The Brussels Post, 1909-5-13, Page 4obe 4rnostis Aust
TIIIIj.2SDAY, MAY le, 5909
N $a ' fisc I city, n 1 it o to 's n
1 b F 1e t t >a n
a t
cents a dozen fol• dents rats iAl email
hey gathered up a'lunlber of sus sister's
bale expanders and was very Mitch put
oat ,When they refused to cash them.
TRE hired men of the country will
hardly stand for the proposed new day-
aylight bill, As they have to get up at
four in the morning now, it would bard•
ly be worth while going to bed it the
legal teeing time Was set hack another
A pain 1ptesoriptiun is printed upon
enols 25e. box of lir. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets, Ask your Doctor ou Dr'ug-
1ists if this formula is nob complete.
'ain means eougestion, blood pres-
sure. lead pains, womanly pilins,
a yytPink Flaunt` eblet et nAll dealerst . from
Iris new coat of arms tor the krovin•
cc of Ontario is an armorial spasin.
The two bob tailed goats in a butting
contest to obtain the first bite at a men-
agerie poster is an inspiration. If the
bear was provided with apole the design
would be above criticism.
Tne following legend appears on the
postoffiee blackboard ; "Don't ktek
when you do not give your initials or
Christian name and later find mail has
not been delivered through your failure
to do so. Give names correctly and you
will get the mail, it there is any. Do
your part, we will do ours."
THE process of stiffening up the
matriculation examination has been
formally inaugurated by the announee•
mens of the raising of the pass standard.
It has already been raised from 33} per
cent; to 40 per cent., and President
1 a toner, of Toronto University, said
that the matriculation Council proposed
to raise this percentage to so per cent.
in 1910, and to 6o per cent, in 1911.
LITTLE -dro s of waterpoured t into the
p a
milk, gives the -milkman's daughters
lovely gowns of silk. Little grains of
sugar, suiogiedwith the sand, make the
grocer's assets swell to beat the band.
Little bowls of custard, humble though
they seem, help enrich the fellow selling
pure ice cream, Little rooks and bould-
ers, little chunks of slate, make the coal
man's fortune something fierce and
great, Little ads. well written, printed
nice and neat, give the joyful merchants
bomes on Easy Street.
A book on Rheumatism, and a trial
treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic
Remedy -liquid or tablets -is being
sent free to sufferers by Dr. Shoop, of
Racine, Wis. You that are well, get
this book for seine discouraged, dis-
heartened sufferer1 Do a simple act
of humanity! Point out this way to
quick and certain relief 1 Surprise
some sufferer, by first getting from me
the booklet and the teat. He will ap-
preciate your' aid. All dealers.
I Ros'sss of rural schools are remind
ed that by applying to the Forestry De-
partmentol the 0. A. C., Guelph, they
may get free of charge seedlings of the
Norway Spruce, white pine and Scotch
pine, white cedar (evergreens and white
ash, black locust, Manitoba maple (box•
wood), eatalbs and tulip tree or white -
wood (deciduous) for planting in school
grounds. A liberal planting of these
this Spring would beautify many of
those yards which are now bare of any
adornment. The Manitoba maple is
said to be a beautiful shade tree and
very suitable for this purpose
OWING to the adoption of local option,
52 licenses were cut off on May ist in 21
municipalities. The total vote was
6,507for l against, 2006, a majority of
3,521 for the by laws. The managing
committee of the Ontario Branch of the
Dominion Alliance is, making great
preparation for an active campaign in
many cities, towns, villages and town-
ships, and steps have been taken toward
securing the submission of local option
by-laws to be voted upon on January
3rd, sgto. The present prospects are
that this year will see even a greater
number of contests than the number
fought to a finish in January last.
Ws have on our list a number of sub-
scribers who are a year and some more
than a year in arrears for their subscrip-
tion to THE Posr. In many oases it is
but an oversight. To the individual
subscriber the amount is small, but when
taken in the aggregate amount to a con-
siderable sum of money, and this money
we could use to advantage at the present
time. We would therefore ask our sub-
scribers to look at the label on their
papers, and if they are not marked up
we would be pleased to have their re
mittance at the earliest possible moment.
By giving this your attention you will
confer on us a favor,
If your Stomach, Heart or Kidneys
are weak, try at least, a few doses
only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In
five or ten days only, the result will
stu'prise you. A few cents will cover
the cost. And here is why help comes
so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't drug
the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart
or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative
gees directly to the weak and failing
nerves. Each organ has its own con-
trolling nerve, When these nerves
fail, the depending organs trust of
necessity falter. This plain, yet vital
truth, clearly tells why. Dr. Shoop's
-Good progress is being made in
connection with the intention of cele-
brating Monday. May 24th, in Brussels.
Bills were issued last week on which a
good program is outlined. In the fore-
noon there will be a Calithumpian and
Trades' procession for which prizes will
be $8, $6, $4 and $2. At so a. m. a
hustling Foot Ball match will be played
between the well known teams of Ethel
and Brussels on 'Victoria Park. A
Marathon race for 5 -miles will start at If
o flock eontpetitors to start and finish
et the Bark. Gold watch, valued et $25,
will be the first prize and a fine silver
medal for 2nd.: In the afternoon there
will he three horse racing events on the
J mile track, viz. a .2.5o trot or pace,
purse $75 ; 3 minute trot or pace for
horses that never started for a purse of
S too or over. $75,and a local rade,
committee to name horses, $75. Harris -
ton and LUcknow will play 80 Ex.
hibition Bese ball game that should be a
good one. There will also be two son
vard foot races, In the eveuiiig to cap
the climax will be a red hot Foot Ball
game between teams representing Grey
and Morris townships. Wingham Ci ti.
zeas' Banti has been engaged for the
day. The admission 10 forenoon sports
W R Ei
T i R
Mr, q tYarn r, Pabllshot f The
Rgoof In pare
was almost
oasisy Years. both
open fora num-
ber of years. MR oxporemonted with
M. thousand different remedies, and
only got relief by using Catarrhs
ozone, and it cured,
Mr, Warner says s -"For the past
thirteen years ally hearing bud been
badly affected, The streets were 45
quiet to me as if I lived in the city of
the dead. I tiould not hear IMe
of street para or the sound of horses'
feet on the pavement. Before I had
used Oatarrhozinle'Inhseler three days
I was able to notice a great change in
my condition, which gradually. 1m'
proved until now I can hear a whisper
across the room. I ()Minot tell you
how much I appreciate Catarreozone,
or the wonderful resulta'I have deriv-
ed from using it. Oatart'lhozoue has
my strongest endorsement and I a1n
quite willing that you should use it,'
111r. Warner's unsolicitedtestimonial
furnishes abundant proof that deaf-
ness can be cured, even in old age, if
Oatarrhozoue is used. This, remedy is
scientific in its application and meets
with the endorsement of prominent
ministers and doctorsall over Oauada.
Our best equipped health institutions
always keep it on band, and cases are
recorded where it has been used with
great success in the Government deal
and dumb institutions where other
means proved futile.
1f your hearing is poor, . if you
have head noises or ringing in the
ears, be sure and use Catarrhozone.
It is a regular miracle worker and is
sure to help you. Complete outfit
costs $1 ; trial size 50 :cents. Sold by
all druggists and N. 0. Polson & 00.,
Kingston, Ont.
is only roc, and to afternoon's program
25c. and 15c. for children. R. Thomson
is President ; G N. McLaren, Vice
Pres. ; A C. 13aeker, .,ecretary and J.
F. Rowland, Treasurer, Other par-
ticulars announced later.
As a.result.of the cold weather that
has prevailed and the lateness of the sea-
son, the commanders of the different
regiments throughout thisdistrict have
asked the military authorities at Ottawa
to extend the date of the opening of
camp from June 8th to lune 25th.
The tender leaves of a harmless
lung -healing mountainous shrub, give
to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its
marvelous curative properties, Tight,
tickling or distressing coughs, quickly
yield to the healing, soothing action
of this splendid prescription -Dr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy, And it is so
safe and good for children, as well.
Oontainiug no opium, chloroform, or
other harmful drugs, mothers should
in safety always demand Dr. Shoop's.
If other remedies are offered, tell
them No l Be your own judge I Sold
by all dealers.
A MoNTREAL stove dealer recently re-
ceived the following from a dissatisfied
customer -I received de stove which I
boy from you alrite. But for why you
don't send me no feet. Watt is de use
of de stove when he don't have no feet.
I am loose to me customer sure thing
by not having de feet, and dots not very
pleasure for me. What is de matter wit
you. Is not my trade's money as good
like anoder man's. You loose me my
trade, and I am vree angre for dat.
And now I tell dat you are a blem fool
and no good, I send you back at wunce
your stove tomorre for sure because you
are such a blentfoolish peoples.
Yours respecfulee.
Jean La Fleur,
"P. S. -Since I rite dis letter I find de
feet in de boven, excuse to me."
FATHER, COME HOME, -Father, dear
father, come home with me now, for ma
has some carpets to beat ; she's got all
the furniture out in the road from the
front porch down to the street. 'rhe
stove must come down and be put up in
the shed, and the yard must be clean-
ed of ,try grass. for its time to clean
house and Old Nick'is to pay -and the
front window needs some new glass.
Father. dear father, come home with
me now, and bring some bologna and
cheese ; it's most 12 o'clock and there's
nothing to eat -I'm so Hungry I'm weak
in the knees. All the dinner we'll have
will be cold scraps and such and we'll
have to eat standing up too, for the
tables and chairs are all out in the yard
-Oh. I wish Spring house cleaning was
through I Father, dear father, come
home with me now, for ma is as mad as
a turk ; she says you're a lazy old thing,
and that she proposes to put you to
work. There's painting to do, and
paper to hang, and windows and casing
to scrub, for its house cleaning time,
and you've got to come home and revel
in suds and cold grub.
There is. general Surprise at the Great
Number of Persons In Brussels
Who Praise Booth's Kidney Pills
It's but a short time since the first
box of Booth's Kidney Pills came to
What awork this stranger has ac-
complished. Dozens of residents bene-
fitted and cured of hate, weak and
aching backs, urinary and kidney
troubles. It is remarkable ; the risc-
son for it is Booth's Kidney Tills are a
new blend of vegetable ingredients,
having a peculiar action on the kidusy
tissue that brings quick help.
Mrs. Mary McKay, of Turnberry
at., Brussels, Ont., says
"Old people often need a tonic and
something to give them strength and
to purify their blood. 1 have used
Booth's Kidney Pills which were pro-
cured at the Jas. Fox Drug Store and
with the result that they helped me so
much, that I am anxious to recom-
mend their, use to others."
Sold by dealers. Price 50 cents.
The R.'1'. Booth Co., Ltd., .,Fort Erie,
Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
The steamer Edwin F. Holmes collid-
ed with the dredge used in laying the
Detroit River tunnel and lcnocketl a hole
its the clrecige's side.
Rev, Dr. Workplan is suing the Wes.
levan College, Toronto, For five thous-
and dollars for wrongful dismissal and
will put it right
quickly and surely.
Money hack if they
do not cure,
At all Drugdisls.
25c. a Sox,
or direct from
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Spacial Train.l.►ra Toronto 2.00 p.m. on
APRIL 8, 20 MAY 4,18 JUNE 1,15, 29
JULY 18, 21 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21
Snead clue tickets from Ontario nations to principal
Noahwot'i,oiou .t
Window and rattan 332.00, Edmonton and ,cion
5142.50 and to oth.r mina in proportion. Ticket.
good to Mum within 60 day. from nine data.
;,„6.067=013.. bath., fully ogoippod
cap 15, .rsclu Walla rue. t4,ough
Early application must be mads
awaking non and fall inimmation.
Appirtonearest CP.R. Anal« toR.L Thomann,
Dia. Pea Aat., Tomah
Kincardine wants to join the Lakeside
League with Teeswater, Luoknow,
Wiugham, Walkerton and Ripley.
The Grand 'Trunk Pacific Joao hill
was passed in the Commons without a
division, after several amendments pro.
posed by. the Opposition had been voted
down. -
Negro to be Hanged in Stratford on
June 28th
At the Assizes at Stratford, Wednes-
day of last week the jury found Frank
Roughmond guilty of murder. and
Judge Riddell sentenced him to be
hanged ou Monday June 28, In passing
sentence the Judge stated that the crime
was one of the most horrible in the
criminal annals of Canada. He doubted
if he knew of any in Isis own experience
so horrible. Had the prisoner commit-
ted such a crime over the border he
would ; have receive9 but short shift,
but in Canada the lynch law was frowned
was therefore resets to the h credit of
the farmers who found the prisoner, that
they handed him over to the proper au-
thorities where, whether black or white,
he would receive a fair trial. Rough-
mond was visibly affected as sentence
was pronounced, though he left the
prisoner's box with a steady step.
Frank Roughmond, a negro. on Sept.
30, 1905, was arrested charged with the
murder of Mrs, Wm. Peake, a lady aged
about 66 years, who resided on the farm
with her husband and family in Downie
township. The family were in the fields
at work. About 3.3o a son of the de-
ceased came to the hoose to get a drink
and found his mother dead in the cellar
with the negro lying epoarently sleeping
close at hand. Neighbors were notified,
and in short order Rot'ghmond was
bound with ropes andsubsequently hand-
ed over to the police When captured
the negro's hands wore covered with
blood, and bis clothing as well was
Evidence adduced at the trial on
Wednesday was vety much one-sided,
the case against the negro as pointed
out by hlslnrdship being very clear.
E. A. DuVernet K. C,. Toronto, was
Crown prosecutor, J. J. Coughlin, on
the suggestion of his lordship, appeared
for the defence.
Rev. W. J. Doherty, of Hensali,
preached in Trinity Murrell Sunday
G. Ii. Wambold left on Monday of
last week for Berlin, where he has se-
cured a good situation.
Twenty-two persons were confirmed
and received into full membership in
Trinity Church.
J. H. Ohellew is having the founda-
tion built for the addition he will
build to his residence.
A load of saw logs was drawn into
town on Monday morning, May 8rd,
on the sleighs by W. Jacobs.
'We understand that James Cutt
will, in the near future, build an addi-
tion to the recta• of his grocery.
T. C. McElroy has returned to tow's. .
from Manitoba. The West was not
congenial to Mr. McElroy's health.
The first sitting of the Court of Re- ;
vision will be held in Industry Hall, 1
Blyth, on Monday, May 17th, at 8 p.
Torn Lee, of Windsor, has purchas-
ed the laundry business of Soo Wing
and has taken possession. Soo goes
to Winghaw.
The A Y. P. A, of Trinity church
met at the Rectory for a social even-
ing. During the evening they pre-
sented Rev. and Mrs. Hartley with a
beautiful study chair, and a dozen
silver spoons respectively, and read a
complimentary address.
Sunday afternoon the rnernbers of
the Youeg Men's Bible Class of the
Methodist Sabbath School presented
their leader, G. H. Wambold, who left
on Monday for Berlin, with a Hand-
some watch fob accompanied.b an
address, read by Roy ims. Ohes.
Willows presented the gift.
At a largely attended meeting, of
the Official Board of the Methodist
church on Monday of last week, Rey.
W, H. Cooper Was unanimously in-
vited to return another. year. The
invitation was accepted, subject ,to
the Conference and Stationing Com-
mittee. A. 13, Carr was appointed
delegate to attend the armee] District
meeting in Clinton on May 19th.
A public meeting will be held in in-
dustry Hall on Wednesday evening, I
May 19th, at S, to discuss the proposi-
tion of the perohase of E. Livingston s,
electric light plant.
The annual meeting of the Wom-
an's Missionary Society of the M.stho-
dist church was: held on Tuesday of
last week, Mrs.. (Rev.) Cooper, pre-
sided and the following nflicers were
elected s- Pres„ Mrs. Gidley
'Vice, Mrs. (Rev) Cooper ;. 2nd Vice,
Mrs, Mains ; Ren, -Seo., 'Mrs, W. H.
McElroy ; Cot -Sec., Mrs. Huekstep ;
Treas., Mrs. Besse ; Supt. of System-
alio Giving, Mrs. Wilford ; Organist,
Mrs. Cllallew ; Auditors, Mrs. Andrew
anti Mrs. W. Johnston ; Supt. of Mis-
sion Band, Mrs. M. Young. Mrs.
Wilford was appointed delegate to
attend the District Oonvention in
Seaforth, May,lSth,
Dandruff Cured in Two Weeks
or Money Bacl.
The above is the guarantee. Jas. Fox,
the druggist, is offering for Parisian
Sage, the greatest of all hair restorers.
If you have dandruff, take advan-
tage of this fret' t'
o and kill the
little dandruff germs that will surely
steal your hair from von if allowed to
continue to persistently burrow into
the hail.' roots.
Parisian Sage is also guaranteed to.
stop falling hair and itching of the
sats p.
Don't accept any substitute from
any druggist. Parisian Sage is the
original prescription of one of the
world's greatest scientists, and is
manufactured only in this conntey by
Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Fort
Erie, Ont.
Parisian Sage is an exhilarating and
pleasant hair dressing ; it is not sticky
or greasy, and it makes the hair soft,
beautiful and luxuriant.
Price is 50 cents a bottle from Jas.
Fax or by express, all chat Fres prepaid,
by Giroux Mfg. 0o., Fort Erie, Ont.
W. R. Reynolds, electrician, St.
Marys, has had his salary raised to
$750 per annum.
The Methodist cemetery, of Mitchell,
will hereafter be known as the Wood-
land Cemetery.
A petition was presented to Hibbert
township Council signed by the rate-
payers of the village of Cromarty ask -
in that the be allowed toperform g y
e oxm the
Statute Labor within the Iimtts of the i
said village. Their request was grant-
ed and John Hoggarth was appointed
Pathmaster for the new beat.
There are few Vacant bowers in
Mitchell, and itis di'iticelt t0 Obtain ak
8ui1stble one at a moderate rent.
Edgar Ja, Thompson, of Mitebell, is.
slow a fully qualified dentist, 510 is
preparing to epee an office 111 'Torun•
The by-law to bonus the St, Mal'y's.
Western Ontario Railroad will be sub-
mitted .again in l3lanshard Township
on .i''1'iday, May 21,
lobo Roger, of Mitchell, has decided
to sena a homey, He has purchased
500111 J aures Boyd the lot North of his
residence ou which he will %vet
necessary buildings.
Joseph Moore, of the South Ward,
Mitchell, has been troubled with vile
of hie eyes for some time and went to
Stratford where the surgeon removed
the eye, and Mr. Moore is recovering
The sporting have ar-
ranged for a fine 'es in Mit-
alien 015 Viotox'i0 in prizes
is offered Fre $200, 2.80
trot or. pace $ 0, 2.50 trot $200, 8
list of Races
a Day. 5+50
e-fox=all rags
year old colt taco $100,
John Rankin received a unique cop-
o -.
per coin in ohange. Itis an Irish half-
penny of date 1800 and bears on one
side the inscription Georgins.III D,
G. Rex and on the other Hibernia
1,800, The milling on the edge of the
coin is deeper than that on modern
coins and the Irish harp is clearly
shown on its face.
Popular Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for the season of 1909 ;
GOVENLO0x & AaonmALD, Props.
Monday, will leave his own stable, lot 90,.
Concession 15, hicKBlop, and proceed to 15.
Dodos', Lot 22, Con. 5, MsK,Ilep}, for noun ;
then to Dluk's Betel, Seaforth, for night,
Tuesday, by way of the Ind Von., Tucker.
smith, to 'liltos Colemane, for noon ; then
to J. Carter'sby
North Lo. 1, W on, es ay, North
oy n Alma, for night. Con11+, Wednesday, North
to Aunty seio 50i• s, Lot 0, Con. 11, ulong for
, noon ; then l E own..table for night.
!Thursday, will go East toh S. Forbes'; Von. 14,
McKillop, for noon ' then North to Oliver
Turnbull's, Con. 10, Grety,.for. night. Friday,
West, then North to H. Ty armens. for noon ;
then North to the American Hotel st Brussels,
for night. o Saturday, South to amesBolger's,
Con. 8 ,Morris, for noon ; then to his own
stably lilvhere he will remain until the follow-
ing Mondaymorning_
W. J. Coorna,. Proprietor.
Monday, leaves his own stable, Lot 80, Von..
10, Grey, and goes North via Beef ryn road` to
Jas. Donaldson's, Lot 0, Uon. 7 Elton for noon ;
then South to IUth Line and then West to
Ohas. Dueklow's, 14th Con. Elem. for Might.
Tuesday, South to Marshall Harrison's, Lot 52,
Con. 16. Grey, for noun ; then West- 25 miles,
then North 2M miles, then to l.ang's Hotel,
Orank, oak, for night. Wednesday, South to
Donald Onmpbell s, Lot 16, Dan. 10, Grey; for
one hour hen- W 1St to ,las MODonsld's, Lot
1, don, la.;Gtr ey for noel ; then to American
Hotel, Brussel., for night. Thursday, will go.
Emit and North to Adam Tmmbult's, 751, Con.,
Grey, for 0000 ; then to Tilos. M¢Ewen's,
Juwestoe',, for night. PMday, 135 miisa suet,
than 1t/ miles North, then East to Geo, Mm
Deltoid's, Lot. 18, Owl. 1. Clrey, for noon ' then
the Seeltaves-Hotet, 'Molesworth, for
.%'1145.° Eiatorduy illi ram noon
and. Wet to
then to
Hotel; Blthel, Prom noon toll re o'clock
then to ltlo low stable where he will rennin
until the following Monday.
'Phe Council of The SIrsuthcans 'Pt'ust
have decided to 'offer cash prizes for
essays on the best method of introducing
physical mud military training in the
"rho People'ts Column
0OMF.QWOABLll1 HOUSE ems T,05 roll
Fortin qs of 55 ' B,1N6i5TQl5 lei 0. box UOUi
i3ru ae e. 02.5E
a !
t t4 -- t Polies, braids Apt Ault St 0sit S vii 1 s ]t lid and.
pans made from eun'setli tl sad eat hair,
Orders from udlauluaa�l1aM111St.,Beandud t0,
Mil, 515 J', lilWl4ki tQ5V, 31515 Sb., Erusauia,
Ca0052 rani for sale being Lot 54, Uon• 8,
Morrie, oleo 211ootee 111 J31'sosele, 1l'nl'
further partieulersapply to Mrs. Wm,1C011y,
oil the Ririe, or Walton, P. 0, or P. fit• Sault,
Brnssuls. 4f
1130h1.SF015 SALq,-Twoyogng #Itortllortl
Bulls,botlflsl'arsurvlcu, fursale,
pedlgrera aril an right in uvocy Stay' Iron tui' -
r lt' alt .I 1' '55101 !opt U
the v, lli rr r , 11 1t' t0 A b I.t, 1'
Uel, U, Mlot Yrs, or Brussels P. U, 44.41;
0.011 SAFE,-,'Pbo undersigned effete for sale
his comfortable residuum and two lots on
John street, Brussels, . Stable, good
garden, die. Fur further particulars es, to
apply on the trent les,
px'toe, terms, &o•, apl y pram 1
COMh'Oh'1'ABLE COTTAGE, Stable and 5S
sore of land for sale, Turnberry street,
Nora!, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, &o.
Possession could be given itt ones. For farther
particulars ns 50 trice, Germs, &0„ app19 on the
premises, ALEX, Moi.A'UCYILIN, 7-
Enter N<'
Any Ti0
has heel tested 111 the orusibta Of ex. 0.
;Airtime, with melee! of public+ opinion. '
Q and hes not been found wonting. The
sdoaoss'00001' s'sdnntes Itis nob been
oxoelled, NOtthelorgest.hottheblgh-
y sot grade modorm Business Sobool in
Weatarn O,lta 'I
10 51
Ittdividual instrn1,','s Nn ideation, 7
W' it a for pa ]Omer pay day,
f l 1,
Write o1 m +tie t
W r t t e a
ono, eP0 Primo a
_.. TTON 1P I ,
o• t
eurpvSVi;o10. aiOV,Av aatfV.OZVAVVAVOAW. 1 04?
6' Vie Line
t St, John and llalifai to Uveppool
5 AORE FARM FOIL SALE -'rhe under-
sigaed offers for ease the 75 norm of
land being Lot 10, Von. 14, Grey, 0n the prom -
lees is a now Melt hoaee ntitl good new barn,
Por further particulars apply on the premises
to JAMES SYRRON, or Oratibroolc P. O. 404
FORTABI.E residence and E a' of
land, being Lot 212 Albert street, Bras-
& Ls for sale. House to welt built, with all owl.
p1ossession could be .given at
once. For tur,buer particulars apply oil the
premises to Mrs, JAs. Ferguson, - or D. Per -
swoon, Teoawater. tf,
COMFORTABLE now brick. residence fm
sale on 'Somber' street,. Brussels, with
one acre of land.eligibly . situated.t d
stable, well, cistern, fruit trees bushes, &o.
Also 50 wires of land, part of tot 1, con. 12,
s,,0g1ou could be ten et once. For
Gel Po riven
From St. Jahn Balifnx
'Gramppian - — Apr, 17
Virginian sails Apr. 10 Apt'• 17
ctorisailsAPr. 24
V'This steamer
arils Apr, 80 May 1
?This steansor solo to Glaogow,
Rates of Passage
Pivot Class -$07.50, 070 and $00, according to
Second antes -.$s6, $47,06 and50,
Third Class -5.7.00, $80 and $01,20.
For full particulars of Summer milhsge from
Montreal and rotes apply 50 •
•- Agent Allan Line. Brussels,
lust tri' perticulnre ns tope Le, pterins, &o. ngg+
fly en 5114 prnmf-es or write IIrus.•els P. 0. e'
THOS. N,oaoLrs. 4045.. 1t
FOR SALE OR TO BENT. -The undersigned
offers kis well located property in Brussels
for hale or to rent. b e house,
are 6;2 ecx•r, of land.
with comfortable well,
lianas, with cellar, stable,
orchard, wall, &o, Possession on Aug. '16th..
For price,. terms, end other informationapply
Brussels. THOS. DUNFORD, Langdon, North
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the undersigned
0,3 to May '?6th for the erection of a Library
building In the village of Brussels. Plans and..
specifications may bo seen' abthe oiffine of See-
rotary- on and after'May 16511, Certified 41
cheque for 55, of contract to nucompnny tet' (1
dor. Lowest or envy tender not neoessurily
accepted. W. LhrrnnnDAL$,
Secretary Public Library
Board, Brussels.
With twenty-two years' experience to
j its credit this College is recognized ea
the greatest practical training school in q,
Western Ontario. Three departments
Commercial, Shorthand,
Our classes are the largest, our courses
most practical and our instructors ex-
perien¢ed. Ou1' graduates are assisted
to positionsandsucceed es none others.
Enter now. Get our Mee can, logne.
Elliott &-McLachlan,
O.ld�i�aw".a,` FBr.:ar»'^3�'"�,'��-•...F"....-.mow
STOR LSALE. -VTohne. Gr'eoise :-ed1 i11m05
Berkshire hog"Shady Noolc Swell,"
winner of first prize at several of the local
Fairs ; 1 Berkshire sots due to furrow in May,
and bred to Yorkshire hog ; 7 little pigs, York•
shire and Berkshire cross, will be ready to
wean. about May 6th. A,fow choice young
alis being bred whiod will be for sale later 5on,
also two or three good milk .cues due 5 calve
about. the last of April. J. P. Ma1NTOSP,
41.4: Oranbroolc P• O.
pROPERTYFOR SALE. -In order to close
the estate of the late Thos, bletauohlin
tate Executors offer for pale the reel estate
consisting of a7 roomed house in good repair,
j, sere of land. together with 5 acres of IL•et-
cross land and large commodious stable, quite
oonve. r full deooripp°Mei mrd
lunation ofnlent uropertrtohouseapFoply to P, SCOTT, or 8 Yonge Se Gerrard ere ., Toronto
A STEWART, Queen St., West, Brussels,
County of Huron. tf.
June, Tilly and August leads into
our Fall. Term without any break.
Enter any time. New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day.
The Largo. itest,s kind, Reliable
W. H. SHAW Principal
from woman's ailments are invited to write to the names and
addresses here given, for positive proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound does cure female ills.
Painful Periods.
Chicago,1la..Mrs.W. T.Dalton Route No, 0.
Chicago, , Miehlre. Wm. Tally, 105 Ogden Av.
Paw Paw, Mich.®Mrs. mnma'Loy or.
Flushing, Mir of D.. Burt Loyd, R. F. D.
No. 3 • Dare of D.A. Sanborn,
Cincinnllle, Mlso.-Mee. 8. J. Jones.
Otn Streets, Ohio. -hire. Flora Ahr, 3862 Ernst
Cleveland Ohio =Miss Lizzie Steiger, 6510
Fleet Avenue, S.H.
Weeleyvtgn'e, Pa.-Mra. MaggleEster,R.F,D.i.
Hayfield, Va mMre Mame Windt°. R,R.1.
Herrin, Dl. -Mee. Ohas. FolksL
Winchester, Ind,o.Mrs. May Deal.
Dyer, Ind. -Mrs. Wm. Obertoh, R. F.D. No.1.
Baltimore, Md...Mrs, W. 8. Ford, 1988 Lane.
downs Street.
Roxbury, Maes. -Mrs. PraneisMerkle,13 Field
(Barksdale, Mo. -Mise Anna Walloon
Guysvllle Ohio...Mrs. Ella Miotrael, R.F.D.3.
Dayton, Ohio. a Mrs. Ida Hale, Box 25, Na.
tional Military Home.
Lebanon, Pa.=Mrs. Harry L. !tittle, 222 Leh-
man Street.
Sykes Tenn, -Minnie Hall.
Detroit,MBoh,-Mrs. LoulseJnng,8320hestnut
St Ovarian Trouble.
Vincennes Ind.=Mrs. Syl. B. Jerauld, 608N,
Tenth Street,
Gardiner, Maine. -Mrs. 8. A. Williams, R. F.
D. No. 14; Box 39.
Philadelphia, Pa. -Mrs, Chas. Bootl, 2407 N.
Garnet Street.
Plattaburg,Miea .MissVornaWlikes,11.P•b.l,
• Female' Weakness.
Wif imantlo, Conn...Mrs. Etta Donovan, Box
Woodside, Idaho. -Mrs. Rachel Johnson,
Rockland, Marna. -Mrs. Will. Young, 0. Col.
umbla Avenue.
Saottvllle, Mich Mre.J,G.Jobnson,R.F.D,3,
Dayton, Ohlo.-Mfr m
y e. F ndlich, 5 t, 4,91 E1 8t.
Bei v r raMrs. J.3a P. Mrs. W. R, F, Boyd,
t, 210
Beaver Palls Pa, Mrs. W. P. Doyd,2109
Sovent11 Avenue.
truBox Hunter, Pa.=Mru Mary Jane lt.P.0
Vie narl . Y=Mr frs. Augustus Lyon,R.F,D, 2.
Vienna, 'W.Va.-Mrs. Lemma Wheaton.
Nervous Prostration.
Orenege, Mo. -Mrs. Mao McKnight.
Oamden, N.J.-Mrs. Tillie Waters, 451 Libor.
Josepli Oregon. -Mrs. Alice Huffman.
Philadelphia, Pa. -Mrs, John Johnston, 210
Siegel Street,
Christiana, Tena,..Mrs. Mary Wood, IL RD.
Pecos, villa, Vt... AdO Young Egggleston,
Granitovlilo, Vt...Mra. Ohm. Barclay,
These women are only a few of thousands of living witnesses of
the power of Lydia 11. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female
diseases. Not one of these women everreceived compensation in any
form for the use of their names in this advertisement—but are will-
ing that we should refer to them because of the good they may
do other suffering women to prove that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine, and that the
truth and nothin but the truth. advertisements regarding its merit are the
umor Removed.
Chicago, fit. Mrs. Alvena Sperling, 11 Lang-
don Street.
Lindley, Ind.=Mrs. May Fry.
Klnsley,-Kane.�Mre. Stella Gifford Beaman,
Scott, N Y.=Mrs, 0. J. Barber.
Cornwallville, N.Y.mMrs. Wm. Boughton.
Oinsinaati3O..Mrs. W.K.Housh 7EastvlewAv
Milwaukee, Wis.=Mrs, Emma Ims°, 883 sat
St., German.
Change of Life.
South Bond, Ind.=Mrs. Fred Certla, 1014 S.
Lafayette Strout,
Noah, Kentucky.=Mrs. Lizzie Holland.
Brookfield Mio,=Mrs. Sarah Lousigaont, 207
8. Market St,
Paterson N.J.=Mrs. Wm. Somerville, 196
Hami,urgb Avenue.
Philadelphia, Pa... Mrs. K. E. Garrett, 2407
North Garnet. Street.
Kowaskum, Wis.=Mrs. Carl Dahlke.
Maternity Troubles.
Worcester, Mase,=Mrs. Dosylva Cott", 117
Southggate Street.
Indtanapolie Ltd. 47rs, A. P. Anderson, 1707
E. Pratt Street.
Big Run, Pa.=Mrs. W. E. Peeler.
Atwater Station, 0.=Mrs. Anton Muelliaupt.
Cincinnati, Ohio.-IDTre. E. H, Maddooks, 2135
Gilbert Avenue,
Mogadore, Ohlo =Mrs. Leo Mangos, Box 181.
Dewittville, N,Y.=Mtrs. A. A. Giles.
Johnotown,N,Y.=Mrs.Honier N. Seaman, 108
H. Main Street.
Burtonview, I11,oMirs, Peter Langenbahn.
Avoid Operations,
Hampstead, MId.=Mrs. Jos. I'LDand ,
Adrian, Ga =Lena V, Henry, Route Dandy,
Indianapolis Ind,..Bossio V. Piper, 29 South
Addison street,
Loulsville, Ky.®afro, Sam Loe,3522 Fourth St,
South West Harbor', Maine. .-aCirs. Lillian.
Robbins, Mt. Desert Light Station.
Detroit, Mich. m Mrs. Frieda Rosenau, 644
Meldrum Armee, German.
Organic Displacements.
Mosier, Ills.=Mee Mnu'y Ball
Ligonier, Ind,eMrs EllzaWood,R.F.D.No,4,
Melbourne, Iowa... Mrs. Clara Watermamt,
R, F. A. No. 1.
Bardstown it ,Mfrs, Joseph Hall, '
Henry Cloutier, 68
Oxford Street.
Minneapolis, Minn =Mrs. John G. Midden,
2115 Second Street, N.
Shamrock, Mc. -Josie Hien, R,F.D. No. 1;
Marlton, N,J, oMrs. Geo. Jordy, Route No.8,
Box 40.
Coater Ark.a3Xrs, Ella Wood,
Ocilla,14a..•Mre T. A. Cribb.
Pendleton, Ind -.Mrs. May Marshall, R,R, 44,
Cambridge, Nob.=Mrs. Nelle Moslandot.
is now in stock - the Best of this Season's Productions
'iVe have wade a special effort to secure designs and colorings of
artistic merit not only in highgrades but in those as low as :ic. per roll.
Papers originally izic. now selling at 8c.
Papers originally 8cand los, now selling at sc.
BEDat R0011lowi:costS-We. have delay Morals, producing charming '"effects,
PARLORS -Beautiful designs in gilt and creamy tones, blues, greens,
&c., in delicate shades.
HALLS, DINING -ROOMS. &c.-Fiue effective designs, in magnificent
colors, giving warmth, richness and beauty to an apartment.
DON'T WAIT till our stock is broken -make your selection NOW.
have any rooms not recently paperer!, just call and let ns
tell you how little it costs to matte house bright, attractive and
Paper Hanging and Decorating a Specialty.
Painting A11'BuredND.ED to in all its branches and satisfaction
McCracken B usseelBlot k
Bread Flours
Graham Flours
Whole Wheat Flours
Feed Flours
Cornela Breakfast Food)
Rolled Wheat
Cracked Wheat
ran, Shorts,
Flaked Oats for horses
and all kinds of feed.
rxl' ,