HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-22, Page 5DIMNESS HANDL
_ .__1VtaC111k0EBN—
bgetOnli0r0t.i' 0_Aoa O8dp.ryiuruerryStre,
K. Qe T. M.
Bramle Tout of the Mimeotwee, No, i;9
hold their regelur tueetings itt the Lodge
Bou), !sealer Weeds, Mi the 71Rt uud Ord
Trtaadpy ev0uiuga of oast =WO),
Vlelturs y0 WeiaCute.
A, SO ENS, (low. A,1110017h8J, It N.
OP MAliti,iA a' ,,
t '
L 't
Moe I0
o the reel omen, Witte. 30-4
Agent ktowiek Mutual
Fire Ineuraude Company
Ofliee and Residenaa—
r aRn, will sell fuY 40iter prises, to
bottern,an, d, leas once and lees abarUea
luau any othoO Auutiouoer In 100000 Huron or
oe w.,a't charge anyything. Dates and orders
quo always he urrailgod at Ghia olgee or by
para noel appltoatfon,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable,: . Sales arranged for
at the ogles of Tae POST, Brnsaels. '1210
l , .
' tl M. ,SiNULAiIt—
Uarrister, Solicitor, Uuoveya0oer,
Notary l'tibltc, &c. OlII0 —Stewart's Sloe°
1 door North of Central Betel,
8onoitor for the Uetropolitan Sauk..
.)11OUD1.00'F, aayn & BLAi1I—
11AB14I81'E110 80LIOf'rl'108, NOTARIES
i:.UBLIU, 131.1),
W, PRooas•oar,E.O. 00. 0. ]4Ays
G. P. Sharia.
O010dE—T'boge formerly oo0111,1ed by Mailers
OonataoA, Ouuluron & Bolt.
DR. R. P. PE1L.D.
Graduate of - the Royal Oonego of Daubs?
8urgeona of OaaLatja anti Fversi y. donor
next to B w ' Pbot oa to reify. Oface
seri to Brewer's Gallery,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered section of Dominion
Lands in Maattoba,8askat0hewau and
Alberta, exoepting 8 and 28.. not reserved,
maybe homesteaded by auy portion who Is
the sole head of a family, or any male over
18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
section of 100 n0res mora or teee.
Entry may bo made personally at the
local land oflioe for the district in whlah
the land is situate,
The homesteader is required to perform
the coedit:one conneo1w1 therewith under
one of the following pleas:
(h) At least .six namabl' residence upon
and cultivation of thalami in each year for
threeyears, (or
20 oleo oeil) of thomesteaders resides
twee a farm in the vicinity of the laud
metered tor the requirements as to resi-
dence may be aatlaaed by such person re
eidiug with the father or mother
algin efuaoo settler
land owned eby It w
In the vaoiuity of his homestead, the re.
4uiremeats as to 1.6eldaume may be male.
gad by reeidouae upon the aa,d Innes,
Nixmouths' netiee in writing should lir
Meet) to the Comwiseloner 01Dominion
Lands. at Ottawa of iuteuttou to apply for
Deputy of the bliu sterr ltyof Interior.
N. B. Ouaut6 ,risod a.ublloatrou of thio ad-
vertisement will uut be paid for.
Partners or Storekeepers
by comiug to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
ea Kdneys
Weak ninon. surely point to week Ic dney
Nerves. The 1Cic1uoys, !ilio atm Roark and the
tsseelf,thutin trio their
)tlaat'control'anl guide
and strongthen them, lir..Shope's Ba0toratiVe le
it medicine specifcatlly prepared to reach these
controlling nervus. Th doctor tho RacInoys alone,
Is Milo. it is n waste of slim, and of money as
If your back °alma or 18 weak, if the urine
ee81ds, orisdal1t and strong, if you have symptoms
of Brigbts or other distressing of dangerous kid-
ney disease, try Dr. Shoop'e Restorative a month—
Tablets Or Liquid --and Ino what it can end 1111
dolor you. Dreggist recommend and sell
BustnO8B Oatrds
A. H. MONrtgiTH
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &o„ euoesasor to
A, B. A0acdonald, .OI0e over Staodat'd Bank,
13ataa el
r a
OR, r. T. M'
Bachelor of Medicine, Unlvorattl, of Toranto ;
I4Ooutiate and t?raduate et the 4ehegeof 1'h -
Melees and Surgeons, oat, Poet-trraduate
(7htoago liNo, Roz', Nm,, Putt 'LhL'oat ktaapIial,
Ohloa •o, 111 Nx•I;ouae teurg00,, to k) t, Allah•
eel a 20oapital T'
ioeeStore, opiapoover .P.
Dental e 1 Bur
Graduate nems 80 B t' l O loran
LfatvclSit L o tc
y i sot ntl
1 tufRo 1 r
la U111euuf
1R '01,0,Brussels. ,a Tat un B
T, Roos st0, a Bt ussels to OJtiee over J.
1,, WI11 visit Wroxeter the .first and third
Mortdaya and Gerrie the second and renrth.
Mondays or wwh gtonth..
Ron.' graduate Of the Ontau'l° Veterinary
Oollege. Da {n ti night calls, Olpe,. opposite
Flour bfill Ethel,
QRJw Ffie al4 n° RodiA it 4a
Gorrro. Sona, (30180 Nona
Mail 7:06 a m Express .. 10:55 n
15xpress. 11:25 a m I Mail 1:44 p m
Express . 0:02 p m t Express 8:58 p m
Vallean.rax ?'WW1PU0
hex Te Toronto To Goderioh
p ass ... 8:11 a mI Express ., 11:80 a 111
Plxpneag. 8;I1 p m' ,Express ...... 7:47 p
gates tleWS ItCMS
SAY 1 Is yo111' rhubarb up yet?
Tits frogs are awake' and noisy.
TNR coal man loses importance in the
10010Mi1nv now.
YROSPEC'rs for a good Fall wheat crop
are reported to be excellent in the; dis
• HOw many ribs have you. lohnny 7"
asked the teacher of physiolo:y, "I
d,n,'t know, Ma'am," giggled iuhnnr,
slimming around on one foot. "I'm so
awful ticklish I never could 001110t '000"
01 AMY! ,t l'oroeto subrjb,,r 00)0 0-
1 ma, say that 'PRE POs'o' is always wel-
come to ale in Toronto. ['eking it nal
round, it is the most up to -date, news%,
local paper I have ever seen. Wishing
yon continued success.
A rim pole bas been inveute, that
registers the size and weight of even
fish caught. A pole like that welt's sell
Fishermen wcul(j"then be compelled to
prove the fish stories they tell their
friends by producing the pole.
Read the pelt) formula on the box of
Pink Pain Tablets, Then ask your
doctor if. there is a better one. Pain
means congestion, blood pressure
somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets check beats pains, womanly
pains, pain . anywhere. Try one,
and see 1 20 for 25c. Sold by all deal
THE. POST want
Huron County: eve
not go over it w
trust to our correspondent.
budgets regularly.
cue item of importance
munity. Thank:: for
rT711513 RF-ALLYT
Stone and Doe. cam
street recently, and
anomias to exchau
vie ,s. when a woman noticeable sheath gown
taneously, wood.
Stone turned to Wood
ed to rubber.
AN exchange was
of a'•millinery open
saltine all the yes
subject, selected this
--"A millinery open
weed two hats'
which the Feller bah
al squint at the p
soprani) solotSt."
for horse ballswill soon
POST is prepared with
uts�and type far your
we give you free from
weeks' rtotire of the
'x POST which has
ion in district
well worth the price
changes were made
who have charge of
n the
L., H. & 8 b
Crulk. Conductor
the run on the noon
recently held by Co
and Conductor Havers
recently held by Mr,
Rheumatic poison
surely driven out u
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic
quid or tablet fn
ooklet on Rheumatism felts
ono. Tell some suis
better still, w
Racine, W?is„ for
test samples. Sand
join with Dr. Stxoo
sufferer m pleasant surprise.
CAPI'1`nL Inrtn.-T
Society d
t )f Gnithnssar
tali might be adopted
every town and village
by l
Illi S
alis. e
an up to
fruit and
zany at t The
material, and there
ave his plants 1 d
at Ile
dela and Palmerston
ween Buffalo and
Palmerston t
t I'
consisting of R
Irader Bank, N
c, attend/ T
l g
s d11 the news from
every week As sv0 ith'a fine.comh, we
to send their
Do not overlook
in your coo
past favors.
RUE.—A man named
ed Wood met on the
they stopped for a.
ge a few cheerful
in a particularly
own passed Simul
turned to Stone ;
od ; teen both turn_
asked the definition
opening," and, after con-
t authorities on the
is as the most explicit
ling is the space be-
t in church, through
y behind gets an occasion
reacher or the new
f —The season
be here. THE
a choice line of
c jab Remember
,111 all charge a two
t horse and route in
Z the largest cheese
t The notice itself is
% of be cards.
UCTORs.—Last week
in the conductors
the passenger trains
° ranch of the Grand
Connell is now on
train from London,
'' Conductor McCallum
a ers takes the place
r Connell
s are quickly and
s f the blood with
matic Remedy—
liquid rin, Dr. Shoop's
b tism plainly and
in just how this is
d sufferer a this book,
or rite Dr. Shoop,
Rt the book and free
no money. Jest
p and give some
su rprise.
BO he Horticuhural
upon An idea
wlt ted with profit in
a in Ontario. The
scheme the Galt society is
tot date outfit for
ornamental 1 menta
I U•u' s
e, and
ts, lac '
est in
charge rueofa competent
who understands the work, and do
ying of trees and plants for the
cost. to smitei0 will supply.
is nothing to he
by the citizen but send in his order
s 1 an s mt trees:cpraeed.
ANsPERgED —The nlenv friends of
ge M. Barris, mail cleric, will re.
to learn that has been trans.
d from the mall run between Kin•
to the run
a Goderich, It is
ars since Mr. Harris first started Ott
ran,, Ho w0,1 loltin-
o relieve but eventually' re
d. .There he married ain't his
Rom, of the Her-
s Bank Port C Arthvr • Raymond, of
s an , .North 13ay ; and
ug Toronto University,
born there, The death of Mr,
5' wife a short Thee � ago Wee a
blow to him. He' regrets very
Ravin to remove from Rincar-
.here the hest part of his life has
spent. ills many friends will
tc see 1,101 go and the best Wishes
commen:ty will go yvitii him.
to h
25 v
' Preventics—tlxose Candy Cold Cute much
Tablets will safely and quickly check diite
all colds and the Grip. Try thein been
once and see. 48.25e, Sold by all ! regret
dealers. of th
Tits: Mitchell AdeoOate has passed its
4015 birthday under adilor Davis end,
barring its p"Mics, ie doing famouslt.
We wish it greeter success as it heads
toward the golden anniversary next
Yeardi o • )
rte t Isv
t isio•
n hard d bilk i• w
a but
pan don't Yu d alis
have to gnat s long Wit at lac is
driving at.
Coughs ghat are tight, of distress -
big coughs, ,get quick and
in help from Dr, Shoop's Cough
Remedy, On this aecount Uruggiets
everywhere are favoring 1)r, $hoop's
Cough Remedy, The tender leaves of
a 1151Rn1es0 give lung healing nmelataluons
Shrub to 1?n, Sliot,p•s Cough Re.
wetly its curative propertini. Tema
Wive L power it! cella
most dtsitessttig Cough, and to soothe,
and heal the most sensitive bronchial
Membrane. Test it once yourself,.
and see ! Sold by all dealer,
Wolt'rI4 CLIPPING,— I'he Bible con
tains 0.58848p le t' rs 773,6152 ,vord •
31,163 verses, 0189 chapter,• and 66
books, The wand 'lied" nccnrs 46,277
tomes the word"Lord" occurs 1,88'
tittles ; the word "reveroucl': oee'urs Ile'
tree, which is in 'hegth verse of th,-
1 t tin Psalm. The muddle' verse is the
8th verse of the 118th Psalm: i'ho cast
verse of the 7ti: chnpmer of ilizr•a contain
All the, alphabet except the letter j
Phe Igth chapter of 11 Kings and tilt
3711: chapter of Isgiab are ;dike. Thr
longest verse is the oat verse of the 8:11
chapter of E..: her. The shortest verse
is tate 3515 verse of the lath chapter 41'
tit, )oho. The 815, f51li, 21st sold 350'
verses of the 1071h Psalm are alike. All
the verses of the 136010 Psalm end alike
10 Your Back Weak?
'When the back drags and aches,
feels lame over the $pini,—when
there is indigestion, , headache tied
constant call to rnalze. water, beware
of sick; kidneys. If neglected, this
condition develops weakness and soon
you'll be unable to work. The one
remedy you can rely on is Dr. Ilam
ilton's Pills, Every symptom of alis-'
oo der
eco kidneys Obey Mire by remov-
iltg the cause. You improve immed-
iately, clay by day you will experience
benefit from Dr. Ilaniiltrnl's Pills,
Best for the kidneys, liver and stom-
ach. Sold by all dealers.
Mrs. (Drs) McNaughton' and Miss
Florence were visiting friends in Sea -
The Young People's Societies sent
$5.25 as an Easter gift to the iifusko-
ka Sanitarinm,
Thos. Johnston, Oth 01,15., is 'mourn-
ing the loss of $20 which was stolen
from bis house one day while he was
absent fcoro bonne.
Henry Schaefer had the misfortune
to fracture a bone in his ankle, while
Working among Soule logs .near the
skidway at the saw mill,
"'While drawing
bush A. Buscliert was s struckp the
legs by a limb and fell backwards
strikiug the bolt of the rvhidietrees
and breaking his collar bone.
W i ngham
During the wind storm ou 'Wednes-
day, one of the plate glass windows
in King's stole was blown in. It had
beeu cracked for some time.
A. E. Lloyd is recoving from an
operation pet fanned on one of his legs
a few weeks ago, and as yet, is only
able to walk with the aid of a cane.
One of the large plate glass windows
in T. A. Mills' store was broken tier-
ing Monday night of last week. It
has the :appearance of being wantonly
F. .7, Hill is in Grace Hospital,
Toronto, where an operation was per-
formed for appendicitis. Worcs has
been received that the operation vitas
successful. Mrs. Hill accompanied
him to the city,
Dalton Davies, of Brantford, and
late of Halifax, N. 8., took the posi-
tion as manager of the local branch of
the Canadian Bank of Commerce, A.
E. Smith, who has been manager
since the branch was opened, is sever-
ing his connection with the bank.
The old fashioned way of dosing as
weak: stomach, nx• stimulating the
Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr.
Shoop first pointed out this error.
This is why his peescriptiou—Dr,
Shoop's Restorative—is directed en-
tirely to the cense of all. It isn't so
difficult, says Dr. Shoop,
en o weak Stomach, Heart orKid-
neys, if one goes at it correctly. Each
inside organ has its controlling or in-
side nerve. 137hen these nerves fail
then those organs must surely falter.
These vital truths are leading drug-
gists everywhere to dispense and re-
commend Lir. Shoop's Restorative.
Test it, a fete days and see. Improve.
ment will promptly and sorely follow.
Sold by all dealers.
Julian 'McDonald, youngest sou of
J. H. McDonald, underwent an opera -
doe for appendicitis.
Motor 8 Baster, of Detroit, have
leased J. W. Scott's store on \Vaallee?
street, which was fitted up for a mov-
picture x are show.
Geo. Frank, an employee of the
Listowel Furniture Factory, had the
misfortune luno
Itis loft hand while operating thehe buzz
planer. The small11
$u t+
3 entire-
ly -ly
taken off and ouly stumps are left
on the others.
The following officers were chosen
at Christ Chureit vestry meeting :—
Wardens Sohn
Watson and J. H.
Gunther ; Sidesrnen and usbets, to the
selected by (he Brotherhood of St.
Andrew ; Members of select vestry,
the 'Wardens' and John Bamford,
Welch, 3. M. Oairthaw, F. 1t.
Blowett A, J. Collins and A.. St.
Geo. Hawkins ; Vestey Olerk, Ken-
neth Hail'; Auditors, 0. Taberner and
W. R. Clayton t Lay Delegates to
Synod, Messrs. Collins and Gunther.
The organist's salary was increased to
$100 a year,
A big time wee on in local Odd -
fellow circles. Besides the Grand
Master, Hon, Senator • Derbyshire,
visitors were px'eser )) from Sarnia,
Seaand other' Mount Forest,
The lora local
tease: exemplified smno of the woi'lc
in a manner that won the weeniest
praise been the visitors and fut'ther
established their ventilation as
amongst the best in the jurisciiotion.
The oc210211an Wee token advantage of
2Vbt v ,
Doctors prescribe very little, if
any, alcohol these days. They
prefer strong tonics and altera-
tives. This is all inkeeping
m dice!ci
s Bare.
It explains
y Ayer's Sar-
saparilla is now made entirely
free from alcohol. Ask your
doctor. Follow his advice.
We publish one ror,aulgp
Wp hanleh slaohg1
rice our mgdiolues
v p7r5011;1'.°
0 .015 you to
5011; atoyro,ir
Unless there is daily action of the bow-
els, poisonous products are absorbed,
causing headache, biliousness nausea,
doctor about correctinWe wish g your constipld askation
by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills,
--..Made by the 1.0, Ayer Om, Lowell, Aran.
to present to 1!. R. Blowett, 1C. C.,
Grand Repyeseutative, the beautiful
Grand Master's Jewel which was pro-
vided by the Grand Lodge of Ontario,
The Grand Master 00 behalf of Grand
Lodge, made the presentation in a
happy speech. The recipient respond-
ed 1n fitting terms,
Cranbrook •
Thwawr OP APR17. PRororrol
18xnaxlxnxl0Ns,-Following is the 're
port of promotion examinations held
recently in Oralbrook public school .
—Room II. Je IV---Pass—Bessle
Alderson, Arthur rax. Sr, III—Ho i.
ors—Russel Knight, Lucy Alderson,
Addie Sperling, Hazel McDonald.
Pass—Leslie Perris, Mamie Cameron,
May Grasby, 'Maggie McNab, Maay
Hunter, Jr. III--Pass—Evely Mc-
Nichol, Lena Noble, Gordon Catneron,
Fanny Grasby, Myrtle Grasby, Lola
Steiss. Names in order of ,merit. Ii:
D AINLAT, Teacher, !Zoom I -Bon•
ods—G lCnight, M Perrie, T Smalldon,
E Sparling. Pass—I Steiss, A Hunter,
o Gorse
liar., M Baker, F Fischer. Jr.
II—Honors—W Cameron, WICranter.
Al Long. Pass -0 Long, S Noble, E
Pennington, J Schnoek,.A Fischer.
Pt. II—Ronore—L Baker, B Fischer,
J Hunter, A Knight. Pass—J
Mantel., R Hunter. Sr. 1—Hotors—
A Smalldon. Pass—E Baker, J
Suxalltlon. .7r..I—A Sperling, E Bak-
er. L. A. MAolCay, Teacher.
Peculiar Weakness' in Women,
Mealy women stiffer retold torture
from nervous debility arising from
disorders of the feminine .organs.
Day by clay they grew worse. .8.
false s@use of modesty prevents them
using a good remedy like Ferrozone,
—and it would etre thein. Lost nerve
force is brought back—new vital
energy is supplied—irregularities dis-
appear. Ferrozone does restore weak
pale woolen. For those who stiffer
and find work hard to bear nothing
supplies the health and vitality that:
Ferrozoue ea surely brings. Guaran-
teed free from alcohol anti sm'e to
cure, 500. at all dealers.
Hislop Dicicson, M. A., left for
Three Valley, B. C., where he will be
engagers for six months as a mission-
William Holman disposed of his
fine carriage mare to W. 0. Kidd, of
Listowel, for the handsome sum of
The Agricultural grounds were auc-
tioned off at the Elms House and
Robert Walker rented them for
We congratulate Hislop Dickson,
M. A., on successfully passing his
second year examinations at Knox
College, Toronto.
A new chemist 'office is being erect-
ed at the Cement works. The man-
ager expects to have the mill in oper-
ation in another week,
Samuel 1303d,
of %
�, Hev rd
a Sask.,
has arrived after an absence of six
years, to visit his father and mother
and other l'elatives in the village and
SPRING FAIR. —Following were the
awards at Atwood Spt'ing Fair :—
Imported Olydesdale, 4 years and
over, lst, Prince of itfertyfielcl, Kerr
Bros., Milverton ; 2nd, Knight of
Glands, Geo, Gropp, Milvcrtan 3rd,
Gold Luck, John. Gray, Atwood ; 4th,
Boren Black, Thomas Cannings,
Molesworth. Imported Clydesdale,
tinder 4 yrs. -1st, highland 1310114,
Geo Gropp, Milverton. Canadian
Draught -1st, Bay Comet, John 111c-
Keevee, Listowel. Pm theism or Bel-
gian—let, Claudius, Charles Rex'r,
Ethel. Carriage, Coact) or Hackney
—Roy W
2o l
n, Gowans -
town. Standard Bred—Dashwood,
SV�u. Holman, Newry. Thorobrect.—
Mat Simpson, John Collins, Listowel.
Sweepstake, tvc a ),take, best heavy hose, High-
land tl 1e1
ld, Gan. Gropp. Sweepstake,
best light horse, Dashwood, Wni,
Holman. Bulls.—Short horn, over
Fasters and others desiring Tile tor the
owning season can secure what they re-
nlre at carload rates, a: Brussels or
Ethel stations, if orders ,,re sent in sof
fxcient time to arrange for quantity and
date of delivery. I will really the our.
e, s of the arrival of the,
CTt:a and itie
Met in loading Irons car to wagons. Fut+
111er particulars may be obtained by
seeing or writing
V t9■
E. Sanders
Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel •
Order at once, All saes from ai Io 18
inches may be obtained. 'Pile From
t3 inches 0p are 28 inches long.
year's---A,Stevenson,' Atwood. Rol.
stalls, .sandal' 2 ytal's-.-1st, 810' Ii.blw.
kt't"It13ecker, !/Otis, Llalsan, Newry 1.
utl, Hillview Butter Bow011, 4lsims,
Ayrshire, ia
a3ala—L0Pa1 Jnkm, Jas ., Dickson'
.A, representation from 'the Sons of
Sootlaihd, Melhose'(lunx�t), Atwood,
consisting of Andrew Stevenson, T.
G, llallantyne anti William Robb plaid
a friendly visit to the Manse,. Atwood,
and read a beautifully worded ail.
dress from the .Dodge 10 Rev, A.
MaeVioar, for some time Chaplain of
the camp. Mr, A4aiaViceh ;vas
s sled 3
1 with a
mounted enter
l e
slight token of the good willordie
bdepalruxeanaRev. Ktheir. sorrowat
plied in a few well chosen words,
Lost Hie Voice Entirety:
Mt'. J. H. Woods, of Point Rock,
Oneida Co„ N, Y,, hada !lard expel..
/mice. "A bad attack of "Catarrh.
settled in my forehead and the pain
over ley eyes was sointettse I thought
my bead would burst, 31y voice
grew very hoarse and I coughed every
night, and through the Wittier could
scareelyspealt. My voice was gone.
Two doctor's didn't hail) me at all.
The next doctor ordered "Catarrh -
ozone," It cured me and now many
others here use it also. My doctor
says he doesn't know anything so
good for Catarrh and Threat Trouble
as "Oatarrhozohe," Use it to -day,
you're better to -morrow. 25e. and
$1.00 at all dealers, Try Catarrh -
Garner Nicholson was very ill but is
considerably better we are pleased to
Dr. W. J. Bee, of Philadelphia ;
Jas. and Mrs. Jackson,. of Teeswater ;
1+. O. and Mrs. Taylor, of CYorrio ;
Mrs. D. IYICCutcheon and son, of Brus-
sels ; T. and Airs. Scott and family,
2nd line, spent Easter at the home of
John and Mrs. Roe, 2ncl linea The
doctor brought with him some straw-
berries from Florida, apples from
California, and a large delicious
Easter egg,
The following is the result of the
promotion examination of S. S. No.
1 :-50 per Dent, pass ; 60 per cent,
honors. Sr. IV—Maggie Phelan, 67 ;
Ella Rogerson, 61. Jr. IV—Robs.
Wallace, 71. Sr. III -James Brown,
75 ; John Passmore, 89 ; Gertie Mc-
Call, 65 ; Olive Aiken, 63. Jr. ITI—
Joseph Aiken, 05 ; Wilford Nivins,
58 ; Lillie Blames, 58 ; Anna Beirnes,
53 ; Willie Phelan, 50, Sr. II—Lillian
Rogerson, 50 ; Irvine Wallace, 59.
report of the promotion examinations
of S. S. No. 0, Morris. Names are
given in order of merit. --Entrance
Class—Tena Yuill, Mat;jie Yuill, Ethel
Sellers. l'erom Jr. IV to Sr. TV—
Mabel Bone, Russel Currie. From Sr.
III to Jr. IV—Russel Bone. From Jr.
III to Sr. III—Get'tie Shaw, Lila Wil-
kinson. From Class II to Class III—
Hlarolcl Currie, Charlie Sellers, John
Yuill, Isabel Shaw, Irene Wilkinson ;
mutton, Wald Sellers. Fx'om Jr, Pt.
I to Sr. Pt. I—Haack Shaw, John Bow-
man. O. M. JIICOnaorcaN, Teacher.
Russel and Miss Edith Daily visited
their sister, Mrs. Milhausen, Walker-
Mr. mud Mrs. Colwell, of Centralia,
visited at the home of the latter's
father, Rev. S. Salton,
B. 141coormick spent his Easter
holidays visiting his brother, Dr. H.
McCormick, at Flint, Mich.
R. R. and Mrs. Green, Cayuga, vis-
ited in the village. Their' many
friends always welcome them back to
Wm. Fnr'tney is still quite sick.
The doctor did not think it necessary
to perform an operation, but it will
take some time for his recovery.
D. Collins was very i11, but at last
report was considerably better. They
telephoned for his daughter, Miss
Martha, deacnnness, who arrived
Monday of last week.
Mrs. J. Dulinage had the misfortune
to break her arm. She sufferers in-
tensely, as the arm was not only
broken in two planes, but is badly
This Combination Always Wins,
IIOW Often we bear of people who
have had an aching joint or muscle
for years. No more speedy remedy
eon be adopted than to rub on Nervi -
line and then apply a Nerviline Por -
oils Plaster. Ae once the muscles be-
gin to resume their wonted vigor and
flexibility. Inflammatory symptom
and pain disappear. Nerviline Plas-
ters can be worn by the most delicate
child or aged person, They are hu -
valuable as the» sands have proved.
Used along with Nerviline they Inc
guaranteed to permanently drive out
any muscular ache, pain or stiffness.
T1y these remedies and judge for
yourself. 25c. at all dealers, or N. 0.
Polson & Go., Kingston, Ont -
North al
church choir
is now preparing for a fine concert to
1)0 given
the eflxs
t week in May.
a .T�e
large room at the Temperance
has S Beall
room for pupils fromthe the
rooms in the Central School
The eof lection
ul•1 higrink resultedasFollows t Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, W. L.
Morton, A. Farrow, J. H. Colborne,
R. S. Williams, Dr. Nichclsot, lVm.
Wallace, Joseph Gold thorpe, Tames
Alcintosh, Wan Lane and Fred Davis.
Judge Holt and Sheriff Reynolds were
elected auditors.
By ehm,oll4 R rdenst and sidmotte esnxSeu of 1008
were re-elected for the current year.
They are ;' Wardens, Judge holt and
George Porter ; sidestnen, E. N.
Lewis, Wm. Pronclfoot, W. L. Eliot,
D. Tye, e
y , Tigert, J. S. Platt,
1). J Naftel, d 0. Lee, Jas. Carrie,
A now feature in burial at Maitland
cemetery Waag witnessed when the re-
mains of the late Rev. 3,
W, Oir,
Dorchester Station, were placed hi a
gt'auolit.hic sepulchre, mapufaetored
by W. J. Anthistle, of London.
product. was in sections and temned
from that 01ty, the total weight being
that about 31i'. An histlle ill laid e ttmiles x of
cement walks in Gode.rich.
Famous for i-t3usO El~'urnis sin s
Spring Importati 113
Attractive new Patterns in all kinds' of Floor
Coverings that are worth your while to exam-
ine, and with every bit of extravagance taken
out of the prices. We are devoting particular
attention this season to
Rugs and Art
We are doing everything we can to deserve
your confidence, buying only such Carpets as
we can thoroughly recommend.
k Y
English, Brussels,
Velvets, Tapestry
and Ingrains.
Art Squares
Something Special in Medal-
lion Patterns, also Velvets,
Brussels and Ingrains:
We emphasize this line 1ne of Floor Coverings in 4and
widths, We have a great varietyy of eY
patterns and qual-
ities ranging from 40c per square yard upwards, also a
few good ends that are bargains in 4 yard widths,
the largest and
4 g finest Assortment o
furniture '
u uiture lu the County
Upholstering done on short notice and Mattresses re -filled
Variety the si..'see of life. You get it at
Le;-1therdale & Son's
Liberal discount for cash. UNDERTAKERS.
Condemned by•Physieians.
Unscrupulous dealers often prepare
corn remedies with caustics and acids.
Refuse such, and insist on Pntnam's
Painless Corn Extractor. It's purely
vegetable, safe and sure.
Shocks of earthquake were felt in
New Brunswick.
; 5•irs. D. 1, Evans hanged herself at
Montreal. She was the wife- of a well-
known physician,
'VIM Win ;Meg street railway men
have asked for a Board of Conciliation
under the Lemieux act.
Hon. Rodolphe Ltmleux's resolution
to increase the pay of postoffhce em-
ployees was adopted by the liouso of
Commons. •
Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote
Digestion. Money back if they fail to
At all Druggists or direct from
25c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto
A Newspaper —
Not An "Organ"
The lnan who wants an open -minder/ discussion of
politics, the steady support of right, justice, and
decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre-
judiced, comlxxoti=sense treatment of public affairs,
thoroughly enjoy the
t t `� ..1 �, lIilly
ri .A .�lS S
The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest,"
It has definite opinions of its own an political, social,
and moral questions—but it recogniz th: right of
others to hold exactly opposite opinions without
necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse.
The Star's editorials are broad-minded, honest, as
keen and clever as some of the best writers in Canada
,cau make thee!, and always Fair.
The Star iS published for fair-minded, intelligent
people who take an active interest in Canada and the
world. Consequently It Lias More Readers Than
Any Other Paper in Ontario.
$11.50 A Ye taw,r
This paper and the TORONTO D4ILY STI1R tegotiler for
'one year, $2.20, Guaranteed Fountain Pen for 50c.
added to above subscription prices,.