HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-5-6, Page 7YOUNG
e+caoaoo 0.got ocr d
' Teddy was the Inst to start t
school on that rainy, winay morn
ing, Ernest and .t;telen has gone
half-hour before, and two of th
newest, trimmest umbrellas ha
gone with them. '.!'hen ltuti, an
Lucy had trudged away to th
Framer -Wiwi under the sural'
umbrella that had been Limy'
Christmas present,. So it happen
that when 'Teddy wet' ready for hi
long walk to the kindergarten tiler
was only one umbrella left in th
stand-andthat the very biggest
heaviest of thew all.
"Dear me," mama said, "
don't know ae you can manage thi
great, clumsy thnng I Ernest should
have taken this one."
"Oh, I don't care!" cried Teddy.
"It will keep off more rain, don't
you see?"
Well., bo careful and not let the
wind run away with it," mama, re-
plied, and elle opened it for him and
kissed him good -by.
"Why, mama, you needn't worry
about such a big boy as I am. May-
be," he added, "1 couldn't have
carried it when 'I was little; but
now I can -just as easy!" and he
ram orf, waving his hand to her.
But the first hard gust made him
go more slowly, and he clasped his
umbrella handle with a tighter
. grip,
Four blocks to the west, then
three to the south -that wa stho
way to the kindergareen. Before
Teddy reached the corner of Par-
ker Street he wished the umbrella
was not quite so big and heavy.
"My, how it blows!" he said at the
end of- every gust. Until the gust
had passed he,, bad more than
enough to do to attend to that
clumsy umbrella; he could not
even mutter. But when he turned
the corner, and the wind was full ret
his baelr,-"Oh I" cried Teddy, for
that umbrella was almost wrenched.
from his little wiry bund. But he
clung to it tightly, although he
could no longer walk. He had to
run to keep up with it I
On, on, on, the umbrella pulled
him. Sometimes he was almost
lifted off his feet.' The. wind Dame
in no more gusts -or rather, it was
one long, steady gust! Oh, if it
would only stop long enough for
him to get breath 1
When the school building was
reached, Teddy made a desperate
attempt to stop; but that umbrella
would not let him !- On it went,
past the scholars' gate, past the
teachers' gate -now the building it-
self was left behind. It was al-
most nine o'clock, and only a few
children were near, and they had
too much . to do to manage their
own umbrellas to notice any other
little boy's.
Finally Teddy ran right into a
young man, and he was so big and
strong that the umbrella bad to
"Seems to me that's a pretty
big umbrella for a little man like
you," said the stranger.
"Well, it's all there was," Teddy
explained, "and it caried me right
past kindergarten. I shouldn't
ever have stopped if it hadn't been,
for you."
"I'm glad I happened to be here,"
laughed the young man, "We'll
go back to the kindergarten togeth-
er, It won't do to trust you to
the care of that mischievous um-
brella again."
The children were singing when
Teddy went in; but when he told
the teacher all about his .exciting
race with the umbrella she said he
wan not to blame for being tardy,
and he was soon standing up and
sinning happily with the rest. -
Youth's Companion.
Reverses are often the best chap-
ters in our education.
The man who lacks friends usual-
ly lacks in friendliness.
Many are saving up all their piety
for purposes of penil.,,nce.
If you fear to lose your dignity
you have none worth losing.
The soft man has'no success at
smoothing down life's angles.
The lowliest walk sounds louder
in heaven than the loudest talk.
le•you cannot give your religion
away you had better throw it.away.
They who have fought temptation
aro always tender to the tempted.
l;xoesiive emphasis on a few ideas
is evidence of the absenceof many.
Only as a man lives a life of his
own can he have life to give to
Many people who want noble
character are unwilling to go to its
You can tell whether a man is
walking with God by wboiher folks
Bite to wall: with hill].
Few things are more foolish than
praying ler a high task while
anezloeting a lowly one,
People who blame Providence
for their crops ale usually reticent.
as to their sowing.
• The bolt argument against the
devil its the one that eats into the
profits of bis business,
501110 menexercise so much
agillaliUl'l on 'their own excelle' .eee
that they have nothing left blit
judgment for the ttood in others,
folio of tlia Ours Dr,
Williams' P,lia Pills Vilroao,lit
Dar Oasa—Rail Doctor -
goo Four Ope'atious
Without help.
When women approach that cri-
tical period in their lives known as
the turn of life, they do so with a
feeling of apprehension and uncer-
tainty for in the manner in whim:
they pass that oriels determines
the health of their after life, Dur-
ing this most important time in the
life of a woman, her whole aim
should bo to build up and strength-
en her system to meet the unusual
demands upon it: Devotion to fain-
tly should notlead to neglect of
self. The hard work and worries
of household mares should be avoid-
ed as far on possible, But whether
she is able to do this or not, no
woman should fall to take the tonic
treatment offered by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, which will build up her
blood and fortify .her whole sys-
tem, enabling her to pass this cri-
tical period with safety. We give
the following strong proof of what
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are eon-
stantly"doing for suffering women.
Mrs, Maragaret Wood, Soutli-
field, N.B„ says :-"Some years
ago I became a victim to the trou-
bles that afflict so, many of my sex,
in the very worst form. The doctor
in charge neither through medicine
nor local treatment gave me any
help, and he decided that I must
undergo an operation if I was to
have any relief. During.the next.
two years I underwent four sue-
cessive operations. During this
time I had the attention of some
of the best physicians: From each
operation 1 received soma benefit,
but only of shore duration, and
then I drifted back into the same
wretched condition as before. Dur-
ing allthis time I was taking medi-
cine to build up my system, but
with no avail, I was reduced to a
mere skeleton; my nerves were ut-
terly broken down. My blood was of
a light yellowish color, and I was
so far gone that I took spells in
which my lips, fingers and tongue
would seem paralyzed. I cannot
begin to express :what I suffered
and went through in those two
years. I was completely discourag-
ed and thought 1 could not live
long. Then on the urgent advice
of friends I began to take Dr. Wil-
illiams' Pink Pills, and after some
weeks perceived a. change for the
better. I continued to take the
Pills for several months gradually
growing stronger and suffering
less, and in the end . found myself
once more a well woman and en-
joying the blessing of such good
health as I had not known' for
years. • I now always keep these
Pills in the house and after a hard
day's work take them for a few
days and they always seem to put
new life and energy in my body. 1
sincerely hope my experience may
be of profit to some other suffering
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sell
by all dealers in medicines or will
be sent by mail at 50 cents a oox
or six boxes for $2.50 by address-
ing The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
_A counting machine that is re-
ported to be an improvement over
anything of the kind yet produced,
the invention of a Swedish engineer,
was recently applied to the count-
ing house- of the Bank of England
for experimental purposes, and its
performance was highly successful
in point of rapidity. The machine is
operated by electricity, and is cap-
able of counting up and sorting
money into paper bags or tubes at
the phenomenal rate of 72,000 coins
an botir.
And just about now wifie an-
nounces that she can't keep house
this summer unless she gets:
A new rug for the parlor;
'New curtains for .front and back
A new sofa;
A new ice box;
And a few new records for the
Olr, it's a gay life.
Mrs. Wm. Bell, Falkland,
B4O., says: -"I have eve lit-
tle ones ranging from one to
eleven years of age, and when
any of them are ailing I al-
ways give them Baby's Own
Tabiete, which always brings
prompt relief. I do not think
there is anything you can
keep In the home as good as
"Baby's Own Tablets. Thou-
sands of other mothers
speak )eat as warmly of thle
mcdioine, whioh never fails to
cure all stomagh, bowel and:
teething troubles, Guaran-
teed by qt government Anqa-
1 st to be pettedly safe,
Sold by mediate dealer tsl'
by mail at 26 tits pplit
from The Dr. Wi itlilmr! deei1 .
Dino Co., Brockv e, On ,
The Girl
lie Loved Becomes the
of a Village School-
Unreemitted love for a girl.
matenless beauty is given as a re
son for the decision of Grand Du
,1)emeetietis Oonstantinovitcb:,
cousin of the Ozer, to enter a mo
asbery, The Grand Dulfeee plan'b
mune known a few days ago a
000asioued great surprise,'
In going to the cloister of th
Monks of St, Basil, on the out
skirts of Moscow, he follows the ex
ample of his august relative, th
Grand Duchess Elizabeth, who ha
entered a convent,
The girl with whom he fell in lav
is the daughter of an overseer o
one of his estates, She rejected hi
overtures. A few months ago sh
married a village schoolmaster, an
this, it is said, broke the Gran
Duke's heart. He straightway de
termines to 'renounce the cru
The Grand Duke's intimates re
fuse to accept this version, how
ever, and assert that the real rea
son for his determiantion to ente
the cloister of moults is far remov
ed from - disappointment in love
They say his change of heart wa
brought about by despair over th
state of his oount,'y.
It is his fixed idea, they aver,
that Russia is slowly but surely
steering toward a revolution that
will shake its foundations and dis-
rupt the empire.
The Grand Duke used to be a
colonel in the Sixteenth Regiment
of Grenadiers, but it was an open
secret that he -cared nothing for
the army. From one year's end to
the other he never eaw his regi-
ment. In his youth he was a patron
cf the race course and a passion-
ate admirer of blooded horses. He
also made an unsuccessful attempt
in the reign of the late Czar to in-
troduce the prize ring and import-
ed two famous English boxers to
illustrate -the manly art of self-de-
fence. , But the present Dowager
Empress set her foot down and
would have none of it. After this
the Grand Duke seemed to takolit-
tle interest in life.
About a year ago he surprised
every one by setting out on a. pil-
grimage to the Russian holy city of
Kieff, where he visited the cata-
combs and stayed on his knees an
hour before the high altar of the
great Lavra. When he returned to
St, Petersburg he ordered a new al-
tar for a Russian church in Jeru-
salem and sent the Russian Consul
at that place $5,000 to be spent in
entertaining Russian pilgrims vis-
iting the Holy Sepulchre. From
that time he has been attentive to
religious obligations.
"My .life has been empty," he
said recently to a confidant. "I
want to prepare to meet my Maker.
T can't be useful to mankind. I'm
going to hide myself away."
Repeat lt;-"Shilob's Cure will ttlwaye
cure my coughs and colds."
Women should remember that
men can't be convinced by scolding.
"By Medicine Life May be Pro -
bonged." -So wrote Shakespeare
nearly three hundred years ago. It
is so to -day. Medicine will prolong
life, but be sure of the qualities
of the medicine. Life is prolonged
by keeping the body free from dis-
ease. Dr. Thomas' Ecleotrie Oil
used internally will euro coughs
and colds, eradicate asthma, over-
come croup and give strength to
the respiratory organs. Give it a
By trying to teach others you
will learn a few things yourself.
Repeat it:- "Shnoh'O.Cure win always
our* ray coughs and colds."
On one occasion, when the King
and Queen of Italy wore out motor-
ing, they passed beyond the frontier
and, on reaching the boundary
again, were accosted by an extra.
smart Customs officer,
"Where do you Come from?" he
asked. "Modena;" was the reply.
"Where is the number of your
ear?" "There is pons," "A -ha!
And yet you enter Italy 1. Now,
then, what's .your name?" "Vic-
tor," said his Majesty smiling.
"And your other name?" "Etna-
nuel." "Your profession?"
"Well " replied the Royal motor-
ist, " I have hitherto enjoyed the
reputation Of -being the only Victor
Emanuel in ray kingdom,"
The great are those who can
bear discipline,
Qet o the burdens for which
we lame cavo: are Dimply our Ownfie loss aggager
A man would rd er be ,halt! pp
Dit41si than thrown down by
.ry, .n.. :451 eeee-
Ass's. 1'. ()liver Tells Ilow She Lost
Iter Pains and Weakness When
She Used the Old Roilablo I{idltey
Elgin, Ont., May 0 ,(Special), -
Women wlio suffer, and there aro
thousands of thein in Canada, will
hear with interest the experience of
Mrs. J, Oliver of this place. She
has suffered and found a cure and
she has no hesitation in sayingthat
cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"I suffered for over a year from
Backache and Fainting Spells,"
Mrs. Oliver states, "I was tired
and nervous all the time and the
least exertion would make me per- Dr, Alexis Carrel, of the Rocko
spino freely, My feet and ankles feller Institute, in an address to.
would swell and I had a dragging the American khilosophie Society,
sensation across the loins.- 1 saw' draws attention to some of the
Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised and marvels of modern surgery. Among
bought some. Twelve boxes cured the oases cited was that of a mac
whose injured knee -point had. been
All women who suffer should use successfully replaced by a sound
Dodd's Kidney Pills. • They snake one taken from a dead body, An -
healthy Kidneys -and healthy Kid- other was that of a oat whose kid-
neys are the first rule of health neys had been replaced by those of
for woman. The female organs de- another. A fox -terrier, again, hay -
pond almost entizely on the Kid: ing lost a leg, this was replaced by
neys for their health, No woman one taken from a dead companion.
can, hope to be healthy and happy The dog was able to run about as
unless her Kidneys are right. The. usual. And Dr, Carrel finds that
Kidneys need: occasional help or the parts of the dead organism can
they must become tired, or sick. be kept for an indefinite time, and
And almost any woman can tell you still be successfully substituted for
out of her own experience that those of the living. They must be
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the help put in refrigerators and kept in
they need. hermetically sealed tubes a little
above freezing.
The golden-erested wren is the
sinallesb, not only of British, but of
all European birds, Its average
weight is only about eight grains
troy, so It, would take seventy-two
of the birds to weigh a pound. The
length of the feathers is about 0
1-2 inches, and the stretch of the
wings about 5 inches; but when the
feathers axe taken off the length of
the body does not exceed lin.
A Woman's Sympathy
Aro y0tt discouraged? is your doctor's
b111 a heavy ilnanclaload'! Is your. pain.
heavy Fhyalcal burdan7 1 know what
these mean to delicate women—I have
bo=n dl50oureeed, too; but learllad how'to
cure myself, i want to rallovo- our bur -
dons. Why1101 end the pain ane stop the
doctor's 1151? f can do isle for you and
will if you will asasst mo.
All you deed do Is towrite for a free
box or the remedy which has been placed
In my hands to he given away. Perhaps
this one box will cure you—it hes done so
yoforu otwill bhers,a ILcured fforo, 1. shall20(the be happcostyof anda
postage stamp). rearlottery held eond-
dentlall Write to -day -day fur my fres treat -
Went. l•1 N. IT, ID CURRA IC.Windsor. out,
Yeast -"I think I came up in the
train with your wife yesterday."
Crimsonbeak--"Did you notice
her teeth?"
"No, she didn't open her mouth
"Oh, well, it wacn't my wife,
Repeat it:-"0hlloh'e Ouro will always
onre my coughs and colds."
Mothers will find the following
statement of more than passing in-
terest, showing, as it does,. how
Zara -Birk ends the skin -disease of
children, even when ordinary re-
medies have completely failed. Mrs.
0. W. Bowerbank, of i_„ Denison
Avenue, Toronto, says: -
"Not long ago my baby's face
broke out in an eruption. The spots
NOT WHAT HE MEANT TO ASK, would crack and be very irritating
and sore. At other times they
itched fearfully, and caused the
child to scratch and rub, thus mak-
ing the sores very inflamed and
painful. I tried all sorts of oint-
ments and salves, but they some-
how did not seem able to remove
the trouble. Zam-Bok proved very
different, and a -few applications
gave the child relief. The sores
are now healed completely.
"Since that time my little daugh-
ter has had occasion to use Zam-
Buk for skin trouble. She broke
out in blotches on her hands and
arms, and in her case also Zam-
Buk effected a cure.
It is a sure cure for pimples and
eruptions, eczema, ring -worm, ul-
cers, cuts, burns, bruises, poisoned
sores, chronic wounds, bad leg,
piles, festering soros, and all skin
injuries and diseases. Druggists
and stores everywhere sell at 50e.
a box, or post fre for price from
Zam-Buk Co,, Toronto; 3 boxes
$1.25. You are warned against
cheap and harmful imitations some-
times represented to be "just as
A young pian went on one occa-
sion to call at a country farmhouse
to snake inquiries after his sweet-
heart ewho had charge of the dairy.
Her master opened the door, and
the lover asked him timidly: "How
is the milkmaid?"
"How is the milk made?" the
farmer angrily asked, • as he
slammed the door in the str'anger's
face. "Our milk isn't made; it's
got from the cow."
Why go limping and whining
about your corns when a 25 cent
bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure
will remove them? Give it a trial
and you will not regret it.
Poverty prevents a lot of people.
from getting the gout.
Does. Your Saek Ache? Don't experimo8t with
Imitations but get the genuine, the D d,1."
Menthol- Plastor. It cures. Davis it Lawrence,
poo makers.
No, Cordelia, a man doesn't
necessarily bait his breath for the
purpose of catching it.
Repeat 16:- "Shtloh's Cure will Always
onto my coughs and colds."
The average female likes to pose
as the reformer of some man.
"Perfectly Trustworthy" is the
character of Bickle's Anti-Con-
surnptive Syrup. It can be used
with the utmost confidence that it
will do what is claimed for it. It
is euro in its effects, as the use of
it will clearly demonstrate, and
can be relied upon to drive a cold
out of the system more effectively
than any other medicine. Try it
and be convinced that it is what it
is claimed to be.
Free speech is all right if you
don't get too free with it.
Pony Davie' Painkiller. It's effect/ oro almost
�•aatentaneotta. Cures cuts, burns and brute..
N'a eammlyy.. Avoid eubstltuto tramps,
1 but one
nada-26o. and 50e.
"Would you advise a young wo-
man to get married 7"
"By all means, T should advise
every young woman to marry, ex-
cepting, of course, our hired girl,
I want to keep her."
ISSUE NO. 18-09.
Doctor -No, 1 shouldn't advise
you to take whiskey for the grip.
Guzzler -Wed], I don't believe
I've got the grip. It must be some-
thing else. Say, Doc., what dis-
ease is whiskey good Lomb
Repeattt:-"Shnoh's Cure will always
cure my coughs and colds."
Fortune smiles on some men one
day and gives them the laugh the
Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator is pleasant to take; sure and
effectual in destroying worms.
Many have tried it with best re-
A wise man never calls another
a fool -no matter what he may
an Inheritance of wank lungs len merlons nines.
cap, but Allen's Lung Balsam, taken et the first
sign of a cough will ensure imnstmity from this
dangerous defect. Don't trifle with unknown
0ure.alle, — —
It takes a whole legislature to
change a man's name, but one min-
ister San change a woman's.
A Pill for Brain Workers, - The
man who works with his brains is
more liable to derangement of the
digestive system than the man who
works with hr's hands, because the
one galls upon his nervous energy.
while the other applies only his
muscular strength. Brain fag be-
gets irregularities of the stomach
and liver, and the best remedy that
on be used is Parmelee's Vege-
table. Pills, They aro specially
compounded for such cases and all
thoso who use them can certify to
their superior power,
BOVRIL is pure concentrated Beef and to ensure supplies of prime
Reef for our needs we have just recently acquired 438,o8z acres of the
finest grazing land in the world, in the Argentine Republic, and 9,000,000
acres in North West Australia.
Over eoo,oco !lead of horned cattle are on these estates at present,
end this number will be much increased, We are therefore in It better
position than ever to guarantee the purity and high character of BOVRIL,
BOVRIL LTD., 27 8t. Peter St,, Montreal.
100,080 OOPIus of popular, standard and classical sheet music must bo sacrificed at onoa
without oonsideratlon us to value ur oust.
d hie stook sells at the retail arias of 16 to Sia. a Dopy, Our prices, as long as the stock
14333, aro placed on n basis whioh will in )re them quickly, All goods ora in perfect a minion.
Teacher or dealer never had an opportunity ofthis kind adored before: See the prices—then
act quick,
50 COples Assorted Shoot :quote 82.60
100 Ca lee Assorted. Sheet Siusio - !MOO
51111 land a bunch ofsample i for 29 cents postpaid. Special prices gutted in lots o .1,000 or
morn, Do not delay --order to -day, St,treps accepted for small amounts.
CART A MUSIC CO„ 148 time Street West, TORONTO, ONT.
Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools,
Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano
of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the
only piano with the Illimitable Repeating Action.
Send for (free f Catalogue No. 75.
`lila 8tEL PIANO B Orgen Co.. L3mitod G ite. LPH . O NTAf2
Tboroughiy Cooked Food
A LL cereals should be thoroughl3 cooked to get the best results.
ii for food purposes. In our Canadian Agricultural Colleges
they have tested the effect of cooking on the solubility of foods t
Read this table:
lime Cooked.
30 minutes
2 hours
5 hours
8 hours
P. C. Solids
in Water,
Time Cooked.
20 minutes:
2 hours
5 hours
8 hours
P. 0. Solids
in Water.
You will notice the gradual rise in percentage due to long cooking.
Very few homes are equipped to spend the time or'fuel.necessary to
properly prepare cereals. By a system of steam pressure and heavy
machinery the ORANGE KEIT people thoroughly clean and steam
cook the wheat, then malt and flake each grain, after which it is
dried and toasted. This produces the largest percentage of solubil-
1ty; a process totally impossible in ordinary kitchen.
This company are giving away a cash prize of Seven Hundred
Dollars. See post -card in every package.
/i 0 F. A4�5' 510156 Rrme rrom whom you
TRnisa Tbem Without Milk.
P9NTS order your supplloe are CALVES.Buoklot Proc.
giving satisfaction, atiok to there. If not. try out Steele Briggs Saod00.,Ltd., Toronto
goods. we supply pure tear, coffees. spices, peri
fumes. toilet requisites,etc., at the lo west prices, OIRL Iron a1Tmltn,lr.Ii002E-
Tha limo Specialties . Co.,Dept. A, Toronto, Ont. WANTED work. Smsil famlly. Write.
Dirs. T. I. Sebum, 115 Spadini Rood, Toronto.
rs Time
Thta Is the
Instruments, Drums, Band Music, Etc.
Lowest prates -ever quoted. line catalogue,
over 600 illustrations, mailed free. Write ue
for Anything in Masse orMuelcel lnstrumen's,
WHALEY, ROYC0 CO., Limited
Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg. bran.
Man puffs his pipe,
But woman fair
Abhors the weed
And puffs bier hair.
Repeatlt: '°Bhtioh'e 0ure will always
cure my soughs and colds."
When a stingy man is in love he
is apt to loosen up -but not for
Atlanta lung ealenm,in whlehthere ism opium,
54063 5000 throat and eon lunge, as it allays the
ineammatlon and rids you of the moons that
stops up the Mr passages, 550, 600, 51.05 bottles.
Money may be a drug on the
market, but some of us have got
to wait a long time to get our pre-
scriptions filled.
For Salo probit° alp
e «gym Panne In i4Statas. Strout*
New Monthly Bulletin off.
Real Bargains, profusely Illustrated, mailed free.,
We pay your R.R. free. 8, A, STROUT 00., rock
0 1. World's Largest Farm Dealers jlairermty.
Bldg., Syracuse, 11.Y.
Dyeing 2 Cleaning!
Per the Tory boat sena guar wort to the
as gtglti'tsid AMERICAN OYEIlle CD."
Eros for agoot In your town, or rood liras.
Itentroat, Toronto, Ottawa, Queh,
Band J 6 e r11Ts
Samples and Catalyze Free
Rex Tailor/sag Co. Waited
Cleaned, Washed and Repaired
by Oriental Process. Wo are
the only epcolallats In Canada.
Simon Alaloltan, Prop.
Vol. ,fain Mk Ws ging St, Mei, Toronto.
The Beauty of a Clear Skin,- -._. ..
The condition of the liver regulates
the condition of the blood. A dis-
ordered liver causes impurities in
the blood and those show that: -
selves in blemishes on the skin.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in act-
ing upon the liver act upon the
blood and a clear, healthy skin
will follow intelligent use of this
standard medicine. Ladies, who
will fully appreciate this prime
quality of these pills, eau use them
with the certainty that the offeet
will be most gratifying,
"Are they happily married 7"
"Yes, indeed. I understand
they're actually out of debt."
T1sis Is a fans ago, everything masa ov VPetinoala aterc.au.se..a� S'
goes fast -especially money, nava rrou a little kuoalerigo art Pam stock •
ban write us AT 0E011, S3 to 830 weekly, s6L
The .ilea& of some people are fie or td u laeton, wo ;xpsrienua, Dn port of
oma! 1 ab oto el new. than 6 brass drum. sealing opportarli 6v
t wp n your o n arm, Dr sot at kraut
capable of generating more noise 8 h ng 1 6 y r w. tlro.tta,to.t,y mangy
BA ill TOCK RTEBINAnv CO„ Toronto.
1 Fire Insurance Agents Wanted
Riohmoni h Drummond Piro Insurance Conn
ppuny, Head Moe.Il'al mond' Quo, Established
1870, Oapi tat :11,0,050. For ambles at unrepre.
'anted points, Province of Ontario, address
.1. 11. E`VAIfT, Chief Agent,
No. 18 Wellington St., 04e3, Toronto,
rW A R D
E N,
Cobalt stooks bought and mold on cornmisslon.
Long Distaste° Phones --Stain 2855, Main 5571.
members Toronto Otock !'w,ohango.
traders hank Building, is Broad Street,
Won •r nor f?5 ° tI 141,050, \Vrlto ill
opce.a:.51i4 50 w.� Wrintorwatlow