HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-18, Page 5• • SUSINk3S CAuus. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Pia►lo or Organ ETH EL. ONT. K. O. T. M. ftnumb Tont of the Maeoaboea• No. 24 hold their Wgglar meeWuga Ia the Lgdge Buena, B110k0r 81090, 0u tqo let and 8181 4'uoaday eventuge 0f WW1 mouth. A. SO IT E1t1 Miters A 6ior;VIRE, R. E. JAMES HARRIS, Agent X owiclk Mettle' .Pine Ineuranhe,Compauy Chloe and Residence— _ WAI;,TON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND INep11AN9k., FIRE AND MARINE. GUF.LPN.. AUCTIONEERS, it S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • bettor moue,' 11,W tw, mess l time andfor 8l000 rMimIceeto 1(300 nay other A11067011007-18 East Huron or auraltwe-charge o be arrang anything, this Dates and or by p 098,1101 applieatton, ROBT. H. GARNI$S SLUE VALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County; a t the omfliece oft Pax POET. Bi uselsarranged811 r VETERINARY. A. CUNNINQHAM— • Honor ifredeem of the Ontario Vet. erloary College, 3e proparod to treat all dia• eases of domesticated animate In a.compet- eratmanner, PartlthIar attention paid to Veterinary D0utietey and 011(0 r ev,r Calle promptly tl y attended L t4 . tan u e and ndroar y—Nourdmrs ,orb of bridge, 1uruoorry st.Yrhaeele. Thane 470 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING,. dV ivi. SINULAiR Y1 Barrluter,:8olisitor, Uuuvcyauoor, Notary I'nb11o, &o,- Uldoe—Stevratt'38 Blodk .t (1009 1303 p of Ouotra3 B0Ee3 Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. 1)ttOIIDI''00'r, HAYS de Hie ATE — 8AI.t13IBTif:FiS SOLICITORS, NOTARIES ISJB1.Iil, ETU, W. PaouDyooT, K. o, R. 0. Hare G. F. duo. Ofces—Those formerlyoccupied by Diesere. Camerae & Bolt, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiLD. f►wt'TIST Graduate ed U0 alio Royal Collegerttasa 8onor Graduate. of Toronto University, Ofd,e next to Browor'e Photograph Gellert', BRUSSELS. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANT even numbered section of Dominion Laude la Manitoba, Haeeetahawan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may bo homesteaded ny any person who is the eole bead of u, family, or any male over 38 years of ace, to the extent of one-gn.,rtar filiation of 100 acres mnro or lees Entry may be made personally at the local land ofliee fur the district In whloh the -and is situate. The homesteader a required to perform the ooadlfo us connected therewith under one of the follewhtg. plass: (1) At least- Sia months' reu,denee upon and oultivutlou of the lead m•e0oh year for three years, ( Ist deoeaase1) ofrthe mhomesteaders rather resides upou a farm in the vicinity of the laud entered for the requirements EA to - roe! - donee way be satinded by such persou re- sidingwith the lather mother, (8) If or f the oettler has his permanent reel. donne upou farming laud owuud by him lu the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quirements malt e ae to 1,08013,residence. ,1 may be outfa- ced b Six months' led one i the said should he given to the Commissioner of Dominlou Lauda at Ottawa of Intention to apply for Patent. VV.Deputy of the Ministecoorf luterio r. N. S. UuauthurIzed publludtioo of this ad. vertleemeut will not bepaid tor, SALT .Partnere or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. Cough Caution Hinter. positively never Dotsonourlungs. If you cough—oven from a 0153510 co1r1 only—you should always heal, soothe, and ease the irritated brons phial tubes, Don't blindly Suppress it with a etitpclying poison. St's strange hoW.enniethings finally come about,- i'or twenty years Dr. Shoop has constantly warned people not to take cough mixtures or prescriptions containing Colton, Ohlorotorm, or ohnilarpolsons. And now -a little late though—Congress says "Put tion the label, }f poisons are In your Cough Mixture," Good and o herds 1 sHhp0lthe et ons having Dr 8hoov Cough Caro. No bolson marks on Dr. Shoop's labels—and none in the Medicine, else It Mug by law be on the label. And it's not only safe, but IS 10: said to to by dose that know it bast, a truly re. markableoongh remedy, Take nooltanco then. pDartl8nlarly with your children. Insist on havhng Dr. Shoop'o COOgh Cum, compare carefully the Dr. Shoop pncltnge with others and note the differonee,' NO poison marks. there! You calf. always Ile on the Stals side by demanding Dr. C ou htxr C e "ALL. DEALERS" Business Cards MISS MYRr4.s' At Dom ALp of Oroollrggk who hoe taken honors in several honoorvotory examinations et Toronto: le PPS' Pared to give lnotruottons on Rhino Or Organ, Per terms and Limo or Jereeun apply fo Mtse DloAonald, 8b4 A. H. NION7 EITH A,t8,Macdonald Solicitor, tandtadBank, Brpesels, DR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Modioine, University of Toronto ; blot:Minto and t.4raduato of tdhe College of Pt y-.. sialsas and Surlfe0us, Ont. ' Post-graduate Pus - iu uUhimrg, Nye, Ear, Nosed Hospital, al,0'o,lI )t9eSurgeou to StMinh.93'9$oapitnl, Toronto,' 01h9e-over le, it, Smith's Drug Wore, Tole- (3133310 connection With U,'anhroou at f311 hours, DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate •Dental DIpni'tioent, Toronto Dental yurgewie sof' orontoo,, } Ulllooiover.8 T. Ross' store *Brussels. 1.. will visa wroxofsr the first and third' Mondays and Gorrie the 8saund and fourth Mondays of each month, OR. WAROLgW Honor graduate of 1130 OntarioVrtorinary ()allege, Day and night anile, Mee opposite !'lour Mill, Ether• ale seD fe i& war BRUSSELS MaiGoINa Bourret GOING Norms 7:08 o inExpress 10:55 a iu IBxprese 11:X8,3 mI.Mail .... 1:44 p Express 11:112m l p Express 8:80 p m Yg'i3fri'AttoI4Ydy !4-'L'g•'Fe`irte WALTON To Toronto Express , 8:41 a m ExprTo erich ess Asti 11:89a m Express. .... 8:11 p m I Express 7:97p m iliSiiixk Rays Fordwich Miss Norma Cook left for Toronto where she will enter the Weatezt Hospitali to train a5 a nurse - Walter McMichael has rented 1280 acres of line laud (car Qu'Appelle, S:tsk., to Tilley & Sous, of Listowel vicinity. Mrs, A. McGrath is seriously ill with an attack of pleurisy. Mimi V. McGrath, of Toronto, is home waiting on her mother. We are pleased to re - putt Mrs. McGzalh is improving. A Cure for Colds. Cheap acid pz•eparotiol,s are useless —use the old sratudard — Putnalli s Corn Extractor. For fifty years Put- iratm's has been the one paiuless cure. Atwood Elms, council met on Monday for general business. Mrs. James .13allautyne and son joint moved into their flue 150 acre farm uu the 8th con. West fano Strut - ford. Mrs. W. G. Inglis has arrived home from the Stratford Hospital after be- ing away over six weeks. She is much improved in health. The Atwood Cement hompany has beeu sold to the Maple Leaf Portland clement Co., a new company which has not yet completed organization. It will be put into shape for ruirning again as soon as possible. Croup positively stopped in 20 min- utes with Dr. Shoup's Croup Remedy. One test alone will solely prove this truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup -50e. Sold by all dealers. Gerrie Amos Dean has assumed his duties as caretaker of the Town Hall. \Von. Galbraith, who has recently soul his farm just North of Gorrie, has moved into Gerrie to reside. The Howick .Agricultural Society will hold their annual s�Spring Stallion and Horse Show in Victoria Park," Gerrie, on Friday, April 10th. The body of the late James Sander- son, late of Howick, but more recently of Toronto, where he had been living with his son-in-law, George McKee, was interred in (ferric uetuetely on Tuesday of last week. Funeral ser- vice was held in the Fordwich Metho- dist church, after the conclusion of the service the remains were brought to Gerrie. Invented Safe Headache Cure. Away with headaches, be done with dizziness, bad stomach and bilious- ness. A cure has been e found—use us Dr. Hanziltou's Pills and enjoy the health they so surely bring. Nothing but healthful vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They cleanse and purify the whole system, act as a per- fect tonic. Safe for children, girls, women and even. Sold do 25c. boxes by all dealers. Blyth The last Horse Pair of the season will be held on March 30th, Annual Spring Show will be held in Blyth on Thursday, April 81h. Mis. Jos. Ooonlhs is visiting with relatives and friends at Toronto. T. W. Scott has been appointed a Commissioner for taking affidavits, Dr. E, C. Wilford has ,arrived home from the Old Couutry looking hale and hearty after lzis course in the University at Edinburgh. G, M. Chambers & Uo, have loused land at the C. P. R, and will Ill er•eot a coal shed, and they have also pur— chased the cold business and shed of J. G. Moser. After residing in Blyth for 3.5 years, J. G. :Moser and family will leave about the 200 to reside in Waterloo, where iilr. Moser has purchased a brick residenne. On the 4th of this month Mr. apd Mrs, Moser arrived in Blyth 35 years ago from Sebringville, (hiving by stage front Clinton. He first inept a hardware store wht+t'e Ohtts Burling lives and afterwards lied a store where John Vincent lives. Per over 20 years lie worked in the shop where the present store of Mc- Pherson Bros. stOnds. About 28 years ago Mr. Moser built .the bl'ick hoes° now ownedby.r t• N1 , Cott and lead e th firstllwn 3u tl)wn. Iii was School '1't'ustee for 10 years and a faithful member of the Evangelical Church, Tho eltize115 will be sorry to see td ft'1 1 a *ir Y cavo totvll as Misses 8,113,1. Ella, were willing Workers in tl Methedist church, 111158 Eton* rn ducting the choir for some time. M Illoserr's fine residence has been sold to Ed. Lear, Of Huliett, who will niov into town about the 23rd, A proposition was presorted to tlr Oouttcii by Bainton Bros, asking for lean 01' $4000 without interest to e8t$11 lish a tannery and mitt faetury anti maeufaetuze linings for mitts in Blyth, 5ait1 luau to extend over five year's, a1(4880mption from taxes with a fixed yearly assessment of $200, ex. cepa Kilted Mato, foe ten years, e Abner Oeseee was ill '�'a'aterloo at• e 'tlluili nal Life ±tunutai 1neeGill(I Of the MUGNTFJ LfAssrno Oo. of Oltnada. - ( n 1 SA%L 1 1)r. 1loilgratts, of Lila ,provincial *' 31hard of Health', With expected to visit OF Wingham and advise as to the best e eo(uee i" or domestic water, tend the ebest means of sewage disposal, Ile 1 a ✓ ,!i!"' crow thinks it, would be benne*' to defer • his visit uurii engineer's plana have beeu obtained, For 30 Days Fortify now tzgllinst the Grip—for it comes every season sure 1 Pre V- 0110.:8—the little Gaudy Oul4 Once Tablets—offer in this respect a *oust Certain and dependable safeguard. Px'eventics, at the "sneeze stage" will, as well, also surely, (lead oft all common colds, But promptness le all-important, Keep Preveutics in the' poelcet or purse for instant use. Box of 48 fol 25c. Sold by all dealers, Listowel A, 0, and 111i's. pricker have moved back to town from Ohesley and their friends will be pleased to have them 48 citizens again. 11)1r. Bricker takes a position in J. 111. Schinbein's store. 1Vlauy of Listowol's citizens learned with deep regret of the death of H. H. O'Reilly, wanugel Of the main branch of the Batik of Hamilton, and for some years manager of the Lis- towel branch, which occurred in Ham- ilton. Mayor Foerch and A. Weathei'head, of town ; also Jos. Johnston, Co. Master ; Those Sproule, District Master, Elma ; John Barnett, L. 0. L. No. 422, Wallace, and other breth- ren from this vicinity were in St. Thomasattending the annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West. Hensall Sawing g bees are the order of the day Y in lit,usall. Thepit car•1 , ds of the Harald Jarvis concert amounted to $150. He was under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. While unloading logs off a sleigh, W. Stoneman slipped and felt, breitk- ing some of his ribs. Hugh Mcti'Turtiu went to Hamilton last week and Mrs. McMlartiu aceolupauied him home after a visit u, the above place. James Stith, who out his leg about a Month ago and was recovering nice- ly, had the uusfortuno tofall on the ice tearing the would open afresh which will lay him up for some time. Rev. Miliyard, jt•., has been invited by the Henson *Quarterly Board to be- come pastor of the Methodist church here, subject to the stationing committee. He is now at Birr. Do You Feel Used Up ? You're discouraged and played out —scarcely enough energy to think, and less to work on. The reason ? You are run down, blood is thin, nerves eyelike Indian rubber, not like steer as they ought to be. Use Fer- rozone and the tired feeling will go it can't stay because rich nutlitnous blood and the bodily vigor Ferr0zune wakes, crowds out weakness of every kind. Use Ferrozone and you'll feel like a fighting king—full of energy— filled Op with ambition—ever ready to work. No strengtheuing tonic so potent. Neglect not a day longer. All dealers sell Ferlozuue in 50 at. boxes. Clinton S. C. Rothwell has bought the shoe business of U. Hoare, which he has been Managing for the past year or so. Thirty-seven new members were re- ceived into the chards in the receptiou service in Ontario Street Methodist church Sabbath morning. Mrs. Benjamin Rumball, who years ago was a resident of Clinton, died 011 Monday of last week at the home of her son, P. G. Rumball, of London. Sunday, March 21st, Missionary sea vices willbe conduetedby Rev. J. L. Stewart, recently i.'etUt'ued missionary from Uluua,in Ontario Street Metho- dist church. The Executive committee of the West Huron Tettchets' Association met in the Model School, Clinton, for the purpose of preparing the prbgram for the next Institute meeting in Exeter, May 20th and 21st. The fol- lowing members of the committee were present 3—G. W. Shore. Dash- wood v 3, J H. � Ti tart a nd J. D. Tom, Goder ich ; W. b11. Johnston, Bruce- field, and Miss W. Howard, Exeter. In the absence of 141r. Hogarth, presi- dent, Mr. Hartley, Clinton, dal:npied the chair. An excellent program was prepared, and it was deckled to pro- cure the assistance of some leading educationist from a distance. Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite so annoying its a tickling, teas- ing, wheezing, bronchial Cough. The quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And besides, itis so thoe- Oaglily harmless that mothers give it ^with perfect safety even to the young- est babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain slu'ub give to Dr. Shoo)! s Cough Remedy its remark- able curative effect. A few clays' test It will tell. Sold by all dealers. i The undersigned offers her entire stook of dry goods at wet and below, Entire 'stock roust be sold without reserve, Below are some of the Ms. tractions 1— $'lapnelettes, 7k & Insertions & Ern - Se bond&ries, 40, Lining 4o 40, 5c & Oe Grey :G.lttnne120e Vests 5c & Co Muslin 8e Fancy Braids 2c, Pillow Cotton 20c 5e & 7c Art Muslin 5ic Veilings 7c, 10e & Towelling 4e 12e Print 5o Needles 2c Tweeds 87ie Velvet, Ribbon 2o Cashmere Hose Oollar,Supports3c 16e Buttons per doz. Cashmere 10c 2e, 8o & 4c And many other articles too numer- ous to mention. Come early and secure the Bargains r 5Ske<e churches. Pour hundred and twenty- eight partook of communion on the Sabbath. Board of trade elected following of- ficers :—President, J. A. Runrbali, re- elected; Vice-president, 11. E. Hod�'ens, re-elected • Treasurer, W. E. Kelly ; Secretary, 'James Mitchell, re-elected. Council, Wm. Camp- bell, D. F. Hamlink, Alexander Saund era O O. Lee, J. W. Fraser, O A. Nairn, 1 W. I3 n R bi rts0 Parsons all Robertson, R. s ( re-elected), A. G. Gamble, M. G. Cameron, G. L Parsons Robt. Elliott, Mayor Mankliu, who was elected' last year as a regular member of the council, was added this year as an ex -officio member, making an ad- dition of one to the nnnlbers of the council. Don't Neglect Your Gough. You may dislike taking tnedicine— but coughs are best cured without medicine. The modern treatment is "Catarrhozone"—it isn't a drug—it's a healing vapor, full of pine essences and healing balsams. It spreads over the surfaces that are- weak and sore from coughing. Every spot that's congested is healed, irritation is sooth- ed away, phlegm and secretions are cleaned tint, and all symptoms of cold and catarrh are cured. Nothing so quick, so sure, so pleasant as Catarrh - ozone. In 25 et, and 51.00 sizes at all dealers. Belgrave • Mrs. R. Stonehonse has beeu very i11 but is now recovering. Robt. Sterling has returned to his home at ;al elite, plan His daughter, Miss Sterling, will follow. Rev. G. W. Rivers way called to at- tend the funeral of his uncle, Rev. Mr. Thompson, near London. Alex. Stewart has rented C. Bell's house and will move into the village abort the Ist of April. Mr. Stewart has engaged with W. Stubbs, of Morris, Geo. Hanna and son left for Ramie - to, Mian., Monday of last week, with a carload of settlers' effects. Mrs. Hauua and family will be going in couple of weeks. Sydenham St. Methodist church. of Brantford, has extended a call to Rev. J. W. Brandon. of Port Colborne, to become their next pastor, duties to commence in July, The reverend gentleman was a former resident of this locality. The many friends of Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Lyons, and foemei'ly of Bel grave circuit, will be pleased to know that his services are appreciated equally well in his present field as they were here. At the last meeting of the quarterly board of the Iona cir- eult he was unanimously requested to be their pastor for the next confer- enre year and accepted, subject to the consent of the stationing committee. A failing tiny nerve—no larger than the finest silken thread -takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regularity, The Stomach also has its hidden or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it wets wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart Lir Kidneys. His prescription— DL'. Shoop's Restorative—is directed straight for the cause of these ail- ments—these weak and faltering in- side nerves. This, no doubt, clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative, even fora few days, soon become fully convinced of its wonder- ful merit. Anyway, don't drugthe organ. Treating the ceruse of sick- ness is the only sensible and success- ful way. Soid by all dealers. Goderich The junior band has a ulenbership of over twenty, and is making satis- factory progress. Goderich Industrial Exhibition is dated for Sept. 28, 20, 80, and a enc- cessful (fah' is expected. Ata meeting of the water and light commission it was decided to ask the town council to submit by-law to the oloctols to raise $20,000 for the pur- .pose of laying a view intake Tripe. Twelve applications were received for caretaker of the Central school and James Tait wits appointed. 111x. Tail's appointment made a vacancy on the board of h'nstees and his ieslg- nation was consequently' accepted. At the preparatory sevvice in Knox church twenty-four now members were added to the communion 1011, eighteen on profession of their faith, and six by certificate from other Wingham 3355. Rnbt. Maxwell has retnelled 'oil a three weeks' visit with friends 1 Michigan. Rot. b Anderson, T n rub rty'brought; h t a vellarge av to town. It weighed 685 pounds and realized 382.00. Mr's. 0ern'ge Allen has returned ftmn London Hospital, where she hod been for some time, having an opera- tion performed. • Sunday was ]dur"ational duly in Wingham Methodist Church, and the. 5011950ne were prca311108 by Rev. F. E, i3lalott, B. 0., of Loudon, 111*. Lalnouby has sold his grocery ' business and }1'operty nn Josephine street, Lo David 11,0811 Roti* Moon V110111 hC' pm clothed itta few years ago, John Davis, Ceslo18 Officer cif Montreal, who died no filo 5th inst., was an mete of 11." Davis, of Whig- hanl. He was 75 years of age. The ineuranre matters to millec- Cinn with 111e recent fire helve been adjusted and 111x. Gregory will have 1 the block repaired its soon as the Weather permits, Exeter •linos Auld, of Essex, has been en gaged as milliner by J, A. Stewart. J. W. (Gotham, of St. Marys, Secre- tory of the St. Marys, Ontario azul Western Railway was in town 111 con- neetion with the by-law to be submit- ted glautiug the railway company $10,000.. W. W. Tertian lute returned from Detroit. turd Toledo, wherein spent the past few weeks securing note ideas 111 I faisliiouahle dress for gentlemen also becoming acquainted With the latent styles of cutting. Jos. Souioz' has 02) exhibition in his window a lemon growl* at the home Of Geo. Kerslake, Lumley. The lemon weighs one and three quarter pounds and makes the orclinary imported fruit looks*uall in comparison. Willis Chipman, of Toronto, was here Tutor viewing the council regard- ing the installation of a waterworks system. He was accompanied by the council aronnd the town and secured all the data possible and will forward his report to the Commit shortly. A visit was made to the river and Mr. Chipman expressed some surprise that the stream had not been harnessed long ago and an electric light plant operated by water power. Any Weakness in Your Baca? Sometimes you experience pain and weakness without much suffering. Later on the pain will surely come. The trouble eon be stopped now by rubbing 011 Nerviliue=rub it in deeply over the spine, and then put on a Ner- viline Porous Planter. layter In these B re- me.dies111 ou v' find will wonderful and quick relief. They will spare you from an attack of Lumbago which is the outcome of neglected pain in the back' onside. For all muscular pains, 8(5aies, and weakness, Poison's Nervi - line and Nerviline Plasters have no equal. Refuse substitutes. Grey il, aaeaEU AT ,BOISBEVAIN, Max.— The Comet, of Lashbur'n, Sask., dated March 4th, speaks of former residents of this locality as follows ;--On Wed- nesday, March 17th, the hone of W. and Mrs. Voddun, it? the Boissevain, Mian., district, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding when 'their youngest daughter, Miss Ida Blanch, was united in marriage to Hubert S. Vokins, editor of The Comet, Lash- buxu, Sask. At the hour appointed, and as the beautiful strains of the wedding march froth Lohengrin filled the room, the bride entered, leaning upon the mount her father, and look- ed charming in her bridal dress of white Freuch cashmere with silk brocade trimmings and lace, being, as was the bridegroom, unattended through the ordeal which after all, proved to be not so trying as is popularly believed. A large number of friends 1i'oni Bbissevaiu and sur - rounding country were in attendance and Rev. T. B. Wilson, Methodist Iu1018101, officiated. The wedding gifts were both numerous and costly, being a tribute to the high esteem in which they are held in the district where 'they have resided for many years. The bride was formerly a resi- dent of Ontario, having lived a num- ber of years in Brussels, and in Boni's- t0u, conning to Boissevain, Manitoba, in 1808. The groom came to Manitoba in 1807, from Bamabnry, Wiltshire, .England, but for the past two years has been engaged in newspaper work in Saskatchewan, having first located at Warman and at present at Lash - burn. Aitet a fele days visit with Manitoba friends, Mr. and Mrs. Vokdns will leave for their home at Lashburn, and will carry with them congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness from a host of friends and acquaintances. Mr• Richard McCallum. A well known citizen of Stirling, Ont. cured of Chronic Catarrh and irritable throat by Catarrhozone. A remarkable case exciting great in- terest in Stirling, which, if possible, adds to the popularity of Catarrh - ozone as a euro for Catarrh, Bron- chitis, and Throat Trouble. Catarrh is one of the most disagree- able and at the same time hardest to cure diseases, This has been 4lt'. Mc- Callum's experience :— "For many years," be writes, "I have suffered firm Catarrh, and con- tinually hawked and coughed, so that luy throat was always in an inflamed iI•ritatble condition. "Doctors' medicine did not help zee in the least, and all other remedies I used were quite useless. In one case it was time wasted in snuffing powder up the nose ; in another Using 0. greasy ointment, and so on. Not one of them was the least bit of good. "T hoard Catarrhozone favorably spoken of and tried a sample, and it really benefitted me more in a few flouts than years of treatment with D d Clm.'a' and other so called 11 d reeled{ es. Receiving such immense benefit from the sample size, I got the com- plete outfit, urge Harcl Rubber In- haler, etc., and but a few weeks of its }use completely cured nye of Catarrh and throat trouble. "I recommend Catarrhozone as the most satisfactory Catarrh remedy on the market: Every word said about it is true. (Signed)) "Richard McCallum." Now perhaps you need a remedy like Gateir'rhozone. It is the only treatment that is applied locally as well AS s ennstitutfonitity, The Inhaler cleats the ah' passages, stops hawking told spitting, and purifies the breath. The Ferroiona Tablets which are used isd fu an1 ul lrltoti371111 ata „ O ti tb. 07.0113, 11111111 011, drive till the poisons from the blood and build up the sys- tem to 11 healthy, vigorous eonditiOn. The eolnpleto outfit cost $1, at alt 401 Vigorous ezeroise demands a food with vigor. Mooney's Biscuits are the food for the athletic man and girl. Mooney's Biscuits are all nourishment—to make strength, muscle and good red blood. lley!scfl ereSodas THE MOONEY BISCUIT & CANDY CO. LIMITED Stratford, Hamilton, Ottawa, Sydney, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver. 12 VP( druggists ; trial size 50c., by mail for 60 ceuts from Giroux Mfg. Oo., from N, O. Polsnn & Co., Kingston, Fort Erie, Ont., express char pre - Ont. Buy Catarrhozone to -day, paid. 1? gas What Beautiful Hair? How often do we hear t flatx e ala• motion of a certain Women's hair or a certain man's hair. A prominent scientist and hair specialist emphatically states, and has proven, that any man or w'ouzau can have 1Ux(x'iant, lustrous hair, by using a famous prescription called Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage is now made and sold in Canada. Js. Fox, the druggist, is the agent in Brussels, and the readers of Brussels can buy from him for only 50 cents a large bottle. Jas. Fox kuows that Parisian Sage will beautify the hair, and for that reason he sells it under a guaran- tee to cure or money back. If you cannot obtain Parisian Sage where you live, you can get a bottle IR Pho'torjr?ph� Orie Dzen 1 For the next fete weeks I Intend to give re Photos. for each doze ordered, Phis will include Cabinets and all sizes. smaller. Post Cards, 3 for 24c. You are always welcome at our Studio to look over our work. Enlarging done an short notice. A full line of Picture Frames and Monldiugs. H. R. Brewer NATE Roil ER BRUSSELS WE HAVE Bread Flours Graham Flours Whole Wheat Flours Feed Flours cot, L Corneola (Breakfast Food) Rolled Wheat Craoke:ea Wheat Oatmeal Bran, Shorts, Flaked Oats for horses and all kinds of feed. Wm1&R, ryne x01101. A Live Daily Paper Will Put Money in Your Pocket. et. With The Toronto Daily Star's accurate daily market reports you could sell your grain and live stock at top. notch prices, Half a cent extra on just 300 bushels of wheat or oats would pay a year's subscrip. tion. 25C. a hundred weight on a dozen hogs would cover three years' subscriptions. Don't you,depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get thele—miss top prices by at least that much several times a year? 1 Font ally Star t1 Publishes Market Reports 12 to 18 Hours Earlier Than the Mornlltj Papers Rver - afternoon's Y issue of The Star contains that very day's quotations on the grain and live stock markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other in ortant cities. These are the same quotations that the nextmornin 's dailies publish -12 to 18 hours later. $1.50 A YEAR CLUBBING OFFER This Paper and The Toronto Daily Star together for One Ysar, $2. 20. Guar- anteed Fountain Pon given for 50c. 0.44E4 ti above subscription prison;