HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-29, Page 5.k ll ►,
l n.
at7 A
,kI 1:llf FN^
1' I
marriage 1,100/11;013,
yuo at GxoOary,TgrnberrY street, b1u0so1O6,f•
1(C. Q. T, M,
Dracula Wont h o0
13 e e ul of t sg art 00s, No, 84
hold their .seiner ale, 015ns to the Lodge
,Booker sl 0) 05 t1m 1st nod and
PuOtlday Ylott ase (w yo W mouth.
Y$l1), Qpure always ZoGTJ
A, 600111(8, Uoru, A, MoG'QI1tD, R, A.
IN 6
A Ent
glue In the fast On)ee, Ethan. 20•A
,Agent I;towielt 112utual
FireInsurauoo Company
Of110e dud Residence—' p y
--_ - GUELPH.
JL - • SOU, win non for better prices, to
better mea 50 lore Cline lane leas charges
'than any other Aoebloneel In East Huron or
h0 won't charge anything. Date/rand ()Dim%
eau always be arranged at this o1Soe or by
Auctioneer i'or Huron County.
Terms reasonable, sales arranged to,
at the once of TOE Pos'r, Brussels. 8215
�/' a 1>7.Bnrtit , UuuvoYalleel
OJ, it 111—
Y l8uilo(1) r, ,
Notary Public, "tea uUlue-8 towed.% a lour.
1 door Nor th p1Central Hotel,
Boliottor for. the Metropolitan Bans.
1ito17D1r00:P, BAYB & l3LAIR
0A1t1)iSYE118 SOLIOITr'1:+ NOTABLESlttlBLIU, 1000.'
!t. O. BAYS
W. PRocnroo0, R. 0. •
Udioee—Thoee formerly umlauted by Messrs
Cameron .0 BOIL,
Gone:Mon, UNTAmO.
DR. R. P. FEiLD,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surname! of Ontario and Flrot•olese Honor
Graduate of Torouto Duiversity. of13o-
next to Brewer'! Photograph gallery,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered section of Dominion
Lauds in Manitoba., Saskatohowan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20. not reserved,
may be homesteaded iry any person who is
the sole hued of it family, or any mold over
38 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
sootiou of NW ,ores ware or less
19utry may h0 made personally at the
local laud olileo for the district fu which
the Mod is al tante.
The homostebaer is required to perform
the oouditlous couneeted therewith under
One 01 1110 following plans
(1) At least six months' residence epee
and o,RILiy1(5N0l5 o(,tl(e. land t0 anal year for
t:tbb5 years,
(2) If the father (nr mother, if the father
}is deooaooa) of tiffs homesteader resides
upon a loom in the vicinity of the laud
entered for the requirements as to rest -
denim may he satisfied by such pereou re-
siding with the father or mother.
(0) 1t the settlor las his permanent reel.
810000 upon Waning laud 10000(5 by hits
in the vol city of his homestead, there-
quirOmeats as to resideuse may he antis-
aetl by residence upon the Bald nand.
Dix mouths' aotioo in we Mee should hc.
oiVou Li., LW Comnlleeloo0r 01 Dominion
Lends at Ottawa of loWulmu to ape ly ler
w. W. 11tY.
'Deputy of ill eMlnlster of interior.
N. B. Duauth.,rIood (101)11100,00 01 Was ad-
veztfsemoat will nut be paid. for.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by °Otning to the
Brussels Salt Works
o ks
can get any land of Salt
they require.
04.418101e(( Qawo$
A, 'f'4, MONTR'ITH
n B.00l.r-Oev&tar)(AAladpodlfleaer8and1enk
OR, T. r. M' RAE
Bachelor of Medicine, (Tnlver•ehy of To1•. nto ;
I leentlate ata Grad 000 o' a 'olio • o t -
Ana u .. of t, e tY.ly
0bsosa trSurgeons, 3((op 8,14 JAM �1iti'adua ll
Margo Gyp, llx- Naso and 8918 Is G 81. lied,
UW000, M. Hix•,1'10u,ie lb:Raga to St. Melo
401'91 08pital T0rmlt0.
°MOphone con to 14 V. R.
with U in Drag all )lours
Dental Surgeon
1101101Graduate Dental Dopuremeat, Toronto
University • Licentiate. of 110Y1a1 College Oi
»Orman 8urgpous, of Toronto. Wilco over T.
T, ligsi' store, lir uss1e. ..-
a•o W111 visit Wroxatel• the first and third
Mondays and Gorrio the sa0011d and fourth
Mondays of each mont)1,
]donor' grodnato or •t)to Centeno Veterinary
College, nay and night calla, Office opposite
Flour Mill,1Ot11e1.
& ax& ENII 1rar RellAfr r
G0INe 8o1Pwn - - 001900 NOM'
Mail 7:00 u n1-IOxpreea 10:65 n ,. '... m
IOxpress 11:86 a at I Mail 1;494 p 111
lexproee ..: 8:02p in Express 8:61) p rn .
Tp. Toronto 150 Godei'ioh
Expl 0515 8:41 n n1 11Oxpl sae ....... l 1180 o nl
Express .,,• a:11 p m .lOxpl exs . 7107 p lu
M strict . eau:
SO$OOL RDPORT.—Following is
the School Report for S. S. No. 3,
Monis, for month of April :—Sr. IV.
—Lily Watson, Ella Clark. Jr. IV.—
Janie Alcock, !Myrtle 'Wheeler. Sr.
11I.—Jaflot Oonnon, John Passmore,
Maggie Spear; Willie Denman. Jr.
]11', .Ernest 31ic11ie, Elsie Cannon,
Sam. Alcock, John Little, Jim Nichol,
Gladys McNeil, Willie Clark, Andrew
Nichol, Will Conlon. ' Sr. II.—Russel"
Bradshaw, Ivan llcArter, Normau
Spier. Jr. II.—Violet McCracken,
John McNeil, Russel Marks, Bat'bara
Bradshaw, Rena 'Cloakoy, Pt. II,
Annie Alcock, Maggie (.:lark. Pt.—
I.-Ulifford darks, Harold Watson,
Evert Nichol. F. ARMSTRONG,
Burnt His Togs. Badly.
But he will never again use a cheap
corn cure containing acids. The only
safe and painless cure is Putnam's
Coln Extractor. It never inane, al-
ways cures—buy "Putnam's."
Louis Green and hiss Katie Bender
were married on Tuesday, April 13th,
Rev. Mr. Leibold, 6111 con„ Wallace,
tying the nuptial knot.
Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin and family
moved to Wingham last week where
Wilfrid and Miss Verna will attend
High School. Mr. McLaughlin will
remain in Fordwieh,
The "Busy Bees" met. at the home
of Mrs. P. P. Aylesworth on Monday
evening of last week. The members
turned out in full force to hear the de-
bate on "Woman Snffra e." Misses
Berclita Williams and Grace Ayles-
worth were the debaters for the afftr-
uiative and Misses Norma Lowick and
Marion Hutchison for the negative.
Misses Elsie Hutchison, Eva .414.0hood
aucl \Vinnifred Johnston were the
judges, who, after hearing the argu-
ments an both sides, decided in favor
of the negative. So the ladies will
have to wait longer to receive the
right to exercise the ballot—ton bac..
The next meeting will be held at the
house of Geo. Williams and will be
the regular social evening.
Coughs that are tight, or distress-
ing tickling coughs, get quick and
certain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough
Remedy. On this account Druggists
everywhere rue favoring Dr. Shoot's
Dough Remedy. The tender leaves of
a harmless long healing mountainous
shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Re-
medy its curative properties. Those
leaves have the power to calm the
most distressing Cough, and to soothe,
and heal
the most sensitive Live
membrane. Test it once yourself,
and seed Sold by all dealers,
Gorrie will hold a celebration on
Monday, May 24th.
His Lordship the Bishop of ituron
wilt come to Gorrie on Monday, May
3rd, and will admiuistor the sacred
rite of confirmation in St. Stephen's
church in the evening at 7 o'clock.
Mrs. 0. (\1u8'iu left on Tuesday of
last week for Barrio, where she will
join her hnsh,Etld, who has ----
Mooney, , a barbel' business in that town, and
Foreman, -
brussels. I where they will in future reside.
A. debate of considerable iutenesb
____ . , took place in the Methodist: Chores on
Tuesday evening of last week. The
aa� i s snbjert was '•Resolved, that the in-
Id4 ftoouc0 of Cho minister fav good is
I have found a tried and tested cure for Rheu.
Matiom i Not a remedy that will straighten the
distorted limbs of ehrolrte cripples, nor turn bony
growths back to flesh again. That Is impossible.
nt I Can now surely kill the pains and pangs of
this deplorable disonso,
In Germany -with a Ohemiet in the City of
Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with
which Dr. Shoop's.Rhoumatfc Remedy was made
n perfected, dependable proscription. WltlsOut
that last ingredient, I successfully treated many,
:many cases of Rheumatism MAMMY, at last, item1.
Iormly aur0s all curable cases of this horetoforo
mach dreaded disease. Those sand -like granular
wastes, found in Rheumatic Rloodseen to dissolve
and pass away sander the action of this remedy as
freely as does 01D1ar when 1td led to euro tyater,
And thou, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes.
freely pass from Gro system, rind the 00000 of
Rhownntism 10 gone forever. There is now no
real meed—no net010( 005aoe to suffer longer with-
out belle. we 0011, and L1 confidence recommend
ac Remedy
F `
Peeves tics—those Candy Cold Ohre
Tablets will safely and quickly cheek
all colds and 'the Grip. P011 theme
once and see, 48-25e. Mold' by all
greater than that oI' the tea0lier."
Jatnes Lecoll has just received the
sad intelligence that his brntber
Robert, who resides in Detroit, Biel).,
has been bereaved, his wife having
died there on F.ritlay, April Otto. Okl
residents of Gorrie will relnetnber Mr.
Leech gni le well, he at one time hat -
in he practised medicine re.
Sris NG Suow.—On Friday. lOth.
insta, the Tlowicic r\gricltltm'a1 S'c!aty
held their Annual Spring Ste, do 1 ;and
Horse Show in Gorrie... The weather
was very unfavorable in the forenoon,
there being a steady rainfall till noon,
which caused several who started
with their hooses to go hnme and stay
there, The afternoon was fine and a
large crowd of speotatnrs assembled
to see the show of ]1o1'ses "That were
disappointed as there 00(08 no competi-
tion except in two oe three classes,
hot the quality was good if -the num-
bers were few. The fofluwing is the
list of prize winners :—Impoi'tod
Clydesdale Stallion "The Rejtmler"
awned by. C. Bender, Govanstown ;
Ottnadiae draught, "Ben Ilur," own-
er. by Robt. Hamilton, \Vroxeteo'
Shire, "Storni 1(1115" owned by
Shultz oo. Mort, Clifford f Carriage
1(099, Yowl, Goransthw I 1 Roadster8taliions, "Malnbldno Tltol'n" owned
b r Jos, 13eswiOheriok, Fordwiel)
I" aolt 1)e 5
�owned by Claris,
54110lta ; "St, David" awned by Wm,
FJeot, . ,I3owick.: , 'J'horoughbrode,
Timelx'1'y- ldoi;1ttud'irP awned by Ab,
I'au111), Wroxeter 1 J)lpJo)lla 1901'
heavyclass, Chris, Bender' 1wa1 ,
townDiploma for light class tChris..
Belu11x, Clifford ; Agrlcaltnral team,
John l3.yndrne,n, Glovrie Light Colts,
1st, Milton 1lastf0, 2ncl, J. holland.
Judge, W. P. Kydd, Sluicoe,
Are YO
. A u a Dyspeptic 2
Nino people an) of ten suffer from
dyspepsia and don't know it. Half
the pale cheeks, pour appetite and
sleepless nights are the direet resultof
dyspepsia: The ramie lies in failure of.
the stomach and kidneys are clogged,'
and w3111)le to do there work, Noth-
ing puts vigor into those organs so
fast as Dl,.Hamilton's Pills. They
tone nn the • whole' digestive system,
regulate and strengthen the stomach,
absolutely cure dyspepsia, Simple Lo
take anti sure to chile,—better try Dr.
llan'lilton's fills:
G. MelSwen Masa number of teams
plowing the Shiliiegla00 feria near
OhiselhLast for flax.
Me. Jackson moved his household
effects ba Olandcboy last woek. He
has the section. foremanship there,
John Alaudsol, who 11508 1)een , out
West neat' Edmonton, ranching for
some tulle came home last week Ile
has prospered in that land of plenty,
and gives evideeliue that Western life
agrees with him. He intends to work
Ms farm near Obiselhurst this Sum-
On Sunday, April 18th, Mrs,-' Iiy.
Schaffer, wife of the proprietor of the
Kippen Hotel, passed (nary. Thede-
ceesed had been ailing fur years but
until a few clays before her death 110
serious symptoms were inll.nifesteti.
Previous to her marriage she lived
near Zurich..
What was the surprise oftwo o1 ole'
young 1111811when Dave Fortune liter-
ally excelled herself by presenting
eachtvith an .automobile of the 100(:1
model. Norman Gook received. a
Cadillac touring car, and A. Hemp-
hill a Rex runaboet. The boys are
entertaining their lady friends with-
out stint.
React the pain formula on the box of
Pin!: Pain Tablets. Then ask your
doctor if there is a better one. Pain
means congestion, blood pressure
somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets check head pains, womanly
pains, pain anywhere. Try one,
and see ! 20 for 25e. Sold by all deal-
The Cement whistle blew on Tues-
day of last week for the first time this
The football team has a first-class
manager this year aucl they oaght to
lattice goodunder his 'training,
Geo. Keith bias sold his 100 acre
farm in Elora to Eph. L. Gilmer, of
Berlin, for $7,000 His .sale Was on
Tuesday and largely attended. lira
Keith has purchased a house turf lot
in Listowel where ho intends to re-
Last week the following left for
different parts of the West :—Thomas
Jackson, 1Vi n. Gilchrist, Win. Powell,
Jas. and Mts. Struthers and Milton.
This is the second exodus to the West
iron. this neighborhood and we are
sorry to lose such; good citizens, but
webope that they all will meet with
good success in the Western country;
The annual meeting of the Atwood
Bowling club, 101050 held 011 Friday
evening in the Clerk's office. Quite a
number were presentancl a good meets
ing (vas held. The officers for the
coming year are :—Honorary -Presi-
dent, Rev. 3. 0. Reid ; Peesideut, S.
Watson ; Vice -Pres., . Pelton ; See.-
ee,.-Treas , W. Il. Brown ; Groan,. Com-
mittee, E. T1uck, E. Swing, T. Dick-
son, G. Da.nbrook ; Membership Com-
101051e, G. Lnohhead, W. 1L Brown, T.
G. Ratcliffe ;Skips, Merit's. L achheacl,
Huck and Brown.
Never Ory Quits
You may be weak, sleepless, ner-
vous,—digestion nifty be poor, but
don't despair. Never say die till yen
have used Pr1n o'rone, the most won-
derful body builder, the best nerve
and system tonic known. F0.rozoue
gives tone and Algol' to the whole
body ; it makes yon eat, consequent-
ly it provides increased nourishment.
Day by day you grow in strength—
weakness, loss of sleep, apprehension
all pass away. You get well, stay
well, loots well. Do try Ferrozone, ft's
511.01:0 benefit- All dealers in fie.
G. L. Lottlewell, who has been 011
the Bank or Cnnuueree staff for some
time, resigned his position and left
for Winnipeg on Tuesday of last
IHerbert Jphnston, son of Robert
Johnston, North Main street, under-
went an operation for the removal or
a decayed bone in the side of his
head lest week.
The Taylor -Anderson . Sotthgate
Clothing factory commenced ppma-
,tions on Monday of last week with a
goodly number of bawds and in a few
weeks will, no doubt, have on 0 full
W. Deveranx, while at the stock
yards of L. G. VanEgnlond, I gmond-
ville, wits attacked by a hull and on
doubt would have been 1:!11cd nnly foe
the 10551etance of some gentlemen
uetttby, that came to his rescue. As
(0 was he escaped with only a •few
i William Patterson has sold his cot-
tage on James street to Mrs. Mr'-
Gregof Thr p1 ice paid 00100 $3,100,
Mr, Patterson will move his family 1,
Southampton, where he has a (nsitim
in 0 fnrmitm'efaetory. lir; Gill, wit,
as been a resident of Seafarth, is ggti-
ng to Southampton to work in theauto factory,
George Sortie, one of the first
(tilers in hat is. note Reaforth, died
t his home in Tn)0nto on Friday
Yelling, MO inst., at the a.d\'n.neod
tg(• of SB years, The remains were
relight to Seaforth on Monday, and
ke.fnneral took place from the home
stallion, "Roy Wilkes" owned by l th
*ss.. .„..tco ....-o: ^ sl av a «At*t llt4 ;. n it
de Cold
One way is to pay no attention
to it; at least not until it de-
velops into pneumonia, or
bronchitis, or pleurisy, An-
l-other way is to ask your doe
for about Ayer's Cherry Pec -
torah If be says, " The best
thing for colds," then take it.
Do as he says, anyway.
Wo yu1)11oh our formula.
We.bnuloh alcohol
,y�.tpY front our medicine. t
eav '� we ur6c son Eo
k�d q� con armor
,xalzag�aw�1L,"sr�,�.rs•• e.,,.,., -m..,......,...--..43
When the bowels pro constipated, po"-
sotlous substances are absorbed into the
blood instead of being daily removed from
the body as nature intended. Knowing
this danger, doctors always inquire about
the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills.
.--Mede by the J. 0. Ayer 00., Lowell. Muer—,
Farmers and others desiring Tile for the
coming Season cab secure what they re-
quire at carload rates, at Brussels or
Ethel stations, if orders are sent in suf.
Relent time to arrange for quantity and
(11,00 2 delivery. I will notify the pur-
chase,t's of the arrival of the cats -and as-
sist in loaning (10111 car to wagons. Far-
ther particulars may be obtained by
seeing or U I !tine
W. E. Sanders
Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel
Order et once. All sizes from e1( to a8
inches may be obtainer.. 'rile from
8 inches up are 28 inches long.
Of his daughter, Airs, James Love,
High street, to the plaee Of interment
in the Maitanclbank cemetery..
Judge Holt has given his decision in
the 008e of James G. Martin against
the trustees of Hannah's school, in
7'uCkersr11it11. Mr. Martie was seeing
the trustees for the conveyance of his
chikl to Seaforth school, owing to the
ec1oo1 111 his section being closed.
Tho judge deckled against illi :Martin.
Mrs. James Smith and daughter, of
McKillop, while thriving on the North
Road, the other clay met a traction
engine opposite W. Turneys' place,
and the horse: became unmanageable,
the baggy was overturned and the
occupants thrown out with the result
that Mrs, Smith had a rib broken and
otherwise severely bruised, while the
daughter escaped uninjured,
Rheumatic poisons are quickly tinct
surely deiven out of the blood with
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic - Remedy--
liquid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's
booklet on Rheumatism plainly and
interestingly tells just how this is
done. Te11 some sufferer (31 this book,
or better still, write Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis., for the book and free
test samples. Send 00 money, Just
join with Dr. Shoop and grave. some
501711er a pleasant surprise.
Navigation at this port opened on
Saturday% April 17tH, when several of
the ,grain -bunts which wintered herr.
cleared for the init ilt1 trip or the stet-
D. A. AlHamm had the l outran to
.move the life boat house, the shift be-
ing made to allow lots of loom for
building freight sheds for the lake
The Oddfellows of Baron Lodge No.
02, I. 0. O Fs had an at• home at their
lodge on Wednesday evening of 'last
week. It 00500 largely attended and
the t• building
was nicely 'r
ail an'•ed foe
the function.
In the list of candidates who were
successful at the recent 'Normal School
examinations, Clspttblisllerl 1 tat. 101051:,
appeals the following names frnut
this section : Margaret. R. Kilpatrick,
Totem ls. Robertson Rnhy A. Robin.
son and Mabel. L. Tiehbotuses.
L. W. K. Williams, who for a year
or more has been teller in the hunk of
Montreal here, hats been promoted to
the Brantford office, and left this
week for the city. The Commoth e's
removal, though a step higher, 10 ('0-
510151041 by many friends, for he has
commended himself to all by his
eom'teous and gentlemanly business
manner and this per:amid qualities to
social circles.
■ BO Efirtc
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Spatial Tn)oaleave Toronto 2.00 p.m, 00
APRIL 8, 20 MAY 4, 18 JUNE 1,16, 28
JULY 19, 27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21
Second class rickets from Ontario stolons to prioc!pal
Northwest parol et
Vflinmpee and return $32,0051 Edmonton and we,
842.50 end to other pointe in proportion, Tieka
soon to return within 60 days from going data
Oft all enemies. Comfortable berth., fully equipped
with bedding, can be natured at moderato rata through
local agent.
Early application must be made
containing rate. sod fait ioformadon,
Applytebeareat GP;R, Agent or (oR. L. Therep.on,
Dht. Pass. Ant., Toronto.
Ata speolil )rleetitig 01 the 1101)001
73oa1'd!held 011 A10n01117 eYeuing of lust
Itt , '
1 nes cleaid0ci (n build rL acne
)ori salami in 13k, if n r'r
W ltd, 1
Tho annual meeting' of the Godot felt
73owlinlg 1(11T
Club Was held on ednos.
clay u1( gkit .o f last week in Secrete*,lane,s office, when the following of -
firers were elected for ante ensuing
veer Pres., T. McDermott'; Vice,.
Pres„ J, L. Killoran ; Treas., Joseph
Kidd Hee., Wlu. Lane ; executive
committee, n
t nIHLt
limiter, T
Rest L JGi
.1. Pul n
Auditor, 1 it A
0,'Garmlee The u '
11 ( estiou ofha holding.
alouaioent and other matters were
left in the bandit of the executive Dom
S. 11, tau l Mrs, Brill arrived home
Monday night after a two and a Data
11100liH' absence in the Olcl Cortula'y.
Brit!! look 118 though the ocean ail' 1011
agreed with thein and express tllelnl-
selves as highly delighted .with the
trip. They visited England, Scotland
alai Ireland and Made a 1,; •Iv' excur-
sion to Pe'1s, France.
lt. Mallough is having the 1' Jlelrean.
Blonk mit in 0110(310 for business, A
plateglass front is being put in and
the interior of the etnre 'le being
thoroughly overhauled and renovated,
'1'1ie froutpart will be used its (05r0cery
and c•onl'eet011e1'y store and a large
ronin 111 the rear is being nicely fitted
up for an arc cream parlor,
A short time ago lsaae Brown, of
.3lyt] visited
TtetiNl Iea with a view
to seellg i1' the C.oulleil was willing to
grant any favors to him should he
purchase the woollen 01111 building
with a view to using it for the purpose
of an apple evaporator. The Council
at a special meeting agreed to fix his
assessment on the propel ty for 0 term
o1' ten years at $860. This appears to
have been satisfactory to 11r, Brown
as he has since bought the property
from Mi'. Purvis,
Keep )t Clean And Free Prom Disease
By Using Parisian Sage
If you want your children to grow
rip with strong, sturdy and vigorous
flair, teach them to use Parisian Sage.
The world renowned Bair Tonic.
Pal tsiae Sage is guaranteed by Jas.
Fox to cure dandruff and stop falling
hair in two weeks. It grows 11010 hair
quickly -in cases where the hair is
"thiping out."
It is positively the most delightful
invigorating hair dressing 00 the mar-
ket. Itis not sticky or greasy and
will make the coarsest hair soft, lus-
trous and luxuriant, • Gena 50c bottle.
from Jas. Fox and watch hots rapid
itsaction (IictlnxMfg. Co., Makers,
Fort Ern, Ont.
1-1( is owe.
Miss Diadem Bell, from C1oisamba,
Nest Central Africa, gave au address
in the U. B. Congregational church 011
Sunday last, morning and evening.
J. H. Rolls and family left for the
Canadian Fest last week. 11r. Rolls
recently sold his farinto Thos. Gibson,
121 Britton, the pried paid being about
The young, men of Christ Church
purpose pt'esenting a very comical
d1000(10 entitled "The Bachelors' Club"
ill the parish room au Wednesday
evening May 5511o, which promises to
be a rare treat.
LAWN BowLloRo OROAsrzl:,—The
annual meeting of the Listowel Lawu
Bowling Assoeiati(m was held in the
Library building on Thursday, April
loth, 000th rice -President F. Ribler in
the chair. After the reading and ad-
option of the financial statement the
officers for the coaling season were
elected as follows '—President, F.
liiblc. , Vice -President, J. Gabel ;
Sims. President.,, Dr, Rankin, Al. P.;
J. Parr ince, M. P. P and F. W. Hay ;
See., R A. 1 1(10ie ' Ti'eas Cl. A. Lee ;
Committee—j. E. Boehmer, .1. Ainley,
A. 1;. Windsor, A. M. Smith, .1. 3M.
Schinbeio. Ground Committee --,lac.
Lee, Jun. Mowat and F. Kibler. The
proposal to hold a big lawn bowling.
tournament his Summer wits 5iseteet-
ed by the members present, and a com-
mittee was appniuted fo titke the
matter up and report. al a future meet-
A Frightful Death
1s one froth suffocation and some-
times follows a bad attack of Asthma.
The old fashioned remedies may re-
lieve, but never cure. Best results
conte from Cata1'rhozoue, which clues
Asthma after hope is abandoned.
It's because Cata';'(o cele kills 1110
Asthma germ that it cures. Choking
spells (15111 labored breathing are re-
lived, suffocating sensations and loss
of bread sec cured Igvely trace of
Asthma is driven from the system,
and even old ebromt'H experience im-
mediate relief anti lasting c11fe.
Equally 51115(1 i'or B1.0110111 tie, Throat
Tunble rtnd Catarrh. h. Snld by all deal-
ers in 270.. and 81.00 sizes. Get ('a-
farrhoz,lnr 10.11,11—it dnes.enl'u.
Ch;1s. Sw0,11501) bas di0p1101811 of his
tonsorial business to Joseph Mulch,
who has been his assistant for the
past three years, and is 0000' in 1100-
Barrister 1.
l I Holmes with Mrs.
'Jnhnes and Master 1'Ia1'nld Holmes
lave returned from their king trip
.111.0115h the Maritime Provinces and
\Ganda Coast.
The dad's fir \Vinghaun Fall Farr
'lave been changed to Sept ember 28th
old 211th, a flay or two earlier than
announced, to preventeon-
dietingwith the dates for 13rassels
The Lord Bishop of Huron, 'Bight
'ev. Daviel Williams, D. D., will visit
0t, Peel's church on Sunday evening,
stay 2nd, when the rite of Oonfirina-
g.on will be conferred upon a large
,rnlnh(:1' o1' candidates,
\ft's. Ma'ion illuudoch, relict of the
lane Alexander Murdoch, shed at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. M.
Robertson. 1n town, on Tuesday of
last llaa,k. .1Jrs..\lurdoeh had retteh-
ori the advances' age of 87 years, and
sari berm eolllnett to her heel for
abnnt three years;. She formerly re-
sided near Lmoknn\v, and the remains
were interred in I£lulass cemetery
on Thursday.
s for House Furnishings
Attractive new Patterns in all binds of Floor
Coverings that are worthy out' while to exam-
ine, and with every bit of extravagance taken
out of the prices, We are devoting particular
attention this season to
gs and Art S it'ttLI4 ves
\1'e are doing everything we can to desero'e
your confidence, buying only such Carpets vs
we can thoroughly recommend.
English, Brussels,
Velvets, Tapestry
and Ingrains.
Art Squares
Something Special in Medal-
lion Patterns, also Velvets,
Brussels and Ingrains. .
Urto elms
We emphasize this line of Floor Coverings in a. yard
widths. \Ve have a great variety of patterns and qual-
ities ranging from 4oc per square yard upwards, also a
few good ends that are bargains in 4 yard Widths,
The Largest and Rest Assortment or
furniture in the County
Upholstering done on short notice sad idottrasses re -fined
Variety 'the spice of life. You get at at
Le therda e & Son's
Liberal 0100000100 for cash.
One day recently, \Vin. .Mathewson
was up before Police Magistrate Mor-
ton, on a charge preferred by Chief
Allen. cif having filed off a revolver
three times on the street,. constituting
a breach of a By-law of the Town.
The magistrate invited haul to con-
trihtite 810 and costs of $1:,70 to the
Town treasury.
A new elevator company is planning
to build one !hundred elevators in the
• West at once.
i Montreal was without time
R ea: For '
1 'Thursday of last week "wing to the
breaking of a main.
\Lre. Mary Montgomery, who made a
fortnne in real estate speculation, died
I at Prince Albert, Sask:
Fullness and Bloating After Eating.
Cure or your money back.
At all Druggists or direct from
A Live Darty Paper Will Put
Money in Your Pocket.
With The Toronto Daily
Star's .accurate daily market
reports you could sell your
grain and live stock n t top-
notch prices. Half anent extra
on just 800 bu,'hels of wast or
oats would pay a year's subscrip-
tion. 25c. a hundred weight on a
dozen hogs would cover three: years'
Don' you, depending; on weekly reports,.
c. .Liily reports that are old when you
get thein—miss top prices by at least
that much several tithes -a year?
iiy !(Ac K
PI1 Iiislacs lra>i'ket Reports 12 to 18
!ours Eariier Than the Manning Papers
I;ver'y afternoon's issue of The Star contains that very
day's quotations on the grain and live stock markets of
Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other img'ortant
cities. These are the same quotations that the next
Morning's dailies publish -12 to 18 flours later,
$1.50 A YEAR
bM F'E Za
This Paper and The Toronto Daily star
together for One Year, 82.20. Ower-
a ,e'n r. in P .a giver for 600,
r. a a.r , 410(04/00 ,rheas.