Farm
at Guelph en Tbursday, June 17th, and
take the trip with the purpose of learn-
ing all the improved methods possible
about their work as exemplified there.
In addition to the grain plots and stables
interest always centres round the butter
making process. the poultry yards, and
the flower and vegetablegardens. Dou't
be afraid to ask questions as the pro-
fessors take special delight in giving
information. By making the Excursion
a means to acquire practical knowledge
a day of pleasure is enjoyed and methods
acquired that may bring comforts, a
saving of time and added profits.
Farmers' Clubs, Women's Institutes
and Agricultural Society Boards should
use their influence to get people to take
advantage of these trips to Guelph, both
to visit the Farm in Summer and the
Stock and Seed Fair in the Winter.
TEs Powr believes every member of
Parliameut, either for Dominion or
Province, should hold public meetings
at various convenient centres in their
respective ridings after each session and
give an orf hand talk to the electors rela.
tive to work of the session. Some of the
speeches made in the House are as clear
as mud but a heart to heart talk to tbe
people with the privilege of questioning
the representative sbonld clear up
numerous points and at the same time
the member would only he doing his
duty to his constituents. Too many
members of Parliameut appear to think
when they have warmed a seat at Tor-
onto or Ottawa for a few weeks or
months and have drawn their pay that
their whole work is done but such an
opinion is long short of what should be
the duty of a man standing in the rela-
tion to the people that the parliamentary
standard bearer does, If a little of the
gusto and hurrah preliminary to an
election could be innoculated so as to
commend a measure of the same zeal
and apparent interest after the
and following the sessions the free and
independent would be more likely to
cone to the conclusion that their in-
terests were uppermost in the heart and
thought of the man of their choice. Of
course this plan would take a little time
in a lags constituency but even if it did
possibly the representative could not
serve the electorate better than to make
these visits when there is no turmoil
over an election contest. The number
who do this sort of thing is not legion,
A Reactionary Storm Period is cerv-
ural on the 3rd, 4111 and 5th, The Moon
is full, at a total eelipsenode, on the 3rd,
and at greatest ,reclination South on the
5th. High temperature, low barometer
and thunder storms will be the order at
this time. Storm conditions will
develop and move in regular order from
West to East, but local thunder showers
in June are more sporadic, being liable
to break out simultaneously in widely
scattered localities. Beginning at this
period, we enter a marked seismic cycle
that will last up to the aoth of Juce.
The Full Moon on the 3rd, being at an
eclipse uode, and causing an eclipse of
the Moon, will not depart from that
node until after the r7th, being at New
Moon and causing an eclipse of the Sun
on that date. Under these conditions,
as scientific leaders should long ago
have seen and confessed, there is a pro-
longed strain from one eclipse to the
other, exciting a maximum tendency to
earthquake and volcanic perturbations.
From June t to 6th, central on the 3rd,
will be the first decided seismic period,
the probable effects being heaviest
South of the equator.
A Regular Storm Period is central on
the loth, lasting from the 8th to the
ip13111. We enter the June solstice at this
time. ' Magnetic and electrical mind.
-`'stations, out of the ordinary, will be
noted in most parts of the Earth witbin
three clays of the lith. From Thursday
the loth, to Sunday the 13th, many
vicious thunderstorms will be natural.
These dates also constitute another
possible seismic period, the effects fall-
ing most forcibly on and near the
equator. Earth currents and volcanic
unrest will be noted at this time, none
of which must necessarily be dangerous
or fatal, Higher barometer and fair,
cooler weather will follow for several
clays after the storms of this period.
A Reactionary Storm Period has its
center on the rbtb, 571.11 and Atli, with
New Moon and Suns eclipse on the
i71.11, But for the lune solstice and
Graveyard Qoughs
And Golds
cm MO tqulckly byOntarrhosone
A. cough or cold this season of the
year paves the svtsy far pneumonia or
consumption. 'lite beat remedy 10
"Uatei•t•hozoni." : It eases a cough ins
minutes, and colds menet exist but a
few. )tours where IL is used. Mr's. 1-I,
3r, Chenowith, residing at Glendive,
Montana, was worried by a "grave-
yard cough. In tete following letter
she tells how (`ittarrliozone clued her
In one week,
"I bad a bad cough for several
months last Fall that settled on my
lungs, I was worried very moult to
think that nothing I used could shake
it sill, but reading ill the Halifax
''Presbyterian Witness" of the wonder-
ful cures Uittarrhozone seas effecting,
I decided to try in The irritability
and soreness was taken out of any
throat in a few days, and in less bran
one week it entirely cured my cough.
"It is with great gratitude ante
pleasure that 1 recommend Catarrh•
ozone, I am sure it will benefit and
cure all who use it."
(Signed) Ml's. H. L. Chenowith,
The reason Cataerhozoue always
cures is that, it goes right to the sore
spot, which it heals and makes well
quickly. itis antiseptic and destroys
disease germs in every part of the
system. For Coughs, Colds and Beau -
chills, nothing compares with
Catarrhozoue. It is very pleasant
and simple to use, contains no in-
jurious drugs, and is warranted per -
feed use. (tenant
hnzone In-
haler is suitable to use in a street car,
theatre, church, any place at any
time, Complete outfit costs but $1.00
and is guaranteed to cure or your
money back. Trial size, 50c, sold by
druggists or by mail, from N. 0, Pol-
son a: Co„ Kingston, Ont.
New Moon at solar eclipse node, storm -
producing causes are at a minimum ..t
this period, But many scattering, high•
ly electrical thunder storms will visit
most parts ou and touching the 17th.
The culmtmuioo of a prolonged seismic
strain will come within three to four
days of noon on the 17111. • During the
seismic strain the Moon works from
Full Motto at extreme declination South,
over tbe celestial equator and up to New
Moon at extreme deelivation North. As
intimated above, these seismic perturba
tions, we predict. will be heavier first in
the Southern hemisphere. Next, along
the equatorial belt, and lastly in vol-
canic and earthquake regions lying in
the Northern heinisphere, Let us see if
seismic and voleauic reports do not
come in from extremes of the Earth.
A Regular Storm Period is central on
the 21st, covering the zeth to the 23rd.
The cuimination of the June solstice
falls precisely on this period, In all
probability the preceding period will be
prolonged into this period by daily
thunder storms each afternoon and even
ing. Great fluctuations of the barom-
eter, with high temperature. g+eat
humidity, and startling electrical die.
plays are to he expected at this prolong-
ed period—especially from about Sun-
day the zoth, to Thursday the 24111.
High winds with possible tornadoes will
probably attend some of these storms.
•Overflowing streams and rivers will be
most natural as a consequence of the
Juue solstice storms. High waters will
reach the central rivers before the end
of June, but we do not believe that the
most destructive or maximum floods
need be feared at this time, or even
during this year,
A Reactionary Storm Period is cen-
tralbn the 26th, 27th and 29th. Look
for lowbarometer n the 26th
0 promptlyo
udders and severe by . s thunder
gusts. These storms will pass East.
warrlly over the country during the
26[h, 27th and28111, h
being characterized
by peculiar local phenomena com-
to June solstice storms,
Women's Period of Pain.
Regularity of the system can only
be secured by maintaining strong
healthy circulation. If feeble, run-
down, nervous, be sure that circula-
tion is poor. The natural result is
congestion that exacts so severe a
penalty. Besides being a food former
and nerve tonic, Feriorone adds addi-
tional vigor to the heart and ensures
strong blood circulation. This is the
only means of preventing congestions
that cause pain, headache and nerve
weakness. The whole system is re-
newed and foitifiecl, with strength,
vigor and endurance. For girls and
women nothing equals Ferrozone, 50c.
at all dealers.
ELMA Seam se' s MUTUAL.
A meeting of the Directors of the El -
ma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
(Sompsny was held in the Agricultural
Hall, Atwood, on May 18111. Members
all present except Mr. Grieve, of Mill-
bank. President look the chair. The
Secretary gave a report of the preceed-
ing s of the meetingof the committee
Clinton on May 12th re gasoline engines,
etc., of which he was a member, The
committee were of the opinion that it
would be feasible to issue permits for
the use of gasoline engines, gasoline
stoves and gasoline lamps by "raking au
extra charge as follows t—Engine in
separate building, detached, at least ro
feet from barn, building to be ventilat-
ed at top and bottom, communicating
with barn by shaft only, acid 250. per
$too for four year policy. Engine in
building outside. but adjoining barn,
communicetiug by shaft or belt, build—
ing to be ventilated at top and bottom
to outside air, add tot, per Sloe for a
four year policy. Engine in barn un-
proteeted, add :tir.00 per $zoo for a four
year policy, to be paid in advance in all
cases. Electric ignition only allowed
(engines witb gravity feed or flame Igni-
tion prohibited) supply to, he pumped
from an underground tank, placed out-
side of the risk. Gasoline stoves and
lamps Abell be of the most approved
make and kept in proper order,
and no more than r quart of
gasoline to be kept inside the
tisk at any time, supply to be stored
outside the risk. Add 250. per Sloe for
a four yeer policy for each stove, and
15c. per lathe for each lantp for s four
year policy. Permits to be Nailed for
the use of acetyleue gas plants tinder
certain regulations, the companies,
however, not holding themselves liable
for any explosiop of the gas machine or
of the gas, The board approved of
these regulations,
Alter a brief illness, early on Feklay
metering May 21st, Daviel S. Taylor
passed away at his late residence on
the 91.11 con, of Howlett, at the age .of
seventy-one year's. He was born in
Hartford, Maryliznd, U. S. A., and, was
the youngest of Stephen Taylor's large
family, all of whom predeceased hien,
An accident that might have had
very Meth More serious results thltin
it did happened at Haine's crossing
Tuesclasy afternoon of last week.
Wm. Smith and Miss Leila Darling
were driving quietly along and were
close to the track when the. afternoon
clown train put in an appearance mud
whistled. The horse simply turned
into the ditch upsetting and badly
smashing the vehicle. Neither .of the
avoueg people, however were , injured,
The horse slid not min away. It is
claimed that the whistle was not blown
until the engine was almost upon the
The annual meeting of the Women's
Institute was held cm Friday, May,
31st. The following officers were elect-
ed for the coming year : President,
Mrs. Kuowlson , first vice-pr'es., Mes.
111eTavish ; second vice -pros., Miss Ah
Keine ; Secretai.y-Teeas„ Mrs. Arm-
strong ; auditors, Miss E. Evans and
Miss 31. Kahle ; directors deed repre-
sentatives to the annual district meet-
ing Mrs. J. L. Wilson and Mrs. Me•
Tavish. The winners of the prizes for
the besta a
ut de P t on were • Jessie
Nilson, Mabel L. Ctinknnbrnomer
ancl Jean Edgar ; Mrs. Rev. 11. W.
McTavish read an excellent paper on
"The philosophy of house keeping,"
The annual district meeting will be
held in For'dwich on Tune 18tb.
Why Cough Syrups Fail.
They slip quickly over the sore imi-
tated membranes, drop into the stom-
ach and do little else but harm diges-
tion. It's different with Catarrhozon e
—you inhale it.. Every breath seeds
healing balsams to the inflamed tis-
sues, Tightness, soreness and inflam-
mation are cured by healing pine
essences. The cough goes away,
throat is strengthened, huskiness is
cured. Nothing so simple; so con-
venient, so certain to cure as Catarrh -
ozone. Try it. 25c. and $1.00 sizes.
Sold everywhere.
The fishing tugs are not making as
big lifts of trout as at the coutmence-
Inent of the season, but perch are
much more plentiful.
W. Lane, treasurer of Court Gode-
rich, 0. 0. F., has been appointed as
delegate to the Grand Lodge meeting
to be held in Loudon in June.
We are pleased to notice the name
of Jas. McEwen, a former pupil of the
G. C. I., in the list of graduates at Os-
goode Hall published last week.
The past two weeks were' busy ones
for the G. T. R. and C. P. R. at the
elevator, as many as fifty loaded cars
being sent out by one of them in a
Ernest Jordan, who accompanied
the party of Guelph and Goderich
Railway engineers to China two years
ago, is spending a vacation in town,
previous to returning to that country.
Geoffrey Holt had charge of the or-
gan at St. George's church. last Son -
clay. He has been invited by Dr.
I3am to take bis place at St. James'
cathedral in Toronto during the Doc-
tor's absence on a vacation.
County Secretary, L. 0. Fleming, of
the Y. M. C. A., was in town and met
a number of boys who are thinking of
attending the county Y. M, 0. A.
camp which is proos d to be held on
the lake shore about seven miles
South of Godrich some timein July.
The Inenbers of the Gocloricb Signal
staff invaded the home of J. W. and
Mrs. Vanatter Friday evening, to
give Mr. Vanatter an expression of
their appreciation and regret at his
severance from rhe Signal. A hand-
some rocking chair was presented to
ieIr. 'Vanatter accompanied by 011
appropriately worded address, to
which the former Seatonpartner of
the'Signal responded Mr.Vanatter
has been putting in his time the last
few days In his garden and finds the
change from the worries of the print
shop a most agreeable one. We
understand he.intends taking a trip
through the West shortly and all will
unite in wishing Hina a most enjoyable
Perth County
A farm house belonging to Wm.
Weir near St. Marys was burned with
375 wellbred chickens. Loss on house
Oscar Martyn; of Mitchell, left for
Yorkton, Sask., where be expects to '
remain till the end of theyear as Iran -
sib inan on a Dominion Lal id Survey-
last .
Dr. W. Shillinglaw, V. S., Mitchell,
attended the funeral of his father, j
David Shillinglaw, of Mount Albert.
He was a pioneer in that district and
was in his 90th year.
The License Comrnissioners fog
South Perfh met in Mitchell on the
20th ult.. when they granted a trans-
fer of licenses from Henry Vistor to
Drtngey Bros., Bornholm hotel.
Jacob Pauli, Stratford, took ill Sun-
erday, May 23rd and died Wednesday
forenoon. He was a brother of Alfred
Pauli, of I. Hord & Co's. store, and a
heother of Mrs. Win. Morenz, and the
late Mrs. Fred. Wasman, of Mitchell.
W. J. Eggert has sold out his laun-
dry interests. in Mitchell to Jason
Burchill, who has taken over the busi-
ness and will be assisted by A. 1).
Cameron till he becomes thoroughly
familiar with its workings. Mr. Eg-
gert has not fully decided on his future
Valentine Stock, M. P. P., finding
that he was unable to attend the cele-
bration on Victoria Day at Mitchell,
generously sena; a cheque for $15 as a
contribution to the funds of the Sport,
ing Association. The mane gentleman
forwarded bandmaster Smith a cinema
fru• $20 to help defray the expenses in
connection with providing new tnusio
or other.' equipment for tbe band.
x k'nrsz: a..e.: )i:4lea
CVH[t +
rr.D.4 „nen
A 2Y+!
area 3,
!UAW 1111.,e
At all Druggists or direct from
2Se. a Box.
A petty case was tried in police
court, Mitchell. TwoLoganneighbors
disptstetl about 80100 Wi1•e not worth
50 cents, butone of them had to pay
$4.70 for his folly in • appearing in
Frederick Benneweis, one of the,
pioneer settler's of North East Adios,
ten, died very suddenly on Saturday
evening,May 22nd. Hehad n us-
y 22 1a been u
ing crutches for many years l0 1 was
in MYlitehell on Saturday enjoying his
customary health, Ile retired as
usual but half an hour afterwards it
was discovered that he had passed
away without a struggle. He Was SO
years of age. 1-l:is wife survives hila.
When the Stomach Rebels, Headache,
Indigestion and Nerve Pain Fol-
lows—Mi-o-na Brings Belief.
Just as soon as you are done eating
the healthy stomach commences to
churn the food around and "nixes it
thurowghly with the ,juices of the
If the foodis not churned, it lies
heavily on your stomach, turns sour
and causes all kiuds of distressing
symptoms, such as headache, indiges-
tion, stomach pain and dyspepsia.
Mi-o-na helps the stomach to properly
mix the food.
John S. May, or Isabella Street,
Belleville, Ont., says : "For ,even
months I WAS in constant itgnuy with
a case of nervous dyspepsia and in-
digestion that medical shill could not
relieve. I was weak and had lost
much weight through loss of appetite
and suffering. O'Iy locals Would till
me with gas and a feeling of oppres-
sion across the stomach and all up the
left side, left mein tt miserable condi-
tion. I was restless at night and as
tired and uni'efi'eshecl in the morning
as on going to bed. A choking sensa-
tion in my throat was always constant
when lying clown, and my heart seem-
ed to flutter and pound as though it
were coming out through my side. I
was benefitted from the first two
days' use of Mi-o-na. I began to feel
like myself again, my appetite return-
ed and the depressive feeling left me.
I can enjoy my ideals without the
least worry of after snlfering. I have
gained in weight and Geon sleep the
,.._ _.
Which 1-lnimonil4 Poet?
For muscular pains and ashes it
thick oily pre oration cant peuetl'at0
—thilt's Whyy
r '.lee beats e all
ev,l ther
—it sinks fight in. "1 would 'tJive
ii+ e
without NerNillne in my
writes J, 1f. Uottam, of.iuetowu, N.
S, "lf you have rhelnuatisnl or ems: -
miss in the muscles ur in taut any
dead atm honest liniment, Nelviliue
fills the bill. • 1 can recommend it
highly because I have proved that in
one application of oison s Nerviliue
there la more virtue Chan In a whole
bottle of (tedium.), liniment," Try tele
of the large 25c. bottles.
The People's Oolumt
nl r11t throb it ill comfort. O r1Folt1A61.10 1iOUSE Ara Lox iron
g g ,, - ynldt,—Licodeellar',,watcrandbrutttro08.
Go I°0 Jas, Iiax othe errs r ist, and lr o 0. W..HINGSTON, et
got 11 50 cent box of N1i-o-uta Tabl0ts, Bras erg, r 82-uf
Motley back 11011-o-na does not our°, it hes grusdtl arse
Ailt DRESSbNtu. hw Relies, ▪ eats madexrom combtnga and ant hair,
Ordure from a distance promptly attended to.
R: T. ilINGs'1'ON, Mill St., Brussels,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Margaret
McDonald, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
Notice la hereby given pursuant to "The
Revised Ste total or'Ontario, 1857, aeotion 80,
chapter' 120, that all creditors anti others hay-
inRg_ clalme against the estate of the said. ma•-
eteDonatd, who died on or about the 24th
day of stay A. D., 1000, are required on or be-
fore -the 10t1, day of June, A. D, 1000, to send by
peat, prepaid. Or deliver to W. lu. Sinclair, of
the Village of Brussels, in the County of Bur..
on, solicitor for John McDonald, of the Town-
ship of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer,
the surviving Executor of the saki deceased
their Christian and surnames, addresses noel.
desori tions the full particulars of their
p ei to
n statement tt of their seour1t) duly tor -
he d by naturethem,
of the aeouri ties d[any)
held ba uhtm,
And ned d,, eoth notice thatafter such past
mentioned date the erste Executor willepro-
need g distribute she ntitlee .the deceased
rmoreatt ly'par the claims thereto,whicheeelinn6
thregardonly to the cit at l wstdb Executor
wilt no be ns 00,d that said
or am
wilt not be liable for the entd meets, or any
part thereof, to any person or persons of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by
him et the time of such distribution,
Dated this 2.7th day or May, A D. 1003.
48.0 Solicitor for the Executor.
Popular Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for the season of 1909
Baron Black
R, McKelvey, Manager,
Monday will leavehis own stable, Thomas
Cumming's, lot 25, con, 1, Grey, and go South
11 !tiles', then Weal to Ivy Campbell's, lot 28,
con. 8, for noon ; thorn West to Roe's church,
then South to Wm. Hoy's, lot 11. non, 0, for
night. Tuesday—West by the gravel road to
James Cardiff's, lot 8, con, 7, for noon ; then
West to Chris Eckmier's lot 22, eon. 8 for
night. Wednesdayy—Will proceed South to
George Menzies lot 21, con 11, for noon ; then
East to Wm. Adams', lot 1, con. 11, Ehna, for
night, Thursday—Will proceed to Thomas
Hamilton's, lot 5, con, 7 Elmo.. for noon ; then
to Thomas 1loughan's, lot 8 eon. 4, Elms for
night. Friday—Went 15 miles then North 214
miles to the boundary. to John Coughlin's, lot
88. for noon ; then to his own stable, Thomas
Crimmins for night. Saturday—Wilt go to
George Armstrong's, lot 80, on the boundary
for noon ; then home vin the 2nd con, for night
and remain there till the following monde,.
lliieii Farmers' Institutes
uelph+ry f`t r
r ,
. r
y , _
1 v :. ,.1 Form
i.thne lith
1 9 0 9
Following Low Excursion Rates will Apply
Fare Train Leaves
KINCARDINE $1 515 0:30 a. ul.
RIPLEY 145 0:15
LUC/KNOW 135 7:02
'WING HAM • „ 1 25 '7:31)
BLUPVALII 1 'til 7:41)
].le 7ai5
Iil'I'HEL 1 15 8:05
HYNFRYN 115 8:12
Arriving at Guelph at 10:40 o'clock.
Children over 5 and under 12 Years Half Fare
Ext'+rsi' nests
Will take Special Exent:siot'I'rttin from ahove monlinu-
ed places to (1nc'Iph. Returning passengers will leave
("inapt, by Special 'Train at 0.30 o'clock p. in. 'Tickets
will he issued from all stations, except Hen fryn, which
will be supplied by Conductor on Train. All Tickets
gond to return by Regular Trains on Friday, ,June 1815,
Join 08 and Enjoy a good clay's Orating, lillectrir, Cars
run overt' lbw mini -des between the City of
Guelph Mal the Jlodel Farm,
Thos, McMlilan, R. J. Nelson,
Pres. Emit Huron Farmers' his, Hee. Centre Benno Fnrma•a Tsa,
J, A. Lamb,
Hee. South Brune Fnrmrrs' 1110,
@'GOOD farm for sale being Lot 24, Cwt. 8,
sot Morrie, also 2 houses in Brussels. For
Blether partieulas apply to Airs. Win. Kelly,
on the lawn, or. Walton, P, 0. or In 8. Scott,
BPuesela. tf
ou HhorGH
n •
l3®ULLS FOR E.—two y
Bulls, both $tfor service, for solo, tsood
pedigrees and alt right in every way. For fur•
titer partloulars apply to JAS. SPEII., Lot 20,
On. 0, Morris, or Bru04018 P, C. 4l•tf
COR SALE.—The,mdcraigned offers for sale
his ooufortable matinee end two lots on
John street, J3;'uyseia. Stable, .good
garden, &e. For (nether particulate 85 10
priestr•Goins, &°,, apply o1WATSONnAINLAY.
AND SH1 L .—S.
▪ Cole hntl.a ear of shingles 50 glow in for nano, some
of which are at llenrryn and part at his 5010
mill, Ethel. As Air. Cole has sold his farm the
timber he has out to build a barn will be sold
acre of laud for sale,. Turnborry street,
Po session could be ivensat once, Icor further
particulars price,
184c. apply
OMPOWV'ABI.E residence and 3y sere of
land, being Lot 212 Albert street, Bras -
sole, for sale. House' is well built, with all nun•
vemenoes and possession could be given at
once. For further particnh,rs apply on the
premises to Mrs. Jas, Ferguson, or D.te Fer-
guson, Teeswnter. •
Farmers and others desiring Tile for the
coin lui; season can scuttle what they re-
quire at carload rates, at UnISsels lir
Ethel stations, if orders are sent in suf.
delont time to arrange for gnantity anti
date of delivery, I will notify the par -
chasers of the arrival ofthe cars and as-
sist in loading from car to wagons, Fur-
ther particulars 0101 be obtained by
seeing or writing
We E. Sanders
Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel
Order at once. All sizes from 2, to 18
inches may be °btaioed, 'file frenn
8 inches up aro 28 inches long.
ComiloItTA OLE new brick residence for lS
v sale on Tttrnherry street, Brussels, with le'
one 00te of land, eligibly situated. Goodi
stable, well, elotern, fruit trees bushes, ke. j y
Also 50 acres of land part of lot 1, eon. 12, 4b
Grey. PoiseesIon could be given lit once. For
further particulate as (apace terms, &e, ap•
ply on the prennsea or write Brussels P, 0, •
Taos. Nlorrorr.s. 4tett, 4
FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The undersigned
offers his well located property in Brussels
for sale or to rent. There are My acres of land
with comfortable houso, with cellar, stable,
orchard, well, &c. Possession given at mice.
For price, terms and other information 5511119
to JAS. D1TNFORD Clinton or THE POST'
Brussels. THOS. D'UNFORD, Langdon, North
African Veteran Bounty Land Oertilicate
iaaued by the Department of the interior,
Ottawa ; good for 820 scree of any Dominion
land open for entry In the Canadian North
West. Any person ever the age or 18 years,
span or women can aconite this land with this
Certificate. For immediatessie$700.00. Phone
write or wire. L. E. TELFORD, 181 Stutter
street, Toronto. Phone, Main 8000. 40.9.
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll of the Village of Brussels wiU be held at
the Town Hall, In said Village, on Monday,
the 7th dny of June next, lit 8 o'clock p. In,
All parties interested will please take notice
and govern themselves accordingly.
F, s. SCOTT, Clerk.
Brussels, May 20th, 1005.
TOOK FOR SALE.—Tee undersigned has
• for sale at Lot 21, Con, 12, (Hey :-11m-
proved Berkshire liog, 'Shady Nook 'Swell,'
winner of first prize at several of the 1
ne 1 o ,, c
Pairs ; 1 Berkshire sow dna to farrow in May,
and bred to Yorkshire ho • • 7110 t
y , lee neadyrto
shire and Berkshire Gross, will be ready to
wean about May 5th. A few choice young
sus being bred ,hick will for later e
o v v l be sale (0 f n
also two or three and milk cows duo .n
n E, ire
about the lust of April J P.hIc1broakP,
dl-tE Cron hrookP. U.
toSALE.—In FOR SAE In. order to °lose
111e estate of the late 'T'hen. McLeti llln
theExeeuto•e offer for sale the rail: estate
consisting of a 7 roomed house in good repair,
!4' acre of land, together with 6 nerds of Itrat-
eless land and large eanmodious stable, quite
convenient to houes hor,full description and
location of property apply to P. SCOTT, or
A. STIDWART, Queen St., West, Brussels,
County of Huron. tr.
Stock for Service
unndsraigned will lcee p for service on Let
14, Oen, 4, Morris, the thorn brei Durham bull
Jack Favorite" (721201 bred by Alex. Gard-
iner. Leadbury, which is wellbret, tracing back
to the best families. ALLAN 2P101R, Fair-
view Farm, Proprietor. t f,
FOR SERVIQE,—A Thoro'•bred Shot Horn
28 Con110 Grey. Toms—$100, payablet)3ait
1st, 1010, Further temps may be seen at the
premises, D. E. SANDIOUS, Proprietor.
With tweet •two years' experience to v
its credit this College fn recognized ea j)
tate greatest practical trainingschool in pfi
Western Ontario, Three departments: ty6
Commercial, Shorthand, tf}
Telegraphy bQ
Oar classes are the largest, our courses j'1
most practical and our instructora ex- Li
pertenoed, Our graduates are assisted y
to positions and succeed as none others.
Enter now. Get our free catalogue,
Elliott& McLachlan,
UM B Scooi»
Jane, jury and August leads into I
our Fall 'Perm without any break.
Enter any time. New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day.
The Largest, moat Reliable {
of its kind.
W. H. SHAW Principal
Menge & Gerrard sts., Toronto
For Your
1.1111111011 Holiday
11• ill NOT TAKE
A Trip to Europe ?
Moderate Rates
New Steamers Superior Service
For Sallarii 's
apply to p cola of rotas and mailings
Agont Allan Lino. Brussels.
hy You Should Advertise
n The Pio s$
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