The Brussels Post, 1909-4-15, Page 3YOUNG • FOLKS tectotectieseesetatooes THE NEW TIKE. Grandma. Ilad come to stray at Florrro's while mamma was away, She was a dear grandma; who did everything she could to make Flor- rie, forget that mamma WAN mot there. Every day, when Flossie. got shone from school, grandma had some little surprise awaiting her. One day it was 000kies cut out and baked just like bunnies; another day it was a crocheted ear, for Iflorrie's biggest doll. One noon grandam put into Flor- ida's hands something white, soft and fluffy. It was made of dainty muslin, and it had little lace -edged ruffles and strings, "Why, grandma, ' how pretty! But what is it?" exclaimed Fier- rio. "It is a tire, just like those I used to make for your mother whon the was a little girl," n replied grandma, delighted with this; latest surprise, "All the little .girls woes them over their dresses, and you can wear yours this afternoon to school," Florrie thought the new tire very pretty and dainty, but -none of the other girls wore anything like it, and would she not feel very odd and strange'? It was such an odd pattern, and covered one so com- pletely! Florrio had a very tender little- heart, and she knew how.dis- appointed grandma would feel if she did not wear the tire that very afteenoon. And what macre it worse was that she was going home with Margaret, hervary dearest friend, after school, and she would have to wear that queer thing. Fortunately, grandma did not see the clouded little face that started for school. Florrie felt that every eye in the school was alloy her, and sho was sure she saw the Simpsons exchange glances. The miserable afternoon wore Away at last, and She little friends started for Margaret's. Glad to be outdoors again, they skipped along, with never a word about that now dreadful tire.. Florrie, however, had not forgotten it, and' was dreading the moment for -tak- ing off her wraps at Margaret's. Sure enough, it was not to es- cape notice. Margaret's mother exclaimed, "How very nice Florrie looks to -days Such a sensible thing it is, too, to keep your dress' nice .and fresh. Would you mind, dear, if I made a tire for Margaret like yours?" Would Florrie rid mind So it was arranged that Florrie should bring the pattern to school the next day if grandma were, wil- ling. The next week Margaret appear- -ed at school in.a dainty white tire, and grandma was kept vary busy lending the pattern to other mo- thers, until, wonder of wonders! nearly every little girl wore a be - sullied affair of dimity or cambric. :Florrie was very glad now that .she had tried not to disappoint rgrandrna: Youth's Companion. P.1IIN CBLY 1tAIMENT. Ike German Empress is a Very Economical Lady. Tho really, truly, flesh -and -blood princess of to -day are not, like their prototype of romance, clad in velvets and satins and feathers;. and they do, occasionally, lay off their jeweled coronets to assume •quite matter-of-fact and up-to-date headgear. The recent marriage of .another of the Kaiser's sons brings tc mind the fact that those princes are no longer sturdy lads subject to the domestic economy of the nursery. For these princelings were brought up on principles well adapted' to any careful household. No "slashed suit and doublet" for their active days! Their mother was far too good a houpewife for Disease attacks the little ones such extravagances. Not oply were through the digestive organs. the boys' clothes of strong and Baby's Own Tablets are the best practical manufacture, but so long thing in the world for all stomach es there was anything left of them, and bowel troubles of babies and they were handed down from one young children. They act quickly brother to another, made over in and 'gently, and aro absolutely the Kaiserin's own workroom. safe to give any child. Mrs. S. E. Sometimes the Kaiser's royal Green, Dunnville Ont., says :-"I trousers were cut down to fit would not be without Baby's Own princely little legs, now grown. Tablets in the 'house, for I think much- tbo long and too important they are an invaluable medicine for to be, encased in second-hand hab- all little ones." Sold by medicine iliments, dealers or by mail at 25 cents a The royal mother had clue regard box from The Dr, Williams' Medi - to the practical economy of her own cine Co., Brockville, Ont. attire, Wolf von Schlerbrand, in "Germany; the Welding dm World The other morning a milkman Power, gives an instance of her with his ever -ready- and obliging prudence. - remark on the weather, knocked In 1800, at the Berlin Municipal at the door of one of his most tired.Bxposition, a very costly dress was customers. "Good -morning, ma'am, exhibited, having • an exceedingly looks like rain this morning, long train. The Kaiser took a Ina am said he as he poured t} the Kaiserin to buy at. She smil- ingly refused, NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPITING future Needs Aid in Makin g New, Health -Giving Blood, In the springthe system need toning up. In the spring to b healthy and strong you must hay new blood, just as the trees mus have new sap. Nature demands i and without this new blood you wi feel weak and languid. You ma have twinges of rheumatism or th sharp stabbing pains of neuralgia Often there are disfiguring pimple or eruptions on the skin, In tithe eases there is merely a feeling o tiredness, and 'a variable appetite Any of these are signs that th blood is out of order -that the in door life of winter has told upon you. What is needed to' put yo right is a tonic and in all the world theme is no tonic can equal Dr Williams' Pink Pills, : These Pill actually make new, rich, red blood -your greatest need in, spring. i'nis new blood drives out disease, clears the skin and makes weak,,easily tired men and wornen and children bright, active and strong. Mrs. J. 0. Moses, Brontou, N. S., says: - "Last spring my daughter was com- pletely run 'down, she was very pale, had' no appetite, and became very nervous, and we were alarm about herr. Wo cleided to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and soon after ,she began taking them there was a decided improvement: She gained in weight and vigor, her color returned, and her whole sys- tem seemed to have, been built anew. I can warmly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all who need a medicine." Sold by all medicine dealers OT by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. s. a e 11 Y e r 0 u s MODERN INSANE ASYLUM r VRESIINTsDA,Y METHODS OP MENTAL HOSPITALS, How Patients ere ';('rented in the Beautiful Bethlehem Hosl)i- fel in LO11don. Time was whon the: inmates of our lunatic asylums were treated more like caged beasts than as af- flicted human creatures, "Bedlam" was less a hospital than a wild beast show, It,s inmates male and fe- male, were chained to sthe walls with iron rings.' It was one of the sights of London; a sort of fair,. Inhuman neon and women, even boys and girls, wont to laugh and taunt and jeer. But wo have lin- manized our views since those sad days. The inmates of our lunatic asylums throughout the country are ee longer objects of scorn and de- rision, but of pity, and, what is still better, of sympathy, says Lon- don Tit -Bits, A MODERN "BEDLAM." Tho handsome Bethlehem Hospi- tal in' London, the "Bedlam" of other days, is mow practically a private voluntary asylum for what may be called curable cases, quite alarmed different from the days when a harmless and rational patient was tormented to death there by bru- tal visitors within its old walls at Moorflelds. Now -a -days people sometimes enter the hospital in mere desire for rest from the shock and jar of the outer world. Its corridors Fare handsomely carpet- ed, its walls are hung with pic- tures, its tables are adorned with flowers. You might spend a whole day in going through the wards one by one without noticing in the pa- tients anything, abnormal in con- duct or speech. They sit and sew, play chess and draughts and cards. They converse rationally on all sorts of topics. They play the piano- forte, and dance and sing. To the casual visitor it is less like a luny- do asylum than an hotel. 'Bed- lam," in fact, and all that "Bed- lam" once meant, has died out of the public mind. Even the name is seldom or never heard. The. institution is a hospital for .the treatment of mental diseases. STOPPAGE OF TEAT. A very common trouble in the ordinary dairy is to find an animal with the point of the teat closed, either duo to a bruise of the teat itself or to infection of the milk duet which causes a little feel to form over the point of the teat, Unless this is properly handled with care and cleanliness, the in- fection is apt to cause a loss of the entire quarter. The proper man- ner in which to handle and treat such cases is to thoroughly wash the teat in an antiseptic solution, then dip a teat plug into a heal- ing ointment and insert it into the point of the teat, allowing same to remain from OAT, milking to an- other. In this manner closure of the point of the teats can be over- come in a very simple and satis- factory way. Never use a milking tube if it can be possibly avoided as there is much danger of infect- ing the entire quarter by the use of this tube, -Dr. David Roberts. ----+5 TOO MUCH TO FIND. A caretaker of a school threw up his job the other day. "I'm honest, and I won't stand being under suspicion. If I find a pencil or handkerchief about the school when I'm sweeping I put is by. "A little while ago I saw written on the hoard, 'Find the least com- mon multiple.' "Well, I looked from cellar to garret for that thing, and I wouldn't know it if I met it in the street, Last night. in big writin' on the blackboard, it said, 'Find the greatest common divisor.' r"Well,' I says to myself, 'both of them things are lost now; and I'll be accused of takii.n' 'em, so I'll leave l' " THE TREASURE R b OF HEALTH FOR YOUNG CHILDREN fancy to this garment,and wanted 1 milk into the jug. "So it does,'' replied the housewife, "haven't you any that looks more like. milk?" A Purely Vegetable Pill,' - The chief ingredients of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are mandrake and dandelion, sedative and .purgative, hut perfectly harmless in their ac tion. They cleanse and purify and have a most healthful effect upon the secretions of the digestive or- gang; The dyspeptic and all who coffer from liver andkidney ail- ments will find in these pills the most effective medicine i.11 coneens iratod form that has yet been `of- fend to the suffer,ng, What use would It be to me?" alio said, "With two or three boys always hanging onmy skirts, it would be torn in a jiffy." "Do you believe man is made of dust, Mr, Snip?" "Not all of them," said the tailor, "Dust al- ways settles, and I know When who ado not." • In London, England, 800,000,000 eggs are consumed yearly, which weigh 00400 tons, and cost the eat- ers $20,000,000. GENTLE METHODS OF TO -DAY. Physical restraint is all but gone. There; are no strait -jackets, no covered cribs, no wristlets, no chains. Except in the last resort, the padded rooms aro seldom used, Dad then never for only that the patient maybe pre- vented from doing •himself and 'others harm in a sudden paroxy- ism. Even in the' padded rooms there is a change. At enc time the patients could tear the leather - lined floor and walls with their. finger -nails and stuff the strips down their throats. Now the lea- ther has given place to thick rub- ber, and they can do themselves DO harm. ELEMENT OF BRIGHTNESS, Thedormitories are light and cosy. Well -furnished alcoves line the long corridors of the wards. Walls are no longer bare and win- dows no longer without curtains. Handsome carpets and rugs cover the floors. Birds sing in their cages. Flowers meet the eye every- where. Outside are recreation grounds and gardens; inside, music -rooms and concert -rooms and dancing -rooms. Everything re- minds the visitor, not of a huge prison, but of a great hotel; ex- cept that, if you look from one of the windows, you may sec some- times in the courtyard below irre- sponsible human creatures tearing along with rapid strides, hiding in corners, shouting, and gesticulat- ing. LOVE'S LABOR, RD«ARDI;D. Our lunatic asylums, then, are not the dread prisons which the public so often picture to their vie - ton. "Don't youoften long to be away from it all?" the writer asked a nurse in one of our London asy- lums not so long ago. "Does it not depress you?" "Indeed, no," she said. ''There is so much to pity, and, you 'know, that means there is so much to love," And looking into her bright, gentle face, it did not seem hard to believe that for her and for the hundreds of other asylum nurses who give their best years to these afflicted ones their work was really a labor of love. The medical superintendent on his rounds has a bright smile and a cheery word for everybody, hu- moring as readily the woman who is the real Qteen of England as the man who is its real King. To the medical and nursing staffs of our mental hospitals England owes a debt indeed. 3a— — SOLDIERS ON SKATES. A. eorps of skaters is attached to the Norwegian army, the members being men selected for geed phy- sique and accurate niarlcnanship• These skaters can be manoeuvred upon ice or: over the mountain snow fields'with as great rapidity as the hest trained cavalry; and, as an irletauce of their speed, one of the corps some little thio back, accomplished 120 miles in 18X hours' over mountainous country. CHASE AWAY THE TIRED REELING DODD'S JCIDNET PILLS WILL PO IT OUICIMI AND NATURALLY, It lo Caused by Sluggish Circula- tion Brought on by Deranged Kidneys Failing to Strain Implfrl- ties out of the Blood, Staynor, Ont., Apr, 12 (Special): -In the Spring the Kidneys al- ways need attention," They have additional work in straining the winter's accumulation of impuri- ties out of the blood and if they are' at all out of order, it is sure to tell on them. It is only a question of the best method of treating them and. Ernest :Colwell of this place, adds his testimony to the great mass of proof that the one sure cure for. sick, Kidneys is Dodd's Kidney Pills, "Some time ago," says Mr, Col- well, "I had severe Pains and5Sore- ness in the small of my -hack, and sometimes noticed a brick dust se- diment in my urine, so of course I knew my Kidneys were effected. I procured some of Dodd's Kidney Pills, which readily cured the pains and soreness and restored the urine to its natural color. I always re- commend Dodd's Kidney Pills." Everybody needs medicine in the Spring, .and the medicine they need is Dodd's Kidney Pills, They clear the blood of impurities and by giv- ing the blood free circulation, speedily and naturally chase away that tired feeling, It is caused by sluggish circulation, and Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure it. BILL ,TO CLASSIFY MUROEIt. Introduced in English House of Commons. Some highly important changes fir British criminal law are pro- posed In the bill to classify mur- der, and amend the law concern- ing suicide and infanticide. The bill classifies murder into two de- grees, and makes crimes of the first degree alone subject to the death penalty. In murder trials, in ease of conviction, juries will be required to classify the crime. A verdict of murder of the first degree" is not to be returned un- less the jury finds that the homi- cide was deliberately committed with express malice aforethought. A provision of great importance is that which says the mother who kills her child at birth or within the first month after cannot be in- dicted for murder. 1f the chisel dies through injurymaliciously i n- flicted by the mother within the same period, the mother shall be chargeable with an indictable of- fence, and, if convicted, be liable to not more than ten years' penal servitude, or imprisonment with or without hard labor for not more than two years, or, at the discre- tion of the court, to detention dur- ing his Majesty's pleasure. a Frankness makes people disagree- able, but not all disagreeable peo- ple are frank, • That Tormenting field that made on wretched last winter will not come back if you take Allen's Lung Balsam when your throat id raw and sore. This admirable remedy is tree from opium. 'lake it in time. One doesn't acquire a taste for music by listening to the piano next door. The French law treats the frog se if it were a fish, and declares all fishing for it by might to be poaching. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator has the largest sale of any similar preparation sold in Can- ada. It always gives satisfaction by restoring health to the little folks. How much worry the things that never happen cause usl Repeat -it; 'SBhiloh's Cure will (awarecure my. coughs and colds." AERONAUTIC PROGRES , Although Indy three er Ler (nen, like the Wright Brothers and Henry Farman, have as yet practically demonstrated the possibility of hu- nran flight with aeroplanes, the in- ventors of such meal -liners are put- ting out a great variety of designs, which command much serious at- tentien. At the Aeronautical Ex- position in Pavia a dozen or more types of these nraohinos, including' those of the Wrights Farman and Polagrange, were displayed, to- gather with a large number of monoplanes, motors, screws, and other apparatus intended for use in aviation. From the quantity of these things, the ingenuity and fin- ish shown in their making, and the interest that they excited, one mightderive the impression that the manufacture of flying -machines is already an established industry, VENEZUELAN ANTS, Of the ants in Venezuela Prof, .Kiran Bingham says: "At one place on the sandy trail the ants had formed a living causeway over the fine sand of the path, in order to facilitate the great speed at which the majority wished to travel. The causeway was over two inches wide, and from one to three ants deep. So friendly did the'bridge- ites' bold together, 1 lifted the causeway four inches from the ground by thrusting' a stick under- neath, without breaking their for- mation." UGLY SKIN SORES. Zain-Buk Removes Them. It is just at this season that pimples, blotches; sores, scrofulous ailments, and eruptions generally, make themselves most felt. Pimples, blotches, and irritating rashes on the face and other parts of the body indicate adisturbance of the functions of the skin, Impure mat- ter, which the blood should dis- charge by means of the skin, is al- lowed to remain in the pores, the process of "exhalation" is inter- rupted, and just where the bad matter collects, there pinipios, ul- cers, and sores quickly appear. Me. Arthur B. Griffin, of 191. Pio- ton Street E., Hamilton, says: - "I was greatly troubled with pim- ples and blotches breaking out on my face. I tried a number of re- medies, and also specially dieted, yet the pimples and blotches re- mained. Acting on the suggestion of a friend, I began using Gam- of milk is water. So when you do Buk, and was much pleased to find 1 anything that induces the cow to an improvement atter several appli- drink less freely it knocks off your cations. The itching was allevia- Profits. ted, , and the infl ammath on Too mu seem ed ch cream for the less. s. As I continued -I ed the Gaali-Bei. about as bad as too much treatment, the pimples and blotches for the boy. became less sore, the itching was cured altogether, and inflamma- l'— tion banished. In the course of a. Relief for Suffering Everywhere. short time every blotch and pimple -He whose life is made miserable was removed." by the suffering that comes from Zam-Buk is also a sure cure fol indigestion and has not tried Par - cuts, lacerations, burns, eczema, melee's Vegetable Pills does not ring -worm, poisoned wounds, fes- know how easily this formidable tering sores, bad leg, a sin f contains all that Is good to beet. strength and Vigor, ft gives Why not take a cup of Bovril regularly through the spring/ cup at eleven o'clock will give you strength fol' the day's ya. work, and nourish you so that you will avoid the attacks of prevalent illness. rail Pencil er t'ountain Pen! Just whet yon want for doing your tiomewerk! i'ou cpm yarn you! divide MIR of alibar o[ncedo rniuladd ane plotpl artio qe trice rn0 rery Lent matorlble r4 ?Info re L Oold-Sngdoq ). cod da, i4" or north of aur Va8 table and reser polo. Sua4, era maOrte7 r:rlmu in cc, load will 1JPt at•Ho) crus is an,t aro „ny Ilan bend 20v.rinySpur Mt ape 064'4 91'147'1'11' lsbdy W,1 ' lbntdu,d,enl eo, 7"b07onrlrio Pragxfum Co. llapc. alerlvn Onix. WHY. DO So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu- cation select Bell pianos? The fact that they use :and prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit 1 One follows professional advice in acquiring an education, d whyno 0 �� t follow of ' aalonal ^ pr autom inh ' The only pianos with the illimitable rk 11 planes? Repenting Action. r, Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75. Tho BELL PiANO cif Organ to., Umilod GUELPH,OiVTARIOa man in a cow barn. It is not pos sible to give a cow too much care. Profitable dairying depends largely upon getting cows to eat large quantities of.feed. To do this the feed must be palatable and healthful. Stinting in the feed will never bring full production and profit. Clean the stables two or three times a day. Try it and see how much bettor the air will bo. Well whitewashed stables look cleaner, brighter, and are more healthful than those that are neglected. A close, poorly ventilated stable may be very cold. It takes plenty of pure air to keep cattle warm. From eighty to ninety per cent. calf is money and 11 k c'e cap be dealt with. These pills injuries and diseases. It is also will relieve where others fail. They a cure for piles. Druggists and are the result of long and patient Stores everywhere sell at 50e. a study and are confidently put for - box, or post-free from Zam-Buk ward as a sure corrector of dis- Co., Toronto, on receipt of price. orders of the digestive organs It's the henpecked man who crows loudest when he gets away from home. Repeat it; "Shilob's Om -e will always cure my coughs and Colds," Cooks may conte and cooks may go, but the eating habit goes on forever. Imitations Abound but Insist upon getting the genuine, The 1) & '5," Menthol Plaster. It has ,too 1 the test of years. It euros aches and pains Quicker than any plaster. "John, dear," remarked a young wife to her husband, "I wish you would taste this milk and see if it's perfectly sweet. 1f it's the least bit sour I mustn't give any of it to dear little Fido !" In its initial stages a cold is a local ailment easily dealt with. But many neglect it and the result In proportion to its weight, the is often the development of distress. wing of a bird is twenty times ing seizures of the bronchial tubes stronger than the assn of a man• ,and lungs that render life miser - toes of Fleet, cough and pain In the ohesEmay able for the unhappy victim. As not mean oon,mnptlon but aro had signs, Allou', a first aid there is nothing in the Lung Balsam looms the cough and boats Inflate• ed air passages. Not a grata of opium in it. Happiness is the result of being poor and respectablS--according to the story books, The majority of color-blind peo- ple belong to the educated classes, of whom no fewer than four per cent, are thus afliieted. ISS,!JE NO. 15.00. ram which so many suffer, At the age of 0 a boy thinks his father is the smartest man on earth; at the age of le he imagines that ho has forgotten more than the old man ever knew, A Woman's Sympathy bila heavy financial load? Isar doctor's r pain e. heavy physical burden? I know w w at these mean to delicate women -1 have boon discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur - dons. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and will 11 you will assist mo. box of the comedy which has been placed In my hands to be given away, Perhaps this one boa will cure you—it lras done so for others. If so, 1 shall be happy and you will be cured for 2e (tile cost of a Write to -day fort my free confi- dentially.e Inont. MS, F. E OURIiAIi, Windsor, Ona Twelve per cent. of sugar is the average yield of good beetroots. b CALVES QL g� VEd9 RaRabeThen,n000i Without ed. MU. ,it Steele nrlR;e Seca On.,L41., Toronto YOUR OVERCOATS any ended Ouiia would look honor d7ed, rt et d os In tour town, Write direct fdontreal. '31:711 6n5T1eH ANIERIOAre DYEING CO. EIGHTEENTH N rrienoW TOUR, BRITISH ISLES AND EUROPE 300 Miles Coaching, 14 Superb Lakes. Our most comprehensive tour,. Riviera, with Monte Carlo and Rolland additional Inchided, Full illustrated Program free. 244 Janis' Sty Toronto. Mlle MAO 1 YOONa WOMAN 1 Dave you ora; tried selling Perfumes, Toilet Goods, Tena,Celfoes etc., in your spare hours( It is a paying nunupa{ tion, and makes an independent bae,,ess man oil woman of you, Our geode give satldfactlen. 1'hti Home Specialties Co., Dept. A, Toronto, Canada,, sari For Sale o c pr Farms In a tat a . Strout NOW monthly Bulletin of Beal profusely illustrated, d free. warmly fres, 0. A, l805? 50., rotN 1. World's Largest Farm Doaera, Lslrersitp Bldg, Syracuse, N.Y. Write foil 47 our EXTRA 81011 P01053 SHIP TO E. T. CARTE!! & 00, 89 Front St. East, TORO,,TO, ONT. EUROPEAN TOUR, All expenses paid Including tips and admissions everywhere, langland, Ireland, Scotland, wales Holland, Germanyp, Switzerland, Austria, Italy' and France for 3550.00, visiting each country by) reaching, boating and railway, from July end. tq Sept. S-nd. Endorsed by all Stoamsldp t'o'e, a>] the finest trip for the money crossing the Atlantic, Itinerary sale full;partjoulars NRS, v, sTEPli EysoN, 214 Jorvls St., Toronto, GLASS INSURANCE AGENTS 1I'.?E;TEi}" National Provb,eiel Plate Glass Insurance 0oml. ppony, Limited. Bead Office, London. Ragland.Estairlished 1354. Capital, Fifty Thousand Pounds stealth'', For Agencies at nu represented points, Province of Ontario, address J. H. EWA1.L'r, Chief Agent, No. 11 Wellington Street East, Terentes Sand for booklet "Glass Insurance." THE TELEWRITER. d� This somewhat barbarous name is applied to an invention of Mr. Foster Ritchie, a Scotch electri- clan, for the electrical transmis- sion. of handwriting. The British postmaster -general has recently granted a 21 -year license for the establishment of exchanges for the u se of the telewriter throughout Great Britain. The apparatus has een employed with a telephone ircuit ep to a distance of 50 miles. t is claimed that it can bo applied o any well -insulated land wire, and a project is on foot to use it or newspaper messages between London and Paris, Not only hand- writing, but sketches and drawings can be electrically transmitted with this instrument. "Man is Filled with Misery,"- his is not true of all lien. The roll, sound of lung, clear of eye, lest and buoyant with health, are of miserable, whatever may be heir social condition. To be well to be happy, and we can all be ell by getting and keeping our edies in a healthful state. Dr. homes' Eclectrio Oil will help all t do this. Repeat it:-"Shiloh's oure will always aura my coughs and colds." t WHEN HE FELT IT. handy medicine line so certain in "Did you ever feel that the world curative results as Bickle's Anti-� was against you?" Cousumpt vo Syrup, the far-famed when "Sure fon thet this morning y o colds and coughs.slippedsidewalk. The human skin contains 3,500 perspiration pores to every inch. Repeat its " SbIloh's Ours will alweya Cure my coughs and colds." DAIRY WISDOM, Few farmers realize what it costs to be rough with cows, Make. a test and be convinced. Use the Babcock test when the cows are handled quietly and properly, slid again when they are yelled at and hurried in the stable. The loss following sought treat- ment will astonish most farmers. A careful milker, quiet in his ways about the stable, is worth teeny dollars more in a single 60ason than one who is brutal, There is not a -can, no matter. show poorly bred, that will not respond to kind treatment. The more highly bred she is the masa susceptible she is to these influences, Never allow a harsh, unfeeling It is only necessary to read tho testimonials to be convinced that Holloway's Coin cure is unequalled for the removal of corns, warts, etc, It is a complete extinguisher, Tho Chinese preserve vegetables by coating them with salt and dry- ing them in the sun. APhyslo,an !snot always at hand. Guard yonr. self alalusE sudden coag a amt sold, by loo !n 6utev . there ain buts one 1.aiuklllor"—Ferry bavla'-05o sad 500. --- Meat . Most people have a lot of infiu- eneo-with themselves, Repeat L6:- "SSlttloh's lure wi11•alwayl oure my coughs and colds." A cork 200 fat below the surface of the. water will not rise again, owing to the pressure of water. Some people never got too old to learn, and POine 0111016 never get old enough to learn anything, T a n t is b T t( The hen-pecked husband lms more than a peck of trouble. Repeat it;-"9hiloh'n Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." Fortunately but few people aro mind readers, therefore they never discover what their neighbors real- ly think of them. mime •esseese VSr'asstt..h196eortz.ow"? Ss to $.50 a ekly, salary or oummtsstou, No es. Vorlonoo, Work partly done on sour owe term, omething. abinlutsfy now, work secretly or ea, agent. Ti mo115o proft% 1Vritoutck, 5AIW4 STOOK VETERINARY 06k, sensate;