The Brussels Post, 1909-4-8, Page 8All About, -4.00, Our boutr"'egtl , Our New Wall Paper A customer the other day when looping over our samples made the remark,. "Well I never saw the papers prettier than this ,,year." Phis customer bas bought wall paper from our store for yearsi and we think that what she said waa indeed the truth. Our stock includes patterns suitable for any room from the pantry to the parlor, and among them are several new things- titripes with the cut out birders, Tapestries hangings with the seen- ery borders, grass cloth papers and many neat designs in the cheap patterns which we have from 5e. per roll up. tiring in the measurements of your rooms and let us give you an estimate at which you can have your rooms brightened up with papers you like. The small poet may be a surprise. Come in and look over. Formaidehydt 1 ib. bottl es 40c. tt' t Ib. bottles 280. DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. ° ogal Phu Items SPiuxa birds are here, Tex Pose gives the news, SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this week. BARKER. BROs, have put up a new awn- ing at their butcher shop., RoADs have been bad but are improv- ing, thanks to the wind and Iain. A NUMBER from bere are attending Blyth Spring Fair to -day ('Thursday.) EARLY garden "sass" is being offered for sale. Of course it was not grown here. THERE has been a great rush of maple syrup on the market during the past week. GOOD Friday will be a public holiday. Postoffice hours will be from q to Io a. m, and from 5 to 6 p. m. A CEMENT si tewalk may be put down on the East side of Albert street, South from William street, next summer. "THB perils of a great city" is to be presented this (fhursdey) evening in the Town Hall, Brussels, by a travelling Co, THURSDAY of this week a delegation of Temperance workers went to Blyth to attend the annual Co. Convention of the W. C. T. U. A NUMBER trout town were at the funeral ot the late Mrs. Watson, at Cran brook Tuesday morning. Iuterment was made at Blyth cemetery. WEDNEsDAY's high wind blew down the verandah at the home of Thompson Snider, Queen street, and a chimney off Barrister Sinclair's kitchen. WALTER J. LOWRY shipped a Car Of horses to the West this week, Several fine heavy draft stallions were in the ) number. Nlr. Lowry bandies a good many ,-quines in a year. THURSDAY evening of last week D. D. G. el, Foster, of Listowel, paid his official visit to St. Joan's Masonic Lodge, Brussels, After the business was over a luncheon was served. Some Ott'. -Peter Ferguson, of Brus- sels, wbu has heen running a draying business at Teeswater, bas utsposed of it and will remove to the West. He bas been out there before so aril be ac- quainted with the couotry. His many old friends here wish bim success. 'PELEPaGNE MEETING. -Don't forget the organization meeting of the propos- ed Brussels, Grey and Morris rural Telephone line Saturday afternoon of this week, in the Town Hall, Brussels, et a o'clock sharp, A large attendance is desired so that the work of construe - tion may be early set ageing. Iris said George Barkley is consider- ing the question of going into the menu. facture of cement tile of various sizes and cement blocks for house building. There should be room for such au enter- prise in Brussels and Mr. Barklay's wide acquaintance with cement work should stand bim in good stead. W. E. DUNCAN, who is blossoming in- to quite a poultry fancier, having well bred pens of W bite W yandottes, White Leghorns and Llue and Red name, last week added a trio of Pyle game pur- cbased from R. N, Calverley, of Orillia, Mr. Duncan is ready to supply eggs for hatching from any 01 these. BROKE HER ARM. -Miss Robertson, who has been housekeeping for Post- master Farrow. Brussels, had the mis- fortune to fall down stairs at the home of her sister, at Deleware, Out., where she bad gone owing to the illness ot said sister, and broke ber arm near the wrist, We hope she will soon regain the use of this important member. Word has heen received from Miss Robertson that it will be fully aix weeks before she will be able to return to Brussels. DIED IN TORONTO. -D R. Anderson, the Registrar of the High Court of Justice at Lindsay, died Tuesday of last week at the home of his mother, Mrs. Catharine Anderson, t61 Major street, Toronto. The late Mr. Anderson went to 'Toronto in December and underwent an operation at the Western Hospital for a cancerous growth and his death was not unexpected. Prior to his ap- pointment some 7 years ago to the office of Registrar the late Mr, Anderson was a practising barrister at Lindsay and was very popular with the legal profession. Deceased was also County Court Clerk Wad Registrar of the Surrogate Court. (Che remains of the late Mr. Anderson were taken to Lindsay tor interment. A short service was conducted at the borne of deceased's mother, by Rev. Dr. Gilray. The late Mr. Anderson leaves bis widow and two hildren, Corinne, attending the Uuiver slty of Toronto, and Harold, with the Metropolitan Batik at Brussels, Ont. He also leaves his mother and four sisters and two brothers, Hon. J. N. ' Anderson, barrister, of Santa Ana, Cali- fornia, old Rev. P. W. Anderson, pastor of Mackay Piesbyterian church at Ottawa. Deceased was for years a member of. St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church. NUMEROUS awnings have been hungn g up this week. Howlett Agl, Spring Fair will be held at Gorrie on Friday of nest week, 16th inat. Tris regular meeting of the Loyal Legion will be held Friday afteruoou at 4.15 at the W. C. '1' V. rooms. UEORGE AND BEN. EDWARDS are in Clinton testing the municipal supply wells at the instance of the town Coun- cil, MONDAY evening a number of Mason- ic members drove to Seaforth to visit tbetr square and compass brethren of that town, SEVERAL Brusselites attended an As sembly at Atwood [Monday evening and the most of them were borne in mine fur a late breakfast 'Tuesday morning. EASTER. rates will be in vogue on the railways, single fare tickets being issued good going Thursday April 8th, 5th. Loth and 12th, to return on 'Tuesday 13th. D. A. LowaY will go to Windsor, where be has a contract for the erection ot a fine residence iu that city for H. W. Farrow, a former resident of Brus• sels, and a son of Postmaster Farrow. This is not Mr. Farrow's first experience in the building line. —0 ---- Boort for batching, choice strains, see advt. W. f0. Duncan. GaNEaAL servant wanted. Apply to Mrs. W. M. Sinclair, SEED Oats, Pens and Barley for sale. Lot 11, Con. le, Gray. W. MONAI1t, or Bruseele 1'. O. To RENT OR Som. -Comfortable dwelling, also dwelling to let above store, soft water, &e. i. 0. RtoaAaD6. Goon seed eats for sale -New Sensation. Also 60 bushels of Goose seed wheat. Apply to Wm. LOW 5, Lot 14, tion. 8, Grey, Brussels P. 0. SmaxLtNG silver brooch, with bine enamel and name Portage la Prairie on it lost in Brns- seis. Finder wt7.t mush oblige the loser by !saving it at Tan Poem,. Contrutrreeos house for sale or to rent. Hard end soft water, good cellar, woodshed, fruit trees, &e., conveniently situated. Pos• erasion can be given on April 16th. For further particulate enquire at '1'x5 PosT Pate fishing Hoose. --o- Is you want to sell or need to bui make your wants known through the columns of 1'HE PosT. Some very marked results have followed the ad vertismg experience of numerous people in this locality. THE Maple Leaf Baseball team of the South side of the lIver met at the home of the President, Willie Long, Tuesday evening and reorganized affairs for the coming season. This is the way to train up tete diamond cutters. CARD OF THANKS. -We wish to return our sincere tbanks to the many friends for their their kind and sympathetic words, wreaths and assistance in connec- tion with the death and burialof our daughter, Mrs. McLaughlin. Tnos. AND MRS. ENNIS, Brussels. T. B'MRaow, C. P. R. agent ticketed the following passengers during the past week:-Jno. and Mrs. McFadden and daughter to Nokomis, Sask. ; Robt. McKay. Rtebard and Mrs, Mitchell and 2 daughters to Wilkie Sask. ; and Miss Susan Ardell, Walton, to Saskatoon ; Mrs. lane Mitchell and Miss Possie to High River, Alta. BY-LAW CARRIED. -The Garside- Jantes Loan By -Law on the re -vote last Monday carried by a large majority only to votes being recorded against it. Vote stood as follows :- For Against Div. No. 1 5r 2 a 64 4 " " 3 73 4 Totals t88 to It was necessary to have t61 so a tidy margin remains, We understand that Messrs. Garside & lames will take im- mediate steps to carry out their part ot the agreement and will get to work as quickly as possible. Tits POST wishes them even better stitwess than they figure on and we hope that this is the opening of a brighter era fur Brussels, FooT BALL. -Brussels Fool Ball team was organized for1gog last Friday even- ing at a meeting held in the Council Chamt•er. After a report from the Treasurer as to last year's business management the following bustling staff of officers were chosen :-Honorary President, J. F, Rowland ; President, W. L. Leatherdale ; Vtee President, Dr. T. T. McRae ; Secretary, L. S. Dun - ford ; 'treasurer, F. H. Gilroy ; A an- ager, J. Ballantyne ; Captain, Gordon McDonald ; Managing Committee, G McDonald, J. Ballantyne, L. S. Dun - ford, W. H. Anderson, R. Brown,A. Anderson ' Delegate to W. P. A. meeting at Galt on Good Friday, is Manager James Ballantyne. It is Intended to enter the W. F. A. Intermediate series, and it is ex- pected that a team that will compare favorably with those of other ehampton- ship years will be put in the field. Practice Will begin as soon as Victoria Park is dry enough so as to have the trophy hunters early in shape, Brussels ham reason to be proud of their Foot Ball record. TILE Public Schools close .on There, dalt April tithtor it Beater h li days, to re•opeit en Monday, igth fust, 41u.noM does a butter car 0f heavy horses lro Eaatwswd, than that shipped '1'1 1 u '1 I by TWA, Sniu i t : entreat IASL Week. Tilt) acie els are to be utilised largely tot' drays and ether heavy work, TUE Board of Health is getting busy over the annual S ring clean up, Satur• time they lied given the visitorw, 'All expressing the hope that these social teas would be often held. Miss Sharpe, presided and will be called on again. n oLtt -.-'e '1 E- WE N i Me , lh t.,hs e D1 s s n Y terprise Says -"A very pretty home wedding was celebrated at the residence of our highly esteemed townspeople, Geo, and Mrs. Stapley. on Wednesday. March 3rst, when their second dough' day, May 55th is t e date set for final in• ter, Miss Margaret Reid, was united iu speettgn, Dump ground this Year will tnarriage to Duncan 1. McLttuehliu. be at the gravel pit 0n Geo. Kerr'a Ac the beantitul stratus of the Wedding farm, F"ntrauca gate of Teruberry March, rendered by Miss Jessie tyle otr..t North of railway. Lauehtin, sister of the groom, floated Sr Yvss is kiog of the turf. Our cop- through the room, the bride entered the per colored Longboat will have to get parlor leaning on the arm of her father, dawn to genuine practice and 'quit his l'he eeremuny was performed by her monkey -shines if he expects to head the rector, Rev F, E. Powell, M. A., ae. string of Marathoners, He quit before oordiug to the beautiful and impressive the anal mile last Saturday at New service of the church ut England The York and the plucky Frenchman won bride was attended by her sister, Miss handily in two hours and about 41 ,este Stanley, who was maid of honor. minutes, establishing a new record for Pito ceremony over and good wishes file 26 miles tramp, and Moulin $5,000, extended, the company sat down to Dorando was and, and Won $2,500, dainty repast. the bride received Sbrubb quit, 30,000 people witnessed many and costly presents which the race, the course being 6 laps to the bespoke of her popularity and the es - mile on the base bail park at New York. teem in Which she is held. One ot the. ADpRESs AND PRRSENTATION.--Last happy surprises was given on Puesilay. Sabbath afternoon, at the close of the evening when a number ofthe bride's Methodist Sunday School, Miss Possie chums numbering about 3o gathered at Mitchell was presented with a goldher parent's home with a kitchen show - Jewel case and a gold watch chain by er. Every imaginable utensil from a the Sabbath School and Epworth pot scraper to a boiler was given ber. She as a valued teacher i alt •hli left on th League. w n Mr, and Mrs. McL L n t e the former and a useful member and 2:55 train for Toronto and points East painstaking officer in the League. Miss carrying with them the good wishes of Thursa Gerry read the address and the a host of friends. They will return to gifts were presented by May Skeltuu Chetley on Good Friday and the bride and Jim Lowry. Miss Mitchell re- will receive with her mother, Mrs. Geo, sponded appropriately. She and her Stanley, on Easter Monday, April 12th, mother left for High River, Alta.,un at herparent's home." The many re - Tuesday where they purpose maing latives and old friends of the groom here their home. They will be much missed will be a unit in wishing him and his as by personal service and generous con bride great joy and prosperity. tributions they aided many a good r -- cause. We wish Mrs. and Miss Mit. People We Talk About shell a happy and prosperous life in the West although sorry to lose them From, Jno. Elliott was in Tara -last week. Brussels after so many years residence J, H', McCrae,is visltiug in town for a here. short time. LADlEs' SPRING HEADWEAR•^The D. M Scott, of Hamilton, was spend - Spring bat show is on again, and the a few days in town. local dealers in millinery are once more Miss Minute Moore was home Iron] St. decked in festive array and attractiug mauy of the fair sex who are anxious to see the displays and get a first choice. 1'he new styles are as usual of great variety and diversity. Must of them are pretty enough to even attract the un- cultured eye of man. Large crowns and large batsp:evail this season. Flouters are used in abundance, both large and small, atthough the preference is for the small, Small hats such as turbans, helmets. etc., are very fashionable. An- other noticeable feature is the prevalen ee of ties and sashes. The advance hues of Paris models for the coming season have arrived. and show strongly the in- fluence of the turbans that have been a marked teature of the latter halt of the Winter season. Large Russian toques are very much in evidence for the Spring suit hat and are made in flowers and heavy. braids, Many of the hats have the large bowl crown of flowers which come almost to the brim. The jet turban bolds the most conspicuous pliee fur the early Spring. A popular trimming for the turban is the Antoine, which is caught up directly in front with an ornament of jet. Quills are also used and are ot the Mephisto variety. Chiffuns, tulles, marinas and ctepes are all used, The long ties ot Duchess and velvet ribbon are a very cuarnting feature of the large hat, 'rhe new culors are 'taupe, Ashes of Roses, 1'ttscan, Mogul Brown, Gun Metal and W estaria, APRIL WEATHER -A Regular Storm Period is central ou the 2nd, reaching frotn Marco 3161 to April 5th. The Venus period is central on the 1st Earth's period is Still to force, and the Mars period is nearing its centre on the 13111. Full moon on the equator falls on the 5th, and Saturn is in conjunction with Earth and Sun on the 3rd This is an array of astronomic causes which forcibly suggests phenomena out of the ordinary. Storm and weather condi• tions will reach a serious crisis from the 1st to tate 6th, culminating on and touching the 4th and 5th. If a tendency to tropical and tornadic storms exists the last half of March, there will be a danger of a climax of such storms at this period. If boreal storms of snow and sleet have preceded, a crisis of such storms and weather will fail at this time. We think the latter will prevail. Cent- ering on the 5th, and extending 3 days before and after that date, is one of the most siesmic periods of the year. Baro- metric indications and warnings should be noted anywhere at this time, especial. ly in extreme Southern sections. Ex oessive rains, with floods and tornadoes are indicated. Marked high barometer, unsettled weather, and sharp cold and frost will follow storms. A reactionary storm period is central on the 7th and 8th. 'L'his period is covered by the Mercury disturbance and will bring re- newels of low barometer and storms of rain and possibly sleet and snow. With so many other causes bearing on this Mercury period, late in the season as it is, people in the Northern sections should not be surprised by destructive sleet storms, and Even blizzards, at either of the first three storm periods in April. THE Junior League did not have their regular meeting o0 Murch 3tst but held it on Friday April and when they enter- tained their parents to asocial tea, which was served in the school room of the church. Following is the program ren- deted 1 -Opening hymn; prayer, Mrs. W. Ainlay ; recitation, "the tea cosy" by Fanny Stubbs ; instrumental, Bea- trice Curry ; recitation, "Harry's mis take," Oscar Crone ; reading, Lloyd Jackson ;dialogue, "Good advice."Vera Ainlay, Viola McCracken, Hazel Crone, Myrtle Carter, Pauline Barkley and Amy Roe; recitation, "Who made the speech ?" Myrtle Carter Roll Call, which was responded to by a verse as each member's name was called ; Secre tary's Report by Laura Bateman, which showed the League to be in a flourishing condition ? duet, Laura Bateman and Elsie Cober ; recitation "The Temper- anceboy," Athol Crone ; reading, Cora Forbes ; quartette, "My mother's Bible," Beatrice Curry, Lloyd Jackson, Hazel Simmons. and Orval Crone ; recitation, Lena Barkley ; reading, Ward Buchan- an, A tasty 'lunch wasthen served consisting of sandwiches. cake, coffee and confectionery. A half hour was spen' in social chat after which a hymn 'Phomas for a brief visit. Baxter MCArter and A. W Robinson, of Blyth, were in town on 'l'uesdey. Mrs. McNichol sr , of Walton. is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. W. Barker. Harvey Willis, of Wingham,' is an Easter visitor with relatives in. town. Miss B. MMCatutis will spent[ her East- er vacation at her home at St. Man's Mrs. W. E. Hart has returned to her home el Atwood after a visit with rely tives here Misses Lizzie and Hattie Downing are enjoying a visit withold friends at God- ertch. Jno. Hill is not as well as usual but we hope he will soon be as smart as usual. Herbert Cunningham. of Palmerston, was in town on a visit to relatives and friends. Monday Rev. Mr Wishart was called to Fergus as his mother had taken a turn for the worse Mrs. lames Ballantyne and Miss Jean McLauchlin were visitors iu Toronto during the past week, i Miss Marie Morrow, of Midland, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Geo F. Mc- Laren, Alexander street. Oliver Qnerin made a business trip to Barrie where he his purchased a bar ber shop. re .vish him success. Mrs. George Elwards will spend the Easter holidays with her daughter,' Mrs G F Longf Jut, of Stratford. Mrs W. J Palmer and son are spend- ing;. h•,tiday at the home of her tether at the Burk's Falls He has been til. Ws. B. Gerry nas been older the doturr's Care owing to ti badly tnfi.tntr l eve but We hope she will soon he well. Mrs James Maxwell has been gnite poorly as the result of a severe hemmer- rhage but we hope site •• ill soon be all right. Mrs A, 11 Currie, Pain street, has not been enjoying het customary rebuilt health but we hope she will be speedily restored. Sydney, the little son of jut. Ballan- tene, of 'rite POST, has been real ill this week but we trust he will soon be as hearty as usual. Jno, and Mrs. Galbraith and daugh- ter arrived home from a visit to the West last week Mr. Galbraith made a good sale of his horses. D, J. McLanchlin and bride, ot Ches- ley, were spending part of their honey- nt000 with relatives and friends in Brussels and locality, W H. McCracken was at Kincardine one evening last week installing officers in the Encampment in the I, O. 0. F. He is the D. D G M. Capt. James Stretton has not been as vigorous as usual during the past few weeks but we hope the advent of Spring will tend to his restoration. Mrs. W. L. Leatherdale and daughter and Miss Laura Leatherdale are away to Brantford to visit at the former's par. ental home over the Easter holidays. Dr. Rivers, the Liberal candidate at the recent election in Saskatchewan was not successful we are sorry to state. He would have made a hustling M; P. P. Misses Fulton, who were visiting here under the parental roof, beve returned to Detroit. Mrs. Fulton has improved considerably in health we are pleased to state We are sorry to hear that R. Crone was net very well when last heard from but we hope the balmy breezes of the Great West will tend to his improve mens. 1'HE Pos'r is sorry to report the illness of George Robb from tin attack of ap- pendicitisand hopehe will soon be con- valescent without the necessity of an. operation. !alias Anna Hunter is back to town after an absence of a few weeks in Gt'ev township where she was nursing the late Wm, McNahh, who was buried Thurs- day of last week, Mrs. Robinson and daughter, Mar- jory, returned to their home iu New- bury, on 'Puesdav, after an extended and enjoyable visit at the home of W. and Mrs. Prvne, the•former's parents. Jno, and Mrs. Carter are hack from their visit to Auburn, Neither of them ere very well we are sorry to state, Mrs Carter, particularly, being quite panne. We hope early improvement is at lined. Aaron Cober i h f he s eine from m the Ontario Veterinary College, Terooto, and will spend his vacation with M. H: Moore,. was sung and a vote of thanks was mac V S , sectoring practical pointers in the ed by Mrs. Atnlee to Mrs. MoCeulay, work of «Is choice, retorting to college Supt.. Miss Lily Sharpe, As'tt Stipt , next Fall He enjoyed the past sesoiou and the Juniors for the very pleasant t in the Queen city, HESfr1NDARDB• K FOrfllaILIehytIe Etablishvd 1373 OF' CANADA[ 77 Brsochai with which has been amalgamated the WESTERN BANK OF CANADA The combined Banks offer an exceptional service throughout Ontario. The Branches of the Banks are stn distributed that together they cover the best districts of the Province. '70 BRANCH J. S'. 1F-owle,:adl. M eezang er Herbert Lowry hoe taken a position in the hardware store of Jaynes Shaw, late McKay & Shaw, Herb. should make a competent hand as he is active and acquainted with everybody. We regret to hear that Wm. Pollard who, with his wife, recently came to Brussels, making their home with N. and Mrs. McCauley, has been confined to his bed owing to a heart weakness. Mr, Pollard is nearly 8o years cif age and has beet a very hearty man, Mrs. McCaulav is his daughter. A welcome (taller on Brussels friends last Saturday was Dr. Knechtel, of Winnipeg a former resident of this place. He had been attending the Mis- sionary Congress at 'Toronto and cal led here on his homeward trip The Dr is a son of the late Jot N Knechtel and is a brother to Mrs (Rev ) Ferries of Wingham. He has done well iu the West. Mrs. Knechtel is a daughter' of D. B. and Mrs. Moore, of town. Church Chimes Rev. A C. Wishart, B. A , will take the services in Melville church next Sabbath. Last Sunday W. J. Garside, of London took the services in 'St. John's church here and did it ,veil Sabbath next will be Easter when the church services will partake more or less 01 appropriate subjects relating to the gladness of the day. Wingham District Womeu's Mission- ary Society will be held in the Metho- dist church, Gorrie, on Wednesday May lith. Very Rev. Dean Davis, of St. James' Church, South London, a brother of H Davis, of Wingham, has just entered the 361h year of his pastorate. In connection with the evening ser- vice in the Methodist Church next Sun- day several short addresses will he given on the great Missionary Congress held in Tot onto. Rev Prineipal Waller, of Huron College, London, will conduct the services in St John's church here on Easter Sunday, A celebration of Holy communion will be held at the close of the morning service, About $5o 0o were contributed last Sabha h by the Methodist and Presby terian congregations of Brussels to the Dominion Alliance funds for the for- warding of 'Temperance work. Brus- sels is not often behind As a token Of regret at her approach• log removal the ladies of Ontario street Me'hndist church, Clinton, presented Mrs (Rev ) W E Kerr with a cabinet 0f silver cutlery The lady referred to is a daughter -is law to Mrs. J. L Kerr, ot Brussels Sabbath last concluded rhe Missionary year of Brusse's Methodist Sunday School and the tide Sum aimed at viz Sista 00 a'a • attained contribution mtrihu run s for that day being $20 64 The _record for the past 7 years has been 93 too. Blot, Bum, $103, $104, $to5 and $106. respectively. Mise Sproule gave a fine arldt'es ; F. H Gilroy sang a solo. the school takine the chorus, and a preset] talion was made to Miss Possie Mitchell, a hielily valued teacher, who was leaving for the West. The attendance was 156, Last Friday evening Miss Sproule, of Fort William, gave a very interesting address in the school room . of Melville church on "Mission work among the Lumbermen of New Ontario." She has had several years practical experience so spoke whereof she knew. Her work is under the direction of the W. C T. U. The chair was occupied by A. M. Me - Kay. Musical numbers were given by the Endeavor choir and Miss Thursa Gerry and Mrs. W. L. Leatherd'tle ren- dered a duet Miss Sproule spoke to the W. C 'P, U ladies Saturday after- noon at their rooms. Eggs :,„,„G Eggs from prize winning Bose Comb Brown Leghorns 9 for sale. $Loo per setting. D. A. L.OWRY, 40.2 Queen st„ Brussels, White Wyandottes and White Lea horns Good Laying Strains 31.00 for 13 eggs. Three settings or Incubator lots atspecial rates. Wyan- dotte flee beaded by bird bred by Mr, Hawkins, of Maaseaehttsetts. Leghorn pen beaded by a Ferguson bird. Eith- er pen needs bo comment as to quality. Have also a, fine pen of Pyle Genie. Oommunications answered prom ally. There will be Divine service in the Cabello church, Brussels, next Sunday, (Easter) et TO a. M. Sermon on the Resurrection, The Transfer Committee of the Metho- dist church whose business it is to ar- range for the interchange of ministers in connection with the various Confer- enees met at Toronto and among others the following transfers were arranged. For:' -Going out of London Conference, Revds. j. H. Oliver, J. W. Holmes, C. W. Down and 1. H. Speneely, to Conference ' Rev. J Sa- skatchewan n S. Cook and K. J Beaton to Toronto; Revds Jasper Wilson, E. 13. Lancely ; A, H Going and W.E. Kerr to Hamil- ton ; and H. McDonald to Alberta, Coming to London Conference will be Revds. R, Whiting, S. Wilson. A. W. Tonge, A. Hamilton, W. H. tlollinralce and J. D. Kestle, front Hamilton Con- ference ; R. Hobbs, of Toronto ; and W. 5, Barraclough, ot British Columbia Last Sabbath Missions and 'Temper- ance were well to the front in the able presentations in Melville church and the Methodist church. Mr. Pickup, who was among the mining camps in British Columbia for a season, gave a splendid review of the realistic character of the Missionary's' work there. In the even. ing Rev. Mr. Kettlewell, Field Secre- taryof the Dominion Alliance, gave a clear, accurate and optimistic address on the Forward Temperance Movement. The latter rev. gentleman spoke at the Methodist church in the morning and cleared up numerous kuotty questions relative to the great problem before the people, Rev. Mr. ICettlewell's services were much enjoyed and it is vet'y evi• dent that he is the right man in the right place. Miss Sproule addressed a large congregation in the evening, taking as Iter text "Watchman, what of the night, &c." Many interesting ex periences were interwoven'into her dis course incidental toher visits to the lumbermen aud miners in Northern Ontario The address was a strong spiritual appeal- to aid Missions and banish the reign of King Alcohol. In the absence of the pastor B. Gerry pre. styled at the evening service. (The Germ Killer)- For the past dumber of years we have found a steadily increasing demand for Forrnaidehyde clue no doubt to thegneat satie- raotiali on the .tali of who have used it. part guarantee ours to be strictly up to the standard 40Per, cent, Solution We have it put up in sealed bot ties. -56 05, bottles suHioient to treat 8o to loo bushels 144.16: -8 oz. bottles, sufficient to treat • 40 to 5u bushels 2510 F 0 X '_. 7 DRUG STORE MARRIED 'MOSCApn5N-B.AWLSY.-Atfoissevain, Man„ on Mai oft gist, by Rev. T, B, Wllsun, Dir. Bari Bowley, of Arcola, to Mies Etta Me. Spedden, of Killarney. MOLAUOitLts-$'A'A'NLsY.-At Clteeley, 00 Marsh Slat by ltev. 1'. O. Powell, M. A., Mr. Duncan .1. MoLauohlin to Mies Merger. et Held, daughter of Mr. and ire. George Stanley, all of (Meekly. DIED ANnitttaQN.—At 171 Mater street, Toronto, on nleroh 80th, Donald suer o ,1 Anderson, 01 Lindsay, Local Registrar of H. U, J. CANNING. -Al Seaferth, on April v 1st, Annie Traynor, late of Ooarboro', beloved wife of Wihlntn Canning, and mother. or Rev. Father Canning, pastor of Our. Lady of Lourden Ohuruh, Toronto, in her 84th year. Ktao.-In.Grey, on March 28th, Jared Ring, aged 88 years. SOoTe.-In East Wawanosh, on 'April 711., David Scott, aged 78 years and 86 days. WATSON.-in Uranbrpok, on April 411., Mrs. Matilda Watson, in her 80th year. Wu1,01, At !Mitchell, on March 25th, Mary P Ann Graham, relict of the late John White, `,:t one time of Brussels, aged 75 years.;[ BRUSaE.-S MARKET Wheat - 5100 5101 Oats 40 42 Pens 85 - s7 Barley 48 01 Buttter 16 17 Eggs.......... 16 17 Apples 1 00 1.26, Potatoes 90 96 6 $ 6 8866 Hay Hogs n001)farm:for sale being Lot 24, Oon, 8, Morris, also 2 houses to Brussels. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Wm. Kelly, on the farm, or Walton, P. O. or P. S. Scott, Brussels. tf �Ossn e0o nTtg'uber y street B noesis ewith one core of hind, eligibly - situated. Good stable. web, cistern, fruit trees bashes, &c. AUCTION SAGES Also 60 sores of land. part of lot 1, con. 12, Fernery, Atm=L 9T11. -Live stook. household Grey. Po.session eoutd he given at once. For effects, &e. Theater's Hotel, Walton. Sale further particulars astoprice, terms, &,t, sp- at 2 o'clock. Jas. A. Moore, Prop. F. S. Scoot, ply on the preini-les or write Brussels P. 0. Atte. Taos. NtoaonLs. 40-11. Brussels Oaylig ht Store G. N. Mdarea t ,. t t :, Readyfor� in Business with a much larger and better as- sorted stock and better values than we have ever shown. Just Placed in Stock New Dress Goods, Prints and Ginghams. New Men -tailored Suits and Spring Coats for Ladies and Misses, New Ready-to-wear Skirts, perfect fitting, for Ladies and Misses. New White Waists, Whitewear, VlTash Coat and Shirt Waist Suits. New Boots and Shoes. New Men's Furnishings Our stock of Men's Hats, Caps and Shirts is the newest and prices the lowest. New, Clothing We have received Men and Boys. a doubt the best tailored and very have ever shown, We will he pleased to Highest Prices for Produce, aur New Spring Clothing for. The largest stock and without fitting, nicest patterns, best much better values than we have you make. Comparison, Goods light or your Money beck. ,.tt , u h. G. N. cLaren Agent for Butteriek Patterns. W. E. DUNCAN BRUSSEI-S