HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-8, Page 1VOL, 37 NO, 40
BR JSS]LS, ONz'4RjO, THUR,SD4Y, , igog
New Advertisements
Locals -Booker e
r Hro s,
Seed uu s -Win Lowe,
lb root. -T, O,Itfiato
For mule -Thos.. BYtehonox,
Fornuildehytle-,tae, Fox,
Now wall paper. -1f, JZ Smith.
1Perla for sale -Mrs, Wan, KellY,
Eves for hatohing-D, A, Lowry,
Potatoes wanted -•W, IL Flanders,
Wow terWyundottes-W, $ lAOunonn,
Marshall $arvison is reooveri
from a bad attack of lagrippe.ng
Samuel Wherry was all n
friends around Mouciieff last g onold.
Charles and Mrs. Osborne and.
" family were visiting under the par-
ental roof,
We are very sorry to state that
Mm. John Osborne, 15th con„ isnot
her usual good health. Her
any friends' wish for her a speedy
The concluding meeting of the
Literary Society of the Goderich Col-
legiate Institute was held last Friday
evening in the assembly room of th
school, and took the form' of a series
of literary contests` for prizes. There
were three contests, one in oratory,
one in reading and one - in
recitation, and the events were
keenly contested. The winners
were as follows ;=For the oratory
contest, Miss Augusta McLeod ; for
the reading, Donald Clark, and for
the recitation Mise Levy. There was
an interesting program of musical and
literary selections in addition to the
con tests.
Mrs. R. Noble is able to be about
again after a week's illness,
Reeve Reis was a visitor in Torun -
to several days of last week.
Miss L. Ewing, of Teeswater, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Allan.
Mr, Gregg, of Exeter, was -a visitor
at home of Dr. Brawn last week.
Mrs. McLennan has returned from a
visit with friends in Stratheoy and
Lona -
Miss Bessie Lovell is home from
Stratford Normal College for the
Samuel Willis, of London, is visit-
ing his sister, Mrs. J. Barnard, and
otheerelatfves here.
Miss Lulu Rutherford, who is at-
tending the Hamilton Normal College,
is home for the Easter vacation.
Mrs. J. Young and sister, Miss
Maurice Nokes, of Winnipeg, are
guests of their mother, Mrs. R. Nokes.
Our new Editor, Austin Chisholm,
of Arthur, accompanied by his wife
and family, arrived here on Saturday
and have moved to S. Rasmussen's
block on Main street.
R. Stephensou, of Gorrie, assisted
by B. F. Oarr, occupied the pulpit of
the Presbyterial) church on Sunday
morning in the absence of Rev. L.
Perrin who was attending the Mission-
ary Congress,
The Globe, of Boissevain, Man., gives
the following :—"9, pretty wedding
took place last Wednesday at 11'm m.,
when Miss Etta McSpadden, of Kil-
larney, and Earl Hawley, of Arcola,
were united in marriage. At the
hour appointed and as the beautiful
strains of the Wedding March from
Lohengriu filled the room, the groom
entered, followed by the bride -leaning
upon the arm of her brother, Samuel
McSpadden, and looked char'inin' iu
her bridal dress of cream silk eolieuue
with trimming of ]ace and dtu:hess
satin and' carrying a beautiful boquet
of krichalroses and maiden hair fern.
A large number of friends from Bois-
sevain and surrounding country were
in attendance and T. B. Wilson,
Methodist miliister, officiated. The
gifts were both numerous and costly,
being a tribute to the high esteem in
which, they are held in the district.
Mr, and Mrs. Hawley left on the
evening express for points West, after
which they will settle at Clearwater,
where the gtooin holds the position of
C. P. R. station agent. The bride's
travelling spit was navy blue pananla
cloth with hat to match. Groom's gift
bride A
t4 the Pd
Q a
Wail a sunburst ofp earls,
Both bride aud groom. carrywith
them congratulations and best wishes
for their future happiness from a host
of ft'ieuds and acgnaintauoes," The.
old friends of the brute in thia locality
will extend liearty congratulations to
her and her husband fore, long, happy
and prosperous lite.
• Henfryn
1lenfryu was well represented at
Listowel Horse Fair. -
. Rudolph Seining is buying up a car
of horses for the West,
IC seems onto Henfxyn girls are deter-
mined for early fishing:.
Ben. Brant is moving to the house,
lately vacated by Thomas Lucas,
Miss L. Bawtinheimer leasassed
her examination for a trained nurse at
S. S. Cole is getting ready for
another big season' at brick and tile
Harry Shannon is building a large
new barn this Summer with up -to.
date appliances. -
Mrs. G. 0. Bawtinheimer'is away at-
tending the funeral of her father,
Win, Milligan, Dungannon.
Porsmois W.& ii ,-T am ship ing near of
ota boos from steel station and will load on Fri-
day and Saturday, April 0th and IUth. Parties
having potatoes to Heli may' bring them in
and gat the highest cash prices. Only good
potatoes wanted. W. E. Sesottss.
60 cents gets True POST to Jan. 1st,
Miss C. Gaetz, of Lucknow, is visit-
ing Miss 13. West.
Mrs. Walker has returned from,
visiting Mende 11, Brantford.
Mss. (Dr.) Fefgnsou and Clifford re-
turned from Toronto on Monday.
L. Gibson is moving into the house
adjoining W. T. $pence's grocery.
Mrs. J. Putlaud is visitinggher
daughter, Mrs. McDonald, of Ripley.
W. Graham and family, of Llma,
moved into the house lately vacated
by Thos. Williamson.
Mrs. G. Rainier, of Jamestown,
spent last Monday with her sister,
Miss Hall, of this village.
Will. Hemsworth has been on the
sick list with an attack of la grippe
this week but we hope he will stem be
o. k,
The local Telephone system may be
a genuiue reality yet as there appears
to be a new interest awakened in the
Rev. J. Henderson and John Mc-
Donald were at Toronto last week at-
tending the alissionary Congress and
Baeker Bros., butchers, of Brussels,
are arranging to make regular calls at
Ethel during the coming season fot
the delivery of meat.
A letter from Wm. F. Laing, of
T3albrite,,Sask., dated Mar. 20th, says:
—We are having flue weather here
but do not think seeding will start for
two weeks yet.
A new slaughter house will be built
by our enterprising butcher, Geo. M.
Mitchell, so as to better accommodate
him in his increasing business. Geo.
is a regular Timothy Eaton oto a small
Rev. T. G. Thomson, of Ottawa,
took the service in the Presbyterintt
church here Sunday afternoon, He
preached an excellent sermon. The
gentleman is a brother of Mrs. (Rev.)
D. 13. McRae, Craubrook.
Next meeting of Grey Council will
be, held ou Mouday, 1003 inst. at the
Hall here. The reports of the follow:
ing Municipal drains will be read and
considerer) at this meeting :-9th cub.,
5th con., Baker, McNair and new Mc-
Taggart drains.
the regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will meet at the hotne
of Mrs. C. Bernath on Thursday,
April 15th, at 2.30 p. m, Mrs. (Dr.)
Blair is expected toc
a ive paper i
g p r n
"Home nursing" and to answer any
questions on the subject.
Last Suuday afternoon Rev. Mr.
Thomson, of Ottawa, preached in
Knox church here ani gave a good
sermon. B. Jackson- took the service
in the Methodist Church in the even-
ing in the absence of the pastor, Mr.
Jackson is a thoughtful preacher.
T. and Mrs. Watsonand the formner's
father, who is over 00 years, expect to
leave for the West next Tuesday.
A choice stock of New Groceries has beenl
ed on our shelves and will be soldP ac
at close
prices. Also carry nice goods in Fancy
Our Boot &
Shoe Rock
�Lisalways s sep
up-to-date o -
date and our
Harness Be part
good as the best.
Shop �
p n Connection
Butter and Eggs taken In exchange for goods.
Am here to do business
so if you are on the look -out
real bargains call and see me.
Geo. M. Mitchell
They purP
oe alaak
al their
home near
Saskatoon, A nephew of Mrs.
oto y ng roan named Idadge, will ac-
company thein, The people of this
community wish. all (toncernrd the
bust of Aucot'ss
Robert McKay eft.' fee ee 1 t Gtett shot• r
Sask., on Saturday. Ile )las a home
stead in they !'ramping Luke
district, which is 00 miles West of
Saskatoon and 75 South of Batt]eford.
Wilkie is the nettreet station at pres-
ent, viz., 40 miles, but new toads are
expected, Mi'. _McKay will be great!
missed in this neighborhood, especial-
ly in the Methodist church' where he
filled important duties suet clid them
well, The whole community wish
hint success. Probably he may be
bank in the Fall after pushing the
work on his plantation,
meeting for the re -organization of the
root ball team for this season was
held. Report of the Soc.-Trate was
Sedresenti7d it was moved by W.
fieldpence, seconded by I)i". Blair, that it
be accepted. Carried. Moved by Dr.
Blair, seconded by G. Krauter that
we organize a Foot Ball club for 1909.
Carried. Moved by G. . Kraitter,
seconded by E. Eukmiei' that we enter
a team in the W. F. .A. Carried,
Officers for 1909 were chosen as fol-
lows : !fon, Pi'os.. Dr. J. IC. Blair
President, Dr. D. Wardlaw ; Vice
President, W. T. Spence ; Sec.-Treas.,
G. 0. Krauter ; Manager, A. Cole.
Delegate ' to the annual meeting at
Galt on Good Friday, Wm. Krauter.
Moved by W. Spence seconded by A.
Cole that W. (mates and G. Krauter
circulate a subscription list. Carried.
Moved by W. Krauter, seconded by
E. Eckmier• that the name of the club
be the "Beavers"and the colors be red
and black. Carried.
D.tvID Scor'r DEOEAsED.—Wednes-
day of this week a well known resi-
dent of Con. 7, East Watvauosh, in
the 'Anson of David Scott, paid Nat-
ure's debt, aged 78 years and 25 days.
The funeral will leave his late residence
on Saturday afternoon, 10th lost., at
2 o'clock. Service tie 1.30, Interment
will be made at the Brandon cemetery.
FTttsie MEAr.—Baeker Bros., of
Brussels, will put a delivery wagon
on the road this season and will. collet
Jamestown rF ulularly.
Thom Tit, W IST.—The following
letter, written by a former resident,
Will be read with interest by the
people of this locality :—Find enclosed
$1.00 in payment of my subscription
to THE POST for another year. Am
always glad to receive it. Would ask
you to kindly send it to ins at Pas-
wegin, instead of Waclena, as I and
G. F. Gillespie, who taught in S. 5.
No. 4, Grey, are going in to the general
store and implement business atPas-
wogin, which accounts for the rhauge
in address. Spring is opening up nice-
ly now and with it conies a spirit of
buoyancy and hope, which I trust will
not be disappointed. Hope every-
thing is.o. k. down at Beussels and
vicinity. Yours truly*
Wtdena, Sask., Mar. 28, 1909.
H, D. Ainlay took the service at
Jamestown last Sabbath evening.
Sunday afternoon Rev. Mi. Kettle -
Well, Field Secretary of the Dominion
Alliance, occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist Church and gave a fine ad-
dress of the Forward Movement in
The local Beef ring will not be
operated, het e this year and arrange-
ments have been made with Baelter
Bros., butchers, of Brussels, to supply
the demand. Their )wagon will visit
the respective places twice a week.
Rev. Mn Thomson, of Ottawa,
was the preacher in Knox Church
here last Sabbath morning and gave
a fine sermon. He is a brother-in-
law to Mrs. (Rev.) D. 13, McRae and
was called here owing to the illness of
Mrs. Watson, his -mother.
Let us remind yon of onto Concert
to be held on April 18th, Keep the
date in mind and the evening clear.
The program will be of a first-class
nature consisting of instrumental
music, pique, trombone ,and violin,
ladies' quartetteofBrussels, tenor and
alto duets, soprano and bass solos and
ngs from two of the best elocu-
tionists in thisr
of the
a t
p country.
Also a number of good piano iustru-
mantels. Come with the crowd and
enjoy one of the best Concerts ever
held in this place. Doors open at 7
o'clock, andprogram begins et 8
Gwen To BIER Bsw,u,D.—At 2 o'-
clock Sunday morning Mrs. Thos.
Watson, mother of Mrs. (Rev.) McRae
passed away to her reward at the ad-
vanced age of nearly 86 years. De-
ceased was a native of Sterlingsbire,
Scotland, where sine ryas married to
the late Rev. James Thomson, two
children, Bev. T. G. Thomson, of
Ottawa, and Mrs, McRae, being born
to them both
of whom survive. Mi•.
Thomson died iu the Old Land and w
the subject of this notice was nett- ra
ad in lnax'riago t0 lateThonutsWatson, sa
They came to Canada locating• wi
members mire s 0f Mrs. t
Watson's family
) e all h re;
e Deceased Hud )Yasafaith-
member of the Presbyterian
church, a true wife, lovi ug mother and
one of the best of neighbors. ller-
life was a standing recommendation
of the eweetening and refining in-
fluence of close fellowsbip .with
the Good Blaster, The ' members
of the family aro accorded the sym-
pathy of many friends,
Deroti L,-Dr,t Fetid, dentist, will -visit
Watton on Monday, April lath,
Service in the Methodist Clntrih
next Scuttles, at 7 p. In, Subject "The
Resurrection of Christ,"
The Epworth League, will ilold its
service at the close of the public ser-
vice next Sabbath evening. Topic to
be taken by Miss Clara Dennison and
Jliss Fulton,
The Leaguers held a social evening
at the parsonage Thursday evening of
last week when a good program was
given and leech served. 'everyone
enjoyed the evening.
Rev. Mr. MacNab was at, Oran -
brook on Monday taking charge of
the funeral service of the late Mrs,
Watson, another of Mrs, (Rev.) D. B.
McRae, of that village.
A box social, under the auspices of
the Epworth League, will be held at
the residence of Hugh Fulton, on the
Boundary East of the village, ou Mon-
day evening{, next, April 1218.
Sunday afternoon the service in St.
George's church here will be in charge
of Rev. Mr, Waller, Principal of'Hur-
on College. London. Mr. Gar•sicie, of
the same city, supplied lest Sunday,
An auction sale of household effects,
live stock, &c., will be held by Jas, A.
Moore, who recently sold his farm, at
the Thames' Hotel, here, on Friday
afternoon of this week at 2 (o'clock.
Sale without reserve as proprietor is
going West. F. S. Scott will be
the auctioneer,
Send THE Pose the news. It's al-
ways welcome.
Next uieetiug of Township Council
will be held on Monday, 12th inst.
60 cents, in advance, secures THE
POST, the peoples' paper, to January
1st, 1010. Try it.
BMrs. John Manning attended the
funeral of her two graudehildx'en at
Flesber'ton last week.
Miss Priscilla Manning has returned
twine after a most enjoyable visit
with relatives at Flesborton.
Blyth Spring Show on Thursday
will be the attraction to numerous
fanners in this township this week.
Nearly everybody with a sugar bush
is into the maple syrup business. The
season is nothing to brag about so far.
Bliss Daisy Wilson, of Brussels, ac-
companied Miss Ciente Jackson to the
parental hotne where they spent Sun-
A number of line horses have been
shipped out of Morris township this
Spring. Most of them went to the
Dan. McLauchliu, who has been liv-
ing on the 5th line for the past year,
has gone to t'be West where the hope
he will thrive.
Probably a utunber of Morrisites
will go to Brussels on Saturday after-
noon to attend the organization meet-
ing of the new rural Telephone Co.
Oni' old friend John Mooney, 5th
line, was quite poorly during the past
week but will soon be 0, k. we hope.
He's not often nn the "shelf."
Miss Edith Jackson. 818 line, will go
to the West to keep house for her
uncle, Neil McKay, a one time Heron-
iaut who now lives at Cartwright,
Robt. Nichol, 0th line, has been
theeateued with appendicitis on more
than one occasion and may have to
undergoan operation to secure per -
unseen t relief.
The 8th line Beef ring, known as the
keitcin ring, will conituence opera-
iuusfo). the coming season on Friday,
20th inst. 32 animals. will be killed.
Wm. Skelton will continue to be the
Richard Bewley and Miss Bewley,
th line, have gone to the West for a
aliday visit. Wolseley, Sask., will
e the fortner's headquarters but they
will visit, at various points with relay
fees aud friends.
Jim. Sellers, Si rh lino, will leave next.
eek for Mnosejaw with a car of
ettlee's effects which will include 4
has homesteaded le
aLC Cl nett t
cul is fitting out to push work. We
wish him success. '
An old resident of the szd line, in
he person of John. Macon, has not
een enjoying his usual degree of good
ealth but we hope the Spring will
nd to his invigoration, Mr. Mason
77 years of age and has resided iu
form for the past 26 years.
Miss Susie Arcloll, 8tb line, left lust
aturday afternoon, per 0. P, R. for
le West where she will keep house
r her bachelor brothers. Site ac -
tenanted i • t.
Rd Mitchell Iat 1.e11 ani
1 the trip. We wish her a saf
money and a pleasant stay.
The auction sale at Harry Duncan's
hnrsda afternoon of last
in with quito a sweep, prices
aging high and the total proceeds of
le running over $2,200 Mr. Duncan
11eaty 11
es 1+fr
ort 3 tet his trip to rhe
at Blyth where Mr. Watson paid
l's debt 17 ,
fitmdy two children are hying viz •—
West where he wits visit relatives aud
a years ago. Of this fir
Years to .T too, Davis, of the
same lino.
Suoaicnr 11 KEEns ur HIs R1;ooitb.
The leading di aft horse, Sunlight
is still to the front for the season
Mrs. Depue, of Ann ,Arbor, Mich.,
, and SMiss,.Atuelitt Watson, of Toronto.,
Mrs. Watson has macro bee home at
for the luanse here for the past 10 years
and was most ]righty esteemed by all
who knew her. For about b months
she was weaned to her bed but wars
not particularly worse them usual un-
til a weep prior. Lo her demise. Old
age was the 4 Clltef cause of hoe death,
a 1
tette ftln(.
ralstavue .ltotsda
Ino nu
tort' Iry
c Bc
ends. }Ie has rented his farm for a
of 1000 and as all hoeseulen know he
has few competitors as a sire of draft
horses and high killers. A. few of his
progeny have been recently sold at
mind figures
fol th
41l ages.
, nS D t
t 11( a
ttqqrrg Ix
Black, O
, f ! ha tisttloti, Algoma, purchas-
e to
w u1
x old
S filly, ft n
v lu
10, sit cd by Srn light for 5200.00
ic11 hetet is taking thorn for breet mg
r90505. Ohas. Armstrong; of
gee Jaw, Manitoba, bought a 1
A o V ,
f 1 ulLo u
, th
chriieli bete, after which interment mu
!vats made in Blyth cemetery. The hlo
flvo year old mare from Wm. Rina
IIuR t •
set sired t
, b s li for un t c
h >Lt
y vhih
he Paid .,
a x'75.
$ 00 av ' 'h
p ht be took CJ.
I ok Wea
A yearling filly purchased from Alex,
Xuill, of Grey, sired by Sunlight
brought $175.00, Henry $tone, 13rd
lice, w the owner of Sunlight and will
have him on his usual route this year.
00 cents in advance, gets Tiffs Pose
until January 1st 1010,
Grey Township Council. will meet
at Ethel on Monday 19th inst. ,
.4. wood bee Was on the program at
Ohas. Rozell's on Friday :dime:con of
last week. "'
Glenn Artnstrong, sou of Wm.
Armstrong, 918 con., has taken a posi-
tion in the P. 11. Srnith drug store,
Bm'ussels. He is a clever student.
Albert Fox, formerly of this town-
ship,' removed to St. Claude, Mani.
tuba, on Tuesday of this week. We
wish hien Mut Ins familys0c0ess. •
.Arrangements have been made by
which Baeker Bros., butnhers, of
Brussels, will make a delivery of fresh
Meat twice a week to customers in
Miss Ida Frain'and Harold Hogg
are home front the Normal School,
Stratford, for the Easter holidays.
They will complete their work in a
few more weeks,
Miss Annie Bozell arrived home
this week from an extended visit with
her sister in Toronto. She called on
friends at Guelph and Palmer
sten on the home trip.
The 100 acre farm of Jas, S. Shaw,
12th con„ has been ]eased by Samuel
Walker, 8th line Morris, who will
work it, in conjunction with his own
real estate for the coming year.
Andrew Hislop jr, hasreturned front
an enjoyable visit with relatives and
friends in the West. The coming of
Spring will set him to work on his
dredging contracts for the coming
Miss Lizzie McNaughton has gone
for a visit with old friends to Cramer
ty, Perth Co, and will spend a while
at Clinton before returning: She
purposes going to Portage -la -Prairie
Manitoba, for a trip this Spring.
At the last meeting of the Township
Commit Neil Mcragggait, 15th con.,
was appointed Tax Collector for the
South Division for 1910. His prede,
essor, John McNabb, was appointed
Assessor owing to death of Neil J.
T. W. Johnston, of Carlyle, Sask.,
ormerly of this township, in remit-
ing bis subscription to THE POST
nder date of March 30th says :—We
ave had a beautiftl Winter and nice
pring weather is at hand. Still have
knelt ing but the snow is going fast.
POLLED ANoi:s,—Hugh Cunning -
am, a well known resident of the 10th
ou., has purchased 8 Polled Angus
eifers from a breeder at Mount For-
st and will also add a thneo'bred sire.
.'his is a breed of cattle attracting con-
icleratble attention on the market and
e wish him success iu his venture.
his is the way to prove by practical
xperienee the value of breeds.
Saturday afternoon of last week
iohard and Mrs. Mitchell and two
ailghters left for Wilkie, Sask.,
there they purpose making their
ome. A son has been out there for
venal years and Mr. _Mitchell was
est last year. Many old friends
ish them the success they desire.
Their postofBee will be Gettysburg,
ask. Two cars of stock, Sec. were
i)rlped last week belonging to them,
the following letter needs no intra
action Please find enclosed $1.00
bscription for 1909 for your valuable
per, THE POST. Would not be
ithout it for twice that am0nnt, it is
tit like getting a letter from home,
mes are very good with us here in
e Direst and prices are good for
erything we have to sell. Having
ry fine weather and the snow just
oginning to leave. Wishing yen a
osperms year I remain
Your old friend,
ROBT. HenicinIe.
epawa, March 20, 1009.
Perth County
The tax rate will be 24i mills, the
same as last year in Stratford.
hies. S. R. Sesson, an elderly resi-
dent of the city, fell at her home on
Church street, Stratford, on Sunday
uiornieg and broke het leg at the Sip
Y. W.
C. .A. InnsP nr
rhasnd it
site on the corner of Waterloo and
Cobourg streets, Stratford, and a
campaign will be commenced for funds
to erect a now building. The associa-
tion want $12,000 before building
operations are commenced.
Grand Trunk Constable Cooper was
fined 51 without costs iu police court,
Stratford, for assaulting W. Sillifant.
The latter noticed the constable in a
millyarcl near bis residence and went
to investigate with the result that he
and Cooper got in an altercation,
fauttai n
c 1 lu that the constable
hit with his fist in the jaw, whioh
however, Cooper dented.
Hon. Nei
N Iso t
. everts is a new
pest, the sow thistle, which is causing
a great deal of anxiety to the farmers.
It is perennial and grows from the
root as well as being spread from the
s. T
heest is
p comparatively re-
cent in this section of the country,.
but the damage has been extensive.
Partners in Ribbert Township, whose
property was formerly worth 570 an
acre, cannot get 580 au acre at the
pt'esent time.
Lip to the present time nothing has
been clone in'reeognition 0f the victory
of the junior Midgets in capturing the
0. H. A. junior honors, the Stratford
commit being dihat'red from making a
n thuni lr legal
1 n
plan has been rev liF:)
d, however, to
peed i nd a Ham not mOrP Haan 550 nn
buying ptesenis far the Juniors, the
sant( to b0 charged to the account for
the city's advertising through the nae•
diem of the hookey club, r
W, H RERR, P1o, riei'or
ameen of b officers
t eanddir-
of the Stratford Agricultural.
Society 11 was decided to hold a
Spring show oto Thursday, April 15th;
when prizes will be given for Clydes•,
dales, pedigreed shire and Per"oherons,
hackneys, coach or carriage and road-
IN THE Tanwu' Fi/LD.—From a
publication called "Plast and West"
the follu)viu clipping is taken from
the pen of Clayton Duff, a web known
youug man of the village, relating,
auiong numerous others, to how the
yvritee'e first money was earned and
spent, Mr. Duff being one of the prize
winners in the contest :—I eal'ned nay
Bret money hoeing turnips. Most of
us fellows began our , fortunes hoeing
turnips. "Botany, a knowledge of
pplate, Corte out bo my ]dace next
Summer and hoe totems,' was the
way our schoolmaster aa ed Mr.
Squeers, But I got a good deal mora
out of my first job than a keowledge
of plants. I came to realize the
length of time a real, earnest July,
day could occupy, and the space of
which a detente -tied ten -acre field was
capable. There was less protest after
over the common or "garden variety"
of toil. Fifty cents, and being able to
call the sebool teacher "Sandy,"
heightened my importance awhile.
Then, as a birthday gift to a female
relative, I bought 'Peck's Bad Boy."
It seemed a wise investment, as I
would get reacting the book first my-
self, But, on my way home with my
purchase, I was led to fondly display
it on a critical doorstep. The mirth
caused by my intended gift to a lady
made nae hurry to exchange lt. But,
in substituting "The Sketch Book," I
did not allow the recipient to over-
look the sacrifices boys were forced to
make to the pitiable literary tastes of
her sex.
Tu nisas12Y COUNcIL.—Minutes of
Council meeting held In the Clerk's
office, Bluevale, April 5th. Members
all present. Reeve in the chair. Min-
utes of last meeting read and adopted
on motion of Messrs. Kelly and Ruth-
erford. Teuders for Townsbip print-
ing were read from Wingham Times,
Wingham Advance and Wroxeter'
Planet. Moved by Mr. McMichael,
sec. by Mr. Wheeler that as the
tender of the Wingham Times is the
lowest it be accepted, Carried. Mov-
ed by Mr. Kelly, sec, by Mr. Wheeler
that the committee appointed by the
Council of Turnbei'ry to meet com-
mittee from Culross Council, on
Boundary Line opposite Bryce and
Loutil lots, do meet on Saturday,
April 10th at 2 o'clock. Carried. A
deputation from Wroxeter composed
of Peter McEwen aud John Douglass
waited on Council and asked to be
allowed to place Telephone polls and
wires on the public roads of the muni-
cipality free of cost. Moved by Mr.
Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Mc-
Michael that we grant the Wroxeter
Telephone Association power to
erect Telephone polls and wires on
public roads 'Far enough from centre
of road to clear the Municipality from.
any penalty for damages from acci-
dents to the travelling public high-
ways. Carried. Moved by Mr. Kelly,
sec. by Mr. McMichael that Messrs.
Rutherford and Wheeler be a com-
mittee to interview 1Iesses. Anderson,
Ross, McPherson and Powell re outlet
for drainage through the Anderson
farm on April 13th next at 3 o'clock.
Carried. Following accts. were pass-
ed and cheques issued :—Municipal
World, assessment schedules, $2.21 ;
Trees, Morris Twp., Boundary acct„
52.85: Treas. East Wawanosh, Bonn-
dary acct„ $2.00 ; F. Guttiridge,
cement tile, $13.80. Moved by Mr.
ICclly, sec. by Mr. McMichael that By -
Law No. 5 be passed for the appoint-
ment of the following fence viewers,
Wm. H. Mundell, Thos. Aitkiu, Thos.
Goy, Thos. Haugh, Sand. Vanstone,
Jas. Elliott, Jos, Lovelt, Frank
Wright, jr , E. Orvis ancIR. Leathern.
Oairied. _Moved by Mr. Rutherford,
sec. by Mr. Wheeler that By-Law,No,
8 be passed for the a,ppnintment of
the followiug Pound keepers, name-
ly :-John Little, Gustavas Barton,
Gen. 13. Scott, Hugh Tucker, Wm,
Mines, James Kirton, Peter S. Me -
Ewen, Andrew Douglass, E. Orvis,
John Mencltdl, Jas. Williamson and
Wm, Maxwell. Craned. Moved by
Mr. McMichael, sec. by Mr. Kelly that
By -Law No. 7 be passed Inc the follow -
Mg Path-hf
g astrl�s, namely : Jului J.
Abram, John Weiler, \l 01, H, Mim-
e Jos, Gray, John Little, David
lees, Philip Dawson Henry God -
kin, jr,, Rolland Grain, Thos. Weir
Rueben Stokes, Robt. S. _Muir, Wm
Campbell, David Wallace, Adam
Johnston, John Holmes, Sam. Words
.Alex. Fergie, Peter hustings, Thos
Gilmour, Frank Cai'ruthecs, John
Pringle, Wee Homuth, John Wray,
Jos. Higgins, Robt. Breen, Robt, Yeo,
jr., Isaac Wright, John Sanburn,
Stephen King, Jas. Elliott, Patel. Mc-
Ewen, John McNaughton, Frank
Wright', jr., Robe Hamilton, James
Hislop, John McEwen, Watson Iew-
itt, >ii m. Nicholson Andrew Gray,
Peter D. King, Henry Diment, Wm.
Elliott, John R. McKenzie, Jelin
Blank, Geo,
nett, Duncan Mc-
u John a,
Moffatt, Geo. ienx3 1etkhey,
John Lane,
Robt. McLaughlin, Edivarcl Palmer,
Wm. Leckie, Alex, Moffatt, John
Agnew, Adam Reid, George Shrigley,
Thos. Hart, Win. Bolt, Robt, Camp-
bell and Robert Musgrove. Careled.
Moved by Me. Kelly, sec, by Mr,
Wheeler that this meeting do now.
adjourn to meet Monday, May 3rd, at
, 10 o'clock at. ne Carried.
BIJRC•tr,,ss,'Clox'k. N.`le
lug iltm with a l01 10111 as
Amedic Gvlvetitre was k111o'd hr tet • wer
blow from Napoleon Laroche's fiso i'1 n for
fight tear Ottawa. Laroche 15 under I fell
arrest. C
W111 Prterbu u'
a till v,te
(Jn Went l
i t I c to
tee jemmies
next ate.
Seeding is in pregress ever alarge',
portion of the West,
A young man named Mortimer w.^.s
drowned tot Cawpbellforil.
7'he Manitoba rifle onatches have been,
fixed for August e, a. 5 and O.
In a railway .aeeldeut near Peniosulc
tan Italian named Peva diad of fright.
The anction sale of Prince Rupert lute
will begiaat Ve.tuuver ,an May 15th.
Sleek, who was seat iu penitentiary
for life from Toronto, died at Eingstuo,
'i"17e Grand Trunk Pacific has let eon.
tracts for a lot of new engines and steel
A great find of magnetic iron is re.
ported on Campbell Eitel, Vancouver
Woi`Iters 001 the Canadian end of the
Detroit River tunnel are on strike for
A general advance in number is an-
uonuae(1 in Winnipeg,iu connection
with an active building s a�une.•
The 110001ton Musicians' Association
is suing the Laudon Old Buys' Exec.
utive for a bill for musical •ervices.
Conductor Harvey, who was in charge
of the train that ran into the Windsor
station, Muutreal, has hey a dismissed.
The two-year-old 'slighter of A.
l rieuke was killed by a train while
walking in her sleep at Southey, Sask,
Mr, Justice Cannon has been Appoint-
ed commissioner by thrQ uebec Gov-
ernment to investigate Montreal civic
)scut) Quackenbush, a S1o'athroy boy
of :ourteen, has been evuvicted of two
forgeries mid :sentenced 'to fourears in
the reformatory. y
Miss Mary Hewnrd, of Brownsville,
fell from the Pere Naoquette bridge at
St. Thomas, a distance 0x 9u feet, Sbe
was seriously hurt but will .recover.
'I'he Ottawa city Council 'wants the
agreement with the G-and'Trnna under
which the company was granted a hotel
site in Major's Hill Park, cancelled,
The body of L. Haines, who disap-
peared From Winnipeg last Fall, was
found in the Red River, 'Two compan-
ions who were with him shortly before
his disappearance have been arrester!.
A cartridge was found by the police of
Hamilton in a yard next the ICiurade
residence, the bullet being the same size ,
as those Lound In the body of the mut-.
dered girl.
Robert King was killed near Grand
Valley by the limb of a tree striking
him. On hearing of the occurrence his
wife was stricken with paralysis and
died also. The aged pair 't ill be buried
Grasset, the Belgian trapper,. who
was implicated M a recent case of al-
leged cannibalism North of Lake bet.
John, Quebec, walked 3a0 mites to ap.
pear before the authorities. He was
met at Cochrane by a Provincial office}'
and takeu to Quebec.
An unknown man, about 38 years old,
Sunday afternoon ccinmitted suicide by
jumping into the river from Lusa Island
Niagara Palls. A score of people sate
him snept over the Fells. The man's
actions were not unusual and even when
he clambered upon rite bridge railing,
no one supposed he was going to jump.
He stood on the riding Fur a second or
two peering down into the water, then '
dived in head foremost hke a swimmer
taking a dip iuto the lake. Fie was de•
scribed assn unusually handsome man,
weighing about 180 pounds, with black
hair and moustache. His overcoat was
found on the bridge. The authorities
hope to establish his identity by means
of a child's ring found iu one of the
pockets. Luna Fall is sec of the catar-
acts but it has never given up its dead.
Brusse O unoil
The regular meeting of Brussels
Council was held on Mouday evening
with Reeve Leckie and Counoiliors
Lowry and Dames present.
Minutes of last regular and special
meetings Were read and passed,
Following are the accounts present-
ed :-
0. Brown, horse for spew plow.$ x oo
Dickinson & Garrow, legal acct. 2 CO
Chas Knight, , 5000d tor Hall
4 do
R. Oliver, salary..... 33 33
Jas. Fox, Telephone acct 1 5o
Municipal World, ....,, .., G 37
R', J. Palmer, Electric Light 135 25
Garside-Jaunes Bey -Lew ls,ection
extienses z elections 49 70
Moved by A.C. Dames, seconded by
D. A. Lowry
above at
< t accoa n
t is
paid. Calmed.
Reeve l.uckie reported that George
Kerr consented to allowing a part of his
gravel pit as a dumping ground for the
town at a rental of $lo,00 per year, the
Connell to fence it. Offer teas accepted
on motion D, A. Lowry and A. C.
Weighmai:ter Oliver reported the re-
ceipts of the settles for March to be
5=4 35,
Conttnauicat{on from las. Bertram,
Secretary to A, Carnegie, New York.
wits read which said i—"Yours of March
z to received. ed. No further explanation
is required and as has been stated to the
Reeve, the matter will not effect oar
procedure." Letter was fired.
Petition was presented from a number
of properly owners asking for a dratu
from Albert to Tit rnberry street.
Moved b
Dames, Y DAYi , seconded l
D. A, Lowry that the prayer be granted
and that join Roger be appointed as
13y. -Law No 4 was rend three tunes
and passed confirming the appoint-
By -Law No. 5 war read appointing F.
S. Scott celneut sidewalk Engineer tot
a 9,)9.
V J. Painter, proprietor of Brussels
arm Light plant, presented a coin -
ideation c ttntr to the
c offering to
the Electric light plant power
se &c to the corporations the price
ed being 58 ow. Other partll.ulars
e given and the matter WAS diaetissed
n short time and 1eid over until a
'0111'd was preseat, •
ennui! then adjourned,
.Clea Miller was arrested near Dryden
On u charge of klllinf, John Bell by stalk