HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-29, Page 8iouseNcIean,ogtime Many or its Needs are right in our line Caustic Soda Use up the tallow and grease that perhaps heti been collecting all Win' ter, and slake a supply of the best %%Telling soap with Caustic Soda, 5 lb, tins see Disinfectants Chloride of Lime (roc tins) Zenoleum (25c betties) and Formaldehyde (25e bottles) makeup n large quantity of Disin- feotant solution. Household Ammonia zoo bottles Japanese Ammonia (Powder) Large, package toe Two great cleansers. Moth Bails Just the thing for petting undez car- pets, and with Winter things when storing away, Crystal Floor 011 Will brighten op Linoleum. Noth- ing better as a Furniture Polish - not injure the finest furniture. 350 per quart. Wall Paper See what we have when ready to paper. Our papers are selected with a view to looking right when on the wall, We have many patterns lo good taste at a very low price. If you want something better we also have it. The Patterns will please you. DRUGGIST AN D OP'I'IC1AN. .Hal 'gaps 4terns SATURDAY will be May Day. CHANGEABLE weather these days. HAVE you squared up for'1'HE POST CouNcn.meeting next Monday ev ing. Ten news is always welcome at T PoST. PUBLICITY is the best policeman you have any news, call THE Po every time. A CAR of potatoes is being Shipp this week from Brussels b Alfr v Baeker to Peons ]vac' Y ta, A NUMBER of mon were busy th week at A Baker's store -house baggi and loading 3 cars of oats fur shipme to Cuba. PORT ELGIN will get $80o more fro Andrew Carnegie for the public 1i racy building, bringing the total up $8,800. CARBENTERs have been at work at th Jackson cuttage, Turn berry street pu ting on a new roof and making oth improvements. THE South side of the Maitland Tuutor Base ball team rather "warped" their Northern neighbors last Saturday on Victoria Palk, the scure being 24 to 3 Several games have been on the pro. gram. 33RD HURON REGIMENT, -The follow ing provisional lieutenants (supplemen tary) are absorbed into the establishmeu as stated t W. S. Turnbull, vice, R. C Weir, resigned, March TO. Igoe. 1. C S. Stanbury, vice, R. N. Creech, re signed March ro. reoe COURT PRINCESS ALEXANDRIA, C. 0 F„ Brussels, will to represented at tb High Court, to be held in London, i June. by James Shurrie, who is one the most faithful and enthusiasts members of the long roll of No. 24. H has often attended High Court. Jas Burgess is the alternate, To ROADSTER HREEDERs,-In addition to Kaplan, 2 o8i, and Costumer Messrs Scott & Warwick have a cboice youn registered roadster stallion, Baron D Kaplan. His ret dam is Delnarch 2nd, Baron Wilkes ; 3rd, Tay Gould all producers of speed. Horses wil make the Season 5 O at the stables of the Brussels. ..SSels. NORTH H U RnN LICENSES -'The Li• cense Commissioners for North Huron met ou Saturday in Wingbam Council roots when the following licenses were granted : In Wingham-Brunswick • Hotel, Queen's Hotel, National Hotel and the Dinsley House, Exchange Hotel was left over until next meeting, May. 8th. Wroxe'er-one license ; Morris, two licenses : Walton and Bel grave; Turnberry-one license, Blue vale ; Blyth -two licenses These are ail the licenses in the riding, as Howick East Wawanosh and Ashfield are under Isocal Option. Go{NG To CHESLPY.-A. M. McKay, recently of the hardware firm of McKay & Shaw, having sold out to his partner, purposes removing to Chesley uext week, where he will be associated with the Cbesiey Sanitary Plumbing and Heating Co. He has been a reside,tt of this locality for a goud many years and has taken a great interest in all that tended to the bettertrlept of the com- munity. The Presbyterian church and Sabbath School will lose a faithful of ficial and worker by ilia removal He was also President of Brussels branch of the Upper Canade Bible Sinewy, and the local Lord's Day Alliance organiza- tion. 'ref Poer hopes be will do well in Chesley and he just as husv as he was here, Mrs. McKay and children will not move trent town for a few weeks or so. We can vert heartily recommend Mr, and Mrs McKay and family to the good people of Chesley while at the same times regretting their removal from Brussels. Thos. Ross, who has resided in Chesley for a good many years, is a brother to Mrs McKay. THEIR FAME IS SPREADING, - The Ewan Carriage Factory is making a name for themselves outside the immed- late circle of their own town, For years they made a specialty of buggies but of late, while etlll continuing and iucreae- ing that department, they have been catering to pleasure conveyances, de. livery 'vans and undertakers' outfits. Liverymen and produce dealers have taken knowledge of their handiwork and come to them for supplies. This Week a large,' well fitted out cariole was Pur- chased by W. C. Cook, for his livery at Clinton and taken home on Tuesday. Canteton Bros., of the same town, bought an egg wagon and the Ewan firm has just completed for R J. War - tenet, of Hensall, a big, well built cariole competeht to accommodate d9 people It is finished in a neat and very durable faehiou. Jno. -Oliver, liveryman, of Brussels; bas ordered one something after the sante fashion, Mr. Ewan is figuring Oh a' number of other orders Outside that are likely to come his way as the output of the past hes a good rep- utation. A. big stook of buggies is ready For the, Spring delivery. en - HE It ST ed ed is ng nt m b to b er A new shingle roof i . g as added to the improvement of John Long's residence, Flora street. THURSDAY'S weather was a reminder of the Not tit Pole expedition so that wel would not lose sight of that party of woul 1•be discoverers up there some plane. BAEKER Baos have purchased a new delivery wagon to accommodate the regular trips they purpose making to Cranbrook, Ethel, Jamestown and other points in Grey township this season. PROPERTY SOLD. -The house and lot owned by Peter Ritchie, William street, Brussels. has been e n urchased byD P t Moore who will get possession in about a month, Price is said to he $7oo. II is the intention of Mr and Mrs. Ritchie and family to move to the West where several a sons are residing s din and where Mr g Ritchie is interested in real estate, Mr. Moore has leased his present residence to F. H. Gilroy, manager of Brussels branch of the Metropolitan Bank Jeer LIKE T. H -A letter from Coun cillor J. H. Young, MIoosomin, Sask., formerly of Brussels, says ;-I herewith enclose one very small bag of wheat at $r o6 to eters per bushel, one half in arrears and one half in advance sub scription fee for THE PosT. We pollee you are going to remove from THE PosT and wish you prosperity. Two weeks Winter and fairly fair Spring. Some seeding done. Prospects for a bountiful harvest. No blow ! Iquit. --0-- • EARLY seed potatoes for sale at J. T. Ross'. • GENERAL servant wanted. Apply to Mrs. W. M. Sinclair. PIANO TUNING. -R. S. Shaw, piano tuner e and repairer, will be in Brussels in May, "1 eC e LADr's gauntlet glove found. Owner may have it by paying for this local. Tan PosT Publishing House. WILL -sharpen and adjust lawn mowers to your fancy at lowest figure. T. McGregor, corner Mill and Main et. Brussels, Ont. To RENT OR SELL.-Oomfortable dwelling, also dwelling to let above store, soft water, &a• i, 0. RICHARDS. • Pom nor P'oR AALE.-Oa account of remove g ing from Brussels I will di ooe of m pens of ouitr ns p co tells of ! sp y g we l Ga y De a White 7.1,,n,-, an- wttlee, White to clears aA Game. W. E. Dos- , CAN Brussels. I NOTICE TO DEBTORS. -The form of Messrs, Dodds & Habkirk having been dissolved, all parties indebted to thorn P are to s ne ted 4 to call as serias ss i O { yile and melte ice arras g ements the settlement of their accounts not later than the end of 1009. 42.2, --0- Goon COLT -Tuesday of this week ' Al;red Baeker's fine roadster mare, I "Jessie Goldsmith" bred from "Cnstum- • er" and a full sister to ' Carrie A," one 1 time owned by P. Anent, that has a mark of 242, presented him with a dandle filly. It's sire is "Kentucky Todd," the I property of Mies Wilks, of Galt, and is the second fastest 3 year old trotter in America. We hope Mr. Baeker will ' have good success with the new arrival so as to reward him for his investment and encourage him in his enterprise. g Ise, I P Boucx•r Ix CLtxrox.-Monday of this 1 week W. E. Outman, who recently sold his barber business in town to John EI - I liott, purchased the tonsorial business of George Roherton. of Clinton, and will take possession, in the near future. He will move his family to Clinton shortly. The people of that town will find Mr Duncan well worthy of their confidence and support. He bas been an active member of both societies and the church and many will regret the removal of Mr and Mrs Duncan and little daughter from 13rus se.is. Mi. Roberton, who is a brother to Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne, of town, talks of taking a trip to the West with a view of improving his health. He has been 8 years in business in Clinton, 'there are three good shops in the town. PRESENTATION - Wednesday evening tite officers end teachers of Melville Sab bath School gave a complimentary tea in t J. basement of the church in honor of i.. M. MoKav, Miss Ritchie and J J Habktre, au of whom were faithful workers and are removing from town in the near future A kindly worded ad- dress was read by Miss Christina Sinclair to Mr. McKay and Mrs. W. Ballontytte presented A teachers' Bible and a church Hymnal. beautifully bound, and the name inscribed in gilt on the covers. A moat appropriate reply was made by the recipient, who has been in the School for toe past 21 years. Complimentary refereneL was made by Superintendent Cameron as to the good work done by. the above mentioned trio and good wishes eeprest•ed for their future S. C. Wilson, G. A. Deadman and 0 Jones also spoke and appropriate remarks from Mrs. A McGuire, Mrs, Neil McLauchlan and Mrs. Deadman brought a very en- joyable evening to a close, The pastor was unable to be present owiug to the illness of his mother, 'Miss Ritchie hag reuderod effective service as teacher of primary class and Mr. Habkirk was an A r Secretary. 'Phe vacancies made by the going away of Messrs. McKay and Habkirk and Miss Ritchie will not be easily tilled, Rev. A. 0. Wishart will i conduct the Bible class in the meantime. LITA _'....... Pawners'' N K Drafts and Sale Notes BAMoney Orders Promptly Bought and Collected maimismaramilarimoriss ts,,lI'+'e, Id 1 . o - -,uw .► .e. Make the results of your labors NOW become the mainstay of your life LATER, Open a Savings Ac- count In a sound chartered bank. Brussels Branch _. -.4- F. r-" O. U. W, Friday evening of week. WEDNESDAY the Northerners w base ball match over the Southerner a score of 14 to $. It will require an persAicts,to keep tab on these exciting 5o CENTS, in advituce, secures THE Poser t0 Jan, 1st rem, 'We desire to add 200 new names to our lista If too subneribers would send along ooe each bow easily it could be done. 8 months for 5oc. should, put the paper in the F. H. Gilroy, Manager this League in eouneotion with a literary and musical prograln, on tt TirERE are 18 farmers entered for the s by standing pea crop competition operated. ex. under the direction of East Huron CO hands ofo t y ut anent son or daughter THE Directors of the Howick F Insurance Co. met last Saturday Gorrie when the printing for the carr Year was let to the Wroxeter Plane having the lowest tender. rag did the work for the past six year's, if to our modesty we do say it, we it well, l HE Monetary Times lately publish an accident chart that le lull of infer ti tn. It shows that in Ontario last y 33 farmers lost their lives while rid! on trains and 13 were injured. re far ers lost their lives by accidents with horses aurl cattle, and wereseriously as in't injured. t ed. The threshing machine claim- ed a toll of 14 lives and 61 injuries. 7 farmers were killed by lightning and 33 injured. Crete service competitive e examina tions are to be held May 25th in Ottawa and other cities for 81110935 clerkships in sob -division B of the third division 15 clerkships (males) in subdivision B of the second division ; 35 temporary clerks in sub -division B of the third div- ision ; also a general examinatiou for posittons in messengers, porters, pack, ers and sorters. BLACK KNOT. -A goodly number of people in Brussels, who have black knot on their fruit trees are once more called upon to comply with the Statute and have the same removed. Inspector Oliver is deputized to see that the law is observed 'rhose who neglect to talc notice will have to be called before Magistrate as the only way to curta this pest is to remove and burn kno Will all interested govern themselve accordingly and save the Inspects, and themselves further trouble. Agricultural Society, " Five prizes will be a,varded next harvest by an expert judge. A centheiition was held last year when the test wets made on oats, "L+` COMPANY 33RD REGIMENT Bitus- SISLS.-Recruiting ,for the home com- pany starts Monday, May 3rd. All per- sons wishing to go to Catnp at London • Ire 1 for twelve days at Government expense. should send in their names to Lieuten= alt ant Dennison. At Walton, hefore May eat l 2otu, se at that date the service roll must t, it , be returned to London. 'Young men, Pos'f well conducted and healthy, over the and I age of 18, should avail thenhselvee of did this opportunity, as the outing is a ed valuable education In any young man. ma- HELPING THE YOUNG MEN LEAVING eat HOME.-'1'housandsof young men to our ng small towns anis rural communities leave ot- the oldhome yearly. In a great many 00009 1t is necessary, and in others they are simply t v a tiactmd by the ill P t ttreatent. Northwest. of the city or the Great Aothwcst. Some go with a definite object in view while others go because they think -far off fields are green." In any ease the young man leaving home for the first time enters a crucial period in his life and has need of help or some one that can give him an opportunity to help himself The Provincial Crnnmittee of the Young Men's Christian Associations, through the corresptittaiing Member, does this very thing. We are trying to Secure a young man in each community to act as corresponding Member. He will give letters of introduction. and for- ward to Provincial Committee all par titulars regarding young men leaving home. In this way the voting men are introduced t0 pastors (where no Young Mien's Chrinrian Association is organiz- e ed), Association Sec, etartesand compan a • ions that will elevate rather than null fl down The Young Men's Christian Association (in Canada there are 84 As sociations) has become a world wide or ganizalion- It has adapted itself to the needs of men in every continent and in nearte every country. The aim of the Association is to surround young then • with wholesome influences, and lead v them into the Christian life and to s Church membership. developing all s• their powers for Christian living And service It employs practical means and appeals to the spiritual. social, mental and phvsiciel desires and tastes. In v modern Association buildings, which most of aur cities have, evening educe e tional classes in the common and tech• s nieal tranches, lectures and travel talks. s (Jebsi,. fwd pariinuteuts and the discus glen o f timely [homes supplemented lemeni ed by p 1 readingro t nm. reference n r a d circulating " to g 'h h rates give Abundant opportuuiro for f self culture and advancement to all young men, and especially those who have been deprived of au early educe- , tion, Home like social rooms and club. - desienecl buildings encourage the uatur al expression of the social nature and many lasting and helpful friendships are formed. Well equipped gymnasiums. baths, and swimming pools, with out- door athletics, aquatics and Summer crimps, furnish recreation ; make for health end efficiency, and help young men and boys to rightly understand their physical functions. Young. men are assisted in finding suitable boarding houses and useful employment F. H Gilroy is the corresponding Member For Brussels and vicinity. IF you know of ani' young man leaving for University, City, Northwest or any place. it would he for his interest if you inform[ Mr. Gilroy at once Build 1 ► A Reserve Fo Now, while your earning power is trod, why not convert part of it , t into a Cash Reserve that will, later on, yield a competence forgldage? (TN1 great lei Killer) You can easily do it by regularly depositing a part pf your Income in TT--- nar BAvx Established 1673 ®F CANADA 77 Branches) One Dollar and upwards opens an account, and'with systerpati 1 saving and Compound Interest, the fund will rapidly accumulate. 72 • eget to -day. Breousslr,LS BRANCH jr. Y, jft ow:aurae/ Marauder Jno. • Ritchie • and Hugh Crich, of 'Wingham, were visitors at their`respec•' tive homes here on Sunday last. Tuesday of this week George Buchan- an left for Saskatoon where he will spend the Summer vacation He has beer, attending the Toronto University. He does not let the grass grow under his feet, George Ross arrived home last Satur- day front the Dental College at 'Toronto. Hepurposes returning to the city short- ly where he will practice in an' oftiee during the Summer vacation. He is doing well, Mrs. Dickens, daughter of Jas, and Mrs Hart, of Owen Sound. formerly of Brussels and McKillop, died recently et Owen Sound, She was a grand daugh- ter of Jno and Mrs: Carter, Brussel;•. S. Carter attended the funeral of his neice from town; Church Chimes Sabbath School lesson notes may be s• read on page 6 0t this issue. g s,ue. Monthly Missfonar Y v dayin the e Meth°. I d ho dist Sabbath School next Sunday after - 00011. Rev. Mr, Wishart was culled to Ferg- us on 'Tuesday morning owing to the serious illness of his mother Mr. Hawkins, a student from the Col- lege at London. conducted the services in St. John's church here last Sunday, Quarterly Communion service in the Methodist church here next Sabbath morning. Testimony meeting will follow the evening sermon "Phe pillar of fire and cloud" was Rev. E. G. PoA'eil's triple last Sabbath morning in the Methodist church and in the evening "An unheli'eved tumor." The annual meeting of Brussels Meth- odist Sabbath School for the election of , fficers and receiving the reports for the pest 12 montltsw'ill be held this ('Thurs. day) evening at 8 o'clock, Last Sabbath morning Rev. A. 0, Wishart, B. A . gave the closing sermon of the series on the Seven Churches, his theme being "The Overcoming Church " Evening sermon was on "Asking the way to Zion." Owing to the removal of A. M. Mc - Kar from Brussels Malcolm Black was elected Secretary -Treasurer as his suc- cessor in Melville church on Wednesday evening. The salary is $75 00, Mr. Black will make an efficient officer. There have been seven vacancies in Maitland Presbytery in the past 6 months byresignations, .everal of them m ire already filled however. 'Phe Pres- byterian church will have to adopt the itinerent system before lona' some of their ministers and laymen affirm, only with echo s p A longer possible P o s ble to rmth n e P a their Methodist t brethre n. Y. M C. A. -A meeting in the in terests of the newly organized Y M. C A in Brussels was held on 'ruesda evening The various department were officered as follows :-Religious J. A Hunter, Chairman ; Educational J. H. Cameron ; Physical, Jes. Fox Social, W. J. McCracken. Organizatino will hold weekly meetings each 'ruesda everting in the W. C T. U. rooms fah e each department will have a share in th program Co, Secretary Fleming wa present at the meeting and aided by hi intimate acquaintance with the work CAPTURED. -The Ontario a to A ri t cul ora Calle eat L Guelph was taken pby storm Monday of last week by the arrival o 200 young lady school teachers from the Normal schools of the Province. For the next three months they will ocean the college residence, where only stu dents of the sterner sex have reamed, that being the period devoted to a specie al course in agriculture decided upon by the Department of Education. These teachers have passed their examinations at the end of six months instead of nine, and the time will be finished in a special course in agriculture under the college professors. The teachers agree for three years thereafter to teach in the rural schools of the Province. The studies will be divided between elementary agriculture, including school gardening and industrial art, including drawing, card hoard work and manual training, etc 10115 TAIT nsasnssD -A former old and well kno vn resident of Brussels, in the person of John 'Tait, died at' the home of Mrs Lovejoy (better Icemen here as Mrs Phillip ) in talar ['entre. Kansas, on Thursday evening of last week. The Monday previous, about 8 p. m., be had s severe paralytic• stroke from which he lapsed into unconscious- ness, in which condition he passed peacefully 'may Deceased was a form- er owner of Mrs Livingstone's f •rm, toth con , Grey, moving from it to town over 25 nears ago. He married Miss Muir who survives him '!'hey had no family. Mr, Tait was an honest, highly rerpeeted man quiet and unassuming. He was a Methodist in ,church relation- ship Mrs. Tait will bsincerely sym- pathised with in her bereavement by ninny old friends in this community, Mrs, St, Peter, a sister of the late Mr. Tait, was also at Clay Centre at the time of his demise. It is about 4 years since Mr. and Mrs. 'Tait remuved from Brus- sels. MOCK MUNICIPAL COUNCIL,- Last Mundav evening a Literary evening Was given by the Epworth League the titne being Well occupied for nearly two hours with a Mock Municipal Council electron. Rev, E. G. Powell was Re- turning Officer Speeches were made by the various candidates in which glorious things were promised by many of those seeking office. Printed ballots were distributed, masked and deposited in a ballot box. The rest -tit Was the return of F. H. Gilroy as Reeve ; and H, D. Ainlay, W. Leather- daleandJ. Wright as Councillors with three other candidates a tie for fourth place. For school trustees, Misses Carrie Hingston and Thurso Gerry re, eeived the largest votein the quartette nominated, Misses Lily and Pearl Sharpe gave a choice duet. On Mon- day evening, Mae Stet an old rash'. ned Spelling Match will be put on by the People We Talk About W. E ani 'irs Duncan were visiting in Clinton for a Few rlacs Will Grieve, of Brantford. has been home On a recruiting visit, MIs. M Buchanan Wast a visitor at the Methodist Parsonage, Atwood Mrs. Oliver Querin and baby were '- visiting Joseph and Mrs Querin. Brus, Bels. w Centre Huron Hotel Licenses The license commissioners for Centre Huron -A, Hays, Seaforth * J. B. Hoover, Clinton, and W. Patterson, At.burn, with Inspector Asquith, met at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on 'Tuesday of last week, to consider the licenses for next year. All the old licenses were granted as follows:,- Seaforth-Queen's, Mrs. '1' Stephens ;• Royal, D. 1' Pinkney ; Commercial, McLennan & Broadfoot ; Dick House, Jas. Dick ; Grip Hcuse, H. Catnochan ; shop, E Dawron, Clinton. -Waverly, J. Rienbardt; Normandie, S, S Cooper ; Rattenbury,. 1. Ratienbury Commercial, D. Craw. ford; Graham House, R. Graham:shop, C H. Pugh. Goderich.-Saulta, B Sault' ; Col borne, T. Johnston ; King Edwetd, An me King ; Union, M Farr, 3 months to fix up ; Bedford, F. Davis ; British Ex change, 5 A Swa•"s ; Huron, Lillie Craig, 3 months to fix up; Ocean House, BRhh ; 01)011, W W Saults Colborne, W. Glazier, Dunlop ; J, Miller, Carlow. Brussels -American H. Jame., three months to fix tip ; Queen's, J. Querin ; entral, Mct)omld & Emigh, Jamestown -T, McEwen, beer and inn. Molesworth -Mrs, Seehaver. Ethel -J, Putland. Cranbrook-•Jacob Long. Dublin --T, Wolfe. 'there are 28 hotel and 3 shop licenses issued in Centre Huron. Miss Aggie Duncanson is the guest of Mrs W L Baeker, Queen street, his I week. Misses McDonald were visiting rela- ltivocalies ty. and old friends in Molesworth Mrs John Thomson has been renew ing old Acquaintances in Seaforth dur- ing the pest week. Misses M Adams and V. McKenzie, of Londesboro', spent Sunday at, the tatter's home in town Robs, Thomsonwas confined to the house for a ample of days last week It is not often be is laid up Mrs. W. Pryne went to Toronto last Saturday to visit her mother and brother in-law boll, of whom are ill. Leslie and Mrs Kerr, of B1v11,, who had been in town during the past week, visited with friends in Gorrie on Sunday, t barrister Monteith was at Guclerioh this week rendering service to King Edward in connection with .the. High Cr ort. 3; J. Habkirk is away this week nn a visit with Friends at Gall, Preston and otiter points He purposes taking A trip Westin the course of a couple of weeks. Jetties and Miss Stewart and May re- moved to Listowel this week where they propose staking their Winn" 'l'hev carry with them the good wishes of many friends. i Canadian News Burglars robbed three houses in Lou- don, South George Watson was killed while drill- ing at Cobalt. The customs receipts at Montreal show a heavy increase. 1'IIe steamer Shaughnessy is ashore above Sault St. Marie, G. M t'ossitt, a leading business mads of Brockville, is dead. Three Chinese - restaurants and a bakery were burned at Cobalt. The upper steel arch bridge at Niagara was badly cletnaged by the ice jam. David Shannon an old resident of Eden Mills, was fond dead in bed Jas Cox, of Blenheim, was knocked s' useless and robbed of a large sum of money, The C, P R, car ferry Michigan was bath% damaged in collision in the De - trait River. The Quebec Legislative Assentbly passed the hill 10 •compel railway and steamship enrip Inks to publish all their con mots and notices to the public in French as well a E ti 1 The lee blockade at Sault St, Marie is broken and boats from Lake Superior are moving. Three men were badly injured in a blasting accident at Haliburton, • Two are in a critical condition. Some ears on the Surlbtu'y local rolled over the embankment near Barnesdale, but no passengers ware injured. A large delegation visited. Ottawa to urge the construction of the Georgian Canal Bat ' I Lifson rhe Government. Hal•i'y No•i•ey, of Detroit, was shot and probably fatally wunnded by Peter Shea, another Detroit man, at Windsor, William Forsyth had his neck brokeu near Castilla bythe fall of a damaged school building that he WAS inspecting, The Canadian Club, 'Toronto, elected officers mid heard an address from Col. onel Hugh Clark, M. P. P., on Imperial Defence, - It itt'reported at Hamilton that fresh evidence in the Ilinrade case has been secured and important developments are expected. meted.. lb en r '' O arta Government has p ra nr chased the yacht, Navarch, from Mr Barge, of Windsor, to do fishery patrol in the Bay of Qninte. Mrs, Maxwell, of Peterboro', has $5,000 givento Pr sl e > ter' V Ikln Chinese missions, and the money will be used to found a school at Nonan, A party of Italians refused free pas- sage ecross the assageaerossthe Victoria Bridge at Mont- real shot the toll collector in the jaw, knocking out several of his teeth. BORN SrairsoN.-In Wroxeter,on April 28rd to Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Simpson, a dpeughter, DIED AnnissaoNO,-I,1 Hallett, on April 21st, Pa- tienceBlaclr, relict . of the tate Wm. Arra. strong, aged 84 years Hnmmunn.-5s Elena, on April 20th, Sarah Ag. nes Bunter, aged S7 years, 1 month and 11 days. MO1rADZEAN,-I11 Grsy,on April 25th,. Thos. MSFadzoAn, aged 75 years, 1 month and 22 days, MONatt.-In Grey, on Apri124eh, John D. Ale - Neil; aged 88 ysere, t month and? days. MENEM.-In Winghnm. en April 18th, Josste Cameron, relict ofthe late John Messer, aged 80 years OSTER -In Grey, on April 27th, :Joseph Oster, in his 115t1, year. TAIT -At Olay Centre, R5)Inat, 011 April 2Ist, John Tait, formerly of Brussels. For the past number of years we have found ts steadily increasing demand for Forrnaldehyde due no doubt to the great Batiel faction (151 the part of those who have used it. We guarantee ours Ho be strictly up to the standard 40 pep cent, Solution We have it put up in sealed bot- tles. -16 az, bottles sufficient to treat ® So. to too bushels -8 ba, bottles, sufficient to treat 40 to 5o bushels 25c DRUG STORE At the final' Executive: Committee meeting of the Laymen's Rll:s!onat•y Congress, Toronto, the reports received show that the Congress had paid its way. It is reported that Ute Canadian North. ern will divert tramp to Duluth for ei time to make extensive repairs to the line from Fort Frances East to Port Arthur, t BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 91'10. 91.12 Outs 40 ' 92 Bars 82 06 Barley ' 50 55 ButUter 15 Eggs ...:..,. Apples 1 00 Potatoes- 40 Buy' Hos 7 36 17 1 24 7 30 40 7 15 The People's Column APPRENTICE wanted to :learn the barber - Ing business. Aptity to JOHN ELLIOTT, barber, Bt•nes,L , tf. F012 SALE. -The undersigned offers for tale his comfortable residence and two lots on J'oltn street, E n seta Stable, good garden, &c. Icor farther particulars as to price,, terms, &o., apply on tate premises. WATSON AINLAY. 75 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -The tinder - signed offers for sale the 75 acres of land being Lot 10; One. 19, Grey. On the pram i Noe is a new br,ck house and good new barn. For further particulars applyon the promisee to JAMES BYRON: or Oranbook P. O. 48-1 To Contractors. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, Mar 1st, for the erection of n brick residence on John street, Brussels, The lowest or tiny tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may beam on appn• cation to GEO. MULDOON, Brussels. 42.2 EWAN pp1t(. 1,Buggies . y 1 EWAN & CO have the best and most up•to-date Buggies on the market 'three quarter Buggies in black and seven eighth Buggies in black, stripe or any color, with auto seats and all wheels have a deeper rim and thicker tire than any other Buggy. Two show rooms full of alt kindly of Baggies to ebouse from - every one fully warranted. Each Buggy has dash supports and mud protectors for the seats, We have also installed a machine for putting on all kinds of Rubber Tires. All kinds of repairs done un Buggies. Re -painting a spec- ialty. Tops relined or recovered and made as good as new at a small cost. kinds Special attention given to ti ecial orders. All f and light Rigs made to order. P d o heavy Don't fail to give usa call before making Sone purchase and let us boors Brussels for we, on hAlland.kinds of repairs in stock, Best Dunlop Tires alu•nys.kept The WHoOt CO.°Carriage Factory, Brussels lase. P WELL BRED STALLIONS 1909 1909 Kaplan 2.081 and C',stunner Will stand for service this season et their own stable, BRUSSELS, Baron • Del Kaplan a ehoiee Young Registered Roadster Stallion, whose 1st dam is i Delnt anti dam, Baron Wilkes ' , al3rd clam. Jay Gould,. all producers of speed,wwill take n limited nu tuber of mares Intending breeders should call andsee the horses tor themselves. tt PRCPh1E7ORS arw ck a4,USS -toe 0