HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-5-6, Page 12.; ,(1 VOL, 37 NO. 44 BRUSSRLS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY. 6, zgo9 W. H. EBRR, Pro rietor Now Advertfoornento Page Pence -g. Mows • WellIsapers--Tos, Yox, Who metropolitan Bank. Olathing-0,N, isiss,ss„s. Bell rev servloo-arch, Notenn. Gersten eeees-W, J. McCracken. Bees for hatching -sae, Belton Vint utrid gettfs Ed, Mitchell was M GoderIch a (envie of clays lest week on the J ory. To Elliott has retnreed from Guelph, Where he has beim for the last two Weeks staying with hie son, Hervey, Mrs, Harvey Elliott has gone to enelph, where ehe iutends staying with Harvey until lie is able to re- turn home, which we hope will be at no distant date. Clinton The roof of the varnish department of the Doherty Gegen anti Piano fac- tory was blown off about midnight Thursclay night during the strong gale vviaich passed over this district. A large plate glass front in the store gemmed by it. A. Downs, tailor, was also i blown n. Other domino is also reported, seeh as telegeaph and tele- phone poles having been blown down. • Atwood FAR141.111S Mirene.L.-A meet - Ing of the Directors of the Elmo, Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in tbe Agricultural Hall, At- wood, on Tuesday, April 20th. Mem- bers of the board were all present. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed, the Preei- ,dent occupying the chair. The dee. gates which were appointed to attend a meeting held ha Clinton ou April Sth, 'ea gasoline engines and the acetylene lighting plants, reported progress, and that a committee had been appointed to investigate the matter and meet again at the same place on May 12th, to endeavor to formulate some workable method to deal with thosmappliances. The com- mittee is composed of the following: --Messrs. McEivan, of Ray ,• Connolly, of MolCillop ; Brock, of T_Jsborne and Hibbert, and Hammond, of Elma. Moved by Messrs. Grieve ancl McOlory that the President receive $1.00 and the Secretary $8.90 for their ex- penses ASdelegates at the Clinton meeting. Carried. A claim was pre- sented from Wrn. E. G. McNaught, of Grey, for damage to house and con- tents by lire. Moved by Messrs. Grieve and Cleland that his clairn be adjusted at $2.50 and paid. -Carried. Applications for insurance were re- ceived amounting to $00,500. The meeting adjourned till Tuesday, May 1Stb, Wroxeter John Harris rethened to Brandon ou Monday. Miss Lottie Paulin has taken a posi- tion hi the Planet office. • Geo. Leckie hacl an awning placed in front of his store last week. W. 0. Currie took possession of the King Edward Hotel this week. Mrs. H. Geyer, of Orillia. is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. M. Robin- son. Lambert Stinson, of Gorrie, renew- ed acquaintances in the village last Friday. A. and Mrs. Esty leave forWinghani this week where they will make their home for the present. Win. Perrin has retuned from To. onto having oompleted another term at the School of Practical Science Thos. and Alm Snaith were in Galt recently attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Burnett who had reached the advanced age of 92 years. Mrs. .1. Young and sister, Miss Mudie Nokes left, for their home in Winiipeg last week after spending a month with their nother, Mrs. R. Nokes. The Doininionaty Sports committee is busy at present arranging for some very special attractions. A balloon ascensiou is to be ono feature of the program. ' The By -Law which was submitted to the citizens of 'Wroxeter on Tuele. day April 27th for the prupoee of tak- ing over the electric: light plant from Min Patterson, carried by a majority of 45, there beiug only 1$ against. We are pleased to note so lima enterprise amongsb the residents of the village. Molesworth George Baker mid Olive Stafford called on old friends in the burg. Paul Doig left here to take a situp: - bin as buttermaker for the Summer. We are very glad to see Miss Lydia Mitchell out again after her recent illness, Mrs. Oster and daughter, Gladys, are visiting the forinee's sister, .Mrs. Robt. McIntosh, Mrs, Tom Cumming has been con- fined to her bed for a few days hav- ing hurt her back. F. Siunnels areivecl in our burg on Saturday. He is hired for the Sum- mer with D. Menzies. Mrs. Robert Mitchell has gene to Parkhill to attend her mother who is seriously ill we are soery to state. ' SCHOOL REPonir.---iThe following is the report of 8.5. No. 10, Howiek and Grey for the month of April :-Olass IV -Annie Hislop, Ania Armstrong; 'Clayton Grainger. Sr. III -Annie Hislop, Ewart McKercluu.,. Tindall IVIcRerchar. Jr, III -Lawrence Hisiop, Robbie McDonald, Birks Robertson, Sr. II-Idaria Bennett, Carl Grainger, jean Doig, Willie Armstrong, Lloyd Armstrong, Verne McDonald. Sr. II -Addie Arm- strong, Gertie Hislop, Pt. 11 Sr. - .Tames McKerchar, Della Doig. Pb. 11 Jr. -Myrtle 13enuett. Now. R. Sr.iattnec4, Teacher. The Women's Institute held their ahritial meeting at the home of Miss Jennie. Stewart on April 20th. Fol- lowing officers were elected for the coining year Bustiett, Presi- dent ; Mrs, W. Fraser, Vice Pres. ; Miss Jennie Stewart, Secretary, Miss Florenee McDonald and Miss Janet Stewart were awarded wises for the best hand made apron. Supers on the] topics were then read and enjoyed by I all, Lunch Was Serired at the close of the meeting. Cranbrook Oranbeoelt will not go hungry for meat this Summee with three butchers, • Six inches of snow on the le(el brought cutters and sleighs out one day this week, Remember the entertainment in the Methodist Church Friday evening, Silver collection will be taken. There are some pigs in the neighbor- hood trespassing. if the owner will keep them in, it will save trouble to his neighbors. Howaed, son of James Cameros), has been quite ill this week with a sore throat, and high fever but we hope he will soou be all right. • ILYIYIENEAL.-Wednesday of last week Rev. 1). B. McRae tied the matrimonial kuot, at the home of the bride's mother, here, between Alfred Box end Miss Annie McKay, both of Seaforth. May many joys and few sOITOWS be their portion In the journey of life. Trowbridge William Furtney went under an operation for appendicitis., Arrangements are being made for the Epworth League Anniversary for May 28rd and 24th. Dr. Rothwell, of Kendrick, Idaho, was spending a few days visiting eela- tires in this vicinity. J. R. and Mrs. Code, Mrs, Ruby Clode, Misses Rae and Phoebe attend- ed the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Atwood. Wednesday evening, 21st of April, at 5 o'clock George Graham., of Enna, and Miss Matilda Wilt, of Trowbridge, were nnited in the holy bonds Of matrimony. The marriage took .place at the home of her father, ouly a few outside the immediate relatives were present to witness the ceremony. Rev. Mr. Salton tied the knot. We are agatu called -upon to chron- icle a death in the home of Mr. Hunt- er's family. On Tuesday, April 20th, Miss Agues passed peacefully away after a long illness. Her remains were followed to the cemetery on Thursday afternoon by many sym- pathizing friends. Rev. Mr. Cranston, of Palraevaton, took eharg,e of the ser- vice, assisted by Rev. Mr. Salton. Following officers were elected for the ensuing year in the lepwortli League : Pres., Miss Ida Collins,. 1st Vice, Miss Jennie Oc,sens ; 2nd Vies, Albert Carson ; 3rd Vice, Miss Etna Melvin ; 4th Vice, Miss Amanda Code; Secretary, 1Vliss Minnie Ooseus ; Treasurer, E, L. Halpenny ; Organist, Miss Lottie Code; Assistant Organist, Miss Elsie Adams. Bluevale Vi7atson Smith is slowly recovering. after an attack of pneumonia. Mr. ?Amen and family visited over Sunday with Mrs. Alexander, Ander- son. Miss Barbara Thyne has returned. to Palmerston after baying visited her sister, Mrs. F. Stewart. The regular mouthly and also the annual business meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the houie of Mrs. Harry Diatuent on May, 18th, ab 2.80 p. In. After the business is completed the following papers will beread :-"Washing wool- lens and blankets" by Mrs. Geo. Mc- Donald ; "Keeping moths oub a the house" by Mee. W. IL Fraser ; "Salads" by Mrs. Wm. Maxwell. These meetings are very interesting and helpful and. we would like to see more of the ladies attend. TUENBEREYCOtneurs---The minutes Of Commit meeting held in the Clerk's office, Illeevale, Monday, May 8rd. Members of Council all present. The Reeve in the chair, the minutes of last meeting read askl adopted. On motion of Messrs. itIcitlicheal and Kelly. The Reeve reported that he had met a committee from Oulrbss Council ot boundary opposite Lot 18, Oon. 12 Turnberry and that they fail- ed to make auy arrangement with Messrs, Beyce & Loutil re drain. Me. TiSheelet 'reported that along with Councillor Rutherford had held a meeting in N. 9 School House re Drain through Lot 10, Cori. 6 and the parties agreed to appoint an arbitra- tion re outlet and each party agreed to abide by their award. Moved by Mr. McMicheal, seconded by Mr. Wheeler thet G. Barton be allowed to do Statists Labor for S. St Lot 8, Con, 13 in Road Divisicm No. 50. Henry Merkley, Patinnaster. Carried. Mov- ed. by Mr. Wheeler seconded by Mr. Riltherford, thab Mr. MeMicheal be appointed to meet a member of How - Mk Council and examine drain on Howick boundary opposite G. 13artone Lot, Con, C. Carried. Moved by Mr. Meitlicheal, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, that Mr. Kelly beauthorizecl to expend 816 ort 20bh Side Line, Oon. 8, that be- ing the peice of timber sold. Carried. Moved by Mr, Maltlicheal, seconded by Mr. Ruthei.ford, that the Reeve th and Mr..Wheeler inspectroad opposite Lob 5, Con, 4 and 5 and if considered g necessary that they put a 12 inch D cement tile surface culvert. Carried. le .Moved by Mr. McMicheal, eecoucled its by Mr. Kelly that Herbert Hennings w be employed to work and take care of road machine at SLUM) salary as last year. Carried. The following accounts were passed and chequee th this Meeting do DOW adjourn to meet In the Clerk's offIce, Bluevale, on Monday, *May 31 at 10 o'clock a. in, also that the Court of Revision 02 the Assesement Roll be held at the, mune plitee mid on the seine day at 2 o'cloelt p. tn. Carried. • 301V Burteasse, • Clerk, Welton Mr, Johns, of Aubnier, will give an Address in the Methodist cherish 'on Friday evening, May 7th. Everybody Welcome. Next Sabbath the pulpit of Define Church will be cleoliteed vacant. and candidates will be heard on the fel- cloaing Sabbaths looking .toward a Rev. Mr, Caine/op Stelcl his jam- duotory service in St, George's church here last Senday .afternoon. He will be heartily reeeiVeC1 and we wish hint success in his labors. The barn of John Bennett, in this locality, was steuck by lightning on Thursday night, of last week daring the flame storm but fortunately no serious &tillage WaS done. A BEAUTIFUL LITZ OLOSED.-The late Thomas ItIcIsadzettn, so„ died on the 25th of April, of pneumonia, in the seventyseyenth year of his age. He took ill on the 19th of April and notwithstanding the • unremitting attention of the family, the best medi- cal advice and the care of an caper lenced nurse, he passed peacefully aivay on the above date. And what makes it still more sad his son' Thomas,. a splendid young man in the prime of life who had been confined to his bed for 15 months with paselyeis, died and was buried on the same clay that his father took sick. Mr. Me- Fadzeau was cmis of the ()Ballad pioneers in this district -one atter an- other they are fast passing away - brave Dien who have borne the bur- den and heat of the day. No pen can trace the history of those noble people who without either friends or fortune to aid them have risen by the force of their own ability to the proud posi- tion of ,possessing comfortable homes they can call their own, and under the blessipg of God preparing and lay- ing the foundation for schools and churches with all the temporal and spiritual blessings that flow from duties nobly performed. The subject of this notice was a native of the jroarish of Kiskinichael, County of Ayr, Sootta.nd. Bois near the "Banks and braes o' bonnie Donn" he was ever an ardent admirer of the Scottish bard. In the year 1S51. he, with his parents and the other members of the fareily, emigrated to Canada and after a tedious ocean voyage landed in Ham- ilton on the tenth of ,Tune, where they remained ouly a few days and moved on to Ayr, Dururries, where they lived one year and fitially re- moved to the Township of Grey, County of Huron. 58 yetu•s ago this part of the country was an unbroken wildernese, there being no roads nor conveniences of any kind, The family purchased 800 acres of crown land. Mr. IticIsadzean located on lot 4, con. 18, and by steady perseverance in a few years he made himself a beautiful, comfortable home. In the Fall of 1863 he was united in marriage to Mise Janet Lembie, a native of the parish of Farbaltcin, slyrshire, Scot- land. The nnion proved to be a happy one and hand in hand the.y nobly fought the battles of life to- gether until the separation came. Mr. ItieFachean was a true manly man of sterling chasacter-his word was as good as his bond with all who knew him. He was known far and wide having made many !Mends ; testimony s thus borne bo /312 integeety of speech is purpose, and also to the kindness of his heatt by which. he endeared himself to those who knew him best. In religion he WAS a faithfnl member of the Presbyterian chtu•ch, and in politics a life long Reformer • a lovieg husband aud father. He 'leaves a widow, three sons end one daughter who will hold his memory in loving remembrance, the other three mem- bers cif the .family having previously crossed the border laud. The funeral took place on Tuesday, 27111 ult., when tot immense number of people gather- ed to pay their last tribute of respect and follow his rensains to then. last 'vesting place. An impressive service was conducted at the house by Rev. A. MacNeil "The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more until the perfect day." A.DDRESS AND PRESENTATION. -Last. Monday evening a social time was en- joyed by the congregation of DutTs chnech on the eve of the departure of Rev. and Mrs. MacNith and family froun Walton to their new home in Dame Om After lunch was served in the basement an adjournment was made to the auditorium of the chnrch and John Shannon was called to the chair. Devotional exorcises over the retiring pastor aucl his good lady were asked to come forward when Mrs. A. Gardinee read en address ; Miss Ewen mesented Mrs. MiteNab with a Life Membetthip Certificate in the W. It. M. S. and 'Mrs. Davidson handed Mr. MacNab pinto of gold. Address was as follows :- Dean Mu. AND MRS itta.eNAT3.-The congitgatiou of Duff's chtirell, Wal- ton, in kindly remembrance of your stay amongst us feel constrained on 0 eye of your departure to try and xpress to yort our gratitude and re- ard. You have been with us as astor and friend for eight years and those short years time hes wrong/it changes. Many familiar faces hich looked a kindly welcome .from the pews are no longer with as. Many have gone to other lands ansi. many have crossed the borderland to eit, eternal rest. In one sorrows sued 1 -Municipal World, binder fol.: as B. U. 50.50; 'Theo, Hall, prints in $20.50; James Nichol, filling wash- 11 out hi road, 1)8.00. Moved by Wheel- fa er, seconded y Mr. Rutherford that / sci adVersities yon have stood by us, our joys and peospevities you have act a part, During your, years of Ultra service you have made many ietids Slot only in this congitgatiOtt but beyond It and our hope is that God may bless your labors in this °miner of His vIneYarcl. And now that the ties which bind ns are about to be broken we would bear this teeti- mony to our beloved friends :-As leaders you have been valiant ; as workers yeti haVe been saitsifui friends yen bare been tite, Wolk- ere who ueedetil not to be ashamed, As it muting remembrance to Slits and Me. MaeNab we offer this Life Membership in the W. 1.3', 111. S. and this Putse-these gifts we °free not for their inateritd value but as a Love offering-riels In sympathy -rich in hope -rich in gild:hi:de-rich in love. Foe your part in the Master"e work here may you have it rich rewavd and may you always haste many. friends to love and respect you as smeerely as those who note address you. Though separated may we still. have a place 10 your sympathy and prayers. And now may the Lord Ness yon and keep yoe ; go with you where you go and stay with yon where you stay. 'Gond Bye! 'Me all we have fos one another. Our love, more strong than death is helplees still, Sitst, none cart take the bus' le from hie brother, or shield, except by prayer from any May God be with you. Rev. Illy. MacNab made a very ap- propriate reply in behalf of himself and wife, returning thanks for many favors aml wishing all concereed God- speed in the time to conie. Addresses of 2, complimentary character were given by Elders A. Gardiner and Jas. Smillie aSter which the very enjoyable gathering was dismissed after singing "Blest be the tie that binds." Rev. Mr. MacNab and family left for their charge on Tuesday followeil by many good wishes both fsein the church and neighborhood. s.'S Grey Last week Thos, aed Mrs. Davidenn, Ilth con., spent 4 few days with friends at Aubmm. Miss Bessie Davidson was holiday ing with friends at, plintou and Sam- merhill and enloyeda fine time. Mrs. French, of Bluevale attended the funeral of the, late Thomas Mc- Fatizean last week and is still a visitor beLvea.st:week Wesley Speiran 141h cop. disposed of his fine chestnut driver to George Muldoon, a Brussels, at it good figure, Mrs. Robertson, 041 con., has been under the doctor's care this week but is improving we are pleased to state. She is quite an old lady. GOOD Honsas.-Ainung those who 'are dealing in entire horses we notice jno. N. Lamont, tith con,, who has purchased "Sunny Jim," a most excel lent animal, some time ago. He is a Standard bred trottiug horse of high breeding and first glass in every re spects He has captcwed several 1st prizes aud also the sweepstakes. Farmers and other horsemen should. see this handsome animal before deal- ing with inferior stock. We wish Mr. Lamont well with his -purchase and believe he wfil de well as he is a geed horseman. GOOD Holism -A Hensel]. corms- pondent says s -T. J. Berry, our well known horse importer, has sold to James Parr, of Brussels, the fine young Clydesdale stallion, Lothian Type 0,42.51) 8914. This horse is three years old, is seal brown in color, with 8 white feet and strip 00 face. He is a large horse of his age with the best of legs and feet. His head mid neck complete the body of a, perfect Clyde. He has secsned ntunber of prizes in old. land, among them the first at the Royal Show in a elass of 26. He was also it prize winner at a number of other shows. This will prove thet he eanuot fail to be a horse to breed. the right kind of stock. The sive of Lothian Type was the noted hosse, Lothian Again, owned by John Kerr, of Cumberland, for which he had been offered and refused L000 guineas. Lothien Type is certainly the right kind of horse to breed good stock and we trust his new owner will have every success with him. t/Gown TO REST. -After an illness of several years the spirit of John D. McNeil, one of the old and respected residents of this township, passed away on Saturday the 24th ult., the cause of death being asthma a,nd anemia. Frew the former he suffer- ed terribly at times brit was not con - fitted to bed until the day previous to his death, being able on the week be- fore to drive as far as the home of Ws late brother. The subject of this notice was it .qtriet unassuming man and a Liberal in polities. In his early days he was a member of Knox church, Craubrook, bet lately had at- tended Union church. Mr. McNeil was born in Dalhousie Tp., Lanark Go., on March 17. 1348, and came to Grey in May 1856, the journey from Harputhey being completed on foot. His father, the late Dmiald MeNeil, took up lots 28 and 24, 'on Con. 14, whet° the soils coutinued to reside 01 A el 5 11T ttil their death. On Dec. 24, 1873, Mr. McNeil 0112 married to 'Vries Masy . Woods, daughtee of the late Isaac oods, of '.102 (12110, Whowith. fotte tildree swevive bios :-Peter H., of tettler, Donald B., at home ; 'us, late cif Duffey, cal. ; and Mrs. sty MeNaught, of the 18th eon. Grey. wo Meters In Michigan are the re- maining stirMors of a family of twelve :-Mrs. Sly, in Grayling„ and , Sirs, kteNeil in pity Oity. r.rtic .rim„ erel on -Mouday was largely attended, showing the esteem in which deems - ed was held, Rev. Mr. Henderson con- • . • itt e am Misses Aneie Denford and Merria MeN, Loiee, 9th con.'spent a few days laet week at tins home of Win. Bela, Mornington township, CAE° o TlIANKS.-The undersign- ed desise to express their best thanks to the neighbors and friends for their werflA or sympathy and kindness and their helpful assistance (Wring the illnese and subsequent death of their father, the late Joseph Oster. It will long be renwinbered, Mums AND LAU.R.S. OWE% Do NOT DEVER') ALTOGETHER, ON letter received from George Oxtoby, formerly of Grey, contents the following clipping from 1 be Lulls- faul (Albeeta) Province, et April 22n21, %Witch goes to show that the fessuere ie that, eeighborhocel do not depend entirely on the glowing 01' gram :- That 'tuneful' is the great clairy centre of the West has Mug been an undisputed poiuts That she. is also the hub of a very .exteusive steels ex- porting eountryis just as certain. Thm is is emphasised by the very in. ca easing shipillents of the very choiceet beef cattle, not to mention Gile large quantities of horses and hogs that Inc continually being ex- ported from here. On Isriday last, twenty-two cars of prime beef cattle, and one ear of horses were shipped. Two hundred and forty-one bead of the cattle 0001 40 Boston N. Y., 'snip- ped by Morris & 00,, of that city. Nitiety-three head were consigned through to Montreal by Chas. Knight, cif Calgary. The horses numbered 12 Ileac!, and went to Strathcona for R. .1, Mason, Ge Tuesday another ship- ment or 108 head of cattle was Sent to Montreal by W. W. Ilentee. Yester- day P. Burns & Co. skipped 67 head more to Vancouver. 'Phis makes close on to 700 cattle shipped cluringthe past ten clast, and the shipping season has only commenced, Ethel DAINTAL.-131.. Pella, dentist, will visit Ethel on Monday, May Dth, and every two Weeks after that date. Mrs. R. Gibson is visiting her par- ents at Molesworth this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson is moving into the house owned by Thos. Watson. Mrs. Thuell, of Brussels, has been visitiug her (laughter, Mrs. Jno. Mc- Intosh. Miss Ida M. Cole goes to Gnelph each week where she instructs a elass in Elocution. Thos. Vodden and family have be- come residents of onr village. 'We welcome them. Miss R. Spence was on the sick list last week but is able to attend to business again we are pleased to state. Arrangements have been made to have owe Football astists go to Bros - sets on May 241h for an exhibition game. - It is reported that T, Flood, who sold his farm on the ath cots, to Thos: Vodden, will become a resident or our village and will occupy the house East 02 210 Methodist church, owned by J. Sanders. Ethel Orange Lodge, No. 631, met last Monday night and avranged to have a special meeting on the eveniug of May lith for the plumose of inita- Mon. 'The Royal Arch Purple Degree will be given. We are sorvy to report the illness of Clerk MeIntosh who is counselled to lay off work for it time at least. We hope for a speedy reeovery of Ms. Mc- Intosh's health as his duties in the township are 1312,11)". The first Foot Ball snatch of this season will be playeclhere on Satnrclay evening of this week commencing at 6.30 o'clock, between Fordwich team and 13thel. A good game is expected. Admission to Park 10 aud 15 cents. Mr, and Mrs. Bernath and Mrs. Davis, of Listowel, spent a couple of days in our village this week calling on friends. Mr Bernath is the gener- al agent for the Frost & Wood Co. so 31112 cotubining business and pleasure. We are pleased to state that TOWD- ship Clerk McIntosh, who is such a busy man in attending to Ws many duties, has seemed an assistant. The young gentleman arrived Wednesday of last week and will board at Mr. Mc- Intosh's, Morris Little seeding done yet. Roads are bad in soine places, The Township Council win meet next Monday. A eumber of people are on the siek list with lagrippe and a few others are having si wtestle with the mumps. Mrs. John Sherrie. 4th lis, was at Clinton visiting hes sister who has been ill, Tbe Sunday School at Sunshine will be re-opeued Sunday next, May 9th, at 1.80 p. m. All are invited to at tend. PROTECTION TO THE PCIBLIC.-The following is the order issued from the Railway Commission as it relates to a C. P. R. crossing in Blyth, also a dangmous one on the 9th line of this townshit it copy of the order being of the applination of certain residents of the Villagenf le the Go. of • Huron, in the Province of Ontario ; and in the matter of the application of the Municipal Connell of the Town- ' ship of Morhe Morris, in tsaid Go. of Huron, for certain motection ap- 'stances n on the f tl Guelph end Goderich Ry, Co. is -It is order- ed :-(1) That the said Railway Co. do, at, its own expense, install and main- tain au electric, bell at the itoint where the said railway crosses Queen street, in the Village of Blyth aforesaid such sent to Reeve Taylor :-In thematte'' 1 MI to have a proms. automatic outs grave. Interment was made at, Bits- otr, (2) Ana it is further ordered that sets cemetery. The pall bearers were the said Railway Co. at its option :- Donald 13., Wm. and thigh A Me- ••Do" (a) At its own expense in. Nell, Ray McNaught, Beery Athlay shill and maintain a similar bell at the and Janice A. Met•Sairm , point Mims, its railway twos:4es the All the pain and grief are tweeC , oneessinn between eons. 10 and 11, lilvery restless tossing passed ; the said Township of Morris, at I an) DOW at (settee forever, mileage 62.5. (10 Os' acquire, at its Safely home Heaven at lasts I own expense,on about e (master of mill acre of land (ea shoWn in plan ats taehed 10 owlet.) at the said mentioned inoesing, and cut down whatever por- Mon 02 1138 knoll of the saisi land that may be intessary, ins order to give au unobstructed view front the said road of appitaehing trains upon the seki railway, all according to the approval of an balgtheer of the Board. (8) And it is Anther ordered that, if necessary, the said Railway Co. may have power to expropriate the land required for the purpose of ending down the knolls, as afereeaid. (4) And it is further (named that the aforesaid protection work e be fully eouipleted within 60 clays from this date. (Sgs) J. P. 11dArigE, Chief Commissioner, Boa,rtl of Ry. Corn. of Quietists bloncriefr Miss Beatrice Whitfield was 'visit - in her sister, Mrs. Angus Brown. es, George Whitfield, 14t1i cons has been mules, the doctor's eare. A new Presbyteriau congregation may be organized with 1410maseff as the centre, Le be attached. to 'Walton probably NO as to be accommodated with an afternoon service. The matter will come up for discussion at the Maitlaed Presbytery ere long. One day last week there was a tear up on the O. P. R. between here and Monkton owing to a broken car wheel. The regular tuella was delay- ed for several hours and 'passeegers, mail and express had to be transfer- red to trains waiting on either side of the accident. Nobody was htut. Monday of this week Neil and Mrs. MoTaggart, 113th eon., went to Clin- ton where the tatter is receiving medi- cal treatment for her thsoat, which has been botherieg her for some time. She will likely be there for a few weeks. Mrs. ISIcTaggart's mairy, Weeds hope she will soon be con- valescent. Jamestown Airs. Blackwell, of Hensall, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. F. Latiraore here at present. Next Sunday evening H. D. Ainlay, of Brussels, will take charge of the service in Victoria Hall. Airs. John Wadell, of Whitechurch, has been visiting her sisters and friends during the past week. Andrew Pollock has been confined to hie bed for the past week with 10 grippe but we hope he will soon be o. k. The annual meeting of the Women's Institute will be held ist Victoria Hall on Monday, May 10tht inst., at, 2.80 p. A full atteudauce of members Is rem:tested, Miss Howard, of England, Le at present visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Scotney. Miss klowarcl was a passen- er on the 8. S. Corsican and reports a rough passage. Lnass...--In the legal column of the Mail -Empire the following query is asked and the answer is given :-W, 0. F., Jamestown s- Qu. - A. man made a will, willing a piece of proper- ty to two of his relatives to hold it as "tenants in common" and, not as joint tenants. Re died 7 years ago. One of the persons to whom he willed the propesty had been dead for some years before the will was made, but the testator did not know it. Gan the heirs ofthat devisee take the share or is the living devisee entitled to the whole propesty ? Ans.-Section 30 of the Wills Act says, "Where any child or other issue of the testatoe to whom any real or personal estate is devised, dies in the lifetime of thC testator, tearing issue, arid any of the issue of such persons are living at the tines of the death of the testator, the devise or bequest shall not, lapse," but such issue svill take the share which their parent would have taken, In the preseut case you say the two persons were "relatives." Yon do not say that they were "children" of the testator. And secondly you ask if the "heirs': Of the deceasesl tvill take. The Statute Says the heirs must be "children" of the deceased persou. Unless the facts come within the sec - Moe of the Wills Act above quoted, the share or interest of the deceased "tenant in Common," lapsed and will go into the "residuary" devise, if there be any clause 10 the will to that, effect; otherwise the neavest heirs of the testator will take it by inhesitance, as if there had been an intestacy as to that half interest in the property de- vised to the two relatives. Perth County The North Peeth License Omni -pis,. stoner wet at Stratford to greet lic- enses for the year 1909-10. Mary Buutain, aged 92 years and 8 months, died at the home of Charles Baynes, con. 5, Logan, nu April 28rd. As Mrs. George Leake, of Logan, was going down the cellar steps she fell and broke her arm above the wrist. Owing to the illness of Miss E. Gor- don, teacher of S. S. No. 11, Logan, the elificiren are enjoying it week's holidays. Harvey G•ettler met with an acci- dent at the will at Fullerton through which he came nearly losing; the sight of one eye but he is improving. The Ontario Gazette announces the appointment of John Benneweis, David McConnell and (3. D. Lawrie as license commissioners fortionth Perth. Oe the occasion of the maxriage of IiinS Pfeifer, 121.11 con., Logan, an ad- dress and presentation was made to the leas, on behalf of the Bethesda Methodist church elude, of which she was a, -member, of it cents° table and bible, A citizen of the East end of Mitchell appeared before Cm police magistrate on it charge of taking improper liberties with another inan's wife Init the tharge was changed In eomnsonI assault, to which be .pleacled geilly and was fined $10 and $4.50 mete, 108. Boyd, of AtWood, Celebrated their golden wedding. Harold Stuart, has conpleted his term ati tile School of ' Suience, Termite, The Smith Perth Ikons license eom, missioners met at the °Wilson House, Mitchell, mod eonsideved the applioa. Mons for licenses tor the yeas,. No change was made in Mitchell, but OP Royal _Rotel unistinalee certain repairs to the Satisfaction of the Inspector, in Logan a hotel Itemise was green to Henry Victor Bornholm, and. in Mil). ert hotel licenects to Carlin and. Jacob Webeis In St. Marys six hotel aud two ,shop licensee were graute Three hotel licenses were granted. in, Downie, one in South Easthope and one iu Shakespeare in order that ems tain charges may be investigated. CLotiB CALL. - Three St. Marys young men had a most exciting Mule last krirlity which might nave resulted seriously. As a result, of TIMrsdity's storm the river had, risento an abnor- mal height, the highest in years, and the boathouse was flooded. Hareourt Ready, with two 031.1111S, Weldon Evans and Events Lankle, went down in fix his new &minim launch high and dry mid 111 consequeece of the strong cusrent of the swollen. river, the !exacts was -carried away with the three young men hi it, aud they were unable to hold it, against. the current, because there was not oil in the tank. They, with the launch, were carried. over the dans near Carter's mill, where au immense body of water was fall- ing. When over the clam the boat overturned broadside, taking young - Ready with it. The othee two eass•Ps ed. by jumping out ansi swimming ashove. Ready made Worts to Salle Lae laannh and witlt it wt.t.s carried half a mile down the river. Some , witnesses of the accident rushed to the first bridge, hall a mile distant, and held a suspended rope which the young man clutched. The launch kept going down the river, but was saved halt a mile lower down. The damage to it was about $75. 'It was a new 011e recently purchased, costing several hunched dollars. The occur- rence caused intense excitement. Ready was nuinjured beyoncl a grazed, leg, and a few slight bruises. - Brussels Council ' The regular meeting of Brussels Council was beld in the Council Cham- ber on Mouday evening. Members all present except Councillor Lowry who has been at Windsor during the past week. Minutes of last ineeting read and passed. The following accounts Were present- ed and ordered to be paid :- Jam Long, salary, as aSsessor 550 00 W. J. Penner, street improve- ineuts. ...... . ..... ..... .. . .. r3 6$ Wm. Sellers, street improvements 13 65, A. Campbell, street iMprovementS 5 55 I. T. Ross, attending scales. . . oo Geo. Brown, livery 3 26 44 75 R. Oliver, salary 33 33 Fire Dept. testing engine. 4 oo _Inc, Oliver, miscellaneous oo McBwen, street improve - men ts I 35 Ina, Lott, street improvements. 5 le R. Henderson, coal 22 85 W. 11. Kerr. punting Weighmaster OLiver reported the re- ceipts tor the mouth to be 522.33. Moved by J. G. Jones, seconded by P. Ament, that the Court of Revision on the assessment roll be held on the set Monday in June at 8 p. ni, Carried. A, petition and report from Brossels, Morris and Grey telephone subscribers was read. Moved by P. Amens second- . ea by J. G. Jones, that a By -Law be prepared in accordance with the petition of the respective owners from Brussels, Morris and Grey praying teat the village oE Brussels becotne the initiating flaunt- cipality for the purpose of establishing -- a toe& telephone system to be known as rtiheed.Brussels, Morris aml Grey telephoue system, Carried. Moved by J. G. Jones. seconded by P. 01 the Victoria pork on July Intl]. Cat'- that lhe Orangemen get the use tiy-Law No 6, Igoe, k1101211 22 the 'Telephone By -Law, was read the 1st, end, and srd time and finally passed. Report from the Clerk as to vote on the Garside-Jtunes By -Law No, 3, z000, was read sho.ving diet the electors ap- proved of the By.Law, By•Law was read a ihird time and finally passed. 1.3y -law No. 7, woe, mthorizing the Commit to borrow money to meet cur- reut expeuses, was read and passed, Moved by P. Ament, seconded by A, C. Dame% that ihe Clerk write the Bell Telephoue Co. for connection between thew long distance system and the Brus- sels, Morris and Grey system as soon .as in operation. Carried, R. Leatherdale addressed the Council_ relative to the sewer ou the East side of Turnberry street from Queen street to the river, which has about served its day. A petition will be prepared and circulated among the property o einem, to have a new sewer put in. Fletcher Roe, of Graham's Sistvey, asked the Council to simply three teams for a day to haul gravel to level up the walk on the East slap of the road from the village to the concession, ik m iAlesd!c°iti i'si ntto‘:asg kpiaienen treeag:artling the street watering duriug the cooling &miner and the Council adjourned to meet again next Monday when the matter will be further gone into, A number of Italians employed on the street railwny construction at Hamilton struck for better pay. Miss De Leon, the dancer, was see - mimed to eight days in jail at MOntreal for giving an immoral. exhibition. An appeal was entered, and she Was released on bail, Mr. Onunnte's power bill and the Canada Lire hill, both of which are Ob. Paled to by the Government of Ontario. wet e discussed in the Cotemons, amt. • 10152 had 50 stand otter