HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-15, Page 4•-'i` iur,5oDAY, APRIL is, ;909....
Canadians be Thee,
Tile Canadian building et the Alaska•
Yukon -Pacific ElFpoeitiop is fast nearing
completion and within thirty days the
work of tnatalling the exhibits will be
taken up by Wiliian) 'BeteMeet), Cana-
dian cotnmissioner. The structure to
represent the Dominion of Canada at
the Pacific Exhibition occupies a central
location and will be one of the most
ltaudsoihe buildings at the Fair,
More than fifteen carloads of exhibits,
eompriaing the display made at the
Franco -British exhibition last year,
haye reached Seattle and thin big col•
lection will receive additional displays
from British Culunthia'and other sec-
' tions of the Dominion. It is proposed
to make the mineral, °agricultural and
horticultural dlaplav at the Fair the.
most complete ever attempted ,by Can-
ada at an international Exposition.
There will also be numerous fish and
game exhibits. The Canadian building
will be suitable for exposition purposes
and the interior arrangement is such as
to show the exhibits off to the best
possible advantage.
Adjoining the Canadian building will
be an attractive .structure erected tat
the Grand Trunk railroad, The build
ing is now in the course of .construction
and will be a replica of the Parthenon
at Athens. The landscaping features of
the two boildma as will be in Harmony
and the grounds about the Canadian
and Grand Trunk huildtngs are to be
beautified by experieueed gardeners
The Grand Trunk railroad will make
a very comprehensive display of the
agricultural products along the Hue of
the railway as well as a display of the
agricultural, mineral and horticultural
products of British Columbia. In this
bullcliug will be mann specimens of
animal life from the Skeeoa river dis-
triet and an exact reproduction of the
town of Prince Rupert, the Pacific
terminus of the new line.
Iu the center of this building will be a
trophy madeof straw, wheat, oats
the grains of the. Cauadicn Nu r
Front Eastern Canada there will be a
collection of photographs taken in the
hunting and flailing regions Mounted
specimens of the game and fish nattve
to Canada's threats and meters will be
displayed. Motion pictures, too, will be
used to show Cenadas resources.
By the tune the Canadian and Grand
Trunk buildings are ready the Exposi•
tion will stand complete. On the first
of April the Exposition was ninety five
per cent complete and such rapid pro
grecs is being made in all departments
that the Fair will be ready a mouth be
fore the opeuiug date, June r, rgog.
Just now the landscape artists are
setting out trees. shrubs, and flowers all
over the grounds and when the Fair
opens it will easily be the most beautiful
Exposition ever bele, for there is a
world of natural beauty on every hand
and the mountains, lakes and woodland
scenery makes a fitting background for
the beautiful combination of architec-
tural skill and landscaping,
New York is finishing a beautiful
building and many other structures will
be ready on time. When the gates of
the Fair are thrown open to the world,
June r, the Alaska -Yukon -Pacific Ex-
position will more than make good its
claim to be the "Fair That Will Be
Ready". The Canadian club is arrang-
ing to give a greeting to all visitors from
Canada to the Fair. 'Po this eni the
name of every native of Canada now in
Seattle, together with his home address.
will be silo .•0 in a register 10 the Cana
dian building in order to give visiting
Canadians an opportunity to locate
friends or acquaintances during their
stay at the Fair.
The largest state building erected on
the grounds of the Alaska Yukon -Pacific
Exposition is that 01 the state of Cali-
fornia. The building is of old Califor-
nia Mission design, and is a perfect
specimen of its kind.
Old Hawaiian "theles" will be sung by
a band of the finest singing boys of the
paradise of the Pacific during the
Alaska Yukon -Pacific Exposition. Trop-
ical foliage and palms wall lend the air
ot enchantment of the dreamy South
On account of the immense increase
iupassenger travel across the continent
induced by the Alaska Yukon -Pacific
Exposition, it is announced that the
Yellowstone National Park will riven the
season ten dare earlier than usual and
continue for two weelis later than ctis
tonere, The regular season will open
en lune to.
The Aiavke Yukon Pacific Exposition
will go on record as being the first inter.
national Exposition. which has not asked
assistance frons the U S Government
Nearly every county in the states of
Washington, California and Oregon will
have individual representation at the
Alaska -Yukon Pacific Exposition.
More than one hundred national and
fraternal societies will bold their annual
sessions and meetings at the Alaska.
Yukon P c fie Exposition.
The Alaska Yukon -Pacific Exposition
will he crinducted ou the "dry" prin
ciple, No liquor or intoxicating bever-
ages of Stip description will be sold on
the grounds, or be allowed on sale with
IP two miles of the Exposition.
The annual meeting ofthe Epworth
League will he held in Seattle during
the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition,
and the event will bring more than
25,00o visitors to the Puget Sound
All prizes won by Washington ex-
hibitors in the poultry show at the
Alaska Yukon -Pacific Exposition will be
duplicated by the State Exposition
Com mission .
The tatitous Tozier collection of curios
and relics of the North coast wiil be on
exhibition at the Alaska -Yukon --Pacific
Exposition. tlo
t. The collection embraces
more than 10,000 specimens and is
valued et $40,000,
The National Editor's Association will
hold its regular annual meeting in
Seattle ou July t9. The convention will
n the Alaska
t the to a
be m session a
Yukon—Pacific Exposition is in progresa,
The Remington Winchester and V
M C. firearm manefacturtutt companies
will hold their annual interstate trap
shoot in Seattle (during the coming
Summer. "The event will be attended
by the leading wing shots of the world,
My., Harry Qlbeoh, Orr Kbtfieten, woe roe*
Cued. from an enemy that MAN sm.
ianttoasly pursttod him for Yeatw.
Mr, Gibson was born and brought
up in Kingston, 13y profoesion he is a
school teacher, Re received his train-
ing in Queen's University, Where he
took a course in arts and medicine
that well befits him to talk on Almost
any subject.
The enemy that for 25 years relent-
lessly pursued Mr, Gibson iQ a Menace
to our entire population -.-ib ie the
deuton, Catarrh.
.Mr. Gibson says t -For years I was
never free from Catarrh of the nose
and throat, It bothered rue Winter
and Summer and kept me so contin-
ually coughing and hawking that I
found it a great impediment to the
proper performance of my duties at
school. I used every available means
of obtaining a cure, took bottle after.
bottle of medicine prescribed by local
doctor's, but never got more than
temporary relief. I consulted a well-
known specialist in the States, but
after spending a considerable amount
of money with hila to no advantage,
was forced to look elsewhere for 're
lief, which I first received from Ca-
I consider Cataprhozone a genuine
cure for Catarrh. It drove that loath-
some disease completely out of my
system, and to -day I tttn as well as if
I never knew what the word Catarrh
A straightforward proof of cure,
coming from a well-known gentleman
like Me. Gibson carries conviction of
the fact with it that Oatazrhozonedoes
all that is claimed for it. As a cure
for Catarrh and Brouehitie it posi-
tively has no equal. All druggists,
price $1.00 ; small size, 50 cents. By
mail from Polson & Co„ Kingston,
and will be held during the Alaska -
Yukon Pacific Exposition.
'The Seattle Chamber of Commerce-
ommerrrwill conduct an ,information bureau in
Seattle while the Alaska Yukon Pacific
Exposition is in progress for the b-nefi•
P P, g
t will meet
nt visitors to the city. Agents
all boats and trains and in this way per
sons who visit the metropolis of the star
of Washington this Sumpter will be
assn ted of reasonable rates at the hotels
and lodging houses.
Among the interesting works of art to
he exhibited at the Alaska Yukon-Paci
fie Exposition this Summer will be a
statue of "Old Jennie". last of the
Rogue river Indians.
l'he National Convention of the Ep
worth League to be held at Seattle this
Sum trier during the progress of the
Alaska Yukon -Pacific ' Exposition will
draw more than '0,000 viSiters t0 .ieattle
from the cities of the Northwest.
One of the interesting exhibits at the
Alaska -Yukon -Pacific Exposition will
be the display of the American Bankers'
Association. The exhibit will be highly
educational in character. A meeting of
the bankers' associatious of Washington,
Oregon, Montana and Idaho will be held
in Seattle this year.
An automobile race across the con
tinent for the long dis•ance sup'etnacv.
with a costly trophy for a prize, will
take place about the secoud week of the
AfaskaYukon-Piicific Exposition 'There
will he thousands et visitors in Seattle
to witness rue finish of the race.
Seattle, Wasb., April rash
vo cure Toothache.
Search over the whole globe and
you'll nut find the equal of Nerviline.
Ari aching tooth it relieves at once.
Fill the cavity with batting dipped in
Nerviline and rub the gums with Ner-
viline also. If the face is swollen and
sore, bathe with Nerviline and then
bind. on a hot flannel. This can't fail
because Nerviline kills the pain out-
right. Just as good for earache,
neuralgia or stiff neck. A 25e. bottle
of Nerviline cures the aches of the
whole family. Try it.
The Spring rush of settlers to the West
is on. 'Trains from the East are crowd
ed with emmigrants going to home-
steads or purchased farm lands. From
the South, other train loads are coming
into Western Canada and sten who are
in touch with the rush of settlers from
the United States place the figures of
immierunts who will cress the Inter-
national boundary to find ironies in
Canada. during the season of Igoe, a1
70,00.• or more Ail settlers who take
up land are welcome in Western Canedu,
but the Farmers who come in from the
United States are g,-nerallt better
quipped as to mmtei, machinery ants
kouwledge of Brain growing, rind firs.
therefore listed unong the very hest
settler, that came to the country This
year's influx from the United States is
so great that extra immtgrauun office rs
gave been added to the reguiar force rt'
Emerson and North Portal, p1iueipa'
pmts of entry into Western Canada
front the States.
Reports trout various, parts of tilt
West, indicate excellent busuress
In this new country the activity or dolt
noes of the building trades is looked
upon as one ot the hest gauges of genes
al business, Measured by this stand:ed.
the year tgo9 has started ,out for a
The building permits in Winnipeg for
March fixed the value of the buildings
o be erected at $58r,7o0,'a sum
exceeds the total for any preceding
March. In 1906, the year in which
Winnipeg's new buildings reached the
total cost of $ta,5oo,ono, the total of the
permits issued in March was a little over
$782,000, and in March teo7, it was
$703,000. From the beginning of the
present year to the end of March the
total is wellup to the total of the first
three months of 1906, and the indica-
tions are that the total for April will be
of exceptionally large proportions since
it will include petmits for some of the
largest new structures of this year, in
chiding blocks and additions to business
An encouraging signof trade activity
lies in the exceptionally sharp demand
for agricultural implements, Trade in
this line has increased 70o per cent. of
late among the Winnipeg dealers, who
In thti white light
of publicity, Mooney';
Biscuits stand out til ilii
beacons on a rock -hound ctttic t.
Like the light-hou'.i, lvl.00ney's
name is a guide to 1: 1 ty in ordering
fresh, crisp biscuits.
Stratford, Hamilton, Ottawa, Sydney, Winnipeg,-
Calgary, Vancouver, ).21
complain that the Eastern factories do
,i ut suppi\ the goods asfast as the trade
oemanda. Tue big erup and good
prices of last year bas cleated a boom of
extra large proportions in farming
upermions, and the Spring has opened
up to good season fur pushing Them for-
Ja2aes 1. Hill has begun active work
on the constructure of the Great North-
ern line Irum MMichel, British Columbia,
to Calgary, Alberta. This line will be
a part of Great Northern trunk line
which will connect Winuipeg with the
Pacific coast by a third or fourth line of
rxtl.vay ewnmuuicatiun, and it may be
completed by 1910. Work along various
,actions of the Great Northern will be
vtgurously,pnshed this season and the
new Michel -Calgary line is expected to
The People's Column
SADIL Hood miller, water and fruit trees.
Engin, a of 1t, T. HINGSTON, or P. 0. box 800.
13r•usaels. 82-51 -
H AM DRESSING. -Switches, braide and
puffs =Matron' combings Ina cut hair.
Orders from a dietanee promptly attended to.
Allis. R. T. 81S7Gs10PT, Mil/ St., Brussels.
CO landRleing'Lot 212 residence
streed t aBruss
,.eta, for sate. House 18 well built, with all con-
venieneesand possession could be given at
once. For further particulars apply on the
preuilea to Airs. Jas. Ferguson, or D. Fer-
guson, Teesweter. tf.
COal,•MITA BLE U01'TAGE, stable and i5
acre of land tor sate, '1•urnberry street,
North, Brussels. Hood well, fruit trees, &c.
Possession could be given at once. For further
particulars as to price, terms. &c., apply on the
premises. ALEX. AIo,.AUORLIN. 7-tf
COR SALE OR 10 BENT. -Tile undersigned
▪ offers his well located property in Brussels
rur sale 0r to rent. There are 5f4 acres of laud
with comfortable house, with cellar, stable,
orchard, well, &e. Possession on Aug. 13th.
Mor price, terms, and other information apply
.0 dab. UUNIIUMU, alas= or 218E 80,01
irus-eta '1410S. DUNFOliD, Langdon, Not a
PH0PE181Y 6011 SALE. -In order to chi -4-
the estate of the late Thos. MoLaneltlio
tate traseutars offer for sale the real carat.
consisting of a 7 roomed house in good repair.
acre of land, together with 5 acre~ of drst-
etass land and large commodious stable, gaits•
uunvrnient to house. For full description and
location or uroperty apply to P. SCO'P't', tie
A. STEWART, Queen St., West, Brussels.
County of Huron. 11.
Stock for Service
unnderatgned will
keep Pur servic
e on Loi
I4,Qr . 4,Morris, tthorrbrad Durham bull
Tack Favorite" (i21 heed by AlexGard-
t•ar. bwhich is wellbred, tracing back
tothe beatirities. ALLANS7111R, Fail •
view Farm, Proprietor. 11.
POE SERVICE -A Thoro'-bred Short Horn
Bull (Uaptalu Broadhooksl 170. (740741 Lin
28.008 10. Grey. 'Perms-V.0U, payable Jan
14,1010. Further terms may be seen at tb.
premises. D. E. SANDERS, Proprietor.
WILL FOR SERVICE. - The undersigned
will licep for service at Lot 18. gun 7.
t}re/. the thnro'-bred ball. Highland Virta"
7- 8.77 Thi+ fine vnung animal was bred by
the well known breeders, W. B. Elliott & Sone.
111 Guelph, and 1•' from Imported 'Mick. Term.
$i 50 ;my ut,le .inn. 1,4, 11110, with privilege • t
recut nine if ne•cee•ars. Pedigree mire be seen
,a, il1ention. ANGUS LAMONTn 17, Fan 8&a Proprietor. ,
have part in the work of taking out the
Igoe crop.
Gtain Inspector I'itil has cotnpiled
some luteresung figures which show
that the grain business in Alberta and
the grain erep of tg08 was very satistae-
tory He says he expects the Igoe crop
to exceed the 1908oneas much as the
latter exceeded that of 1907 A general
summary of the figureselves the intor
ration that while the entire number of
cars inspected for the t9,7 crop was
2,683, the number of cath thus far in-
spected in Ole 1908 crop 15 4,455, 1,772
Inure than the is months shipment of
the 1907 crop. During March, 136 cars
of all grains were.ehiipped
No less than twelve Important in
quiries have.ueeu received by the Win-
utpeg Development and Indus' nal
Bureau recenth from manetatuu•ers
who seek to locate in this city 'Terse
include a large mactiineiy firm of Johns
town, Pa an Iowa firm That makes
agrieulural machinery and tools, a lead.
ing Iron works of the state of W,xcon-
sin, one of the old and reliable manufac-
turing concerns of Glasgow.Scotland, a
Montreal arm that makes i,ttertor iron
work and architectural and brass fix-
tures, a nig hardware making house of
Pittsburg, Pa., and a large skirt -mak-
ing firm from Troy, New York.
President E C DuVal, of the Mani-
toba Amateur Athletic associstinn, an-
nounce. that the Dominion of Canada
amateur athletic championships wil be
held in the City ,•1 Winnipeg on foil
15111 anti tvth, 111 eunjunc11011 with the
Winnipeg Industrial exvbitiun
Ube enantpioushipi heretofore have
never Leen held West of Toronto l.a11
year they were conducted In Halllax
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Train leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on
APRIL 6, 20 MAY 4, 18 JUNE 1,16, 29
JULY 13, 27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21
Sewed dao doles from Ontario stations 0rinti al
Northwest points at
Wi 'pegd return $32.00; Edmonton and return
$/2.50 and to oda points in proportion. Tickets
good to return within 60 days from going dote,
on all e:wnione. Comfortable berths, fully equipped
with bedding, can be secured at moderate rata through
local agent
Early application must be made
containing tales and full idonnntioe.
Apply tongued at.. P.a. Ant.. Toroontto.L. ThomDsan,
We're now showing
The very Newest Creations
in Spring Millinery
and we want YOU to see them.
Our Hats have a "smartness"
and originality of style peculiarly
• their own. We aim at Exclu-
siveness of design and
are confident that we now have
one of the handsomest and most
original assortments of hats in
town. If you are looping for
something stylish—"Chic"—nobby
in Millinery favor us with a call.
and we'll show you what's 'what'
in Up-to-date Millinery ner
Look us up Soon
With rS0911 success that the board of
governors were desirous of giving the
West an opportunity of undertaking the
premier athletic event of the year.
The meet will involve championship
events in nearly all the field sports,
spurt and long dist anee rttoili11g, •ttanrl-
lug and running jumps, high lumping,
vaulting, throwing the discus, etc., with
probably a marathon lace mud contest
auto from all parts of the l?ominton will
A1•0E11'rA TrA.141+1111.;R EXTENS1Gx5
Eight .
hundred miles of new lisle -
pitons lines in the nrovfu05 ut Albel la
is Inc probable estimate of what the tele-
phone branch of the Alberta puhdc
works department will 101istruet this
• year.
The mileage for last year watt about
Soo miles, but the demands- this year
was greatly in excess of anything the
telephone sup nriuten den t had known,
It all the demands from the fuer quar-
ters of the province were grantril, aha re
.would be between 0,0ooand 3,111o miles
001011 ueted instead of 800.;
Winnipeg, Manitoba, April. 15th, 1909.
Grey Council
The Council met pul'�.ttant to order ou
Monday, April 5th, at Township Hall,
Members all present, Reeve in the chair
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and adopted.
Moved by John Grant, seconded by
John Cutt, that the Reeve be etohor
ized to sign contract agreement of
William Huether on Walton cement
sidewalks; Carried.
Moved by John Brown, seconded by
John Cutt tbat the Treasurer be auth-
orized to pav the corporation of Logan
the sum of $288 58, 'Debenture portion
on Northwest Drain Improvement, and
the sum of $7,84, balance on bounden'
for tgo8. Carried
GeorgeMitchellapplied for the prly
'legs of erecting a slaughter hoose on
Lot No. 22, con. 8,
Moved by John Cutt, seconded by
Jas McFadzean, that Geo. Mitchell
be granted permission to erect a
slaughter house 011 said Lot 22, said
building to beat least 20o yards from
any private dwelling house, and 70
yards from any public highway or
street Carried:
Moved by John (;rant. seconded by
Juhn Brown that Neil MoTaegart be
appointed collector for the South Div-
isioi of lire 'Township for the tear Inoq,
and that a By. Law he passed confirm
ing said appointment Carried.
Moved by John Brown, seconded br
John Grant, that By -Law No, 298, eulh
prizing Inc Head and Treasure, to .her
row (rum the Standard Bank of Canarle,
ht• way of an overdrawn account, 'he
sum of 'Three Thousand Dollar -s,• to
inert current expenditure until the
/sees for the Year tgno are collected, be
read a 751, 211d and 3rd time and be fin
ally passed Carried.
Movetl by Jas. \lcFadzeau. seconded
by John Cutt, thit' the fol owing ac-
counts be paid :-
Corporation of Logan, Deb per
tion N. W. Drain Imp .........;$ 2S8' 58
Corporation of Logan, bal on
bdy Grey and LORku .,....... 7 64
'rhos Chapman, attendance at
I tali during debates............
S S. Cole, repg. Dukes bridge
flour ..................... ...........
D. Nenbal, contract grave), b R.
5. Con. t6 ....
N Bunndarv-George McDon aid.
George Armstrong, henry Armstrong.
ins Cummings. Samuel McGeorge
Cons 1 and 2 -Bernice Pat'ne. Gideon
Packs, Edward Booms. lob L King,
11141S McDonald. George Brown. Geo.
ell-, Arthur Bradford
1 0n.. 3 and 4 - Robert 'T Srrarhen,
its Turnbuls John B. Smith, Joseph
Ames, lits. Peuison, 14. J. Ctonp yell,
i f .au Coats William Pirie
('Itt' 5 and (,- Rit•hat d Ca. 'lift J.. sr
.1' lies, Angst, Shaw. Peter Nlrintu.h
7T, 'clru. Ftal:k rubies, Rtdtatd
("n,. 7 trod 8- Alex D 0101)1.i)nvirl
E ahs, A'.gttsLemont, Gen E Mct'all.
thole Eekinier. Andrew MIK,-r Cline
Kerr, Rob. rt B'emucr, Wm 'Thomp-
son. David Carson.
Cons g and to -Wm. Hemingway,
O Hetningwav, john Steiss. Fred.
Osier, i
il Cunningham, Wm Stev
i v u, K Baiter
Cons. t t anis 12 - lolls Glassier, Hugh
Lamont jr., Jas. Perrie, Samuel Bal
four, Dan Huetlter, Levi Whitfield,
Imbert Dougherty.
Blind Line Division-Jno. C. Fischer
Cons 13 and 14 -Edward Armstrong,
Jno Stevenson, Donald Stewart, Lorne
Taylor, Jacob Zeigler, Robinson.s McNair jr ,
ino. Howard Wm. Side
Road Div -Rupert Miller
Cons 15 and 16 -John Bolger. Wm.
Telford, O. 'Turnbull, Francis W •,ods,
Neil McTaggart, Duncan McKay, R.
W, Livingston.
eons. 17 and 18 - jno Harris, '!'hos.
Williamson, Alex Buchanan, Wm. Dun-
canson, Jas. H. Williamson, Jno. Wil-
liamson, Roy McNaught, Wm. Machan,
Side Road -Lots 5 and 6, Con 17 -
Thos, Nletadzean, jr.
Gravel Road -Samuel Sue';, James
Strachan, Jae. Parr, •Geo. McFarlane,
Wm Rands Jno, Bennett.
Graham's Survey -Fletcher Roe.
Walton Village -R H: Ferguson.
Council then adjourned.
JonN MCIN•tosH, Clerk.
We know of no other medicine which hasbeen so sue-
cessful' in relieving the suffering of women, or secured • so
many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
In almost every community you will find women who
have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has
either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has,
In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con-
taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from
women seeking health, in which many openly state over.
their 'own signatures that they have regained their health
bytakingLydia E. sPinkhaln's Vegetable Compound:
Lydia E. Pll ' khan's Vegetable Compound has saved
� g p
many women from surgical operations..
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex-
clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless.
The reason why it is so successful is because it contains
ingredients which act directly upon the female organism,restoring it to healthy and normal activity.
Thousands of
unsolicited and
genuine testimonials als such
simple as the following prove the efficiency of this s sr p le remed y.
Iiel1 Que.—"Without Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
er, Iver , R
Compound I 'would not be alive. For five months I had painful
and irregular periods and inflammation of the uterus. I suf-
fered like a martyr and thought often of death. I consulted
two doctors who could do nothing for lie. I went to a hospital,
and the best doctors said I must submit to an operation, because
I had a tumor. I went back home much discouraged. One of
my cousins advised me to take yoilr Compound, as at had cured
her. I did so and soon commenced to feel better, and my appe-
tite carne back with the first bottle. Now I feel no pain and ram
cured. Your remedy is deserving of praise."—1FTrs. Banana
(Mittel, Valleyfield, Belloriver, Quebec.
Women who are suffering from those distressing 'ills
peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts
or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to restore their health.
4 511 Allan O 7,,V Line DO YOU NEED
E ?
ill ai 1
2 00
2 72
Puts Hair On Your Head And
Keeps It There,
What's the use of beim bald P
What sense is there in delihelately
allowing your hair to turn gray ?
Do you want to loop old below your
time ? Give up the thought ; old age
wilt come all too soon.
Look after' your hair. Parisian
Sage will kill the dandruff germs, and
is the only preparation, se far as We
know, that is guaranteed to do so,
Man or woman, no matter how old
you are, Parisian Sage. will Make you
look younger,
Why not go to James Pox and get to
large bottle to -day, it only costs 50
cents, and your money bank if it does
not cure dandruff, stop falling hair, or
itching of the scalp. It will rnalce
Your hair lnxnricnt, bright and
beautiful, and it is the most refresh-
ing plcasttttt and invigorating hair
dressing tnade.
St. John and Halifax to Liverpool
From Bt. :John Halifax
+Grampian — Apr.17
Virgin an nails .......... Apr. 10 Apr. 17
Tunisian sails ............. Apr. 24
Victorian sails .Apr. 00 Iday 1
+This ateanter sails to Glasgow.
Rates of Passage
First Class -$07.50, $70 and Pall. according to
Second crass -$l5, $47.20 and $00.
Third Qtass-$27 50. $80 anti $81.20,
For full particulars of Summer sailings Prow
Montreal and rates apply to
A.pent Allan Linn Brussels.
Squeezy Eas
That's an oddname ain't u 7 71
ju: snits the article I have the
agency for, viz., a new patented
Floor Mop, Window Gleaner
and Wall and Ceiling Ouster or Washer
Squeeze Easv is a complete rig
and only has to be tried to prove
its excellency.
Will be pleased to call on you
shortly and prove what 1 have said
in this advertisement.
Richard Stevens,
Agent, Brussels
Farmers and others desiring Tile for the
coming season can secure what they re-
quire' at carload rates, at Brussels or
Ethel stations, if orders are sent in suf-
ficient time to arrange For gnentily end
dote of delivery. I will noti!y the pur-
t'haserC of the arrival of tite ears and as-
sist int in irliiig from ear to vengalus. Ens -
her pattipnlars mar be obtained. by
seeing or waiting
W. E. Sanders
Agent Drayton Tiro, Ethel
Orden •,t olive. All sizes from 2i to to
inches min' be' obtained. 'Tile from
8 niches 1111 are 28 inches long.
_V•1•1.1.1•1111111111.1111•00.11 inglasea.•111.11.1
June, Joh' and August leads int
our Fall 'Perm without any break
Enter au time. New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day,
The Largest, roost Reliable
of its kind.
W, IL SHAW Principal
Yonge & Gerrard ets., Toronto
Bread Flours
Graham Flours
Whole Wheat F=lours
Feed Flours
Corlieola (Breakfast Food)
Polled Wheat
Cracked Wheat
Bran, iii
Flaked Oats for horses
and all kinds o'Ffeed.