HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-18, Page 8Ortn aldehyde The Great Smut Proventitive Makes Clean Grain Makes Clean Sarno Some Seven or eight years ago Formaldehyde was first Used in this vicinity on grele, before planting, to try and stenip out the ever increasing ernut, 'Al- though it had been.tested at the Agricultural COliege people were very slow about trying it the first year or two, having very little faith in the virtue of It. Those Who did risk trying it were so well pleased with the results obtained that the secs cess of it was at once assured. More farmers used it the next year and so On Until DOW the number who do not look upon it as a re& necessity is exceedingly small itideed. Get in line and eeonre your supply for this year. Our Formaldehyde is of the finest qtiality, Put rip in two sizes . - I lb. Bottles, sufficient for from 8o to too bus. 400 " 40 to 50 " 250 Full directions op each bottle, RE now on display. We have searched thm e ar- Our Easter Cards Akete to find the latest and most beautiful in thie line„and you cannot fail to find what will suit'you In our range.. Come in and look over them; you will be under no obligation to buy. wwaiwosswsistwsm, R S I T He DRUGGIST AND OP ['MAN. ram! Rebos tents lAstes BIRD was tined filr oo last Mon• RENEW FOR 1909. WEDNESDAY was St. Patrick's Day, GooD FRIDAY conies on April eth and Easter Sunday on the it'll prox. A CAR of potatoes was shipped by W. H. McCracken to Tommie this week. THE re vote will be taken on the Gar• side -James loan By -Law on Monday, April 5t12. MARBLES and skipping ropes have made their appearance. Both are sure signs of Spring. WHAT about the re -organization of athletic clubs in Brussels lor Egog sea- son? It's time to gel busy A SPECIAL meeting of the Royal Scarlet Degree of the L., 0 L., Brus- sels, was held last Monday evening when six candidates were instructed in the degree. Another meeting will be held Friday evening of this week. A SPECIAL train was run from -Durham to Wingham Wednesday evening of last week to accummodate the hockey team of the former place. Several Brusselites took advantage of the excur sion and saw Wingham administer a great trouncing to the visitors thereby ,winning the championship of the North- ern League. PASSED AwAY.-A lelegra M Was re- ceived last Satuiday by Thos Ennis, Brussels apprising him of the sad news that bis daughter, Ellie. who was the wife of W A. McLauchlie, ol Neepawa. Mao., had died that day. She was 38 • years, 212 months and 36 nays old. • The remains are now en route to Bros sell and the funeral will take place from the home of her parents Saturday alter noon et 2.30 o'clock, the service being • held a half :lour earlier. Interment in Brussels cemetery. A. 0. U. W -W H McCracken is attending the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U W. at Toronto this week as the representative of Brussels Lodge. The A. 0. U W. is one of the oldest and best fraternal societies.Its surplus is over one million dollars. It has over 40.000 members and it has paid to wid- ows and orphans over twelve million dollars. During the year 1908 th• re cord is one that shows improvement, both as to admission and financial stand- ing. The Order received over one thousand more applications than the previous year. rhe death rate fell off considerably, eighty-two deaths less than during roo7, Consequently has shown a larger surplus in the beneficiary fund, being able to transfer to the reserve during the year 5241,52414 thereby in- creasing the reserve fund, including 540,677.62 interest, by 5282,201.76. making this fund at the end of the year $1,252,82n.16, and still leaving 5100,000 in the beneficiary fund. LONDON WEDDING. - A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in new St. James Presbyterian church London, on Saturday March 6111, at 830 o'clock. when Miss Helena Claudia tiro.% n. of x91 St..jarnes s,reet, became the bride of Harry Stansfield Jackson. of Strath roy. Ceremony was performed by Rev. 'rhos Mitchell, pester of the church. The bride entered the church leaning, on the arm of her father, to the strains of Loliengrin'S wedding march, played by Mr. Galbraith, organist of the church. Bride wore a cream Princess gown and hat of cream panne velvet, • trimmed with violets, and was attended by her sister, Miss Nessie, who was • similarity attired. The groom was supported by Jack Jervis, of Strathroy Bride's going away gown was a hand- some tailored suit of myrtle green French broadcloth, with het to match The young couple will reside in Strath- roy. A number of the young people of the wedding party, unknown to the priucipals, took a trip 00 the same train ,and before leaving showered the bride 'and groom with confetti as a parting Shot. The bride is a grand daughter of Mrs. Geo. MeKay, of Brussels. WELL DESERYRD. -The Havana, (Cuba) ''Post," of February 17112, publishes the following which refers to . Miss Joan Ross, a well known young lady of Brussels, now of Toronto "The formal opening of the Ocean ' Beach free library was held on Thurs- day last, many being present from town and country. When the meeting was opened, a letter was read by Miss Soley 1 from Miss Joan Ross, of Toronto, through whose efforts the library has 1 become a fact, giving a short history ot the work in connection with the sanie, 1 altd after listening to short addresses from several of those present, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Miss ' Ross for her untiring efforts and self sacrifice in securing for our citizens this boon of a tree library. When the con. , signment of books arrives that is now on the way, the library will contain over 400 volutries of choice reeding. The following cempoae the library board e•-• , Alex, Voting, librarian ; Frank McFar- I lane, Sec ; Mr. and Mrs. Arscott, Mr, 1 and Mrs, Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Meer - lane, It was decided to call the library '•The Ross Free Library of Ocean Befteli.' nutlike are dee to Bruivels friends who contributed books to the above project, ' day for using abusive language t Weiehinaster Oliver. WE Always carry a guod line of busi ness envelopes and paper. No business mai] can effurcl to use otber than priuted envelopes and letter paper., MONTHLY Horse Fair the last for this season, will be nekt in Brussels on Thursday, April xst. This Fair will be a sweeper. Fairs will be resumed next Fall, AN auction sale of chattels will be held at the American Hotel, Brussels. Saturday afternoon of this week at 2 o'clock. Dan McLauchlin is the pro- prietor and F. S. Scott, Auctioneer. l'He class At Home advertised for the W. C. T. TT rooms on Thursday even- ing of this week will be bald in the Town Hall instead All will be wel- come. Good program, luach &c. Ad- reissioti 15 cents tor adults and 10 cents tor children, DissoLvert.--The partnership existing between A. M. McKay and Jas. S. Shaw as hardware merchants has been dissolved, the latter continuing the businees. THE POST is not aware what Mr. McKay purpu ea doing but hope he will not remove from town. _ 0 CLoven and Timothy Seed at McCracken's. EGGS for hatching, choice strains, see advt. W. E. Damian. SHOD Oats, Peas and Barley for slate. Lot 11, Con, le, Grey. W. MoNAte, or B111E0018 P, 0. Tme 1 ihe time to buy a saw, any quantity at any priee. Yours at lowest figure by T. 5.10GREGOtt, Brussels, Ont. naso peas for sole. 000d yieldere, Will also sell an nericultural filly 'rising years. Apply to James Duncan, Si Lot 27, Con. 4, Mor- rie, or 11, nes els p0. Poe sale at a bargain, a comfortable dwel- ling, with barn and soft water and all eon - vet. lences 5 acres of land, orchard, various fruits, grapes, &G. Apply to 001. 7. RICHARDS, Brussers. COMEOKTAI3LE house for sale or to rent. Baru end sett water, good cellar, woodshed. fruit trees, &a., conveniently situated. Pos- session can be given on April Ifith. For further particulars enquire 01 3515 Poem Pub- lishing House. NOTICio.--Bavingdtspoved of iny Veterinary pittance 10 .1,0. WS., arwick, V. I desire all Indented to 50e tu omit and settlewreounts by Savarday 57111 inst., as I purpose leaving town. Thanking the pnblic for pest favors. GE0 LInNitiNotLant, V 8 STRAYED from the premises or the under- signect a few weeks ago, alarge. clark_yeilow dog, answers to the mime of •Nipper." Any information lemming to bis recovery will be thankfuby rraelveti by DAVID MOU'amoilEott. Leadbury, P. 0. or Devitt BADOLEV, Brussels P. 0. - WEDNESDAY evening tbe St. Patrick's entertatittneut given In the 'Town Bali under the auspices of the Aid Society ot Melville (therm) turned out very suet:est. itrily, Rev. A Wishart, 5, A., occu pied the chair and introduced a verh en lovable and well rendered program. Lit lien was served. Proceeds 53e uo. FotuerH Division Court sus held on ed o etalay ut last week before bit. Honor Judge Heft. The priumpal case Was Sellers vs, 'Furvey.' both Of Morns towuship,..tor the poisoniug of a hound. After cousiderable evidence a vet diet of nou-sult was given by the Judge as he did not consider proof was for,h-cuming as to fastening the puisoning on delendant. Barrister Ditches Holmes appeared for ler. Set ters and Barrister Monteith looked after Mr. Tervey's interests. Several indg- men I. su in Mons' were dealt with. PRACTICE :sou/. -George Cunningham V. S., wee 11105 been practicing his pro. teasien tor the past four years in Brus- sels, bas dispused of his business to J. D. Warwick, from whom he bought it and the cnange will be made next Mon•• day. Mr. Cunuingliam has not definite ly decided where he will locate. .lno.. Cunningham and Mr. Warwick will ex- change _pieces of residence. Doc. Wai• wick requires no Introduction to the public. We wish Mr, Cunningham 'sue cuss wherever he may settle down. Close CALL:- The fulluwing refers a [(inner resident of .13thssels :- On the.night of Dec. aand the dental office of Dr. Davidson, Woodstoek, was robbed and a lot of gold and .artificial teeth stolen.' Other dental offices in Western 0001110 were robbed about the same time and the only description of the mito that could be secured was by a woman who lived over au ()face that was robbed to Loudon, who saw a young man with red hair going down the stair Chief l'honipson, of Woodstock, former - y of London, • thinks 'that the thief was the Berlin young matt who was shot 2511 pelicenian while going through an office at Oleau, N. Y. and subseq.uent- y died, A rather remarkable circum- stance in connection with the robbery of Dr, Daincleon's office has come to light, rile night the office was entered Dr. Davidson was rap town making some Christman purchases. He lett the store with the inteution of going to bis office • to leave the parcel. He got as far as the bottom- of the stairway, when something seernel to tell hint not to go up, and he turned around and went -home, without entering the office. Chief Thompson believes that the burette' was in the office at the time, and that tbe warning was a very timely one. Subsequent development proved that the man was a very desperate character, and had Dr. Davidson surprised him at his work, a tragedy might easily Imre been enacted. ••••••-•iseren-i—v-im.eisseesea testes, MIT BA OPOLITAN—i K ogArirs AND MOW OREM :BOUGHT AND SOLD tARM[RV Aa NOM PROMPTLY COLLECUD A personal cash reserve NOW is the fou'da ion of a life indep.nd- ence LArksR. BRUSSELS BRANCH $ 1 Starts a Savings Account • 5335 F. ft. Gilroy, Mcnager THANKS to Rev. Mr, Hicks sufficient snow keeps falling to keep the sleighing fairly good. DON'T forget Mrs. A. J. Lowrv's class At Home in the 'rown Hall Thursday evening of this week. Program at 8 o'clock. Lunch, games and a fine soc- ial time promised Admission is vents. GEORGE CAMPBELL and Walter Lowry shipped two ears of horses from Brus• sets to Milestone. Sask.,, on Tuesday. The former accompanied them. Mr. Campbell has land in the West so should understand the needs of that count ry, Have you a pain -of any kind, any- where ? Stop just a minute and think 1 It matters not whether it be womanly pains, head pains, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's lit- tle Pink Pain Tablets will surely stop it in 20 minutes. Formula plainly printed on the 26o. box. Sold by all dealers. DEBATE. -The VV. C. T. U. will hold an entertainment 011 March 23rd in their mums. The program will consist of a debate in which the following speakers wIll take part ;-Mesdames Buchanan, Lowry and Robb and J. '1'. Wood. There will alsu be a good program of solos. quartettes, duets and readings and selections by the Harmonica Band, Program commences at 8 o'clock Ad- mission 1.5c Everybody welcome SITE PURCHAsED - 'Phe regular monthly meeting of the Public Library Board was held last Monday evening. Secretary reported the receipt of 520 cio Co. grant. Several commutneattons were dealt with, one relating to the Ontario Library Association, Inspect- or Robb and J. H Cameron were •delegated to attend the meeting as they will be in Torooto at the time. 52.3.00 was paid on rent account of reading room to Dr Holmes balancing same to len. 1st 1909 Letteri was read from Mr. Carnegie's representative in New York expressing the former's willing. ness to make a grant of 56 500 to 13rus- sets for tbe erection of a Library build ing. After discussing the question of site it was moved, seconded and carried that a lot 602132 feet he bought from J Leekie. corner of Turnberry and Mill street, the price being 911365 An out - ane plan of building will be dratted at once. MARCH WEATHER. -Not much pleas- ant weather is predicted for this month On March 15, ie. 17 we shall enter th Venus period ; this with the influence o Mars, mud the approach of the Earth' equinox will lead to storms. Thes 'tome whether of wind, snow, rain and thuoder. will depend on which of th three influences mentioned, isthe strong est. Hicks is inclined to believe tha snow and cold will prevail, and adds - "We believe that tee Mars influence will set a Winter pace that will mark the weather far into April." March gist will be the earth's vernal equinox. A phenometrally low barometer, great humidity and high temperature will be a warning of violent storms, anywhere from Friday Toth to Tuesday, 23rd, not- ably on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, 20t. 22nd and 23rd. In all prohabiliti this peri 6 will first bring storms of vicious Venus lightning and thtinder, high winds and possible tot nadoes to the South vard, all followed by turious gales from the Northwest, with blockading blizzards and drifts of snow, On ac- count of the prevailing periodsof 'Venus, Earth and Mars, there will be constant tendency to storms and unsettled weath- er all through this part of March. But the barometer will show decided storm conditions about 27th to mix. and storms of rain, turning to snow in North ern parts will march Eastward over the country. e The Value of Economy any people fail to cave, because they do not realize the importance of smell econotnieS, The practice, once begun, of laying aside a portion of your income, no matter bow small, every week or nuMthr Will soon become a Axed habit. The result in a few years will probably surprise, and certainly gratify you. Start a Savings Account to -day With • THE STANDARD BANK FAblail'a 18" OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH 3. F. PrOVTLATAItie Noxsuor Inspector McIntyre, of Toronto, paid -- his official viuit to the Metropolitan Maitland Presbytery Bank here this week, • The Presbytery of Maitland met at Wingham. on March zod with Rev, C. AI Rutherford. Moderator, in the chair. There was a good attendance, and a considerable amount of business was transacted. Rev Messrs John Radford, W. A. Bremner, D 5 McRae and C. M. Rutherford were appointed Commis. stoners to the General Assembly. The sessions of Lucknow, Kincardine, Pilie River, and the joint sessions of Bluevale and Endies have respectively the privi• lege ot nominating Commissioners to be finally appointed by the Presbytery at the meeting to he held in May, Mr. leadfo.d was nominated RS a member of the Synod's Committee on Bills and Overtures Mr Weal gave notice that at the next meeting the second last paragraph on the last page of the "Older of Business" I e deleted. Miss Mceartius, of St. Marys, was a visitor with her sister, Miss Bessie Mc. Camus, during the past week, Mrs. Sternn. ot Stratford, formerly of Brussels. died on Wednesday evening. She tied been in failing health for a short time - Teller Hewson, of the Standard Bank who has been a' Dublin agency for the past few weeks, arrived back to town on Wednesday and bee resumed his old position. Owing to Miss, Bessie MeCamus, teacher temporarily losing her voice, she left tor a britt visit to her name in' St Marys 00 Thursday as she was un- able to tach. Mrs. George McKay. who has been a resident of this vicinity for a good many years, is now in her 85th year, her birth day being January Igth. She has been an active woman in her dal/. Ray Fear, whose purpose of taking a situation at Avliner did not realize, has accepted a good position with Messrs Blowev & Hem v, House Furnishers, of Edmonton We wise him success. Miss McAllister, of Glencoe, has been engaged as milliner at Mrs MeKinley's for this season, Miss Habkitk will be assisted bv Miss Wi mile McGuire and Miss Inman by Miss Carrie lacksun, J. H. Sperling, wife and suns, of Whitechurch, spent two days this week with the former's brother and sister, j Fletcher Sparling and Mrs Watson Ainlay, He took a ilia to Ethel to see Jno Whitfield, who has been quite 111., Rev, Mr Flibbert, of Thorndale, and dauehter, Norma MI.' were the geeets of W. 11 Pryne andfamily while in town for a few days attending the Ep- worth League anniversary, They wer friends of other clays prior to the coming of Mr. Prime to Brussels. On account of A. Somers' intention of following farming he left the employ of Alfred Bateker, whose storehousentan he has been for the past 5 years. Alex. Roe has taken his place and will nu doubt prove a worthy successor to Mr. Somet s who gave splendid satisfaction to *he public. G. R. Stubbs, who has spent the past few months here with his family return- ed to Nokomis Sask., on Tues- day He had a gond year there in te1t8 and expects to do well in 199. r. Stubbs owns propei tv 10 that 1 go-ahead town but we hope ne s will (mid tune his real home in Bruesels. e R Crone left town for a holiday trip to the West last 'Tuesday with a view of e improving his health and seeing the country He will go as far as the t Rockies et least Mrs Crone and tamilv will continue to reside neye, 111 the meantime at any rate We hope Mr Crone will enjoy his outing and strike something rich as well Mrs. A Bruce, of Swan Lake, Mani- toba, who was visiting here for a few days, returned to Bluevale on Monday. In the course of a couple of weeks she and her brother. Wm Cro-a, will leave for their home in the West both greatly benefitted by their trip to Ontario Mr. Cross is the owner of col siderahle farm and village property in Manitoba and is so sanguine of success that he purposes building some more houses in Swan Lake next Summer. These are the kind of citizens of real worth to any place, lifters rather than leaners. --- Church Chimes People We Talk About L Baeker made a business trip to Clifford this week, Miss Cora Bell is holidaying with rebid Yee at Atwood. Barris,ter Sinclair merle a professional visit to Godertch on Friday. Eph. Cober, ot Mootefield, was in limn for a Few days on a business trip. Rev Mr. and Mrs Lang -Ford, of Listowel, were In town for a few days, Miss Mary Rnss returned to Monkton for another season in millinery on Mon- day. James and Mrs. Dunford and chlid• ren, of Clinton, visited relatives in this locality. Miss Mary McClure attended the fun- eral of a friend at Seaforth on Saturday. She returned Monday evening. Miss Mary Varcoe, of Harnilton, be renewing old friendships in town and locality. She was a former resident. Mrs, Will. Lowry and daughter Reta, of London, are visiting relatives in Brussels. Mrs. Lowry is a daughter of lames Sharpe, Princess street. Was Mabel Haycroft, who was millin- er in Winnipeg for several years, has gone to Hamilton where she bas accept- ed a good situation in the same line, Monday evening Mrs. J. L. Kerr, of Blyth, slipped on the icy sidewalk and injured her left arm besides sustaining other bruises. Hope she will soon be o k, Miss Aggie Duncanson, who mune home front Toronto a month ago ill with rheumatism, is so much better she will return to her situation in the Qtieen city on Monday next. Miss Olive Mooney, who is filling a millinery position at Mitchell has been 02 the sick list but bet many friends in Brussels will be glad to hear that she is able to resume Work again. Crossley and Hunter will commence a series of evangelistic meetings in St Marys March 21st. Rev. J. S Hardie, B. A., of Listowel, will conduct the services in Melville church next Sabbath There will be High Mass,with Lenten sermon sin the Catholic church, Brussels next Sultrier, 2150 . at 1.300 in. The services in St. John's church were taken charge of last Sunday by Mi. Charles college student from Laindon Rev. Fir, McLauchlan of Sttatfind, preached in Melville church .,Eibbath last, owing to the pastor's accident • In the morning 11 Peter, 2 and 5 was the text and at the evening service Heb ews 2nd chapter. verses 1 4 was the founds rion of the discourse The reverend geritleman is a good preacher. He had been here on previous occasions. Brussels School Board The regular meeting of the Brussels Public Sebool BoArd was held in the a Board ROOM on Friday evehing. Members present 1', Farrow. Chair- man, D C. Ross, R. Leatherdale, M H Moore and M Black. • Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved Report of Inspector of Con- tinuation School, also the report of Inspector Robb were read An account of I, eremite] & Ross for 54 22 fur wood was ordered to be paid Board then adjourned. J. H. CAMERON. Secretary. 51 Branched Rev John McFarlane resigned his charge of the congregation of Pine River and intimated hie desire to retire from the active duties of the minietry, and he admitted to the benefits of the Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund. When commissioners had been heard, and Mr McFarlane stated his adherence it was agreed on motion of Messrs MtioNab and McRae, that his resigna- tion he accepted to take effect on and after the last Sebbath in October, and it was agreed to appoint Messrs. Mac- Lennan. McRae and Miller In drift fi minute re Mr. McFarlane and his work, and sohmit the sante to the Presbytere 00 115 next regular meeting for approval. An unanimous call was laid on the' table by Rev Mr. MacLennan from Huron Church. Ripley, in favour of D A McLean of Term This was accom- panied with a: guarantee of stipend Inc 81 ono with use of manse, and four weeks holidays. Messrs. Mackay, Mc- Liiod and' McMurchy spoke as tem°. senting the Session and ccngregation, and on motion duly made it was egreed to sustain the call as a reeular Gorpel call, and instruct the Clerk to forward the same to the Clerk or the Presbytery of Bruce Mr MacLennan was ap- pointed tn represent the Presbytery be- fore the Presb, ter' of Bruce. Provis- ional arrangements were made for induction, namely, the most recently inducted minister to p-esch, Mr. Miller to addressthe minister. and Mr MacLen- nan the pennle, the date to be arranged later by the Clerk reeard to remits from the General Assemnly, it was agreed to approve the principle of a general fund for the nay. merit of the travelling expenses of all Commissioners to the General Assembly. It we• agreed not tn anprove of the putting of the name of "Assistant Pas- tors" on Presbytery Rees. except in the cnse of 'Colleagues and Successors." It was weed to approve of the licensing of students in terms of ,the Overture remitted. It was agreed to approve the Interim Act for the regulation of the Aged And Infirm Ministers Fund with a few modi- fications. Mr. Tait reported Inc the Cherch Life and Work Committee, And proposed the following recommendations :-t. That ministers he recommended to make these matters the subject of discourse at some public service of the church ; 2, That ministers he recommended to preach at least twice a year special ser- mons nn the duties of the Home, or on some aspect ,of Home life ; 3. That par- eets be urged to do all that they cen to render the work of the Sabbath Schonl as effective as possible, as an ally of the home ; 4, That our members he recom mended to use their influence Inc the abolition of the public bar ; 5. That of- fiee•hearers and members he urged to personal effort with a view to leadine to Christ those who ere still nut of the way.' 'rhe report with es recommendations WAS adopted, 'Mr. MacNeil moved the following resolution, which toss seconded by Mr. Duncan, and agreed namely, that where ae the liquor traffic is an admitted source of social moral and material injure to our people and whereas, in many rneni cipalities there is. a majority of electors desirous of prohibiting the sale of liquor by retell by the Local Optinn method but are hindered by the unfair, and undemocratic requirement which eckons forte votes ciet on one gide as beihr pqnal to sixty cast on the other, nd whereas this requirement hs e al- ready been abundatitle !shown to he un- neceesary in order to the permanency of the Local Optinn by law, therefore we humbly and earnestly beseech the Honorat le, the Legislative Assembly to so emend the law that as fortnerle a by. law prohibiting the retail sale of liquor, Shall !wombs law if it is approved by a majority of the municipal electors vot ing thereon It %VIC further agreed that copies of this resolution he forwarded to the Premier, the Previncial Secretary, the leader of the Opposition and the Secretary of the 1..nrdie Day Alliatme. On moorm of Mr. McKerroll, second. eci by Mr Mincer)it was agreed to nominate Rev. Dr, Pidgeon, of West Toronto, as Professor of Practinal Theology in Montreal College. On motion Of Mr. Bremner, seconded by Mr Smith, It was egreed to nominate R'y Andrew MacNab, M, A.. of Wal- ton, as Profeseor of Systematic Theol- ogY in HAWAII C011ege 11 tvas agreed In nett greets from the Five men were buried under a cilve-in of earth on the National Ti anseont inent- al Railway near La retitle, Quebec, and killed. George Flatt, a retired farmer, aged 6o, met with sudden death Monday evening at 5 o'clock. He was in Hani mill & Moote's hardware store Galt. The trap door twirling to the cellar was open, and bite unfortnnate Man not be- ing aware of it fell into the opening. fracturing his shill. He died soon after. Augmentation Fund at the rate of Ban 1 for Pine River, and $75 for the North Kinloss charge. Messrs. 'Pau, Bremner, Radford and A. El, McRagne, elder, were appointed 0 commission with Presbyterial powers to decide es to whether 00( 51505 should be continued at Eoniskillen. On consideration as to whence the expenses Should come of these members of Presbytery who are required to take special part in Matic ion services it was agreed that according to the. common practice of the church the cougregati na concerned should be required to pay the necessary expense of all such. It was agreed that the next regular meeting take place in Brussels, on the third Tuesday in May, at half, past eleven in the forenoon, ANDREW MACNAB, Clerk. Walton, March z5111, 1909 The death rook place at Orangeville of Rev, Richerd Hassard. Pictun's new 550,000 collegiate insti- tute was formally opened, The Canada Life bill passed the Bank. ing and Commerce Committee, Dr. Glasgow, Lieutenant Colonel, of the Second, Dragoons, died at Welland. J. Frank Mosley. of Owen Sound, a leading inerehant, committed suicide by shooting. Herbert Lawrence, of 'Tomtit°, was struck by a falling tree near Durham and killed. BORN Bes.nwen.-In Galt, on Mnrch 1st, to MY. and Mra. A. E. Bradwin, formerly of Blyth, a son. MARRIED DEPult-WATSON -At Ann Arbor, Michigan, on March tith, by Rev. Dr. Gelston, Mr. Henry DePue, of Arm Arbor, to Miss Ethel W. Watson, of Toronto, formerly of Blyth. and sister to Airs. (Rev.) D. B. Moline, of Oranbrook, Ont. .7A0am0N-BitowN.--In New St. James Pres- byterian Church. London, by Rev, Time Mitchell, Miss Helena Uleudie Brown, of London to Mr. 5051'17 Stanfield Jackson, of Strathroy. DIED BowIte.-In (*ray, on March 14th, Bliza Bunter, beloved wife of Robert Bowes, in her 85th year COTILTEs.-In Morris, on March 11th,' John ()mites, aged _ 18 _v_euro. Zieepawa. Man., on Satur- day, March 1.8th. SIlIle Ennist beloved wife of W. A. MoLauehlin, aged 88 years, 11 months and 18 days. AUCTION SALES FtrIDAY, MAROH Min. -Form Stock, imple- ments. &a, Let 01. Cnn. 1, Grey. Sale unre- served at 1 o'clock. Harvey Elliott, Prop, P. &Scott, .Rue. SAlntrrAY, MAROR 20014.-Parm chattels. at American Hotel Brus-ele, at 2 p111. Dan. cLench lin, Prop. 3.8. Scott, Alto. BROS•bEt-S MARKET -- Wheat 41 00 01 01 Oats 40 31 Peas SS 55 Barley 48 52 Potatoes BO 80 But tter 17 18 Eggs 20 22 Hay 750 750 Hogs 7 00, 700 ANTS LE PL HIS - I E ER ED For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female His Minneapolis, Minn. -“I was a great sufferer from female troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition of the system. I read so muchofwhatLydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound had done for other suffering women I felt sure it would ' help me, and I must say it did help me wonderfully. My pains all left me, I grew stronger, and within three months I was a perfectly well woman. '/ want this letter made public to show the benefit women may derive from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." -Mrs. Joint- G. IiErn,m4x, 2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis, Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and genu- inc testimonials like the above prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made exclusively from roots and herbs. Women who suffer from those dis- tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight 05 1211080 facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. if yea want special advice write to Mrs. Pinkharn, at Lynn, Maas. Shewill treat your letteras s Wetly confidential. For 20 years she has been luelplisg sick women in diliis way, free of charge. Don't hesitate- write at once. ,_ New Wall Paper for 1909 We are again showing ft very attractive line of With Paper for the coming see -on which we wifl be glad to show you. Our range is hJ far the most varied and extensive that we haul yet shown. A new fea- ture this year is the price of aur borders which we are sel. ling at practically .the same price per roll as the paper. Drop in and let its explain our proposition. Yon will find it a good one, FOX'S DRUG STORE George Flatt was killed at Galt by fall downstairs. • The Standard, the new Couservative morning paper, will be issued at St. John about March 2o. Col, Turobue, foi 'nutty Commandant of the Montreal Artillery Brigade, was found dead in his lodgings at Ottawa. The trustees of Princess Si reet, Metho- dist ch rah received a surprise Monday . morning when it was announced that the late Mrs, Wm. Briden, Williaths. vine. had included in her will a be. quest of $2,000 to the church. Stock for Service riontiam BULL FOR ssuvron..-The La' unnclerst geed will keep fur service on Lot • 14, Oon 4, Morris, the there' bred Durban, bull ',TeckPtivorite" (72111113, bred by Alex. Gard- iner. Leacibury , winch fit well bred, treeing back to the beat families. .ALLAN SPI5IR, Pair. view Farm, Proprietor.51, COR SERVICE -A Thoro'-bred Short Horn 20, OBotuL11104°,6 prtenpi 134.,orimici,,ILoostsoul poi,. 31417.41 jLeont. 1.0, 1910. Further feline may bo seen at the prendoes. D. H. SANDERS, Proprietor. The, People's Column inn ACRE rants TO RENT:411e under, • •••‘o eigned will rem his fine 100 Imre farm, Lot 8, Oon. 2, Grey. Good house and barn, orchard, &e Place well watered and well nce fed; all seeded dawn except 16 notes. 0 miles from Jamestown and 3 mile to school. Possession given 01 07100, For farther partic- ulars apply or write to W. G Coombe% Moles- worth, or F. S. Scott, Brussels. 85-01, PROPERTY 17011 SA.L19.-In order to close the estate of the late Thos. MeLimehlin lbte Exeoutors offer for pale the real estate consisting of n7 roomed lipase in good repair, ecre of lend. together with 6 aores of first- class laud and !liege commodlona stable, quite oonvenient to Mime. 30,' full deacription and location of Property apply to P. SCOlFF, or A. STEWART, Queen St., West, Brussels, County orHuron. tf. Notice of Dissolution The partnerabip heretofore existing between Ameigoehbeineti!,auYnntinedr jtha. :1113Slameitatywle. as endhail'armwa'ol McKay Sc Shaw, is hereby dissolved by mutual commit t: The said Jas. 8. Shaw will continue the busi- ness of the late firm. assume Ira liabilities., and to whom ell outstanding debts clue the firm are to he paid. Dated 01110 10111 day 01 Mardi, A. D., 1000. Witness, W. M. SIN OMAR. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of john Cober, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, carriage maker deceased. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to "Tao Revised Statntem el Ontario," 18117, section 00. chapter lag that all ereditorm and *therm hay - lug clanus against the estate of the said John ()ober, who card on or idot's the 25th cley uf Jan. A D' . 1000, are required on 00 before the 151 day,of May, A D., 1009, to mend by poet, prepaid. to Jacob. le. Cobol-, at klespeler, Ont, the executor of the last will and temte anent of the said deceased, their Christian and mu, times, addresses and descriptions, the hill particulars of their elating, a statement of their accounts (0017 510 tilted, end the nature of the seourities if tiny) held by them. And furfber tette notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executor will pro. need to distribute the immets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the olaims of which lie shall se xscutor will not be 1inble for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any nereon or persona of whose claim notiee shell afit hove been received by theta at the 1111' fl e a .oil Dated 01 Hespeler, this 18th day of March, ,A7AUD011N0139. coma. Box 205, Heapeler, Ex - 000151 -of the last Will and Testament of John Uober, deceased '15' U. )R. BANNING, Solioltor for Executor. .All I:allies indebted to the abov_e estate are requested to melte settlement forthwith to J. N. 00150215, Bxecator. then have notice and that the id E HOMIESEEKEilt EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m, an APRIL 8, 20 MAY 4, 18 JUNE 1, 15,28 JULY 13, 27 ALIO. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 Second doss tiolron from Ontario station. to principal Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $32.00; Edmonton and whim $42.50, and to other points in proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with beddlors, 130 10 secured at moderate rates &oriels local went. Early application must ha made ASK FOR 110mE0EEKERS' PAMPHLET' containing rater and full information. Apply to noarre C.P.R. Anent or toR.L. Thompson. Dist Pass Agt T r nto ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE 01 6889 I T. FARROW, Agent BRUSSELS