The Brussels Post, 1909-5-6, Page 5BIISIINESS CMOS, maaltf1AQJ +'N— a Issuer of Marriage l,ieenaes. Of Re at Grooecy, Turnuerry obreoh 1rueeelq K. O. T. M. Braeeels Tea4 of the 41400a13e06, NO. hold their regular Weptlags is tele bud , 18,41481, 0a0kbr 8(0o4, 044 rho let and. flip 1'1)eaday eventing of molt month it t, uwu9eno;A,5Q14ataiiIIi)tip,418. WM, $PENOE • NVL A 1 Q 1 (l. Y �ULIZ AND iS1;U R E NI az( r, liiLiA 1 (IE LICENSES thea is the Rost Italica, Ethel. 80.1 JAMES HARRiS, Agent kiowiclf Mutual. Fire inanranoe (lonpauy °Mon and tlesidence- WALTON, ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH. ALIC'l'IIINEERS, i, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION ►. igen, will sell for better prices, m better mem, ,n rasa tune and less chargee than any other 8uotlouee, in East Huron or h0 won'tcharge anything,. Oates and onlineDau always be arranged at this °taoe Or k,y porn 4041 application, ROST. H.C.,ARN/SS Di,U1+VALE 0NT.. Auctioneer 1'or Huron County. Terme reasonable. 80188 arrapgod 11" 01 8118 oEco of 1'4344 PoOT, 8,10040143. 2211. ;AA, AP is uliillVEYRIYCIr4G. YID • 141 alivULMltt— 1'Burr, die,, Noll0itor, (May an Notary iublia,&o. alHotdtewart's htom, door Nurtb of Central Hotel. Bolieltor for the Motropohtem Sauk. 1,uOUD1OOT BAYS & BLAIR. BARRISTERS, 801101T".148, NOTARIES PUEI,IU, -EVC. W. P0O1DF00T, E. 0. 14. 0, Halo G. P. Brain. U)eoe0-1•hose formerly 000unted by Messrs Uamerou h Holt, 0°8191110a, °ATARI°. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, uosN7va'r Graduate of the .Royal Oullego of Dental 8urg001081-Uutut° and letrat.o(U.4(. Hanoi Graduate of Toronto Universityy. O113o, next to Brewer's Pbotograph Gallery, 141(08881,8. 'st at to lelNO Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY been numbered seetuu of Dominion Lauds in Mandtoha Saskatchewan and Alberta excepting ,o titian Baud 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded n an area t the solo bead of a family, or, person mnalepover 18 years of age, to the extent of nue-quarter section of 188 mares mere or lase Entry may be made personally at the local land °into for the Matrrnt 10 which the laud 40i at s to e. The homesteader is required to purlorw the uoudito us 0000008ed therewith uncles one of the foll0wfug pious and cultivation hof the mouths' lu residence ,1e upon three yearn. Your for (2) 11 the father (Or mother, if the father is rleoeaeen) of the homesteader reside,. upon ftfarm in the viuL,ity ui the laud mitered for the requirements 00 to real. deuoe may be sad,8ad by snob Remo° re - aiding 9v;tu thefather or mother. (8) If thesettler ua0 hie permanent re01. Genus upue (Minim; laud. owned 4 him in the vluhlity of file mhomestead, the re '�qqutroeute se to resideuee mug ue. sane acdby rehideuco upou•abe eau* ,auu- 0ixmou(ho' notice n, writing should 1,, given to the Oommloolouer m Dominion Lands at Ottawa of Intention to ap, ly .fur patent. W. W. LIGHT; Deputy of til eM(ulster of Interior, N. 13,.Uunth..rlsed publication of this ad., vertt0oneut will not be paid for. SAL Farmers or Storekeepers by cooling to the Brussels SaltWOIk1. S can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. Hear! Siren th IieartStrCngth, or Heart Weakless, mennSNerve Strength, of Nerve tvnn.kness—nothing mora Sea ltively, not one weak Heart in a hundred is, In it self, actually diseased, It Is almost always e hidden tiny Ilttlo nerve that malls, igen at fault. This obscure 118rvo-the Cardiac, or Heart. Nerve --simply needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more controinnga' more governing strength, {Vlthout nun the Heart must conttinua to fall, and the stomach and kidneys also have these sante controlling nerves. This clearly 43xp10MS why, its a medicine,- Dr Shoop's Stestoraltve has in the past done to mite for weak and ailing'Hearte, Dr. Shoo first sough,. the ranee 0f nil this painful, palpitating, &WOGlt. lug heart distress. Dr, Shoop's Restorative—this Pop11101' prrsctirtion—le alone directed to 011,100. Weak and ws,tiug nary° eent0,10. I6 builds; lb strengthens: it of'•rs real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong dt, gestion, Strengthen these ,nerves— ro•ostablisb t11e111 as named, with k "me1. A, re iSteXa te,.r � est*. . atave "ALL DEALERS" Ruined hit. Foot. Used a tell cent Corn Salve, -for quarter he could have awed his corns with Putuaul's Painless Corn I3xtrao±• or. Use the boat-."Ptltnaui's,J1 Business Qar'ds The double Douse oe Diesley street, at present °mined by G. k`, N1oPagg. gait and J. Lee le Derr, h11s been geld to a Toronto men, On Ma„ day evening of last week, n•eviots tci lits departure for Ca1i- ferela. the membere of the L. 0. L. here and of 1118 Searlot Chapter met IC al rep t' 1 43 1 u B d 1 t�, 1C U 1 C 111 s t a p )t a with tl beautiful Past Master's Jewel, Bro. Mo00nllnins not being able to attend the meeting in the lodge room, 01 (10• count of illness; the presentation was 111184e et Mr, Elder's. Tlelealbattle 1 dlVel half gelf a t 1 11io li u dollar U ar 1 ora lu and al million h t a counter chain, 1 fm f be waged , g al, between the Guelph � Gode,ltll Railway rind Piggott r4) Ce., col tl ac toe s, wits riven its heai')ug at Torwlto• The evidence is largely of a technical nature, deal - with the difficulties In preparing the roadway of the Gilelpil Sc Goc1e- rich branch o1' the 0, P, R, A. H,, MOiVT,E1TM , Barrister, Sollet4or, 1,1'otary, *40,, supoessgr 40 A. B. Mao4matid. Q111op over 4tandard Bank, llrusapls, D18, T, T. NIP RAE 9aoho1or of M4diafap, University of Toronto ; 1010e8t0t4 Rash tiradunte of the Uollogeof Ky. •uhiann and 8011' po 144 0111, P uet-a iat �.111/0.140 Bye, Env, Ngsq and tbrout,101u1 Jlik0ng0, Ill. MO:mi me Surgeon to tit Miele eel's Hospital T'or'onto; Wive over k;, R. 8mitb'a Drug )itoro, ",rale•' phone 00nm:often waft UJ'nnllreok at ell hums, R HAMILTON Q Dental Surgeon (011-, 01 Don,n l Delmille n,.0ro no fTO of Royal U a orDiqual ur ons, of-lwunto. Unice over ,T, Rons storo Brussels. Will visit W,'oxolei' the frit and third Mondays and Bowie the second and fourth Mondaysht each month. OR, WARDLHW 110110r graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Uollege, Day and night °dins,. Office opposite Pious Mill, Ethel. (4 /A ZR z' Ralik 11• P BRUSSELS Mat GOING SOUTH GOING. NORn T 7:050 10 Express . 10155a m Iexphese.:...,,)1:kAn in Mail ........ 1:49 p m Express 8:02p in ilxpross - 8150 p m CaNdatax 17 -acme WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express ..:... 8:41 n mExpress . ..11:80 a m Express 8;11 p m I Express ... 7:97 p nt Belgrave The Bishop preached last Sabbath afternoon in the English (March, Bet - grave. In the !natter of the petition of Jno. Pfeffer and others presented at last meeting at East Wawauosh Council re -construction OftlOt a her polling division in the township, the Council after due consideration granted the petition and the Clex•k was instructed to prepare the necessary By -Law for next mectiilgof the Council confirming the same. J. G. Gillespie, being the only applicant for the position, wag re-engaged to operate the road grader for the present season. Sas. Cunning- ham. was appointed Pounclkeope1 in place of John F. Scott. A book on Rheumatism, and a trial. treatment of Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy,—liquid or tablets—is being sent free to sufferer's by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis. You that are well, get this book for some discouraged, dis- heartened sufferer ! Do'a simple act of humanity 1 Point out this way to quick and certain relief! Surprise some sufferer, by first getting from me the booklet and the test. He will ap- preciate your aid. All dealers. Listowel Rev. J. Damm, missionary of Medi- cine Hat; Alberta, preached in the Evangelical church, last Sunday even- ing. . Musgrave, ledger keeper in the Bank of liautilten here, has been transferred to the Wiuuipeg office of the ben k. Elmer Cavell, eldest son of H. and Mrs. Cavell, Dodd street, underwent an operation for appendicitis, the operation being successful. A bowling contest between Listowel and W in na m took place ce at P .Arnolds alleyWednesday afternoon in which the home, team downed the visitors by 480 pins N. Purcell and family left for Ed- monton last week where he owns some real estate. Previous to leaving hu sold his house and lot on Victoria street East to' Alex. Robinson, who lately movedl to town from Morring- ton. A very pleasant tittle was spent in the beautiful rooms of Listowel Lodge No. 160, I. O. U. F., on Monday even - lug of last week. on mem- bers were initiated into the mysteries of the Orieutal degree. Visiting members were present from Palmer- ston, Atwood, biodericll, Toronto and other places. Cure for Sick Women. When) painsgather amend he hips and lodge hi the small of the back— when to stoop or bend seems impos- sible, when dizzy spells and bearing down pains are ever present,—that's the time to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Irregularities disappear, vital energy is restored, back trouble is forgotten, The oiling sick woman gains strength, improves in looks, increasesinspirit by using Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They cure the conditions that rob her of health and vigor. No medicine so helpful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c. at all dealers. Blyth 'Win. Jackson has been appointed local agent ,811,. 1 for the Blyth Estate. ,pr Y sate Confirmation 1 Belvue was held in Trinity church by the. Bishop of Huron, on Sunday al, 11 1t zn R. and Mrs. Mo0ommins mud family left on Tuesday of last week fur Cali- fornia, where they will in future re- side. Joseph Stothers has the brick on the ground' for the erection of his new residence on his Dinsley street pro- perty, near Mill street. A. MoCreight, 81, returned on Tuesday of last week after spending the Winter with his sister in Sarn%14, 1zle'fotted his sou, Thomas, in a vett' low state of health we MO '801.17 to saA. W. Robinson, D. D, Crittenden and G. II. Wambold, as representa- tives of the local Y. 1I. a. A., go to Exeter to debate against the associa- tion Of that .place. The subject is "Resolved that heredity is a greater factor than environment," Blyth tak- iegg the negative. The annual Sunday School Conven- tion of the Deanery of Huron will be held in Trinity chnrc1, Blyth, of Wednesday, May 12th. Delegates will be in attendance from till over the eternity. Mev, I3. J. Hamilton, B. A., of Nagoya, ,Tapan, will also be present and give an address in the Tile tender leaves of a harmless lung hetidiug mountainous 811x146, give Lu Dr. ,Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvelous cerative pf clpeeties Tight, tickling oe distressing coughs quickly yield to the healing, soothingaction of this splendid prescripton--Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy, And it is so safe and good for children, as well, Containing no opium, chloroform, or other bavinful drugs, mothers should in safety always demand Drs Shoop's. If other ren1041(s are offered, tell thorn No 1 Bo your own judge ! Sold by all dealers, Gerrie R. H. Carson is having his residence piped preparatory to commencing the use of acetylene gas. The members of the band have been given the rise of a room over the Vi- Bette office for practice. Spritigbank Telephone Company have commenced operations this Spring and have the ground from. that burg to Lakelet, Miss Eleanor Perkins was in Brant - f011 attending the marriage of a for- mer Gorlieite, in the person of Miss Lily Wright, daughter of Rev. T.. A. Wright, of et. Jude's Reetoey, The Annual District meeting of Wingham District will be held in the Methodist church, Gorrie, on Wed- nesday and Thursday, May 12th and 13th. At the Same time and place the Women's Missionary Society of the District will meet in convention. Having been successful at the' recent final examination of the London Nor- mal School, Miss Margaret Padfield left for Guelph where she will take the special course in Elementary Science and Horticulture provided for the benefit of teacher's who completed the yearly course at the Various Normal Schools et Easter. The following officers Were elected in the Methodist Sabbath School :— Superintendent, 1•V. H. Gregg ; assist- ant superintendent, Harvey Sparking ; secretary, Stanley :Johnston; assistant secretary, Cecil Day ; treasurer, Thos. Andrew ; organist, iss Grace Pyke ; musical director, Thomas Andrew ; cradle roll superintendent, Miss May McTavish. Geo. Arden, sr., and Will. Arclell, his son, started for the West o11' Fri- day morning, April 23rd. Their desti- nation is Medicine Hat. Me. A riell, sr., who was an old resident of Gorrie, will be very much missed, sol While the departure f Will, will be adistinct loss more particularly to St. Stephen's church, where he was identified with the different activities of the church. Quite'. a 11111nber of friends were at tilt3 station t Lo see them off ff nnthe it' long Lc jnnrney, among whom was># oticed the Rev. 1:11. Parr. We wish them suc- cess. Is Your Throat Husky ? This is the first step towards Catarrh. Everything depends 0n your remedy. A congh mixture slips quickly over the weak spots, drops in- to the stomach and does little but Harm digestion. It's altogether clif- fereet with Clttarrhozone—it cures be- cause it nets right at the trouble. You inhale Oatalrhozone, breathe in the vapor ui.' healing balsams that streugtheu and restore the weak throat thistles. You'll not have colitis, or coughs, — Throat 'Trouble and Catarrh will disappear with the use of Catarrhosone. At all dealers, 25e. and $1,00. Get it to -clay. Wingham F. Paterson left. Tuesday of last week for Toronto to take las position with the Elias Rogers C1o. J. D. Barns, formerly of this town. has puechasect a emit and wood bitsi- ness at Galt and is takingup residence in that town. Richard Howson, who has been o1 the staff of the local branch of the Canadian 13i111I1 of Commerce, was transfer, ed to Or'sdi,toe. Miss Monigono'l'y, of Deloraine, who bas been attending the Dental College, Toronto, is visltilig her sis- ter, Mrs. W. F. VanStone. Mrs. J. B. Ferguson has returned home after spending the Winter months in California. Her mother, 1Irs Pelton, accompanied her home and will spend the Summer here. Sunday evening the Lord ,Bishop of Huron,. Bight Rev. Daviel Williams, D. D., preached i11 St. Paul's church, and conferred the rite of Confirmation un a large number of candidates. The following officers were elected for Wingham Bolding Club :—Hon, President, A. H. 1:lesgrove, M. L. A. ; Hon. Vice-president, O. Dallas ; P8051- cleat, '4Vm. I:Iolmes ; Vice-president, Geo, C. Manner's ; 'Secretary-teeasur- ee, W. H. Campbell ; Executive Com- mittee, Bort. Porter, L W. Hanson, Jos. Stalker, the Piesident and Vice- president ; Reception Committee, A. 11, Crawford, 13, Cochrane and D. T. Hepburn ; Trustees, R. Vanstone, t\, E. Smith and R. Clegg. I)1'. P. Mac- donald and Tiles, Bol1 were Made hon- orary members. The executive com- mittee in tend holding a .local rink tonrnteneut on May 24th. J. W. Orr, L, W. Hanson and D. T. Hepburn will oiler prizes to be 1onpeted for dur- ing the early part of the season, The annual meeting of the Epworth Deagno of'Wieghutil b.Iethodist church was held on Monday evening of last weed, The reports of officers showed atis;'actney work in all departments f the work, and the League is in a healthy coedit:40m The worts; of the on1111g year will be under the diree- n afbernoon enc 'also et the evolLng service, 1 a on -alcoholic Sarsapcirillcz If you think you peed a toni41 ask your doctor. If you think. you need something thin for your blood, ask yourdoctor. If you think you like to try Y Ayer's non -.alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor. Con- sult hiw often. Keep in close touch with him. We pub,teh oar formulae L R hWeom001,m0dl0ooih Wooeurat yur o doctor Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list will begin with sick -headache' biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, badskin. Then ask him if he would recommend your using Ay.er's Pilis. --8Yude by the 14.0. &yes Oe„ Lowell, Slag.--.,, DO YOU NEED Farriers and others desiring Tile for the cumine season can secure what they re- quire at carload rates, at Brussels or Ethel stations, if orders are seat in sur- ficiefit time to arrange for quantity and date of delivet'y. I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the cars unit as. Hist in loading itunl car to wagons. Per - thee partes ulars may l • { r 1 x obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sand iters Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. All sizes from 440 ,8 inches may be obtained. Tile from 8 inches up are .18 inches 10114, CEMENT KEPT IN SEASON, tion of the following oticevs :—Presi- dent, Freak R. Howson ; 1st Vice- president, hiss Mulvey ; 2ucl• Vice- presicleut, W. T. Hall ; 3rt1 Vicc- presidout, Hiss Etta 1Vellwocd; 4th Vice-president, ales. Ira Parker; 6th Vice-president, Miss Mabel Howson ; Corresponding Secretary, A. Coutts ; Recording Secretary, E. A. IIam- mond ; Treasurer, 1liss Dulmage ; pianist, Miss M. R. Hammond ; as- sistant pianist, Miss Ethel Hall ; re- presentative to District -Executive, Ira Parker. A tickling or dry cough can be quickly loosened with Dr. Shoop's Oollgh Remedy. No opium, no chloroform, nothing unsafe or harsh. Solcl by all dealers. Seaforth The bowling club have decided to hold their annual tournament oxl Jelly 14611 and following clays. While cleaning a htnip glass the other day; Miss • Belle Jackson, of L z n lv' e uc elle had the misfortune taus tD out her hand' very badly. Theg •lass broke, and made such a novel•° gash that several stitches were required . t0 close up the wound. .As it 8p001a1 attraction for their race meet here of June 15, 10 and 17, the Seafnrth Turf Club have made ar- rangements with the owner of the famous horse, The Lel, meted 2.02.7, to give exhibitions, The Eel will try to establish a new world's half mile track recoed. Dr. H. J. Hodgins, who 111ts been practising dentistry bele for the past three or tour years, has sold out his practise to Dr. R. E. Fisher, of Barrie, who takes possession in 1t few clays. Dr. Hoclgins has purchased a practise in his old home at: Lucien. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club 1vas lielcl in the (7011nei1au Il 1 c iter on Monday after- noon r. ro n of lits week. t el. There w1 a is {cry large attendance, with bright pros- pects for a gond i erciase in the mem- bership for the wining seasem. The following officers were elected : Hon. President, Mrs, 1I. Y. McLean , Pees!. (lent, Mts. A. E. Colson ; Vice presi- dent, Mrs. (Dr,) Burrows • Secretary - treasurer, hiss 0. B. McKinley ; com- mittee, Mrs. Greig, Miss lienclerson, Hiss Iiille•an, Hiss Watson, Mrs, Neil and Miss Davidson ; skips, Miss E. Henderson, Ales. Neil, Ales. Greig, Ales. K. *14.Lean, hiss Davidsuu, Mrs, A. R. Colson and :hiss G. Henderson. fresh M Delivery Baeker 43 rr s. Brussels ore now on their regular unite in the delivery of choice f1'osh Bleats. Their hips during the Month of May will bo as follows :— Tuesday—via 12th con. of fire'; through Cetedwodc, to the Whitfield sideroad and home by 14111 con. Wednesday—via 01,11 con. to .Ethel 141)01 h1101e by Sill eon, Thursday—via 0111 coil. of Grey, 84' utiles !fast, then vitt 4(11 con. to Jamestown and home by gravel x'0144. After' 14iiy eri'au ryLremelits will be made for dolize, y twice a week, Baeker Butchers, Bruse Cie It was decided to hold a tournament. but the c.lztnlittee were: left to ar- range the dates, It was also request- ed that those intendtlg to joie the club 1n mild do so before the first of Jima, Lutekhow TIle+ , Lal end las Missionary Btove- ,ne1t here (lomtieties to be a great sue. cuss. Matthew Parkinson, of 'Toren, to,. chairman of the Presbyterian Laymen's Movement,, spoke at both seem fl 1 1as T11 sd aY az1 1 d his I Ic 1 I(nf addresses sanki e eepluto the heart sol h191at Men 14 t .d. Liloaa1 Utt,ri 1'8 ulcctln(, 1111 Parkinson tui k as ills subjt c t 4.1'oulee 01 Canada fol' the Mao of Galilee," stud Rev. A. W. Fin- lay, of WVhitecllurch, conducted de- vu4,1011a1 exercises, T11e ex4ausion , at 110111e and abroad of the church of (inn' l G n is the greater pact in the m161011'8 defence, was the subject of D. 0. Taylors address at the opening of the: evim ill 4'8 exercise. Sixteen hundred wisslonaries were heeded 4n help evangelize the world, which could be aceornpllshed in 25 years 11' Canadian Christians dill their utmost. An or - gee ization meetiegi'or Luck now and surrounding country was hultl at the close. Fordwich W. G. •Ward has 11, hen that laid an .egg measuring 77 in. by 11} in. one day anti one !measuring 87 in. by 87 in. the next day. Springbauk Telephone Co. have awarded the contract of digging the holes and setting the posts tree Or- ange Hill to Lakelet to W. Rogers, of Fordwich. The Weigh Scales Co„ of Pordwich, has been granted the privilege of put- ting a fence across the street along the twill yard and putting gates on so 14s to close the street for the pur- pose of keeping stock while being weighed. A. Dobson, who has been attending McGill t� it L ll l{'C'1' ' . sit Montreal, l0 Teal i• t s speed- ing. P inn a few days at, his home here; be - .'re pi weeding to Lansing, 74icli., where he will continue the practical work in connectins with his educa- tional course. District Manager Straton, of Lon- don, and L. Binkle , of Wingham, were here and decided to change the egnipwent of the telephone office here. The present switch will be tak- en out and a new style standard metallic board will be installed in its place. Goderich A change has taken place in the grocery business conducted fur many years by C. A. Nairn. Mr. Nairn is retiring from the b118iness end 0. S. Erving, Who comes here from Tees - water, is his successor. Henry Harney, of town, has pur- chased the general store business of alrs. Jones, at Carlow, and takes pos- session the 15th of May. Mrs. Jones arid family are removing 10 town. 1lenesetung Park Hotel will have a curiosity this Summer in the shape of an ancient clock of the pattern of our great-grandfathers' Lime or earlier. The wheels are wooden and altogether it is an antique piece of furniture. Halsey Park put it iu running order last week, and as iL indicates the sec- onds thei m nittes the hours (1sof a he mo Y t nth it may still have a good deal of usefulness. Ira Byce, of Claodeboye, was before the police magistrate 1Vednesday of last week on a chargIi e of having set file to the betel tel a t 'Heiman about a year ago. The arrest '(‚('04(6m tee by High Constable Gundry at Lucau. Although the burning of the hotel tuok place over (1 year ago, evidence on which the arrest mild be made w(44 lacking until recently. A remand of eight days was made to allose of the Orcwli s getting witnesses. The einmal 11100110g of the Goderich Tennis Club was held on Friday after- noon, April 23rd, when the following officers were appointed : Honorary - President, W. Proudfoot, M. C., M. P. P. ; I3oeorary-Vice-President, E. N. Lewis, M. P. P. ; President, J. Galt ; Treasurer, A. G. Gamble ; Sec- retary, Miss Lillian McDonald; grounds committee, F. 13. Holmes, J. Doyle, E. Jordan and T. L. Prest ; ladies' entertainment committee, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. 17. L, Elliott, Mrs, Lane, Mrs. ,: iul I clL4 ills1 • . Pru n • nclf ot, Miss Strang, A. 1 ,sti ReYn l s Mid B ss liau18 r 11 u - A, quiet Wedding took place at ('10 residence of Sirs. Harry Yates, St. Patrick's street, on Tuesday of last week when her daughter, Miss Eliza Iln1e. Yates, was united in marriage to .Rev. Joseph Deacon, Methodist minis- ter, of Rldgelotvn. The ceremony took place at Vigil noon and teas 00n - ducted by ltev. ,Dr. ileDougall, pastor of North Street Methodist church. Only the immediate relatives of the bride were present. Mr. and 1Irs. Deacon left in the afternoon for a visit to Detroit and Chicago before re- tunuitJl, to Ridgetowu. Many Gode- rich friends unite in good wishes, CROUP QUICKLY CURED. Don't Let rho Child Choke *0 Death While. Waiting For the Doctor. I•lyoulei, the miraculous, antiseptic y air treatment, will cine croup) in her the hest o1' second stages, silt' inhaled, even when the breath- s is irregular, it 1'8a01188 more lmptly than any other remedy the '1111)3' inflamed membrane of the udpipe. Its soothing balsams act mediately, the inflammation is al- 'ecl and the swelling reduced. e ot'ge Ii. Hing, of 22 Wellington rent, South Woodstock, says 1 "We old not think of keeping house Chola Hyou;oi. It bas warded off ds, mum coughs mid sore throats all of our three children many and ny e. a thine When a child breathes liyand it through the mouth and the. 11(18 around the eyes 1411d nose wen - nee to swell, then is the time that ilnil'the Ilyouiei quickly relieves trouble and gels the Inoua1ial es, lungs and throat cleared up." lyomtl (pronounced high -o -me) is (1'unteed by Jas, :Fox to cure m- ill, coughs, acids, asthma, bron- t•!s moil °rasp, cr money back, .A 'teeth(11Lfit, ineludlug 0, neat hard bey poeltt:t.iuhah r, costs only $1.00. extra bottle of liyoOSoi, if after- +cls heeded, ('sats but 50 vents, dr cit Ea in pre tel ai 1111 181 843 W11 wi col for n111 bat gig 1110 We the tub gt11 t941 01111 nails A.11 1t11t1 the: Famous forHdYkAs� � " d"IA3"C@E�l'tJl gs Bprf 9 ii1!rtthfl5 Attractive new Patterns in all kinds of Floor Coverings that are worthour while to exam- ine, and with every bit extravaganceofytaken out of the prices. We are devotinparticular attention this season to Rugs and rt aares We are doing everything we can to deserve your confidence, buying only such Carpets as we can thoroughly recommend, Carpets Art Squares English, Brussels, Velvets, Tapestry and Ingrains. Something Special in Medal- lion Patterns, also Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains. Lin ileums We emphasize this line of Floor Coverings in 4 yard widths. We have a great variety of patterns and qual- ities ranging from 4oc per square yard upwards, also a few good ends that are bargains in 4 yard widths. The Largest and finest Assortment of Furniture in the County Upholstering done on short notice and Mattresses re -tilled Variety the spice of life. You get it at Leather ale ,a x ;n's Liberal discount for cash. UNDERTAKERS. ©' ","..""s Vs°.o3W p ., arsoaavosti+4 f�. uggies 1 E W AN & CO. have the best and most up•to•date Buggies ou the market. Three.quarter Buggies in black add seven eighth Bugtries in black, stripe or env color, with auto seats and all wheels have a deeper rite and thicker tire than any other Buggy, '1'wo show rooms full of all kinds of Bug ies to choose from— every one fully warranted. Each Buggy las dash supports and mud protector's forthe seats. We have also installed a machiue for putting on all kinds of Rubber fires. A.11 kinds of repairs done on Buggies. Re -painting a spec- ialty. Tops re -lined or re-covered and made as good as new at a small cost. Special attention given to special orders, All kinds of heavy and light Rigs macre to order, Don't fail t give vee -a al s call before lY making your purchase K > 1 se and P let us boom Brussels for igog, All.irinds of repairs in stock. Best Dunlop Tires c1a'ays kept on (land, The Co. Carriage g 6P1155 Ewan & Uliarr�� Y r els factor yl y5 ...",yam ,ter, e'."`".^"' WELL BRED STALL/ON Will stand for service this season at their own stable, BRUSSELS. Jaron Del Kaplan a choice voting Registered Roadster Sedition, Whose zst dam is Uelteareh , 21117 dam, Baron Wilkes ; 3rd dam, jay Gould, all,prodecot's of speed, will take a limited urulber of snares, Intending breeders should call and see the horses for themselves. SC tht CR ek PRC?PF*'IETOR$ ' BRUSSELS "'et