HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-25, Page 8ormAldohyd The Creat Smut Preventitive Makes Clean Grain Makes Clean Barns Some seven or eight yelre ago Formaldehyde was first used in this vicinity on grain, before planting, to try and stamp out the ever increasing smut Al- though it had been tested at the Agricultural College people were Very slow about trying it the first year or two, having very little faith ip the virtue of it, Those who did risk tryiug it were so well pleased with the results obtained that the suc- cess of it was at once assured, More farmers used it the next year and so on until e in 1 small x d 1 necessity is c e uste. I donotoke itocas real YgY pgwthonumberwlalo p indeed, Get in line and secure your supply for this year, Our Formaldehyde is of the finest quality. Put up in two sizee- I Ib. Bottles, sufficient for from 8o to Km bus. 400 ,t a ,i 40 to 50 „ 25C Full directions on each bottle. Our Easter Cards ARE now on display. We have searched the mar- kets to find the latest and moat beagtiful ip this line, and you cannot fail to find what will suit you in our range, Come In and look over chem, You will be under no obligation to buy. it F. R. T , DRUGGIST AND OP'PICIAN. goalildvs 4ttrn GET ready for Spring. WHAT about the Football club ? Ns= Thursday will be April est. Watch out. THE Ament heading factory is rush. Jug work and will be busy with the stock for the next two or three munths. Hole= Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany Directors will bold their regular monthly meeting on Saturday ot this week at Gorrie. MRs. MCKINLAY will hold her Spring Millinery Opening on Tnursdav, Friday and Saturday of next week, April tat, 2nd and Std. CLINTON Spring Fair will be held on Thursday of next week. It is probable, if the roads are fit, that several tram this locality will attend. ' OUR thanks are due to many for pay- ments un subscription accounts. Will you, gentle reader, take a look at the label on your paper this very minute, THE young gentleman of Brussels are giving a Balt in th e'Pown Hall on Fri- day evening of this week. An Italian orchestra will supply the musical pro- gram. MISSES HABKIRK AND MISS INMAN will not hold millineay openings on e110 special set dates but will be glad to wel- come the ladies desiring to see the latest styles any day in the near future. ROBERT HENDERSON has disposed of his young pacing horse to Robert Thomson. It is bred from Monbars and is a likely colt. Mr. 'Thomson is developing into quite a horseman. HAVE you seen " Sgneezy Easy i'.`: Rich. Stevens bas the local agency. It is a combination floor mop, window cleaner and wall and ceiling duster or ' washer. The inventor evidently hit the right thing when he pa*ented•it. Mr. Stevens has placed a large number of orders and is ready to fill hundreds more. BRUSSELS Junior Hockey team went 'o Seaforth Thursday of last week to play a match with the boys of that town. favor of The result was 4 to 3 in a upwas as follows :- Sea - forth. The line SAS'OBTH S BRUSSELS G. Armstrong rmsuron .......• G J. Nnelet y O. Scott Point.. H. Troyer0. Holmes Cover Potat... D. Reid W. Williamson Rover... A. Twigs H. Lowry Centre A.Soole R. WingA. Muir W. Henderson L. Wing ..... 0. Jones CANADIAN PRESS ASSOCIAT1uN,-The fifty-first annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association began at the Templele t zthatroe.n. Toronto March ' din 'Lor bail5 g Thursday session opened with the ad• , stop dress of David Williams, President of the association. A most interesting pro' gram covering three days has been arranged, including a trip on Saturday to Peterboro' over the Canadian Pacific Railway. NEWSPAPORIAL.-The Listowel Banner is now owned by Kay Bros. who bought out W. Climit, 13, A., who controlled it for a number of years. • Evtdeuce is al- ready produced that the new men at the wheel are going to keep the craft sailing in good style -The Wroxeter Planet has changed bands. Mr. Noble selling out to Mr. Chisholm, ot Aithur.-It is rumored that the sons of M. Y. McLean, M. P. are likely to purchase the Huron Ex positor from their father. -Editor Pal- mer has enlarged and improved the Dungannon News and is gtvtng evidence of good support in that ambitious burgh. MRS, GEORGE STEGtM PASSES AWAY - There passed away at her late resideuce Elizabeth street, Stratford, .n Wednee' day, March 17th, Mrs. George Steam, relict of the late George Steam, aged 52 years, 5 mouths and 26 dais De ceased was bora in New liamturg in 1856, and a few years later moved with the family to a farm at Wartburg, and in December 1887 was married to ria ills where Stamm of Seb v Georgeg theyaY resided tor seventeen years. ' Thence they came to Brussels, where her late husband died two years ago and In the same year deceased and family removed to Stratfurd She has been in good health up till a few months ago, from which time she gradually failed, but on Saturday of last week she was able to be about the house although suffering from a severe cold which min - pelted her to retire to her room on Sat- urday On Monday her heart be- came affected, and this; finally caused her death, Sbelapsed i110 unconscious uessat g o'clock Tuesday mormng, from which ube did not recover, and she pass ed away after suffering great agony for over two days. .rhe was a faithful member of the Centennial Evangelical church of Stratford. She leaves to Mourn her loss one son and one daugh- ter as follows :-Alvin Steam, who is 'foreman of the order depsrtrne t, of the Baruedale Trading Company, Stratford, And Miss MaudStemm, at home; also her mother, Mrs. Valentine Otto, of Strut ford; and 'hree brothersand two sisters, William Henry Otto of Elmira ; Josiah and Moses R. Otto, of Wartburg ; Mrs. (Rev,) S. R. Knechtel, of 13eriin, and Mrs. A. Kruspe, of 'Pavistock. The funeral took place on Saturday, March loth, et 1.30 p. m and proceeded to Sebring vide Cemetery. [ E . Ewan MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of next week at Brussels, 'Phis will be the last Fair for this season. THE regular meeting of the W. C. T U. will be held on Friday afternoon of this week at 2,45. Mrs J. Robb will give an educational program on anti - Narcotics, All who are interested in this work are invited to attend. Mks. ROBERTSON, of Deleware, sister to the late Mrs. '1'. Farrow, and :Vire. Frank McCracken, of Morris, has been dangerously ill The latter and Miss Annie Robertson, of town, went to see her on Thursday morning. —0— OLOrSa and Timothy Seed at McCracken's. EGOS for batching, shotes strains, see advt. W. D. Duncan. Sean Oats. Peas and Barley for stile. Lot 11, Oea. 111,they, W. MOHAIR, or Brussels P. O. AMMO clover seed for sale. Home grown ane well cleaned. MILLSa 1350s., 534 Lot 28, Uon. 6, alums; Brussels P.O. 88.4 Lose. -On March 21st, a young hound, white and tan. Pinder Will be sultauly rewarded Bout. Newcombe, Lot 18, Lane 8, Mortis, or Blyth P. O. Tit tale the time to bay s saw, any quantity at any price. Yours 51 luwest ldgnre by 1. M0(4550011, Brueeels, Ont. Sam, peas for ,.ale. Good yielders. Will also sell al, agricultural filly rising 8 yearn. Apply to James Duncan, Si Lot27, 000. 4, Mor- ris, or Bl ussels i•. 0. Hosea rue SALE. -A good sound 7 year old gelding for sato. Would be good horse to make up for the West, or third horse for farm. er. Witt exchange fur lighter horse. Apply W 1tODx, THOMSON, Brussels. Roo sale at n bsrgan, a comfortable dwel- ling, with hard and soft water and all esn- venteaoes 5f acres of land, orchard, various fruits, grapes, Aa. Apply to I. 0. Ricasaoe, Brussels. O0M5O1TABLE .hoose for sale or to rent. Hard and sort water, good cellar, woodshed. fruit trees, etc., conveniently ettnated. Pus- Sessaon eon he given ou April 15111. For further particulars enquire at THE Pose Pub- lishing House, Nomtoe.-Saving disposed of my Veterinary practice to J. D. Warwick, V. B., I desire all indebted to me to call and settle accounts by Saturday 27th inst., as I purpose leaving town. Thanking the public for past favors. (450. OuNNINGn.M, V. 8. STRAYED from the premises of the under- signed a few weeks ago, a large, dark yeilow dug, answers to the name of 'Nipper.' Any inr6orination lending to bis recovery will be uhenkfnny received by DAVID 440UO2oUE0N, Leadbury, P. O. or Davit) iD ' BADGLRY Brussels P. O. --0 — EM KINDLY REMEMBERED. - Before R Croue left tar the West St John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Brussels, pre seated him with a Masonic apron. Ad- dress expressive of gond wishes, &e was read by M, Black. Mr. Crone's rept[ was briet but appropriate. PURCHASED THE CLINTON NEW ERA - tA'eduesday u[ this week W H. Kerr, ot • The. PosT Brussels • •els. purchased The u New Era plant a nd office uuilding from Robt. Holmes, who goes to fill an im- portant government office in Toronto. Possession will be taken on April 1st. Definite arrangements ere not yet com- pleted as to the future of THE POST and Blyth. Standard. Owing to our expect- ed removal from lou 0. after a 3o years' residence, all accounts will have to be closed and settlements made at ab early date so as to open the way for the new management of THE PosT. MUNICIPAL 'TELEPHONE CO. -Now that the question of 1 ur more franchises in Grey township fur municipal telephones has been settled.in favor of the Brussels, Grey and Morris ' o, and permission granted by Morris to put up poles and wires, those who desiro 'phones who have not already given in their names are asked to kindly do so at once so than a meeting for organization may be held at an early date and the work proceeded with 'There are about 140 subscribers at the present time. Names may be given to r. S. Scott, M. H. Moore, A. C. Dames or J. D. Warwick. Poles will be purchased and the work of cob• structtun proceeded with forthwith so it you want to secure the great convenience of tl 'phone at a small cost hand in our name The larger the list the better fur all cuncei ned. LYR OPOLITJIN BAND A Savings Account may be opened with $i.00 BRUSSELS MARCH SAFE against plass or careless Spend- ing is the money de.• posited in a strong chartered bank. F. N,. Gilroy, Manager 1336 MOW JAS. 13ALLANTYNE, who is quite a pool- try 'fancier, shipped two settings of Columbia Wyandotte eggs to England on Wednesday of this week. CREEKY.-Somebody has beeu tamper; ing with the monthly copies of the Ladies' Home Journal on the table of the Public Library and cutting out pages. A watch will be set and if the nervy individual is discovered they will be taught a lesson. Those magazines go to the purchaser at the close of each, month and the Board is determined to see that fair play is meted Out to the purchase[ s of the magazines. NOT To BE PLAYED WITH, -The Storing men who tatnpered with the large granite monument on the platform of the Marble Works the other night surely intended only a joke by upsetting the monument but let us tell you it was more by good luck than anything else that it was not broken causing a loss of no small sum to the firm This was not the work of the boys so we ask the par ties to kindly take warning as if a muni lar occurrence takes place they may be surprised how expensive the fun might be in the end, WILsoN & HUNTER. Brussels. MODEL SCHOOL ENTRANCE. -Time table tar the departmental examinations, in c0nneCIIOU with theentrance to model schools, sets forth the following: -June 22 -Elementary science, (a m.) and algebra an I geometery (p. m) June 23 -English composition and writing and hook keeping and business papers (a. m.) geography, (p. m,) June 24-Arithmet• is and spelling (a m ) English literature (p m.) lune z5 -English grammar and art, (a. m ) history, British and Canadian (p. m.) The last day, juoe 26 -French Grammar and French cotnpositsou, the .[•hole of the day. THE "At Home" under- the auspices of the W. C. T. U. which was held in their rooms on Tuesday evening was one of the most successful of this sea 1 son's functions. The musical selections were first class, consisting of three num- bers from the Harmoniac Baud ; an in- strumental duet by Mesdames Thomson and Dodds ; solos by Lorne Ecktnier and F. H Gilroy ; duets by . Misses Sharp and Leatherdale, and Mr. and Miss Prvne ; quartette by Misses Gerry, tlingstno, Pryne and Sharp; reading he Mrs. lackson and Miss Grace Robb, The debate was one of the hest ever given in Brussels and those who did not attend denied themselves of a great treat. Rev E. G. Powell performed a' the combined dntirs of chairman for the t the debate in a and judge forb evening J manner satisfactory to all. The decision was given in favor of the negative. About Sri were realized Light ref resb• meat was served at the close of the pro- gram. INTERESTING 1.O AGRICULTURAL SOCIE- TIES -'J LucktnWilson,Superintendent of agricultural societies inpresenting his report at the annual convention of Ontario Association of Fairsin TOr- the nt o A O onto. said that tgo8 had beeu the tenet successful year in the history of agricul- tural societies. the gate receipts showing an increase of 5o per cent., and the ex- hibits 40 per cent In passing, be said that the moieties which hold no exhihi• tions, but devote their funds to the purchase and maintenance of pure bred stock. continue to do good work. He recommended that those which ars not making a success of holding ex- hibitions should turn their alters• tion in this direction. Last year 224 departmental judges were sent nut He spoke of the interest manifested in the standing field crop competitions. The first year ten entered. in teo8 47 agricultural societies made entries. 65o tarmers competing, making a total area under crop 01 6,000 acres, In all the sum of 178,500 is given for carrying on the work of the Fairs' Association. A BRUSSELS BoY A WiNNsR-The i Fairbanks (Alaska) .Da lv News of February zest, has this to say about Will. Hingston, a son of R. T, Hing- etun. Mill street, Brussels: -After a hard game against An aggregation of talent that was about the best that could have been gotten together on one team, Hingston's four took Donald down to deteat last night,and for the third suc- cessive time liltgton carried L s off the • tend ofhe series urlin he t l g honors at for the Lacey trophy The score at the end of the game stood q to it in favor of Hingston, bot that tells nothing of the heat Of the contest that was waged without quarter from start to finish. J. W. Hill. Reed Helllgand Dr. Whitney helped on the mat who stands pre- eminently the best curler in Alaska, but it was only after a desperate struggle with Donald w Stewart, Preston and Matthews that the trick was turned. This le the third tournament that Hing. ston has won, and he now has more cups and medals than he can conveniently carry The first tournament was played last Fall for the Dr. Cassels' trophy con- sisting of the two fine curling stones and the set of sweaters offered by Sergent & Pinska. These were won by Hingston after a knockout series in which hie team was the sole surviving member, The second series for the cup offered by the Fairbanks Banking cont- ps410 was drawn ont to greeter length and -wast really a great test for respective merits of the teams. Again Hingston won and was assisted to victory by the came men who planed with Mowat in the series just ended. This tourna ment was aim a knockout serieq and has taken nearly two weeks in the playing. klingaton is entitled to all glory for his V45 A MCLAUGHLIN THE LATE e. W -Saturday, Mar I th Elhdn, third (laughter of Thos and Mrs. Ennis, of Brussel. and the beloved wife of W. A MuLaughlis, of Neepawa. Manitoba, paid Nature'n debt in her 39th year, leaving a baby daughter 8 days old. The remains sere brought to Brussels for interment, being accompanied by the sorrowing hushatid and the de I ceased's brother, Frank Ennis, of Eden. Men. I'hey left Neepawa on Tuesday and arrived here Friday at t 3o p. i The funeral took place on Saturday after noon from the parental home, Rev. D r nbr k conducting 13. McRae, of (, a oo 1 the service. Interment was made in the family plot in Brussels cemetery, Pallbearers were J. A Hunter, Jas. Stewart, Gordon McDonald, W, Gil lespie, Geo. McNichol and Jno. Currie. The bereaved will be large sharers in the sympathy of the community as de- ceased was agreat favorite when resid- ing in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs, Mc- - Laughlin were married nearly 7i years. The baby is being cared for by Mrs, Mc- Leughlin's sister, Mrs. Fred. Smith, of Kelwood, Manitoba, and was 'doing well when Mr. iy)cleaughlin and Mr, Ennis left. Il is zo years since the latter wen( West and 14 years since he was here, The gentlemen propose to start on the return trip early next week, Maple Syrup The undersigned has purchased one of the most up-to-date Evaporators for the manufacture of First-class Maple Syrup and will be ready to supply the needs of the public in due course First gnnlity and tsir prire. Orders filled and s'ttiefaction assured. Chas. H. Knight, Lot t8, Con, to, Grey, or Cranbrook P.O Squeezy Easy That's an odd name ain't it 7 dr jos' suits 't • the artiele'I have the r agency for. viz., anew patented Floor Mop, 'Window Cleaner and Wall and Ceiling baster or Washer Squeezv Easy is a complete rig aud only has to be tried . to prove its excellency. Will be pleased to call cm you shortly and prove what I have said in this advertisement. hard Stevens Ric a , , Agent, Brussels victory, as he has won repeatedly by superior skill and must ungrudgingly be accorded the palm of being the best curler we have. People We Talk About Geo. Cunningham, V S., made a busi- ness trip to Toronto th's week Will Lowry, of London, was a holi- day visitor with relatives in town Charles Hovletl and .Ness Pipe were visiting friends in Birth last week. lames Ballantyne was at St Mary's last Saturday attending the funeral of a cousin, Alf. Baeker was at Stratford on Sat- urday spending t r the funeralof b e late Mrs Stemm wascalled Wishart to Rev A C Fecgus, last week, uwi,ag to the set hies illness ..f his mother. Mrs 101n Hackett, of Wingham, and Miss Lulu .elelearen, of I.uekuow, are the guests ot Mrs Jas. Fox. George and Mrs. Muldoon arrived I out front an enjoyable a home this week lug of three I weeks to the West. Gro. Kees arriveAd home fr•nm Ole West on Saturday hating found ready sale for his car of horses. Mrs, George Colvin an0 nded the funeral of the late Mrs George Stettin, of Stratford, Mitt Saturday. Misses Sadie and Mary Forbes and their little nephew, I-hewmrt Ferguson left town for Winnipeg last Saturday. Miss Violet McKenzie left for Londes- horo' this week, where she will take charge of a millinery department in that place. We are sorry to state that Mrs. David Heist is not enjoying her accuse med good health but hope she will soon he sully restored. A L. and Mrs. McDonald and 'son Ian, of Molesworth, were visilt,s with Misses McD•mald, Brussels, ave' Sun day Fred McCracken da away o"" a bulidne outing to Peterboro' and will take a hand with his relatives there in mann- lecturing he essence of sweetness - maple syrup 'There isn't a lent hone in ante of the McCracken •family. THE STANDARD BAN51..„.K Ettablitbed 1873 CANADA ® Banking. . Made Easy There is no formality about opening a Savings Account with this Bank, Courteous clerks will make the first steps easy for you if you. wish to begin saving your spare dollars, o Not much money is needed. One Dollar will open an account, and entiile you to a pass -book in which your deposits are entered. No delay in withdrawing your money at any time, with interest CO date. 69 B: t.USSSE Lt! BRANCH H J. F. litowla;u9, P+ataxaa er Maple Syrup Talking about Maple Syrup MR. 1. J. GILPIN is the only authorized agept to take orders for our Syrup. If your order has been given to 10110 other Pert sou representing himself ss sailing BELDEN'S Maple Syrup, you may rescind the order and favor Mr. Gilpin with the amount. We have secured Mr H. Bolter, of Hamilton, to run uur memo outfit this season, and as he has had years of ex- perience, the publiewill we hope get a better article than ever. W. R. BELDEN, Molesworth. DO YOU NEED TILE? Farmers and others desiring Tile for the coming season can secure what they re- quire at carload rates, at Brussels or Ethel stations, if orders are sent iu suf- ficient time to arrange for quantity and date of delivery. I will welly the pur- chasers of the arrival of the cars and as- sist in loading from car towagols. Fur- ther particulars may be obtained by seeing or writing W. E. Sanders Agent Drayton Tile, Ethel Order at once. All sizes from 2f to 18 inches may be obtained. 'file from 8 Mehra tip are e8 inches long. OEMENT KEPT IN SEASON. Mrs Watson Ainlay and her cousin, Mrs McCracken, of Cleveland, visited friends in Seaferth and vicinity this week. Mrs. Will. Sleutmon and her daugh- ter, Vliss Bernice. and her mother Mrs. Livingstone. all of Ethel, visited Mrs. F Sperling on Tue•day. Mas, Arm"trong and daughter and Mrs Toward,and of Toronto,are visiting tin g their mother vnd sister, Mrs. and Miss Mitchell. Mill street. Brussels. M Mrs.Young.who was visit- ing L J. her sister, Mrs J Leckie, left this week for 'I nessalon whei e she will visit her mother and setters Mrs. Young's home Is in Monaomin, Sask. Robert Coates, wile and children, who have been visiting in Ontario for some time, were in town on a short visit to I no. and Mrs Comes Mill street, Ibis week, prior to ,heir return to Idaho. ' . R. bt Russ,Um. Ross, wit son of Liam Gree' has gone 0 Owen Sound to takea position as engineer on the -steam- er "A+;amnon" on wnich he sailed Iasi veal He is a first class hand even if he does prat sae much about is The bost rens from Duluth to Montreal. Watson Ainley had the misfortune to fall at High River, Sark., a short time ago and broke a bone du his wrist. There le quite a bit of Mr. Ainlay to come down, particularly on the perpen- dicular We hope he will soon be o k. ss he is counting on a husv season. For same time Henry Ransford, second son of ino RRnsford, Clinton, has been monger of the Dominion Batik tit Bniseevain, Man , an 1 so well liar he discharged his duties that hg has been promoted to the position of manager of the N.a•th End branch of the same hank in Winnipeg-, where the business is such that a large staff is kept, This is an int. portant position for a man as young as Mr Rensford[.hold, and he is to be congretu;ated on his promutir.n. ....,.,.,; ...., e19101=11•1113MINII agerssauximonsuala Millinery Dpening, 7rrTTr7 'T "►'S 4rr TT' Mrs. McKinlay will hold her Spring Millinery Opening on Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 1st, 2nd & 3rd When the large, fashionable and well assorted stock will be on display. The Ladies of Brussels and locality cordially invited to attend. Miss McAllister, of Glencoe, who has had wwide ex- perience in City Millinery, has been engaged for the season. The undersigned is grateful for past patronage and solicits its continuance. • Prices always moderate and satisfaction assured. Richards' Block Mrs.McKinlay MCkinlay 'No eimmiamegaiftimmirmwommemil Last Saturday evening the rooms of the Menesotung Canoe Club, Goderich were festive with a send off to one of the foremost members of the club, who is shortly to enter on the state of connubial bliss, in the person of Lion- el Parsons, of the Goderich Elevator_ tie Transit Company's offices... During theevening he was made the recipient ofhers. a sectional bookcase fromthe -mein One of the old residents of Goderich district' passed to the Great Beyond on Saturday at his residence in Col- borne township at the advanced age of ninety-seven years. This was Rich- ard Pifleld Young, father of R. Young, of Goderich. The old gentleman was a native of England, where ire was married, but for about seventy year's they had been residents of this district living in the town of Goderich, the Township Of Goderich and the Town- ship of Colborne. -Mr. Young 'is sur- vived by his wife .and a family of twelve children. • Alfred Shrubb defea,ed the much touted Indian "phenotn," Fred Snnp- son, in a twelve mile race at t hearmories, 'l'orunto, Saturday night, by six laps. Shrubb gained his first tap at t miles, and had the race at his mercy all the way. Simpson seemed to have no speed and was much distressed at the finish, tdhile Shrubb finished with a burst of speed which brought the house to its feet. About 5,000 spectator's saw the race, Genertl Cotton fired the starting gun, while Sir Henry M. Pellatt, G. A Currie, M. P , and Controller Ward act- ed as judges. Shrubu's time was t hour, 6 minutes and 33 seconds. Long- boat was at the trach and challenged the winner to a race at 15 mileo. White Le horn roosters, 2 uwagons, New WWII aper for 1909 l.Ya ar'e again showing a very attractive Bile of Wall Paper for the coming sPa-nn which We will be glad to show y,ou. Qllr rtlllge is 111 far 111e most •' vttrlell and extei,sive. that we have yet shown. A new fea- tura this year• is the price of our' touters which we ar'e sal - ling at practically the same price pt+r roll as the paper, Drop in aiiti let us explain our proposition. Yon will find it a good one, DRUG STORE 'AUCTION SALES WEDNESDAY, MAlI0li Blst.-5'arm stook, Im. plenluuts, 4c., Ne lh H Lot 27, Oun. 5, Morris. •' sale unreserved at 1 o'vlook. Harry Duncan, Prop. F. S, soots, Ana BRUSaEi-S MARKET—. Wheat 131 00 51 01 Oats 40 - '12 Para 80 86 Barley - 98 62 13uttter - 10 18 a Raga Hugs., .............c;,,,,,,..,, 0 00 6 BO Bx 780 750 AIR DRESSING.-Bwitehes, braids and puffs made from combbiga anti cat hair, Orders frowndistance yroirptly uttendad to, SLRS• R.'1', H.INGSION, Milt St„ BI•ussels, e. dorsi ned - BffLL POR. SER epvics Th 1 1 g will hhsr fou service nt 5hl 18, Con. 7' (}ray, the thorn' -tired bull. Highland victor'. 78377= 'rklafiun young W, 13 l was .bred by of Gusi h, ands from rm erte(Etoott ,&Sons; of G, peva and is Crum imported b pri: Terms +etui payable Jaa u. tat, 1810,. tvfth privilege of on a pplic if n, ANG Pedlgrae may ba aeon on a8plication, ANGUS LAttONT, 88-+I Proprietor, ,A ff0TION.BAI.E or FARM, STOOK, 1MPLE- HHUNTS, &0`-N.. S.. Scott, auctioneer, ltaa been in,trueted by the •undersigned to sell by public auction at N% bot.27, Oon, 5, Morris, on W ednoaday • Mau•oh slst, ,rt l o'clock, the fol- lowing vs tunble -property, viz; 2 he50.r draft horses rising 4 years, 1 general purpose mars rising 0 yein•s iu ros1, 1 general purpose filly rising 2 ye,n•s, 1 general purpose lilly. rising 1 year,1 riving horse rising 8 years, l roadster gelding rising 1 year•, 1 cow rising 8 yanrS in calf, 4 heifers rising 4years, 18 steers rising 2 years, 8 heifers rising 1 year, 7 steers rising1 year, a number of White Leghorn hens, 8 RR 1 mbar 1 pair of bolesleighs, 1 wagon box 1 gravel box 1 hay rack, 1 horse rake, l set 2,000 Ib. scales, i fanning mill, 1 top buggy, 1 oatter, 1 pithier, 2 plows, Deet harrows, 1 gang plow, 1 set single harness, 2 sets of good heavy harness, a quantity of hay, a quantity of oats, 1 wheelbarrow and numerous other articles. Sale unreserved its proprietor has lensed his farm. Terme-All sums of 58 and ander cash, over that amount 8 months' eredtt will be given on furnishing approved joint notes ; 4 per RY snNffANa,r Pcaph roientoorr,o dit amounts. BAR - MARRIED 0AMmeoN-BROWN.-At the residence of the bride's mother, Oranbrook, on March 17th, by Rev.' R. F 01111101.011, Georgetown, brother to the g?ooin. assfated by Rev D. B McRae, Mr. Thos Cameron to Mins Mar- garet, yougest daughter of the late Rob- ert Brown, of Oranbronlc, TAIT-WA'rsOs.-At Parkhill, on March 8th, by Rev Mr. Newton. Mr John Tait of Parkhill. to Miss Amelia Watson, of Lon- don, formerly of Grey Township. _lr9r9rMYnfl_TVTITr - al9 1 :• Leatherr.' t . - Famous for House Furnishings ij n p vin y . 1 • I . Attractive new Patterns in all kinds of Floor Coverings that are worth your while to exam- ine,.and with every bit of extravagance taken out of the prices. We are devoting particular attention this season to Rugs and . Art S, Loares We are doing everything thin we can to deserve Y out confidennce, buying only such Carpets as we can thoroughly recommend. Art uares Carpets A # S English, Brussels, Something Special in Medal - Velvets, Tapestry lion Patterns, also Velvets, 'I and Ingrains. 13russels and Ingrains. LIn® W alt '® u 8 a ls. We emphasize this line of Floor Coverings in 4 yard widths. We have a great variety of patterns and qual- ities. ranging from 40c per square yard upwards, also a few good ends that are bargains in 4 yard widths. The Largest est and Finest Assortment of furniture hi the County 1 Upholstering done on short notice and Mattresses re -tilled Variety the spice of life. You get it at •Leatherdale & So 's Liberal discount for cash. UNDERTAKERS.