HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-25, Page 6essoceeteesoceenterreocesseseesse YOUNG FOLKS 1ll;brytyCleastealsossocreapoteoesese eae(st A RAIY-DAY 3O1713.INTEY. "Why, deaxles," said Aunt Ber- the, as she came into the nursery and found the three children with oolemn little faces pressed against the tarn -spattered window -pane, "have you yet to learn that it can be sunny within if it is rainy out- side 7" "If this was the last day of your vacation,and it had rained most every day, 1 gcess you wouldn't say that, said Bobby, the eldest of the trio. "When I was ten years old, I presume I wouldn't have said so," replied Aunt Bertha, "but I have learned since that we can make the aun shine for us almost always if we aro only willing to try. How would you like to go on a pleasure trip?" She was smiling brightly. "In the rain?" asked the three, in surprise. "Why, Aunt Bertha! Sow could we go_out?" "Oh, the rain won't affect us in the least. We shall not even need rubbers or unl,bretllas;" she an- eivered, laughing. "You may put on •your rubber boots, Bobby, and run over and ask your playmates to come and travel with you, if you wish." Bobby looked rather doubtful, hut he went and soon five children were watching aunty stitch up four long strips of brown paper on the machine. This she divided into five booklets. Next she brought a pile of old magazines, several pairs of scissors, and some paste and brushes. "Now," she said, ',you may all travel just where you with. These magazine's are full of pictures taken in interesting countries all over the world. Wherever you decide to visit, just find all the pictures you can that have any connection with the place, and paste them in your little books, and you will have much of the pleasure and excite- ment xcitement of a real journey, with none of its dangers and discomforts, I will leave you for a little while now, and when 1 come back I shall expect to find you all home again, safe and happy." How quickly the next two hours passed, and how busy the little brains and fingers -were! Bobby went to California. His first picture was of the "Sunset Limited," the train in which he chose to cross the continent. There were views of Western cities that be passed through; and when he reached the sunny land he filled his booklet with scenes in the great harbor on the Pacific coast, pic- tures of wonderful flowers and fruits that grow only under south- ern skies, photographs taken at an ostrich -farm, and many other things of interest, until the last leaf of the journey -book was cov- ered. Elsa went to Japan, and she col- lected pictures of bamboo houses and Japanese children with cherry - blossoms and butterflies. • Everybody journeyed somewhere, When Aunt Bertha came in again, she brought a big plate of sugar jumbles, and the way the cookies fad of the fashionable Parisienne. traveller disappeared had proved returnedthaeach gale A leading French actress when healthratller int good recently in London so greatly ad - with a good appetite. - mired this complexions of the Eng- lishwomen Youth s Companion, she saw that she and a number of her friends determined SENTENCE SERMONS, to cultivate, by means of walking and plain living, "English corn - Practice is the one preservative plexions." of religion. The experiment is declared to Austerity to a thief is no evidence have had wonderful effects, and of honesty. now every fine morning one may Sitting still is .always the most see quite a number of ladies, both trying situation in life. of the -theatrical and social worlds, When love lies it is better than indulging in footing" round the when hatred tells all the truth. lakes in the Bois de Bol guo. Some Love has a language the deaf can of the more athletic have adopted hear and the dumb can speak. a practical costume resembling The best evidence of a healthy that worn by lady mountaineers. soul is its hunger for work to do. Stout, square -toed boots are con - Every man must buy the riches of sidered necessary for "footing, experience with his own coin, and veils ars discarded. Together with the morning walk, No man can own any more than the morning cold "tub" is an Eng - he can carry in his own heart, dish custom more and more widely No man can take iniquity into his practised. If it rains, seekers af- ereed and keep it out of his char- ter a "British complexion" indulge atter. in gymnastics at home. The de - No prayer meeting is long enough vetoes of the new fad dispense that dons not reach to the market with the now more than ever fash- piace. ionahle corset during their morn - The thinge you really stand for ing exercise. are revealed to those you run sifter. There never is room at the top -4-0-4-04-0+0odra+o4-a$o+0 for the man who thinks it was built only for one. DOES NOT NEED A DOCTOR The man who hasn't the vigor to Mrs. F. Parier, Valleyfield, be vicious usually prides himself Que., says:- "I always use en his, virtues. Baby's Own Tablets for my The welfare ef the world may de- little one, and therefore pend partly on whether you can never need a doctor. When whistle in the rain. my baby is feverish or rest- Most risers of sarcasm think more less I give her a 'Tablet, and of its sound than of the service it in a couple of hours she is might render. all right. They have been of Some of the virtues of our friends the greatest benefit to her grow out of the graves where we when teething, and are just have buried their faults. the thing in all emergencies. Too many when they attempt to These Tablets promptly cure leave their sins make the mistake colic, indigestion, constipa- of holding farewell meetings. tion, diarrhoea, destroy Our example when we • are on worms, break up colds, and parade has no influence at all Som- make teething easy. Good for pared to the effect of our everyday children of all ages, Sold by living. medicine dealers or by mail You may have a right to your at 25 cents a box from The own sorrows, butyou have no rightDr, Williams Medicine Co., to throw their shadows in anothor'6 Bre C1 Ville, Ont. Ray, THE REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM hid, Wet Weather Starts the Fain But the Trouble is in the Blood; Cold,. damp weather' brings on the twi nges anus pains of euma- tiem, but is not the real pause of the nom laint. The trouble is root - co in the blood, and can only be cured by enriching the blood and driving the poisonoua acid nut of the system. This is e, great medi- cal truth, which every rheumatic sufferer should realize. Liniments and outward applications can't cure the' trouble -they can't reach the blood. Tho 'sufferer is only wasting valuable time and good money in experimenting with thio sort of treatment --and all the time the trouble is becoming more firmly rooted, -harder to cure. There is just one sure way to cure rheuma• tism-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills They act directly on the impure, weak blood. They purify and strengthen it, and so root out the cause of rheumatism. Mrs. S. Bailey, Newcastle Creek, N.B., says :-"In the summer of 1906 I became lame in my ankles, but thinking I would soon get ever the attack I did not seek medical aid, but used liniments to ally t'ie pain and swelling, Instead of get- ting better the trouble increased and I then .consulted a doctor wh r: pronounced it articular rheuma- tism, .and treated me for this trou- ble. Instead of getting better the pain and the swelling became worse until I was hardly able to hobble about the house. On rising in the morning I was unable to bear my weight, except with extreme pain. Having tried so much medicine without benefit I began to think I was doomed to bo a cripple, Ono. day a cousin, advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She said, 'I take them every spring as a tonic for my blood, and they make a new person of me.' After some persuasion I decided to try them. I had taken three or four boxes before I noticed any change, and then it seemed my ankles were less painful. By the time i hap used a few more boxes there was a wonderful improvement in my con- dition. Not only did my ankles get well, but I felt like a different woman and had not beta as well in years. In speaking of this t: a doctor afterward he said that no doulA Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had enriched the blood thus driv- ing out the painful disease." Not only rheumatic sufferers, but all who have any trouble due to weak, watery blood or impure blood can find a cure through the fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at. 60 cents a box or sue boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE ENGLISIH COMPLEXION. The Despair of the Smart Ladies In Paris. Outdoor exercise and the "sim- ple life" are for the moment the • • • • • • • SETA VI7 itOL TRAP, French rAtr's Cruel Scheme to Catelt a Thief, Owing to the shortcomings of French servants, numerous families in Paris are giving up housekeep- ing and adopting the plan of tak- ing apartments en residential ho- tels, Conflicts between servants and their mistresses make ever-increas- ing demands on the time of the Judges of the Civil and Criminal Courts in Paris, A few days ago 'a man and his wife living in the Rue de la Grosso Iiorloge,. an Rouen, suspecting their !domestic of dishonesty, laid an abominable trap, In e metal oath - box they planed a shallow vessel containing vitrol. They then fixed a spiral spring inside the box and locked it, Next morning the ser- vant, seeing no one about, opened the box with a duplicate key. The lid sprang open anel slle was cruelly burned by the vitrol• Her employers had her arrested, and in her room the police found over 770 in cash, a superb pair of •earrings, a gold watch and chain, and a handsome necklace. The jewellery is supposed to have been Stolen from previous employers. SUDAN ARABS' DUELS. Pastoral Life Doesn't Always Lead to Peace and Quiet. The country to the southeast of Tekar is the home of the Hasas; the liadendoas occupy the khors to the southwest. Both of these are black Arabs, speaking different langu- ages. The Hasas live almost entirely on sour milk, while the Hadeudoas are agricultural as well as pastoral. Their dokhn and durra, milletlike grains, were ripening in February and being protected from count- less swarms of small birds by men who stood on elevated platforms, from which they cracked loudly large whips with palm leaf lashes twenty feet long. The dress of these Arabs is a cot- ton sheet hell in by a belt in which they carry crooked knives. For other weapons they use sticks, spears and swords. Firearms are prohibited. Judging by the many scars borne by the men the pas- toral life is by no means so peace- ful as the poets would lead us to think. Many of the scars dome from duels, in which the men stand face to .face and cut each other al- ternately in the back till one cries "Enough l" CONSERVATIVE PROGRESS Annual Report of the Excelsior Insurance Company. The annual statement of the Ex- celsior Life Insurance Company. which is published in this paper, shows this young Canadian Com- pany to be in an exceptionally strong position at the close of the year's business. The management of the Company is to be heartily congratulated on the progress made in the past year and the growth and splendid standing of the COm- pany maintains its previous praise- worthy traditions. It is a very noteworthy fact that the death rate in the past year was 44 per cent. less than expected, and 9 per cent. less than the previ- ous year, which shows very care- ful selection of risks. Expenses have also decreased i'n per cent., illustrating watchful management. The increase of insurance in force amounting to 10 per cent., and the addition of 10 per cent to assets and 17 per cent to income undoubtedly show a most commend- able activity coupled with a wise enter Si; the children. conservatism. People who are too old to learn have outlived their usefulness. cure my ooughs and colds," will always We have our opportunities, but most of us manage to dodge them. Need no Longer Fear tile Knife Gravel Easily and Naturally Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, Joseph merino who suffered the Tortures or this Terrible Complaint for Nine Months tens how the old Reliable Kid, ney Remedy Cured Him. Part Felix East, Guyaboro Co., N.S., March 22 (Special),' - That you .need no longer fear the knife if troubled with gravel or other urinary troubles is the glad news that Joseph Pelrine, a well-known young fisherman here is'telling his friends. • "I suffered intense pain from gravel and other urinary troubles for nine months," Mr. Pelrine says. "But seven boxes of Dodd's. Kidney Pills cured me completely, 1 heartily recommend Dodd'sKid- ney Pills to anyone whi is suffer- ing from gravel or urinary trou- bles," Dodd's Kidney Pills cure gravel. by curing the kidneys. The urin- ary organs are entirely dependent on the kidneys. If the kidneys are not in good working order they cannot filter out the uric acid and it combines with other products of the body and causes gravel. Heal- thy kidneys dissolve the stones and they pass -off in the urine. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure gravel. "Your dead husband wor a good man," declared the sympathetic Mrs, Casey to the bereaved widow. "He wor 1" exclaimed Mrs. • Mur- phy, dashing the tears from her eyes. "No two policemin cud handle him." Repeat it:—•'Shiloh's Cure will always ours my eoughe and colds." ",And now that you are of age," said the anxious father, "I want to give,you a few pointers on how to keep money." "Say, dad," re- joined the son of his father, 'hadn't you better begin by giv- ing me a few pointers on how to get it 1'' Pills That Have Benefitted Thou- sands. -Known far and near as a sure remedy in the treatment of indigestion and all derangements of the stomach, liver and kidneys, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have brought relief to thousands when other specifics have failed. In- numerable testimonials can be produced to establish the truth of this assertion, Once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in the treatment of the ail- ments for which they are pre- scribed. Lady -"Do you know where Johnny Tucker lives, my little boy?" Little Boy -"He ain't homebut if you give me a penny I'll find him for you." Lady -"All right. Now, where is he?" Little Boy -"Thanks. I'm him." Repeat it;-"Sllhtloh'e Care will always curomy coughs and colds." COMING DOWN. Mrs, Parvenu -"Oh, yes -we can trace our ancestry back--to-ee-- well, I don't know who, but we've been descending centuries," Repeat it, ' ,hiloh's aura will always aux?a SISY ooue 'Wand WSW," "What a grasping fellow you aro, Rawlins I You've bothered me about thie bill fifty times in ton days." "You wrong me, Jarley. I'm not grasping, I've bothered you about the bill, I admit, but I' avenit been able to grasp anything yet," If a cough makes your nights sleepless and weary, it will worry you a good deal, and with good cause. To dispel the worry and give yourself rest try Biekle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup. It exerts a soothing influence on the air pas- sages and allays the irritation that leads to inflammation. It will sub- due the moat stubborn cough or cold, and eventually eradicate it from the system, as a trial of it will prove to you. Mrs. Gramercy -"What do we need for dinner?" Bridget -"Shure alum, I tripped over the rug an' we. need a new set of. dishes." i Children Will do Sleighing. They come borne covered with Snow. Half a teaspno ul of. Pain. lkiller in hot sweetened water will prevent any till effects. Avoid substitutes, thorn 1s but-oue 'Painkiller "-Perry Davie -280• and 60a Many a man who knows what not to say hasn't sense enough not to say it. oRepeat se my coughs and colds a will alcgaya. EASY. Mrs. Flynn -An' phat's yer' son Moike (loin' now, Mrs, Casey? Mrs. Casey -Shure, Moilce ain't loin' anything, Mrs. Flynn. He's got a Government job I A Woman's Sympathy Aro you discouraged? Is your doctor's 5,111 a heavy 1lnanpial load? Is your pain a heavy_ physlcal burden? I know what these mean to delicate women -I !lava been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. I wantto relieve your Mo- dena. Why not and the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do thisfor you and Kill if you will assist me. All you need do is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed In tray hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box willcure you -1t has done so for others. If so. I shall be happy and youwill be cured for 20 (tire coat. of e, postage stamp). Your letters held confi- dentially. Write a to -day mWindsor Ont. "The house that you finished a few weeks ago is the biggest of the lot," said the real-estate agent. "Perhaps that's why it's so hard to find a tenant." "Yes," answer- ed the builder; "it's last but not leased." Its Power Grows with Ago. How ninny medicines loudly blaz- oned as panaceas for all human ills have come and gone since Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 was first put upon the market? Yet it remains, doing more good to humanity than many a preparation more highly vaunted and extending its virtues wider and wider and in a larger circle every year. It is the medi- cine of the masses. The fellow who begs a girl for a lock of her hair doesn't necessar- ily turn thief just because. he picks. a lock. Run over the list of your friends Thereto No such Thing as ao armless oueb Balsam cures the worst of number you could dispense with. ool8s. It allays inflammation and clears the ale passages. ewAp'gieung„an 000gocrdriees it with Allen'd comfort Lv 6 Brown -"I hear you are the hap - Balsam, t and irritation of'd 11,0 threat. breathing, pain in py father of twins 7". Jones -"You are mistaken. I am the father of twins." Repeat it:-"Shiloh'e Cnre will always cure my coughs and Colds." and you will be surprised at the Tae trouble roubl Allen'sLang omb bad tow Mm unless The successful man is the first to recognize his own mistakes. A :Pill That is Prized. -There have been many pills put upon the market and pressed upon public at- tention, but none he's endured so long or met with so much favor as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Wide- spread use of them has attested A0 Whatnots for "Then Jell' Menthol Plaster, their great value, and they need although some u num itlous dealers may say there no further advertisement than is Recommended by doctors, hospitals, clergy .and everybody for pleurisy, stf neer, ata. Some people make a specialty of killing time for others. The never failing medicine, Hol- loway's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of corns, warts, etc,; even the most difficult to remove cannot withstand this wonderful remedy, "BY ALL MEANS I" SAID PAPA. "Yes, sir," said the pale, youth- ful suitor; "I have come to ask you for your daughter's hand. She is fair as lilies, sweet as honey- suckle, tender as a violet, charm- ing---" "Is that Mary you are talking about?" waked papa. "Yes, sir, It is a mere formal- ity, I know, this asking for your daughter's hand ; but we thought it would be pleasing to you if it were observed," Mary's papa stiffened. "And may I inquire," he asked, "who 'suggested that asking my consent to Mary's marriage was a more formality 7" "You may, sir," replied the young man, simply, "It was Mary'a. mother," Your orthography is twisted Alonzo. A woman is not a padded 1 iii : aF n -cies; eel!.. this. Having firmly established themselves in public esteem, they now rank without a. peer in the -list of standard vegetable preparations. The Jew is not more particular about the preparation of his food than the high -caste Indian. In September last, his Highness Shere Jung, .Primo Ministerof Ne aul p , came to England, and two cows had to be procured from a' farm, end milked by a member of the prince's own suite, before their master could enjoy a meal. ISSUE NO, 12-09. h0 excelsior L f a insurance Company 004o orFjON, INOttl tiPOR I R% pUn.DINO, TORONTO, Rustn08s for 1908 Must Sattsfaotory Euur' Experienced. Minimum in. roroe, Inereaso 41.078, 480.De. Now Insurance Written, Steeds for Security of 091101",1196410"4887,0."8".ar2,s2s.7r, gash Inoomp • leorosae 800;256.0,. • Bosom Funds - Including apoelal assert° 085,007.80, Surplus on Palleyhotdoro'A000unt, 162,480,56 mow a8-Iltsurenae 1n forma 10 per cent., Assets 10 per cont., Inceelol7 per emit., Reserves 15 per coati., Not Surplus D6 per cont. g year; nsos0Ag0e'-Danpt it*Es 4t ppep pent 1040 than expected, 0 per cont• loss than pr000diu llspoe4e vA,ilo 0.0 per, q,' INTp040T IRO )'40-'5,1ore than sut� 10! t t0 pay Death Leases and do expennee of We ewn- pany =meting bgegto s. rr e,xpeues4, tzieszerA Interest careen on mean Net Ad,ots 0,72 per pent. A 51004 Oompany-to Insure With, Oenoegaontiy a Oood nompany for Agents to R.proe.nt 012,200,004.10 2,452,006,00 2,020,102.72 • 454,700.04e 1,485,684.03 IR ..:- WHY DO So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu- cation select Bell pianos? The factthey ey use ' end prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit 1 Ono follows prgfwoipaal advice in acquiring en education, why not follow pmfesaional custom in buying Hit pianos? The only plsnos with the Ill m table Qyick *r' Repeating Action. s Send for (free) Catalogue No. 76. The BELL PIANO 45Organ Oa...J ,41rd GU E.LPH.ONTAR PO4 RAW Write for Weekly Price Lists. JOHN HALLAM - Shipments Solloited. TORONTO, ONT. TOO MUCH ROOM. At first sight it would seem that it must be an unreasonable man who would find fault with a, house because it had one more room than was mentioned in the advertise- ment;.but first sight is not always best sight. An estate agent sent a customer to look at a five -roomed house, that being just the size he professed to want: The house proved to be sadly out of repair, and the prospective tenant went. back to the agent's office. "I didn't want a six -roomed house," he said. "That isn't a six -roomed house," answered the agent. "Yes it is." "But I say it is not," and the agent began counting. "There's rho kitchen, dining -room, parlor, and two bedrooms. That's five, isn't it?" - "Yes, but there's room for im- provement, and that's bigger than any of the others," said the faceti- ous customer. "Can't you show me something else?" Tourist -"What are those bells ringing fur?" Urchin - "'Cos somebody's pulling 'ensl" Even the people who want the earth may be weighed and found • wanting. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator -does not require the help of any purgative medicine to complete the cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. —'.— THE UNKINDEST CUT. The German Emperor Must Now Pay an Income Tax. By as vote of fourteen to thirteen, the Finance Bill Commission of the Reichstag has decided to abrogate the privilege of exemption from taxation hitherto enjoyed by the Kaiser and members of other Ger. mon reigning houses. These august personages, pro- vided the Reichstag confirms the commission's action, will hence- forth be obliged to pay exactly the same direct taxes as aro collected from private citizens, including the income tax, •.inheritance duties, peal estate imposts and taxes on income-producing property, Herr Sydow, Imperial secretary to the Treasury, pleaded in vain that exemption from taxes was an historical privilege of crowned heads, and also that the constitu- tion made it optional for royal -per- sona to avail themselves of exemp- tion. The argument that the civil lists, which would be taxable ender the new conditions, are freely used for public purposes also carried no nonyeetion with the majority, which consisted -of Radicals, Socialists, National -Liberals, Poles and Cath- olics, CALVES Rates Th^•m Without 81110. Booklet Free. Stool/indigo Semi Oo., Ltd„ Toronto LOCAL AGENTS WANTED Enlargfed Portraits, O'ra i and Aert 3peciattlos, Oig pronto: Hull. lastructlon0, Catalogu0 and temples free. PORTRAIT SUPPLY 00., 74 O0NOA8 OT., TORONTO FEATHER DVE9NC O1e•nlna end Ourlina.nd 01,1 Olmre al0¢ned Tdeaa eau , Bent by Dent, to Ser 00 tdo 1,11 blue. I. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING .CO, MONTREAL. Euer Automobile El'>.-: nor Jn United States -and abroad should join International Automo- bile League. Pamphlet showing dealers' prices of automobile tires, also application blank, mailed up- on request. Home Office, Buffalo, N. Y. Departing Guest -"We've had a simply delightful time I" Hostess - "I'm so glad. At the same time, f regret that the rain kept all our best people away." ciBill°: 4::#, Yenll.CcSreS _ WHAT HE OWES TO ZttM-BUK. Mr. Frank Scud amore, the great, war correspondent who sent malty of the Canadian despatches during tte late Boer War, owes ids health to Zam-auk. He has bussed unscathed through. 29 battles but, a swatch which turned to blood` e r pois.{ nearly ended his days. Zion -Bull saved him and tie *mites as *Mows :- "1 have proved Zana -But such a blessing that. want others to know of Its merits. The poisonous dye in some underclothing 1 was wearing got Into a scratch 1 had sustained and blood-palsa:ting set ftp. Inflammation was followed by great pain and swelling, and then ulcers broke out on my legs. For some time I could not ways a few steps nor even putray feet to the ground. On my left leg below the knee:i had seventeen ulcers wh,oh caused holes, into which I could pub my thumb. Oa the right leg I had fourteen ulcers. Medical treat hent Paned to relieve, homely remedies were applied ha vain. Week followed week and I gradually got. worse, end! I was worn out with pain and lack of sleep. On the advice of a friend 1 obtained some Zara -Bull and left. off everything else Iwhile I tried It. It, seemed to give me almost instant. relief from the pain, and in a few days 1 notloed that it. was healing soma of the ulcers. This was cheering indeed, and gladly 1 ersevered with tate Zarn-Bak treatment. Bat by bit the pp/Serious matter was draws out. The ulcera were healed, and naw healthy skin grew over the previously diseased places. I am now quite cured, and in gratitude, I mention these facts that other sufferers from skin disease may know ofsomething which will are them. Zdm•Duh d(fferl entlraty-from ordinary' olntmenta and anile, as the Otero fasts ctsaria eroa4 For n11 shin disease ulcers. abe0ca961, aratp 50,00, r(0pwmrn, oh Wren's sore heads ants, barna, bruises, eta, 11 is a speedy curo. 15 also curt tasema, Itch• piles, blood-potaaninp, fasablemiahes, barber's rash, etc., eget sorsa, chapped hands and frost trite. flubbed Well Into the ixdls etdeeted, It sures rheumatism, neuralgia, and aetdttea, dil druleista and stares tell at 544 a bon or pout Au front Zant-Duh Co„ Toronto, for pOtoe 3 boxes for $ 1'58, �S• -hi ni 111 1y • E w h. • 01 sl 01 it tl 11 11 1