HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-6-3, Page 1VOL 37 NO
YV, H. XERR, Proprietor
New Advertisemettets
Netioe-M. Musette .
:Bair emelt last -Tau it POST,
Oelebl'ntion- B*'rnn e]s I. 0, L.
Able to work -,•Mea, John Lott,
Sale of Skirts -0k, N. eicestren,
lexou'retorl-lrartnerte institutes.
Silver broo0h found -T oto Mesa
mord veto madeeasr-IP, R, email.
Nato t0 oleditors- w, M. sineleir..
Tatting n ohanoe-.W m, & R. A, Eryyne
Meeting-7Dsst BuronAgl'ioulturuu Sooiety.
intent Reins,
NxowsY NoT4s.-Bert Euiotb spout
Snnclay under the parental roof, -
Mrs, Robb. Mitchell has returned to
Parlchiil,-Miss Isabelle Straehan was
visiting bee uncle, 1. F. Mitchell. -
George Baker was calling an old
friends on Monday -Miss Seamen
took the service in the Methodist
church Sunday afternoon, - Miss
Annie. Hasele, of Harriston, was re-
newing old acgeaiotances.--Mr, and
Mrs. Hollinger Snndayed at Ben
Dark s. -Dr. J. S, Strachan, of James-
town,. spent Sunday here. When will
you be back Jim P '
Mrs, 0. D. Simpson is visiting rela-
tives in Heusall.
Reeve Reis is attending county
council in. Goderich this week.
Mrs. 0. Reis :lisp two daughters are
speeding this week in Mildmay.
Jno. Hamilton is having a verandah
added to his residence on Mill etroet.
Editor Lyons and wife, of Gerrie,
were visitors in the village on Freddy.
IL and Mrs. Ewald, of Toronto, call-
ed on friends in the village on 15catur-
Miss Ada Nokes left on Tuesday for
an extended` visit with relatives iu
R. B. Harris returned from the
West last week where he has spent
two months.
Rev. L. Perrin is moving round with
the aicl of a cane, having sprained his.
ankle last week.
A meeting of the Wroxeter Munici-
pal Telephone 00. will be held in the
town hall on Wednesday at eight p.
Dr. Foster, D. D. G. M., and Mr.
Grant, of Listowel, visited the A. F,
& A. M. Lodge here on Monday even-
Samuel Rasmussen left on Saturday
for New Yoik, where he will spend a
few weeks before leaving for a trip to
his native land, Denmark.
The death of Donald Stewart, of.
Turnberry, which occurred last Satur-
day morning, removes one of the
early pioneers of this section. The
deceased, who was in his 72nd year,
had been enjoying fairly good health
but was seized with a paralytic stroke
last Saturday morning from which he
dict not rally. Mr. Stewart was the
soul of honor in all his dealings and a
prosperous farmer. • He leaves a
Grand Union
Counties of West Bruce, North Perth
and North Huron,
Brussels Monday,
July 2
Everything is being clone to make
it a record -breaker.
First-class speakers and good music.
Special train seevice and low rates.
Be sure and visit Brussels July12
Taking a Chance
's a serious thing when it
comes to a food product.
It niay lead to indigestion
and from that on up to a
Une,Cefledi PIOur
o.fliaeenteed tt1'it such
as we sell is always the
•cheapest, Yon take no
chance in using 11 as every
pound is sold nu(ler our
Ril Pryne
widow, two daughters and four sons,
Tbe funeral was delayed until Toes -
day afternoon to enable two sons,
John and William, of Florida,' to be
present, The seevioe was conducted
by Rev. L. Perrin.
Rev, A. L. Russell and W, 0. Hazle-
wood are attending the Methodist
Oonference in London this week,
Next Sunday being Oonference Sun•
day there will be no service in the
AUK( lop
MOTCiLLOP Comm.-- May 25th
Mo illop Council metas a 'Court of
Revision. at Winthrop. The assess-
ment of Samuel Storey was reduced
$300.00 and the assessment of Oalein
Millen $500.00. A few parcels of land
were sold since the assessment was
made and these changes, were made
on Lige Roll. There being some doubb
as to the School Sections to which
certain separate school .properties 135
longed, these were taken up and con-
siderodancl placed in the sections to
which they properly belonged. The
Court of Revisionwas adjoernecl until
Julie 12th at 1 o'clock p. 01., and the
Oouneil convened for general business.
'Adam Dickson was appointed Clot -
lector of taxes. Accounts to the a-
mount of $267.60 wore paid. Council
ad mimed to meet .at Oalder's Hall,
Winthrop, as a Court of Revision' ou
the Bolton Drain on Saturday, June
12th, at 10 o'clock a. m,
M. MinwxE, Olerk.
Jas. Moses and Win. MacDonald are
taking in the Horse Show at Galt this
Wm. Hall, of Ethel, is spending a
few days with his daughter, Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. R. T. Miller, Miss Maggie and
Jno. M., spent Sunday with Wingham
Win. MacDonald and Wm. King
took a flying trip to Wingbam last
Miss Dora Watson, of Morris, Sun-
dayed -with her school urate, Miss
Ferne Ecicrnier.
Leonard and Mrs. Rattan, of Blue -
vale, visited with Geo. and Mrs.
Ecktuier on Friday of last week.
Mrs. Wm. Marshall and son, of
Wroxeter, are visiting at the home of
the fortner's parents, Jas. and Mrs,
Mrs. A. D. McCosh and little Bobs.
have been visiting at John Strachan's
for a few days. Mrs. Mo0osh and a
number of other ladies from Pine
River came to attend the Maitland
Presbyterial held in Brussels on May
Mrs. (Rov.) West is visiting at
Whitby and Toronto.
Duff & Stewart's new saw mill was
raised on Wednesday afternoon of
last week.
Tuesday was the regular montbly
meeting of the Missionary Society.
Ladies Aid and Mission Band of Knox
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute willbe held at the
home of Mrs. Geo. McDonald's on June
10th at 2.30 p. m. A11 the ladies are
t o at list,
Rev. W. J. West, Mrs, West, Mrs.
Davidson, Mrs, John King, Mrs. Geo.
MacDonald, Mrs. Aiteheson, and Mrs.
Maxwell attended the Missionary
Oonventiou at Brussels, •
NoTEs.-Duff 44 Stewart have raised
their buiidiug for the saw min. -Seed-
ing has been completed and the farm-
ers are busy preparing root ground. -
Rev. W. 3. 'West spent Net week at
Brace Beach. -Miss Cora Messer is
home froth Toronto. -,Ernest Wylie
has taken a position as teacher in
the West.-blagnes Spence is in very
poor health. -Robert Maxwell, Blue -
vale road, who has been i11 for a week
has recovered and is able to be out
again. -Mrs. West is visiting her
parents at Whitby and will attend
the Grand Council of Oboseleriends in
Toronto this week.
TIIRNBPRRr Couctc1L. - Council
meeting was held in the Cleric's office,
Bluevale, Monday, A:Iay 81st Mem-
bers of Connell all present, The
Reeve in the chair. The minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted
on motion of Messrs. Rutherford and
Wheeler. Communications wore read
from the Department of Public
Works re assessor taking note of all
buildings erected during past year and
their vain°, tiled ; also from WVm.
King re Bettie on °Meese Bonnclary,
filed ; also from Clerk Oulross re
Drain on Otilross Boundary, filed ;
also from the Ontario Metal Culvert
00, re 1'Ietal Culverts, also from
American Wovon Wire Fence Co.,
Hamilton, re wire fences, filecl ; apse
from \\gni, 511,010, Sec. Canadian As-
sociation, for prevention of consatnp.
bion and other forms of tuberculosis,
Med ; also from Brouse Mitchell R Co,
Tat onto, re debentures, filed. Moved
by Mr. Rutherford, sec, by Mr.
Wheeler, that the wording of By -Law
No, 8,1909, be for ten years instead of
80 years and h
t the following words words bs
insetted in clause 4, namely, that the
words "for all damages" bo iuserted
after the word highways. Carried.
Moved by 111. Kelly, sec. by Mr, Mc,
Michael that By -,Law. No, '8,; 11100 re
Telephone be read and'ftiially pessari-
es revised. Oarriocl. The foldlpwing
accounts were passed and eho(jnes is-
sited t. -Express, charges, 35 cts: ;
Stephen IC,ng, culvert on 4encl 5;0otx,,
$4,00; John McTavish, salary.. and
postage, $70.00 ; John bleteen, lum-
ber for Jobb's bridge, $6.80 ; Peter
Hastings, rep. Jobb's bridge, $5
,00 ;
Henry Wlteefor, rep, culvert,.$1,OU
The. Williamson, insp. .filling
pproach, $4.50 ; Alonzo Waite, insp,
telling approach, 75c. ; TIngh McKin-
non, pt. pay flllin approach, $50,00.
11.toved ip gg
AMt, ICall .
Y s°r.by Mr
Wheeler' that this Lli a m°sten In now t ail
I jourm to meet i)1 the Clerk's Melee, 1
Bluevale, on Montlay,,June 28 next at
10 o'clock a, 0), Carried,.
' JoerN BuiteuSes Olerk.
COURT OF REEvzsrON,-Tiro Court of
Revision was openecl at the appointed
time, The members of 'Cannon hav-
ing subscribocl to their oath of office
took their eats. Moved by, Mr. Mo-
Midhcasl, sec. by MI'. Rutherford that
David 1I. Moir/tet be chairman, Car -
vied, Tbe following appeals were Jaid
before the Court :--Robt, Idarnilton,
farm assessed too high-assmt, to
stand; T. IC. Powell, farm.and income
assessed too high-fat'm; assent, to
stand and lnoorne reduced $800.00 ;
John Black, assessed for E. e Lob 12,
Con. 4-42 ae. at $1850.00 ; Win.
Holmes, assent. for E;Lot 12, Col; 4
-struck off ; Eloazer Orvis,a essed
for N. pt. . a Lot 10, Gam B at
$000.00 ; Mrs, J. McDonald, assent, pt,
Lot 16, Con. B -struck of. Moved by
Mr. Wheeler, sec, by Mr. Kelly that
the Court of Revision be now closed
and that the ascent. Roll as revised
and corrected be the Roll for 1909.
Carried. JOHN Rumness, Clark.
DRsw.&L.-Dr, Feild, dentist, will visit lethal
on Monday Tune lith and every two. weeks
after limb date.
Brussels Foot Ball team will be here
on Tuesday evening to meet our boys
in a league match. It will be a good
one so bestir° and clo not miss it.
Ethel Orange Lodge, No. 681 met ou
the evening of May 81st and decided
to hold a special meeting again on the
evening of June 14111. A.11 members
are cordially invited to attend,
Rev, Me. Milne preached in Duff's
ehm'ch last Sunday.
Rev. Me. Tyler is away at Loudon
attending the Methodist Oonference.
Wm, Neal is back from his visit to
Dr. Frank Neal. The latter is getting
along well,
The new hotel men are making a
number of improvements and are
determined. to keep a first-class house.
Some of our residents attended the
Houston -McNair wedding ou Wed-
nesday evening and report a good
A now house will be built by 0has.
Drager. Ile sold his former one to
Mr. Tilamor who has moved it to (m-
other lot.
The Base hall game played here on
Weduesclay evemug with Auburn re-
sulted in a win for the home nine by
a score of 19 to 30. More games will
he put on.
0. 0. Rock, of Boruhohn, had the
misfortune to lose his valuable driver
while in Walton one day recently.
The beast broke one of its legs he some
unaccountable way.
i eoemerowntn,-On the lst of June,
ab high noon, a very pretty wedding
was solemnized in the Methodist
Ohtu'oh, Trowbridge. The contract-
ing parties being Miss Acta Seaman,
Evangelist, and Owen Berk, both of
Blenheirn, Ont. The nuptial knot
was tied securely and happily by the
Rev. S. Salton. The beide .looked
charming in a beautiful robe of blue
elltneda Sole, with bridal
veil of
silk Melline and orange blossoms and
carried a boqueb of roses
and forget -
me -nota. The church was profusely
decorated with flowers and an arch of
apple blossoms by the floral committee
of the Epworth League, under the
direction of Miss Lottie Code. Miss
iMihnie (Jostens played the wedding
march with her usual skill. After the
congratulations of a host of friends
and admirers, the happy couple and a
few intirnate friends retired to the
parsonage where a sumptuous hush
was prepared by Mrs. ballon. The
bride and "room, accompanied by
Miss Violet (duff, left Listowel on the
evening train for Londdn and Western
points followed by the good wishes of
a crowd of people who have heard the
talented young laity Evangelist
preach the Gospel with geoat profit
and 110119151. "Bon Voyage."
Miss Lizzie 11. Tetylor, of Clinton, is
visiting with her gi'andfather, Tames
Smillie, and other relatives.
Richard Mitchell, who was visiting
relatives and friends here, left for his
home in the West on Wednesday,
An enthusiastic meeting of the
young people of S. S. No. 8 was held
on Wednesday evening of hest week
the object of which was to make ar-
rangetuente for their annual picnic.
The date decided on wits Tuesday
Jane 2911) and it will be held in At -
wood's grove.
WEDDING Biw. a. -1 -At, high noon on
Wednesday of this week Rev. L. G.
Powell tied the ntatlimouial bow, at
the residence of It. and M're. Tyernuan,
between.3!,ed, Oster, 11 well known
yynpng farmer of the 10th con., and
Miss -Alice Lillian, youngest daughter
of the host and liostess, iu the pres-
ence of about 50 guests. The ceremony
took place in the parlor
uncle', der a flat':]
wedding 1011 suspended from
an r
of evetgree s ald
apple blossoms. As
Miss Keeley, of Dnrham, played the
march the principals took their places,
the de
btr principals
given xby
father, Shef5 away, gl her
t was inose becomingly at-
tireet in errant sills Eoliene, trimmed
with silk guipure, with bridal veil incl
beautiful bonnet. They were unac-
companied, After hearty congratu-
lations the party sat down to an ole-
gont dejueener,Tropared in bit's. yerman' b, pp
gifts,�s Est sL•yle, `Elie wedding
were choice, mllt1101'Otls and use- 1
b[ Mrs. Me. and i Its. Oster will tape up S
their residence. on the groom's fine B
Paint with the beet wishes of a large l
circle of friends, luelucling Ttia POST, B
Among the.oels]t10 guests were Miss J
Keele).' and Miss Hut ten, of Durham • : o
Itelte N1.AL,-•A.t 5 o'clock Wednes-
day evening Robert Houston and Miss
Maggie 8, McNair enteeed into a
matrimonial alliance et the home of
the bride, 16th eon„ when by the aid
of Rey. D. B, McRae, of eteenteeeel,
tllo knot was happily tied in the
presence of abort 200 guests. Cere-
mony was performed on the lawn.
Miss Fannie Houston, sister of the
geoetn, was bridesmaid and Neil Mc-
Nair, brothel' of the bride was gruonls-
lnan. A sumptuous seppe0 was .seres
ed and a splendid time enjoyed by the
Iarge company, The wedding gifts
were unusually choice, useful and
numerous. Mr. and bars, Houston
con lSenoe wearied life under A.M.,
piaious conditions and have the good
will of the community. They will re-
side on the groom's farm. May their'
joys be many is the wish of TR19
ROMa5eiattlpa'e axe -traitress June 1, and
every swami Tuesday' until Sept. 21s1. Win-
nipen, 582, Edmonton, $42.50 other points et
proportionately low return rates. Tiokets
and 1111p articullu's et 0. P. B. Town o oe,
Blyth, J memurohie, Agent.
Miss Ida Flatt is visiting ou the 4th
this week.
bliss Mary J. Cloakey is home on a
visit from Toronto.
Reeve Taylor is attending the
County 0olncil this week,
W. H. Sholdice, of London visited
at John Watson's last week.
Next meeting of the :Township
Oounoil will be held on June 28th,
S. B. McCall and son, of Toronto,
spent the 24th at the former's home
Miss Katie, Manning, 5th tine is
visiting friends in Palmerston and
A.1. McCall, wife and two sons, of
Chatham, are visiting with friends on
the 7th line,
Miss Dora Watson spent a few clays
last week with Miss Ferne' Ecicmier,
of Jamestown.
Mrs. J. F. Mathewson and children,
of Flesherton, is visiting her mother,
Mrs, John Manning, 5th line.
The residence of Petrick Kelly, 8th
line, is being enlarged and improved:
It will be veneered with brick.
A new residence will be erected by
,las. Lawson, Sth line. The fonnda-
tioo is ready and the site chosen is
a good one.
The Russell and Smith Drain By -
Laws were read at last Monday's
Comcil meeting, provisionally adopt-
ed and copies ordered to be printed,
John and Mrs. Jackson, 8th line,
left on Tuesday ]horning on a holiday
trip to visit their sons in the West.
They will be away for a month or so.
The usual preaching service will not
be held in the Jackson church next
Sunday afternoon as Rev. Mr. Cooper
will be attending Conference at Lon-
5, Partly, of Evelyn, Middlesex Co.,
is a visitor at F. McOracken's 4,115 line.
He has not been very well but we hope
the change of air and scene will bene-
fit ]aim,
There was only one appeal against
the Assessment Roll this year, viz.
that of Jas. Parish, 7th line, who
asked for a reduction of $200. Appeal
was dismissed.
Pathmasters should. root 0 out the
balance of theold eor uro
It would
not take mach work and would be a
big irn rovemeut to the roadway
where the logs are elevated above the
Milford Sellers returned '.Monday
everting of last week from Guelph,
where Mrs. Sellers is in the hospital,
after' having undergone a serious
surgical operation. We are pleased
to hear that she is slowly reeoverin
and her many friends hope she will
soon be convalescent.
LAWN Soex.w,-A lawn social under
the auspices of the Sabbath School
Jackson appointment, will ho held on
the lawn of Wm. Taylor, 91h line,
Morris, on the evening of Wednesday,
June 16111. A good literary and must -
eel program is baron prepared. Tea
served from six to eight. Everybody
welcome. Admission : adults, 20c.,
children, 10c.
Messrs, Leiper & Moon, of Hallett,
had is''
, cl Lhe misfortune to 0
e lose their Hae
imported Clydesdale stallion, "Royal
Everard," Wednesday afternoon of
last week. The annual was taken
sick at Thos. Bielby's, 8th line, and
despite all that veterinary science
could do the horse grew horse and
died, it will be a heavy loss to the
proprietors, especially- at this season
of 111e year. Mt'. Moon was managing
"Royal Boone -rd." indigestion hila
the (+(Lase of the ho'se's cleat:b.
1150 511 I)15 tette-Edward 800111an.
of Wingham, formerly of this town-
ship, 11101 with an &evident on Victor-
ia Day. Ile was leading his horse
and the animal became frightened
and lir. Bosman was knocked over by
coming in contact with the rope, with
the result that itis right leg was brok-
'eat below the knee, The accident is a
brut one fora man of Mr. Bosulan's
age and Will confine palm to the house
for some time. His ntwlerons friends
will wish tL1 lhuuasxelrecovery,
p c Y
SCHOOL nr. 1 0 '•
o R yr rt.t R mr ti S. 5
c is
No. 10, Mr>zi•ts. Sr We -Examined in
Gram., Spell., Arith., LiteComp.
Total 500. A.
Klug, 807 ; A. Biller,
271. Jr. I\ Arith., Gram, Spell.,
Hist., and Lit. :Total, 500.-A. Breck-
enridge, 820 ; *V. Curtis, 150. Sr. M.
Arith., Gram., Spell., Hist. and Lit.
Total 500 -\V. r\feeser, 317 ; T. Robb,
282 ; *.G, Moffatt, 217 t. *FG Ontt, 1.28
J. Moses, 126. Jr. III. alaitdt.,
Ment„ Geo., Spell. Total 1511,
5G. Onrtis, 104 ; 11M. hiller, 101 ; *M.
.iehardson, 70, Sr. IS.-rirllh \\'ret.
pe11., (•loo, and Recite Total .1.50,---11,
reokee i(lgc, 3,11 ; "V. McLeod, 82e ;
1..Poweli, 000 ; *Z, Minn, 286 ; y
t'eekenridge, 270 ; A. Shaw, 190 *AJ
nitnstnn(, 17. Pt. '11, Arranged 111
Her of
m r \ Jntis
11 loll
( 11
Diens 1)onngh, of Mount Invest, and 1
Misses Tyrn
eran and Melville, of Sea- 11,forth.
) e
lltbb l t i A. Fraser, 0 Forme,
Tervey, 11I, Out'tis, A, Ramsay,
B, HNNneusoet, Teacher, I
Preparations are being made by
d'osep15 Bolger', 8111 line, Inc the con-
struction of a modern barn on his well
located faun. We hope he will often
have it crammed with (mop,
Slm, Geddes and miss Mabel, of the
lbel lin(+ ; Miss Maggie Frila01, of the
1st line, and Mus, Jno, Johnston, o1'
Bluevale, are among the visitors to
the 'West. We wish them a good
A BAn PALL -Tnesday morning as
Mark ) I. 'a•1'�
AL Cardiff, iii, o£ the 6111 line, was
in fitting up a windmill at
the barn of George McCall, 811). line,
he had the misfortune to have a fall
of about 80 feet, resell -lug in a dis-
located hips a fractured. bone in one
ankle, 5oene disabled elite/mil a gash in
his head. Two doctors weee soon in
attendance and Mr. Cardiff s many
Mende trope he will be speedily restor-
ed. It was a miracle he was not in-
stantly killed.
S(11001, REPORT. -The following is
the result of the oxalninetions held
during the month of May in S, S, No.
1 :-Sr. IV. -Exam. in Gram., Arith.,
Lie, and Writ. Total 350. Harry
McColcheon, 275 ; Willie Tbuell,274•
Sr. II1.-Gran•, Ai'ith., Lit., and
Writ Total 850. Bessie Jordan, 206;
Jenny Scott, 260 ; Fred Tbuell, 254 ;
Joseph Thuell, 249 ; Harvey 11LeCut-
clleon, 212. Sr. -Geo., Lit. Arith, and
Writ. Total 350, Earnest Smith,
285. Pt. IL -Total 200. Ida Kerma-
glum, 175; Clayton Jordan, 174; Annie
Omen, 171 ; Alvin Baclgley, 159. St',
Pt. 1. Total 150. Alice Turner, 12,5 ;
Ruby Kernaghan, 120: Wesley Me-
Outeheon, 110 ; George Oakley, 117.
Pt. a -
Jt. 1, I. -Total 100. Edna Tbuell,
90, I.IYIcNAn, Teacher.
Solsoui REPORT. ---Following is the
school report for S. S. No. 3 Morris
for the mouth of May. Sr. IV. -
Lily Watson, Ella Clark. Jr. IV. -
Myrtle Wheeler, Janie Alcock. Sr.
III. -John Passmore, Maggie Speer,
Janet Cannon, Kenzie Sherrie. Jr.
III. -Ernest Michie, Sam. Alcock,
Elsie Connou, Gladys McNeil, John
Little, Willie Clads, Andrew Nichol,
Hazel Nichol, Harold Kerney, James
Nichol. Sr. I1. -Ivan M'cArter, Russel
Bradshaw, Norman Speir. Jr. 11. -
Russel Marks, Violet 1tloOiacken,
Barbara Beedshaw, John McNeil,
Rena Oloakey, Annie Little. Pt. II. -
Annie Alcock, Maggie Clark, Florence
Kerney. Pt. I. -Margaret Hanuah
Mooney, Florence Nichol, Clifford
Marks, Mary McNabb, Everet Nichol,
Margaret McNeil, Harold Watson.
Before purchasing elsewhere see A.
Helm for marriage licenses.
Wednesday seems to be the favored
clay for weddings this year,
John Mooney itnd (Miss Myrtle Mc-
Donald Sttndayed iu Gornie.
\Vin, Schnook, 0f Moncrieff, spent
Sunday at Michael Kreuter's.
Farmers are mostly through with
their Spring work and seeding.
Barry ,Sina11den, of Bx•odhagan,
spent Sunday at his home here,
Sleury Gorsalitz was visiting for a
few days last week with Iienfryn
Anthony Reymann sent his annual
shipment of
tent stakes
to London
this week.
Wraand Mrs. Brown, of Carmen-
armenneck, spent Fi'iclay with A. Raymann,
and Jacob Lon_gg.
Garfield McDonald and Miss Annie
Gordon, of Brussels, spent Sunday
with the Misses Switzer.
George Sperling is getting the
material on the ground for a new silo.
Geo. is -bound to be ahead,
Wm. Semon leaves next week fox'
Waltot whom t lv he has beenengaged
with John McDonald. Will, is a god
Maud with machinery.
Next Sabbath afternoon H. D. Ain -
lay will take the scivice in the Metho-
dist Church in the absence of the
pastor at .Landau Conference.
Peter Blair, who has been visiting
ander the parental roof for the past
six months left Monday for Halbute,
Sask., where he is interested in land.
Lewis McNichol, of Listowel, is here
on a visit with his brother, George,
The visitor ,
t lots been i
n n rerr poor
health of late and hopes the change
will prove beneficial.
Quite it lnnnber of the feminine sex
attended the Brussels and Ethel Foot
Ball match friday evening. Some of
them wet disappointed 00 the -home-
ward journey owing to a supposed
gout tackingg• a different route that
evening makingilsotuewhlat awkward
for saute of the fah. sex 10 get hem.
However a good Samaritan (ante
along: :Blip picked (.1ii'in up p and landed
them $tLi e at homy.
&Items REPORT. --Report for the
mm)t1) of May, Room 1L, Exam. in
Gen„ Arith„ Lit. ttnd Gram. J+.n-
tranve. I oleo \I'eDouald, 872 ; Jessie
Menzies, 325 1. Lilian Dark, 801 ; Viola
Long, 207 ; Roy leteQ,narrie, 1591 ; Liela
Sparling, 271 ; Julia Baker, 266 ; Har-
vey Noble, 251 ; *Beatrice eicelluart'ie,
2.1.9 ; ,\luriet Sperling, 217 : **Mary
MCNiehol, 107. Sr. lV.-T3essieAlder-
son, 251 **Tiosella McNeil, 141);
' r
**Aether Ids h'. l
t l°
Spulio i.ld; Lacy Alderson, 817 ;
Leslie 1 (r i ie, 2„89 Manse Cameron,
287 ; Hazel McDonald 22215 ; may Mutt-
er, 217 •, !*1May Gt ashy, 82 ; ***RusselKnight, 72, Se. ISL -lively M&'4ichol,
303 ; Le1,5 1\(151(:, 226 ; Lula Stoise,
211) ; Myrtle Gre.sby, 211. ; Goethe)
Cameron, 178 ; Faulty Gensler, 104.
11. 1). A1NL.tY, Teacher, R.o(m, 1.--
1 ITifihest poselble marks 450 Sr. M-
I (4. Knight, 441 ; 11. Peart 422;*51.
Sperling, 370 ; A. I:Gtnter, 312 ; o.
Got:sal115, 310 t *'l1, Stualklon, 205 ;
*1M. Alderson, 202 ; 1. Sleiss, 282 ;
M. Baker, 266 ; 'le, MacNeil, 70. Jr.
1S sees. Kraut tee 408; W, Cameron,
307 ; C. Len7, 827 ; S. Noble, 921. ; \l.
rung, ;319- ,1• fechunck, 28$ ; efie
]Ital r -tlolki
LOi111lr, A41nNisTcsr e1t3a1k)d1i'. 41P2
i3. Fieetan 306 ; A, Knight, 385 ; 1,
Hunter, 378 ; "13. Hunter 214 ; *11
McNeil, St. T,--1 xe0110at-A. 9nrail-
(ion. Good -lee, J3aker, J. Smalldon,
Jr. I. -Excellent -\V, Sinclair, E,
Baker, A, Sparking, Good -J. Nichol.
A, MoQuarrie A, Steiss,W. Knight,
L. Steins, G, Alders 1 T Pennii -
Bou. Those marked owithd' * •1r
ua lccd tilt an were
absent from part of the exams.
L. A. MACKAv Teacher.
Y. M. 0. A. NOTES.
The Quarterly meetingf the
Collets, o
C my Comniltteo of Bloc Huron
Young Men's Obeistiau ,associations
was held in Wingham, Monday even-
venMMg, May 31st in the Y. M. G, A, rooms
Messrs, Cameron, Fox, Scott, biax'
well, McNay and Fleming being pres-
ent. In the absence of the Chairman
and Vice -Chairman, the County-;aec-
vetaty, Mr, Fleming was elected to
act its chairman Of the meeting and
Mr. Cameron acted as recording-seere-
Lary. After devotional exercises the
minutes of the previous meeting were
read and adopted, Owing to the resig-
nation of Fred. Hill, of Clinton, and
the decease of Mr. Stoneman, of Hen-
sali, anil in observance of the recom-
mendatloe of the Resolution Commit-
tee of the last Convention, that the
number serving ou the County Com-
mittee be increased to 15 it was neces-
sary to add five new men to the Com-
mittee. On the recommendation of
the County Secretary, the following
five names were added to the list :-J.
McNay, of )grnondville, T. E. Hand-
ford, of Exeter ; R. N. Young, of Car-
low ; Jas. Fox, of Brussels and Dr. 0,
W. Thompson, of Clinton. Mr, Fox
to serve for three years, bit', McNay,
for two years, Messrs, Handford,
Young and Dr. Thompson, for one
year, The treasurer reported a bal-
ance of $151.10 in the treasury on June
1st. Reports were received from the
Religious and Physicalsub-committes.
Plans were submitted by the special
Camp Committee for the July camp
for boys and it was decoded, to get out
a prospectus of the camp and applica-
tion forms for distribution among
those interested.
The County Secretary gave detailed
report of the splendid work done by
the various Associations Or the County
from January 1st to Jane 1st. His re-
portshowed a total membership of
268 young men and boys 10 the 6
Associations ; ,70 week -night Bible
Classes with an average attendance of
24: social evenings with an average
attendance of 36 ; 17 physical events
with an average of 21 taking part ;
17 public entertainments of main-
ly Y. M. C. A, talent with au
average attendance of over 200. There
are now 22 Corresponding Members in
the County and up to date 5554 young
men leaving their homes for other
pints, have been followed by one
system of correspondence and helped
in a medical way in the places to
which they have gone as strangers.
17 young mars have made a start since
Jan. 1st, 1000, in leading Bible Classes,
and many young men have been help-
ed and uplifted by the influence of the
Y. M. 0. A.
Maitland Presbytery
Theter d r b
P es
of Maitland met '
Y Y n to to
Brussels on Tuesday, A4ay 18th, Rev,
Mr. McKerrol was granted leave to
moderate hi a call to Whitechurch ain't
Langside and NIr. Wishart to Walton.
The session records of Belgreve, Bel,
more, Dungannon, Port Albert, St.
Helens, Molesworth, Kincardine, Wrox-
eter, McIntosh, Craubrook, Calvin and
Teeswater congregations were examined
and attested is correct.
Rev. IIr. Perrin reported no students
to examine. It wns,agi'eed that the
matter of the Assembly's Comtniltee
regarding diplomas be brought before
Superintendents and teachers of the S.
S. of tate Presbytery. Rev. Mr, Perriu
reported for the Systematic Beneficence
Com, The Clerk was authorized to
write those eo0Sregatioue which are de-
linquent iu the payment of their minis-
ter's salary. It was agreed that the
Committee on Systematic Becefxeence
be allowed to add two to their number
and to be known as Committee on L,
M. M.
The place and date of the September
meeting was left to the decision of Clerk
and President of e. P. A, Notice of
motto: for revision of standing orders,
by Ma Radford, was seconded by Mr.
Tait, and agreed to, and Messrs. Rad-
ford, Burnet and West were appointed
revising Committee.
The people of Mnucrieff petitioned
Presbytery to grant them -reenter Sab-
bath alter000n service, the petition is
signed by about sixty persons who offer
$3oo in support of ordinances. A com-
mittee 00051 titlg cf Messrs. Peri'ie,
Wishart and Perrin, was appointed to
confer with the seselou of Cranbrook
and correspond with the Clerk of Strat•
ford Presbytery regarding the matter,
els. 'fait reported visitation of Presby
teries Committee to Enniskillen regard-
ing the advisability of continuing syr.
vices at that place. The committee rec-
ommended nunended the'CI
Zvi 7d1 w c
a al pf set' '
atter the first Sabbath '
a h litT nue and N i
Pelt was appointed p. po rted to declare the ser-
vices dtwee tiouecl,
C.'Cd t5
c ttla ;were read a by Clerk elk fro
Prenhytei•ie, of Saskatoon, Qui Appeile
Red Deer, Edmonton, Stratford, Peter
hose',- Kingston Owen Sound, High
River, Hamilton, Barrie, Westminster,
Whitby and 'Toronto intimating their
intention of applying to the General
Assembly for leave to receive ministers
luta the Canadian Presbyterian church.
Rev, Mr. McRae intimated that he in-
tended being absent from his charge for
two months durieg the ensuing Summer
and Messrs Wishart, Burnett and Perrie
10030 appointed a committee to 501(ire
partial supply during Mr. Mchnds
ab>ece. W. J. Weer, Clerk
The Lake of 111 e (Wn f +
dsNlplin+ :
1 to nr
patty have made financial nrr5ugeme•ms
for the building of a five thousand lee rel
trill at Victoria Harbor,
Brussels School
The result 0f exams, in these classes
are lined as a partial lms11 of promotion
and consequently do nut appear now.
Entrance - 51011101000 in Comp..
Spell., Geog., Aritb., Written Reed.,
Gram.. W:it, Nod Oral Read. Total
65o. I-lunors, 488, PASS,, 390
FStehbs bre F Rabb•..... ,.,.4509
P Mcleenzie 532 1.1 A111el(t 44.
G Kerr .,• 5u6 L lio;rul au e 428
W Ket'r ...,.,...,see 12 13urgtss .400
P Dark 494 M'l,unisou ,..
I Straehan. 485 35 'IL• uiout.......397•402
J Taylor., .,.,483 W Aiolay .378
C MODonAld,., .455
Jr. IV-I';xamtned in Liter., Phys.,
Gram., Spell., Arith., Oral Read.,
rit. Geog, and Draw. Total 700.
Honors 525• PASS 420,
C Cranks 624 A Wilton 493
\ Kuss 595 nr111 Lowry .48
S Bt•otbers..581 H Burgess.......442
A Moore 569 13 Barkley .438
Hazel Low'ry...558 C Eniigh ...., ,.,431
51 Fox
1). Sau•ru, Teacher. - -
5005 3
;r, IIT -Exam, ]ti Lit., hist., Arith.,
Geog., Gram., Comp. and daily work.
Total 700. Honors, 525. Pass, 420.
T Deadman 671 1 [1McLnuchli0..,489
A Roe. 638 3 Meet 471
A McLanahliu,6o7 B Kerr ..., 414
W Lott 584 3Enke t 463
E Lowry . R B:n . •4640
W Armstroog•5745764 E Moorekley ..... ..443
E 'Poole 561 1 Jackson. 432
1 Habkirk .555 F Lowry 405
W Harris.........551 H F„s 369
L Ballantyue...546 (1 Colvin •..256
fe Work. 507 J Ceiver .213
le III -Exam. in Read.. Grain, Lit•,
Ar., Spell., Comp• and daily work.
'Dotal 65o. Honors 488. Pass 39o,
L lacksou 533 R Siuclatr ... •387
3 McLauchliu533 AThom pson....386
G Edwards 525 H Crone...........36x
1 Ballautyrae,,5o4 P TheeIl...... ..,.295
R McKay or81
V MOCrackeu436483 O G JCarmiesonne
L Burgess .......419 '1` Snider
H. M. Downing, Teacher
Sr. III -Exam. in Geog , Lit,, Spell.,
Mem., Writ., Dr., Aritle Total Soo.
Honors, 45o. Pass 36o,
R Stewart 55o L Ament ,........509
I Toole 547 V Sinclair ,472
B Campbell ...,523 W Payne 423
Int. II -Exam. in Geog., Lit., Spell.,
Mem„ writ,, Dr„ Aritb, Total boo,.
Houors 450. Pass 360.
C Powell ...,....•517 '1' Mcbaucblin.322
R McKay 491 L inrkle n .2.93,
L McCraeken..423 P Barkley .......275
S McLanchlin.4o2 F Payne ...e54.
A McLanch]in.398 M Carter :...238
C Jackaou....... 360 W Buchanan ...eta
R Hewitt. .346 0 Crone .137
Jr. II -Exam. in Read., Spell., Mem.,
Geog., Comp.. Atitb. Total, boo.
Honors, 40511 rs Pass 6o.
, 3
D Ross ) W. McDonald... 20
54 4
F Vlcf1av ...54t R Currie 387
H Gerry....,.... 532 W Harkness.•.•300
0 McKay ...... 5r1 J Jamieson 273
H Stewart 465 J 'Thomson 252
G. Ross, Teacher.
Roo11 5
Class V.- Examined. in Spell , A -Tithe,_
Deportment. Total 400.
C Best 362 R Brewer ...,.-..293
R Moore. •...... 02 1yaWarwick 279
A CuM Ho
M Sheltonrrie 331346 V Haristris 241 238
A Fox 329 L Settler 227
W Burgess 302
Class 1V -
E Powell...,. ,,,363 G Thompson ..283
R Payne. 314 NI Stewart 26i
H holt.....,.....,309 E Jamieson 260
Class III -Examined in Spell., Arith.
and Deportment. Total zoo.
NI Dunford...,..r77 ' H Toole ..,.034
3 Fox 169 M Campbell ... ie8
W Roe 168 N[ Pawson z28
I McNichol,...,Is) M ROss... x19:
G Snider ..... 142 S Me1,auehiiu116
C Moore.. ...... .139 C Anderson .,'114
0 Henlingway.136 M Caiveron.,..,,105
Class II -IM Wilton, V Lowry. Good
-G Backer, D Currie, C Heist, 5 Mc-
Lauchlln, T Lowry, A Somers. Felt --
1 ilarltuess, A Drage.
Class I -Excellent -M Wilton, L
Francis, el Kerney. Good --E Burgess,
L Cooley A Stewart, E Hollinger, 15
Jackson, C Thompson, J letnigh, Fair
-L Snider. W James. -
F. BUOILANAN, Teacllar,
Alfred Page was killed on the' railway
near Belleville.
lobe Lasken was fataily injured.Tybile
driving over a railway crossing at 'Cos,
John Graham, of IKirkland, N. 13„ said
to be theld r
0 est non en C
:nada di
aged 109.
Mrs. Robert 'real, of West , commit.
ted suicide by tutting her th at with
lamp glass,
harry NcEtvan and Albert Min,,,w" `.
fell off a 1501)011 in Hamilton Bay atilt°
were drowned,
Dr, W. R. Mervin, of Windsor, was T,
fined 9100 for attempting to poison a
neighbor's dog.
The United States guuhoat Nashville,
intended to be used as a training ship on
the lakes, passed Montreal ou . her way
liver Asselin wee committed to jail
for fifteen days for aesaultiei Hon,Mr.
'1`asoieresu in the Psrliamett buildings
at 1Queebeoc[
exploded ea i
¢n S
5 F,
the tr(et ell irlr
t Man.
by au (tn-
thu•ti retic citizen 'eu Viotoria Day Sud
about thirty .panes of glass hi nearby
buildings were broken,