HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-8, Page 4e kflvats5tts. THURSDAY, APRITe L XV/ OUR WiNNIPEG LETTER, The nhareh of progress throughout the Canadian We et out, Lhe must sinking examples of what is known as. push, The fi.gttneler, manufacturer, commerci- til or professional man, mechanic or homeseeker, When he erosses the Eastern boundary or the international line or. the South, enters with the spirit of step- ping into the battle line fort business where opportunities are many and where be knows that his initiative, energy and push will count, EMIGRATION ALREADY ;HEAVY The tramp of an invading army of im• cnigraots marching ou Western. Canada can be already beard and in fact the advance guards of the new tamers ere already arriving in our midst. 1'he in flue of which promises this wear to ex- eeed all previous years will be from two directions, Europe and United States. The invasion from Uncle, Sam's territory has already set in in earnest, and hun- dreds of Americans are now crossing the border's into Canada. The past temple of weeks has seen the arrival in the city of a number of home seekers' excursions from the East and close on two thousand Ontario men have already arrived to take up homes in the West. They are all a sturdy lot, with lots of farming experience to back them up.' A large number of these men are expected this Spring, while their families will be along after the head of the house has prepared a home for them. PROM AMERICA Although the majority of the settlers from the United States are corning into Canada by ,vav of Moose Jaw a large number are handled daily at the immi- gration Hall. The parties coming here are mostly from the Eastern States, a number of Pennsylvania people being amongst those looked after last week. • FROM EUROPE The European arrivals aee already veru largo and every steameris now bringing over from one to five hundred. A noticeable feature is the predomin• ance of Britishers and the almost total absence of men from Southern Europe. BANNER BUILDING YEAR The central portion of Winnipeg will see a wonderful development this year. Already there has been many of the old landmarks in the business heart of the city torn out and excavations are being made for many magnificent build ings. This Spring Central business s ro est high P y is in hi gand thefeature in this development is the large number of financial institutions who ate driving their stakes for future expansion.• FROM LANDS ACTIVE The demand for farm property among the colonization and other farm land offices exceeds that of any year since 19o5, big sales having been closed in the past week to many American buyers, the largest being a tract of 7goo0 acres located 35 miles from the city of Win- nipeg. Sold to W P. Davidson, of St. Paul, Minn., for aconsideration of about ei7oO,000. OLD TIMERS RE -UNION In the past week the pioneers of West- -ern Canada held their annual gathering at Winnipeg. History from the lips of men who helped make the Winnipeg of to -day was told, while about them was the practical realization of their dreams and hopes. Men yet in the virility of middle age told of tramp- ing new made paths into the Canadian West. Glowingly. prosperously and tangibly evident as is the realization of youth's dreams, hopes and confidence about them, there still burns the optimism and the conficlence which lured them in ether days to the long trail of the West, that a greater future, a more prosperous situa- tion lies just beyond the horizon of to - clay. In no country in the history of the world's progress has such a s,tuation arisen in half of the allotted span of man's life. There are Winnipegers of virile man- hood whose memories of thunder of the tratnpling hordes of buffalo are now in- terrupted by the clanging of electric Street cars, by the throbbing of machin ery and the myriad voices of a city of thirty times five thousand people. The old timer of Winnipeg is sail possessed with the prescient spirit that called him Westw'irtl in the beginning MARKET GARDENING OPPORTUNITY An indication U1 what might be ac- complislted end of the demauii that ex- ists in Winnipeg fur the produce of mar ket gardens ie shown by the tact that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have decided that they will operate a model garden this season on land the company own in Winnipeg Twenty acres will be put under cultivation for the purpose of raising vegetables and flowers to supply tneir hotel and dining car service. 1n the Fall it is understood that greenhouses will be erected which will be used for flowers and Winter vegetables. Market gardening about Winnipeg is an infant industry. There isnot enough supplied as vet from those who are al- ready engaged in the business to meet the home demand and in 11 is safe to say that the Canadian Pacific have been forced tointo ntothe t i gobt s ossa ofr owin their own vegetables, The present im- ports into Winnipeg in vegetables and poultry exceed one hundred thousand dollars and with the present growth and development of the city, the demand is rapidly growing, In Manitoba and especially lying with. in a few miles of the City of Winnipeg Med , as good as in any part of Canada for market gardening is lying idle, which can he purchased at prices rang- ing from $too to $25o per acre and yvhich, if utilized, would yield a revenue on the investment m t greaterthan any other business the man of moderate means eoald put it to, AS in prospecting for gold, people coming from England, Eastern Canada and the United States (awe been disposed to see what fortune lies beyond and with this desire have pssed man excellent apu orunities that eayet undeveloped f the Province of Manitoba, Ron, Sydney Fisher, Dominion Min. ister of Agriculture, who was one of the Canadian representatives at the con. ¥OU CAN OURK CATARRH. J, 11, Taylor, ti4 Rend 6t. TorOflW, aroiathod Nyomol arid oared a Loni;* Wowing Caro of Ohrpnlo Cata+trrh That coflod All Othor Remedios, Ale* Toronto and New York Spoclalletp, Without taking a dro_pp of medicine Into the stomach, J', kJ, Taylor, 64 Bond, Street, Toronto, tells how' the `tlistressing troubles of Catarrh were overcome by simply inhaling Ryomel air,. It's the history of tens of thous, ands etwilar erica on reotc'd, proving that Hyomei can be depstided upon to cure Catarrh, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Croup, It bus no equal for any distress of the breathing urgent:. Mr, Taylor says ; "Soule years ago while ou a hunting trip la Northern Canada, I contracted a severe cold that eettled in my head and finally af- fected my throat. I,t rapidly develop- ed into catarrh and caused a miserable threat weakness. My head would be- come clogged during the night and there was a catarrhal dropping from the nose into the throat. Mauy days I had been unable to breathe other' than through my month, and the con- stant hawking and spitting was al- most unbearable. I had been treated by the best throat specialists here and in New York, but nothing benefitted my condition, 1 obtaiued Hymuei at James Fox's and .soon found relief, the throat dropping ceased and my head began to clear, 1 continued with Hyumei for six weeks and after that time I was well in every detail. There has been no return of the trouble siuc'e, and I feel grateful in speaking well of Hyomei, as it cured me when all else failed." servation coufereuce in Washington Iufermed the Canadian Club of Monl real the other day that when the next decennial census is taken, about two years hence, the population of Canada will total E,0000,uoo, He further es- timated that by icni the point lotion wilt have grown to 20,000,000. No man is 111 closer touch with the gro.rtt) of thus country than the Minister 01 Agricu, ture ; it is his department which has charge of the census and statistics and his opinion un the subject of which he sneaks should carry weight. Mr. Fisher was giving an account of the Washing- ton conference, and pointed 005 that whether Canada, when its population reaches 20,000,000. is a rich and in- fluential country, depends upon its con- serving its natural resources hencefor- ward. Morris Council The Council met according toadjourn- ment in the Council room Morris, ov March zend. Members all present Reeve in the chair. Minutes of Inst i0 and meeting read at d confirmed. A cum mutation was received from the Super intendent of the G. T. R. accepting the terms proposed by the Reeve last year respecting the reuewal of culverts on the Grasby drain, namely the municipali- tit to install a 3o inch tile at the South culvert and the Railway company to at tend to the renewal of the tither culvert Moved by Mr. Mc,;racken, seconded by Mr. Shortreed that this Council agree to the proposed outline above Carried. Tenders for the erection of the super- structure of the proposed new bridge at the stone school house were received trom the Ontario bridge Co., Toronto ; the Jenks Dresser Co., Sarnia; 'he Hunter Co., Kincardine ; the Hill Cu . Mitchell; the Stratford Co., Stratfuid ; and D. Witherspoon & Cu , Ailsa Cr•tig. A petition was presented by Wm. Clegg and a nnmher of others asking that the proposed new bridge be built on the original site on the sideroad In- stead of the site occupied by the present structure. The matter was discussed by a number of the petitioners and the council after which it was moved by Mr Shortreed and seconded by Mr. Wilkin- son that the proposed new bridge be built on the sight occupied by the pres- ent bridge, near the stove school house and that the tender of D. Witherspoon & Co. for the erection of the steel struc- ture with cement flour complete, for the sum of $2,45o be accepted, plans, &e to be subject to the approval of an engineer the aboven•tmed tender being Inc Ion• est. Carried unanimously. Or/ motion of McCracken and. J.dlnst'U th, ties was tcstrncted to can fol tendeis for the erection of concrete abut malts for the proposed new bridge, tenders to be opened at next Council meeting. Pathma.ters were appointed as tuliows 1 -North houndiuy - Jas. Henderson. P. Fu eier, D lewitt, Geo. McDonald, ino Mes.er, N Thornton, las Messer and P. Moffatt. ist Line - D W Campbell, J D McE an, It, He hertngiun, I' Abram, A McEwen, J Rohb, Geo Peacuek and C Forrest 211d Line -Win Isbtster, Inn, Pettier. L. Jewitt, H Bo•mao. Wm. 'Purvey, Jao Must'trd, C. Fut•rest and L. 'Eck tiller 3rd Line-lt. Maguire, inn. Hopper, C Garniss, v m Kunx, Ins '1'h ne C Caniplell, 1 H. S0ltats. P. Bone and Jas. Ireland 4511 Line •R Anderson, R. Procter, J Niebolson, C Wheeler. Wm V1eCracken v m N itkiu son, Jou Barr and A Crooks. 5th Line -Ino. ino Bell, W C. Proctor, b Itvtne Ino Clegg J. D Grasby, 1 \lcArtet, E. Nichol. D Sommerville, 1. Davis, H. McArter and Geo. .Manning. 6th Line -E. Ward, A, T. Cole, J. H, Hall Wm. Bird, J. Douglas, T. Bernard, W. J. Smith F. McCutcheon and Wm, Thuell,7 th Line -R. Neste ttJ no Phelan,Ino. Graig, P. Healy, Jas. Kelly, . Howlett. EL Kirkby J. Bew ley and H. Beton. 8th Line -H. Fear. J. Richmond. J. Laidlaw, 1 Brown T Bielby, J. Colelough, Wm. Skelton, G McCallum, H. Jackson, Geo. Kelly and R. Lawson. gilt Line -loo. Potter, D. O'Coener,C. K, Taylor, F. Laidlaw, R. McDonald, R. Shortreed, Thos McCall, Geo, Kirkby and D McCallum, South boundary, -Geo. Grigg. East Bound arv v B v W. A r au Yuill W. Daik and T Brown. West boundary -1 Golfer, T. Proctor, -r Goaman and Jno Cunn- ing Walton Village Eli McLaughlin. Belgrave Village -W. J Geddes, Jas. Nicholson and D, Somerville were op pointed Fenceviewers in place of C Wilkinson and Jas. Sharp, Accounts were ordered to be aid as p follows :-J McGill, repairing Clark's and Clegg's bridges, $10.64 ; P. Ament, plank, $to.o2; Jno. Ainsley, examination of proposed sites for new bridge, $5 no 1 1. McDonald. rock elm plank, $7t 8u ; Nivins, putting in culvert, $2.231 Nestilt, drewin tile, Sete(); (orpera- Oen of Grey, a, J.lna acct., $aL.93; Municipal \Votld blank Assessment sad. Collector's Rellst $5 85 t A. Taylor, stone filling at Sommerville bridge, $54.90: U Sommerville, stone and work nt pier of Clark's bridge, $.t 10" W. 1, . Sinclair, Einem; claim es per order front P. Nicholson, $55.0o, On motion .of 1'tlkinsonantl Shortreed, the Council ,djeurned to meet again on April ttth, W, CLARK, Clerk. Lung Trouble Promptly Relieved and Per. manently Cured by inhal. ing Catarrhozone, Mre, Billy . Brown, of Tonooape, N. e., Was cured by Oatarrhozeno of lung trouble and catarrh after hundreds of ,,other romodloe failed. If your lungs are weak ; if there is consumption in your fancily, if Oolds, Catarrh and Bronchitis bother you, be erne to use Catarrhozone. It ie especially adapted for these diseases and eures every time. Mrs. Brown took cough mixtures, but they made her sick, Then she used an atomizer, but., after resort: lug without benefit to poultices and numerous other remedies, she tried Oatalrhozone. "I used Oatarrhozone Inhaler," writes Mrs. Brown, "five minutes every hour, and soon recognized that it was going to cure me. Ig could feel the soothing medicated air spreading. through the air passages of the throat, and it touched the sore spots in the lun a other eleat that th d' fail d to grems e reach. Oatarrhozone seemed to go just where it was needed most, and soon put a stop to nip cough. It re- stored me to perfect health, and I am convinced that no cough, cold or catarrh can exist if eatarrhozone is used." No treatment is so clean, so pleas- ant, so certain to cure as Catarrh - ozone. By means of the inhaler the local symptoms such as coughing, in- flammation and congestion are speed- ily corrected. Ferrozone tablets, which are taken after each meal, purify and cleanse the blood of all poisons and build up and strengthen the system. This local and constitutional treat- ment is always effective, and cures cases that have been given up as hope- less. Money can't buy or produce anything better, and to get cured it absolutely necessary to use Catarrh- ozone. Complete outfit costs$1 • small size P , 60c. At druggists or N. 0. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Str Wilfrid Laurier will amendment to Mr. Foster's in the Commons, showing Government stands in the Imperial defence. oho e v an 1 esulutitnl where the natter of Maple Syrup Tanking ahont Maple Syrup MR. 1. J. GILI'IN is the only authorized agent ro take orders for our Syrup. If vier n•der has been given to any other per- son representing himself as selling BELDEN'S Maple Syrup, you mac rescind the order and favor Mr. Gilpin with the amount We have secured Mr H. Ecker, of Hamilton, to run our syrup outrt this season, and as lie has had years of ex- perience, the nubile will we hope get a better article than ever. W. R. BELDEN, Molesworth. Allan Maual Line St. John John and Halifax to Liverpool Tile WC of John Conway, the Ain- herstberg fireman was exhumed for part-Mortere examination, I' elm found that ,death oceurt'ed from shock, rot drowulug,and tine suspicion of foul play is streng;lheued. Po you aoIch GM? This is a disagreeable result of feed fermentation that Nerviline stops at once. Take ten dropsofNerviline hi sweetened writer'. The stomach is warmed and soothed, digestive troubles corrected, the rtsleg or goo ceases and you are well, When such a simple remedy does so much it's foolish to be without it, For indiges- tion, sour stomach, heartburn and sick headache you'll find nothing half so efficient as Poison's Nerviliue, Get a 25e. bottle ftoln your dealer to -day. A lrittlender named Rands WS killed on the railway tit Fort William.. Three alien ,vei'e killed and two injur- ed in a head on collision on the C, P. R, near Brandon. ' Hamilton pollee raided a laundry and arrested two waggon loads of Chinamen on a charge of gambling. Andrew Carnegie will probably con• tribute $75,000 to a public library for Hamilton, C. 'Efner's four•yearold son was struck by a piece of falling ice at Mont- real and fatally injured. Joseph Hall, ex -Warden of Lamt ton county and ex President of the War. wick Liberal Association, died at War- wick. The People's Column COMFORTABLE HOUSE ..14511 Imo FOR SALe.-(lead cellar, water and trait trees, Enquire of R. T. HINGSTON, or P. 0. bus 800, Brnesels. - 82-tf LAIR DRESS1NG.-Switollee, Mukha and pule =Merton, combings and out hair. Orders from n distance urompsly attended to. MLS. R.'1'. HANGSr'ON, Mill St., Brussels, Cott SALE.-Oothfurtable house on William. street, Brussels. 54 nate let, good well, garden end fruit trees, Fur terms apply to P. Rtmoats or F. S. Scott, Brussels. tr. OOMFOR'1'AB„E residence and 5 acre of land,. being Lot 212 Albert street, Brus- eela,for sale. House us will built, with all eon- yeuienees and puasesaton could be given at once. For further partluulers apply onthe promisee to Mrs. Jae, bei guson, or D. Fer- guson, Teeswater. tr.. CVV051NORTABLE COLIAGE, .table and N Here of land for sale, Tuinberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, &e. Poaseaaion could be given at once. For further pnrticulat•a x8 to price, terms, &c., ripply o” the premises. ALEX. Mot.AUORLIN. 7-tf FOR SALE UR TO 1OEN'C.=Phe undersigned offers his wall loeatedproperty in Brossete for 11510 ort r 1 o cit Th r ea Ye - e t- o nor ti , , of a ,d with comfortable house, with io celr, ata 1 e, orchard well, &o. Possession on Aug, loth. toFor rn teNnFRD,d OUhntoinYorFR n 1OSy Brussels. THOS. DuNFORD, Langdon, North Dakota. P ROPERTY FOR SALE. -In order to close the emote f the late Thou. Mal ea tap, the dating of offer for.sole the real epair, consisting ana7,oget er house in good f 11rit- o,mre of land, large co with 5 psrab of nrst- csnv nie and Iouaeo For fulou, etabti, naris convenient o e G t house. For full nl dn. Spoon and A.15 location V property eu, ly8 to a SOOTY, or A. STEWART, Quote St., West, Brussels, County of Huron. M. FINANUIEIt AND ORGANIZER WANTED to promote a company in Canada to aten- ufeoture a targe number of new ohoicepat- ent-, inade and tested. Sate will sell 8t 11rt+t sight in all tumbermen'a outfits. Can be man- ufactured on royalty ii'desired or will sell outright if preferred. Do nut reply tiniest+ you are reliable and in position to handle a good deal Eel -mottoes exchanged. Truly i soon+, 7e11.08. MCGREGOR inventor and 1111- 1 prover on mw.,. tools and machines, corner Mill and Main at., Brussels, Ontario. L A hetet porter was fined a hundred dollars at Cobalt :fur supplying the guests with limier, unknown to the proprietors, 'rite guests ppaid tete flee The Provincial lane Cointrany'$ rept. lalor at Stevensville, neat' Welllnd was blown up by an explosion of statural Dan and three men were hurt. 'Phe espies. leo was caused by a lighted cigar, Read the Malin formate on the box of Pink Pain Tablets, Then ask your doctor if there 15 a better one. Pain means congestion, blood pressure somewhere. Dr. Shoot's Pink Pain Tablets cheek head pities, womanly pains, penin anywhere. Try nue, and see 1 20 for 26e. Sold by all deal- ers, Perth County At a joint meeting of the city coon - oil, the park board and the board of trade, a delegation was appointed con- sisting of Mayor Dingman, Qeo. Mc - Lamm and Win. Preston to go to Montrealand interview the authori• ties of the 0. P. R, and if necessat'y the G. '1'. R. in regard to the route of O. P. R. into the city through its sub- sidiary line, the T. L, B. & P. The deputation will report to anot-hen' meeting prior to the. meeting of the railway commission here on April 2nd, Coupled with the resolution was an expression that Stratford would wel- come the 0. P. R. although the feeling is against the route now surveyed a- long the North bank of Lake Vioturia and also strongly in favor of a ultiou station, - Seaforth At a large and enthusiastic meeting held in the Royal Hotel on Tuesday evening, the Beaver Lacrosse Club wasorganized for the season of 1909. The season will be opened by an ex- hibition game on May 24111. The fol- lowing officers were elected :-Honor- ary President, Dr. McKay • Proh., D• T. Pinkney 1st Vice, H. Scott ; 2nd Vice, De. Hodgins ; Sec,, J. A. Roberts ; Trreas.,.3. Rankin ; Manag- ing Com., J. P. Bell, Ohas. Broad - foot, Joe Wade, and the president. Now Theory About Rheumatism. This disease is constitutional -caus- ed by virus in the blood that ch culates to all parts of the body. To cure, you must use a' constitutional treatment. Nothing so completely dispels the poi- son from the system as Ferrozone. It purifies and renews the blood, clears it of every taint.. The system is vital- ized and strengthened and thus en- abled to fight off threatened attacks. Not oul does Purozolie relieve at once -it curs rheumatism, etunatism nut and .g lumbit o permanently. Result guar- anteed, g Results rut y g t anteed, 600. boxes at all dealers. ou y Listowel Spring Show, Tuesday, April 18111. j P. W. James lei's foromat Toronto, where he has taken a position in the head office of the Sterling Bank. Mrs.(Rev.) Lang til -Ford and l's. ( J. W. Bernie were iu London lust week attending the annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of Huron Diocese. The local lodge of Oddfellows pur- pose bolding a special .meeting in honor of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the order iu America, this Thursday evening, April 8th. The Chief has put up a sign draw - ng attention to the fact that it is un - awful to spit on the sidewalks, and nfortns us that more will shortly be tacked up in noticeable places. Rev. C. H. Buckland, of Guelph, virile enuring nut of a store on Wyud- am street the other day, fell very eavily on the slippery pavement, with the result that he fractiwad his collar bone. A. H. Hawkius, D. L. S., left for dmonton, having been cottmission- d by the Dominion Government to eke a servey in the Lac. Ste Anne istrict, North-Western Alberta. The work will take several months and he does not expect to return home before next Winter. The following officers were elected for the Font Ball team for 1909 :- Hon. Pres., Dr. Pollock ; Hon. Vice - Pres., F. W. Hay; Hon. 2ud Vioe- Pres., J. Watson ; Pres., Wm. Ram- say ; Vice -Pres., Dr. Sawdon ; 2nd ice -Pres., Mr. Ferriday ; Managers, r. Pollock, Wm. Ramsay and A. C. rickey Treas., A. Roos ; Sec., B. aanford. The captains will be ap- pointed after practicing bas com- menced. A junior and an intermedi- ate team will be entered in the W. F. A. A � . Ulnae— Anywhere— Anybody ' nae A yWhC C — An hod-. Biscuits are always Mooney's �' welcome --for all occasions—and l alikewith youngand old delight and their appetizing crispness P dainty deliciousness, J THE MOONEY BISCUIT & CANDY CO. LIMITED HAMILTON, OTTAWA, SYDNEY, WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER,. Stephen's church, and especially of the choir, of which she was a valued member, gathered with the bride and groom, at the rectory, on ]Monday where a most delightful evening was spent, Advantage was also taken of the occasion to present Mrs. Rowe with a kitchen shower, the presenta- tion being made by h'Irs. (Rev.) Farr, Dr. Anivot harecommended that Spriugbank Park, London. Out., be closedto the public, owing to danger of population of the city water supply Mrs. James Bear, a London Indy, will probable be recommended. for a Revel Humane medal for saving Arthur Curtis from drowning in the river. She was aesirt-d by Levi Plank. ER Stock for Service h DURBAN. BULL FOR SERV IOE.–The undersigned aill keep fur service at Lot 14. Con 4.Norms, tie thuro' bred d Din Imo. bell "dank Favorite" (72106• bred by - Alex Gard- iner. Leadbnry, which is well bred, tracing back es to the best families, ALLAN SPEIR, Fair- view Farm, Proprietor. tf. e FOR SERVICE –A Thoro'-bred abort Born istrict, Wnptate Brmmhooksi No. 174674i Lot 25, Con. 10. Grey. lame-$l.0e, payable Jan. 14 1010. Further terms may be seen at the premises. D. B. SANDERS, Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE. – The undersigned will keep for service at Lot 111, Con 7 Grey, the thorn' -bred bull, 'Highland Vtator" 78a77'- This fine young animal wax bred by the well known breeders, W. B. Elliott & Sons, of Guelph, and is from 1 m orled stock. Terms *160, 'equine ,Tar, Ist, 1910, with privilege of rr turning of neoee-nr Pgree any ed be seen From St .John Halifax on e1 pliontion. ANyGUS LA.MONT, 'Grumpplou.. ..... — Apr. 17 86-r Proprietor. Virginian nails Apr. la Apr. 17 Tmntslen sails ... .. Apr: 24 V D B V B 1. tot sails Apr. 00 May 1 +This steamer sails to Glasgow. Rates of Passage First Olase-$67 50, 570 and $80, according to steamer. Second el nss-515 $47.50 nod $60, Third Olaas-$27 60. $80 and $81.25. For fan particulars of Summer millings from Montreal and rates apply to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Emmele. Notice of Dissolution Thearfnership heretofore existing between. A. M. McKay end ,Ta+. S .Shaw. as hardware merchants, under the muse style and Ilan of McKay & Shaw, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent The said:les. B. Shaw will continue the -hu+i- ness of the Mate arm, 55,.ame ita liabitttie., and to wht„a all outstanding debts due the arm aro to he paid. 11 Dated this 1011, day of March, A.D.,1909. Witness, W. M. SINOLIAR. A• B.$M. , SnMOgAYw•P JAe. in 0 til th h b How.to Improve Health. No better way than to improve the blood, -cleanse and enrich it, -give it ourishment and strength. This can 1 be quickly done by Dr. Hamilton's ills which have a vitalizing, purify - g effect that is tinegcalled in any ther medicine. With lots of pure rich blood circulating to all parts of e body, with snap and vim running rough every vein and artery, robust ealth is iuevitablo. No cleansing, nilding tonic is as good as Dr, Ham- iltuv's Pills, Sold by all dealers, i.4161.41.41‘...461/ AhAlliaalhar&A.A6416.4111.4116albailhhAh. SpringWe're now showing•. Millinery Misses HabkirK The very Newest Creations in Spring Millinery and we want YOU to see them. Our Hats have a "smartness" and originality of style peculiarly their own. We aim at. Exclu- siveness of design and are confident that we now have one of the handsomest and most original assortments of hats in town. IfY a u are looking for ar something stylish—"Chic"—nobby in Millinery favor us with a ca]I and we'll show you what's 'what' in lip -to -date Millinery Look us up Soon Corrie HYMENEAL,—Another of Genie's estimable young ladies has been mar- ried, in the person of Miss Lizzie Ar- den, We quote the following t from Free the London 1 tae Picea :- Ag1t i t.t wedding wassolemnized at Holy Trinity rectory, Levan, on Wednesday an ernoon, Match 224th when Miss Lizzie Ardell, daughter of Geo. Ai'dell, of Gerrie, Ont., was united in lnaerlage to James Roe, of Olandeboye. The. ceremony was performed by Bev. Arthur Cltrlisle, The bride was at- tended by her sister-in-law, Mrs, Wasuidge, of London, West, and the groom was assisted by Wu,. H. Was- nid L The bride and groom are well known and highly thought of 111 this y b 6 locality in which they live, and are active and interested members of St. James church, Olandeboye. After the eet'emony they left on the 3,26 train on their wedding trip, which was spent in St. Idary s and Gerrie. The 11001 iest congratulations and best wishes of e, host of friends accompany them They will reside in Olandeboye on their return In connection with the above, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe arrived rather unexpectedly in Gurrie on Mon - Clay of last week. A number of Mrs. Rowes former associates in St. Fk �„ 1ISE Ws' ha •s ho5l large 1 high o i h• redo _ sr3iool tvtth a y� !. g eq'uinnent. S-. 1 71 t se',, I, JL north Y �41I Coui•xes ii1 Comm ercial, Shorthand, and i' ITelegraphy doparxments ere thnr- d'. •1'V ouch•n't'l dee u and priicttrnl. 0ot•grnts 11"1. ']A antes ore In 11 -NU nH VA% iG siatante tit U and Business Culloge Teaehertt. Write '11 lb fur froeeati,lnena Enter nay time 1 • Elliott&. McLachlan Tf . .i Ie ueez Easy a$ That's all odd name ain't it ? it just suits the article I have the agency for, viz., a new paleuted Floor Mop, Window Cleaner and Vali and Ceiling Buster or Washer Squeezy Easy is a complete rig and only has to be tried to prove its excellency, l\'ill be pleased to call on you shortly and prove what I have said in this advertisement. Richard Stevens, Agent, Brussels Spring Term From April 1st, ;. z a�i~l - .lr.. �f l i t t, STRATFORD. ONT. Cured by Lydia E. Pink= ham's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md. -"For four years my life was a misery to me. I suffered from irregulari- ties, terrible drag - 1 ging sensations, extreme nervous- ness, and that all gone feeling in my stomach. I had given up hope of ever being well when I began to take Lydia L•Pink- ham's Vegetable Com ound. Then T felt as though new life had been given me, and I am recommending it to all my friends." -Mrs. W. S. FORD, 1088 Lansdowne St., Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this countrp for the euro of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to -day is mora widely and successfully used than anyother female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflam- mation,ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir- regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing -down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means 1la d failed. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't give up hope until you haveiven Lydia E. Pinkham'a 'Vege- table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice write to Mrs. Pinkhatn, Lynn, Mass., for it. She has guided thousands to health, free of nharge. t T_: �•'., ..,:.:, -2.- In. � ..: 7R.-• t`t.'':•fr� Su��ERScffloi,, Jo ne. July and August leads into oar Fall Term without any break. Ehler any title, New Catalogne Iree. Write for it to -day. II CENTRA BVyINESS COLLEGE The Largest, most Reliable 1 of its kind. W. 11, SHAW Principal Yonne & Gerrard ate., Toronto - 1� ,�•�, TEACHERS of ripe scholarship, "' ,,9 wide iecchmg nhid busitieaH ex, 50 ��. perienee in leading t`anxdhm :aa American centres, employed by g� our chain of-EligBb-Grade Colleges, have [� built no n superior, unnpproaohed cur- , 54 .,,,!0 riculunt. ii'aa� illsowudent is intrusted privately Y t 5 Mills own We assist our grndu- Mento tile best poeitlells, .. Three courses -Commercial, Steno. 4,'t graphy and Telegraphy. ;,r; Mxil Oonreeo. Enttr anyday. aQ Wrtt?Porpnrtleulnre. N. Wingham a ar Business College 1;y9, NREO. SPOTTON, Principal, -,i 4ti -evA.,:'.dero.eeTut mesud�hv7,t'Avu se NATIONAL OLLER MILLS BRUSSELS WE Bread Flours Graham Flours Whole Wheat FIou.Ars Feed Flours HAVE VE Oore'neoia (Breakfast food) oiled Wheat Cracked Wheat Oatmeal Bran, Shorts, flaked Oats for horses and all kinds of feed. R