HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-1, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS. MoOklAUXBINT— . ifou9r et Mieriege lifseisetis Of Ave 444011)00#7,WernherrY WM, 2a.'4149616. MISS: LAURA SPENCE Teaohep of Piano or ()roan artier-, QNT. ' K. Q. T. NI. urusisutli wept rot olio Mitnallboee, No. 24 hold Doty metier maintain. la Wm lattlite 1)14111, Itaulter BIOS, 1111 the 180 mid HO eveuiege of main mouth SI ways web:atom, A BO U41113, Clow. 4, filtuff/tefil, it R. WM. SPENCE OONV,IIYANOB Et AND ISSUER • OF MA ltitiNG4 LICENS-bl$ glee 114 flee Pest °Ince, Ethel. 50.4 JANIES HARRIS, Agent ilowick Mutual Fire Insurance Company umoo and Residence- WAL.TON, ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND 40(8080000, FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. t' B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION, . .ass, win mill Mr better Prices, to better men, in lees time min loss obarges than any other a uctioneet in East Limon or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always rie arruaged at this ogle° or by mums] application. ROBT. 11. GARNISS eLuovALE ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County, Terms reasonable, hales arranged for at the office of Tuts .Poe'r, Bruesels, 221) LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. IA/ M. 6114 ()LA IR - V V • Barrister, kieliettor, ConVoyaneur, Notary Publio, dab U81 -8 80w44'0 Block 1 door North el Chlutral Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Ranh, p RUUD FOOT, HaYts & BLAIR- - BARRISTERS, SOLIOPEolie, NOTARIES P 01i LLD, WI'U, W. PitoUntrooT, 1{.0. It. 0. Elias O. 0'. BLAIR. allIces-Those formerly owitipted by Alessrs Cameron ,k flolt, 00081,108, t114trAlt10. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEILD. sasorgoam Iiroduste of the Royal Itollege of Deets] Efereepusuf 1.1u1141lo and Pirst.elase Honor Ora:Mute of TOrtufto Univereity. OfIlee aeal, to Iirewer'ePhotograpu fishery, 141108HE0i8. 4ytirrti?tw' •Synopsisof0anaalan Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: A NY oven numbered seetion of Dominion ▪ Lando in Manitoba, Sask., tohowan and Alberts., excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may be homesteaded oy any person trip! Is the sole heud of fondly, 01 083' insie over 18 years of age, to the extant of oue-qu..rter risoilou of 160 neves more or less Entry inn,. be wade personally at the local laud 001 m for the distriet )u whieb the laud Is situate. The homesteader is required to perform tyle 000414(0,01 000000141,! therewith antler one el the toll .vida pious : (1) At least six menthe' reseleuee upou and onitivettoi. 1411110 land in eaull year for throe years, (2) 1)1110 1444,040,' (or mother, if the fa' her is dectuase ) 01 the lannestetioer read. upon a tom iu the viol .ity et the land outortio tar the requirements an to red. donee way be saldied by snub persoe re. • 4119 with the father or mother (0) 1! the esttler 0046 tits per:min:tut 100)- (40800 upoo laming Mud mewed lty tam lu the vteluity of We noweetead, the re- quiremeuts us to resuleuee may be indite nod by dUU00 upon the stud ,ano, molittlir nt writing RiVuU to the Ornuwissanter or 1.10121111i= Lazne ht Ottawa 110 Intemetoo to 4414,.1y tor putout, W W. 0: atE, Deputy of tunAil u star of Lawlor. N. ti.trueuthertzud uf tide ad. vertisoweric will not be paid for. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels, Cough Caution Never.nosinvelynover poison yourlungs. Ifyou clough--eyen from a simple cold onlY.--yen should 810(018 110411, soothe, and east) the irritated Iron. ohial tubes, Don't blindly suppress it With a stupefying 001)044. It's strange howzg_nethings finally °erne nbent. Iror twenty years Dr. Shoop has consmntly warned people not to take cough mixtures or prescriptions containing OPhun, Chloroform, or similar poisons. And now -a little late tho01g11-0000re16 80y1 'Tait on the lobo% 11 poisons are in your Cough Mixture." Good! Very good 1 I Ilereeiterforthisveryreasonmothera sad others, should 0410)01 00 having Dr. Shoop's Cough awe. No nelson marks on Dr. Shoop' iabola-and none in tbe medicine, 0110 46 must by law be on the Isnot. All(1 not only safe, 04141 1* 10014111 to be by those the t know It best, it truly 18. rearkable aguish tonsidy. Take 110 0116)1110 then, partieularly with (10110 011)14(011. 1111(60 06 haring Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. COMParc 0810111111' the Dr. Sheets Package with others and note the difference. No poison marks there; You eallt always he on the safe side by demanding Dr® Shoop's Cough Cure "ALL DEALERS" • 47 11 8 41 44 T 13 11 t 10 11 0 tl fi 14 ni sa 1414 44 rts to d..t of Oa 111 14.011 Ce Sit lig ob bh 4400 041 04) 4144 ritodIne00 Cards; 024011b39 no doctor (ten do better than I piegeribe 0aL4rritozo))e, sts,T MISS MY,F4474.4 M'PPIvAA-D Whet wonders It werite-what 00 isesubsepa, 0(140 1)80 18100141101)Q)'44 Inaeyertif 1 posee44e0s. Different fvoat t e old uonservetoryesentinettimestSrorento, itz pre. ways-eyoe inhale Oatarrhozone, Sold D'all°,-/rttrittIttillti=t4rting4 in 4c, And $1,00 8154,6 by 84111 430819148, •MeTheetd, tiSa Trowbridge .A. 07.A.t.fArt7S-Still Uui elalimults 00ine for •the Da vanaugh for. tulle. Tames R. Gillean is in re- ceipt of anothev claimant, which reads oe followTiowbvidge, Meech 15th. To2111, Loteloth 0110, Deur Sir. -1 feel that'1 mu a lawful tele to the Cevanaugh Mortey ea my mother was Jane Cavanaugh, eldest daughter 00 Thomas (Javaitaugh oO Siticlulph. My gettutifather was born Tipperary, Irelend, aild was married and had fatuity of six child- ren when ile left Ireland, tny motion. being the eldeet, She was also born 10 Tippevaty, and was about sixteen years a age when she left Ireland, After any gromdfather mese to this comary he settled in Bid. duns's, where he died, He had thee* more children born. All his family are deceased except one, in the person of Mrs. J. D. 'Whitney, of Poole. 10 16 40 neeessitry can give a list 00 011 Thos. Cavanaugh's grandchildren, rus I think there are about twenty five. Sias. Thos, DAMS% A. II, iteroNTRITH diirrister, Saeger, Nonni, zee, successor to A..13, Macdonald. -.Mee over Standard Dank, Brussels. PR, r, 74, m,RAE Bachelor 91 2184(914(0, University of Toronto 1.4(4401't(000 01!)) 01114114191900 41110 Uol(ogo 00 E'lly' Chicago lgye, Isar, Nose mid Thross ()beings, 141. BuilienseSurgeen 4,04, 01)043' ale's Respite% Torente, Ofllee over (.4. 11, Smith's Drug 1444Pre, Welt. phone elmeettion With Uraphreel( at all holm. OR. HAMILTON Dental gurgoOrl Boner Gs= hale 1)01)4 9) Deka meted, Toronto University Licentiate of Royal Uollege of Dental sesesons, Of Toronto, Moo over J. 2", Boss, store, BrueselS, Will Visit Wrthtetiir the first 011(1 third 1401140,re 001,46 the Mound and fourth Moncesy or teeth moeth. OR. WARCLAIN 210001' greduato Of the Ontario Veterinary 0011080. Day and Might calls. Officio opposite Olulir M14E11101, GNAW sews !?I 1Y7 BRUSSELS Goma Soma GOING 0(0)4481Mall . ,,,,,, 7:05 a in Express .. 11 :26 10;co a m 514press ,.. a in Mall ,,,, 1:44 p 111 Iktir . 3:02 p m Express 81,1)p 10 az-vagozam Atomic, WALTON To Toronto To Goderielt Express .... 8:41 a m I Express .. 11 219 a re Express 8:11 am 'Depress 7:47916 riTAstrirt Ittivs THE advent of Spring, three weeks before schedule time, has aroused the gardening fever and old residents are gettiug early potatoes ready for plain tog. Dui Yoe KNow 7 -That ••iiilly" Grew ar %vas une ot the first to demoustrate curve base ball pitching. He often made a "monkey" of the batsinan %wine striking him out. -That Thos., Mc Gregor, the celebrated sswfiler and in- ventor of saw tools, claims he can make the town wealthy if they will do what he says in l'0))1414 (41,1 his patents.-- Preyenties-those Candi, Cold Otwe Tablets will safely and quickly check all colds and the Grip. Try them once and see. 48-25e. Sold by all dealers. W HEN you hear a 111011 sneering at the local paper because it ib 101 1146 cheep and newsy as the city papers, you can safely bet he does not squander anytte f. his wealth in assisting to make it bei and that generally the paper has doue more for him than he bas'doe for it The inan who comet see the •benefits arising from a lueal uewspaper is about 00 much value to a tOwn as a delinquent taxpayer. Ex PitesIDENT Itoosevevr's parting words when leaving the White (louse are worth preserving ;-“Don't be clmi. t. Lai , don'leave your duty to the other fellow ; and always do the duty neares at hand. Have plenty of 001118000 seas: but bave high ideals also. . First of all earn your own livelihood and support 414)t1( 447)00 1.110(1 children -and if you are tete right sort of a man I earnestly hope you have a wife and children •, but don'torget that in addition to duing vnui duty to your family and voerself you have u du your duty to Your country. There are many problems fin the government solve, .blit the most important prols ems before us must be solved by the seople themselves- by each mao Or V01/11111 doing his or her full duty where er and whenever the need, big or le may arise." The old fashioned way of . dosing a. weak stomach, or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all weong, Dr. Shoop first, pointed out this error, This Is why his prescription -Dr. Shoop's Restorative -is directed en- irely to the Ontlbe of all. It isn't so lifficolt, says Dr. Shoop, to strength - n a weak Stomach, Heart or Kid- eys, if one goes at it cortectly.. Each nside organ has its controlling 01) in- ide nerve, When these nerves fail hen those organs must tamely falter. These vital truths are leading drug- ists everywhere to dispense aud re- mumend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. est it a few days and see. Improve - 114e00 will promptly and surely follow. old by all dealers. Tits inauttlacture of cement blocks as been greatly facilitated recently by he discovery ot a process of curing hem by steam %VW= has many /Myatt - ages over the old method of using atter for this purpose. A concrete landing cured by steam is herder and tronger after es to 36 hours than one used by sprinkling or spraying that 1117 o to days old. The blocks are made In military machines and transferred into he ovens where there is 00 sun or cur. ent of air to cause them to dry before ley start to set. As soon as (In 0(4(40 is Iled it is closed and Within one to two ours 8140 0104180 is turned on and it 1)11- 0(614180141 couclenses upon the block the (110 00 dew on grass. The moo tit of Etter Applied in this manner may be waged ton nicety. One who has made e of this 8001)100 to a eonslderab)e ce- nt says that a denser block can be pre- med as the steam does not wash any the cement from the block. as is the se With the sprinkling system. Also e color 4.41 the blocks 114 111010unifortn, gardless of the cement used. He has (1(10 blocks using dark as well as light meet, end finds 1)1001 to be almost lie eolor ; the steam gives them a. bier color than 11 11611 been possible to tale before. With steam curing, mks can be made all Winter, which 1008 the concrete block just as 141414)). 1* as brick, and in case of rush orders ocks may be delivered in 36 11011r1 or quickly AS stotie min be obtained. beware of Cocain* Medicines. Thoesands of Drug Fiends have been started on their downward thyme through Catarrh snuffs containing this 'habit forming dreg. If you suffer frotn 16 cold, sneezing or Ontnieh- don't use a enuff-use 10 sensible 010410- 114n47 like Catarehozoite, 1.1, heale and soothes, brings relief at once, cures thoroughly, In Bronchitis and threat DoWare of Substitutes 1 Greetly.dealees endeavor to plan off a substitute foe Putintufs 0orn lihc 80 08(44101', 1110616 011 "Pu imam's" 0 nly- it cure6 mums and warts thoroughly The imitation Islay fail, Forciwieh Reuben 10arclIng has rented Semite' Clark's•farut, M. Porterfield, V. S.'has purchased a Veterinary Businessin Owen Sound and has resumed the practice of his profession. Thomas B. Wade left for Fort Wil - limn, where he will open op. a yard, keeping building- material for sale, if the market will warrant such a yen- tuTreh'e Presbyterians finished drawing ten cords of three foot wood to the mantle for the use of their pastor. A. bee was held some weeks ago in jas. Hunter's bush where the wood was cut. Two years ago the same thing WAS done. Omes-The death occurre4 at his residence, near Fordivich, on Friday, Meech 19th, of Thos. Mclanghlin in his 40t1, year. Death was doe to tuberculosis he having been ailing for over two years. Dnving that time, he took a trip to Western Llamado, and to Dente, Colorado, in the hope of over - wanting the ravages of the dread dis- ease, lint all to no avail. His illness became critical some six months ago and little hope of his recovery had since been entertained. The late Me. McLaughlin was born and raised. in the Township of Howiok. He lived in Grand Valley for some time where he conducted a grocery ancl bakery 00 late years he resided in New Liskard, Tomstown ancl Oharleton, Nipissing District. While living in Fordwich he seeved 011 the Trustee Boatel for years and took an acbive part in the local Temperance lodge. He was mar- ried to Miss I. L. Hoo -y, who prede- ceased over two years ago. He leaves two daughters, Misses Elvelya and Gladys, and several brothers and 6)6 tors to 11101.11.11 1080. The funertil took place on Munday afternoon and was largely attended. The pallbearets were Win. Goggin, A. A. Graham, J. H. Rogers, R. J. Gibson, H. W. Laird and W. Rogers. The oilciating cler- gyinei was Rev. A. 13. Dobson. Listowel T. L. Hamilton left on at busihees trip to Winnipeg. In the Kemp Award no damage or costs were allowed. ,Ni.s Bettor Judge Barron's finding justifies the Oonecirs action in closing Bolton street. On Sneclay Ven. Archdeacon Mc- Kenzie, D. 0. L., of Bra/it:ford, occupi- ed the pulpit in Christ ()hutch. At the mortiing service Ven. Archdeacoe luchicted Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford at rector of Christ Church, and preached at both morning and evening service. George Everall had a linger amens tated that had been badly injured a couple of weeks ago by being caught between a now chain and the cow's horn. The end of the fiuger was stitched on 10(1 11145 Hine of theaceident, bot gangrene set in, necessitating am- putation. Superintencleut Oborne, of the C. P. R., came to Listowel in his special car and intimated to the representatives of the Board of Trade and a number of citizens that the C. P. R. would accede to their request for an earlier train to Tomatoes far as was possible. The morning train will likely be timed to leave Listowel at 8 o'clock diwing the Summer months, arriving at Tor- onto about 11.20 ; returning would on-akoholic Sarsaparilla If You think you need a tonic, ask your doctor, If you think you need something for your blood, ask your doctor, If you think you would like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor, Con- sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. We publish our formulas We banish alcohol / ;rola our raudiotuos -yere 'We urge you to ecusult your doctor Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list wil begin with sick -headache, biliousness dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then as,s h m if he would recommend your using Ayer's Pills, —0(4o44y tha 9. 0. Ayer CO., 9,00(0(1,100010-'- layo the city about 5.80 thus giving over six home in the city and still al- lowing of a teturn the same day, An en eaves will be made to shorten the rim between Listowel and Linwood to thirty minutes, and to run tspassenger coach through to Toronto without 01)'a'ilie)gvrIra.wing for the gold and silver watches offered by L. OD. L. 882, Wal- lace, to ledge funds to purchaee a new banner, took place at the Queen's hotel ill town. 0. Seebach, of Palmerston, held ths lucky bumbee which drew the silver watch, while the gold watch was cleawn by nninbeh 7, which was I held by the lodge. Jos. Walker and c Barnett conducted Ole drawing, s in the presence of a number of othes, a Mr. Walker being blind -folded and j taking the luelsy numbers from a, bat. . weesweweierires'ett"blss Mlee Belle' Whines 12111 cone who ihetsis.4ezeteh traininguollor 411111071)0iflettplllititst: Miehn for the. pest two 1310ittbS, pas0. iel her examinetion successfully on Mareh Ritl4. ft kends of their daughter, Miss Ma- A very pleaeing event Mauve" on a recent evening at the home Of Dr. and Mrs. Kidd when a ntueber of the belle, gathered and gave her it linen shower. Mies Matadi° is one of the Most popular yonng ladles In atm town, end la tends leaving' in the Beer future for the weet, where she will /ink her life With that of H. O. Wil. 'cinema, of Sathatehewan, and Limner- ly of this tOW11. FERE INSURANCE Co, -A. meeting of the Direct ore of the Blum rariners Mutual Fire Insurance 001n0(anY, Was held in the Agrieultural hall, A twood, on March Mb, Members were an present excepting' Mr, Greive. A, communication from T. E. Hays, see. retavy of the McKillop Mutettl Five Insurance Company, advising that a meeting would be held hi the town of Clinton on April 8611, to discuss mutters pertaining to :Mutual Fire In- surance, partieularlY gasoliiie engines and the acetylene lighting plazas ask - leg that delegates be sent from the Mum Partners". Moved by Mi', Raker, seconded by Mr. McCloy that seceetary write Mr. Hays to ascertain if the meeting is to be a general one, if so that the president and secretary be appointed delegates to attend said naeeting.-Carried. A olairn was pre- sented from Peter Nicholson, of Lo- gan to%vnship, for drive barn and con- tents destroyed by five on Feb. 2211d, cense unknown. Moved by Sir. Baker seconded by Mr. Donaldson that the clams be adjusted at $420.00 and paid forthwith. -Carried. The matter of cancellation of policy No. 6905 Don- aldson, left over from last meeting was again taken Up. Moved by Mr. Baker seconded by Mr. Remained that the policy be cancelled. Carried. Applications tor insurance 79 in ntnn- ter amounting to $205,050,00 were re- eived. Moved by Mr. Cleland econded by Mt. Cowan that they be ccepted.-Carried. The meeting ad- ourned. till Tuesday, April 20011. Coughs that are tight, or distress- ing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr. Shoop's 0ou441, Remedy. Ou this account Druggists evevywhere are fnvoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. The tender leaves of a harmless I tut g healing moun fa I nous shrub give to De. Shoop's Cough Re- medy Its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe, and heal the most sensitive bronehial membvitue. Test it once yourself, and see 1 Sold by all dealers. Atwood Khea •Spring Fair will be held in Atwood on *Friday, April Oth. Miss Lizzie Iltay has taken a posi- tion as (Torah's at the telephone of- fice. The Missioettry 13anquet which was to be held in the Music hall 011de1' the auspices of the Methodist Church, lialclass evening last, has been post- poned for the present. Main street 'Brussels 'Belinontev IMIRINEBY PARLORS E. IN AN To the Ladies of Brussels and sur- rounding country After having spent the past three weeks ov more visiting the markets mid studying the wants of the public we will be prepar- ed from this time forward to either make or procure anythin44 yo11 may specially 0001114 111 eith- er Flat or Bonnet Headgear, and will be so in touch with the trade that we can re -produce to you the latest :cud newest effects oti the shortest uotice. Sincerely yott vs, EBB INMAN Mourning a Specialty, ONE FMCS CASH ONLY 4P-413'-`3P-.2"-ir-sr":7-31rV"grIP-Niret NATIONALROLLER MILLS BR WE HAVE Bread Flours Graham Flours Whole Wheat Flours Feed Flours Corneola (Bralifast food) Rolled Wheat Cracked Wheat Oatmeal Bran, Shorts, Flaked Oats for horses and all kinds of feed. eporms....* e Life will be shortened. Those who fall to observe the funda- meidal rules 00 health, especially those who neglect constipation, -will have short lives. Costiveness ruins health, destroys vitality, weakens the blood, causes dyspepsia, nervousness and insomnia. Why not as Dr. Hamilton's Pills aud be cured. Take one or two pills before retiring and yonee well next, morning. No gripe or pain, no headache and nausea when you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, -they cure scientifically. Positively the best laxative known, 25e. at all deal- ers.. Blyth The family of R. Lear, of Hullett, moved. into the house secently pur- chased from J. G. Moser ancl are busy getting settled. Id, M. Bradford is haring an enforc- ed holiday on account of having his left artn Woken at the elbow. He has engaged Alex. Stewart, of Belgraye, to look after his blacksmith shop. L. Hill has secured the contracts 201. the building of house from Mr. James, of Constauce ; James Res:Imolai, of Westfield, and Chess Ruddell, of Hul- lett. He was also awarded the con- tract for the new school house, in S. S. No. '7, Huliett, STOCK AND SRED PAIR.-F0110Willg is the prize list of the Stock and Seed Fair of the Blyth Agricultural Society to be held on Thursday, April $th :- .110$8108 Uydesdalestallion .............. .......$5 00 $3 00 Shiro stallion , .................. 6 01)• 8 00 Percher= stallion 5 00 8 00. ()amino stallion ......, .......... ....... 5 00 1 00 Roadster stallion 5 00 800 sweepstakes, any • Diploma Bow draught teem in harness 00 000 ClArriat Shorthorn bull, aged 6 00 Shorthorn hell, under 2 years 8 00 ereford bull, Aged ...... •-• S 00 Rereford bull. under 2 years 8 01, Polled Angus bull, aged 5 00 Polled Angus bull, under 2 years8 00 MOS Berkshire boar, under 8 years-- 8 00 Tamworth boor, under 8 years 8 00 YOrkshite boar, under 8 years 8 PO attata, 81019118, 12440. 000 2 00 ft 00 200 200 200 200 200 2 00 Spring wheat, any variety 1 30 1 CO Oats, 0(11)00, 0187 variety ........... 1. 00 1 00 Barley, 2 -rowed. 1 60 1 00 Borley, 50'owed I 50 1 00 Field peas 1 50 1 00 Timothy seed 1 60 1 OD Reit Clever 1 60 1 00 Alsike seed 1 50 1 00 Potatoes, arty early variety 1 50 1 00 Potatoes, general crop 1 00 1 00 12 ears corn, any variety ..... ....... 1 00 75 Aro you Palo, Anaemic!? Anaemia means colotless blood - means languor, blanched lips, faded cheeks. You grow dyspeptic, ner- vous, suttee functional irvegularity. This condition can't exist if there is plenty of healthy blood. Fereozone makes good blood, rich nutritious blood -that's why it cures. In con- centrated form Ferrozone contains certain rare qualities that render it unfailing itt Anaemia, languor, poor color and loss of weight. To build up -feel young and vigorous, nothing is better than Pereozone. At all dealers in 50c. boxes. Wingham Ms, Hanna, .sr., will open a stock of new goods in the nesy block, when the store is vacated by the Robson Mercantile Co, On the evening nf Friday, March 1004), the members and friends of Wingham Baptist church met arcelud the festive board, in the basement of the church, and 'welcomed to their midst, Rev. W. L. &Reyes, of McMas- ter Uoiversity, who has now taken up the pastmate. After partaking of the sumptuous spread so tastily pro- vided, Octet speeches were made by Peter Fisher, SS, Oosens, Gavin Wil- son, Gunge. Pocock and others. '1'. 111. 'Walker, formerly of this local- ity, had a ease before the Assize Court 111 Walltertim. Walker is on a farm 01)0 1(1 Kineardine Tp., belonging to a Mr. McKenzie. He claimed that Mc- Ke.ngie hrul misrepresented the farm to him, saying that there was it per- manent watee sepply, which did not move to be the case. Walker sued for $1200 damages. The court nam- ed 141411 $400 became of the misrepre- eentations and $200 for seizure 01 1)18 cattle-MeKenele having effected seizure, sf°10%0404.04~..."0""Avwkowwv,"0,4o4OSOSPW"Nosuo,"""d'A"WWSOW. Leather ''.• es9 Famous for House Furnishings ipring 1 ssfr Attractive new Patterns in all kinds of Floor Coverings that are worth your while to exam- ine, and with every bit of extravag•ance tak( n out of the prices. We are devoting particular attention this season to Rugs and Art Sq area We are doing everything we can to clesen your confidence, buying only such Carpets as we can thoroughly recommend. Carpets English, Brussels, Velvets, .Tapestry and Ingrains. Art 9°.t u a res Something Special in' Medal- lion Patterns, also Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains. Linoleuims We emphasize this line of Floor Coverings in 4 yard widths. We have a great variety of patterns and qual- ities ranging from 4oc per square yard upwards, also a few good ends that are bargains in 4 yard widths. The largest and finest Assortment of I furniture in the County Upholstering done on short notice and Mattrasses PO -filled Variety the spice of life. You get it at Leatherdale Son's Liberal discount for nash. UOOID01RTAI(ERS. leSeterseeeereuessreweewswowapeoese."..aseessesso, 40.104elvorterksAsices,Aebrawasousearnoweese, The Domintott Government may post. pone settlemeut of the Provincial bound- aries question tor a year if the 1101101. 1)000 16(64 not accepted by the Manitoba Government. Thomas Plumbridge the farm labor- er who forced the sharp instrument down the throats of his employees cattle Maple Syrup The undersigned has purchased one of the most up-to-date Evaporators for the manufacture of First-class Mapie Syrup and %yin be ready to supply the needs 06 0110 public in dee cnurse. First quality and fair price. Orders filled and satisfaction assured. Chas. H. Knight, Lot lg. C. to, Grey, or Cranbrook P.O. 1 in Right county, 11.:18 been adjudged in - Sat le, and will be removed to 0.11 asylum. 00 YOU NEED Farmers sod others desiriiii Tile for the corning season 001.1 secuie what they re- quire at carload rates, tit Brussels or Ethel statious, if orders ere sent in sof, ficient time 10 51(1(0440 for quantity and date of delivery, I will notify the pur- chasers of the arrival of the 04445 4104 as- sist in loading from car to wagons, Fur- ther particulars may 14-• obtained by 881111144 04' writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Teo, Ethel . Order at once. All sizes from of to 1 inches may be ohtained. Tile erten inches up are 29 inches long. CEMENT KEPT IN SEASON. • 144.+114'0('7. '0377 A ewspaper Not An "Organ" The man who wants an open-minded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, andan unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, 'will thoroughly enjoy the T ro to 60.1 hy Star The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest." It has definite opinions of its own on political, social; and moral questions -but it recogniz^ tin, right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions without necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse. The Star's editorials are nroad-mindvd, honest, as keen and clever as some of the best writers iu Canada can make them, and always Fair. The Star is published for fair-tninded, intelligent people who take an active interest in Canada and the world, consequently it Has More Readers Than Any Other Paper in Ontario. $1e50 Year nit paper (oath° roftosro DAILY SW? together for tme.vioar., $2.20, Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 60o, added to above subscription prices, 2 24411