HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-1, Page 6*11++114,++11114•Icill'il'S 4 FaShiOn ill it' tS• filleietrelefretakeeintalekielegetslefielea FADS AND FANCIES, act turbans are ileuriohing, Few brides mew wear the la,ee A. few straw hats have made their USING PURGATIVES INJURES TUE HEALTH In the Siring a Tonle is Needed— Bat Not Bgh1 Drastic Medicines. A. spring medicine I m actual necessity to Meat people, Nature demands it as an aid in carrying off the impurities that have er pay of a few ehillings a day is appeareame. mulatect in the blood during the There is a. fad for soft suede lea- door life, of winter months. B ther neakties. unfortunately thousands peo Toques are still large, broad, who recognize the necessity fo and heavy looking, spring medicine do not know w There ie a hint of revolt against is best to take and dose themsel the erapire etyle, with harsh, griping purgativ The -shawls of sixty years ago This is a serious mistake. Ask a rare again in. good style. doctor and he will tell you that t Cotton velvets are much used for tailor-maele suits just now. the system but does not cure d Satin hats, trimmed with fur, are ease, In the spring the Beate having a considerable vogue. needs building up -purgatives e Strings are being worn on hats, not do thie; they weaken you s and tied under the chin. mor,e. The blood should be in Men's scarf pine are growing rich, red and pure -no purgati larger and more elaborate. can do this. What is needed The parasol handle of the long the spring is a tonic, end the b direetoire fashion is considered tonic medical science has yet d covered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pi The prestige of satin faced ma- Every dose of this medicine act aerials continues unabated. ally makes new, rich blood, T Newest hats are being exclusive- new blood strengthens every o V trimmed on the right side, gan, every nerve, and every pa Shirred geuze or satin is playing of the body. This is why they cu a leading part in the new hats, headaches and backaches, rheum Bandeaux veill have little use in tism and neuralgia, and a host the hats planned for sprieg. other trembles that come from po Toques of straw are being watery blood. That is why m trimmed with fancy rims and fea- and women who take Dr. William there. Pink Palls eat well, sleep well, an Pale pastel blue is beautiful with feel bright, active and strong. the new shade known as wistaria. you need a medicine this spria The new Chinese cotton crepes of try this great reviving tonic, an *bay texture are used for dainty see the new life, new health an white frocks. new strength it will put into yo The new hand embroidery towels Sold by all medicine dealers or b have the embroidery across one end mail at 50 cents a box or six boxe 'only. for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' A little, fan -shaped plaiting of Medicine Co., Brockville, Opt. real lace is a great help to the sa- tin and fur hats, Embroidered and braided materi- als that require handwork have a great popularity. The silk manufacturers are doing their best to bring brocades into Close Against a Wall. broad and general use. The dusting and polishing of tie Round tablecloths are popular;, piano, whether it be a. new an some of the handsomest of them valuable baby grand, or the Mira have the Greek key border. ble and more cozy upright, shod Paris says that guimpes and , never be left to the maid, Li. sleeves for next spring will be made should be done by the daughter o of embroidered chantilly, the house herself. It should b The newest straw hats have brims done with a. fine cheese cloth o not over two inches wide, and some linen cloth, or, better still, with ef them have zm brims at all. an old sill: handkerchief. There White cotton marquisette, sprink- should be neither seam nor hem in led with dots. is one of the most the dust cloth,' as any inequality affective of the spring materia/s. or hardness is ape to scratch the Paris has a new skirt known as piano poltsh. the "reasonable" skirt. The back Cloudy spots are best removed Is furnished with two plaits, which by pouring a few drops of benzine give a certain fulness where it is on the dust cloth, and then rubbing most needed. lightly and in the Bailie direction The big hat hangs on in spite of till they disappear. The carved all the attractive forms of head- legs should be dusted with a soft gear that have been designed to brush, as should also the rack and replace it, and still is predominant other ornamental trimmings. in dress effects. To restore the whiteness of the For centerpieces and scarfs grass keys wash lightly and most care - linen worked with Chinese embroi- fully, so no moisture gets into the instrument or between the keys, with a teaspoonful of hydro super oxide dissolved in a pint of water, The piano Should never stand close against a wall; if practicable even the upright should stand fully out in the room. The direct rays of the sun upon it, dampness and drafts all should be carefully avoid - SOLDIERS OP FORTUNE,. OM Galling KM Net Altogethet Lea F9110W4F13. The palmy 4245 a the typical soldier of fortune are popularly supposed to have paseeel away, NeYertheleste there are OW plume te be picked up here and there, Sergt. Baldock, for example, leas just been eteltoinf,e4 oeralaY isa- structorto the army of Mulae /la- the lleW Emperor of Morocco. This tamales that he exchanges his unoraeolin'e" chevrons for ap offieer's epaulettes; while his ferret - le ipereased to something like $7,500 a year, with "allowances." And er a: this deleate;ble little billet has be - "a: come his, euriousle enough, because ve'l be fought so gallantly at Marak- east lesh fpr Abd -el -Aziz, the old Emper- or, whom Mulai .Elafiel defeated and depoeed. ; 1 In the same way the Chinese Gov- tes- ernment took into its service during the great Taiping uprising quite a ritindi number of Europeans who had pre- eee viouely warred against them on the side of the rebels. Some of r these were men of low origie-run- 'It sailors and the like -yet they est away frequently rose to high rank, and ; such as survived retired with their " I fortunes inacle for life, It is well-known too, to Britein's hist ietelligence depaAreentthat there are several men of Britishnat oa- f: ality dwelling on the other side of the northern frontiers of India of or; en' 5,1 SLEEPLESS LITIE BABIES ABE SICKLY BABIES When babies are restkes, sleep- less and cross it is tne surest pos- sible sign that they are not well. Well babies sleep soundly and wake e, up brightly. Sleeplessness is gen- e erally due to some ailment of the 7 stomach or bowels. or cutting e teeth. A few doses of Baby's Own t„ Tablets will put the little one right r and give it sound, natural sleep. Mrs. Jos. Goneil, St. Evaristo, r Que., says: "I have Found Baby's Own Tablets a splendid medicine for eonstipation and stomach troubles. I give thern to my little girl and they keep her lively and 7ell " Sold by medicine dealers r by mail at 25 cents a. lame from, use of purgative medicine weakene amongst the warlike border tribes. men. Some of these are detesters from the British array, and would meet with short shrift if they were d caug . Others are civilian adventurers, if1 exesival servants a,nd the like. But a they are soldiers or fortune, ready d and eager to fight upon occasion, even against their own country - u. men; and for the most part they make a pretty good thing out of s it. CARE OF THE PIANO. Never Allow Instrument to Stand dery is usually dainty and pleas- ing, FIJI MONKEY GAME. Mad Sport That Natiyes Sometimes Indulge in. In the Fiji "Monkey Game" laugaser reaches its highest point, ed. The piano should be entirely for this is one ef the wildest they oPerled once n month and examined play; and not only the children in_ for meths, which are apt to estab- - clulge.in it, but the grown-up men lish 'themselves inside tht felt1ng 1 sometimes take it tato thed heads and os ruin the instrument. BO dren it is pure fun, with little or no danger attaching to it, ENGLISH SHOPPING. _____ I to play it, when it assumes a, very different aepect. With the chile A crowd of youngsters line up Toronto "Truth" says: We had and move about like monkeys who nu idea how easy and convenient are merely enjoying themselves.115 was to shop in England. until Susid e tem stops and we made a trial of it recently with gives vent to a shriek of fear; the, that old and reliable firm of Wal - ethers take up the cry and immedi-1 pole Brothers, (established in te1y breaktheir lino and rUll MG), 80 and 90 New Bond Street, wildly all over the place, chatter- London W. They also have shops ing excitedly, When the simulated. at 10i and 110 High St. Kensing- panic is at its height, the smaller ton W,, Onslow Place, South boys spring on to the backs of thief Kensington and 189 Sloane Street, bigger ones, and arc raced about • Hyde Park, End, London, England. all over the place till fatigue puts I In 44 Bedford St., Belfast and 8, endan to e fun. When their;D and 10 Suffolk St., Dublin, Ire- eltlers play the "Monkey Game," [ land, they also have large retail however, they often become 501 gores, In Waringtown, County worked up that they really behave-11)0am, and at 2 and 4 Clarence I like a crowd of monkeys gonel at., Belfast, Ireland, their great j stark mad, faetories aro situated, which sup- i Sir Everard Thurn, at present1ply their enormous retail trade. a Governor of Fiji, relates a meet; They manufacture Irish table da- a trying experience he went. throw+, mask, h h d f • 3 • e , t during Inc of these mad frolics. cambric handkerchiefs, quilts and He says that the players burst sucl-fcounterpanes, blankets and fian- slenly in amongst the huts- °warmed! eels, carriage and travelling rugs, t up the reofs, tearing great mouth- 1muslin and lace curtains, ladies' s f thatch away iged,1 and infants'hosiery of every de - and then dash into the room, up -f scription. This film has the high - settles; everything they name acmes 1 est reputation for honorable deal- t' d; se' an urniture, ing, and any person wishing to "The old man of the seitlement'purchase any of their goods, may and his wife, in real anxiety for ein so by eorrespondence, and may j their goods tried to protect what' rely absolutely on their representa-, they could, tearing it even from tions regarding the quality as well a out of the `monkeys" hands or as the prires of their products. f throwing fond to them to distract The facilities afforded by the par - their attention from more valuable cel post and express company ar- r property." rangernents between England and Canada render it perfectly safe It's better to fight and run away an.d easy to order directly from . n it is to stick it out and pay a, this honse. A catelogue will be " the fine. mailed to any address on retitled to the New Bond St. shop, London, ° tngland. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ALL GONE. "Since it went dry," announced the prominent citizen, with pride in his voice, "our town is unex- , celled." "How do eou make that outl" He Is Back At Work Again Abraham Garaud's Rheum- atism cured by Dodd's Kidney PHI. no anew for Five years and was Four Menthe aff work, but noddle Kidney Fins Cum! Him. Alfred Station, Ont., Mar, 29 (Special). -After being laid off work for four months by kidney disease and rheumatism, from \Asia be had been a sufferer for Ave years, Abraham Gara.ncl, section men on the railway here, laback at work again and he gives ali the credit for his cure to Dodd's •Kidney "I am forty-one years old," Mr. Garand said, when asked about his cure. "And have been section man here for ten. years. For rive years 1 suffered from kidney dis- ,„ 1•14. 1,0 - ,,etc ' // Showing the Newest Spring Models in dainty hate to suit every age from "tot" to matron, You can buy from the McKenclry catalog in perfect cone/donee that our nullinery experts, second to none in America, will suit you as perfectly as if you bought your hat in person in our store. We give first attentien to Mail Orcitlk business. Write for catalog to -day. Mc 'ITN !Itifflando st. TORONTO "THE HOME OF THE HAT BEAUTIFUL." ...,111,IMPAT VI s; RS I A GREAT ENGLISH RAILWAY. at London and Northwestern is °Hoof is the Most Popular. 00 Among all the great railways in en England the London and North- westcum stands out as one of the or best managed, safest and smoothest Iv railways in that tight little isle, 32- Travellers from this side of the ed water aro landed in Liverpool right eY alongside the commodious and con - 11'1 venient Riverside Station of this tr1railway, where, without any extra he cost for transfer of luggage, and ir, with the utmost facility and de- er sprach, and without leaving cover, FIENDISH CRUELTY OF MOO French soldiers in their late M meows campaign exercised gre ease and rheumatism, also sciatica, self-control, despite the awful tes in my right hip, which descended Pet upon d by the cruel prectic to my feet. For four months I could oonvetlibeattMleooars,wrptefrthmensee: n,,reA:ft not work. Reading of cures by Dodd's .Kidney Pills led me to try ethh:stsehtiiir,ds stwiluepet, otreryt,hein deexground afa, them. I used nine boxes in all and to -day I am ;advising all who suf- fer from rheinnatism to use Dodd's fseolfrnhebtdsy tetothheigerwharnmettade them i othhees quarter omp pray Kidney Pills." Dodd's Kidney Pills and they will blood. Cure the Kidneys with caused by diseased kidneys failing hfelatilenhadcon2hirsadeeys4 • to grain the uric acid out of the Rheumatism and sciatica are were spu_rring_._,N7.__aked lay all the der." a fire, his head charred to e, ei was found with bound hands besid sockets; he was still alive. Anoth blood was streaming from the had been disemboweled; a 'thir goonuegeelP000ruttetilt° strain the uric acid out of the blood, Then you camat have rheu- matism. - WORLD'S OLDEST SOLDIER. Czar Kindly Greets a Veteran of 120 Years. Probably the oldest soldier in the world., Andrei Nikolatevitscb Following wegive the testimony Schmecit, who is aged 120 and of a lady who if she had known o fought ha the Russian army during Zam-Buk -earlier would have been the Napoleonic wars, recently ar- saved nice weeks of agony: rived in St. Petersburg with the ob- Mrs. Frederick Bryant, of .169 eat of seeing the Czar. Railway Avenue, Stratford, Ont., Though the newspapers at St. ays:--;"I wadded my foot while! Petersburg have heard nothing of isn.eparims. supp„. Next day th it, Schmidt was granted a private akin ramie est ane my tent was i a/valence of the Czar. Schmidt was eerions condition. I could no extremelyimmenseandhis age he bore himself with for nine, weeks. During this tim martial air. He was introduced into the I used dozens of salves, but non did any good,' in fart the wean Czar's study, and his Majesty re- ceived the veteran with extreme developed into a running sore. kindness. Schmidt answered sev- got n rest day or night from th eral creestions, but finally, over- a- nain ° At this point a supply o helmed with emotion, he broke earneume was obtained and a few clown and burst into tears. appheations had immediate effec they can take the train for any e part of the United Kingdom. 11 Special -corridor trains, three or four if necessary, for London, are always in waiting on tee arrival of D the great steaoiships, that. there may be no delays whatever, These trains are models of excellence e and convenience, and have luxuri- ous dining cars attaehed, general- ly two on each train, where most excellent meals are well servecl at reasonable prices. The coaches are kept very clean, and are well bung, and as the roadbed is one of the best in Englemel, there is very little vibration, even when travelling at sixty to seventy miles per lour. NEGLECTED SCALD CAUSE MONTHS OF AGONY. Spent Dollars in Vain, but Zam Bair Cured Her. ni All Ca,nadians will make no mis- take _ in seeing that they are booked Is' via the London and Northwestern o alwaye. • e, If some men were to lose their e • self-conceit there wouldn't be much f left. t Repeat it:-.`'Shiloh's aura will always aura my coughs and colds. ' The Czar made the old soldier in soothing the pain and irritation scene valuable presents, and pre- small supply proved sufficient to Med hire to the Cza,rewitch and heal the scald, although I had se to one of the little grand duchesses 8 t dollars in other remedies, pen "After this happiness," old New skin has now formed nicely ehmidt declared, "I can die in eace," p "To -morrow," 4'. ---said five-year-old asked the casual visitor, who had le Sy,dney, proud] to hi te h • seen better tow rei ebnatr "i now.• °min- af tri:spsi a good town be') "Because," ied the or r Yr s my birthday." "Why," hi,t0 sehier BuTshearsea isfa nin nothing I ibnagl nit0 IetqsuuasleZs aamm- plied, "it is mine, too.' The y could not make it out, and, so wide. It has been proved a sure ter a brief silence, he txclainied,: :ubrsoeefsos.er se,ezpeillensa; brindgiewgo,rmsv,papilucrearts., Row did you get so much big- ger'n me I" ing wounds, cuts, bruises, chapped hands cold cracks, and all skin in - over the open sole. "Zam-Buk is the most wonder. ful and effective remedy I have ueed, and I advise others to use • r, A Woman's Sympathy juries and diseases. Rubbed well Are you discouraged? /9 yoUr doctor's bill a heavy Lnano..11 load? Is your ;min a heavy these mean to delicate wemer?-1" 11= arising from derangement of the Trial is Inexpensive. -To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indigos- into the part affected it cures tion, rheumatism rheumatism or any ailment matism, sciatica, neuralgia, etc. All druggiots and stores sell at .50e. per e`l/tall!iriOute ir`eVrT,' 1.° digesti,e SYSteM, r 1 u u a trial of Parme- dens. Why not end the Pain abri Stop the lee'S Vegetable Pills is recommend- r,:ivOlf.itOirS,obuly COM dO tnia for you and ed should the sufTerer b box, or post free from Zane-Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt of price. All You need do le to write for a free quainter:1 with them. The trial will Bank Clerk-"Vou will have to box of the remedy which has been placed ir[„pe„i„ and the result will Ix identified, ma'am." Lady Gus- t. ray hands to be given awny. Derhaps • - this one box will cure you--lt ins done so he another customer for this ex- tomer-"My friend here will iden- for Others. If so, I shall he happy and • you will be cured for 2e (the cost of ., rc-,[ent. me 0 • if edici e So Effective is tib' ine." Clerk--"IBut I 11 rite to-riav for zoo 1,e tre7r- mein. 11115. F. El CLIRRAII. Windsor, Ont. certainly be traced to their use - 'Oh, well, I'll introduce you." sostage steps). Your letters held eonA- their action that many cures can don't know her. Lady Customer PUNISHMENT. Luey-"The wretch ! And so he has been proposing to both of as 1' Jenny -"It seems so." where other pills have proved in- effective. More public clocks are displays in New York than in London an Paris combir ed. wish we could think of some Repeat Shilob'S euro, will always aura MI5 coughs and colds. Teacher -"What did the Indian and children play with?" Bright. Pupil -"With their warwhoops." e, m "A Grand Medicine" is the err - e fearful way to piansh him." se sure you got tdo kind you have always ha "I have an idea,' "What is iti" nesiv.'gla, etc., ri ,thing iv :totter. Made only ."I'do L" tfentb II Planar. For rhenniatis "You marry him, dear." Davis Lawrence Corapany. Nearly LW° thousand memorials These Pills Cure Rheumatism.- to Bismarck have beau erected isa To the many who suffer from rheu- Germany. nudism a trial of Parmelee's Vege- table- Pills is recommended. They Repent ...meows teurg win always iave pronounced action upon the aura ray coughs ans. Gods, leer and kidneys and by regulat- ng the action of these organs act Other people may have good 5 an alternative in preventing the taste, but 01 course dmixture of uric acid and blood shade better. yours is a hat causes this painful disorder. — • They 111055 be taken according to "If an empty barrel weighs ten irections and used etoadily and pounds, what can you fill 15 with hey will speedily give evidenoe of to make it weigh seven pounds?" their beneficial effects. "Have to give it up," "Fill it full of holes." BOW PEANUTS ARE RAISED Peanuts only thrive in a warm Innate. The plant requires a Macy, sandy loam, and yields from WO bushels of pea planted an acre much as 40 or 50 bushels of pods nd two tons of straw. The seed s planted about one inch deep in ows from 28 to 30 inches apart, nd from 12 to 16 inches in the ow, when danger of late spring rests are passed. After planting nd during the growing period of he crop the soil is kept loose and pen and free from weeds. The rop is harvested before frost in he fall, the plant being loosened y means of •a speeial plow, then altars up and put into ehocks. Iter drying from le to 20 days the eels are picked. "M3 wife is a wonder," "In what way?"' "Doesn't think he could have married better than elle did, Says I was the best chance she had." b The rattle of pans and ashes in t the kitchmi sounds better than clas- A mai music to a hungry man, P isstit No, 1a--09. comium often passed on Bickle's Auti-Consumptive Syrup, and when the results from its use are consid- ered, as borne out by many per- sons who have employed it in stop- ping coughs and eradicating colds it is more than grand. Rept in the house it is always at Ilene] and it has no equal as a ready remedy. If you have not tried it, do so at once, First Passenger -"Pardon rue, but would you mind lending me your spectacles a momenti" Sec- ond Pessenger-"With pleasure, sir." First Passenger -''Thanks, awfully, And now, as you can no longer read your newspaper, would 30U kindly pass it over to mei" Chilled to this Bene ? A teaspoonfid of Pain. killer In a Cup of lint water sWeotened will warm you and oral a cold, Avoid substitute% Chore is but ono "l'ainkillor "-Perry Dayiel-sso and 000. Butcher -"I need a boy about your size, and will give you $8 a week." Applicant --"Will I have a chance to rise r Butcher - I want you to be here at four o'clock in the morning." Repeat itr-.[shtlows anvil win. always pure 0151 00115110 and °We. Tramp --"Help mo lady, plotsol For three years I worked fo rthe cause of temperance." Lady - "Were you a temperance orator V' Tramp -"No 1 I was the horrible example 1" Success is the only thing that can turn a man's head when he has a stiff neck, Rots* Tig,,Iztvv,atz., CALVES Steele OrIggellecal 00.,Lni., Toronto Tweltt.Five Post Cards 200,000 W I LIAM STRAWBERRY Pla• N 73 Oro famous commercial berry. Aloe Senator Dunlop, Brandywine, Cardinal end Sliders Early, Writs now for information and prices. 5.11. BITTBN1101:1SX, Jordan Barber, Ont, WE WILL SHOW YOU Hew em earns $10, $50 earns $100. }low Alaska Placer Mines have produced million. Booklet free, Send for it. TICDORNDORG Sr CO., Marion Block, Seattle; Wash. „ARPET DYE1N and Cleaning. Th10s epeelai1a. with the MEITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00.. use paresulars ers.r. and ere are ewe to .0 1.4/ &Mtn= on um 'confrere.. MITRE SASEATSBEWAg LANDS br 4,en, lamed and sold. Make your land pro. valuedle saleable Nicavil required. Chst crop pay, all expense% Write for pian. W. 11. MANOIIESIER, Saskatoon. EICIITEENTH ismrsH WITHROW TOUR gizEosp 1E1" ILLUSTRATED PROGRA 244 JARVIS STREE.T, We have Prepared a oircrdar rowing an unbiased onirlon on the different Mcmisers Standard Stock Exchange. mekinnon Building, Toronto Mining properties of Cobalt and will be glad to mail a copy tree on request J. L. MITCHELL 00., Some people are born with cold rre Reasonable Malt oxportv to cure a negiented 60411 Is a 1105. feet, some people acquire cold feet, x00101710 n„ed.attviteN; etzte,,Fetifi. and some have cold feet thrust up - &Mar. ennh 50840 and lungs bo sound es a now --- on them. She -"I'm going to cook dinner to -day myself. What would you like dear?" He -"Er -cold beef and pickles I" Holloway's Corn Curo is a speci- fic.; for the removal of corns ancl warts. We have never beard of its failing to remove the worst kind. "Your hair wants cutting badly, sir," said a barber insinuatingly to a customer. "No, it don't," r° - riled the man in the chair ; "it wants cutting nicely. You cut it badly last time. Repent 151- YIS'illohle Our? will alwayel Cure my couslis and colds. ' Merchant -"Yes; we are in need of a porter. Where were you em- ployed last?" Appaca,nt-"In a bank, sir." Merchant -"Did you Mean it out Applicant -"No, sir. The cashier did that," - — Pale, sickly children should use Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. Worms are one of the princi- pal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled from the system, Nine mon out of a, possible ten wear a Rad look after they have been married a year. Repeat lt:-"Shilohle0rwer w111 always oure my coughs and t. *Ida." If a. man is wise he will never start; a fight unless he has enough friends present to interfere if he gets the worst, of it. we Mast CO from heated rooms to the cote utor air, and tho change sets 110 eunghing. Cur. eg winter Golds is not hard if you tako Allen • msg. Balsam. A neglected. Gold is troubIoseme boa eangerotta After telling an old man your troubles he will proceed to tell you a kw of his that make yours look like thirty cents. In Fields Far Off. -Dr. Thomas' Itelectric Oil is known in Australia, South and Central America, as Weil ns in Canada and the 'United Statos, and its consumption in- creases each year. It has made its own way, and all that needs to be done is to keep its name before the public. Everyone knows that it is to be had at any store, for all mer- chants keep it. Nearly 60.000 horses were used for food in Paris last year. 1 BEAUTIFUL FASTER POST CMOS teases Anel,, It lb ts eto and your Immo in gold on each for 22o. Norman Doe' li'Vg Ca, Londob, Ont. RAW wanegt2=2DE;1211MEGIUSIENSEMZEinaleeittaka Write for Weekly Price Lists, Shipments Solloited. JOHN HALLAM - votioNvo, wee', eaSeSimateaezzertiameteenaneettstenn=temteeetemiaaeartea, USED IN Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, 'Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with the Illinaiteble Repeating Action. ""•• , sx, Send for (free Oatalogue No. 76,0 stivnitiL_kf,NO.:(Z) Or4ciu 14tui led GL) V.LP1-1,,ONTARIO. .135 i 1}