HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-29, Page 1VOL. 37 NO. 43
NOW Advertioemen
Loote-e.". emeteeitor.
Pinno tuning -Mid, Shirty.
• Pam foe maieeeles, Byron,
Gamitiet Melee -Tee Pon.
Poultry Mr stile -W, p. Duman
Bienetee nn4 witeore-eieven
tso•eloilatue SIM h.
Jeep for. betektng-eolin leendowe,
reed). neat deilvere-etteeer emit.
Well brea etallions-eetatee Warwiele
Mistrirt ItCalS
The annual meeting of the Lead-
' bury 'Union Sabbath School was held
• in the school hoose on Friday even-
ing lase. • The same Superintendent
end officers were re-elected. Some
changes 'were made in the teaching
etaff, also more assistant teachers
were added to the list. Tee school
commences work on Sunday, May Oth,
at the useal bour 10 a. ni, All will be
Femora are busy on the lend in
this vicinity.
There are a great many people Uhl
rtg with la grippe at peesent in this
Ata ineeteng in Monerieff church
on the evening of the 24t1i inst., dele-
gates' were appointed to attend the
Presbytery meeting in Brussels this
month for the puepose of trying to
have preaching n the daytime every
Sabbath. ,
M. Y. MoLeeeet, M. P., ON TDB BUD -
DET, -Mr. McLean (South Huron) in
resuming the debate on the budget,
eidionled the idea that protection was
in the interests of the farmers, d
daring that they would reeeive great-
er benefit from Cm perfecting
of cold storage, the improvement
of transportation facilities, 00d.
more attention to the eradication of
noxions weeds, He eebnked Glen
Campbell for the speech he made ou
Friday night of last week. Such
utterances did mit add dignity- to the
proceedings of Parliament. Ile was
not personally acqualitted with
PremiemScott, of Saskatchewan,. but
in view of the fact that the latter had
been returued to the Dominion Parlia-
ment in peeference to one ef the ablest
men of Oanada, and that the Sas-
katchewan people had twice conferred
upon him the highest honor at, their
command, he did not think it was be-
coming on the part of Mr. Campbell
to make such charges. After effect-
ively criticizing some of the points
raised by the Opposition, Mr, McLean
referred to the existence of combines
In Canada, and urged upon the Gov-
ernment the necessity of taking
stronger measures to suppress them.
As a step in that direction he suggest-
ed the appointment of officers to ferret
out combines and to prosecute them
Reeve Reis was in Wingham on
James Gibb had a large delivery of
fruit trees last week.
,e,,,teleseBontherene of Hansa, is visit -
"leg her daughter. Mrs. 0. D. Simp-
John Brawn, of Toronto, 'visited his
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Brawn, last
Win. Marshall, of Tuenberry, has
movedt to rooms in the. Hemphill
John Dickson has gone to Wieg-
luun, where he will attend High
S. 0=001 and family have 'Moved
to Obas. Eaket's residence on Sander-
son street.
14fes. J. J. Harris and little daughter
arrived from Bowomeville last Sat-
urday and are guests of Mrs. Geo.
A rather exciting runaway took
place last Saturday afternoon. A
horse owned by David Walker, of
Howick, which was tied to a post on
Main street, became frightened at
some paper, broke loose and made a
lively run. The horse wairnaughb at
Neil White's blacksmith shop but not
uutil considerable damage had been
done to the buggy and harness. For-
tunately no oee was hurt which is
/utmost stleprising as there were a
number of children playing on the
street at the time.
Fresh Meat
a,eker Bros.
ate nOw on their regular route in the
delivery of choice fresh Meats. Their
trips clueing the mouth of May will be
as follows
Tuesday -via 12th con, of Grey,
through Chanbrook, to the Whitfield
sidetmad and 110°10 by 14th men.
Wednesday -via Oth con. to Ethel
• ancl home by 8th oon.
Thursday -Ada, 6t1S con, of Grey, ele
miles East, then via 4Ih con, to
Jamestown tend home by gravel
After May arrangements will be made
' for delivery twice a week,
aeker r
Mrs. McKee, of Fordwich, Was the
geese Of her sister, .51re. A, L. Baena,
bet Nieeeteeedaye
Mee J. 11, Wilhaula and Mes. T.
Beadnock, of Gerrie, were In ehe
lage leet Friday,
Fred, MIllbouee, of Owen Sound,
Yves the guest of his cousin, J. R.
Wendt, a few ditys this week.
Chester Smith left for Platteville
lase Wednesday where be has seoured
a position in te lenge general store,
Thursday 'afternoon of this week
the Woman's Institute met at Mrs,
S. Sivas.
Geo, Blackwell, of Zurich, Vont a
few days with his brother -m -law,
Frank Lattimore, who is very poorly,.
Rev, L. Nevin, of Wroxeter, took
the service at the Hall last Sabbath
evening and next Sunday Rev. Mr.
West, of Bluevale, is expected.
We are pleased to report that Jas.
Steachan, who hs been so dangerous-
ly ill, is improvingslowly and his
meny friends hope he will soon pull
We are sorry to hear that MPS.
Gellaher, mother of Mesdames Ed-
ward and Alex: Brans, has been
quite poorly at her home at Salem.
She is 80 years of age.
Robert Douglas and:Prank Nichols,
6th line of Morris, spent Sunday at.
J. Breckenridge's.
therr.-Ilere passed away at her
residence in Bluevale cm Thursday,
Irith Met., one of the early settlers of
Morris township, Mrs. John Gardiner.
Deceased was bran in Kitley, One,
and came to this section of country in
1850. 'Her maiden name was Jaue
Ann McGee, and in 1856 she tees
united in marriage to her now bereft
husband. Three -daughters and three
sons rematine-IVIrs. C. J. Thornton, of
Wingham ; Mrs. McDonald, or Gude-
Lech ;Mis, le. McCracken, of Brus-
sels ; Willi/um, of Lion's Head ;
James, of Dauphin, and John, of
Ketiora. Abctut thirteen years ago a
stroke of paralysis seriously affected
what had up to that time been a
strong constitution, and since then
other attacks of the same kind, furth-
er weakened ber, but she never com-
plained, and bore her sufferings with
patience and fortitude. About a
week before her death she became
much worse and in a few clays passed
away. Sem
See was a ember of Blue -
vale Methodist Church, and was held
in universal esteem. eler partner in
life keenly feels the sorrow of bereave-
ment that leaves him to finish his
joueney alone. Dedeased was in her
78rd year. The funeral on Sinalay
was very largely attended, notwith-
standing the wet day.
came the elosing hours of a long and
consistent Ohrietia,n life to Patience.
Black, relict of the late Win. Arm-
strong, at the honae of her daughter,
Mrs. S. Searles, at Auburn, iTh eeed-
nesday of last week. Deceased had
been in failing health for the past 5 or
6 years but, was only confined to her,
bed for about 6 weeks. She was born
in lerouteeac Go., Ont., where she also
married her late husband who pre-
deceased her 19 years ago. They lived
fora time 0.1 Pickeving before coming
West to Hullett 85 years ago where
they bought a bush farm ancl by per-
severance, industry and economy
made for themselves and fatuity a
comfortable home. The children in
addition to Airs. Searles are :-James,
of Grey township • Ohas. of Shel-
burne' Nelson, of Arthur ;John, . of
North Bay ; and Martin, of Hellett.
The funeral took plane Saturday after-
noon to Ball's cemetery, Rev. Mr.
Jones, deceased's pastor, conducting
an appropriate service. All the mem-
bers of the family attencled the fun-
eral, the 5 sons and son-in-law acting
as pallbearers. Mrs. Armstrong was
worthily esteemed by a wide circle of
frieeds for the many fine qualities 01'
head and heart possessed. She knew
little of sickness ; was hospitable,
neighborly and generous and written
be remembered in this neighborhood.
derbig her illness and their synipatby
and comfort to the 1tuiiily sem her
decease. They also wish • to thank
numerous frielids from a diettenee for
letters of sympathy,•all of whiter have
been moat bighly appreciated in the
hour of sadness.
"Josue can make n dying -bed
Feel soft; as downy pillows aro
While on Hie breast 11(00 niy head,
.And breathe my Jiis oet, sweetly
Spring walk was eugaging the tie,
tention of the farreeve this week.
Last week Win. McNale, 10th eon,
disposed of a fine youtig 'Costumer
drive e to J. K. Brown, of Ethel eheese
factory, at a good figure.
50 cents, in advance will secure TIM
Poste to January Ise 1910. 200 new
names are wanted. Lend us a land.
by a good word to youi neighbor..
'Die Sabbath School at Roe's church
was re-ovganized last week with R.
Cave, as Superintendent and will re-
open fleet Sabbath mornieg et, 9.30
A inception service will be held Inc
those on probation next Sabbath both
at Roes.aed Union ie connection With
the Sacramental services in these
Instead of the reenter gratterle
meeting at Ethel as is usual especi-
al Sacramental service will be held by
theentstor at Roe's at 10.80 a. 111. and,
at DIM») at 8 m
Miss Maggie Brown, who bas been
eubjeet to epileptic fits and has been
eared for in the House of Refuge at
Clinton. is failing in health With not,
Much Notability of improvemene.
Her pa,reetal home was formerly on
the North boundary.
GOOD ODLT.-A three year old en-
tire eolt was sold last week by Thns,
Voddee, 5th line, to Nelson Haydem
2nd colo, for the handsome sum of
$600. The colt was sn:eel by the well
knoWn horse "Oliver Wilkes." It,
pays to breed the gond ones.
Thos. Jacklin, Who bought the Bel-
den farm, Rowick boundery, had
1,187 trees tapped this season and
manufactured 8,112 pounds of syrup,
vepeeseuting nearly 210 gallons. Not,
a bad return considering the poor sea -
eon. Ready sale was found Inc the
output and °Mem had to be cancelled
owing to inability to fill them.
FARM Soree.-The MO acre farm,
known as the Vocklen farm, Lot 21,
Oen. 5, was disposed of by Thos. Veicl.
den last Week, to Lewis Heath, of.
Elmo., etre the stun of $5000.00. The
1301)' proprietor gets possession at
ince, Voddeu in all probability
will take a prospecting trip to the
West in the near future. We are
sorry to see him leave the neighbor_
Ran To Bp Smer.-eGeo. Dixon, of
Grey township, lost a horse in a
eeculiar manner while driving home
rom Listowel on Monday night of
ase week. While going along the
boundary a short distance West of
the town his horse stepped in the
waggon rut at the side of the road
und broke what are known as the
'coffin bones" in its foot below the
asteru. Apparently the rut was not
deep one, and the breaking of a
orse's leg from such a cause is a rely
•are oecorrenee. The horse had to be
hot and Mc. Dixon borrowed a
eighbor's hoese to take him borne.
HARD LUCIC,-Lawrence Addie, 14th
on., had his share of hard luck last,
reek when be lost a cow and a
'aught mare. Thursday evening he
rove to Beussels to see a vetevinaey
bout a cow that had been trembled
th indigestion for some time. While
aim veterinary's the mare, which he
ad driven to town, took suddeuly
vith apparently the same tronble as
he cow. Me. Addle stayed in town
11 that uight with the Mitre and on
oing home the next day found the
ow dead. Although everything
ossible was done foe the mare she
ept getting worse entit two o'clock
atutay tnoruing when she also died.
oth animals were valuable ones and
ill be a heavy loss to the owner.
Tie funeral of the late George Rook,
ho died at Dublin, aged about 52
Mrs took place to the Lutheran
endliagen cemetery, Where the re-
ains wete interred in their last rest -
g place. He at one time ownecl a
rm and saw -mill in that vicinity,
bide he sold to C. Leenharelt about
x years ago, and then moved to
ublin, where be resided hp to his
eath. The funeral was largely at.
neled, the procession beetle almost a
ile long. Among those froiti a di.
0(0 were his sister, Mrs. A Amalie
Benton Harbor, eficli. ; P. and elle,
metre Brussels ; a. and Mrs, Ament,
. Thomas ; E. Rock. and Mrs. Chas,
tter, Milyertne. tO1 his businees
allege Mr. Rook was found to be
O tee the most honest and upright
en that ever lived. Deceased wits e
lative ete Mr. Rock who belonged be
e_fprmer well known firm of Rock
Matheson, saivutillers and lumber -
Neid Fereusne, Well-knOWil Mai-
n!: of Toekersmith township, died at
e hnme of his dengleter, eles. Jas.
,otig, con. 4. on Tuesday of last
ek. Mr. Fergusee Was a 'native of
otland, having been been there 67
me ago. Where be was aboot six
ars of ago the family came to °am-
end remeined for some Mine in
msay. About sixty years ago they
teed to the township of Grey, where
deceasedremained until about 18
erg ago he gave up flu ming cm 00-
n1 of of ill health end went to ro-
e with his daughter. On Easter
tdey he received a stroke, which
'4 the cause of his death. DeceaSed
s a kied, genial. end obliging men
1 wee held ie high esteem by all who
NV a
nen hem Mtn. heignsom whose
meld en Immo was Oheistina llleFede
zean, pre-cleneaeed him 12 years. He
IS AltrVived by 1 daughter, Mt's. Jas.
Next Council meeting will be held
on Moneay, May 10th,
Policeman Oaldbick, of Cobalt, was
here ou a visit to the parental home.
Mies Gertrude Duncan, 4th line, aud
Miss Gertie Ewalt, of Brussels, were
visiting at Myth and locality this
Sne attention should be paid by
he various Pathmastms in putting a
imober of bad placee on the roads on
arions lines iu better sham by the
1(1 01' the grader and more gravel.
Mrs, Marsden, who came here
wing to the illness and subsequent
(muse of her daughter, Miss Lily,
etuened to het home on Thmeday of
est week. She lives in Omaha.
Mrs, E. Seiko's, 2nd line, entertained
few of her neighbors to an oyster
upper on Friday night, prior to the
oitig of G. W. Turvey to the Wese
n Tuesday of this week. An enjoy -
bis was spent. Musical select-
ions were played on the genenophono
y Isaac Jewitt. The company dis-
ereed that -Ike -1g lies. Sellers for her
ind hospitality.
Among the many beautiful wreaths
f flowees placed mann the casket of
10 Ito Miss Lily Mooney were tutt-
ed those 1' coin the Methodist church
wir, Brussels, the young ladies'Bible
lass oe which deceased was a, mem-
o, Salm and Mrs, Mootwy, I. 0. and
rs. Richards R. and Mrs. Leather-
ette W. le. dooney, Robe Watson,
re. 4. Lowey and Misses Sharpe,
. and Sts. Baer, S. W. Barr, Misses
. and 51. Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Moorl-
and son desite to express their shi-
t thaelts to the nemy thoughtful
Merle end neigheors for their never-
-be -forgotten kindness to Lillian I
Brussehe 10
Stropg afea 1 son, John in &Utah
Colunthia, 1(180 by a, eistee, Mrs. De)1e-
'moon, of Grey, 0(1(18 bentliers, De,
Alm Femme, of Toronto aria Win.
anti Robt., of Saskatchewan, The
!enteral took place last Feeley moroing
from the residefice of Mr. Stiong to
Brussels 'c(metery. ,
The Unite) Sabbath school meeting
in the Shine school house, lith con.,
will open uext Sabbath for the Hum
lner cumpeign. .elies Belle Bete bas
been 10 charge of the work for 0((t01'&0((t01'&years and bee done well.
Next Sabbath afternoon the Snh-
bath. School meeting hi the school
houstrof 5. S. No, 3 will resume opera-
tioee 0(1101' the Hens! Whitee holiday,
The people of the neighborhood e 01110+
00 Sandi IntereSt the Sabbath
&hoot which is to their credit.
Came or Tnernes.--The midereign-
ed deSlre to exprees their best 1110111(8to the neighbors and friends for their
words of sympethy neat comfort arid
their helpfnl assistance duritig the Hi-
tless ad nsubsequent demise of the hue
.101)11.101)11McNeil. It wilt live long in
(Inc 'pennies,.
bins. :J. D. Monne. AND FAMILY.
DEAtli'S Donges..--Deeth has been
busy 10 this community of Mee. Last
Saturday an old resident of the 14th
cote, departed this life in the person
°Unlit' D. McNeil, who was buried
on Monday afternoon. Sunday after-
noon Thos. binFadzeue,1711) con, paid
Nature's debt and the funeral took.
place Tuesday to Wessels cemetery.
Joseph Oster, con. 0, responded to the
imperative call on Tneselay and will
he borne to the grave Friday after-
noon. Those eepeat.ed memorises
should not be without a striking les -
Nen of inan's mortality.
An aged and respected eesident of
ghn (Tossed the boundary of
time. cm Monday of Ittst week, eles.
John Messer. Deceased was one or
the early settlers of Bluevale, having
lived there for a number of years.
Her maiden Dame was Jessie Oarner-
an. She was born in Picton, Nova
Seotia, and came with her parents, in
1854(0 Grey- township. In 1357, she
was united in marriage to the late
John Messer, who for years was iu the
mercantile businees in Bluevale.
Messer passed away in 1880, About
five years ago, the deceased went to
Winghani to vesicle with her (laugh-
ter, Mrs. Wm. Gannett. A few
months ago, she had a severe fall,
breaking one of her hip bones, which
at her advanced ege, was trying on
her constitution. she was not ap-
purently so near the end of life's
jouvney, bewever, until Sunday, when
she tool; worse and died on Monday.
Mrs. Messer. was a member of Bine-
vale Presbyterian Ohurch. One son,
;John, of Saskatchewan, and Ono
daughter. efes. Gannett, of Wingham.
remain. The ftmeral took place on
Wednesday to Blnevale cemetery.
Mrs. Thos. Strachan, of the 3rd mole
is a sister to the deceased.
DEM. -Tuesday of this week ,Toseph
Ostee, a well known resident of the
Oth con., answered the summons of
his Creatoand he ',tweed away frnm
the earthly home, in his 65th year:.
He had been poorly during the past
year with Brigitte' dievese hut was
Indy in bee two weeks. The an-
ocemene of his decease was a great
ise to many. Deceased W101 born
in Vaughan township and was mar-
ried to 'Mary E. Hunter, (who died on
September Oth, 1e07) about 40 yen es
ago and is Survived by one son, Fred.,
and a daughter, Mies Lama, both at
home.. Walter and Joe ate) deceased.
Thos. and Aaron Oster, of 'Vaughan,
are brothel's of the subject nf this
notice and Mrs. Keys, of Woodbridge,
and Mts. McDreigall, of Toronto. are
sisters, 3,fr. Oster stets of iggniet, turn
who attended closely to his on waf-
fairs end enjeyed the respect of the
community who will regret his de-
mise. He was a Presbyteeien in
01010(111 relationship and a Conserva-
tive in politics. The funeral will hike
place Friday afteenoon to Brussels
cemetery at 2 &Clete:, the serviee
being condneted by Rev. D. 13. McRae
a half hone earlier. Sincere semen thy
will be acre' (led the bereaved son and
daughtee who for young people have
rassed renter the shailoW 0 11mber of
threes111 the past few years.
A. O. U. W. ((1810111110 11 wits
het for a few days 11(11Mine Hoet Timmer will move to the
Ryan Nem .to make way for the new
proprietors in the lintel.
Commtedem service will be hell in
the Methodist ',Mira here next Sab-
bath morning at 1111, m.
A stave vat line been put in by 1(10.eleDone11in his 111111 here to enable
him to be up-toglate in the stave limi-
Station Agent Themes is relieving
one 01 (11<' dispatchers at Linden and
may remain. Me. Marshall, of C(at-
ham, is takieg his place trete in the
The 1)1111)111)1111)11 of Duff's rhereb will ht.
declared veva n t a week from ((("11xt
Sabbath. Elders Gerilinee and Mee
Oall atteneed the speeinl meeting of
Presbytery held (1118'itighan1,
This week W. Neal 1s 10<5 for Sara-
nac Lake, New York Stine, to visit
his son, Dr. Erie& The latter is do
ing well t here and now weighs111(1
pounds, He will soon return to his
LicenesPee-Wednesday evening I'd'
t woo: obea Duncan/toll, li.
of this locality. and lei ether young
men, recefved their lieenees 1,1 meateig
the services being beta in
'ester termm
ed", Toteic), The mod-
erator of the Peesbytemy conducted
the service) ; nee. 110(,0 (('(1 &-
11eetle-1 the chnrees mid lies"e T
Taylor aeltiresetel ille conre
Dunearee many ft leds nhere will
he a mitt in wishing III (5) peosperity (11
his Most inmortant wee 1
W. IL. KERR, .1-'101,17
I4xt Sabbath tooLning Rey, A.
MaeNab, M. 4,, will pretxth the elos-
ihutglis7312.11'isinLI?ullitlej.g.Palfs41.(e"1, s'011814 bYeeatia7)
preuching eervire the ("venlig; but
the UMW Will meet, (It 7,30 o'clock.
Rev. Mr. MiteNab will move on Moo -
day and wIll be India! ted into his new
eharge, Underwood and ()veers
Bruce", Thursdey afternoon of next
week, al three o'clock. The
mallet), which 18 A. good 0/10, is
loceted at Mule! wood, 14 milee from
Mum dine, 510111105 and evening
serviee 15 held at Underwood and the
afternoon 0.111)01(1 11(11(1 1,1' ("Knee
Bruce is 5 miles dished. elr.
Wiehart, of Deussele. will net as
hitorini Moderator a s.'. '11 10 0(0-
1)l'11((00 with the vacaucy Mem Theve
isa Pussibility of other -work being
added to Duff's ehureb 111 the near
iliem Lego Raerr.--Follewing en
eleeely, the demise of his sou the
newe of the decease of Thoures
leatizean on Sunday came with a great,
shock to the enninlimity. He bad
contraeted a vole at the funeral on
the previons Monday which develop-
ed into pneumonia, which with other
complications resulted In his death.
His age was 76 years, 1 month and 22
days. Mr, McFadzean was an old
turd svell known resident of the 17111
of Grey' and was most highly respect,
ed for his ill tegUi ty aid his outspoken
candor. He had prospered in the
things of this world but while doing
so was not 011011081' 111 of the life
beyond. In polities he was an earnest
Liberal and hi church relationship te
loyal Peesbyterian. Ile is survived
by his wife, theee sons„lames, Oftenti-
enter of (1rey) Wm. and Robert, and
one daughter, Mrs. Wm. Shortmeed,
of Morrie. Tuesday the remains of
this brawny Scot) weee conveyed to
the family plot in Brnesels cemetery,
NOWA, a Week previous his son Thos.
had been buried. Rev. A. elacNalt.
111. A., condueted asevvice appropriate
to the oceasimi. Pall bearers were
the three sons, son-in-law, P. Gardin-
er and Jas. Simpson. Widespread
sympathy is tendered the family in
their sudden and heavy beeeavement.
DouTAL.-In% Pottildeeintist, will vett Ethel
on Monday, Idny Sra. OW every two weeks
otter that date.
elle Fraser, tailor', is• assisting Ches.
Dodds, in his tailoring establishmeet
at Brussels.
Report has it Hat a change of busi-
ness may take place, having to do
with Ethelites.
The Court of Revision in connection
with the Assessment Roll of Grey
1 ()misfile will be held here On Afar
20th at 2 o'clock.
W. H. Cole has exchanged his trac-
tion engine foeslarger one which will
slimes power -fee running the machin-
ery at S. S. Cole's inill heve.
Mies Elsie Pomeroy, a formee
known teachee here, hae token a
school near Brunner, Perth Co. We
expect to heal. a good account of her
The offering in behalf of the Educa-
tional Fund which was talten np 00
Sunday evening in telm Methodist
elmech was more than twice as large
as that of former years. The pastor
presented the claims of this impoutant
week and may seen be pleased with
sueli a liberal veeponse,
The Epworth League Which haS
been holding its seiwices on Sabbath
evening 7tftel` the public service during
the Winter will change back to the
Wednesday evening tegairt after next
Sablenth evening which is Consecra-
tion meeting'. Thew services have
been well attended endlweve inteeest-
ing all Winter mid it is to be hoped
they will eontinues° when held on the
week -evening.
East Wawantith Council neet, here
el ouday.
David Owens has veneered to his
@nue at Thessalon.
Mee Budge, en, is veer ill and un-
der the doctor's ((alt',
A young son haS cenne fo the home
ef R. end Mee. Stonehouse.
L. .1. Geddes was attending the
Grand Jury at Godeeich this week.
Dart Wheeler has been quite indis-
posed, hat is vonsidewable better nosy,
bliss Bengough is 101 \'l (5 0. sumo
wall placed tunierneath Mr dwelling
this Spring.
Miss Bella Allieon has returned from
Tame aft el' ependi»g some time with
Mrs, (Die) eicAsh,
Miss Eva Hopper, of 'rhesselon, has
vette 1111 1(1 ler home after spending a
couple el interths svith Moues and re-
latives in this vicinity.
E. Youoghlutt, of Landesberce, is
learning. telegettph °pointing and .gon-
eral 'dation work with C. P. Carlisle,
G. le R. agent here.
Onvc.-On Tuesday Merging there
linseed away at the Mime of her bro-
ther -In -411W, Areh. 1.3rydges, Miss
Seetounth Johnston, tot, 47 years a
reseeeled resident of East Wawatuish.
tehe beim in Cartwright township,
Ont., 51 years ago, and came with hor
parents to Enst 1V1l.wanos11 when only
four yeaes of age. She had been an
invalid for Mired a year. Deceased
5011.8 tt faithful memliet of Trinity
Chneeh aud Sunday Sehool, Belgrave.
One sieter, Mes. Arch, Budges, teed
two Mothers, William arid Charles
.1,Mustele of least Wawanosle remain.
The Ailment ta.1«,s place on Thwesday
to the Brandon cemetery.
Penni an attack of plenriSy, follow-
ing grippe, and (11111 (01 Meese of telly
a week, Thomae J. MiteIn tyre died at
the Alexandea ApartmolitS, Toronto,
Mr. eineLityre Was employed as • a'
traveller with Lyme') Brothers, Ltd.,
wird:lest) le et owlets of Termite. He
WAS 110111 Itt St. Marys, Ont, fifty-one
reale ago, and was a Presbyterian (t)
1(13510(1. .4 Widow survives him
Deceased wee the only brother of Gil -
beet el. eleteInlyre, el. P, ef St,
Man's, Deputy Speaker of the Retie
of Commone.
et -
Perth Gourley
neLiViTi-efi tf411
eel for -the coming seaeoe.
Moe Mode, late of the Listowel
.Benner, is wvitteg a, series • or special
areieles for the Globe temp Gowgeede.
relgisesecInttva(irleetiriaetthice7,1iictith tlitentrilteccuili
rtieelitet;anelleil,ng staff of Albert College,
The Masonic) beethren of Atwood
proemial William Metered. before
leaving with a Masonic jewel and a
scarf pm set in pearls.
MIK; Annie 'Hobbs, foetnerly 11(1(11
0' at Rannoch and le He et arys,
leaves hoe home at St. nee; shortly to
take up deaconess woek. •
Robert Fraser fell femo Du) teemed
story of tbe Wineser hotel at ht.
Mallet the other morning while wash-
ing the windows. He aliphttel On WS
feet and escaped iejltry oxcept 5115 lc.
leg up.
Mise (3(111 10 Maxwell, of St. MOTs,
leaves on - ten extemied Visit to her
sestet', Mrs. HObeitson, of Glasgow,
entland. Miss Maxwell has vengina
her position as organist at First
Presbyterian Church in St. Malys,
Palmerston 011 Bays' Reliable will
be held August 1 to it At, au en-
thusiastic, public meeting $040 was ve-
ported as subscribed, - which will
prebably he inereased to 5800. W.
A. Clarke 10 president and Die ('o1,
111111), secrettny. •
Four membere of tee staff of the
North American 011 and Gas 00..have
arrived 0.1 St. Mary0 01)8 are arrange
ing to ma down a well on the Ruthig
farm up the •rivee. Representatives
of the company lase Fall secured a
umnber of permit§ to drill for oil 111
Blanshard and Fullerton.
J. H. Rolls and family, of Listowee
left for the Canadian West, Mr.
Rolls recently sold ids hum to Thole
Gibsee, of Brittom the Mice paid be-
hig.abou t $10,000. The farm is situat-
ed Just East of the town on the 1st
concession of Elma and is considered
oes of the best in the unearth.'").
A cheoue for $270 has beeu present,
ed to W. H. Roberts, the Wellington
street jewellee, Stratford, by a munber
of friends, following .eptin the heavy
loss, which Mr. Robe/ to suffered. in the
theft of a large, paet, of his jewelry
stoek a few weeks ago.. Wliile the
jewelry was recovered it was damaged
to a crinsicierable extent.
A director of the St. Mary's& 'West-
ero Ontario Railway Company in
feigned the St. Marys Journal that
the railway people would take no
further steps in the matter of a bonus
from a section of Blanshard defeated
on the 12th inst. Any move will have
epshio ni 0 10011) the people of the town -
Assessor Kennedy, . of St. Marys,
has completed his work .fm• 1009. The
.ligures show an increase of about
$20,000 in the assessed value, which is
/re fellows :-West ward, 5223,970;
North ward, $468,115 *• East ward,
$431,180: South meted, $893,020 ; total.
$1,510,285. Population, West ward,
866 ; North ward, 890 ; East ward,
953 ; South ward, 812 ; total, 3,520,
nu increase of 124.
St. Marys Argus : yr. wunammon,
of Whinging, who wets converted dm,
leg the visitof elesses. Crossley and
Hunter nut West, visited the evangel-
ists here. elr. Williamson steeds
about seven feet in height and weighs
merely 800 pounds. He is of gigantic,
proportions phyeleally and his good -
nese, and largenes of heart are said to
be proportionately great.
St. Marys Argus has this item from
its files o11884, A Mitchell boy squh•t-
ed tobaceo juice on the floot• of the
Mitchell churches nu Sunday, and on
Monday the eonstn hle marehed him to
the church and made him scrub the
floor. An towel/de will herr to be
made (11 (0,0115 tit. AlaryS boys who are
guilty of a like alionOneble praetive 111
some of the churches 10 this Lowe,
only 11 18 even woree ELS they spit nu
George Yoe, el lunerkim a stocked,
at thee Stratford Busutess College,
had his right leg in•oken while playmg
football at the Collegiate Institute
fiats on Saturday afternoon, lie was
rushing towatds the pigskin when he
collided with an opposing r)layer with
the result that he was theown heavily
to the ground, both bones of the leg
being broken. The game was only a
mantice work out, a large munlew of
students being on on I he fiats.
tirteTnt; AT Mirvenerox.-The 0011-
111(1(11 1) was shneked on hearing the
news that John eleWhinneee, a high-
ly respected resident. of Milvertore
had committed enivide at lee home on
Maple etreet, Saturday evening, about
8 p. n,. It is supposed that the de-
creteed took his life in a temporary fit,
of melancholy, Abont two mouths
ago eis only danghter died, and slime
then he has beee 111 yery Time health
and suffered fits of desporalency. He
8111 3138 usual work on Satmelay, at-
tending to his horse and ether Chores.
About 7,30 Mrs. MeeVhinney left the
house to visit a siek neighbor, She
had been absent from the house ahem
teventy minutes, when upon retnen-
ing she discovered the house in dark -
11008. And C011111 001; find decreased.
She called her neighbor, Mrs. Moore,
who, after a thorciegh search of the
house, suggested they search the
stable, as she, Mt% Moire, 1111(1 seen
deceased tinter the stable thorny Mem,
Mrsel ,'Whinney leftthe house. .t.:1
1[011440 NVIIS procured and they went
to the stable and forted deceased hang-
ing in front, Of the horse's inauger in
the 'feed alley. A rope lied been
denbled and leretenee to a sean! lieg,
The body was found hi kueeling
position, 'Plume was en evidenee ef
Maitland Prosbytery
A pro re man meeting of Presbytery
of Maitland Was held Wing ham, on
Taesday, April eoth, tor the f olio wttig
ptIrpOSes l -TO diSpoSo ot 11 eall ft oin lee
congregations of Port Cr. dtt and Dee e
in lever ot, Rev. 0 P I Wenn, B. A,
'Po dispoee 01 11 call tiont the eougreere
(100 1(1 Underwood anti Centre lerece
io laver uf Rev. Atiere)y MaeNteb, el,
elie first matter considered was a call
to Rev, G. P, Domain, B. 4,, from the ,
eastortil ennrge iit Port Credit and
xie 111 the P. esbyterv 01 Torun to.
The congregaiions of Welter:hew:0 gad
Langside had been duly cited to appeo
ror then' interests ;dr MeEerroll at
tIle regnest of the. Presity t of Toron.
,o, Slid of the interim Nioderatur of
Pert Credit and Dixie. whe waS Unable ,
to he present, pr secutee the call, He
stated that the call was eeney, and .
sumnimoue, and meted 11.1 translation.
attuned II. 11 11, nderson,
Beery, j, ineepte, and j I.eggatt svere
preeen, lepresenting cliisession and
..,migregatiou tvintee) find A,
Vergusoit ai.il J SInr ra., the Session
1)11 collereo,:ition 8 1.,om side, These
All spoke of their attae,,:ent to Mr,
uncap, but they would tin 1,0 01)5(0010
in the WRY of 111 1, .t.t• .ati,11, as t heV
understood to be nem ionto would
ee ad e'en tageous to el r. D un can
bunny. Isir, McKerroll ole in reply,
l'he mill was put into 1110 hands of Mr.
Duncan, who stated that heconsidered it
his duty to aecept, e.e. then newed
by Mr. Wisitert, 01 e, 1, le 11 hy Mr, Per-
lin that Sir, Dunettn's translation he
gtauted to take effect on and after the
first Sabbath in .NI,ty, proximo. Mem-
bers of Presbytersspoke in very ap-
preciative terms 1,1 Mr. Duncan and his
,vork. anti expressed regret at his re-
moval, wishil1g 11 tin godspeed 'in is
new charge, Messrs eleKerroll, Per-
rie and litemner were mmointed 11 com-
mittee to prepare a minute re eir; Den -
Can't; translation, with instructions to
leper,: at a later date. Mr. Bremner
eppointed ClerkpirVnotlealtin!
<0515<0515 On motion duand seconded
Tee Prestegei•y Met) proceeded to
,onsider is call to leev. A MtieNtee
A .ni Walton, fuen the congregatioes
of Undersvood and Centre .Bruce, in the
Presbytery of Brace. Rev, James
Poote prosecuted the call, stating (hat it.
was most hearty and unanimous., and
was accompanied with guarantee ot-
stipend for nine hundred doilars with
tise of mense and tektite Commissioners
were then heard repres,n'ing Walton.
Alex. Gardiner stated that the congre-
gation had greatly prospered under. elle
MaeNab's ministry, and was never mote
prosperous than at the preseet time ;
ten they offered no objection to the pre-
mised translation. T. McCall represent-
iug the congregation read a resolution
from the congregatien heaving testi.
niony tho worth nod faithfulness <if
Rev. Mr.MaeNb 511 Foote wits
again heard. The call was then put
into the hands of Mr, Macelab, who
stated his decision to accept it shoold
the Presbvtery permit, and expressed
his deep regret Pt tric preepect of part-
ing with the conerega,ioa of Walton,
and syith the metimere of the Presby.
ery. It was 11105011 bV Mr. West, sec -
ended by Mr. Perrie, aid the Presby -
'ere grant the trate:lathe, of Mr. Mae -
Nab, to taRe eller:tatter 1110 lirst Sabbath
May. This WAS carri, cl. Members
of Presbytery spoke in It 1 ins of appre-
ciation of the work of Vie MacNeil) in
he Presbs terse both tie 1 member, and •_
in his capacity as Clerk ef Preebytery.
elessrs MeKerroll, P011 1. turd Bretnner
were appointed to prepare a minute re
the trannation of Mr. MacNab, evith
instructions to report to the Presbytery
at a (1<105 1(1(10 On motion duly made
and seconded, it was agreed to appoint
Wishart interim Moderator of the
Session of 1-fefre, Churele Walton, and
to declare the Pulpit vacant on the
second Salibeth in May The Clerk re -
sinned his place at the table. and tender-
ed his resignation as Clerk and Treador
er It was Agreed on motion they mode
teat he continue in these offices until his
inmslation token effect. It was agreed
that a Conitnittee be appeinted (0 (00-
'.1801' the matter of the aliment meet of e -
new Clete: ctrid 'rreasuret 10 ),ucceed Mr.
Macleab. The Moderator nominated
Messrs. Perth., Meleervell and Radford,
iind tile Preshytte y added lee Moderator
to lie the committee The commit tee
ems Permitted to 1.e1ire, awl on their re-
turn the Moderator stated teat tiler hail
considered the matter, ali,,1 1 1 1. w
adftet' It: 1e
tt ed
0000,0518)110000,0518)11 that Rev. v
1)5(10111 ted Clerk and Titit..iirer to enter
spun his dillies when 11 e present Cork
demits office. It was hi. 11 115110 movea
1)0 Mr. Bremner, seconded by Mr,
vishart that the recelionendation be
t‘idopted. 'Phis was u en , uusl y ear.
ied, As this completed the et -teepees,
the eeting- was closed with the ben e.
tmliction. ANIJAKV. 510050113, Clerk.
The m til bags were 'towed from the
haegag" ear at Dalhousie N. B., tied
the registered mail stolen.
13 1 11 Miner, the convict who escaped
feom the New Westminster, 8, C., peni•
tiary, was in Ottawa recently, aceoed-
ing to 11)0 510(1 of a relative named Me •
Nab ivItteNab says Meier is now i11
haling in a smell phew near Ottawa.
Helirtt WAtROA. of" Winnipeg Beach,
wrested on a charge of Ateidluz a team
ef hoists from a farmer named 0110115'
(10(5, admitted the theft and said he
dropped a matte), which set 13 re to the
115r5, when sevelteen cane' were ur
ere bn-
The Elmhurst Hotel Liverpool, N.
14., and the Canard hireet leapt let
Church, near Halifax, were burned,
Pere also destroyed the (e.nte Solute at
Edtpundstnn, N. B., with a lot of im-
portant public records and other (10011'
The railway CO inpaqieR report that
the Easter traffic elle year has been un•
usually beavv. At the them). sheen)
°tome. Iron (5 le tto thousand 51(0-
151( 111 .1 iv were henelied tin ethers.
te, Friday and Sathrday. Thin. the
Bei:dB say, constitutes le record tat the
nine fcir holleay
a:struggle, ite deeenetel )ennll 1 1 el,
cap was still on his head, anti the
features Wore quite mauled., ma hay. el
ing any appearance or strangulatiene