HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-5-6, Page 4Etc Antoseis THURSDAY, v1AY G, i(Iog (MR Wilielint; LETTER. 4ethal Spring. weather has p. dilatoh'y' [goose in the Nerthwes year, but Spring trade and 00 leave me along linea of prospeet have bean eeesuellY good.. Inn doe and the a(:tivlties winch ego con ti ter welters. Ae a Wight uoI4vntl00no With the great ecttvity waiter prev BgrivUltnl'al affairs toe cast is sit one of the largest Implernent fir Winnipeg, which lute orders to eteatu plows to be delivered to fa ill. the near future. It to estimate these will break at least 1,500 acres this year, making a total of 900,000 in the West t0 be broken by the plows sold by this nue concern, tlealiy the Whole number Will be for breasting' wild laud, They have purchased large!), by new sealers: E, J. Chamberlin,' vtce'pl•esldeu geuerttl manager of the Grand T Pacific, aunouoced 1111s week that 000,000 will be spent by Itis 1011 construction Work this season. first too miles East from Prince Re -tbe Pewee eues1 terminal -is u contract and will be finished abou last of August. Only about 2bo *nil the r,5oo miles between Wiuulpeg Prince Rupert are not now undo( tract and work on the prairie secti so far advanced that trains will be Hing between Winuipeg and ] dmo this Ball. Haney, Quinlan and Rob son are preparing to begin work ou million dollar shops for the Graud Tr Pacific at Winnipeg, and e0UU•act w ou the shops and the big bridge ac the Red river will be opened' up v sooa, Winnipeg will be the chlet di Tonal point of the G. '1, P. in the W and the avowed intention of the mail meet sets forth that while the gen policy of the Grand Trunk Pacific in departments wile naturally be direc from the ibeadaquaiters of the Prestd at Montreal, the vigorous exeuutien that policy demands that large treed o action etion' be vestedin thegeneral uffi located t Winntpeg, a mpeg, who are taus close touch wits the peoplo of west Canada, and ready to co-operate lr and pruinptly with them an everyth of mutual advantage, The Winnipeg Development and In- dustrial Bureau held an important meet- ing in, its new offices in the Untou Bank buildiog this week. During the past month over Soo business firms of the city.have become subscribiug members to the Bureau and sharp interest is shown by all classes in the work dune. • At this week's meeting, steps were taken to induce support of home indus. tries by the purcnasing public and an rangements were also made tor co-opera- ting with the Dowiniou government in the c0nservatiuu of Wrests by planting and caring for trees. A:movement for the good roads in Manitoba is ground rapidly. A good roads as been formed and mu out- lying about Winnipeg h steps to improve their putluc In cooperation with these s, the city of Winnipeg to supply free grave, and tr by rail, where 1t is needed, he provincial government h ed substantial aid rn the alto- gether the prospect for in Manitoba seems bright. May first was Tag Da g and the proceeds will be e Y. W. C. A building I g un id new building I ing fur this o As been erected this Winterut $85,000. Of this sum 5 raised e in a 'lees weeks' eeks' car- riedala, I o ,t Fail and it i5 to balance tf $05,000 will b e citizens 00 Plat first. g Day methods were pursuedu creature wan money waso escape. The Saskatchewan go 5 purchased all the Wog local exchanges anti equ e Bell Telepboue company - ince and wilt take over n May 1 next. The Bell telephone lin chewan are in two divisions. cipal one extends Crum boundary to Regina and Lumsden. It follows the pretty closely from the e aC to y Regina, Along Company has installed t Moosomin,: Wapella, Gren Sintaluta, Indian Head, Balgonle and Regina. principal line the company from. Hague to Rosthern w Lu bout these towns. The exchanges also in Prince f ord North t Ba tleford and Winnipeg is fast assuming convention city, a function is well fitted by reason of vice and unusually complete sive hotel facilities. During mer there will be a numb tions held in Winnipeg, no the Michigan Ch1 an Editorial July ; the Chicago Cham merce, also in )uly ; the N way Men and Firemen, in British Association for the of Science, also in August. these conventions that will there will be thousands of UPSuetl tills sin.eas s and pl#. a u4 It esting eeted 011$ ed VL Mo 111 r 6ou mases d toot 00013 acres steam' Pram, used bean land ru11k d 1n The pert utter L the es 01 and can- on is run mora art - the 'unk ark r085 ery vis - est, age- eral all ted eta vt um eels to ern rely tug building of gaming association h municipalities ave taken highways. municipalities, has offered ansporlatiou at cost. 'r as silo promised work and alt goUd roads in Winnipeg e devoted to ph d. splendid A tad P rgaclzanon h at a 0051 n $6u,000 wt lb hoped that tl e given 0y the Phe usual a a sodn011511 permitted 1 government 1113 distance lines pment of t1 In this prov- ince system 0 es in Saskar 5s. The prin- cipal Maoitoha then North to e C. P. R. line astern bound 11)113 line the exchanges a tell. +t olseley Qu'App&le Besides tiffs ha, a i 5 line with exchanges company has Albert, Battle - Areola. class as a for which !t railway ser - and erten• the Sum number of conven- tions that of Association in Chamber of Com National Rail. August ; the Advancement Besides meet Dere, visitors Who will pass through Western Canada via Winnipeg, on their way to or from the Alaska -Yukon Exposition. Special arrangements have been made for this with the railroads and those wbo avail themselves of the chance thus afforded to see the great wheat produciog section of Western Canada, and the Canadian Rockies, will make 110 mistake in choice of route, Winnipeg bank clearings for the week ending April 22, were $t3,855,536 as against e47,815,045 for the corresponding week of last year. At a large meeting held Saturday, it was decided to start at once with the blg Canadian EExpositionto be held in Winntpeg in fete, and a body of fifty business men of the city will leave Win- nipeg Thursday and visit be principal points in the West, preparatory to watt ing epee the Dominion government at Ottawa. A committee 'appointed to select a memo reootntnended at the Saturday Meeting that the pante of the big fair IF YOU HAVE CATARRH Renllember the best Catarr nnedleine that money can Pau iu Catarrhoione 1 it cures ' UPCkly and permanent,. Iy when all others fail. The remedy don't exist that 'ail cure Catarrh its quickly as Oetarrh ozone. o e, It relieves the moatt sub bio' n. cases in a short time, and drivae the disease se thoroughly hour the systettt that it never t'eterne,- Druggists boldly. recommend. Caterrhozone in prefrence to other remedies, because they know it is the best, and every progressive doctor prescribes it for the sante good reason, Oatarrhozone is a rational, common- sense treatment that node favor with everybody. It cures by the inhale- tion of medieated air, which comes into contactwith the mucous r;urfaoe of all the breathing organs, It gets at the source of the trouble, kills the germs sod. 'drives every vestige of catarrh right out of the system. I1 doesn't matter how deep.seated or chronic your case may he, Catarrh - ozone Dat* cure it. Even though a thousand other remedies have failed, don't give ttp hope till you have tried Oatarrhozone. It has cured other cases probably worse thaw yours, and will cure yours if it gets a chance,' Dutcher Law, a prominent citizen of Italy Cross, N. S., says :-"I ex- perimented with hundreds of catarrh remedies and found the majority to be worthless, dismal failures. Catarrh - ozone was the first to give lasting relief ; it cured me and I am with pleasure testifying to its merits as a clue for Catarrh of the nose and throat. You DUTCHER LAW. You are sure to derive the most pleasant results from Oatarrhozone. pleasant has been tested wavy times and never found wanting. Every drug- gist in Canada sells it. Complete two months' treatment, guaranteed to cure costs $1, ora trial size 50e. By mail from N. C. Polson & Co., King- ston Ont. h shall be -rhe Caeteltan Exposition and Selkirk Centennial." which was aporov ed of by the Winnipeg committee. The campaigning committee leaving Win nipeg Thursday will be one of the biggest and most representative depute tions of business men ever assembled in the West, and the party will be joined bs the Mayors and Board of Trade Pr esidents of the larger cities ail tin ough the West. Nigh Court. The jury sittings of the high court for the County of Huron were in progress last week before Justice elute. A grand deal of local interest centered around a number of cases brought by persons who 'tad invested in the debentures of the Horseshoe Quarry Company, of St Marys, and other securities. The actions were for Varying amounts, and the plaintiffs were William McVittie, of Gudecich ; 0. J. S. Naftel, of Goderich Township ; Joseph Whitely, of Gode rich ; William Graham, of C'llhorne L'ownsbip ; Jacob Stokes, of Goderich ; Mrs. Jane Clark, of Goderich , Mrs Mary Stokes and Miss Maggie Merre%, of Goderich. The defendants were 1 P. Brown. n of Goderich A. j McPher- son and William Proctor of St rat lord ; the financial tial a rats C who sold d I g I tit securities, George D. g Laurie aud t he liurseshoe Company. The cases were tried together, but before all tbe i v' 1 e deuce n was in xSettlel settlement was l l ) AI.1'1',eel al between the parties, whereby the Bonn tial agents are to par over to the plain- t,ff. 25 per cent of the face ',arae of the debeuttires The. decent use holders rill retain the quare' as their secant, Acme diug to the auditur'n reports for quarry was being operated at a lose every year, and the ground of the actin Ivan misleading statements made as to the euudnion of the company. Another Interesting ease is that of Harry Videan against the Goderich Elevator and Transit Cum)pans, Ltd for $5000 damages alleged to be Sus- tained in an accident last Fail at the elevator, whereby the plaintiff's left arm was seriously injured and his back also hurt. 1 Th ePff v operating saint'I was ere' to t a car. puller at the time, and the rope got bound on the drum or the machine The h machinery is run by electricity, and the plaintiff touched the button which signals to the engineer to stop the machinery, Y this was not done, and in his effortbut to get the rope clear he was drawn into the machine and around the drum. The judge on the finding of the. jury dismissed the case. A couple of actions against the pro- prietors of the Goderich Star arising out of al t et e ra h p b shtd in that paper just after the Holmes -Lewis election last Fall reached an amicable settlement without going to trial. The letter in the Star, to which exception was taken, was one which seemed to suggest crook- ed work in the printing of lite ballots and in the handing of them out by W S. Mct'rostie, the deptity returning of- ficer at the St. Helen's division. The ballots were printed by the Goderich Signal, and it appears that there were four ballots on which the names of the candidates were not printed, and the actions are brought by the proprietors of the Signal and by Mr. McCrostie The Star proprietors have agreed to publish a statement of apology and as- sume costs. The list of cases entered for trial is a record, there }slug no fewer than 25, but many of them were ad. jcurued and the court closed Wednes- day. If your Stomach, Heart or Kidneys are weak, try at least, a few doses only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In five or ten days only, the result will surprise you. A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help comes so quickly. Dr Shoop doesn't drug the Stomach, nor 811(00late the Heart or Kidneys. 1)r. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to the weals and failing nerves. Each organ has its own con- tra hng on-trolling nerve. When these nerves fail, the `depending organs must of necessity falter, This plain, yet vital truth, clearly tells why Dr Shoop's • Sour Stomach and Hoartburu ? LITTLE DIGESTERS r 1 CORE OR YOUR MONY SACH • wall OVrifmoll . N9 ' x0;11 run .w„ T 1n ,At all Drudgiato or direct from COLEMAN Q A MED M N ICIN ae Ca, Toronto 2wc. a Box. 3:-. ,Ot�t10Et'7CY�r c Restorative is so tnliversally 51one5s• fol. Its 51100055 is leading druggists everywhere to give it universal pre- ference, A test will surely tell, Sold by all dealers. A DA'iDY FABM'S COMPETITION A comttiittee •composed of leading farmers ^1nd dairymen representing the dairy Battle; bleeders' associations and the dairymen's associations of Ontario, have completed Arlaugenseuts for the holding this %rat, of a dairy farm's eon:petitiou through Ontario, The prizes will consist of 6o gold and silver medals and diplopias as well as a large number of special prizes, the de- tails of which have not yet been arraug ed. The Pyovinee will be divided into four districts tis follows i -Prom King sloe East ; from Kingston to Yonge St. Toronto ; Western Ontario, North and South of a line running from Haniilt ,n. to Goderich. 'There will be a cumpeti- tiou this year for the best farms in each district and_5 gold and to silver medals will be offered this veru• in each district. The farms will be judged twice ; once ;[heat July nit and nom some titre dub ing December, thus giving the judees. an opponunity to see the farms moiler A inter and Summer eondi111,115 Next tear the limns in Eastern On tam and all farms iu Western Ontario which winea ri in the p this competition til'I year, will Ue allowed to com ate p in special t'ol pelrtrona t0 deride the !lest farm to Ees'ern Ontario and the hest farm in Western Ontario. Two years 330m new, it is proposed to hold a final competition, it which the leading fanms for both Eastern and Western Ontario will compete pale to decide the hest farm in the Province, Exceptionally -fine prizes wdl be offered in this final competitive. Ali breeches of term work will be in• eluded in the competition Io all moo points will he offered These points have been sub -divided as follows :- House and surroundings 15o ; farm len 20 ma Inc to ou the house and surroundings; on the poultry ; on orchard and other sin1115r departments. Competitions of this kind were held in Ontario sone 23 years ago and created great interest The guld medal farmer in the Province at the. tiar.e was Simp son Rennie, the well known Farmers' Institute speaker, who now liven in 'Tor- onto The committee which hat charge of the competition is composed of H. Glen dinning, of 41Noitla ; G. A Gillespie of tidings, t5o ; live stock, zoo ; crops o ; farm management, 150 ; farm chinert, 75 ; permanent improve nes, 75 Several prizes will be offered the farms that score the highest points Pcterhoro, repre eating the Eastern On Dein-area's As -in ; D A, Demi). Ser of Stratford, and R Wallace, of Bo,eessviile retires, 0' ing the W813,-',, O e I ll• I dl men's A-s'n ; til' . H.:1 :t Il alt 11 111 Strati.' d U Du L - ym of D,iu McKenzie of'1'hienhi'1; R F Hicks. Geo Newlonleoek ; tiordan Hood, ream, to Yet Mtll't ;12e -rime ,su 1 Il sod L\• ' G tit,• ef'tweet, ; 1u,11 13 13 '''31'.3!!,• Petei bar", Ih8 0801•x11111 Full p•,not;ins ahotn the c'l.pei «o mat hr "n wined I- sum the ~,•r'e'ars A"rad ,' "moll- i 1 I rl,,a fn.• ,• On .010 1, .Ve , d.t • d r j., n•, . 0 lair, p /It ill tl•t •q+pr'i ,., • tth3 rat• hrp'udnc•1- 11111 1 ,-n,,:; - ..-..f_�_ for Have You Nervous Dyspepsia? } s for i How it shakes one up, invades sleep, Eggs i a51Ota'j lg destroys strength, acids real Misery to^ -- life. Not the stomach but nerves are effected. Starved nerves cause the whole trouble. You need Ferroznue because it's a nerve food. It supplies he elements em• cats the eve e nee dad to make rich red blood. This is the savings bank of health. The richer the blood in red cells, the richer you're sure to p , tt. 1 t,r 183 III' VII •.l orad Near Death's Door • Mi-o-na mime dtvspe sia. IP au of the re:W re of `.Ctrs Hauser:Ls osT are suffering e an from stomach • o A trout) o b� au kind Jags. Pox will sell yon a box of of Ml•o-na fore() cents with an absolute guarantee of relief or money bank. Neil Murray, of Huron Road, Gode- rich, Ont., says : "I suffered with in- digestion for over four years and bad been givers over As incurable by many doctors, -I had- become a. nerv005 wreck through loss of sleep and what- ever I eat, slid not remain on m. stomach for over two hours. I would stiffer with Vomiting spells that would almost kill' me, prespiration as large as beads would break out ail over my bocly and leave me is so weakened a condition that I would lie unable to stand, not a night's rest in over six month's and was so weakened end run clown that my family thought I would die. My heart was greatly weakened and would flutter and a sharp pain t would crane through me and cut off r ray breath. I was reduced in weight from 150 to less then 110 pounds. a Doctors would give different causes for my trouble, yet none of there gave h ane any relief, I commenced treat- Owing to the bore:A p of the roads the Postofe:e will only accept' letters for .de. belfry et Guwgenda and district points. John Neville was committed for trial at Hamilton on the charge of sheeting C01)14141110 Smith web intent, Smith Swore the piscine' p s not ,vas the man who Shot him. Iatcense Inspector Fisher struck Jos. Peake, barber, to a Midland courtroom After the trial of a case against Peake ler teriictiutl of the liquor law, Peake nal iu i the it g a Ixpeutnt'te 'tar 'first hopes oh llm.o1', allegation J 1 tis 118 t }-Allow at 1 k'0rt Prances lumber ioquh'} that 'amber companies robbed the Govern- ment by making false returns of 5tlinl ago will ba investigated b' lion Fiat Cochrane, Burglars entered the store of L. To cotta, et etagere look his delivery her anci waggon glad drove 'away with t safe t0 a secluded spot, where til cracked it stole 1tznt, grid returned 11 hose 10 the stable, The 5tuitn tya5 vert' severe in Qeebe,•, end the bridge of. "lie Rutland & Central Vermont Raiiwav at Rouse's Point was in danger 01 destruc1 (10. l'wo pressen- get trains were tual•)elled t0 remain on i all • bight, and the passengers went through a trying time ' l'he barn of lobo Harper, near Salem was SU•oek by lightning Friday morning at two o'clock and burnt to the ground. ,get'ter. with fort t^ five head of cattle, six horses and some sheep The fire was SO rapid noshing was saved. Loss ebottt five thousand dollars. A 0m1l1 rneul11nee Only w•as carried lie ail ne BEST REMEDY ,k ForWomen—Lydja r Pink= e ham's Vegetable Compound he eV Belleville, pant, -"I was so weak le and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Lydia F. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, I took several bottles of it, and I gained strength so rapidly that it seemed to make anew woman of me. I can do as good a day's work as I ever did. I sincere' bless the day that I made u. my mind to take Your medicine for male weakness, s and I am exceedingly grateful to yqufor your ]rind letters, as I certainly profited • by them, I give you ermissi 0 publish this any tme p you s n to Mrs. ALBLr7T Mesmer, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. ' villa, Wemeneverywhere shouldrelnember Done Hardy, a girt barely nine year old residing in Yarmouth township neat St, 'Phomas, bas beep committed to Vic toric lndnstrial School, She .broke int and robbed the house of 'rhos. Flaxen a neighbor securing money and rings el e 1• addllien hreakine nearly all t1 lishrs and furniture, and tearing' til xlace up to such an extent that the dant ire will ran over a hundred dollars. According to tier brother, DnIty learned ad ideas Irom pictures in five -cent heatres, winch she visited with money t,Ien from her mother. O'bile making repairs at Dennis' bridge erbss the Saugeen river, near South' mplon last 'Thursday And'em Rexion, Si ;beater at Chippewa ew li'llr a t and 'amu,. PP S [noel an ns, electrician 8t the Saugeen E'ice- 'ic Light Works, were accidentally w, pt from the platform on which they •ere working and both drowned. Al - tough there were five or six others urksn1 at the time, no one witnessed t8 at•cident and before it was known leis bodies had been swept down the team [awards the 'eke. The current running at 20 miles an hour, and it is It expected the bodies :will be recover - Cairns leaves a Wife and fam113 id Ruxinn was ulllttarried, • Par I' a ),sed by Lumbago, Manual labor or even light exercise • impossible with. lumbago. The ueeles stiffen out like steel -to move sans. agony. Only a powerful re- edy can penetrate deep enough to alp. The surest relief comes from that there is no other remedy known - to medicine that will cure female weak nese and so successfully carry, women through the Change of Life as Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. For 30 years it has been curing ' women from the worst forms of female ills -inflammation, ulceration, dis- placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari- ties 'periodic , p pains, gervous prostration. backache, and p If you wan special advice write forittolgrs.Pinkbarn,Lynn,lVTass. it is free and always helpful. meat with Mi-o•nla and when one-half s of the first box was used I could eat my meals without•sufferittg and dread- a ful vomiting spells, I used about ten a boxes in all and. I am entirely eared. o Mystomach i s arestrong s • U11 tL. i.Vrl' at 6 cl there is notthe slightest ht eat r t onblt. digestion. I have gained about v140 pounds in weight, stn strong and 35 healthy and like a new man. I will 11 always speak highly of Mi-o-ua, i $ it w cured and I believe kept inc from sure u death when all else had failed." t I The Ladt•'Grev has arrived at Mont- is real and reports the river free of ice to m the sea ed Ald. Chisholm wos elected Mat•or of at Halifax over Aid. Huhlee by a Large n ma rel j Y The proposed Grand 'Trunk Pacific loan was discussed in the House of is Commons m The New Brunswick Legislature de m rented the hill to extend the franchise In m widow• and spinsters. h The United Mine Workers and the Dominion Coal Company are preparing fora strike at G?ace Bar Mrs Wright, a suffragette, is suing the Mayor of Montreal for $5,o, u` for in salting her and hav'ng her removed from his office Henry Watson w is sentenced to ten rears in penitentiary at Winnipeg for seating horses and setting fire to Wil- liam Chambers' barn. 1)amnging evidence %Va% given at the Mon real civic inquiry against Ald. Prenix and Chief of Police Campeau, of pretee•!a1 llotelke.-pers who violated the liquor law On's• on- • f the ix•3:113117.1, families rat P'c nn wilt I I Id 11 e lirilt.h Government {n t hal entered H pro test against so many people being sent hark from m A ain ' p prescription is printed noon rich 25c. box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain bless. Ask your• Doctor or Dtng ists if this formula is not complete: airs means congestion, blood eves - ire. Head pains, wimut nIy paha, ain anywhere get instant relief from Pink Pain Tablet. Ali deniers, be in health. Ferrozuno quickly makes blood, strengthens the nervous system, y n, invigorates the digestive or- gans and prestothe nervous disturb- ance disappeara. You'll try Fe.r02 One .SOC. per box , atall dealers. P White Wyandottes White Leghorns rubbing inNerviline. It sinks into the very root of the trouble-pene-' tt'ates where an oily liub:lent cannot got on prevent lumbago r'elnrliing; p a _Nervilitie Porous Plaster which removes inflammation and strain from the muscles, and acts as a guard from drafts and exposure. Nothing will so quickly cure as these remedies. A11 dealers sell Poison's Norviline and Nerviline Porous Plas- tees. Refuse all substitutes, The People's Column AberYYRE N rLUJ➢ wanted t 1 V BOH the bar - O^N mg music le. Apply to JOHN ELL01'. leather, HruVOels. tr. CO.t1FOIt1'ABLE H OUSE dao LOT ees y.e iGoad.111,8',101,T and Print been. Sago. OI It 1. HINGSI IN WPO hex-11UO, Brut+ -six. (12 -ti 3 Halit D1t1]'.0tB 5u nv1), e. braille and p0ha )a0Vel,o a r0)anllig„ nn,i 8111) halt•. Urder. fl nor x dl.11m3Oe "v,n1P113' aneadrd tu, •)"S lb 1. HINc+b,ON* sill rat., of esaelr. (IO, L,10)11 100 .1110 U. Ing Lot 54, Cum. 8, t 1... a -u S 1,0315(5 1) 1A.1 nn.. Is. F,."' i.e.( port ,nu,at. lupi), to Otis. WO, Jelly, a'1 til'• 4,1•,14 0, s%trtloh, P. 0 o)• 0. u. (1 g7 1.3i l8IlulO 0.31,', )leu x11111. alt„, 1 hw•n 44,314,,,,1uttP t r t 0 ear, 0101 l 0811,18, lauud ped)g 5 011110 tut 1) 1• 8t every wry, Fur Int - the, i n t0.itiuv., amity to .1A, 0YLII10, Lot 00, Con. i Ile, n:,, or 13ruOSel. Y. U. 91-tf 'Olt SA,,E,-1lw undersigned Offers YOr sole inn eumforiable residence and two lots on John ,l street Br + u sets. Stable, ono White Wyandotte pen i beaded by a gxru"» &c. ' Fur Pui titer particulars as to bird bred by R. W. Vnut, Brockville ; pv'lp t1;u,n, &c., apply O wlalyoNtdcir;*LA White by a cock bred by Wm. Ferguson, of Brantford. $1.00 per se##Ing John Meadows, I4I-tf Brussels P. 0 and the 1�1 rttt LegUons are headed 1 '�tel®rltlui OUR NEW Wall Paper is now in stack - the Best of this Season's Productions We have made a special effort to secure designs and colorings of artistic merit not only in high grades but in those as low as 5c. per roll. Papers originally *235. now selling at 8c. Papers originally 8c and toe, n•orw selling at 5'C.. BED ROOMS -We have dainty Florals, producing charming effects, at low cost. PARLORS -Beautiful designs in gilt and creamy tones, blues, greens, &c„ in delicate shades. HALLS, DINING -ROOMS. &c. -Fine effective designs, in magnificent colors, giving warmth, richness and beauty to an apartmeub. DON'T WAIT till our stock is broken -slake your selection NOW, If you have any rooms not recently papered, just call and let its tell you how little it costs to [Hake home bright, attractive and happy. PaNer Hanging and Decorating a Specialty. Painting .ATTENDED to in all its branches and satisfaction assured. Fred.Sr»ale Block McCracken � Brussels finmeseenieftweelesemnismieneeenemeereetsesseanennesansentintionmememsener 75 AUR15 FA1t,5 FOR 8AWO-The under signed ulTers 1m' x015 the 70 acres of • lens t els , Lot In en. I U 19 g re Or , (troy. 1 the )re iso, lana I raw Ur (10 hous5 matt 011 1 14 p bar Per,03155further u1, n•0o , 0,' l rany et1 the O. 48.4 tOJAb1Ms 13Y1<ON, m• Urmlbru0k P. U. 9&9 Stock for Service ®l7RkiAM BULL POR WRY/OB.-The 14, Conn 4, Morris,, die Otero' bred Du ham bull' "Jack Favorite" (721901 bred by Alex, Gard- iner. Lead bur ilio y w biawol ellbred, tr ' b acingb11ok vi the best families. ALLAN 'fiPEIR, Fair- view harm. Proprietor. tP. FOR SERVIOH,-A Tlioro'-bred Short Born Bull (Captain Broadhoolce) No. (790791 Lot 28 Con, 10. Grey, Terms -$L.00, payable' JBn. 1st;, 1910. Father. terms may be seen at the premises. D. E. SANDERS, Proprietor. "MULL FOR. SERVIOH,-The undersigned wilt keep for service at Lot 80, - Oon 0, Morrie, the thorn' -bred. Scotch Short Horn Bull, "Bold Boy,” bred by Barry Smith, of .. Exeter, and sired by Gold Drop, n.tvell known prize winner. His dans is out of a cow of the Vanity strain, imported. "Bold. Boy" is a 331111 brother to the first prize winner at the Indus- trial Fair, Toronto. last Fall Terms, $2.00 for "' arade 80350. Will also keep a pedi1•eed bull at, t 00 for service. JAB. SPltfrR, 41-4 Proprietor, r�r #.� at^'d �?tYr-'a•P�: �Yi'� rz'14rt+a4r+;a`Rr� Y,p+.'cy^� h Enter AnTime WINGNiM BUSINESS COHSE lege been tested. L) the cruelble of ex - ,i r ele ca with tit til( r( public u p b to , tire of u 1 0 ) n P P , n1 has t Y a d 1a not been and t tit h of v e in The o moms . our the bas not been tI 0x50118(1^ 1801 th0 35rgea1, bpi the Ligh^ eat grade nlodet'n k3uable& Sohoul in k western Ontario. Indivldnsl hl00'410Mon, NO vacation. Mail mums linter an (JOY. a Y Write for partkulw's, Pi 000. SPOTTONI Principal rGv vSY ray '47y t6/. rbY VtTy r8Y �.e A S Allan ��Y,1 Line ;ail —0_ St t John and. Halifax to X From St. John Halifax ',Grampian Apr, 31 Virglman mails Apr, 10 Apr, 14 Tunisian sails. Apr, 24 Victorian sails .. Apr, 80 May -.1 +This steamer sails to G•laagow. Rates of Passage First Olass-867,60, $70 and $80, aceoi•ding to alen)m5 x, SeOoud class -:p8, $97.60 and $60, Third Oiass-$227,50. 880 ana 351.25. For full particulars of Summer 551311 ge from .Montreal and rates apply to W. H. KERR. Agent Allntl Line, Brussels, _ ak CENTRAL i iii'• l/� STRATFORD. ONT. with. twenty-two yours' experience to its credit Ibis College is recognized n5 . the greatest ractical training v . Western in n Ontario , 0 Thr oradepartments: Com mcrcla 1Shorthand, . Telegraphy Ay-r1 g phY m Our classes fire the largest. our courses most practical and our lnstrautore ex-. i perienced. Our graduates are assisted to positions and succeed as none others, Dater now. Get our free catalogue. Elliott& McLachlan,. f Prinmpals. j'� SUMMER SCHOOL June, luly and August leads Tutu our Pall *Perm without any break. Enter any. time. New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. URSA MINNS COLLEGE L GA The Largest,. most Reliable Of its kind. W. H. SHAW Principal Yanga & Gerrard sts., Toronto 31.C.4VaCCURI Carpet ti :i leanerp The !er Tulin l ,� the People Require Thing � � This easily bandied but perfect worsting-inaahine is guaranteed to do first-class work and can behandledby an bo'ly. It cleans Wool, Tapestry or Brussels Carpets without lifting them f1.1'tn the floors or remov- ing the furniture. IT .RAISES 1 O JUST. We have installed one of these modern machines and have it for renting at a'very moderate figure. Call at the store and 'see it and get instructions as to the simplicity of its working. If you once use it ,yon will its value an willnever heat a carpet • be convinced of t 1 1 again. R. Leatherdalle & ora n. • P ! Furniture Dealers t 7T T'P 7� e �- "v -'T�� v d •'- NATIONALROLLER t It i,MFOR'1'A73,d9 residence a % acmend radre1,B 0 [mrd, e. 25 Lot 15 212 Albert street, all cos Vein,PurOate. posse511) batt[, give a vemeuea and possession 0011(1 be' given u once. For further pltrtloulers apply on til premises to Mrs, Jas. F5rguson, or D. Fer gluon, Teeawnter. ' tf. CO a muse of larndHfolsal , 'GPui'nberry street North Brussels, Good Gu well, 1 fruit trees &c1 Possession u could be price, to at since. Forfurtherot particulars as to prise, berms, Lfl apply out the premises. ALltB Mo.AUGHLIN. 741 COMFORTABLE new brickresidence for one sale o11 185d Bteligiblya street, unnted la, Good stable, well, cistern, fruit trees bushes, &o. Also 50 Berea of land part of lot 1, 0011. 12, Grey. Po,session o0nld be given at once, For further particulars as to price, terms, &so ap- ply on the premises er write Brussels P, O. Taos.Niononrs, 404f, =OR SALE OR TO R1i1NT.-T11e under0igned offers his well located property in Brussels for aale or to rent. 'rhuro are 634 acres of hind with comfortable house, with o011,r, stable, orchard, well, &a. Possession on Aug, 16th. For price, terms, and other information apply to ,fA8.1MINl1Oltb, Winton or 7110 POST Brussels. 11.5013. DUNF01tEi, Langdon, North Dakota, SPOCK FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for sato at Let 21, (ion.12, Grey t-1 1811- in eyed Berkshire hog, "Slimly Nook Swell," winner of drat prize 10 several of the local Veit% ; 1 Berkshire HOW due to Yarrow in alnyy, and bred 10 Yorkshire hog 7lit tie pigs, York- shire and 13811ahire ernes, will be reedy. to wean about May 5011.- A few choice'young sotv5 being. bred which will be for sale inter on, 0155 two or three gond milk stows due to delve about I he last of April, J, P. MoIN'I'OsB, 914 Ur enurooll P. 0. PROPERTY .11010 SAL)[. -In order to (dose lOetoiffeto'nsaelrl°est othexcur,or rsale the t consisting of a 7 roomed hoose in good repair, 001e of land, together with 6 mores of first - 1 mss land and !ergo enanundion5 atn6le quite nv, Went 101100W* P00 rill d, ri dins rand um i,raper It applt 10 P 14O01.1, 1n• 79 A ',TOAla tlueon ijt., ,Wont 13rlaseix, Uounty 0! Herein, tr. 8RUSSEL$ WE Bread Flours Graham Flours Whole Wheat Flours Feed Flours HAVE Corneola Breakfast fowl) Rolled Wheat Cracked Wheat Oatmeal Bran, Shorts, Flaked Oats for horses and,all kinds of feed. Wm&R, ryne