HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-29, Page 4f e Art; et host
Tlf1JRSl]Aif, APRIL zq, 1909
Dealt 1' MIT..tt,-•'1 kindle ask space to
your paper
for them) few lines telling
about our trip to Edmonton We lett
Brussels March acrd on the brand
Trunk to Toronto where we stayed sae•
eral hones, tied the privilege of see•
ing around et Paimeratoo and Guelph
' whare we saw some nice eights. Left
Torun to Tuesday evening about, to:15
On the C. P. It. to Winnipeg where we
arrived 'nburadav evening about 8:45,
staying nota the following evening,
During the night there fell about t6
inches of snow whichmade things veru
clisagresabie and made he streets vet)
slushy It'was very cold While eulug
through the rooks we failed to see the
florae Shoe Curve owing to our reach
ing the rocks Wednesday evening and
when day dawne•i we were at the out-
altirts of them. Early Thursday mons
ing we went througb a tunnel about 80
Leet long, whiih darkeued the coach
and made things appear as though 'night_
.:was upon us again. Owing to it being
my third trip over the road there did
not seen to be much excitement. We
got away from Winnipeg Friday even-
ing about 6 on the C. N, R. to Fielding,
where we arrived Saturday night stay-
ing there until the following day.
Fielding is a. small town with tour
stores, a hotel, blacksmith shop and 2
elevators, Left Sunday evening at 5:15
reaching our destination Monday morn-
ing about 6 o'clock where we saw lots of
snow. The farmers around Edmonton
have not much notion of starting seed
ing vet owing to the hard frosts and
snow storms at night but during the day
it dries up the land nicely. It won't be
ready to till for some time Edmonton
is a fine city with about 30.000 of a pup•
uiation. Has street cars running in full
swleg for the last two years. There is
still a great rush of people corning to
the city from all parts of the world
Tbanking you for the space in your
paper. I remain, ROBERT CARR, jr.,
formerly of Grey township.
The Spring rush of immigrants and
tbe high price of wheat hold the fore-
ground as topic of chief interest. To
accommodate the army of immigrants
who are coming into Western Canada
new buildings have been erected by the
immigration authorities at Edmonton,
Regina. Lethbridge, Calgary, Moose
Jaw and many other places selected by
the new -comers as objective points
The hulk of the immigration is from
the United States, more than 25o persons
entering Western Canada from the
South each day throughout April, thus
far. During March the total number of
immigrants from the United States was
6,855 and the April number, thus far
shows even more than that of March,
provided the rush holds out as begun.
It is estimated that no Less than 75.000
will enter Western Canada front the
South this year, and :het they will bring
with them no less than SSr,ono each or a
total of 575,00ti as an addition to Cana-
da's wealth.
Influence of the Patent cornet in
wheat has had its ,freer on the Winnipeg
market. It is reported that men high
in official position have profited beavilt
by the wheat deal Ti
top r'ce of bread
a n ten' a l.,5) on the
ordinary five cent loaf 'Phe fi ,ur melt
men are (pored 58 514611g that the price
has advanced to star there, since the
wheat crop of last rear is p'actie,tly
sold out and there ie no hope that ft"u'
Hill ever revert to its old prise again
Doubtless a good crop of wheat this Year
Will change the present condition. N,.t
only speculators have made money, but
farmers who had stocks of wheat on
hand have else geld nut t0 great adyant
age. 1-1 F. Caldwell, of Dannhtn,
Manitoba, sold 15,500-hosh.ls of No 2
Northern wheat at $1 s"4 receiving
$28,652 50.
The local execu ave committee in
charge of arrangements for the meeting
of the British Association of Scientists
to be held in Winnipeg next August,
have issue 1 a circular letter calling upon
citizeus to extend the hospitality of their
homes to the visitors. The gathering
of scientific men from Europe and North
America is expected to be very large
and the Winnipeg committee is prepay
ing a splendid reception and a complete
programme for the guests.
Ice in the Red and Assiniboine rivers
went out this week at a date later than
usual. Records covering twenty years
show that the river ice has not been go
reluctant to leave more than four times
since 1886. In 1888 the rivers were
cleared on the tgtb of April ; in rage on
the 26th and in Igoe on the z3rd.
Reports from the coast tell of higher
]umber. t
Lumbermen h
m oree report-
ed as saying that it would take the dif
ference between i8ro a thousand -the
railing price for rough stock -and $17
a thousand, to cover the losses incurred
last year. There is a sharp demand for
lumber throughout the Northwest and a
general disposition to advance prices.
So far there has been no advance in
Winnipeg, in spite of great activity in
building operations. President Sprague
of the Sprague Lumber Company, is
quoted as saying that the rumored ad-
vance is without foundation in fact.
thus fat, On the contrary, Mr, Sprague,
pointed out that there bas been a reduc
lion Of $2 on timber and distension, a
reduction of $a on the sh,plap most
used ; laths are $t less than in tea and
shingles are 25 cents less than last year.
The reductions apply to say go per cent
Of the material required in a building.
The contract for the substructure for
the National Transcontinental Railway
bridge over the, Red River at Winnipeg
will probable he awarded to Haney,
Quinlan & Robertson, Of 'Toronto, who
are the contractors for the terminal
sleeps at St, Boniface. The cone net for
the superstructure will go t0 the Do -
million Bridge Company,
The contracts heve not vet leen award.
ed by the. Government, I>tit it le corm
scientifically Tre$0001
Thal best authorities agree that
Arlan -Wittig Is troatod meet ecyon-
tt1icalty byr Oatarrhozone, Which
Wawa right to the root ofthc trouble,
Bronchitis can be treated success-
fully only by tt remedy carried direct
to the affected parts along with the
air breathed,
Cation hozone is a vegetable antisep-
tic and is inhaled at the mouth, and
after passing through . all the air pas,
sages of the throat, bronchial tubes
and lungs, ie exhaled through the
The healing vapor of Clt,tarrhozone
goes wherever the air you breathe
goea, and reaches every part thet is
effected. No matter how dot p-
the brouchiat irritation may be,
Catarrhozone le sure to reach it.
Oatarrhozone ptoteots and heals
the Inncoos membrane, stops the
cough, heals, up the sores, and is ggnat,.
anteed to bring speedy relief and sure
By means of the inhaler Catarrh -
08011E treats- the local symptoms of
bronchial trouble very effectually.
The poisons and impurttiea in the
blood are driven oft by Fei'rozoue,
which is a wonderful tonic and
stimulant for the entire systetn.
Ferrozone is a muscle and tissue
builder, increases the appetite, aids
digestion and makes the body so
healthy and strong that bronchitis
goes away for good.
A prominent steamboat owner, well
known throughout Eastern Ontario,
Captain Dunlop, of Kingston, was
perfectly cured of Bronchitis by
Oatarrhozone. The Captain had suf-
fered for more than 20 years, and says
that Oatarrhozone is the best cure for
Bronchitis on the face of the globe.
A. J. Calhoun, a prominent. citizen
of Neepawa, Manitoba, speaks very
appreciatively of Oatarrhozone as a
specific for Bronchitis, and states that
his wife could not get along without
Everyone that has used Catarrh -
ozone is satisfied that It is superior to
all other remedies. It is delightful to
inhale, simple and convenient to use,
and relieves from the first breath tak-
en through the inhaler.
Better try Oatarrhozone. All drug-
gists sell and recommend it. Com-
plete outfit, price $1.00 ; trial size,
50c. By mail from N. O. Polson &
Co., Kingston, Ont.
mended for acceptance by the National
Transcontinental commission. Th•'
sub -structure will cost about 5245.000
and the superstructure about $24o,000
'1'he punt of the Manitoba Rolling
Mills Company at Winnipeg will be in-
creased to four times its present size and
capacity at a cost of $20o,000.
Phe draft plans so far prepared call
fora mills with four furnaces, and sep
arare equipment for the trains of t6 and
g inch rolls, which will he. installed. To
accommodate the whole plant, tit (east
ten acres of ground will be needed over
half of which will be occupied by the
main building
One hundred men have begun work
vett steam shovels end other machinery
in the Calgary -Lethbridge Railway.
[`he completion of this road vtd depend
noon the time that the big Leithbridge
Midge a ) w.1 on h d t. fiat bed hat u k) the grad
ing and track laying as well as that
the bridge, will be pushea alta all pos-
sible speed.
Are Your Joints Lame?
Haven't you a weak spot, a place
where cold and inflammation always
settles? Whether it is in the neck,
side, joints or litnba-the cure is
simple -a good rub with Nerviline
and then apply Nerviline Porous
Plaster'. These great rubefacients in-
variably cure strain, swelling, weak
uess and muscular pain. There is 00
unystery about tbie. Nerviliue is the
most penetrating liniment known-
cousequeutly it gets where the trouble
really is. Nerviline Porous Plasters
are'great healers and draw out con-
gestion. Be sure you get tbe gen.
uine, substitutes can't do the work.
Why The Boys Leave The Farm.
"The Farmer's Advocate" has for
years been working to convince the
farmers of Canada that farming is the
most independent, os the healthiest,the
happiest, pthe most profitable anin
short, the most desirable occupation to
be found. And yet while this is a prow
en fact, itis well known that the buys
by hundreds leave their country homes.
The farm needs the boys and the boys
need the farm. No one is so suited for
farm work as the farmer's sou and the
best place for most boys is on the farm
If the boy leaves the farm and becomes
a nukes'
tailor, soldier or sailor who
will ll
work the farm?Will tinkers, tailors,
soldiers and Wien; umptheir„ s and
begin farming? It jump
lbe a poor
look for the farm it we have .ply these
o depend on to work the land
It has been stated that boys are getting
educated for anything but farming It
's also true that our Canadian railways
and industries are heavily honused and
get exemption front taxation, &u , so
that They are able to offer higher wages
than the farmer can afford to pay and
thus the boys are taken from the farm
and the farmer has to hire the cull work-
men which the manufacturer will not
have. No one pays farmers a bonus,
but the farmers have to pay the bulls of
these bonuses.
I left the farm myself and eo did many
of my schoolmates and friends and I mei
many more farmers' sons in our indus-
trial establishments and I can truthfully
say that they were almost without excep-
tion the pick of the men and the main
dependence of the foremen. The
manufacturer well knows that a farmer`s
son 15 not afraid of work but is well used
to it. He is also brought up in pure air
on good, plain, ordinary food and usual-
ly is kept away from the vices of city life.
Consequently the farmer boy ties a
clear brain, powerful muscles and usual•
ly en honest clean diameter, The city
boy gelrinm worked before, [le has en
appetite for little else than lemon pie and
Any time—
Anywhere—An bod --
Mooney's Biscuits are always
welcome-- for all occasions—and
delight ht Y oung and old alike with
appetizing crispness their aPP � and _
dainty deliciousness.
jelly cake and has spent his boyhoo
days looking about, smoking cigarette
and learning all manner of evil. Henc
he Iles not the brain and muscle posses
ed by the farmer brie and often . is idl
and impudent. Need I .expleiu why
fei rner buys are preferred ?
I ata sure many' nota would not .have
eft the Intro If the father had tiler) the
Ight way to keep them home. I ase
oe t't why they quo farming tied mast of
vent tell ,tie they like it first-rate and
feu' have a taste or gift for mechanics or
some other trade
Others sat that fat.,er wanted them 10
work for.nothing and that they were
willing to work lur less wages fur their
fathers than for anyone else but when
incl asked for a small wage they were
answered thus. "My lather never paid
Inc anything and 5 will not pav von ”
Liter say' to me, boys come hack from
t on a visit all dressed up fins and
we feel small. 1 knew it I had even it
small wage I could chess like that too
and hank money' as well. 1 asked for a
share in something but "Nu l" ,vas the
answer, work for nothing or get out
Father said farming does nor pay and
there is nettling tor you. Well, said I.
ibis is a poor business and I will seek
employment that does pay.
Others said that there was so much
choring night and morning that they
never could get away. They wanted to
have at least regular evenings off and
have a holiday occasionally.
They objected to a life consisting of
nothing but work, eat and sleep. 'Phe,
waned like an hour or so before bedtime
to read or play games. Again others
u'n plained that when at work the farm
er plows wit II the goad team end works
with go"d tools u•11i1e hetboy has to
drive the baulky team and use the plow
with a cracked handle b broken ,'
and ken p, tut
Coop tvitit the shill axe, saw with the
I saw. u ,
se the 'fork with the bent
on and prong a , l mrk me cow that kicks or is
d -,retards tough to milk. It the bus
,•ampLnued he was told that "the p. or
w•"ltman elwata quarreled with his
o d. 2,,n wnuid d , n"thine•=..I:'ywat ;
If -•n .ret ant e o' i w"ulrl gel t„a
-••111rt • U, r �e •'n' is n;n. co, 1 ,
,v -:tie " F n.d t :.. i,,, gree sick of „
and halite- and hell the old broken
loos .101
l ti easet.l
a and a IUn Il
n I tv , d -- caulk tram are
• ," ' r, 1'1 h red ohm uses new
loot-. �.t i a'-, - Nt. wages which anted
It v- ;: n'.ar,• 'hen I-uf8, tent to keep
tin 1,,. • a' {•< m ,
fliers ate 5evetal reasons why bolts go
but this is enough S0' now. In cou-
elusion let me say that we buts know
many tarmers who treat their hors right
and we greatly admire such a man and
envy his lucky boy Although het
other kind does not understand boys as
he might he is usually a fine fellow
Every bov spoke highly of his either
Around too many farms there are some
leave the farm and get rich story books
but I advise farmers to light the fire
wan such trash end get the boy x,me-
thing to read that is .sensible, like "The
Farmers Advocate for 1na'ascet some•
thing to trach him the dignity of farm
(ng and how t0 make it pay
anti While ie
Good Laying Strains
51.00 for 13 eggs. Three c e settings or
Ineabatos' lots at special rat \Yya.n-
done pen headed by bird bred by Ilr.
Hawkins, of Massachusetts. Leghorn
pen headed by a Ferguson bird Eith-
er -pen needs no nom 1110111188 tti quality.
Have also a fine pen of Pyle Game.
OoinmuYY�nicati ons ens/weereedpronss pblly..
end a$atelning e reptete between the
hrnin and the skull,
.'Morris Quert1utn, tt Windsor boy,
died of lockjaw, caused be a out wrist,
whielt he sustained ill a fall from his
W. 5, Stt'atbatt has tills week In.
stalled a new dough mixer, wbiull will
be operated by his gasoline engine.
The near machine will be a great labor
Mae Margaret Brown, of Exeter,
• who has been taking a 9010se of train-
ing for !tree in Harper's hospital,
Detroit, last week passed 11or final ex-
Miss Stella Gregory has asked for it
leave'of absence till after the ntidsulti-
Met' holidays Her request has been
granted and A. H. Musgrove, 11. P.
P., of Wingbam, has been engaged Le
1111 the vacancy,
Mr. Merchant, who was recently ap-
pointed organist at theTt'ivitt llletuor-
ial church -has commenced his duties
and moved with his family front Hen -
sell into the tenement house uwued
by James Walters on Albert street.
The Ladies' Aid of the Main Street
Methodist church gave a very dainty
and unique social Friday evening
The menu consisted of maple Syrup
biscuits, gems, etc., after which an
interestingand selected-pt:'ogtttui was
given by the ladies of the aid.
There will be no shop liquor license
in Exeter after' the first of May. F.
J. Knight, who has had a shop license 1
for' a iurnber of years, owing to ill
health has withdrawn his application
and intends disposing of his stuck
prior to retiring from business.
The old fashioned way of dosing a
weak stomach, or stinittlatiug the
Heart of Kidneys is all wrong. Dr.
Shoop first pointed out this error.
This is why his prescription -Dr,
Shoop's Restorative -is directed en-
tirely to rho cause of all. It isn't so
difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strenggth
en a weak Stomach, Marie. or Kid-
neys, if one goes ti,t it correctly, 7.i eh
inside organ has its controlling or in-
side nerve. 'When these nerves fail
then those organs must surely falter.
These vital truths are leading drug-
gists everywhere to dispense and re-
commend Dr. Shoop's Restorative.
Test it afew days and see. Improve-
ment will protnptly and surely follow.
Sold by all dealers.
The People's Column
1Ang.-Gaud steles 405280 told fruit trees.
Eggs f o liRtcrii Ritmo,
ra els ul It 1. H1NG:i rex. or O. box SUU,
�g 666!!! 5 sa 6, 62.18
White Wyandottes
White Leghorns
White Wyandotte pen is headed by a
bird bred by 11. W. Vout, Brockville ;
and the White Leghorns are headed
by a cook bred by Wm. Ferguson, of
1AIk DREaS1NG,-Swltehee, braids and
,iuBs Matta from aombinge amt cut hair.
Order's from a distance prom try attended to.
10188, 1t. T. EMUS] ON, 8111151„ Bruesela.
ouD farm tor sale being Lot 24, Uon• 8,
Morris,also 2 Hooses in Brussels. Fur
rooster particulars apply to. Mrs. Win, Belly, se FOR SERVIOR, -.The undersigned
oil the term, or Walton, P. 0. or F. 8. Scott, will keep for service at Lot 110. Con 0,
181 tittle's, tf Morrill the thot'o'-bred Scotch Short Horn
Bull, 'Bold Boy," bred by Harry Smith, of
12ULLSF0SALE.-'i'woyoung Sheet Horn Exeter, and sired by Gold Drop, nwell known
Bulls, both fir for service, for sale, Good
r ''Enter
a Vt,a tl .�r �r�yew
ryy'Pk1i'rY,,'t'ty 1F'
has been tested 1n the ptttoiblo of ox -
penance, with Meltzer of public opinion, -�
and has not Moen fount wanting. The
sweeter ou •graduates bas t
ex o ae . 1not be
f au
d of 1 u. asG U 1
collo c[ e r t t th
oat N 1 e
hi •
g h
sat gitnda modern Baldness School to
e rent 1 •ori .
Taking Lydia 1. Pial3;iiam's
Vegetable Compound lumbus Oleo. I have taken
Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com.
pound during
change of .life. MY
doctor told me 16
was good, and since
taking it I feel so
much better that 1
can do all my work
again. I think
Lydia E. Plnkhaln's
Vegetable Com-
pound a line remedy
for all woman's
troubles, and I
never forget, to tell
limy friends what it has done for lee."
-Mrs. E. ILtrso1, 304EastLong St.,
Columbus, Ohio.
Another Woinat Helped,
Graniteville, Vt. -"I was passing
through. the Changed Life and suffered
from, nervousness and other annoying
symptoms. Lydia E. 1 inkham's Vege-
table Campo nncl restored myhealth and
strength, and proved worth mountains
of gold to me. For the sake of other
suffering women I ata willing you
should publish my letter." --Dins.
vilie, Vt. ,
Womonwho are passing through this
critical period. Or who are suffering
from any of those distressing ills pe-
culiar to their sex shonldnotlose sight
of the fact that for thirty years Lydia
E. Pinkham,s Vegetable Compound,
winch is made from roots and herbs,
has been the standard remedy for
female ills. In almost everyeomnyu-
nity you will find women who have
been restored to health by Lydia E.
Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound.
Stock for Service
mmdersigned will keep for service on Lot
14, Oon, 4, Morris, the thorn bred Durham bull
Tack Favorite" (741021 bred by Alex Gard-
itier.Lendbur. which is well bred tracing hack
to the best families. ALLAN Fair-
view - tf. ,
F0R SERVIOE. A Thoro'-bred Short Horn
Bull (Captain Brontlboolrei No. 640741 Lot
211, Con. 10, Grey. Terms -$1,00, payable Jan.
1st,1010. Further terms limy be seen at the
premises. D. E. SANDERS, Proprietor.
$1.00 per setting pedigrees and ad right in every wnY. For fur-
ther particulars apply to JAS, ttPEIR, Lot 1111,
Oon. U, Morris, or Brussels P.O. 41stf
John 1eYead®ws, ,,PPeet)611fOltl'ABt,18 residence and 1 acre of
41-tf Brussels P. 0. V land, being Lot 212 Albert street, Brua-
eels for sale. house is well built, with an con-
senlences and possession could be given at
once. For further particulars apply on the)
ONE BAD MISTAKE prentisee to Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, or D. For-
__ guson, Teeewater. tf.
1s Frequently Made by the Wisest of
Brussels People
It's a serious mistake to neglect
backatdie. Backache is the liratsymp-
ton of kidney ills. Fatal complica-
tions may follow. Booth's Kidney
Pills act quickly to overcome kidney*
ills. Do not delay until too late, it
may mean Diabetes, Bright's Disease.
Read what a Brussels resident says.
Wm. Lake, of the Queen's hotel,
BrusselsOnt sa
„AL the Drug Store
of James Fox, I
procured a treatment of Booth's Kid-
ney Pills and used for a weak, lame
back and an irregular action of the
kidneys. This remedy worked as it
should, relieving nay trouble and
giving the whole system new strength
and vigor. It is with pleasure -that I
iveBo Booth's Pills myendors
Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents.
The R. T. Booth Ou. Ltd., Fort Erie,
Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
Johnson Patris,n "f St Catharines,
was holding ti "building bee" and a
number of neighbors were assisifnE him
le rebuilding 14 barn • ed•esdnv of
las week He was standing on a Nyaf•-
f ' dint; when a cow happeut.d to run
'against it, with the result then the frame
wilt collapsed and M' Pa'tisnn fall,
striking his heed against the srnffol Ilug
... v
is now in stock the Best of this Season's Productions
We have made a special effort to secure designs and colorings of
artistic merit not only in high grades but in those as low as 5c. per roll.
Papers originally laic.' now selling at 8c
Papers originally 8c and ioc, now selling at 5c.
BED ROOMS -We have dainty Plurals, producing charming offer Ls,
at low cost.
PARLORS -Beautiful designs in gilt and creamy tunes, blues, greens,
&c„ in delicate shades.
BALLS, DINING -ROOMS,• &o. -Fina effective designs, in'nitwit Heim t
colors, giving warmth, rich nese and beauty to all apart meet.
DON'T WAIT till our stock is broken -make your selection NOW.
If you have any rooms not recently papered, just call and let ns
tell yon how little 1t costs to make home bright, attractive and
Paper Hanging and Decorating a Specialty.
Painting ATTENDED to in all its branches and satisfaction
Fred. McCracken,.
Smalls Block
C051N0RTABLE COTTAGE, stable and 35
acre of land for sale, Turuberry 'street,
North,Brussels. Good well, 1 once.
w uittrees &c.
Possession scold be given r
e at once, I m
premises. s a t to prise, terms, &o„ apply on the
premises. ALEX. Moi.AUGHLIN. 7-11
OOMFORTABLE new brick residence for
sale on Turuberry street, Brue,ets, tvfth
One sore of land, eligibly situated. Good
etable, well, cistern, fruit trees bushes, .80.
Also 50 acres of land. pert of lot I, 0011, 12,
Grey. Possession could be given at once. For
further particulars. a5 to price, terms, &et tips
ply on the premises or. write Eruseels P. O.
Taos, Ntonoan,e. 40-tf.
=0R SALE OR TO RENT. -The undersigned
offers his well located property in Brussels
for sale or 10 1-ent. Thera are 53� nares of innd
with eomfortatale house, with cellar, stable,
orchard, well, &c. Possession on Aug. 15th. !
For price terms, and other information apply
1TAS.J. btJNFODUNCFlmon, Loarn'1d'1808 NOTt
SrOUB FOR SALE, -The andel signed hes
for sate tit Lot 21, Lion. 12, Grey :-I int -
p owed Berkshire bog, "Shandy Nuo11 Kwell,"
winner of first prize to severe( of We local
Gtdra 1 1 Bu It-hira Now due to fart ow 111 ,env,
And bred to Y. rk,hu•r-hog : 7lit t le pigs. Tot 11.
shire and Seth, hit a 000-0, wilt he reedy to
wean about May 0t11 A few rhulee young
sows tieing bred which witl hu fm sale later on.
Oise two or Nu ee good 121111 mows ,tit• to calve
a boot the Inst of April. .1. P. 5101N'108H,
41-tf Urn ao,ok 1' 0.
P 1800 18 14 11 FOR SALE 1noe,
order to 010+
the estate of the late Thus. Al'Luuchlin
the ICxeontors offer for tante the .real estate
consisting Oa roomed housein gout) repair.
3 t are of land together with 6 act. of Ilrsb
MANS la,d and large commodious sial In 11mit
convenient to house. For fall description Hud
location of property apply to P. SCOTT, or
A SSTEWAttl, Queen St., West, Brussels,
County of Enron. 1P,
to promote a company in Canada to boli-
u&a,ctat•e a large numbest' of new 01101rspat-
t d s d
t mdenn tested. 'am t
sante , l anll at first
eight all I1 roy,a 19 11' outfits. Can be salt
&adored on i f desired ed
or will N 11
outright ifpreferred
pe n tt
r' '
I. reply unless
yon arcr elinUk and in position thandl t
good deal Refs,, einem exchanged. Truly
1ROIS-,Iooels n,R inventorand int
Mill and Menu St., Brussels, Oa ario. earner
Notice to Creditors
I.11he matter of theOsl4lenf 11agh Ileu-
ry :,Tight, late ul Ole Powuship of
Grey, in the County of Huron,
int rile., dl ce.lserl
None„ is hereby given pursuenl to 'The
li ft n Shout. u. Onoau1,' 151.7, retina 151P.
chaotic tat iltnt.trt eremlar. unci "Oleo, hat.
lug Maims 11(raill14 Ilo'e.lah til the mud Hugh
Henry Wright,who Mill on or clout the 201 It
day of Apt 11 .A D. MUD. are required int or LP•
1.018 rh, soli def if Abell AD Inch,'e tl .'c
peat 8088501 n0,1251080 r le yl. . v nr
1118 '7i ilnue of Brussels. In the (•cosh .1 H•.,-
on,sohmtor for Samuel .l Wright andion,•
than Wright. the Executors at the Inst will%old
' testament of the doaeased, their Christ Inn and
1 eitrmones, addresses lttld descriptions, the frill
pa' limiters of their olahnn. a 0111201111+11t rir th,h'
ncrnants, duly certified, and the natio'° or the
5w rir irhen if esti hale) by 111,',,,
And ful•ther talc,• rioter° trot lifter 511011 1,102
rot ntlon rte elate the said Executors will pro•
oPI rl fo di5t1•ibnfr File 140Nete of the deceased
emang.'t the parties entitled thereto, haying
regard only to the deltas of which they shall
then have notice and that the mild Executors
will not be liable foe the said nasete, or ally
part tht'rcnf, m any pmwot.orpersons of whose
elahn lienee 8111,111171* 11500 been received by
them at 1110 H,no of such distribution.
Dated this lath clay of A ,rll, A D., lima
41.8 Solicit/A. fo the IDxeot torn
p' ize winner. His dem is out of a cote of the
ynolty, strain, imported. Bold Boy" is -n full ;
brother to the brat prize winnerat the Ind rot- Wel Fair, Toronto, last Fall Terms, 82.110 for
grade cows. Will also keep n pedigreed bull at f
$1.00 for service, JAS. SPER, f
41.4 Proprietor.
ex -
wa oft o 24
tnatruetion, No vncatlon,.
Nall coul'eea. Hiller any day.
r`� w 11 fo • rti rile 'a
0;: OEC, SPOTTON, Principal b
4':itX1.. J yby,
�, . 4 D QvY✓4 vv�
4,. 4
AllanITLYTI Lane
t1 John and Halifax to Liverpool
From St, John Halifax
' 'Gramp Inn ,.
Virghtian sails .,t ., Apt•. tb AAp)rr. 1177
Tunisian ands ......:...........:Apr: 24 1
Victorian- sails APs, 00 MRS 1
+This steamer sane to Glasgow,
Rates of Passage.
First Glass -507.00, $70 tied 880, according to
si entree•,
Senolid class -640, 5.17.50 and 550.
.Third Ulnas -5:7.6(1, 500 itnd 5111,25eatt,
1ror Ynll pni•tioulaw 0f Suluntet' bhgS trout
Dfonti'eal and i'ntes apply to
A/841t Allan Line; 13ruesels.
With twenty-two years' experieneeto i"
its credit this Oollege is recognized as ;n
thee,teatestplaotieeltrainhlgRehoalin c3,
1'. Western Ontario- Three departments: J„ I t cuts: ii
I. Commercial, Shorthand, y't
Telegraphy r,(
nGlu classes are the largest. our courses "1
i4 mostpractical and our instructors ex. 4,1
)rerlenced, Our graduates tire assisted Pl.
to positions and succeed
ri110115 02
110 1'5,. y
j Enter
CIrCtaft:-:3R-- G err. 2.:l f.e- t7...-2. i6
June, julr and August leads into
our Fall 'I'erm without any break.
Enter any time, New Catalogue
tree. Write for it to -day.
The Largof iestia k, ost Reliable
W. 13. SHAW Principal
Yonge & Gerrard rite., Toronto
1 . s VaccuCarpet
a A
The Very This
L i People e.ilL'e
This easily handled but perfect working machine
is guaranteed to do first•class work and can be handled
by an} body. It cleans Wool, Tapestry or l3russels
Carpets without lifting them from the floors or remov-
ing the furniture. LT RAISES NO DTJSP.
We have installed one of these modern machines
and have it for renting at a very moderate figure. Call
at the store and see it and get ittatrnc'tions its to the
si upliclti' of i18 01 'ki11f;. If you once use it Son will
b: eb:n•ince.1 of its value and will never beat a carpet
R. Leatherdake 4 Mr ti l
Furniture Dealers
sYT'vria?"`"1""TQC"'V'VV4T'P`tg-3""aV%"P07" v-4o'ri'''v
r y
Bread Flours
Graham' FIOL55Fs
Whole Wheat Flours
Feed Flours
1 r aF'w
; 1 I
Corneola . Breakfast Food)
Roiled Wheat
Cracked Wheat
Flaked Oats for horses
and all kinds of feed.