HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-25, Page 1VOL.. 37 NO, 3i$
New Advertisements
1e w,
?D Sanders,
LooterBaht, Miller ye.
Clover a .M1i q J. Bron,
Opting l—Mien J.,i.. Bald.
Maple swine—w, R. Belden,
Amnion Sale—Retry Duncan.
Rom to sale—Rohm, Thomann,
&teenzy Esey—Rinhard Stevens,
Bail for service—Angus Lamont,
Spring Mllitnez'y—M ea 19vn Tyler.
fleeing Millinery -Misses Hab)tirk,
Hair dressing --Mr's: R. J. Megaton.
Mfinitely Onrninge-Mrs, iley,
SPring Tmportnmlons-fsubherdaherdale flOn.
Jistx d ljetuo
Mire. R. B. Harris is spending a few
weeks in Toronto, •
Jas, and Mrs. Shera, of Gerrie, were
in the village on Friday,
Reeve Reis macre a business trip to
Mount Forest on Friday.
Geo, Spatton, of Wingham, was in
the village on Friday.
C. Hinde, of Ilarc'iston, renewed ac-
quaintances here a few days thisweek.
John J. Montgomery, . of Owen
,Sound led on friends here recently.
John cal Brett -taster has been indisposed
for the last week but we hope he will
soon be o. k.
Thos. Hemphill returned to Hensall
on Saturday, after spending a week
With friends here.
A sirn R,—R. B. Harris, ex -
Reeve, who is now a Grand Organizer
for the Canadian Order of Foresters,
has made a great recoil for a new
man. As a sample he put hi 19 new
'members at Belgrave in 5 days ; 74
into Wingham Court in less than a
month and 37 at Zurich. in 16 days. If
he can keep up such an average he
will outdo anything the Foresters
have had for many a day as orga1iiz-
ers. One good thing about Mr. Harris
Eggs for
The undersigned can sup-
ply Eggs for Hatching from
Pure Bred strains of
White Wyandottes
White Leghorns and
Game. Fowl
For fm ther particulars call on or write
dsJ �<
Alain street Brussels
f6 9
rnon t
Te the Ladies of Brussels end sur-
rounding country
After having spent the past
three weeks or more visiting the
markets and studying the wants
of the public we will be prepar-
ed from this time forward bo
either make or procure anything
you may specially desire in eith-
er Hat or Bonnet Headgear, and
will be so in touch with the
trade that we can re -produce to
you the latest and newest
effects on the shortest notice.
Sincerely yours,
hlaurning a Specialty.
he does not kill himself by abusing
other Order but minds his own
business and does i4 in A 1 style, We
hope he will coutinue to clo well both
for himself and the ceder,
Jas, liinde, of Iiarrislou, ocenpied
the Lpiecopal chm'rh on Sunday atter-
!Mott owing to the illness of Ibev, T.
The St. Patrick Social rlal .held in the
basement of the Presbyterian church
Last Wednesday evening passed off
very sacceesfully.
On' Wednesday of last week at the
hems of Rev. Neil M, Leckie, Londee.
boyo', the marriage took place of Misr
Eleanor Louise Smith, youngest sister
of Mrs. Leslie, to Harry Oowan,,son
of the late Andrew Uowan of Hamil-
ton. The bride ate white liberty
satin, made in empire style, with
trimmings of spanish lace, and as a
going away dressa green cloth clirec-
torie gown with coat to .match. Mi'.
and Mrs. Cowan will reside in Mon-
OP@IOAG.—Mies J. J. Allan, eye specialist,
will hear theElma Hotel, Atwood, on Tuesday
March 80th, Ir you require earthing in her
line call end eee her. Satietaotion is enured,
SUDDEN DEATH.—Last Saturday
night while assisting in milking, Thos.
Jluckliug, Lot 26, Oon. 4, Elma drop-
ped dead. He was 68 years of age and
had been bothered with his heart, for
Some time. His wife, 3 sons and 8
daughters survive. Deceased was a
swell -to-do farmer largely interested in
dairying and his premises svei'o kept
in first class form. In politics' he was.
a.staunch Liberal. The funeral took
place to Listowel cemetery on Mon-
day afternoon. 2 sons are in the
United States.
a. P. R. Special low rates, on 'Tuesdays dur-
ing Marett and April to Western points via the
only through „fine. Free settler's guides,
tickets and all information at Town tioltet
office, Blyth, J. MaNnrcltie, Agent, 87-4
Mrs. Abram Proctor . continues in
very low condition.
Mr, McKay, of Whitechurch, has
moved to the village and is occupying
the house owned by Mrs. Barkley'.
Sandy Stewart will move his family
to the village and occupy the house
owned by Chitrlie Bell,
Several from this locality talk of
going to Toronto next week to attend
the great Missionary Oougress.
The Presbyterian Mause has been
undergoing a complete renovation in
the line of papering and cleaning and
Rev. Mr. Ferguson's furniture is now
being installed. :The new pastor and
his family are nowhe"ae.
Monday afternoon, James Owens, an
old resident of Belgrave, died after au
extended illness. Mrs. Owens prede-
ceased him several years ago. Mr.
Owens was buried in the McCrae
buryingnoon. place on Wednesday after-
S rig
Miss Eva Tyler
\Vi11 hold her Spring Millinery
Opening On
Wednesday and Thursday
April 7th }y. 8th
Rooms over Ferguson & Harris'
General Store.
Come and get suited in your Spring
Miss Eva Tyler
Milliner Walton
very Newest e -
in Spring
We're now showing
and we want YOU to see them.
Our Hats have a "smartness"
and originality of style peculiarly
their own. We aim at Exclu-
siveness of design and
are confident that we now have
one of the handsomest and most
original assortments of hats in
1E you ere looking for
something stylish-..'Chic"—nobby
in Millinery favor us with a call
and we'll show you what's 'what'
in n H-to-dat
e Millin ry
Look us up $0011.
149"*T''p'T"'O''P7"I Y!'‘rdire
BRUSSLLSi ONTARIO, i'HURSD 1 Y, Zif:j HCI:I z5, 19og W. H..Il;ERR, »ioPtiotor
I'. An at d 6
l t a student ' (nt of pox
college, formerly
teacher in Scott's
sahoof house,haatWwWanO91, con.
ducted servics last Stinday iu Presby-
terian church and preached impressive
Thnisday afternoon of this week
the induotioo of Bev. Mr. .[Ferguson,
B, A,, as pastor of Belgrave and
Calvin Presbyterian iihutches" will
take place in the church here. There
will be no evening gathering but a
week later the YauugPeople's Society
will hold a welcome social to the new
The Youngl, People's meeting is now
held on Wednesday evening.
Miss Carrie Jaekson, of Brussels,
was a visitor at James tIteachau s over
Miss Elsie Sheehan has been both-
ered with tonsilitis :but n'e hope she
will, soon be all right,
1Otving to the enforced absence of
Jae, Strachan from the Sabbath
School on account of illness the
Superintendency of the school has
been in charge of Tilos. Strachan.
The interest is well sustained.
Last Sabbath eveuiug the service in
Victoria Hall was taken byW. H.
Kelm, of.Beussels. F. H. Gilroy, of
the sante town and ItiIr, Kerr sang a
duet and Mr. Gilroy gave a choice solo
as well. Next Sunday Robt. Shaw
Will be the preacher.
Among those who went West on
Tuesday from this locality were :—
Will. Jacklin, Harry Jacklin, Norman
Mulligan and Henry Skinn. They
took train at Brussels and should du
well as they ase industrious and able
to take care of themselves. Probabili-
ties are they will take up homesteads.
Gideon Browny who made his home
on the Grey 'Boundary for the past
14 years, has changed his headquart-
ers to the 0th con., lot 4, where he
maybe found when ditching jobs are
wanted or other work to do. Gideon
is also a post hole artist. A notice
left on the door if Mr. Brown is ab-
sent will receive prompt attention.
DNNoAa.: Dr, Fend, dentist, will vt4r. Ethel
on Monday. -star, 89th, and every two weeks
atter that date.•
Noble A. Milne was here from the
/Vest on a business trip.
There will be quite an emigration
from this locality to the West next
FCR are pleased to report that John
‘'Vbitfleld is somewhat improved in
Wm. Laing, who spent the Winter
here, has returned to the West where
we trust he will do well.
The advertisement of W. E. San-.
dersin this issue should be read by
people .requiring tile or cement.
Dan. Eekmier, of Clinton, was re-
newing old acquaintances in Ethel
and Grey Township. He was aform-
et resident of this locality.
Oscar and Mrs. Sparrow, who have
spent the past few months with
friends iu Michigan, have ea—mated to
Wingham and intend taking up their
residence there. They were former
well known residents of Ethel.
James Brown has gone to Olds,
Sask., where he has been engaged by
Walter Hamilton to assist iu farming
operations. He's a good worker and
should fill the bill. Mrs. Brown and
children will remain here for the
Is anything going to be done about
football this season in Ethel ? The re-
moval of same of our crack kieltors of
the past year should not binder us
from ,having a good hustling team
even if we diel nut meddle with the
W. F. A.
A fine young dark roan tbxwo' bred
Derham bull has been purchased by
Angus Lamont, 7th con., bearing the
name of "Iiighlaud5Victor" =73877=
from W. B. Elliott & Sons, of Guelph.
The sire of the new, purchase weighed
2,240 pounds as a 2 year old. Mr.
Latnont visited the Elliott farm and
made his selection.
BEEP Rnca,—There will be a meet-
ing of the Ethel Beef Ring in Gibsota's
Hall on Saturday evening April Sud at
eight o'clock sharp for the purpose of
making arrangements for the running
of the Icing for the coming Summer.
All the members etre requested to be
present as business of importance is
to be dismissed.
Our villager, Joseph Hemsworth,
who is a handy man with carpenter
tools and
who for
y acquir-
ears ar uir-
ed a wide
a r
tnce ,w
h cement
abutuent building,,s branching out
steel bridge ge
art wart
ated with aMr. Witherspoon,o
on of Ailsa
have g y Tho to ails contract for a
big bridge at, Hnliltosi ilio for the Co.
Council and also tho job of a new
ride on the 2nd lino of Morris town -
hip in addition to other work. We
Mr. Hewsw a
z•ospe Y r'
it in
iia new to endeavor.
Telephone discuss n
i n had the e Her
t the meeting of the Township Ooun-
i1 here on Monday, Two questions
wore before the Beard ti petition from
he proposed Brussels, Grey and
orris 00, praying that only one
ystem of Municipal phones be grant -
an the township and•theseconwas
tom Ethel proposed Co. asking that
ho .Council tinanoe their project.
fter a,I aninletted debate the fotntui
revelled and a resolution was passed
o that effect.The work of corn lea-
1g the canvas and organr2ing the Co.
now ptoceerlfo Jhwithsothatthe
arsons tines may bo erected to the
weerttunicipalities mentioned above.
The Ian meeting of the Debating
nciety for this season, was a decided
times9, The Hall was vas � v
czar led to
is tamest rapacity. The sub?net of
le debate was "Resolved that pnblio
tvnet•ship republic utilities is in the
est interests of the connt•ry,'a The
negative side of the question was tak-
en by three speakers from the Mnnk-
1.ton Debating Society, who carried off
the honors a s of the da
! e the (lobelia
it .,
t been decided tet thele favor.
return debate will a o t1
i e to w l bu held in Aionlit.
on Friday evening, April 21)(1, on ti
subject "Resolved that Oriente
should not be allowed to -emigrate to
Canada.' Tixe affirmative will b
takeu by three of the Monkboti
debaters, Messrs, Adair, McLory and
MgPherson, Messrs. Fulton, Keifer,
and Campbell, representing Lire Ethel
society, will take the negative,
v- Some one bee asked how many t
bachelors a tl ere '
1 are in
f Gra
? f -t
z they could old '
beused Y
I.4d o,
ae telephone poles for
p a rural lice could
Is easily be built. They are too good
for that, however,
o Several of the old neighbors of Dun-
McOulhitxl, foxmet'ly of the 10th
cop., assisted in moving_the litter's
household effects ko, to Itullett WWII -
ship last Monday where rho family
has purchased a fine 200 acre t'uI'sn,
known as the Lear property. May
prosperity attend them in their new
edayy morning Robert Carr and
sister, iiiiss Nellie, left Brussels for
Edmonton, Alberta, where they par,
pose ,residing. Sisters of theirs are
residents of that locality. May they
enjoy the prosperity that; seems as-
sured to that favored land,
Recently Mrs, John Brown, 10th
con., slipped on the linoleum in her
home and in falling broke a bone in
one of her wrists which. has bothered
her a good deal. Her many friends
hope 8110 will soon regain hor accus-
tomed activity and thereby relieve
Councillor Brown from having to
take so practical an interest in domes-
tic affairs.
EYsxEssEA.n,—On Monday, 8th inst.,
Rev, Mr. Newton performed the utas-
riage ceremony, at the rectory in
Parkhill, making Jno, H. Tait, of that
town, and Miss Amelia Watson, of
Loudon, formerly of this township,
hnsbancl and wife. Mt•, and Mrs.
Tait will reside on the groom's farm
adjaeetrt. to Parkhill. The old friends
of the bride here will be well pleased
to hear of their prosperity and wish
them success.
U. P, le, spacial low rates, on Tuesdays, dm,
ine March and April to western points via the
only through line. Free settler's gallica, Oak.
,•ts and an information at Town trukot office,.
Blyth, J. McAturahle, Agent. 87-5
Miss Mary J. Young has' been under
the doctor's care and is progressing
John T, Bell disposed of a fine
Costumer driver' to Oharles Wheeler,
lilt line, Morris, fur a handsome 00111,
Jolt. T, 13011 visited friends in
Hibbort township iast week and at-
tended the auction sale ab his cousin,
John Watson's.
A sleigh load of ,young people from
Wingham spent a very enjoyable
evening ab the house of 0. W. Procter,
ex -Reeve Taylor was in Toronto
last week attending the Grand Lodge
of A. 0. U. W„ representing Belgrave
Henry Johnston, Rh line, who has
been suffering from a complication of
troubles, is recovering- we are pleased
to state and We hope he will soon be
as well asever.
Itis said the probabilities are that
scores of Morels farmers will have
Municipal telephones installed as their
usefulness, at the rental0stied, puts
them within easy reach of almost
The Township Council last Monday
granted permission bo the proposed
Brussels, Morris and Grey Municipal
Telephone Oo. to erect poles and
string wires on the concessions and
siderottds in this municipality subject
to the law as it relates to it. IV, 13.
Herr, of Brussels, appeared before the
Council in beb' if of the Co.
The contract was let last Monday
for a new steel bridge over the Mait-
land, 2nd line, opposite the Stone
soboolhouse to Mesa's. Witherspoon
& Hemsworth at $2,400. There is a
span of 110 feet. The new structure
will be built on the old site and will
have cement abutments. The latter
job has not been let yet. There was
a desire on the part of a number of
ratepayers to place new bridge oppo-
site the side road and thereby save
the present detour but the Council de-
cided to put it where the present
wooden bridge stands as the span is
shunter and the banks better. The
work will be clone this season.
Ila.rry Duncan, 4th line, has leased
his fine 100 acre faun to John Davis;
of the saute line, for: a term of years
and purposes leaving shortly on. a
holiday trip to the West. He tarts a
brother near Moose Jaw, who has
been oat there for nearly 9 years and
has clone well. Mr. Duncan has an-
nounced an unreserved auction sale of
flrn stock, implements, pts SO. for Wed-
nesday nesday afternoon of next week, 31st
inst., so as to leave him free to get
away. The trip will clo him good but
we hope the West will- not woo him
away from Morris township.
Frill wheat bas wintered well.
Woocl bees are the order of the day.
Miss Vint, McLeod arrived home
last Saturday from Elma.
Next regular meeting of Grey town-
ship Council will be held on Monday,
April Lith.
Some of our farmers have tapped a
few trees foe inaple syrup. Next
week it will likely be general.
Grey township news is always wel-
come at. THE POST so if you have
uewsy note send it along.
Last week Martin Armstrong, of
Auburn, was a visitor with his bro-
thel', James Armstrong, 10bh con.
One day last week Louis Bollinger,
10th con., held a woad bee followed by
a party in the eveuiug at which a
good time was enjoyed.
Mrs. Armstrong, of the 13th of Grey,
has leased the farm owned by Roberti
Docket for a term of five years and
has taken possession this week.
. 131 and Mrs. Docket took possession
of the farm . they lately purchased
from Mr. Pollard, Otlx line, last week.
Their many friends wish them every
n e
s ec ss.
Wm. McNeil is home . me from the fa.'
West for a visit. to his parents, Jno.
D. and Mia McNeil, 14th roe.
an absence of several
done sv 11
e { are pleased eased bear.
1 eta.
Last week Richard Cardiff and
family, nth con„ remnved to the
West where they purpose making
their home. Their many old friends
wish them uul success and hope theft best
hopes maybe realized.
It 18 said Olives Hemingway, waw 10th
eon., will erectact an new
next Sutn
mar. He is an up-to-date farmer and
has an excellent 100 acres.
We are sorry to sotto that Ibis.
Armstrong, Oth line, iv110 has been in
failing health for the past few months
is not improving as fast as her Many 5
felonds would like to s0e. u
Thos, aitcl Mrs. Votclen entertained 0
a 'number of the Ren'frynites to a s
dancing party last Friday night. 1
v tripped
the h htf t i
a,r, gee '
I, till the s
nee smatll hours of mho rue , i
1 nn. 1
Robert Mc
Blain, a f
M e' g
an t olid r
dont of Grey, who bas spent the past a
three months holidaying hero, left l fin+ a
his home ab Saskatoon, on Tuesday. g
He has lived it the West for 11 t
has y done well
We arc
y to heat that Alts 11Tnx t
Armstrong, of Auburn mother to
Janes 1'Im9t,ong, 10th con.,Its tv( y (11E
j)OO1ly and as she is past 80 years of u
age little peanrxanent htlpis l'eeeived t:
from medical treatment. Mr, Ann- 8
staring was 0001 last 800(11 to visit the e
old lady. l d
Regular preaching service at Bethel
church, Moncrieff, next Sabbath even-
Wm. Mann, son of Wm. Mann, 10th
con., has taken a position as clerk in a
store in Rostock.
Our blacksmith, Robt. Munn, has
been on the sick list but we are glad to
see him able to be around. again.
Geo. and Mrs, Struthers and Wm,
and Mrs. Owens, 10th con. of Elma,
started for the West Tuesday. We
are sorry to lose them as they were
good neighbors.
Frank Harrison and Leonard Young
started fax the West last Tuesday via
North Bay where they intend visiting
with the former's relations for a time
afterwards going to Oarrievale, Sask.
We wish them well.
Quite a large number of young
people from this vicinity attended the
farwell patty at Ether, last Friday
evening, given by Thos. and Ares.
Williamson and report a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Williamson go West
next week.
Rob. ii
McDonald talks of going to the
Mr's, Will Alderson is on the sick
list i
An Entrance class is being brought
along for next Summer's g u s examitlation
at our public school.
The Gorsalitz Bros., the well known
cross cut saw artists, were at London
Wednesday competing in a match.
Alarge number fiom this locality
attended the funeral of the late Mrs.
McLaughlin, of Neepawa, Man., at
Brussels last Saturday afternoon.
Richard ,Mitchell and family, who
live West of here, leave next week for
Saskatoon district, in Saskatchewan.
They are an excellent family and we
are sons, to see theta go.
,,John Dilling, a well known resident
of this place, died Monday afternoon
in his 80th year. Interment was made
at Exeter, the remains being taken
there on Thursday afternoon's train
from Brussels
Rearze ;AL..—Wednesday evening
of last week a pretty but quiet wed-
ding was on the program here at the
home of Mrs. Robert Brown, when
Iter yo negestdanghter, hiss Margar-
et, was united in matrimony to
Tbnmus Cameron, a well known
young gentleman of this locality.
Rev. R. F. Cameron, of Georgetown,
brother of the groom, assisted by
Rev. D. B. McRae, of this place, per-
former. the ceremony. Mrs. (Rev.)
00100700 played the Wedding March
as the contracting couple tools their
pplaces. Calviu Cameron, a nephew,
filled the ditties of page with neatness
and dispatch; After cnngratnlations
the company sat down to a well pre-
aced supper.
P wedding i
Ppd gifts
g S
were ve (. user 1
,1 va
liable and nn -
el'OU .
s .111
There is something luetlnn
in this the dt
weddin in the
fact that this is g
the third
Camerou who lets taken a Miss Brown
for a wife but as all the daughters aro
now to t married the remaining bachelor,
1Mr. Cameron, will have to look else-
The company an+so
3 at a
seasonable ,• .
, bre halal wishing. lir. Cameron
and bride
v ha
useful and
prosperous years They will continue
to ruake their home here. THE Poser
th.ine's an editorial slipper after the
happy twain.
correspondent from Fast Wawanosh
ays :—"A concert under the auspices
1' Miss Sylvia Seel, the popular teach -
r of S. S. No, 11, was held in the
cllnol-pause on Friday night, March
2th. The night teas fine and the
chem was f
lengthy ma -
was suppliedenusistiugof
ug, instrumental meek, dialogues
nd drills. A very pleasing part wets
"Good -,light Drill" by eight little
iris, the peeforinauee being a credit
0 their teacher. Another very inter -
sting alt
wee military
telt in
c imenteIls 1
g impromptu volnn-
75' n n )
4 1 nn + rr
i r hl )
1 aced tp
(f ten boys
f the neighborhood. The admirable
limier In which the boys acqnitterl
lte11801008 reflects great credit on
ergeaut.Herb. Campbell who at the
+(pause of so Tench time and trouble
rilled the boys, Three cheers for 1
herb. Many
thanIss are
extended to
t nse teem distance, who so ably
helped in the evening's entertain,
meet, amongst whom were, Brock
Brandon, Miss Hazel Brandon, Misses
Moore and Orr, all of W inghatn, also
Miss el, McRae, of Crantirook, a very
arcontplished elocutionist, , Mies Seel
ie to be congratulated nn the 0017 5110-
ues5fal outcome of the cohort," Miss
Seel is a daughter of Mae. and Mrs.
Seel, of Oranbrook, and is doing
splendid work in her school,
Service in the Methodist church next
Sabbath evening at7 o'clock, Subject
"Prizeng Ringgill. t
SpriMinery Openingat Miss
Tyler's on Wednesday and hursday,
April 7th and Sth.
Frank Hackwell left Tuesclay of this
week for Gleichen, Alta„ with % car-
load of settlers' effects.
Jamee A, Moore, 8th line Morris,
has sold his fine 150 acre faun to Wm'
Bevans from the North of Brussels.
Itsa good property.
Under the auspices of the Epworth
League a social will be given at the
parsonage on :Wednesday evening
March 31st. All are cordially invited
to come and spend a pleasant evening.
A Box Social will be held at the res-
idence of Mrs. Luke Ross, under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Provi-
dence church, about 2 miles East of
Winthrop, on Wednesday evening,
March 31st, A good program will be
Alex. McDougall paid Walton, a fly-
ing visit last week on his honeymoon.
Mr. McDougall was married recently
to a St. Thomas young lady. For
some months past Alex. has been
working in Oranbr•ook, B. C. May
their joys be many,
Wm. Patterson, son of Geo. Patter-
son, Eoundary, who has been. brakes -
man for souse mouths, on a run
between Toronto and St. Catharines,
met with a very painful accident by
which he lost his right arm. It seems
that when at work in St. Catharines
he was running alongside the train
when he slipped on a switch and his
arm was so mangled by the wheel
that amputation was necessary.
At a joint meeting of the Under=
wood and Centre Bruce Presbyterian
congregations on Monday of last
week, a call was extended to Rev. A.
MacNab, M. A., of Walton. In all six
ministers were heard by the congre-
gations. The reverend gentleman has
been here for the past 11 years and
has done splendid work. His scholas-
tic ability has been a genuine treat to
his congregation. We will be sorry
to see he and Mrs. MacNab remove.
The Walton Beef Ring will com-
mence operations the 'first week in
April. This year the beeves will be
killed Friday night, cut up Saturday
morning'and shareholders will be
able toget it
as earlyas the arme
man cages to come for r it. J'no. Bell,
of Morris, will do the killing this year
and itoes without at out sa •fu that satis-
faction will be guarauteed. There are
still tivo half shares that es that could
Jno. McMillan, an old time framer
of this locality, but now of 'Victoria,
British Columbia, was calling on Old
acquaintances last week. He was sent
down to Ottawa by Victoria Council
to interview the Dominion Govern-
ment regarding the harbor•. Like
many other Huron old boys he has
acquired considerable property and
gained such distinction as would en-
able him to fulfil duties in which he
was sent.
The Rt Or U. w.
The Grand bodge of the A. 0, U. W.
of Ontario was brought to a clo=e Thars-
day of last week with the election of the
following officers
Past Grand Master Workman, C. E.
Cameron, Irognois : Grand Master
Workman, S. B. Morris, Rodney ;
Grand Foreman, Meier J, J Craig M. P.
P., Fergus ; Grand Overseer, )as. Mc-
Ewiug, M. P. P , Drayton ; Grand Re-
corder, M. D. Carder, 3111 year by ac-
clamation, Toronto ; Grand Treasurer,
Fred G. Inwood, Toronto ; Grand Soli
citor, A. G. F. Lawrence, 'Toronto ;
Grand Guide, W. W, Burgess, Mimic() :
Grand Iuside Watchman, Thos. E
Bloodworth, 'Toronto ; Gland Outside
Watchman, L A. Kinsella, North Bay ;
G, and Medical Examiner, Dr. J. Milton
Cotton Toronto Executive Committee
for two years, T
A Hastings,l Leckie
` '
Wilson both of Toronto ; . T. Arlin,
Mount Forest ; Robert Ingram, m Ottawa,
one year each.
The Di t ict 1e nt Grand
elected were :—St.ClairJ
G. Stewart,
Windsor; Erin
H. Kerley, St.Thom
as • London—Jas. Ar itage, London11 ,
Brant, S A, Gibson, Ingersoll ; Hemil
ton—J. R Dods0 u Hamilton •
N s
—W. W.a
Be Ines, M, D , Crrimsbv ;
Guelph—R. FNelson, Guelph ; Huron
—Henry e y Morris, Leval ; Bruce -1. R.
Atohesou, Clifford t Dufferin—R, B.
Henry, Orangeville; Peel, Jas. Jackson,
Brampton ; Toronto—Jas. .Robertson,.
Toronto ; York—W, H. Clark, Sloutl
Ville ; Suttee—Thos McKnight, Cooks
viJle ; On tett o , M Van valaenlin tar,
Whitby • Durham --J. 1. 'Turner, Peter -
born' ; Quiute—Alex. Moore, Plainfield ;
Kingston—R. W. Longmore, Campden
East St lav
t reuse—H
X. Farr,
Brockville Ile Stormont—Wm. Clack,
Cardinal . Ottatv't—Wm Hughes Ot-
tawa Lanark—P. C. M. Gregor, • Al.
00,01,-; Georgian I3av—R T Sanderson,
01111 n ; Superior—Jus Dillon, Port
Arthur; 0ipissing--W. T. McGaw,
Aeditofp iv
Knott,Messrs. George Clay aid
I C. 0 :Parente,
'trustees W. C. Mikel, K. C.
ville ; W. 51. Irwin, 'Toronto J. Rev, las.
Skene, Baltimore, Ont, Grand Record -
age age of members who have died, 76
years; new members admitted during the
year, 0360 ; (loathe during ther , S ettr
471, 73 less than the ptev.a ouA year. The
(Thence committee sit n nate •'
I t• t nl a 4 a the year's
expenses as hehtg 1$938 184 45-
i'oronto-was derided Ort 88 the piece'
of meeting in (9(0.
Fred, (1 Inwood, F d, the Grand Treasur-
er, WAS given au inereese of $200 in
ChOroh Chimes
Rev, Mt'. Hardie, of Llstnwel, gave
two geed discourses in Melville church
last Sabbath.
The services in St, John's church last
Sunday were in charge of kir, Brett, a
student from London,
"'Che two great Commandments" was
Rev. E. 0, Powell's theme last Sabbath
morning and in the evening his subject
was "Songs in the Night;"
On the first Sabbath of April the put.
pits of Melville church ran the Meth°,
dist church in 01eosels.avi l he occupied
by prominent Temperance witrkers front
All Peoples' Mission in 17 i,tuipeg was
visited b the Junior ,
y Ju na i Leaguers Wednes•
day afternoon in their League trip
round the world, Mi q tlCe011/11s gave
a very interesting Bibb ess tau the new
settlers and .wherethey come from,
George Edwards, Stella Gerry and
Fanny Stubbs also took p.,•t,
Monday evening R v 1; G. Powell
went to Wingham and gave an I illustrat-
ed lecture on "'Che life of Christ" under
the auspices of the Epwetth League,
Ladies' Quartette of the Mei hoflist choir
and F H. Gilroy also vele there render-'
ling musical %elections in connection
with the illustrated hymns and songs,
'Chen enjoyed a good time and were
most hospitably treated by the Wingham
'Phe Young Mens' Bible (•lass, taught
by Mrs. A. j, Lowry, 10 the Methodist
Sabbath school, gave en At Houle
Thursday evening of last week in the
Town Hall, A good program was pre-
seated by the boys who were Assisted by
the Harmonica Band, the Ladies'
Quartette, Miss Nora Maunders, Harold
Gerry and ro Lot -al Legion hays
Silver collection amounted to :Mont
Stn,00. A vote of thanks was passel
to the teacher and class for their Pru.
gram, W. H. Kerr was chairman.
Sir Andrew Fraser, Lieutenant Gov•
senor of Bengal, is coming to Canada to
attend the National Missionary Con-
gress, March 3xst to April 4'h, upon tate
invitation of the Canadian Cnuucil, able
seconded by John R. Mott, who is
in England doing special work in con-
nection with the colleges Sir Andrew
was Moderator of the Presbyterian
General Assembly of India last year,
and is one of the most zealous workers
in that country. His son in-law, Rev,
H. Oldham, of Edinburgh, is the Secre-
tary of the Committee in charge of the
World's Conference of Missions to be
held in Edinburgh, June, ono.
'Che Canadianib
S At 's
a r pal
Society's Cn
meeting was held at St )c.hn's N, 13 ,
last week with two sessions. The fol-
lowing officers were chosen :—N. W.
Hoyles, *reroute, Pi'esideta : Rev. Dr.
Hili, 1lontreal, Rev. Dr. Huestis, New
Glasgow, Vice-Pr(sidents; Bliss Rogers,
Toronto, Honorary-'tree-urer ; Rev.
Jesse Gibson, Toronto, Recording Sec-
retary ; Rev, Dr, Cba nbe,s, T. Marti -
mer, A, M. Denovan, Toronto, Rev.
Dr. Shaw, Montreal; Rev, Dr. Arm•
strong•, Ottawa, F, Cocks -butt, Brant•
ford, Rev. W. C. Clark, Quebec, Dean
Harris, Lonclou, Rev. I. E. Mavety,
Ottawa, and Hon. J. G. Forbes, St.
John, members of the Executive,' A
donation of $15,000 10 the parent society
in London was voted to aid in the work
of Bible translation. Reports of the
Canadian Society for the year showed
receipts of $660.38 and disbursements of
844,504, The estimates for the coming
year were placed at $40,510, for receipts
and $20.20o disbursements. It was de.
cided to mate the meetings biennial.
A feature of the meeting vas a welcome •
to the delegates by Mayor Bullock and
the Board of Trade representatives,
given part of the program es proposed
for th
eNational G'ongresa of
the Larnten's Missionary Movement to
formulate a national missionary policy;
home and foreign. for Canada :—Wed-
nesday, Match 3c.—It a. m,—Praver
service, schoolhouse, St, lames' Cather
dral, led by S. 1. Moore. Massey Hall
—2.15 p. m.—For clergymen and sut-
dents. DeVOlitma! exercises, Rev,
Hugh Ptdle
IB. A. 'Theme ;4
Relation of the Ministry
le 1U Mtsvl i - r
a U 1 V
h. ' c "The Greet COMM ISgI
Robert e t h.. Sueer, peat New 'n
S rl,,2 "The
Minister 1 in stet: 'I heseller
L of HisPPeo 1
Rev AlfredGaudier, GA,dreU. D Principal
r t.lppal
Knox College, Toronto (3) "Reflex In-
fluence of Mt.%
1am Campbell 11 W Bte,
General Secretary Lttvnleo's Missionary
rt New York. 8P m bit
session s
stun of Congress. Devotional
cises Bishop of Toronto. ( i) •CanAdAv
Opportunity A( Hume end Abroad," pad
W 12o cell 'Toronto. K C., 'T o t n o. (z) Act-
dtess, Sir Andrew Fraser, (3 `The
World's Deht to the Missionary,' Robt,
E. Speer. 'Thursday, April t.—x,15 p.
m,—Devotional exercises, Rev. A. Cor -
roan, D D. Theme :, "The Victoripus
Progress of Missions.' (t) "The Awak-
ening Orient," Robert 10 Speer. (9)
'The Sure Victory,' Bishop Thoburn,
India (3) "'Che Impact of 01/risliauity,
n n t on•'I �i (, trtntiau Religions," 2e
1 ti
14 Zwema 9
ur, F. R. G Arabia.
Canada's Debt to the Missionary,
anon Le Norman Tacker, Toronto, 3
m.—Devotional exercises, Rev F, B.
u Val, D. D. 'Theme : "'Che Piece of
to Church in lite blakiug of the
011011 ' (0
Otte Dutyto the English.
peaking Ear a t and
D I o e Settlers," Rev..
W. Gordon
D. C. (Ralph Connor),
i'innipeg, 1+an. (s) "Our Duty to the
idtan," Hoe. S, H. ,3lske, IC, C., Tor -
(s) "Our Duty to the Asiatic,"
eV. Alex. SuUlerlend, D 'b., Toronto.
"'The Cln•istienizaticu of Otir Civil.
tine," 1. A, Macdonald, 7'ornnto
er, M. I) Carder in his report gives R
these figures :—'I'otsl number ne 1".15:70, f4
466 ; average duratlnu of • membership of is
brothers who have died z eats 'river Cl