HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-25, Page 4C4e •ouoods '
T/11Ji1)A.Y, MARCH. 26, 1909.
Stirling an Bannockburn.
l'otIte NOW of Ton Pow:
Dana St:se-There are certain places
that move its deeply by their moral as.
eueintlotts and gratnories,cepeeially those
hietorie plaees where a Neeton't libertY
was secered or bravely defended. seeh
eS the Mel/slow of Renuamede. the fielO
af Banneekburit Or the seige of Dern'.
Those, and other stuth places, have e
tendency to awaken io all petriotic
minds profound ernotious, beeztose of
the events thewere tbere Melees:W(1
and were the foontain•heade Of vast re.
ettits that will flow on for &I titue
come, I have always had a stronge
desire to visit those places where the.
mighty struggles for civil mei religioue
liberty have taken piece. Dr, lohnston
said "The Man is not to be envied ot 110Se
blood would not warm on the piffles ot
Marathon, or whose piety woilld not
glow amid the ruins of Iona." The
little islatal of Iona is one of the shrines
of Scotland wnere St. Columbia landed
In his small skiff from It•eland in the
6th century and ereeted the stauclerd of
the cross.
Scotland is a smell country hut it hat
a wouderful itch history. It tidies time
to see all the interesting places one
would like to visit but Glasgow is a very
suitable centre for visitine an/' Plage
that one wishes to go EtS railway lines
radiate from there in all directions, fast
teeins, cheap fares and all the comforts
for which one could wish. The run
from there to Stirling is about eo •miles
through a nice trainee part of the coun-
try • Scenery is delighttul, as the lights
and sliticlows chase each otber over the
brown and purple hills. Sunehine was
a rare.thing in Scotland that Summer
bat that day was an exception and the
hear was intense being Ss 2 in the shade
goo in Canada would not feel more
oppressive owing to the humid atmos-
phere in Scotland. Sterling in some
respects resembles the older parts el
Edinburgh in its ancient buildings,
steep, narrow streets and castle rock.
but it lacks the palatial mansions, the
beautiful thorougufares and famed
public gardens of which Edinburgh can
boasts At the same time Stirlitig pm-
sesses pre=eminence above all other
towns in Scotland from her associations
with the birth of Scottish nationality,
but many waves of change have passed
over the town since the days vf Wallace
and Bruce.
The town itself, except in the imme-
diate vicinity of the castle, shows but
little trace of its great antiquity. One
of the oldest houses still iu good state of
repair is Grey Friars cherch, 200 ft. in
length and is occupied by two separate
Presbyterian congregations. The old
church represents io herself the history
a Scotland. Kings and Queens, Nobles
Cardinals, Bishops, Reformers and
Covenanters bave all in turn rendered
the place famous. Toe fed castle is aux
used as a mibtary depot. From the
battlements, which are about eteo feet
high on the one side and almost perpeo•
(limier, there is a grand view of the
surrounclieg country. The cemetery.
which le just a little front the castle,
contains the remains of many notable
people. Here rests the body of that
loveable man, Professor Henry Drum-
mond Dr. George Adam Smith, SEWS
—Professor Drummond was one of the
purest, most unselfish, most reverent
souls be ever knew. Tbere was a die
Ruction and a radiance upon him, that
compelled respect.—There are also effi
gies in pure winte marble of those two
female Scottish martyrs, Margaret Me
Laughliu and leargatet Wilson, who
suffered death by drowning in Wigtown
bay rather than deny their allegiance to
their Lord and Master. About two
miles North from Stirling ie the Wallace
mouument on Abbey Craig. The hill
on which it stands is about 600 feet high
and 11 15 pretty =eh in its natural state
covered with trees and brushwood. It
is an exceedingly steep eltmb up to the
top which is cleared and /evened off, a
fitting place for such a stupendees
memorial to a great man, "Scots wha
hae wi Watlace bled" is still the war
song of the Nat1011 The. monument is
a large stole building towering up to a
great height. One of is large halls
might be called the temple ol fame as it
containe marble busts, ot natives of Scot-
land who have been distinguihed for
their genius, then learnine and ether
virtues, as Wallace, Breze, Knox,
Burns and miters Tee view from the
top of this eraig 1 for rencning and tin a
cleat day the turrets end spires ot Edin-
burgh come into view, while .tettrer is
the bridge of Allan, the great retreat for
invalids. and in full view is the rivet
Forth winding its way through the
fertile valley towards the oceen. The
view from the hill can scarcely be excel=
led in Britain. tbe whole valley dotted
over with grass Mids, ripening fields of
corn, interspersed with bine houses,
towns and villages and strip of green
Wood:: ail, combine to form a pleaseut
prospect long to be remembered.
Bannockburn is a little over 2 miles
South of Stirling, but there are cars
ranning betWeen Stirlingand the village
of $t, ?miens. A little farther on is
the femme batttlefised, the supposed
spot where Bruce eet up his standard is
marked by a large flag pnle protected
by an iron railing and close by is the
Sere stone covered by an iron grating.
From there the large graes field slopes
gently away down to tbe village of
Bannockbern situated on the banks of
the stream called .Bannockburn, At
that Bare stone Robert Bruce, with the
armed might of Scotiaod, took his
stand to bar the approach of Edward to
the castle. Edward hoped to gain not
only the castle, but Scotland as well,
aod the Scots hoped to gain not only
the castle,. but also tuitional freedom,
bill, over the brow of which the
earn!) folloWers appeared, IA about three
quarters of a mile Northwest of the bare
stone. The position of the Scots was
'strong and well chosen, while Edward
to avoid the steep bannoolt, the Marsh
and hogland, had to make his advance
Otter a oMperalively narrow space of
ground, Which it ie said gruett had filled
With pitfalle. Drainage and cultivatien
hati long since completely changed the
appearan ce Of the coo etre. Tbe tramline
eircuMstanees 01 the battle expleln the
e.xollation with which the Scottish pece
pie look, -back upon that glorioes day.
complete victory of the smaller
nation 'that was fighting for ite eery exo
istence,thus entitle Sannotskborn to rank
not enly tte thegreatest battle in Seettish
history but ns one of the most tremor.
able in the tiuimils ol war. The Scottish
nation has never been conquered, thee
'eve beee defeated et tnues be over
,yhelsning numberu bit never subdeed
"In the annals a history stand recorded
the valor awl dash of the gallant band
of Seottieh Waters, who Steve always
maintained the animating spirit of the
army and the dignity of their Me. On
the frozen plains, the fevered swamps,
eWeltering desert and the rooky heights
they have fotaght end died With a daring
and hal diettod that OM gained for Mena
an immortel fame auci a world.witie ad-
miration." Yoers respectfulty,
Dapple Grange, Mercb bath., 1909,
"For many yeaes I have been a &Of-
ferer from bronchial catarrh, and had
despaired of atlything like a mute,
Judge of inypleasant surprise when I
first used,Hyoutei, which brought
complete relief. Hyomei has been a
veritable godsend."—Rev. Obarlee
Hartley, Sardinia, Ohio.
Thousands of catarrh sufferers have
given tip in despair. They have tried
stomach doeleg, snuff, sprays and
douches without sueeess, and now be-
lieve catarrh to be incurable.
But Jas. Fox the druggist, holds
out hope to all distressed. He sells a
remedy called liyomei which -is guar-
anteed for catarrh, colds, coughs,
bronchitis, asthma and croup.
Hymn& (pronounced High -o -me) is
naedieated air, full of the healthy vir-
tues of the mountain pines. You
breathe itt the delightful antiseptic
air, and as it passes over the inflamed
andgerm ridden membrane, it allays
e ofitonmation, kills the germs, and
drives out the disease.
A complete klymirati outfit, includ-
ing a hard rubber inhaler, Costs but
$1.00 and an extra bottle of Hyomei,
if afterwards needed, costs but 50
cents. See Jas. Fox about it to -day.
Officers are Dr. W. L. Holmes, Brest
scis ; Vice Pt esident, Pliiltp Argent,
Bruseels ; Sec.-Treas., Geo Howe,
Palmerston ; General Manager, W. IL
Beldeu. Directors, David Stewart,
Listowel ; Win Halpeuny. Listowel.
Auditors. I. F. Rowland. Brussels, and
E. McDonald, Listowel
We have before us a folder gotten up
by the Belden Strata and Hay Loader
Company a most sireciug and interest
tog pamphlet, not only because it bears
the stamp through aud through ot the
manager's handiwork. bet brings before
us the possibilities of future farming
-operations in the West We =mot but
heartily aingramlate Metiers Stewarl.
oo being tee first and only men who
have been able to perfect this sort of
implement. To W. R. Belden the
amount of good wishes he should be Lie
corded we will not now state only this
much we must admit that the man who
takes up so large an undertaking eer-
tainly has his a erk cut out.
Already the Company, ot which Dr.
W. I., Holmes. iS President, and P
Ament. Vine President, has sufficient
stock subscribed to handle the business
of this year and orders for machines are
steadily coming in. It is the intention
of the Company to create a sub •tantial
bank acconut as this svill set at rest the
mind of tee investors, knowing the dif
acuities of doing bueiness where notes
aud bank Money is used. All this hies
been eliminated by this Company, anti
the man who wishes to invest, a very
teasonable and fair proposition is placed
before him in their prospectus.
This is a straight industrial Company.
each machine costing a third of the sel-
ling price and is a tangible asset as the
busine-s is a goiug concern with both
money and orders behind it. Loaders
are being manufactured at derlin
as rapidly as they can be turned out and
extra men are to be put on in order to
get out the maebines in fair nit mbers.
As a money maker for the farmer out
West it is a marvel, cutting tut as high
Els 'Isom° per day in wages where the
the largest threshing outfits are used
but m the farmer who owns from three
quarters of a section of land and up-
watde it ie incliepensible. He is enebled
to herglie his hay and stack Ms rccimm
qnickly. allowing him to at once corn
nience tilling the land for the following
Veer% crop, There is no dnubt but that
a bright Nitre ie in store for the Com
When People are seeking health
or relief from any disease
She prim never counts.
It is is fact that not less than a mil-
lion is spent every year by people
seeking a satisfactory cnre foe Catarrh.
Bronchitis, Asthma and consumption.
Probably the best and mbst highly
recommended preparation is Catarrh -
ozone which treats the local amp-,
toms very effectually by means of
medicated air supplied through at con-
venient hard rubber inhaler. The
poisons in the blood are driven off by
Femozone Tablets, which are taken
after each meal. They promote ap-
petite, aid digestion., and Inake the
blood rich teed pure, so that it will
nourish all parts of the body.
This combined local and consbitu
them] treatenebt in catarrhal diaeases
has met with wonderful &access and
can be relied upon to cure every time.
The inhaler stopwsneezing, coughing,
droppings in the throat, and brings
quick relief and cure to all the die-
agreeeble symptoms Of catarrh.
The following testimonials from
well-known Oanadiams furnish abut.
dant. proof what Catarthozone ac-
complishes in stubborp cases,
Mrs. James Tweedie, of Jay Bridge.
says• "For years my daughter doc-
torecl. unsuccessftilly for Catarrh. She
had droppings in the throat, ,hawk-
ings, nausea, and cola net sleep at
night. The first days' use of Catarrh -
ozone behefitted and ultimately cured
my daughter so that Catarrh has
Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote
Di4e5tioa. Money back if they. fall to
A U Druggists or direct treat
25c. a Box.
COLEMAN maw= co., roroutv
/Inver returned. I can recommend
Catarrhozone as a grand remedy for
Thousands cif strong letters could -be
given like the above if necessary, but
all that is required to prove the merit
of Catarrhozone is a trial. It is sure
as death to cure and if it fails your
money will be refunded. Catarrh -
ozone emed lots of cases WOree than
youts and can do it again.
Complete outfit costs $1.00. Small
size 50c. Sold by druggists, or N. O.
Poison & Co, Kingston, Ont.
The upward coerse taken by Western
bank clearings since the opening of the
year et being followed with remarkable
regu lari ty . The past week's clearings
at Winnipeg show an increase for that of
the same last year of $2.000,000. Cal
gary and Edmonton both Mow increnees
of over so per cent over last year.
Alexander Laird, general manager of
the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, while
in tVionipeg last week said "Phe
noticeable feature of trade conditions in
Winnipeg is the spirit af moderetimi ad=
opted by all with whom I have came in
coutact Yet An air of generul prosperi-
ty seem,: to be in the air and r look for is
year of exceptional progress.
"It is a fortunate circumstance that
the return of prosperity is taking piece
progressively but slowly. It means con
tinned development OD a solid Mende -
tion. I feel confident condition:1 are
shaping to give the Dominion better
times than ever before experienced anti
without the dangers of any boom feo
tures. Surveying the country as a whole
my firm conviction is that everything
points chat way.
"The immediate outlook is bright and
%loner is now quite easy. The bank.:
are all prepared to give mule aid fer all
legitimate commercial and intinetrial
put poses. Canadians have been going
hruugh an educational process during
the past two Vears. Atter the end of a
long period of phenomenal prosperity,
attended by much unwise speculatinte
it was inevitable that the reaction would
follow, Manv profitable lessons, which
are not without their edecational Paine.
have been learned, and these will enable
people to avoid certain dangers in
This is Mr. Laird's first visit to Win-
nipeg in three years, and he i- astonish-
ed by the many changes. "This is etc
ceptionallv noticeable," said Mr. Laird.
'in your outer sections and the resident-
ial district is the finest I have seen in my
Prices recently obtained for femme in
the Carberry dieniet afford much light
on the money increase of Western Can-
adian land when beougbt under cultiva
tion, as compared with the same land,
wild, net long ago.
E Bailey, of Carberry, sold a section
to John Witherspoan, for 835.000 an
averave of 835 per acre. Mr, Bailee's
farm is a good one, is hut lour miles
from the town of Carberry, has good
buildings *men it and a comfortahle
house. Fletcher Craig bought half a
section for $thefoo, and J. G Barron,
the well-known pure-bred stock raiser,
bought a mutrter for 86,65o These
prices are Set to 845 per acre These
are bona fide sales and the prices are
considered reasonable by the actual eul
tivators of the soil in that particular
The members of the building trades,
the architects lumber, brick and supply
deelers, have reason to anticipate a
heavy season in their respective linetc.
and their calculations are based upon
the record of the large number ef build
ing Permits that have been taken out
since Jan 1st this Near All through the
whole ot Western Cat.ada there are a
remarkable num ber of structur-
es to be erected in the larger metres
From a reliable source your correspond-
ent is lammed that in ter) of these
Western cities there is now in view the
construction of new buildings to the
mine of $3o,000,000 anti of this amount
Winnipeg will contribute el ro,000,000
At Cnigarst and Edmonton there is much
rivnlete fur the building supremacy in
Alberta, and Regina and Brandon can
be depended upon at holding their own,
end Me totals will result in both citieS
Medicine Hat, Moose law, Prince Al
bert, S,askatoen and Lethbridge are
other cities that will sbare in the general
prt sm. rity,
Dr John E Jones. consul general for
this portion ot Canada, has returned to
Winnipeg after spending several weeks
at WaShinglon and New York. Speak-
ing of the interest the Arnerican people
are taking in this part of Canada, Dr.
lanes said s -I spent ten days in New
York, among the big manufacturers.
They were all surprised at what I had to
say to them, at firet, as to the oppor-
tunities in Western Canada, and they
(Mowed meeh interest in the proposed
World's Fair of tete. Out of the hun-
dreds I interviewed, I did not find one
man who was pessimistic as to the •tri-
vantaeee of the exposition. All said it
%meld be one of the best Clings that
cotild happen for Western Canada I
arn satisfied that the United States gov
ernment will be largely repres.ented.
..While 1 ani not in,a position to give
facts and figures, I may state that several
houses in New York will trand refire.
sentativess liere in the early Spring to
look Over the situation. With a view to
the eetablishment of branch houses.
"L'he fartnerS of the Southern States
aro beginping to take an interest in
Western Canada, and the reports of big
eretii,,pu,in this section are alluring to
xooszvsur Num. VISIT THE WEST
"1 went to Washington," said the con-
sul.general, "to pay my respects to the
retiriog Plesident and to invite him to
vieit Western ()puede, I WAS Surprined
at the wonderful understanding Presi-
dent Roosevelt had of this section of the
country. showing that he had given con-
siderable thought to it. He spoke in
high complimentary terms, not of our
Canadian cousins, but our Canadian
"Without any question, ex -President
Roosevelt will be with us next year.
after his African hunting expedition is
over, He desires to go to the Peace
River country, to see the beauty of that
region. regarding which I have inform•
ed him,"
Defeated 14y Dr, Hamilton.
In no way is health so menaced as
by constipation, It leads to
tion, insomnia, anaemia and a hun-
dred ills. Ordinary remedies fail—
they.relieve—dont cure. The woist
case is defeated and cured quickly by
De. Hamilton's Pills, which cleanse
the entire intestinal tract, stimulates
kidney's and liver, keeps the poles cf
the skin open. You'll never have
stomach trouble, yellow complexion
or headaches if you nse Dr.
ton's Pills. They are a perfect system
tonic. Mc, at all dealers.
Willie Woodward, aged thh•teen,
killed at Lecan, being' callellt in the
ehafting of a planhig mill where he was
work ing
'Phe detectives at Hnienton opened
the :sewer at the Kitirade reeicience re
stoic for the revotver wit h which Mee
Ethel Ktorade wai murdeted.
Clinton, Thursday, April 1
Rtallion, 8 yearsand ',ear
Stellion. 2 years icti under
Stallion, 8 years end over . 10 fl
Stallion, 2 years and under 0 4
Best Percheron Stnilion
Stallion 8 genre and over
Stallion, 2 yettre and under .....
limed. mare. 8 yew, and over ... 5 8
Filly nr gelding. 5 ream and aver 6 8
Fill, or gelding, nfldet Sytate 5 8
Team in hartiess-...ee apeeinls ... 0 4
Faintly of nuke of 11E8, proe-.....
eny 51 55,5,, Hire ........ 6 4
Team in harness-mee speeittla 0 4
Brood mare &veers and over 5 8
Filly or geldine, 2 y eftre and over4 8
Filly or gelding, under 5 years • 4
Team In harness 5 • 4
Stallion, 151 hands and over .. ... 8 4
Stallion, under 16i hsnls 9 4
Carriage horse in Mumma, equip
mem considered 6 8
Roadster hone in harness, equip
meat catmint -wed 5 ^
Carriage team in harness 6 8
Roadster team in harness 5 8
Saddle horse 4 8
Age in all elassee to be considered. Site to
date from Jan. 1st Brood mares must be in
foal or have raised a foal.
Bull, 8 years and over $8
Bull, 2 years . . .. 5
Bull, 1 year 5
Cow. 8 yeare end over... 5
Helfer, 2 years 5
Helfer, 1 year ............. 4
Bull, 2 years or over 5 8
Bull, year 5
Cow, 8 years or over 6 8
Heifer. 2 years ...... . 6 8
Bull, 2 years or over. 5 8
Bull, 1 year.. 6 8
Cow. 8 years and over 6 8
Heifer, 2 years .. ......... „ 6 8
Dairy Cow, any age or breed 4. 8
Fat Heifer, age considered . . .... 8 2
Fat Steer, age considered 8 9
Two gook Moore, 2 yea re and under 13 2
Two stook ltetfe,s 5 yinand under 5 2
Beet 8 of any breed, 8 years aud
under with bell 6
13e.st male, any age Diploma
Beet termite any age,. .. , .. Diploma
Cattle data front Sept. 20th.
Grain and Seeds
910 90
0 4
10 5
5 4
6 4
$5 $11
8 2
8 2
8 2
8 2
2 1
Fall wheat, any variety $8
Oats, black. named.. ...„ .... 8
Oats, white, molted, 8
Barley, twarowed, netted .. ... . . . 8
Barley, mix -rowed, named 8
P1515, named . 11
Timothy Seed ...... ...... .... , ....... ...... 13
Clover Seed.. 11
Potatoes, ate, named 8
Potatoes, early, named.. , ......, 8
$ 60
Special Prizes
Per beat three hiimnen, mere., or geldlnati, nae
considered, open to each township in t -he
County of Htwom The animate must he
owned Inst Mhreh by re..idente of the
natned Townships. Pelee $25 00 tot follows:
Should any ene Towle:1111p compete $ 5 00
Shonld two Townships compete-. . ... 10 00
Should three Townshies rompete 16 110.
Should four Township') compete .,. 20 00
Shonld flee or more Townshi pa oornpete .. 28 02
Any number of entries will be received from
each Towlinhip.
For best bag Michitput Amber Fall Wheat, Mr.
Jits Pair donates nee bag Faintly Flour.
Molgonei Bank, Termite, value $16.00, for beat
Reavseleuerat eosin itt hstettess.
Thom, Murphy, agent Deering Mtra. CO. don.
Mee ti WOO Improved Dive Harrow, for
best Agricultural Teem in harness.
The tereetore of the Clinton Bowling Alley' of.
ter $660 for best Agrioulturel Brood Mare,
Half rates on railways for all Stock ehovvrt
President. Secretary.
Stook for Servree
nURB.Af BUM PM ,SERVICE...Tile T.he partnershin he.,.r—et-o.f..
ore exinting betWeen
71P'ii"1061111"f1urnet AiA'4igaiRlj4b4tiia'11;3114117°
V ‘ 1 . ePr 0 . l0:o,1:0tag0s:
FOrli881r174fiCtillt-klAroTiti-11°IoNolLsabieNde,811'7°10174)T4Lmolt 4'4D'eititteeeelbse,"PW"86,11:.h14di4N701,0tfagaa,"14 jfiAs,,:. ::10!...s' 9,101,t.A,ry.:
4, Oyu, 10. Grey. Teta/a-8400, payeble Jail.
pretaimes, D. 10, sA isr loam Poulterer, Notice to Creditors
Isom. Frirther terms may be tome et the
, 'Notice ie hereby given, pursuant to the Sao
The People's 001411"1"
' tatintllaiiiflc'thntaltP1"/.jlIag
olailsatettnrtieestaie orN:11.Tiner li-
Nair, late or the Townblilp of Grey , in the
thole ty of Buren, Parmee. deeeesi d. Who died
on or about the sixteenth day at Peurtmo
1800 are required 00 or before iliv Witill day ol
April, Me, 40 send by post prepaid, oi delivei
to the Undersigned, full particulars of then
Menne duly verilbAl by affidavit and the nature
of security if any held by them. Pul thea' lake
n0Gloc Wine lifter the last mentioned date the
assets of die told deceased a ill be diet' ibutee
union Ihe parties entitled thez•eto luiving re.
1, a td only to the Monne of widen net= shall
then hove been steam Dated at Grey this 10th
day of March IBA 1111010. JAIal 112031elic,
Notice of DisSolotion
AkFauTA104:0 1101J15I1 ARP boy roil
*AL,10,--tiood yeller, weter told Breit trees.
Begun u of trt, T. DINGSION, or P, 0, hos NU,
Brussels, 8241
WOO. SALIC-Cionitortable house' on Willimn
street, Brussels. 14 non) la, good wail,
garden and fruit trees. For terete tipple to Pt
1ifectim or De H, Scott, Brussels tr.
Cre011IFORTAB”E residence and 98 nose of
tend, Mime 101 512 Albert etruet, lirtne
eels! far solo. 5196150 1011,V4tballt, with all cull.
venteuees and possession <mold be Siren at
once. Per further particulars apply ola tho
premisen to Min, Jae, Pergu.son, or D. Fer-
guson, Teeswater. tf.
sore of land for sale, Wornberry street,
North, tiruseels. Good well, fruit treat, &Q.
PoSeeileion could be given at once. For further
particulars as to price, terms, &a., apply on the
premises. ALEX. MoLAUOHLIN, 7-tf
COR SAT.,E OR TO RENT. -The underidoud
offers his well located property in Bruasele
for sale or to rent. There are 04 eons of land
with 'comfortable house, with cellar, etablt,.
orehard, well, &a Possession on Aug,
Forprice, terms, and other information
toJAS. DUNFORD, Winton or 'P1114 P051'
Brussels. THOS. DUNPORD, laingdon, North
10n ACES FARM TO RENT. -The under.
to signed tent rent his fele 100 aura farm,
Lut 8, Con. 2, Grey. (Mod Memo and barn,
orchurd, &a, Place well watered and well
fenced; all seeded down exaept 10 acres.
Miles from Jamestown and mile to school.
Poi/session given at once For further mirth:.
ulara apply or wrItelo W. G Combos, motes -
worth, =IA 5. seopt, Brussels. 8145,
PtiOPZIITY FOR SALE. -In order to °Jose
the mete of the lute Thos. MnLciuottlttt
the klmitiutors offer for sale the real estate
consisting of al roomed house in good repair,
X acre of land, together with 6 mires of arm -
class land and large commodious stable, quite
eon venient to house. For full description and
location id property apply to P. SCOTT, or
A. STEWAKT, Queen St., West, 13romeels.
tiounty of Huron. tf.
Notice to ,Crediltors
In the tnatter of the eshte of 1015 Colter,
late' of Lite Village of Brussels, in
the County of Heron, carriage
maker, deemeted.
Notice is hereby given pursunnt to ',The
Revieed Statutes or Ontario," 1807, section 80.
chapter 120, that allereditore and othershav-
ing Manta against the eetitte Of the said John
Lieber, who died on or about the 26t11 duty of
Jen. A D., IVA are regnired Ou or before the
rat day of May, A.D., MD, to send by pos6,
prepaid, to Jacob. N. Colter, at Bespeler, 0110.,
the executor of the last will and testament of
the Hold deceased, their Ohrlstieu and sur -
allies, addresses and descriptions, the full
Particulare of their claims, a statement of their
aceonnts, duly ea rtinixi, and the nature of the
seetwities if any) held nv them.
And farther take notice that atter such last
mentioned date the said Executor will pro.
teed to distribute the assets of the deceased
amongst the partiee entitled thereto, having
regard only to the &aline of whieh he shall
then have notice and that the Bald Exeouter
will net be liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof, 50aine person or 35500130 0! whose
010ini nether shall not have been received by
.them at the time of snob distribntion.
A Dpat.eldonoot,Etespeler, this 181» day of March,
JACOB 21 000E11. 'Box 206, Hespeler, Bx-
ectutor of the last Will anti Testament of John
Caber, deceased, by
Solicitor for Exeoutor,
All mem indebtea to the shrive estate are
requeSted to make settlement forthwith to
J. N. OOBER, Executor.
TO '
liaeltaba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Bendel Tabulate.; Toronto 3.00 a.m. on
AFRO, 420 MAY 4,18 JUNE 1, 15, 28
JULY 13,23 . *up. 10,24 SEPT, 7, 21
Second clap dada kepi Ontario makes to principal
Netthwat twine et
eViselpse cad rotten $32,00: Edmonton and alum
$42.58, end to other ?tone in propogion. Tiokau
good to totem within 60 dart from going date.
-140.4Uo.Rollk!sT cSomLfgErt.Ebtr SLEEPING hmOy CARS
71/411 bedding, ea; be ramrod attendant* ram the:nigh
'Battle appilcritloneust be Made
Atilt FOR HomEst Kurile' PAMPHLET
inmedifids rata and full information,
App!ytoas,cstC.PR.AsentoitoR.L. Thompson,
Did, Pan. Ad.. Toronto.
T. FAA . Agent
6 Photographs
Cne Dozen
. For the next few weeks I intend to
give 16 Photosfor each citizen ordered.
'rids will include Cabinets and all sizes
smaller. PoSt Cords, 3 for tic
You are always welcome at our
Studio to look uver our work.
Enlarging dune 00 short notice.
A fun line of Picture Framee and
R. Brewer
• eget'ree eseseseffeeteeieseeeeeeezegeeeseeeeeree)
BY-LAW NO. 3, 19095
g 2; Ifuirnmufigl.,="
u pretence it leading i'amidinn
,411101.1VOI1 rent' es, employed by
of the village of Brussels, the gouty of hilt 4 ag===== 5
-.---. ---- -- g_ 1 Vilerstitllitnl it, MA -meted privately ..L.4
l'a authorize the Corporation of theVillage of Brussels, in the County of Huron 61 en l' ` 4' .k* ‘• 1 r" a
,- at It 4 m 11 .K W .1 74:411b 0 in. ,rad - ,
.., t. to t be ne4 poottons.
to burrow tee stun of l'wenty five tiUCCIred.pollara by the issue of debentures -111, ee courses -t ommerrial, Steno- o;
.. tO teat ainouitt, and to loan the same to Walter J. Garside and. William James, .q graphs end '1 0liwriii,12,y. V
of the City or Loudon, 'Manufacturers, tor the puepuee ol put cheong a site or SI1'1" l•l"""a' 14""'""*. d8/' §.
lie for purti,nlars.
building, or to Purchase it site and erect a beetling aud equip the :sante with ;a
sutcable machinery for the maoutecture 0 Chemical Fire Extinguishets and VYingham
for the term of ten years tram the date this By-law rakes effect in the - ,
said VIIg
for a General SALK:Moe Repair Shop, and tor working capitato l ruu the same, -Business Ooliege
• ,t1b%
lago of Brussels, M
the 'eaty of Huron. 0E0. spopront, Principal
Z520:0 ,-04taitincomus.tcarxuh.twnrzi4vAmoVR,
Whereas the said Walter J. Garside and
Wililam Janice have applied to the Muui-
cipsa lemma of the Philip of Brusseis for
H luau nf the dein of Twetay five hundred
dollars for the term of ten place, odd lotsu
.to bear intereat at the rate of five per emit
per Renato, aud repayeble an follows :-
4850.00, pert of the said printiipal item, at
the sud uf the third awl each eneneeding
year for six years mud the balance at the
end uf the' teeth year, together with
imerest yearly at the tete atorenaid and
}Mould auy lutenist remain in arreare the
same to bear lutenist at the rate afuresaid
aud be compounded each year. Seid hien
to be adeemed to them ae soon as they
shall owu mud equip a taot try with suitable
machinery for the mauufacture of
(Minimum Fire Besiege/share and a gener-
al inaulliue repair Mop in Me stud Village
61 Brueizels and DM% Gemmed a first
mortgage on tne odd factory, machinery
and meet aud also ou the reeidence of the
stud Walter J. Garaide iu she city of Lou-
don, 10 the county of Middlesex, Ontario,
whi h said ree84eU0e in tO be worth at that
time at team the HUM 01 01,000.00 in ee-
cordauce with the terms herebt set out.
Ansi whereas- in order thereto it will be
neceasary to isms debeutures of the said
Municipality for the sum of 42,600.00 an
hereinsi ter provided whisk is tee amuuut
of the debt iuteuded to be created by Mile
bylaw, the prooeede thereof to be applied
tu the purpose aforesaid tsnd to no other
Atid whereaa it is deferable to issue the
said debeetures at one time and bo make
the priuoipal of the said debt repayable in
equal &Unita' instairneete of principal and
iuteresb during the period uf ten yeuxe next
after the issue uf the said debetrattres.
And wherees the total amuuut required
by the Municipal Aot to be netted auuuully
by speoierrate tor the payment of the said
debt and interest as hereinafter provided
ie 4225.76.
And whereae the amoutit of the existing
debetuure debt of the said Village of
Brussels, is 041:1,885.03 and uo principal or
udweartzrate amount
of the whole
rateable property of the Villitge nI
Bruseele, ateourdinx to the teat Aseesamem
Roll of the same Is 4380,16.5.00.
Therefore the Munittipal Council of the
Oorporatiou of the Vlitage of Bruaaele
enacts aa follows :-
1. That the Municipal Counoil of the
Coreormitet of the Village of Brussels
shall loan to Waiter J, Gertilde and Wil -
Mem Jamee and such other pereoue as 'nay
be esomisted whit them mild for the par -
polio of misting fetid Num debentures of the
Village tif Brussels to the ailment of
0220000 ere TO he issued in 8111115 of not
lase time 911)000 eactli and shall be m-
imed un the fifteenth .day of March 1909
and each of the stbid ciebentgres shall be
dated the ditmeal h day of April 1909 be-
ing the day of the issue thereof end shall be
peptize) lit ten ogeet mental instalmente of
prittuipal told etterest on the fifteenth
dity of moth eueceeding Alen for teu years
at the tam of the ntaticiard Batik of
Oitilada here.
9, Each of the mad debentores shall be
signed by the Reeve and Treueurer of the
maid Village of Broseels and ideal have
offixed thet•eto by the Clerk of the esid
M u Mei pality the said oi the (mid 'Village of
6. The said debentures shell bear
111005551 01 the rate of five per uetst per
aniline pity •ble yeerly a the mud Book on
the fiftet nth day of April in teeth and
every year during the ourrezety thereof,
4; Dut Mg the curretioy 01 20 said, de-
benture* there obeli be rosed itimually by
special rate oti all the rateable property
in Me Reid Vtilage of Brueziele the stun of
855875 Itue r1lor1)113p, trttttpttl4ndEiTtrteitrq4estthine
res.peos ssf the Said debt, '
0, The staid autu of 82,600,00, being
Ithe proceeds of the said debentures, is to
be heeded over to the said Walter J. Ger
side nod 11 1111501 James as woe as they
shall owu to suitable faotory iu the said
Village of „13rutesels mud 'lave the some
properly enUipped, with suitable mitchin-
er) for the reauufauture of Chemical Fire
Exiluguialters aud for a general machiue
repair ahup aud will have executed a first
mortgage uu the eaid facitory, site, plant and
macemery and ttleo on the resideuce of
the said Walter J. Garside, in bile City of
Imudini, said mortgage to be for ten
yeare from the Fifteemli day of April
1909 aud Mali bear interest at the rate of
five per. mum per mutant yearly, payable
uu eaoh atm every 15th day ef April ou
all principal trout time to time reutaluitig
uupaid until the principal SUM ie mud in
hill as well after as before maturity and the
stud principal BUM to be payable as -follows,
4860,00 00 each loth day et Apt•il in eauh
of the ) ears 191/, 1912, 11114, 1916, 1918
and 1917 and the b lame ou the loth day
of Ape 1918. Said mortgage Outsl pre,:
vide that the said partieti will insureehe
said properties to their full ineurabte value
in a Cumpeuy'or Computes approved by
the (Jouutal, with loot payable to ehe said
Village of Brussels as their iuteree4 limy
uppear uuder isturbgtge, staid policies to be
'lauded over to the said (amuse' end maid
Inortgege is also to contain all the usual
etatutury ouveziants.
6. Tule 13y -law shall take effect on the
19th day of Maroh, 1909, should it receive
the asoeut 02 11,8 Meiners.
7. The votes of the said electors en-
titled to vote on sued By-law shall be takeu
thereon az the following those mid places
that ie to s•y : On Monthly the 5th day
of April, 1909, oommeming at the hour
of nem fu the forenoon aud coutiuuing un-
til the hour of Ave in the aftertmou of the
same day. Iti polliug divisiou No. Oue
at the (Am 'of Rube Thumsen, Jae. T.
Roan, Deputy Returuing Officer ; in
pulling divieion Nu. Two et the ()Mute'
Room aud that, N. F. Gerry be Deputy
Returniug tinker ; aud for pulling disitdou
No. Three, at the residenue of Om Birt
mei that eeter Stunt be Deputy Returniug
°ffift.e.eron Monday the 29th day of
Msreh 1909, the Reeve of the eta Vit.
lege of Bruoirala Mall atteed at the
Council room, at tett o'clock in the fore-
noon, to appoiut pereone to atteud at the
yariem polling places itforaoaid aud at
bite suinnnug up of the votes by the Clerk
ou behalf of the,persone iutereeted in pro.
muting or uppolong the passing of the /laid
bylaw respectively.
9. The Clerk of the Village of Remotes
Mail attend 'at the Council room iii the
ToW u gal, at ten uellook iii the forenoon,
on Tuesday the teeth duty of April 1009
to sone' up the motto uf vutes fur and
ago:hest theested bylaw.
Read the first time iu epee °outwit and
pommel the 101,11 day td Mareh 1909,
Read the snotnal tiara in epee. Counoil
mid p ogle() the ltals My ut Islam!' 1909.
Reed in open lemucil after hoeing re -
()bleed the eosins!, of the Measure sod flintily
paused she day o5...........1909.
The abitve is a true copy of IS proposed
bylaw wheal heti betel toilet' into coneiderta
tent °Aid will be limey platted by the
Commit of the Village of Bruosele in the
eveut uf the assent uf the elemors beim;
obtained thereto after ono month from the
firet peblioasiou in Tan CAUS-IALtl PoBT, the
date of she lima publieetion was the Ilth
day of ettrch 1909 stud that Me votes of
the electors of the said Municipality will
be taken thereon ori the day and at the
hours Dud places theteiu fixed.
F. 5, SCOTT, Clerk.
June, 1tely and August leadts into
our Fall 'Perm without any break.
Enter any time, New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day.
attnins CALLECZ
The Largest, most Reliable
of Its kind.
W. 11, SHAW Principal
'Rouge & Gerrard sta., Toronto
R°Yai Line
Weekly First Class Service
Prom St, John Halifax
Hesperinn onits Mar, 1$
Virginiau sails Mar. 10 Mar. 20
T0111811111 SHAH men 27
Victorian stela Apr. 2 Apr. 8
Steamers lilted with wireless and the sub-
marine aeep sea .ignaling system,
winter rotes effective till April 00.
Boston and Portland to Glasgow
St. John and Halifax to London
Montreel to teyerpocil Montreal to Glasgow
Moe treal to att vre end London ,
For settings, lists and full information apply
Agent Allan Line. Brussels,
Spring Term from lipril 1st.
0511001, Willi (tweeted equipment, lie
\Volitive fence stsho01, hipiegrade
nienetoto “re 1.ap5, (1011.1.HttS 111
Commercial, shorthand, and if
Telegraphy departments aro time. CV
13 ntsgtt llpiOt,tu and pen ottani. Cite grad.
50 times nevin tti,ttttit ttti Mike assistiuthi
ep end 1311H1110H4 colleee 1.1e1,511ei.8, Write i!„
Lt fur free cuts Imtue Enter 1,15 ti 4.4
Enloe* & whoLachlan,
Pr inelpaM,
1.1. *
1fst Fairs
The reesuler Metelhilt Horse Fairs Will
bc held for the seeson as follows
THURSDAY? APR, 1st, mog