HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-4-1, Page 1VOL. 37 NO
B RC.18.5'8 LS, 03)77'41909 W. H. KERR, Propriotor
NOW Advertisements
Pin found—Tsu Pos'A.
lirooeh lost—Ttin Perm,
wooed—Thus, meGregor,
6tiillute.y PIM ors -11). Inman.
Piano Tunhig—R R. fiteiverb.
Servent wanted—nes. Nieneir.
Xototnes wanto(i—W. IL Sender%
Reedy for Spring—G.N, mo Lot en,
T.o sohool tenchere-0. T,
Mistritt tittus
Don't forgeMiss' Tyler's Millioevy
Opening on Wednesclity nc1 Thursday
of Dextt week.
An auetiou sale of hoesehold effects;
live stock, Sm., will be held by Jae, A.
Moore. who ',scantly sold his Mem, at
the Timmer Hotel, here, on Feiday
afternoon of next week at 2 o'clock.
Sale without reset•ve 'as proprietor is
going West. F. S. Scott will be
the auctioneer.
Joo. Bell, the obliging butcher of
the Walton Beef Ring, has coneeded
to the request) of the committee in
charge and win kill early hi the 'sunn-
ingand have meat divided "out so that
shareholders will berable th get their
beef and Facial night's nall with the
one trip. This particulat• will suit the
people a bit better and now it will be
Op to the patrons to return the' coin-
pliment and oblige their butcher in
whatevei way they can.
Mrs. R. Noble is visiting her parents,
in London.
Homy Sanderson left for Muskoka
on Monday.
Alva Jolinson, of Gort•ie, spent Sat-
urday with his frieud, Floyd Carrie.
W01. Thompson, of Stratheoy, is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. R. Black,
Mrs. E. W. Lewis' Millinery open-
ings was held on Wednesday of this
Miss Lottie Paulin has secured a
situation in Toronto, and left for that
city last week,
R. B. 'Harris left on Tuesday for La-
combe, Alta., where he expects to
spend two months.
W. Stinson's butcher shop was brok-
en into last Friday night and a quail -
ti ty of meat talteD.
Mrs. David Moffatt, of Turnberry,
speut a few days of beet week with
friends in the village.
A number from here attended the
Box Social held in connection with
the Salem Methodist Church on Mon-
day evening.
The electric light plant here has
been valued at $1,529 by an expert.
A By -Law is being prepared to submit
to the people next week as to its pine
Mrs. R. 13. Harris and daughter,
Miss Edith Harris, returned from Tor-
onto, where the latter has been in a
hospital for some weeks with typhoid
fever last Friday. We are pleased to
note that she has almost fully recovet-
OBIT. --After an illness extending
over several weeks, Mrs. James Stull
passed away on Saburday morning at
her home in Howick. The deceased,
who was formerly Miss B. Hastiggs,
was married to her now bereft partner
about five years ago. She was of e
kind and loving disposition and was
very highly respected by all who
knew her. Beside s her husband, her
parents and a large number of two -
tilers and sisters survive. The funeral,
which took place to the Wroxeter
cemetery on Monday afternoon, was
very- largely attended'. Services at
the house and grave were conducted
by Rev. L. Perim.
ThrwsY Mmes.—Bernice Payne has
purchased the farm on which he hue
been residing for the past four years
from Peter J. MacDonald aud will
now become a permanent resident.
Bernice is it first-class neighbor and
we are pleased to know that he is not
going to sever that connection.—Miss
Eva Br:yans, who has spent the
Winter in Brussels act -miring the art
of dressonaking, has returned to her
home here.—Miss Nellie Miller is home
front Listowel -or a short vacation.—
Thos. Sinith has purchased the "Rae"
farm East of here. Mr. Smith now
has 250 acres of land.—Dutican and
Willieen MacDonald attended the
funeral of an uncle in West Wawa.
nosh last: week. lie was one of the
first settlers in that locality being in
his 84th year.—The regular ineceing of
the FarmersClub WeS held on 'Tues-
day evening, 80bh inst., when after
the usual business, Councillor W. .1,
Johnston! of Morris, addressed the
meeting in refereuce to raising and
feeding hogs and Milton McVettie
spoke at some length on the oats and
fitting of horses for pring work.
Subjects were freely discussed by
thoso present and much valuable in-
formation gained. It was deckled to
held it jeillS meeting with
the Women's Institute on Anvil 18th
when several of the ladies and gentle-
men will give sheet addresses oil sea-
sonable topics, as well as a =laical
and li Weary program. All age itivitect
to atteird.--i'romotion examinations
are taking place In the rural schools
this week, --Quite a ntunbet, are en-
gaged in the making of maple veep,
some haying as many as 1,200 trees
tapped.—Jno. M. Miller has been en-
gaged foe the coming season by D.
MacDonald. The publjc. will find Jno.
a very accommodating business -like
young mem—Mes. Rs T. Miller was
ealled to Wingham Junction owing_ to
the SeriellS illness of her mother, Mrs.
Henclertione—lifisa Daisy Wilson, of
13ritssele, spent, Sunday with the Miss-
es l3eyans..--1.'. 0. and Mrs. Scott' en-
, teetained a number of young people
last Friday evening in honor of Miss
'Flossie's birtliday.---Frank Litahnore,
who has been oe the sick list for aome
ime past, IS improving nicely.—Mrs, ants
Alex. Illakeb and l‘fra• Win, Beharriell Ainevi
and children, who have been Visiting
friends in thie vicinity for the past
month, Insect retuthed to theh'
hoenee at, Dean Lake, Algoma,
—Jas. A. Simpson, vvho has epeut the
last three years ill the Melo,' of Geo.
Boktnier, Juts gone to Molesworth
where he has beett engaged to work
AL his trade.—Nei Sabbath eveeleg
H. D, Aielay, sef perigee's, will take
the service hi Victoria Hall. He's a
fluent speaker for a yoting man.
Luke Speiran sold a veluable mare
this week to Win. Harvey, of Logan.
Quite a large number of people in
this neighborhood have tbeeri laid Up
with la grippe.
We are sorry to know that Mrs.
John Osborne is ill but hope for her
speedy recovery,
James McKay has moved back to his
old home, 17th con. Els son Angus is
retnoviug to the farm on
E.very week we have to chronicle
some departure for the West. Thie
week Wm. Frasee started for the land
of promise. We wish hint suecess.
Ansema.--nr.reila, dentist, will visit Titian
on Islanung, April lab, anti 5V0E9 6W5 Weeks
after 1,11121date.
P0WA,551:8 WAN:Weer—I am ehipping 5 ear of
Parries having potiootte to stet may brine awn,
in and get the highest Emelt pritieu. Only 'good
potatoes wanted. W. It SAND5503.
Council will meet here next Mon-
Robt. McKay took the set vice in the
Methodist church here last Sunday
night in the absence ef the pastor.
Gisoomems. — Flee fresh stock at
Geo. M. Mitchell's, Fancy china and
eat then ware. Shoes, harness and
butcher shop. Watch for advt. next
Rev. J'. Henderson was away la.st
Sabbath at Mitchell atteuding the
funeral of Mrs. White, who is Mrs.
tleuderson's mother. Mrs, Henderson
had, been with her mother for same
Ome before she died.
PItasaavrATION.—At the Sunday
Sellout te the Methodist church last
Sunday, Roberts McKay, who has been
Litble Claes teacher for ten years or
thereabouts, was presented with a
handsome teinslaer's bible and it hymn
book as a token of their appreciation
of hiS services by the Bible elASS. MT.
McKay expects to go West, in the
near future, hence this kindly re-
IllelnbralICO to him. He has received
several such surpeises since hehrts,beeu
teacher of the class.
DE037,—Friday of last week ait old
resident in the persist' of Hugh H.
Wright, passed away at his house,
West t lot 17, con. 8, in his 70th year.
Bo had not been able to be aleunt
since February itI1 and had been in
failing health for about 2 years, iu-
creasing years aud it .heart weakness
calininating in his demise. Mr.
Wright was horn near Belfast, Co.
Antrim, Ireland,. and came to Canada
in 1847, locating in the Go. of Durham,
where he resided with the exception
of e years he speta hi the U. 6., uutil
he moue to Grey township in 1875
where he continuously made his home.
In 1873 deceased was married to Miss
Ohamion, ef Durham Co., who with
two sons, (Joutithan and Samuel J.,
both of this locality) survive.
The funeral took place on Mott -
day afternoon to Mina cemetery.
Rev. 1). 13. McRae conducted the ser-
vice and the pell-bearers were R. Mc-
Donald, W. liall, J. Dane, J. YamG.
McCall and T. Bowes. Mr. Wright
was possessed of many good qualities
and Mrs. Wright and the sons will be
sympathised with in their sorrow.
News's" •NOTESi—S. S. Dole went to
Loudon this week to buy a portable
will but could not make a deal so went
to Brautfued where he bought a new
outfit and will be ready to cat the
stock soon. Mr. Cole has . sold the
house lately ovenpie.d by Tilos. Wil-
liamson to Mr. Graham, 0 vetired
farmer. They have -moved in tills
week.—ittiss Bssie Gibson, who has
be= visiting het parents here for the
past yeek, has returued to Mount
Forest. —A. G and Mrs. Weal left ou
Tuesday of this week for Ceystal
city, Man„ wiser° they purpose mak-
log their home with their daughter,
Mrs. R. J. Sharpe.—Miss Ida Cote en-
termined the meithers of the Epworth
League at her home last Wednesday
evenrug.—Miss Alice iteinsworth, who
has be= laid upwith la grippe, is get-
ting around again we are glad to state.
—Mee. (Dr.) Ferguson is attending the
Missionavy Convention iu Toronto
this week.—Mrs, Walker has gone tu
13rantford to visit her brother, A.
Pabtereon, who is in very ill health at
present.—J. Gibsou left last Friday
tor Griswold, Man.—Thos. and Mrs.
Milian:ow and kiarry 'and Miss Mc-
Mann left on Tuesday tot Nokomis,
Sask., where they purpose making
thee: home. While we wish them suc-
cess we are stwry to lose them front
our village.—Mrs. R. Gibson, who has
been visaing her parents at Mole.woeth, has retuened home.—Miss
Bclith Freeman has gone to
vieit some friends at Ilderton.
—Miss Edith McKee is visiting friends
in Howick this week.e—Miss M. Camp-
bell, of 'roronto, is visiting her Iwo -
them Ivie and Sain., of the 4t1t eon.—
Miss 13. Bryans iment last Sunday at
her home teat, Jittneetown.—Mte. J.
leclanier, who hes been visiting bee
sister Mrs. A. George, of tistowel,
for the past weak, returned home
Monday accompanied by her little
01000,, Edith George.—Mrs, D. W.
Dunbar entertailded a few of the ladies
of the village to a Tea last Thursday
evening,—W. 13arker, of Toronto, is
visiting at 11, Ransom's. — Miss Ida,
Cole.has arrived home frenn her trip
up the North Shore where elm and her
friend, Miss McKessook, gave 13 eon -
between Sudbury and (he
anti Soo, winding up by giving
a 2nd Ooncert in the Amevican Soo, of Perry Sotnid Mrs, Wra,
Everywhere they weet they had ap- Sunshine and b
time. Miss Cole renutinecl for a vielt ears ago, The deceased WWI man
audienees and had a fine One daughter., Mrs, Wyldied a fmy Be grave Presbyterians.
with her mother's pareets and 'vela- Keh( in high esteem hr it large circle Ind t-
tivas aroOnd the careadian and Atneri- •
Weed as one of the sturdy plotteets of
She will glee Intlf the Iwo -
gram of a eoneert,in Guelph on Friday
evening of this week.
Meech llth the Commit met at Sea -
forth with all members present.
Minutes of 10.st meeting aisepted.
McQuaid—Cowan that; the Tyeastirer
receive any tai still due the Town-
ship nod report all texts not paid on
the 5th of Apri141009, to the Coulity
Treastusar. Citiesecl. Byereuan—Mc-
Quaid that the requisition of Clarke
and Mc:Callum foy assistance to build
a wire fence on sideline 10-11 be left
over to another meeting. (leveled,
Cowan—Duridas that the Clerk write
the Minister of Ecluerstiou ve equalize -
tion of Union Separate School Sec-
tions. Carried. Accouuts to the it -
mount of $130.20 were paid. Dundee
—McQuaid that the Council do now
adjourn to meet agate at the Town
13a1l, Seaforth, on Saturday, April
10th, at la o'clock a, ru. wheu the
Engineer's Report. on the Nash Drain
will be reed and considered.
11,31. Mosoret, Clerk.
0. P. R. Speohd low rates, on Tuesdays, dor.
Mg March and April 00 Weetern points via the
only through line. Free settler's guides. tick.
.4+ and all information at Town tieket office,
Myth, J. MeMurehie, Agent. 87.4
Duncan Blactk, who spent the last,
couple of months visiting with rela-
levee here, left for his home near
Thessalon .Algoma, last Wednesday.
Miss Anna Black, of Winnipeg, left
Monday tiecnsing for Thessalon, Where
she will spend the Summer. She visit-
ed relatives here for the last three
The auction sale of farm stock, im-
plements, &c. at Jno. 1Vlooney's, 511)
line, went with it sweep, good prices
being realized. There was a very
large crowd in attendauce, F. S.
Scott was the auctioneer.
Fleet Faux Some—Last week Jas.
A. Moore disposed of his fine 150 acre
faxen, 8th line, to William Bryans,
well-known farmer of the 4th line, for
the sum of $7,600, possession on April
1st. It is understood that Edwaed,
son of the puvehaser, will work the
place, and there's rio doubt but be. will
do well upeu it. This farm was takeu
up about 50 years by Wm, itsloore, of
Esquesing tow»ship, Halton Cm.
grandfather to Mr. Sirens. 13:e took
Lip 400 acres and sold 125 acres each to
John and Oolin McArthur, former
well-to-do residents of the same line.
D, B. Moore, father, of Jas. A., who
has been living in Brussels for the
past 13 years, cleared the 150 tutees re-
ferred to and resided there for 37
years and merle it an A 1 place.
he was succeeded by his sou. The
latter, who soma last year in Wired
peg and the West, will return to the
Western metropolis in the course of a
few weeks but Mrs. Monts and family
will not go until a latet. date. 'We
hope Mr. -Begrime will not undertake
to keep bateh.
MATRIXONTAL. Ori Wednesday,
March 21th, at the home of the bride's
tnoLlier, Airs. .Ale. Malall, 7th line,
sheet 80 guests witnessed the tying
of the matrimonial bow between Miss
Maggie E. McCall and Joseph Bewley,
by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A,, pastor
of both bride ad groom. At five
'o'clock the bride, leaning on' the ere]
of her mother, entered the parlor to
the strains of Lobengrin's Wedding
Mauch, rendered by the beide's sister,
Miss Bell McCall, of Toronto, ancl
joined the gesom who awaited her
under an arch of evergreens and it
Mise Verna McCall, it lit-
tle neice of the bride, made a sweet
ring beaver, dl'eSSed ill point de sprite
over white silk. Misses LaureSpoira
and Vela McCall, neiees ot Dine
bride, dressed very prett ily in white,
acted as ribbon gip's. A remarkable
feature was the beide's dressebeing of
shot silk, (which was wore by hey
mother on her wedding day almost
fifty years ago) and with the veil and
mange blossoms made the bride look
charming. Her boquet was white
roses. The groom's gift to the Wide
was a handsome =tornado drop head
sewing machine ; pair of gold cuff
links to the. organist and to the ',Mg.
bearer a beautiful =eta.. The wed-
ding gifts were bobh beautiful and
costly testifying to the popularity of
bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Bew-
ley will take up house keeping in real
earnest an Mr. Bewley's faxen on the
7th con., with the beauty good wishes
of it large circle of velatives and
friends in which TIM POST joins.
—James Kitten, whose death took
place recently was linen in Lan-
cashire, England, and eauee to Oita -
11(14 1852, locating in 'Potent° whets
he remained for three yeare, atm. -
ward moving to &oxbow, where lie
resided some seven years. The family
then moved inth what was at that
time the Queen's bush, Turnberey
township where the deceased resided
contintionsly up to the time of his
death, living =wards of forty-five
years on the farm. Me. Kite= was a
shoemaker by trade and for tunny
years after emning into the bush made
shoos and did repelling fee his neigh-
bors. Though in his Olst, veer, Mr.
.Kbeem was able to be sesund and. en-
joyed sew good health up to within it
Very few days Of his death. Diming
itis long residence in the township he
saw malty changes, the wooded lands
being conveeted into excellent ferule.
Ile was fun* years a member of the
Bluevale Presbyterian therch and in
politics wits ()onset vistive. He wits
incteeied over sixty yeare ago and his
aged pasenee and six childreu sinWire.
T children are t—Hriney esul anit
William, of Parry Sound John Mg
and James, at home Mee. Davis,
end te I ung be realm- o Rev. J. A. Ferguson, S. A. as
t township, .rile funereti Ito the
Wvoxeter cemetery on Wednesday
taternooe was largely attended, tits
pastor Rev, W. J. West, M. A, being
abseil in Toronto, the serviette at the
house and grave were conducted by
Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxetee.
Have yeti given your order fo
telephone yet ?
Township Connell will meet
lltheb on.Monday next, 5th lust.
Miss Agnes Knox pee in a few cl
to the McDonald Institute Guelph,
take a coutse.
Miss Florence Armstreng has
taunted her Work in 8, 8. No. 3, Min
aftet a Mid illness.
The sleighing has been well u
this Wintei. and a splendid chance
forded for teaming.
A few more Weddings are said to
00 the program in this township
'fore the Summer arrives,
Mrs. 0. Harris who went to Olin
to see her grandparents who we
both sick, has returned home again.
serprise party from 'leer
called to the home of The. and kl
Vorlden, 50 line, on Friday evenin
Iffarch 120h.
Elder Thos, Stretch= Was at Ham
ton this week attending the an=
sessions of the Hainitton Synod as t
lay delegate from Melville cams
131W181.1e.18.0nsic, one of our penal
young men of the 10013 concessio
left on Tuesday for the West. H
goes to Poplar Point. 'We WiSh hi
This week reduces the townsh
population considerablY by remove
to the West. Next week will see
tepetition of the outgoing. We hop
they will all do well.
Mrs. Marsden Smith, 71h eon
and her niece, Mrs. McOraelte
of Cleveland, were visiting Rev. an
Mrs. W. A. Stuith, Dungannor
chu•ing the next week.
W. and Mrs. Rands, 12th con„ cel
brate their Silver Anniversary Feld&
of this week. Their many friend
will be a uuit in wishing them rnan
happy returns of the deer not stoppin
short of the 50th anniversary.
Thuteday of last week James Parr
whose favm is 2e miles North of Bees
sets, had the misfortune to lose hi
shire stallion from ell attack of acut
indigestion. He only pnrchased th
animal a few months ago. It wil
be quite loss to him.
H. M. and Mrs.Smitla and daughter
of Dulme. Sask., were here last wee
visiting at the home of Mrs. D
Livi»gstione who is Mts. Smith'
mother. They left on Friday. and wil
visit friends at Listowel, Dreyton
Detroit and other places on their roar
hotne. Mr. Smith is the station
agent at Dubitc,
e a
re -
be -
it -
Matthew 5. Stewart and wife leave
Tuesday for an extended trip to the
West and expect to visit friends in
Manitoba. Dakota, Saskatchewan arid
Alberta and may go as far as the
Coast. They are tithing thetas to
Poplar Point, near Portage-la-Praitie,
Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. ex-
pect to be home again about Christ-
mas or before. We wish them a very
pleasant trip and a safe retutn.
This week Richard Mitchell, Ilth
con., shipped two cries of settlers'
effects to the West front Brussels,
accompaeried by two of his sons, Mr.
and Mrs. Mitchell and daughters will
follow in a few days. itheit. new
home will be in the Saskatoon 0000-
y. While sorry to see them remove
fee= Grey township we wish them the
very best of success. They have not,
sold Omit. fat te twee bee have leased it
for a term of years th Adam Somers,
of Brussels, who is noe• in possession.
The people of the community win find
Mr. Somers and family most desirable
D. W. Dunbar, of the Sth line,
G'rey township, has removed the old
house known as the Joseph Whelp.
ton cmperty, to lot 19, and mimeses
nattkIng a 1 -tiger camp of it, and. any
person in Well of a first-cless article
of maple syrup can be supplied by
sending hi your address to him in
Ethel. There are 0 large ember of
people making syrup this season, We
hope they will not be disappointed on
their thst attempt but may success
attend all as they earn all that is
Pessun TO ITTS Rewesun.--At 4 p.
ne on Tuesday the spirit of Wm. Mc-
Nabb, a well known resident of 18th
eon., was called away from time. lie
had not been a rugged man for yeets
and took a stroke of paralysis last
Winter. Pleurisy set in a few weeks
agn fonnwed by another stroke Tues-
day morniug .frnm which he died.
Deceased was 72 years of age and was
born in the towmihi p of 'McNabb, Ren-
frew Go. and came West to lioantop
about 41 yeats ago. Aboet the seine
time he was mereied to Miss lane
Stewart, of North EasthOpe, Perth Coe
who passed to the great majority 10
years ago. For epwarde of 23 years,
111r. McNabb resided on the farm
on which he died in Grey. 13e is sur-
vived by 4 sotts :—Thinean At home ;
Petee, of Morris ; Win., of Shakes-
peare ; and John, of Grey. Alex.
died 4 years ago and Jessie 2 years
1 prior, Deceased was a faithful mem-
ber of the Presbyteeittn ehurch and a
staunch Liberal and wits highly es-
teetned by all wilts knew him. The
funeral took place to Oranbrook ceme-
tery cm Thmsday afternoon, Rev. D.
13, McRae, his Nettie, conducting the Is
service% There wee 1 . , , ti.
0 02 iteighbove a lel old Mends show- tit
the isspect in. which deeeased was A
held. 1 t
as or of Knox arid Calvin Churches.
A Sketch of the past.
Thursday afternoon of last week the
intleetion service in eortnectiint with
Belgt•ave and Calvin Presbyterian
congregetions took platie in the church
02 Belgrave reudered y tLie
resignation of Rev, J. J. 1 I1,6e, who
served the eougregation .,11 for the
past 8 years, as Silents:Mot to Rev. Mr.
Hall, 10 whose time the new chuveh
was built. After hearing a number ef
men the congregations agreed upon
Rev. J. Ferguson, B. A., of Glenarra,
Presbytery of Lindsay, and ou his ac-
ceptance the custoinai,y steps wets
taken tesulting in Thursday's induc-
tion. At 2.31) o'clock the service ()pett-
ed with Rev. 13. M. Smith, of Kitiloss,
Moderator, in tbe chair R .
Moyer, B. A. of St. Helens, preached
it fine indeed= serump based upon
the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Fol-
lowing this Rev. A. C. Wishart, 13.4,
Brussels, who had officiated as Mud- ,
twitter pro tem 10 connection With the
vacancy, narrated the various steps
taken in the prosecution of the
,:e""•-• •
Were given by Revile. Mews. Oaten,
Ross, McLean and Whaley, the latter
of St, Helens. In addition to law
elioir &Liss Murray, Rev, J L May -
ray, of Knicarthile, ane Miss Crooks,
of Brussels, contributed fine solos.
The finaucial proceeds were good.
The building is neat, attractive and
well finished, the basement being of
stone and the church of white brick.
It is 30 x 30 ft, with a con veuien t patch
in the bout and an alcove behind the
pulpit for choir purposes. Cireular
seats of arch tont metal will afford
every comfoi t, to the worshippeys
Nine windows, ornameuted with
beautiful mimed glass, afford ample
and the church is heated by an
up-to-date furnece. A rear stairway
from schuol room permits easy ingress
or egress for pastor or choir. There
is a pleasaut east about all the ap-
pointments whether in the auditorium
or the school room beneath and th
0' NO
' ma
call to Rev. Mr, Ferguson. The ad
dress to the Dew minister was a
exeellent oue and did Rev. W. J
West M. A., of Bluevale, credit. 131
theme was "The King's Interprets:iv
the inference being that the pasto
filled this honorable position. -tree
practical and timely were the woed
of Rev. G. P. Duncan, of White
chuech, to the people. The founda
Lion of bis addeess was "I was gla
when they saith unto me let us go u
to the house of the Lord."
At. this juncture Chas. Campbell, ()-
East Wawanosh, read an address to
Rev. Mr. Wishart expressive of thei
appreciation of his services dining th
vacancy„ as Moderator, and ex -Reeve
George Taylor presented Mr.
Wishart with a well filled purse.
The reverend gentleman acknowledged
the gift in pleasantand complimentaty
sentences, congratulating the two
congregations on being so happily
situated and the auspiciousotalook for
the years to come.
The new pastor is a schnlarly man,
O good preacher and was greatly be-
loved by the people of his chaege at
Glenmen where he spent 0 or 8 pros-
perous years and removed much to
the regret of his ccmgregations. A
muse of gold was given him as re part-
ing testimonial. Rev. Me Ferguson
spent 3 geese as it missionary among
the miners in Beitish Columbia. He
has a brother a missionary iu China.,
In addition to Mts. Ferguson, who
comes most highly commended, there
are two children. A welcome social
will be tendered Rev, and Mts. Fer-
guson under the =spices of the Young
People's Association next Friday
The pastots at the induction
were most hospitably entertained to
tea at the home of D. and Mrs. Sprout
which act was unt unappreciated by
01011regv7.. and Mrs. Ferguson were heart-
ily welcotned Belgrave and Calvin
Among the members of the Presby-
tery who were it) attendance in addi-
tion to those already meetioued
were t—Revets, Messrs. Bremner, of
Ripley; Rutherford, of Dungannon ;
Perrie, of Winghitm •, Small, of Blyth;
aud Rev. MacNab, of Walton, Clerk
of the Presbytery.
- most interested appear to be the best
n pleased as was evident by the 'hearty
vote of thanks to Architect Binning,
e and Contractors Watson Gallagher
The following partiettlers are glean-
ed from the columns of Ton PosT
clatted November 2,8rd, 1809 and will be
a reminder of events of neatly 10
years ago in the Presb'yterian chine&
history in BeIgrave
(10E0gErt STON'S Le.viree,
The (turner stone of the new build-
ing was lead on the Queen's birthdays
Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, the first
paetor, when Beigrave and Blyth
were united, perfotened the ceremony,
being presented by. Janice Fergnson,
one of the oldest menthe's of the con-
gregation, with an ehtgamt silver t
trowel beating the iescription "Pre- „t
stetted to Rev. A. MeLean, of KnoX
church, Belgrave. May 24th, 1800." ,
Rev. T. Hail, the pastor, Rev. jure
13. A„ of Melville church, Betts- e"
sele, and Itire. P. J. Oaten, Ph. 13., of
13elgrave, also took Nat in tiwi exer.-
ekes, tile servico preise being lead 1
y the choir. A. euppet. was served on v
le lawn at the mause, twee 400 pay- 0
king of the good things provided,
fter adjournment WILS made to
e les era all where addreeses
and Scandrett. The church will be
one of the best testinionials of their
capability as builders, &c. No more
desirable site could have been chosen
for the location tban where it stands
and sve hope the going up to the
thumb may be as manatee to the
Presbyterian congregation of Bel -
grave as it was to the ancient wor-
shippers who went up to the temple
of olden days. The Buildhig Commit-
tee deserve special thanks for their ser-
Last Sabbath was the date set. apart
for the dedicatory services of Knox
church, the handsome new edifice
erected here this year. To say that
they were tuceessfril, helpful, enjoy-
able and most satisfactory does not
convey to those who did not attend
any adequate idea of the graeld
sweep of them and the spiritual 00-
11311 110 the large audiences listened so
attentively to the able expositioes
' of Truth. Rev, W. J. Clark, the
popular pastor of the First Peesley-
terian church. London, was the
meacher itemounced for the morDing
and evening services, but the people
turned out in such numbers rendering
it impossible to all get into the audi-
torium so second service tvas neces,
stay and Rev. P. J. Oaten, Ph. 13.,
Methodist minister, stepped into the
breach and condueted all interesting
service ill 11)1) basement in the mottl-
ing mud Rev. W. J. West, Bluerale,
rendered like service in the evening.
eacerel SSA SAS 7125 0855'0,10.
The style set by the geeviees of the Stiblinth
W55 rendered imperative on Monday evening
owing to the.inonense crowd that eame from
the Rest. West, North 8101 South so the Meth.
odist church was kindly ;dialed 121 (1.0 dieposal
or the people and with the two alturehes melt-
ticl to the doors, even uncomfortably full, there
were scores who eatid. not 01121 (12, A splendid
supper was served. in the basement of the new
ohm ch and from shortly atter 6 mail after 8
155 hleley visitors wrestled with foafl, meats,
salad», pie, cake. See., ,ect., and if ever a set of
waiters bestirred themselves mei wOrlced tti.
fnegably bicliPs end gentlemen who pep
formed the onerone duty on Monday evening
0011 0.11» entitled to first place. There seem-
ed to lie nr, end to the rush of people to he
served -880 peeple Were 50 id to hnee been Yee
—but oorreepondingly were the ettendants
alert, and previsions uncommonly good, pine -
ed in rieh peoftwien upon the tables.
Arrongements were mede hy which the
sicealters nnd choir rendered serviees both
ciburthes. Rev Dr. Murray, of Einoartitne.
0.,7); en.
Wept Etu8ton7nnd W. R. Kerr, or, Tau Font
did duty m their 'dead. Rev. W, Ann, pre.
sided nt the Peesbyterien church
and after Rev. Mr. Oaten had got the
11117111,12 1115 other churl+ full
awing he handed over the reins to 87.11. Zerr,
At Stain ellureh the addresses were given in
the following order —Worth; of welcome iron
51112 int at. II Item% Vey. Mr. 01e01 11
Eolines, M. P., Rev. Mr. Oaten tied Rev 'Mr.
West. At the hi ethodist church Mr. Dolmee
Poke IRO followed hy Relate, Messrs. Oaten
mil West, W. II. Kerr and Rev. Mr, 010511
Og:',:.•111,1Plrikv'N7471;;;;;;'. tO'giiiise•-•
or They very good naturedly meth, their
ripe heel:weld wed flirwerd Po ns rend(
hnoe, 0017,00114r Wo,broliceg,PurmlegtolynA 7ten.
petaled to wad it 'More Uniqu and VPrel-
ed over rem, hiking it all sheen, wouta be
nrcti t,o Rev Mr. Clerk's addresses were
hitrit%I.1?,V34;i7T. 0r131:41,1,04, TLIffig
pound effort was well arrtinged speech on
Onnarlinnista' both parked full of well
otee't!11 i' 1 lin ii1117tvfleli'ma 417s1sigtilio
Tub PIPAVeila
11 5155 thing to have maid sermons. big
ongregailOYM1115l Ong Hume, bet the lit • •
• side is 810055 important 000 (II altd1 an
eventful andartaltinx ointrall huildlug 50 701
to have no inkierailde debt dragging alOng
for yeare. The new 011117511 cost 0,918 end.
wait a bergain at that we would think, but the
cheering time SV11,3 atonemeett slew between
enamel otiose, M17 Of the old preptirtg end the
preeee.da of the opening, 48,8113 wax applied on .
the original ennautt. leaving the teary holeir.
ek, Or $'10 00 to elver the whole indebtedines,
The Sabbath eulleatione we) it 5101 and tee
ereeeeds (gem ten meeting SAP. It Waii
Noble response, well 11)0 1(1)' 0) 1(1» people wile
underteok the week, end 15 pleneing '
Mons or what ma be aeoomplished meter WIPA
generalehip when the people have it mind to
EITSSORIOATi 510,1700.
27110 1UHtil utpc1 ni the yeer 188 1,
when in tionfuetlon with /Myth they etmetitut, •
111 a nasmon 81,10011, ROY. Joen etewaro belies
es4preaoher Re loft in 180 end ill lite
teat...Vile; year, Nay, /BIM, Rev. ,A • MaLean wiO$ •I
huluated and continued untn 1877 when Bet,
ereve and Blyth • were separated, the pastor
continuing with 1(101 11112111' ooneregatiou, where d
he Will renders feitliful aerviee after ,1
taw ot 111 years. In April I/0 Rev. W. T.WiOdas •
WKS celled to the Mange and apent
nonrly leer years, being neve, (led by Rev.
George Law in 1884 whose peet..rate coneluded I
ten years later. Calvin (Mundt in We wanes)).
united With Bel ern ve and Roo. I!, Rail was
indueted in 1895, and line rendered splendid
Heevice along all church lines. lie old olinrelt
W55 ereohll. about 18114, DOM Robertson,
who removed to Alonitobn , new deceased, Ind
the contntat, and 1 he Milldam was erected '
the fart» of John Meetete. loos Anderaon
mei Rutherford Smith hewed 1)11 Nigher.- Mr.
Roberteon reueived the prat, ede of it tea --
meeting gieen 'by the goiter, Attion to wipe .
oat the balance of liability. The ehureli prov.
fed too arrial) for the ineteesiog oudienee and
ebout IMO an addition was built to tho rear.
The membership was aliont 40 when MAO
rharoh Was 'Malt. 1,% 11 18111, the eret
minuet meeting youth/en of whieh the follow-
ing were membera 2—iehos. Anderson, Secre-
tary ; Donald Ilichean, Trearower ; W..
Robertson, John Bone, jetties Gallagher,
Robert Itylve and Neil Armoer. The trusteea
were Joseph Dunbar, Gilbert Spoir, James
Stewert, George Delganio end jamas Gal-
lagher, and the drst sessfon—Thomae Agnew,
35/1119 Ciallrigher end Joseph Dunbar. Many'
of these have PHRfied away from the mane of
action bet will be reMembered by the older
people in the oommuntty. At present the
officiary is compoeed of :--P. 17. Scott, Beare,
tory ; George Taylor, Treasurer ;Adam Bel.
liday, David Scott, Edwin Wiehtman, Tames
-McCallum, Hugh McLean, Wm. Knox, Wm.
matte, s. Irvine, and the Trustees are
George '11w.710r, P. W. Scott, John McCallum,
Adam Relliday, 0110111157, James 11100allum,
James Ferguson. J111189 Cunningham, Donald
Meiklejohn and W. Wightman Building
Committee WRP COMPOSed or Donald Mende -
John, [chairman, Wm. V7ightine», sSecretarvi
Geo. Taylor Dr. MnAsh, :John McCallum, D.
Bernet, W. Knox, D. Dunbar, John Geddes,
51 Wightmen, Rash McLean, 8. Owens, M.
Ferguson and Robert Young.
Mrs. Magnus Spence is very ill with
Rev. W. 3, West, M. A„ left, this
week for Toronto to atteed the great
Missionary Congress.
A quiet wedding took piece at the
Manse last Friday mernitig when Rev.
W. J. West performed the. eereiliony
which made 'Miss Teellie MentOrs011,
of Turnbevry, the bride of Neil An-
derson, of Kenton, Man.
The regular monthly' meeting of the
Women's, Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Geo. McDonald on
Thuesday April 8113 (11 2.30 p. m. The
subject for the meeting 1011 be "Cut-
ting and fitting shirt waists." ThiS
1Vi1i be amorist) ated by Mrs. Alex.
Anderson and Mrs. John Geddes.
The officers of the Institute are, Pres.
Mrs. Johnston ; Viee-Pres„ Mrs, P.
King; Sec., Mrs. "West, All the ladiee
ale invited to attend,
Miss Alice Thomson is visiting
friends in Hamilton.
Jas. Livins, of lemersiel, attended
the funeral of Jobe Pilling last week.
Ed. Fulton and H. D. Ainlay assist
in the debate on Friday evening at
Walter Pennington has arrived
home after a Winter's work in New
Ree. Mr. Kettlewell, of Toronto,
Field Seceetary, re the Dominion
Alliance, will take the seevice in the
Methodist church, Cranbrook, 'met
Sunday aftermem, at 2.80 o'clock,
He's a good speaker.
Some 031 0137 doge in Cranheook ate
becoming a public nuisance by die.
turbing the peace. Owners must take
heed that we wash our hands of all
results if one of these canines perish -
118317000 (2 blow of it boot, clock or
Chas. Knight has his new apparatus
working now for the manufacture of
maple syrup. Those trying the finish-
ed prOdUCL paean tee its satisfaction.
Anyone wishieg this article should
see Mr. Knight before purchasing else-
where. Call and see the evaporator it
is well worth a visit.
There seems to he a eeteleral rush to
the West this Spring. Robt, Mac-
Donald and Will. Ballantyne left foe
Ida130, on .Monday, whets they will
work on asheep ranch. (iarfield Long
Will. Woods, Will. Oleic. end Sam.
Dunn also left for Western poiuts ott
Tuesday. These trips leave tender
hearts behind,
The Orroihrook Publie School intend
holding a musical Convert. on Friday .
April 1.01h. This is a treat that no
one can afford to miss. The pro-
gram will be supplied by outside tale
ent and will consist of piano, violin
and trombone insteumentals,
tettes, solos, duets readings, Ste.
"Watch foe a full outline of program
1171ixetsewtHecelcu.e.re—At: 5 p. Wednesday
Rev. IS. G. Powell, of Brussels, tied
the matrimonial bow, 01 1(10 home of'
the bride's parents, here, making jno.
W. Carter., or 'Trowbridge, and Miss
Annie L. M. eldest daughter nf Ohas.
ancl Mrs, Alderson, husband and wife.
The coetracting parties etood under
an evergreen arch, wedding thrush
WeS played by Miss Myrtle McDonald
and tbebricle was given away by her
father. About 30 guests were present,
from Brussels, Trowbridge, Listowel,
Lottrion, Stiettforcl and local points.
The bride looked Hee dressed in white
silk mull, trimmed with insertion and
lace, mid carried white etunations,
Groom's gift to the bride was a gold
watch and chain. The wedding gifts
were nernerons, esefel and veritable,
Mr. and Mrs. Carter will reside de
Amnon', Perth do. Bride's going
sway gown 21,05 (tope de einem
Metre gond wishes will accompauy the
brich. and groom to their home,