HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-1, Page 8orrn4ldehyde
The Great Smut Preventltivo
Makes Glean Grain
Makes Glean Barns
Some seven or eight years ago Formaldehyde was first used in this vicinity
on grain, before planting, to try and stamp out the ever increasing smut. Al.
though it bed been tested at the Agricultural College people were very slow shout
trying It the first year or two, having very little faith in the virtue of it. Those
who did risk trying it were so well pleased with the results obtained that the sue-
Cess of it WAS at once aseerell. More farmers used it the next year and So on uutil
now the number who do not look upon it as a real necessity is exceedingly small
indeed. Get in line and secure your supply fur this year. Our Formaldehyde is
of the finest quality. Put up in two sizes. -
I Ib. Bottles, sufficient for from 8o to too bus. 4oc
.IP. . .e • e, " 40 to SO ei' 2§0
Full directions op each bottle.
Our Easter Cards ARP now on display. We have searched the mar-
kets to find the latest and most beautiful in thisline, and you cannot fail to fled what will suit you
In our range. Come in and look over them, you will be under no obligation to buy.
ural .41tttvs tem
SPRING moving is at hand
Loco( out for the April Fool joker;
VOTE for the B .Law next Mouday.
COUNCIL meeting next Monday even-
']'FIE. German measles have opened a
Spring campaign in town.
REctnse meeting of Brussels. School
Board will be held Friday evening al
next week.
bo misers, in advance, secures THE
POs' to the est of Jemmy isle. Don't
borrow with such an offer.
DON'T forget the Millinery Opening
at Mrs McKinlay's'Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of this week.
LAs•1• ,t eek G. House placed a style B
Norditeimer piano in his home. The
sale was made by S. Carter, of town,
THE thaw has raised the Maitland
during the past week to Spring freshet
proportions. Ice has broken above the
FRIDAY of next week will be Good
Friday and consequently a public hull -
day Banksand other places of business
will he clu-ed,
EMIT. HARKNESS had his left hand
badly crushed while working in Mr,
Pryne's mill last week. We hope it will
soop he better.
Lase'Saturdav John Heist, of Walton,
disposed of his property on Albert
street, to his brother, Wm Hoist. of
Atwood. The price is said to be $525
SEVERAL from town attended the Bew-
ley -McCall wedding in Morris township
Wednesday evening of last week. Re-
port of this interesting event may be
read in the Morris news.
BRUSSELS W. C. T. U. shipped i6o
pounds of clothing, quilts, reading mat
ter &e,, to Eariton, New Ontario, for
distribution and have received a letter
of thanks for their donation
ORGANIZATION meeting for the new
Telephone system will be held in Brus-
selsTown Hall, Saturday afternoon of t
next week, roth inst., at 2 o'clock. Talk
it up and don't fail to attend.
VOTING on the Garside•James Loan
By -Law on Monday of next week, April
5th. Every property owner should cast
their ballot for it and help the town a-
long by adding another industry.
A. 0 U W. Friday evening of this f
week. It is expected W. H. McCrack-
en, delegate to the Grand Lodge, will
give a report of the proceedings and f
there should he a good attend tnce, a
THE Canadian Bankers' Association I
has decided to return to the practice
formerly in vogue. of paying interest I
on deposits half yearly instead of attar. i
terly.and this rule will apply to backs in r
this County as well as others. I t
Dlssot,NED. - The partnership of , b
Messrs Dodds & Hehkirk, as tailors, 3 e
&c., has been dissolved by mutual con- p
sent and the business will be continued o
VOTE for the By -Law next Moeda,.
'CHUR, DpY the last
Fair of the season was held nd was
largely attended. The Fairs will be
resumed next Fall.
THE Assembly, given.in the Town
Hall, Brussels, last Friday night, was
largely attended. A London Orchestra
provided the music,
WEDNESDAY of this week Miss Jessie
MtLauchltr. was at Cheslev attending
the marriage of her brother, D. G., to
Miss Margaret Stanley, both of that
town. Fuller repurt next week.
THE North side Junior Football Team
met Mundav evening at the home of
Harry Fox, manager. and discussed
football matters for 1909. The little
"Codgers" intend to make some pretty
high kicks rhis Summer.
WEDNESDAY afternoon. of this week
Win Bray, 01 the 16th con-, Grey was
united in marriage to Mrs. T. Harbut
Ile, of Brussels, The ceremony was
performed by Rev. E. G. Powell at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. How-
ard, 'lliroberry street. May their jots
he many. Mr. and Mrs. Bray willl re
side on the groom s farm.
A Lerraa from Mrs Tufts, of Victoria,
B. C , enclosing her subscription 10'I'HE
Pos'r Nays :--"We alwats er1Jor reading
THE POST as it is almost like a letter
trent home We have luvely weather
here and the Spriog ]lowers are all in
bloom Kind regards to old friends in
Bt tsseis " Mrs. Tufts isa sister to Bar-
rister Sinclair, of Brussels, and was a
resident here for a number of years.
Eoos for hatehing, choice strains, see advt.
W E. Duncan.
GENERAL servant wanted, Apply to Mrs.
W. M. Sinclair.
K. 0 T. hi pin found. Owner can have it
by paying for this notice.
Senn Oats, Peas and Barley for sale. Lot 11,
eon. ID, Grey. W. MONAt11, or Brnaaels P. 0.
STERLING silver brooch with blue enamel
and name Portage la Prairie on it lost in Brus-
sels. Finder will much oblige the loser by
leaving it at THE POST.
PIANO TUNING.—I will again be in Brussels
o do Piano Tuning about April lat. Orders
may be left at H. L. Jackson's Jewelry store.
R. H. $TRwART, Tuner.
BEIM peas for sale. Good yielders. Will
also sell en agricultural fitly rising 8 years.
Apply to Stones Duncan, Sl Lot 27, Con. 4, Mar.
ills. or Brussels p. 0.
Fon indent bargain, a comfortable dwei-
ing, with bard and soft water and all con-
veniences acres of land, orchard, various
rusts, grapes, &c. Apply to I. 0. RICHARDS,
QOMeORTABLE house for sale or to rent
run trees,
soil water. Reed °wise, woudehid,
rust treea, &o., conveniently entlA til 15ed. Pns•
casino can he given on April 15th For
nether House.
enquire 51THE PossPub.
lshing House.
PLANS AstcEt Foa.-The public Lib -
art. Board had pencil sketches submit -
ed to thein of the proposed Library
wilding from three arcnitects and select -
d that of Mr. Ireland, of Stratford, who
repared plans for the formers% talked
f building. He was here on 'Tuesday
ben he was instructed to make a draft
r forws'd tor Mr Carnegie's approval
Friday evening of this week the sup-
porters of the football club will meet in
the Council Chamber for the election of
officers and to talk over the plans for the
coming season. Don't fail to attend
'Phe Association meets in Galt on Good
Friday when a representative will have
to attend from here. I'here is a good
share of football material in Brussels
and locality yet, per haps half of last sea.
son's team being available
The following notice has been sent old
regarding the proposed new Telep=one
Company :-A meeting of the Brussels.
Mortis and Grey 'Telephone subscribers
will be held in the Town Hall Brussels,
OD Saturday of next week, April roti, at
2 o'clock p. m sharp. and all interested
in the movement are asked to be on
hand so that officers may he elected, a
(institution adopted and things got in -
shape so teat we can make contracts
1' supplies and erection of the line at
early date. If any of your neighbors
we not vet signed get them to come
so and join us, for as you are all aware,
e more subscribers we get the better
d largo
service and the cheaper e
r fnr
Let us have v a bumper Y 1 meet -
g P
g with the determination of
eking it a big success
Dieu AT GUELPH -Tuesday of last
eek, Reginald ',every, an uncle to the
by the former. We understand Mr.
Habkirk talks of truing his fortune in
the West, '' He is fine steady fellow
and should do well wherever he locates
THE Posr wishes bout gentlemen sue
IT is reported that 1. T. Wood, of the
Excelsior Knitting Factory. has pur-
chased the comfortable brick tesideuce
of the Misses tlslliday, Alpert street,
and will get possession in the course of
a few months. Price is said to be
$t,600. The house is wel built and in
good repair. It will make Mr. Wood
and family a -comfortable home. Misses
Halliday and their father will move to
their property, corner of King and 'oho
streets, where they fortnerly resided.
A seems meeting of the village Cotn-
cil was held Monday evening, at which
all the members were present, to deal
with a letter from Mr. Bertram, aeeum-
panying a cutnmenication forwarded to
hien from Barrister Monteith, of Brus-
sels, s relatingto
Mr. Carne ',
gie. grant to
Brussels Library. After discussing the
situation the Clerk was instructed to
write Mr Bertram with full d.tails, cor-
recting a number of misconceptions in
Mr. Monteith's letter. The latter gentle.
man was at the Council meeting and
took part itt the discussion• representing
adroe citizens who aro said to be napes se
ed to
theP r ,p os
ed new L nh
onto Stnr sent the folluwutg message to
every mayor in Ontario, as well as to w
reeves of smaller municipalities : In
view of public alarm in the Motherland,
should Canada do anything for Imperial
naval defence? If so what and when?
The tone of the answers is very similar.
Nearly all call for immediate action to-
wards Canada bearing her share of the
cost of naval defence. Reeve Leckie,
of Brussels, replied as follows :-"Can-
ada should spore no effort to aid the
Motherland in c.tse of emergency, with
Men and motley, as we did in South
Africa, A Canadian navy would be
bathe as to utility in the near future,
Alt we could do in that line would be to
funds towards strengthening
British navy, 1 LEcIUE, Reeve " The
opinion of Tat POST lt, that more talk of
peace and lase war is what Canada
needs. No (and fattens on militarism
and conciliation isa greater attribute
than retaliation,
Lowry brothers, of Brussels, was sum•
maned to the Land Eternal. in his 78th
year, He had resided in Guelph and
locality nearly all his days His birth-
place was London, England, and he was
the last son of the Lowry family. E C,
L.us'ry who died here, was a brother to
deceased. 'two of his sisters, Mrs, Wm.
Jackson, of Manitoba, and Mrs. Silas
Hates, of Oshawa, survive. Mr. Lowry
leaves a wife and 5 daughters and 2
sons, Three at the daughters and two
sons reside in Vancouver, B. C.,
and one, in Chicago and the other at
Gue�lph. Deceased was a member of
the English church and a Conservative
in politica Eire father was the second
school teacher in Guelph and the est
Divi ton Court Clerk- Funeral took
Flace 'Thursday of last week, Council
or D. A. Lowry attending front Bros
FARMERS* iv Drafts and
SALE NOTES Money Orders
PROMPTLY Bought alnd
Make the results of your labors NOW become the mainstay of
your life LATER. Open a Savings Account ina sound char-
tered bank.
F. Nr Gilroy, Manager
STILL Itr BalrssELs.-W, H. Kerr,
who has been on the sick list but is
better now, is still in town and will be
for a while looking after his business
interests. Re took over the Clinton
New Era on Wednesday, being repre-
sented by his son in the transfer, owing
to the former being too poorly to yen
tore away. THE POST is ,still in his
People We Talk About
John Habkirk was a visitor in Toren
last week,
Jos. Querin was at Springfield la
week ott a bushiest trip.
Daniel Lowry attended the fpneral
his uncle in Guelph last Thursday.
D D. Wilson, a well known residen
of Seaforth. fvaa in town on Tuesday.
Mrs. Joseph Qnerin bas been real i
but we hope she will soon be cot
Miss Lvl. Brown has been on the sic
list with the prevailing cold, during th
past week
Mrs. Ira Parker, of Wingham, i
spending a week with relatives and of
Holds in town;
Mrs J. Leckie, of town, and Mrs
G•arrow, of North Bay, are visiting rela
rives in Toronto
Brine Seen,
of t
cot he
G, T..i
R. sniff
Palmerston was visiting .under th
parental roof in Brussels over Sunday,
Simon Grant keeps gone poorly bu
we hope the advent of bpring will prove
eeoebcial-in hie complete restoration
J. W. Craigie, who was teller in the
Standard Bank here for some time, is
now accountant at the branch at Cul -
borne, Ont.
Harvey Montgomery, of Detroit, and
Malcolm Montgomery, of Seaforth, were
visitors with their cousin, Gordon Me -
Dowell, this week.
H R. Anderson, of the Metropolitan
bank staff here, was called to Toronto
ruesday owing to the death of his father
we are sorry to (+tate.
R. G. Norman, formerly teller in the
Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, has been
appointed manager of their branch at
North Augusta, Out.
On Monday J F. Iiowiend, of rhe
'Standard Bank, attended the funeral of
Mrs. Jas. Stutt, of Wroxeter. The de-
ceased's husband is a cousin to Mr.
Garfield Long, who has been learning
the barbering in W E Duncan'; shop,
eft for Nokomis, Sask., on Tuesday.
Ne wish him success. He has been
in the West bef ,re.
J. W. Green. representative of the
Mail & Empire, of Toronto, and a form-
; -/i• °weer and editor of the Gerrie
Vedette, was in town on Tuesday and
gave THE POST friendly call
Wednesday morning P. J. McDonald
left for et illows, Sask , where he pur-
poses spending the Summer. He has
been home since Christmas Two of
his sons are M the West. We wish
them success.
Miss Jane Mitchell arrived hack to
Brussels last week and has resumed her
position as housekeeper for Thos. Bal.
laotyne. She went West owing to the
illness of her tether, the late Jamas
Mitchell, formerly of Grev.
James Stewart, Miss Stewart and Miss
May, purpose removing from town to
Listowel, where Mr Stewart hat a per-
manent supply of work as painter.
liter have been good residents and we
will be sorry to lose them from town.
Miss Pauline McEwen, of Thescalon,
Algoma. and Miss Annie Black, of
Winnipeg, who have been visiting rela
rives and friends in Brussels and locality
for several months, left for Thersalon on
Monday. Miss Black will visit there.
W. H. Cross, of Swan Lake, Man.,
brother to M's. A. Bruce, formerly of
Brussels and Blnevale, was married on
March 24th, to Miss H. C. Swarm, of
Moorefield, Ont Rev. W, R Archer
performed the ceremony. May their
joys be many.
leo and Mrs. McFadden and Miss
Mary left Brussels on Thursday of this
week for the West where they purpose
residing 'their new home will be
Nokomis, Sask They leave a wide
circle of friends behind them who wish
them abnudant prosperity.
Church Chimes
This week Rev, A. C. Wishart, 13 A.,
attended the Hamilton Synod held in
the cityHamilton
LastSehhath Rev, Mr, Hardie, of
Listowel, officiated in Melville church to
the profit of the congregation.
I'he County W. 0 T. U. Convention
will convene at Blyth on Thursday of
next week. Ac interesting program
will be presented.
Services itt Sl, John's Church hist
Sunday were taken by Rev. Mr. Gunn,
of Clinton, whose sermons were highly
appreciated. It is expected an appoint -
me t of a rector ,will shortly be made.
Revds, Messrs. Wishart and Powell
are at Troht 0
o attending the Missionary
Congress. Among others there are
Jas. Fox, J. T. Wood, J. A. Hunter, R
A. Pryne, A. D. Grant and H. L. Jack
son. It 1s -a great and notable gather -
The young ladies Sabbath School
class is tite Methodist church has been
very kindly remembering their class
mate, Miss Lily Mooney, who has been
le poor health for some months, be keep
ing her supplied with flowers (carna
tions.) Mrs, W. Rands is teacher of the
Establubed 1873
OF CANADA 51 Branchia
is a Bank of age and strength, It has a record behind it
of 35 years of sound and successful business, and is strong
in resources and banking experience.
We invite you to join the large number of prudent,
successful people who have found banking relationswith
it both agreeable and profitable.
If you have not yet begttn to save your spare dollars
make a start to -day by depositing One Dollar or more in
oar Savings Department.
,. &1',, Rt:...,Qoaracila 145.,trnager
R■Jet m Oil
n Cunningham ; Treasurer, Miss Idle
to Bailey ; Qrganist. Miss Pear) Sharpe p
Choi' leader, Miss Carrie Hingstun ;
Auditipr, Eli smith The League has
MILLINERY PARLORS uwnor atbhele paisnt stoffcteiorsn aonfd tine
Main street
the new officiary should continue to
Brussels make marked progress. It was decided
at the -meeting to hold a Mock Cowie.)
On Monday evening,
April nril 26th when
Vet interesting time is located for
This will he the closi,tg literary' even
Ing for this Conference Year.
Olinton ,
-OITIZENs.--Ono of the most enthusias-
tic and elaborate bouquets ever given.
in Clinton was tendered Friday night
to R: Holtues'and F. R. Rodgers, two
well-known citizens, who are leaving.
Clinton during next week. Mr.
Holmes N an ex -M. P. of West Huron,
and has been appointed surveyor in
the Toronto customs department, and
his•retnoval from Clinton is much re
greeted by all classes. During the
past twenty-two years he bus edited
and published The Clinton New Era,
Mr. Holmes has also been Mayor of
the town for three years and aproinin
ent figure in church circles. Me.
Hodgens is the a'Jntiorpartnet' of a' well
known dr•
ds firm.
taken aprotgnirnent part iiHe,
calaffa s8
The hotel Normandie dining -room
was tastefully decorated and about
160 sat down to a splendid banquet,
while the music was supplied by the
Citizen's Band of Clinton and the
Blackstone Orehestia, of Goderich.
W. Jackson acted as chairman. "Our
Guests" was proposed by J. Ranafnrd
and W. Beydone, the former malting
a witty speech. Both Mr. Holmes
and Mt'. Hodgens responded in well
chosen words. The toast "Canada"
was responded to by M. G. Cameron,
of Goderich. W. Pt tidfoot, M.
P. P., Centre Huron • Andrew Porter,
Goderich and Thos Fraser, Brucefield,
responded to the toast "Canada's
Once more the season of Spring
N with us and the ladies of Brus-
sels and vicinity must have the
necessary headgear.
Come in and pay us a visit and
see our assortment and we will
do our best to please you. You
will find ready here a full assort.
Ment of ready trimmed Hats
and Bonnets and if you do not
see just what you would line we
can either make or procure it
for you on the very shortest
Sincerely yours,
E. Inman
Next Sabbath will be the closing Mis
sionary Sunday of Brussels Methodist
Sabbath School for this church year.
A short address is expected from Mies
Sproule who will be in town that day.
Rev. E. G. Powell preached last Sab
bath morning on the text "How mach
better is a man tnau a sheep." The
evening discuurse was based on the text
"He shall not fail nor be discouraged.".
Misses Downing and Wood rendered a
very pleasing duet
H R. Pickup, B A , of Knox College,
will over,pv the pulpit of Melville church
next Sabbath morning anti willspeak tut
the wurk 01 the Knox Collage Stude'tts'
Missionary Soc•ety. Mr Pickup labor
ed in B C. last Summer. He M to be
Dr Gllrav's assisiaot this Kummer,
day evnuntg of this' week. Apr.i 2ud,
comuneoc:ng fit 8 o'clock, Miss A.4 nes
Sproule, of Fart Wtllraui, tV, t; '1' U.
Missionart, will deliver an address on
"The W'o'k among the Lumbermen"
to w meet ug the pubne Is• CD: [hall y
invited. Mt s Sproule conies to Bruv-
sem under the auspices of the Iocal W
C 'T U. A silver collection will he
taken 10 aid this good cause.
Sabbath next will be devoted to Tem-
perance and Missionary themes in Mel
vine and the Methodist churches, Mr,
Pickup, a student, will deliver a For-
ward Mo.tement Miseionary address fa
the fernier church a' t r a in and Rev
Mr Kritlewell, of Toronto, will deal
w,th the forward 'temperance gees
tion at the evening service Iu the
Methodist Church ReV Mr. Ket'lewell
%till preach in the morning and 11iss
Agues Sproule. of Fort William,. will
speak of Mission Work among the Luin-
bermen of Northern Odtario m the even
EPWORTH LEAGUE - The auntie) elee
tion 01 officers in connection with the
Epworth League of Brussels Mt ihu
dist church was he d last Monday even
ing and resulted a'• lolly ws Honorary
President, Rev E G Powell ; Presi
dent, R. A Prrue , rs, Vice Pres..
Chester Arntsirone' end Vice Pees,
Mies B McCamu'; 3rd Vito -Pets,
J. A Hunter ; d:11 Vnfe Pres.. Mis td
McNaughton; sea Vice Pte'::, ans. N
;Nttceulav t Secretar•t. Miss Laura
Leatherdale; Cor . Sec ., Mess Rul
Dr. W. F. Galloty removed last week
to his residence, recently purchased
on North Street. He will now have
his office at the residence.
The department of Marine and fish-
eries is asking for tenders for the con-
struction of a reinforced concrete bea-
con on the Goderich breakwater.
A new grocery firm has been formed
in Goderich the past week, to be
known as Moorish 3t Snyder and has
purchased the Hamilton street busi-
ness of McEwen Brns,
J. O. Martin has presented the adult
Bible class of North Street Methodist
chinch with an organ. The class
meets in the auditorium of the church
bat the pipe organ is too large for the
class use.
At the last [nesting of the Presby-
tery of Huron, Rev. J. A. Anderson,
B. A„ was nominated for next modera-
tor of the Synod of Hamilton and
London. The Synod meets in Hamil-
ton On Monday next,.
M. G. Oatneron was the recipient of
a gold pin set with pearls. It. is a
nice trophy to coutmemorate the
birthday of R. Burns, and was sent to
the ex -M, P. P., as a memory of the
day and his (Mr, O.'s) great tribute to
the Scotch poet at St. Marys at the
birthday celebration,
E. P. Paulin, Who is moving with
his family to the West, was presented
with a complimentary address by the
adult Bible class of North Street
Methodist church, Mr. Paulin has
been President of that class and has
done much to bring it up to its pres-
ent condition of success. Another od-
dness was pteseoted to him on Wed-
nesday evening by the officials of the
Quartet ly Boards Both Mr, and Mrs.
Paulin have been energetic workers
e Sorino CWe're now showing
The peryNewt
in Spring Millinery
and we want YOU to see them.
Our i-Iats have a "smartness"
and originality of style peculiarly
their own. We aim at Exclu-
siveness of design and
are confident that we now have
one of the handsomest and most
original assortments of hats in
town. If you :ire looking for
something stylish-"Chic"—nobby
in Millinery favor us with a call
and we'll show you what's 'what'
in lip -to -date Millinery
Look us up Soon
T`Te"P'I►T' yTTTT1' V ' "t'
it the church in various departments
and their departure is a distinct lea
to the church. They wi11 °airy away
with thane the heartiest good wishes
for their success itt the new oouairy,
Wafl Paper,,,
for 1909
We are again showing a very
attractive line of Wall Paper
for the coming season wliioll
we will 'be' glad to show yon.
Orli' range : is 11,E far the most
varied and extet,sive that we
hay. ,yet shown. A new fea-
ture this year is the price of
our borders which we are sel-
ling at practically the same
price per toil as the paper.
J)rop in and let Its explain
our proposition; You will it
$ field it a good olio.
Mrs. Atkinson
of Willow Oity,STORE
. }}
D., who has been here on an extended NDG nded ---
visit with her sisters, Mrs. W. Hartrq AucrioN SALES 1t
apedh.11: . IT. Bands, left. this week for 1 FRIDAY, APRRIL[suf.-Live stock, household
her home, 1etfects &o. iitamer's Hotel, Walton. Sale
W. ', Box matte a mo110n to the et 2 u'clonk, Jets. A. Moore, Prop. F. S. Scoot,
effect `lthat he would at f lue next inset Auc,
ing of the council,' introduce a by law 1 eRt/SaE S MARKET
to protect the general public frown fire __
and other causes in opera houses, Wheat 8100 $1 el
halls, schools, churches and .other Onte,.., .„............... ...... 40 41
neeetiug places.
Mrs. J. A. Leatherland and child- JB3atoer 8 is
ren leave thisweek for Stratlu'oy, Eggs 10 17
where Mr. Leatberlaud has been en- HOBa 7 7 7 00
gaged for some weeks past. Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Johnston have returned
trout Strathroy and will occupy the
house vacated by Mr. LeatherIaud..
The Seaforth Horse, Cattle and
Seed Pair, to be given under the
auspices of the Seaforth Agricultural
Society and the Board of Trade, will
be held on Tuesday, April Bch. The
prizes to be given will amount to
50.00 and entrance a cH Lo alllas s
C 8e
.-Switolirs, braids ar
puha made from eombinge and out haw.
Orders from a distancepromptlyattended to. .
MRS. 1t. '1', HINC5S1 OK, Mill St., itrttttsels.
MULL volt enavioE.—The uudereigned
▪ Will keep for se,Vica at Lot la, -Owl.. 7,
Grey, the thore'-bred bull. "Highland Victor”
78177= This flee young animal was bred by
the well known breeders, W. B. Elliott & Sones,
of et h t+
nd fa from ior
testock. Terms
1 21 oe ncess lay, 101witb privilege returning if necessary. Pedigree may Le eon
onepplioation. ANGCS LASAGNE,
88-t Proprietor.
to promote a company in (Jimmie to innn-
niaoture a large number of new choice pat-
ent., made and to -ted. Sante will sell at dent
sight in all lumber men's outfits. Llan beman-
ufnctured on royalty ifdesired or willsell
outright if preferred. Do not reply unless
you awe ronelileend in position to handle u
good deal References exchanged. Truly
yonrs,THOS. MOGRg0OR inventor and lin..
prover on skies, tools and machines, corner
Mill and Main St., Brussels, Ontario.
QUNNrNGnAAi,-III Grey, on March 8th, tour.
sad Mia D. H. Ounntngbstii, a. daughter.
Alo0IS—ln H111..44 on Marek 58111,. to. Mr. e
and Mrs. M. H. Moore, a daughter.,
BRAY—Elanno emo.-In Brussels, on march 1
Slat, by Rev, E. G Powell, no the ]lone of ;
Mrs. John Howard, bride's mother, .tr,
Wtn. Stay, of Grey township, to ora. Bar-
hottle, of Bi u --ala.
BEWLSY—MoCALL.—At the ho meet the bride's
mother. on March 24th. by Rev. A. C.
' B. A., Mr. Joseph rto MissMeget,Ell bothf Morrlatownship ToSchool QAlPan—ALnintSON-Arthe residence f the
bride'. parents, by Rev E. G. Powell, on 1
March SM. Mr, John W. Carter, formerly Teachersof Trowbridge, to Miss Annie L. M. eldest
daughter of Air. and Mrs. Qhaa. Alderson,
of Oranbrook.
LOWas' In Guelph. on March 28rd, Reginald
Lowry brother 10 the lateB 0. Lowry, of
'Brussels. in hi -87th year
MoNAnn—rn Grey, on blaroh 8015, William
McNabb, aged 72 years.
WRMoUT-JnGreyy, on Murch, 20th, Hugh
H. Wright, in his 770th sear.
Thai/gettable rife Assurance Society of the
]lilted States will be pleased to negotiate with.
School Teachers throughout the cuttnty of
.Enron to net a4 theiragentsafter school hours
with a view to supplementing their income
and bsrnining permanently nssoeinted with
the Soetety• Tothe proper parties a liberal
income contract will be offered. Address G.
T. Gillespie, Manager, 24 Klug St. W., Tor-
Brussels Qa li ht- Store
C. N. McLaren
Ready for �t ,�.riBusiness
with a much larger and better as-
sorted stock and better values
than we have ever shown.
Just Placed in Stock
New Dress Goods, Prints and Ginghams.
New Men -tailored Suits and Spring Coats for
Ladies and Misses. i g
New Ready-to-wear Skirts, perfect fitting, for
Ladit's and Misses.
New White Waists, Whitewear, Wash Coat and
Shirt Waist Suits,
New Boots and Shoes.
Nene liVlet, 's Fur ishoeigs
Our stock of Men's Hats, Caps and Shirts is the
newest and prices the lowest.
New Ciothing
We have received our New Spring Clothing for
Men and Boys. The largest slcick and without
a doubt the best fitting, nicest patterns, best
tailored and very much better values than we
have ever shown.
We will be pleased to have you make Comparison,
highest Plaices For Produce, Goods right or your Moneyhack.
N. McLaren
Agent for IButterfck Patterns,