HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-18, Page 4, aellefi'Catectes'ememeseemseeceter.. • I • , , fir/ c vrugizcts nst TIILTR.SDAY, MARC E.' X8, l000 Centre Huron M. P, P. an the budget. Totooto Daily Globe of March 4th ettee ProudfOot, Lib era l member for centre kiurve. in the couree of his thoughtfni and eonstruc. tive contribution to the Legislative badge, that e yesterday, deolared for advanced temperance legislation. He advocated Hie absolute abolKitin of the license sYetem. "I hope," said he, • "that the time is no1 Mr distant when our Proviouial Treaaury will be uo Mug- er enrichecl by the sale of liquor licensers the time when intoxioants will be treat ed as other poisons are treated. It is tO my mind, a standing disgrace to wet - come the receipt or muneys tor licensing the sale of whet we charatiteitze as curse." Mr. Proudfout obset Yeti frank- ly in making his radical tecommencla tion that he spoke for himself, It was the expression of individual conviction, The address of the member for Centre Huron, if somewhat discursive, was a distinct uplift to the tone of the debate. It was alike critical and constructive, He declined to take up the battledore and shuttlecock of atamnated happen ings. Wrn, Proudfoot, (Lentre Huron,) who eonfessed to maktug Inc maiden legislative offing.. joined in cougratulat ing Um Speaker, but added isteetiously that bis was the most lonely -and tire some -of poaitions. (Laughter in which Hon. Mr. Speaker jotted ) A great deal has been said, Mr. Proutlforn, (mean uing, pointed out, of the results of the past general election, It Had its lessons but he questioned if it was estimated at its real value. He was reminded by his own constituency that there had been something of a gem' tnander brutign• .001 the Province prior to polling, "be- cause," he added smiling; 'they made a fairly soft seat for the Liberal can- didate in Centre Huron:" The system of increasing Toronto's representation was characterized as novel but inde- fensible. "As a matter of fact." the speaker observed, •'the business of this Province could, I submit, be better and more economically conducted by filty representatives than by one hundred and six as at preset." The discussion over the question as to the Govei u ment's justification of the Cobalt Lake Act. Mr. Proudfoot contended, should lead to a serious and non-partisan con sideration of the question of the wisdom of retaining the Crown's right to veto actions against tbe Government. "I see no reason why a private individual should not have the right to sue the Government in the same way as he sues another private iticlividual, Under present circumstances, if the matter in dispute is within the arena of party pol- itics, there is a tendency -to say the least -to allow this fact to unduly in• fluence the decisiun." (Liberal applause.) • Touching the question of agriuulture, Mr. Proudfoot admitting the pertinacr of his profession,. twitted the Govern• ment ou the fact that, throughout the • whole budget debate, it had left its de• fence lo the bands of the lawyers. • Every Couservative speaker belonged to the legal profession. As to the prob lems of labor, the speaker counselled the square deal for all classes and interests. It should be the aim to unify rather than individualize all rival interests. He con- demned the competition of prison with free labor. "May I suggest to the Gov- ernment," submitted the member for Centre Huron, "the advisability of lo- cating the new Central Prison in the North country in the vicinity of an • operating stone quarry? The prison • ers could well be employed in breaking much of this stone, which could be shipped over the Goverument railway to pointa where good roads are re- quired." Such a policy, the speaker submitted, would not only solve Inc • present prison labor problem, but de crease the enormous amount now nec- essarily spent in building good loads • Mr. Proudfoot condemned the policy • which required licenses fur the fresh water fisitermen ou the big lakes. To • his mind there was no more reaeou 101 • cense these fishermen than to license tie • ordinary shopkeeper. They bad to • equip themselves with expensive outfits and their calling was, moreover, a dan- gerous and hazardous one. Ile spoke from a personal knowledge of a life on • the batiks of Lake Huron. Passing on, • Mr. Proudfoot advocated the making of • the course at the Ontario Agricultural College free to the sons and daughters Of the Province. He declared the un- altered opposition ot Lioeralmin to tne three-fiftbs clause, and intimated that the issue would again be submitted to the House at this session. "I hope," said Mr. Proudfoot, "that the rime is not far distant when we will find no ' longer on our public accounts receipts from liquor licenses, when intoxicaung • liquors will be treated as other poisons • are treated. It is, 10 my mind. a stand- ing disgrace to welcome the receipt of money in license fees for the sale of what we characterize as a curse. I shall vote for such legislation, whether it comes from the Governnient benches or the Liberal side or the hon. gentleman from East Hamilton, and I propose to urge that course on the Government, on our party and on the people at large," Mr. Proudfoot, in concluding, said he was not a member of the former Liberal Governments, nor was he apologizing for the regime of the past, but Liberal. ism was living in the present and for the fature, . The Toronto Daily Star reports Mr. Proudfoot as follows "I trust that the day will come when no such item as 'received from liquor licenses" will be found in our public accounts. The liquor traffic is s curse and liquor should be treated in the same way as a poison." This was the emphatic statement of William Proud. foot, I. 0,, M. P. P., for Centre Hur- on, in yeatalay afternoon's session of the Legislature. It was the one outstand- ing statement on the Liberal side of the House in the course of an otherwise dry day. All day long the same system prevailed, the Liberals crying "You are spending too much," and the Conserve- tivea replying "We areispeoding a lot, but look at the mislay we've got and the value we're giving," and both sides cheering lustily. Mr. Prontifoot follow- casket factory and 2 extensive SOW ed . 8, Brewster, Conservative for mull, City Property Is very reasonable South Brant, and spoke effectively, He jot now and selling rapidly, so now la a is an old band at debate, not parliamen- good time for a mai with a few hon. tery, but legal, and a few interruptions fired dollars to invest. As it increases from the Monson' benehes, helped to put hint at hie ease One thing he did say, however, width made some members uneasy. "1 om satisfied that fitly rnetribers mead du the work 01 this House quite as well tie the one hundred and six WhO ere Isere," Mtlell or that sort of talk and Mr, Proudfoot will be looked upon as a revolutionary, He suggested that the Central Prison should be moved to some site in Northerit Ontario, near 0 large stoue (loamy, where the eopvicts could be pet at work 1r/reeking stone, whish could afterwards be hauled on the Government railways to Make COL mastIon costae of. Another new point touebed by the member for Ceetre Huron WAR the IDereaSed lieense 01 fresh water fishers,. '"These Men In- vest as laurel In tueirbusioessett a`i ,tore• keepers, iliey take their lives iu their hands in the course of their business and there is no reloort why they should be compelled to pas a license for the leave to 5,411," he said. Then he went after the Goverument for etnploying boys as wliskey detectives. 1v1 r. Proud. foot is a Clear and vigorous speaker. and he made a bard attaok all down the Inc. In the general dearth of anything new to talk about Mr Proutlfuot managed to hit on two or three new points His remarks on the temperance situation yere listened to fatal partietilar interest, and he came out more flatly than auv Liberal member has yet• SAYS HE WILL MOVE LT. The 'Porunto News reports an Inter view with VI r Prouttroot as outlet% A Prohibition measure, so tar as if relates to the sale ol liquor, and so NI as the Inc. permits the Province, will 'be tutroduced it tile Legistatute by Wm. Proudfoot, K. C., Liberal member for Centre 1.1 u ron "I will ask for the full measure of prohibition that is under our jurisdic two and divide the House upon it," said Mr Proudfoot. This will follow up the declaration nestle be Mr. Proudfoot favor of prohibition in the House. 'All the law allows us is to prohibit the retail sale, So far as I interpret the law we cannot.prohiblt the sale bi wholesale, nor the impgrtation. "['his measure tha I ,propose to in troduce will 'abultsh the bar' and the whole 'license' system as Rwanda to day. "I have not had time to go thorough ly into the details of a no license system, but will do so soon and announce 1111 plan when I introduce the bill." "Are you acting tor a wing of the Liberal party 7" he was asked ' No, I am acting for myself alone, as. a priva'e member." Mr Proudloot has introduced a bill to repeal the three fifths clause. "This will have our full support," said WM. McKay, Liberal leader. A Letter From Cadillac, Mich. To the Editor of THE POST : DEAR SUITOR -I send you a few items about Cadillac. It may be in teresting to many of the readers of Tits Post, Here is a dearly complete list oI what we bave ie Cadillac :- Thirty-two mills ad factories. Seven modern and well equipped school buildings. $moot, Carnegie Library. S50,000 hospital. The finest city hail in Northern Michigan. modern and up to•date opera house. Two daily and three weekly news - pipers. 'Iwo banks, deposits over St,000,000. Excellent water works system. Complete sewer system. Sewage disposal plant. Ellect,•ic light and gas plant. Electric fire alarm system, Twelve Protestant churches and one Catholic. Well equipped paid fire department Paved main streets : nine blocks on residence F treats More miles ot cement sidewalks than any other city of its size in the state Two 01 Ole best reilroaris in the state, the Grand Rapids & Indiana and the Ann At bur. Also one branch and One narrow gauge railroad. Our wide stremg, fills blocks, hand some homes and well kept lawns have given Cadillac the name of being "the most attractive Summer city in the state." Cadillac enjoys freight rates which give to her shippers an equitable posi tion in her compeiiiion for trade for an her manufacturers. She is practically upon an equal basis with Chicago tor East and t'i est h fund freight, while her importance in the traffic.: ot her railway lines makes her the centre -of car storage for the territory. As a consegeetice of this latter tact her shippers never lack For cars. Wolter or Sumtner. Yours respectfully. .PHILIP Catiaille, Mieli., Match qth, tgug. HURRAH ! FOR STRATHCONA. To the Editor of Ten Pose: DEAR SIR. -Just a few lines to tell you that we arrived home in Strathcona on March and, quite safe and sound. Sleighiug was, good and Is still up toper Motion. Business looks quite a lot brighter than when we let fur the East, and really I must give you my candid opinion of both the East and the West, that the East is a long way behind the times compared with the West, The city of Strathcona has now gia its elec Inc car service running to perfection. Its Automatic Telephone System is working A t. The farmers in and around tne city for to miles have got the telephone connections. We also have an excellent waterworks and sewage system with an A t pumping station and electric lighting and power plant under 1110 same roof There are also grauolithic sidewalks on the streets and this year the Coy Council intend wood paving the streets The C. P. Railway have built a fine six stalled round house with work shops 10 connection, and they also intend to commence work on the high level bridge across the Saskatch awati river. The C. N. Railway will commence construetion of a line into tne city as soon as Spring opens tip. There are quite a number of excellent coal mines in and close to the city, (two in the city limas), coal is $3,50 per ton. There are also 3 pork packing plants, a TRADE , C 0 L MAXisS 1 4.40-Att INE WW1 si• Breaks up a cold at the start - At the first sneeze or chill, take, Campho-Quinine. Cures in 24 hours. At yourclealer's-25c. ' in value very quickly a man cannot Make money easier as he can get it on easy terms. Living here is also very cheap Perm property is good, limo to $ts per acre, and a good market for farm produce,. Horses are in great demand just now and good prices are being ptd. We had the pleasure of stating with Mrs, Sage and family over night in Qalgary where we received a very cordial welcome and found them in the best of health, Now I must close as I think I have told you all the news. Hoping this will find you well as it leaves us in the best of health In this healthy country. I remain your sincere frilend, ANDREW TURNBULL, Strathcona. Alberta, March 16th, 1909. What the Kidneys Do What Booth.* Kidney Pills are Doing For Brussels People. All the blood in the body' passes through the kidneys every three minutes. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day to daily remove about 500 grains of impure matter. If they fail some part of this impure matter is left in the blood, briaging on pain in the back, head- ache, dizziness, irregular heart, hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gravel, dropsy, deposits in the urine. Booth'sKidney Pills make the filtering right and overcome Kidney trouble. Hundreds of Huron County residents have found this out. Mrs. P. Bishop, of Mill street, Brussels, says have suffered some months with many annoyances of kidney complaint. There was a weakness of the secre- tions which contained a, sediment, hard, raking pains in the region of the kidneys and in the small of my back. At times when I caught cold, I would hardly be able to bend over, stoop or lift. I procured and used several remedies but nothing relieved the trouble until I used Booth's Kidney Pills purchased at the James Fox Drug store. This remedy went to the cause of my trouble and gave me all kinds of relief and strength." Grey Council The Council met pursuant to order on Monday March 8tli, at to a. m.. in the township Hall, Ethel. Members all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Moved by !oho Brown, seconded by Jas. MeFadzean. that Lewis Bolton he engaged to make the survey on bound- ary of Grey and MoKillop as soon as r,ssible, Mr Bolton to notify the Reeves of Grev and McKillop ot the day he intends to commence said survey. Carried. Moved by john Grant, seconded by John Cutt, that Messrs. Proudfoot. Hsws and Blair, be authorized to defend the suit of Daniel Marsh and wife against the corporation of C4reir. Carried. Moved by Jas. McFsdzean, seconded by Jahn Cutt, that this Council no. tpone the granting of the prayer of the Ethel and Elmst Telephone Co and also that 4)1 Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone Co. to the sand clay of March at 2 p. m. when a special meeting of Council will he held to consider the prayer of both petitions. Carried. Moved hy Jas. MrFadzean. seconded be Ishii Cutt, that Adam 'Turnbull, be Weed !aspect's* for igog. Carried. Moved by John Grant, seconded be lohn Brown that the resignation of John McNabb, as Collector. be accepted. Carried. Tenders for Walton cement sidewalks as follows :-William Huether, roc per sq ft. ; George Barkley, 100. per sq. It ; Reuben Frust, isc per sq ft. ; J. Hems. worth. 14 sq. 11, ; D. Witherspoon, 120 per sq 11 Moved by Jas. McFaclzean, seconded by Jno. Brown, that the tender of Wm Huether, at toe per sq. ft. be accepted, contract to be satisfactory to the Conn cll. Council to pay Inspector's fees. Carried Tenders for Young Bridge abutments were as under :- john ELknuer, $3 95 per cu d. excavating included ; S Cole, Es 63 excavating included ; Heinsworth, 84 20 per cu yd excavating included• D. Witherspoon,.1$4. So. Moved 'by John Biown, seconded by Jno. Cutt, that the contract be given to John Er:limier for the sum of $3 95 per eu. yd. Carried. Moved by Jas litlandzean, seconded by Ino. Cult, that W. H. Humphrey he Inspector on the Walton cement side walks at St so per day while the con- tractor is actually engaged in building cement sidewalks. Moved in amendment by lohn Grant. seconded by John Brown, that F. S. Scott be Inspector on Walton cement sidewalks at $2 oo per day while the Contractor is actually engaged in build. ing said sidewalks. Motion carried. Moved by lno. Grant, seconded hy Jno Brown, that applications be receiv- ed for the position of Colleetor for the Veal' IWO tip to Aprilsth, next regu- lar meeting of Council. Carried. A communication was received from .J ilrethauer, of Wroxeter, asking perms. 8101) 10 place telephone poles and wires thereon on the highways an this M ti ici- pal ity. Moved by Too. Grant, seconded by Jno. Cult, that permission be given Mr Brethauer along the North Boundary only in accordance with the regalations of the Ontario Municipal and Railway Board, Carried. On motion of John Brown, seconded by John Cott, the following ac• counts were ordered to be paid :-- I M. Govenlock, Reeve of Mc- Killop, hal on bdy for 0°8..4 99 43 Robt McTaggart, on contract S. R. 5, Con, .t, Andrew Meehan, inspector grav- elling on S. R. 5. Cons. 17 & m9 10 00 John McIntosh, postage and stationery... 3o 00 Daniel Neabal, contract gravel S R. 5, Cons x7 and .... 2400 Municipal World supplies, ,,, m 9 71 council then adjourned to meet 01) • Monday, April sth, at 10 5, rn. jOHR Mob:rout, Clerk. Huron County Branch Ontario Prohibitory Alliance. The second Annual Convention will be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth on 'Thursday, April 8th. 'The following is the program :-- Morning Session -Opening exercises conducted by Rev. Mn Small, Blyth. Reading of minutes, Report of Secre- tary. Appointment of Business Com mittee. Reports from Monieipplitles, (a) Under Local Option ; (b) Under Li- cense ; (c) Under no Lieense. Afternoon SO -aeon -Opening exercis- es. conducted by Rev. W. H. Hartley, Blyth Report of Business Committee. Reso.utions Address, "Lose Option in Heiman." by Rey S 1., Toii Oden conference on Local Option, conducted by 0. M. Elltott, Goderich Evening Session -Opening exercises emiducted hy Rev W. H. Cooper. Blvi h. Music by Blvd) choirs, Ad- dress, by Rev. D T, L McKerroll, Lucknow Address, Jos Gihson, of Ingersoll, President Ontario Branch of Dominion Alliance ' The following shows the licenses in the different places in the county, to gether with the places under Local Option :- Towns Licenses Goderich 9 Clinton ,,, . 6 PRIZE LIST HURON OOUNTY SHOW Clinton, Thursday, April 1 Horses CLYDESDALES Menton, 8 years and over .. $10 $6 $2 Stallion, 2 years and under ..... 6 4 2 SHIRES Stallion,13 years and over ..............18 0 2 Stallion, 2 years and under ... 6 4 2 PERCHERONS Best Percheron Stallion 10 5 HACKNEY Stallion 8 years and over 6 4 2 Stallion, 2 years and under 6 4 2 HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood mare 5 year" and over ... 5 Filly or gelding. 8 years and over 6 Fine or gelding, under 8 years 6 Team in harnees......f. speeinis .. 8 Family of (mite uf 11145, eny of sante sire 8 8 8 4 4 2 2 AGRICULTURAL Team in herneee-see specials 8 4 Dried mare, 8 years and over 5 8 2 Filly or gelding. 8 years and over.,4 8 2 Filly or gelding. under 13 years 4 8 2 GENERAL PURPOSE Team in hareem . . 6 4 ROADSTERS Stallion, 16i hand. end over.., 8 4 2 Stallien, under 161 hands.'8 4 2 Carriage horse in harness, equip - mac, considered . 6 8 2 Roadster horse in harness, equip went coneidered 5 8 2 Carriage team in harness 6 8 2 Roadster team in harness-- ....... 5 8 2 Saddle horse 4 8 Age in all Manes to be considered. Age to date from Jan. let Brood mares meat be in foal or have rained a foal. Cattle SHORT HORNS Bull, 8 years and oven,- $8 $5 28 Bull. 2 ears 5 8 2 Bull, 1 year 5 8 Cow, 8 years and 5 8 2 Heifer, 2 years .............. 5 1 ? Heifer, 1 year 4 2 1 HEREFORDS Bull, 2 years or over 5 8 Bull. 1 year..... 5 8 Clow, 8 yeers or over ....... .... 5 8 Heifer. 2 y eare .......... 5 8 POLLED ANGUS Bell. 2 years or over 5 8 I Bull, 1 year-. . .. ... ,..... ...... 2 2 II Cow yeare and over . , Heifer, e yeare .. „ ...... „ 5 8 DAIRY COWS AND PAT CATTLE 08117 Oow, any age or hexed . 4 8 Fat Heifer, age considered .. , 8 2 ' t.t....;S.,::,rs,itle,,orozid,earer8t1 mai wider 8 1 Two stook helfe.re, 2Yyrs. end under 8 2 SWEEPSTAKES . �000i Beet 8 of any breed, years and under with bull . ......... any age,. 1133:t "uisis 15115 g".- • " Diploma Diploma Cattle date from Sept. 200s. • Grain and Seeds Fall wheat, any minty $8 Oath, blind( named . . 8 °Ilia, Willie. named. ,....... 8 14;trr7di=4.E1a;oed, i11 Pesti, named, 0 Timothy Seed Clover Seed.. . 8 Potatoea, late, named . ..... 8 Potatoes, early, mimed, .. ... 8 $2 $ 50 2 50 2 .611 2 .50 2 .50 2 60 0 .60 2 .50 2 .60 Special Prizes For beet three here., mires or gel.' hum nee conaiderf'd. open to mush township in the County of Et:fon. The nebulae meet he owned Dia Meech by rwidenta of the named Townships Prime $25 00 MI follows: Should tiny one TowI,sl,i, compete .. $ 900 Should two Townships compete, 10 00 Should three Townships compete 15 110 should thee Teeth:Mies compete 5 00 Should five or MON, Town.lups compete 25 00 Any number of enteies will be received from each ToWnehip. For brat bag Michigan Amber Vali Wheat, Mr. Jas Mr donates one bag Family Flour. Molson's Blink, Trophy, velem 915,00, for beet Ilea vy.drattebt reurn in Miriam. Thos. Morphs. agent Daerine retry, (lo 4,,,,- alcoa $110.00 Improved Dim Unrrow, for beat A gricultnral Team in harness. The Directors of the Clinton lanwlbur alley of - 105 00 for beet Aueleulturel Brood Meth. Half rates on railways for all Stock Outwit et the Pair. JAB 81110(,L, DR. SBA VV, President. Secretary, 4411.01 •••••••••• ••1111•••/...5 Itsereforth • ...111 ..... • . ••••••••••.••• .6 V1:14,g‘W Fh.a$811 .......... • ..... 1•••••• 1.104. 1.• 1.. 0 Bayavld ••••••••••• 1001 I•11. "2 o..a if4,44.114 1•4011,/ ••• 13: usseh. . . .. *I. +1,1.111 I. 01.19 Eicdter ...... • •••••• .0. 4 1V rogeter ............... , .. 4.4 1 TOW Iltihips Ashfield . • 1, 0 • Colborne . ••• ... . ... ...• .„ ..... ..42 Goderich .... . . ..... ..... ..,,o Grey •... .,•,•• ...... .... ... Hee • .3 lioarick Hallett Me{ Hop Morris .2 Staley ...,.... ........ ...... L 0 Stephen.. ..... ........ . .. . Tueltersatiths,,.. .. ...o. Turnberry.... Usborne E Wawanosh W Wawatioshs,., FOR SALM-One of the heat term, In the Gouty of Huron, Ont, 4111117 to SOF 40, Belgrave, Qat, W' QOlgth'ORTA 13110C0TTA54, Motile and sere of land for salts `TerttherrY atrert, North, Bratreels, Woe well, tont trees, tith. Peetietslun amid be elven 6O5lee, Vor farther liartleulara115 to mice, termer. exes apply oft tho erendaaa. M01.41.1011LIN. 7.15 ea011 SALE OR WO I4ENT,-Thellmlimsign0a offers Ma well loaned property in Bruseels for sale or to rent. There ere 5!,6 north, of lend YAW Oomfortalaa hope, with cellar, etable, orotund, well, CO, Possession on Aug, Mem Pm:price, terms, and other Offermation 119111)'to .Lae. DU14,100110, Olinton or Pas vos4 Billasala. 201308.A0N1f0A62),L11nedo0, Worth Dakota. cALE OF MALKLINERY.-The fellewitig • L 0 sa niticalanry is uttered tor sale by the un- dereigned all nearly new end 10 firstmlitee /hope :-1 Sarnia separator with 5515 feeder and wind elathee, elude by the John GeOlilbeil 00 ; I11100011 e0/010e 4n geed relOOf male by the Hobert Bell elompeny ; 119•horse power portable engine nearlynewA made by the Waterloo Shin . ufastory filtrele Lee grindera, one 10.1enth plate one, the other 11.11. L 0 Mate. Por further particelars apply to j, 0 wa_,LTAM 11, 001,10, Lot 11, 000. 7, OreY, or Brinteels P. 0. Totals Delegates should advise Rev. W. H. Cooper, Bletli, Who 0 Secretary of the Billetting Committee, Single fsre on the railroads (Easter rates in effect, 0 - .•-- .6 t 7 The People's Column =OIL SALE, - Choice Buff Orpington Cock- s- ends, at 91,50 each, Black ones at $2.00. P. BAKER, Elenfryn. re.OMFORTABLE HOUSE AND LOT eon I.. SA/JR.-Good cellar, water tied fruit trace Enquire of R. T. SIDIGSTON, or P. 0. box 204, Brussels. • 82-tf COE SALB.-Ounifortable house on William street, Bruseeis. 94 acre let, good well garden end fruit trees, For terms imply to P RITCHIE or 0'. 1). Stiott, Brussels. tf. B=RICK STORE, with residence upstairs, for sole, located on Turnberry street, Brute sale, the property of the late Peter Ferguson. AIHO 11801 of carpenter tools and Lithe, both wood and iron, 860. For further partlentao apply to ALEX. STEWART, Queen at Baal, Brussels. 88-tf CDWIFORTA.BLE residence and 35 sere cm lend, being Lot 211 Albert etreet, Bru • nolo top sate. house is well built, with all coi,. yenience. find pueseeslon could be given al once. For further purtieulars apply on th, premises to Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, or D. Fut- gimon, Teeswater. Notice to Creditors Notice le hereby given, pureunnt to the Stir. tute in that helialf, that all mersone having 01411155119212155 the eetate of Neil Jt111100 Nair, late of the Township of Grey, in the tamety of Huron, Fanner, deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth day of FoUruary. 11100, are required on or before the tenth duty of April, 1909, to send by post'peepaid, or deliver to the undereigned, full pertieulers of their claims duly verified by adidevit and I he nature of eecurity if any holdby t hem, Further take notion that after the Ittet mentioned date the 80885001 the Said deceased 5611 10 dietributed among the paraes untitled thereto having re. lard only to the claims of which notice shall then have imen given Dated at they this 10111 day of March 1909. i1'LORA JANIS MCNAIR, Administratrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given pursuant, to the Sta- tute In that behalf that all persona buying any Manna against the estate of Peter McNeil, late ttf the Townehlp of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the tex- t eenth of February, 1009; are required an or earl. the Oat day of Marsh 1009, to send by ,oat prepaid or deliver to the undersigned full partioulare of their olahee, duly verified by Mdavit and the nature of Hartung Gall)' held ity them. Further take notice that after the 'aid last mentioned date the assent of the said hemmed will be distributed among the partioa nailed thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been JAMES D. MoNAnt j, Executors of estate, JAMES A. MCNAIR PEWEE hionsro. Grey, March 1st, 1909, BY-LAW NO. 3, 1909 of the Village of Brussels, in the Early of MAIM To authorize the Corporation of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron: to burrow the sum of Twenty five Hundred Dollars by the issue of debentures to thht amount, and to loan the same to Walter 1. Garside and „William Jantes, of the City ot London, Manufacturers, lor the purpose 01 purchasing a site or building, or to purchase a site and erect a building and equip the same with suitable machinery for the manutacture ot Chemical Fire Extinguishets and for a General Machine Repair Shop. and tor working capital to run the same, for the term of ten years from the date this By-law takes effect in the said Vil- lage of Brussels, in the trounty of Huron. Whereas the said Walter L Garside and William James have applied to the Muni- cipal Commit of he Village of Bruasels fur a luau ut the sum of Twenty five hundred dollars for the term of teu years, said loau to bear interest at the rate of live per cent per manual, and repayable ea follows :- $350.00, pert of the eaid priuoipal sum, at the eud of the third and each suceeediug year for six years aud the balance at, the end of the teeth year, together with interest yearly at the rate atoreaaid and should any interest remain in arrears the mune lu bear iuterest at the rate aforesaid stud be cumpouuded each year. &ad luau to be advanced to them as soon as they shall owu and equip a lout ,ry with suitable usachiuery for the mauufacture of Oneonta! Fire Extinguiehers and a gener- al repair ,thop iu the said Village of Brussels and have executed a &at mortgage on the staid factory, machinery and peon aud also ou the residence of the said Walter J. Garside is the oity‘of Lou- don, in the °entity of Middlesex, 'Ontario, whi h said residence hi to be worth at that time at least the SUM Of 91:500.00 in aa.. I oordance with the terms herd', set out. And whereas in order thereto a will be necessary to isms debeuturee of the said Municipality fur the sum of 02,500,00 aS hereinenter provided which is the amount, of the debt intended to be created by this bylaw, the proceeds thereof to be applied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other objeot. And whereas it is desirable to isatte the said debentures at 0118 time and to make the priucipal of the said debt repayable in carpal anneal instalments of principal end futereet during the period of ten years next after the Inoue et the eaid debeutures. Aud whereas the total arauuut required by the Municipal -Act o be raised anuually by aortae rate tor the payment of the said itibest2asn.d76Mterest as hereinafter provided Aud whereas the amount of the existing debetame debt of the said Tillage of Brussels, is 946,865.03 and uo priuoipal or inertia in arrear. Aud whereto, the amount of the whole rateable property of the Village of 13rtnistils, aucurding to the lust Assesement Rull of the same, 40 $380,156.00. Therefore the Muuicipat Council of the Corporation of the Wage of Brussels 6011518 60 fellows :- I, That the Mutticipal Council of the Corporatios, of the VII lage of Bruseels shall loeu to Water J GArside aud Wit - limn James and enoyl other persons ae may be assioeiated with them and fur the put - pose of raid.% said gum dsbentures of the Vidage of Brussels to the amoutit of 92 600,00 are to be iaaued m sumo of not lean mite 910000 each and wadi be sued ou the fifteenth day of March 1909 and each of the said debentutes shall be dated the fliteerith day of April 1909 be- ing the day of the issue thereof and shad be plain° in ten equal animal Metalline]bs of pritieipal and lowest on the fifteeirth day of each aucareeding April fur ten year's at the °Hee uf the otaildard Batik uf Canada here. 3, Mach of the said debentures ,hall ba signed by the Reeve aud Treasurer of the add Village of Brussels and shall have taxed thereto by the Clerk of the said Municipality the seal of the Bald Village of Brusseir. B. The eaid debentures shall bear interest, at the rate of five per tient per 91111 001 pay ble yearly a the said Bank on the lift°, nth day of April in each and every year during the curretroy thereof, 4. Dui lug the curraticy of the tied de- bentures there eball be raised annually by speeittl rate on all the rateable property in the said Village of Brusaals the num of 4818.76 for the purpose ef ;Tying the atingle, /Or juitu•ipul mid 'mutest in re,, pent of iSa KIWI debt, 5. The said sum of 92,600.00, being the proceeds of the said debentures, is to be /lauded over to the said Walter J. Gar- side aud t 'diem James as won as they shall own a suitable factory iu the said Village of Brusaala aud have the same properly equipped •with suitable machin- ery, for the mituufacture of Ohemioal Fife Exthuguishers aud for a general machine repair shop mid will have executed a first mortgage 00 1118 eaid factory, site, pluut and tnaclituery aud also en the residence of the said Walter J. Gareide, in the City of Luuclun, said mortgage to be fur ten yenre !rum the Fifteeuth day of April 1909 aud shisll bear interest at the rate of live per Lieut. per annum yearly, payable uu eau!) aua every 16th day of Apt if tie all pi incipel from time to tune reale:Ming uupaid Limit the principal Bum is paid ie full as well after an before maturity and the said principal sum to be payable as follows, 0550.00 ou etteh 15511 day of April in eaub of the sears 1912, 1918, 1914, 1915, 1016 and 1917 and rho b dauee ou the 16th day of Ap.il 1918. Said mortgage shall pro- vide that the Bald parties will insure the said properties to their full insurable value iu a Company or Computes approved by the Couutul, with loss payable to the said Village of Brussels as their iuterest may appear cruder mortg ge, said policies to be Molded over to the said Council and said niortgage 1,3 also to 50018111 all the usual statutory cuvenants. 6. This By-law shall take effect on the 19th day of March, 1909, ahuuld it receive the wisest, of the eleotora. 7. The votes of the said electors en- titled to vote on said 15y -law shall be taken thereon at the funowing times and places that is to ti -,y On Monday the 5611 day of April, 1909, ocaurnauotog at the hour of nine fu the forenoon and coutiuging tw- at the hour of hve Ls the al ternuou of the same day. lo poiltug division Nu, Otto at the ufece of 1tubt. ThuMS011, Jail. T. Ruse, Deputy Returuiug Officer pulling (Immo(' No. Two at the 0outual Room and that, N. F. Gerry be Deputy Returuiug Linker ; aud fur polling division No. Three, at the residence of Geo. Birt and that Cater Staab be Deputy Iteturuing Uffic.er8. Cu Monday the 2811i day of March 1909, the Reeve uf the said Vil- tege 01 brussels shall attend at the Coupon room, at tee team* in the fere- noon, to appoiut pertains to mailed at the vitamin pulling paces aforesaid stud itt the nu nimiug 013 of the stoma by the Clerk oir behtslt ot the palate interested 10 pro - muting or upposiug the paaaius of the said bylaw respeelevely. 9. The Clerk of the Village of Brusaela shall attend et the ()outwit room in the towit Hall at tea thlock ut the forenoon, uti ruesiley the -istil day of April 1009 DO loan up the cumber uf fatted fur and tigaiusa the bald by lew. Reed the first time iu (Tee Ofmneil and passed the 10th day of Mandl 19011. Read the seemed time iu upeu Cif unuil aud p seed the 10111 day of Starch 1909 Real in• open Commit after 1)1151 94 re - timed the 105501 of the electura and parsed the day ot 11309. Reeve. • TAKE No..exue , clad,. The above, is a true copy 0115 proposed bylaw which haa been taken into euneldera- thin and w ill be fitfully pitseed by the Cumuli of .1 a Village of 13rnasela in the event of the minuet uf the electors behig obtained thereto after one MoIlltil from the first publieation in Tim Baussma Pont, the (1,110 01 tho trait publitation was the 11.th day of Mural) 1009 end that the votes of the o4eutnre tit the Sid NillaicipaiIty Wi, Ibe taken thei eon 011 the flay it d et th hour; aud place, Italian, lixt.ri, 10, 13. SOOTT, Clerk, ManatectereinenlanaTnneeratatg.XIMMe.lesumse kohoi not needed Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a strong drink, As, now made, there Is not a drop of alcohol in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for this, impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He knows. A We pUblioh our formulas Wa lavish 010010 ss• from mit Medi tees yers woulavo Ak your doctor, "What is the first great rule of health?" Nine doctors out o en will quickly reply, 10 Keep the bowela regular.' Then ask him another ques ion, "What do you think of Ayer's Pills for constipation?" .-..-Made by the�. 0. aro Co., 7.wer411, reastae-.. lettaie.o 25 Ifir mou,:„%-ggiizAbp,! Amerienn nenbres, employed by pedantic in leading Camtdian g our chain of High -Grade C011agea, lialre 01 built up a importer, unapproathed our. 10 19 riEhloumatutient. Is inetructed privately Pi alt', te the beet position& at his own defile. We aseist onr grade. Three courses-Commemial, Steno - grimily and Tel egriphi, • Midl Oeurse4, Enter any day. Willa for pertioulars. • r4P Wingham Business College • g 5 GEO. SPOTTON, Principal EY -4,V0 Xr.a6MakilaLS: 1Y.BY/ Werg/Alt&LU W,441 BUMMER SCHOOL , June. hely and August leads into our Fall Perm wii hoet any break. Enter any time, New Catalogue tree. Write fur it to -day. UNTAAL BU.1ES =OE Tho Largest, most Reliable of its kind. W. 11. SHAW Principal YOriga db Gerrard. sts., Toronto nR°Yai Line Mail Weekly FirBt Class Service TO LIVERPOOL. Prole St. John Halifax Hesperian sails Mar. 10 Virginian sails 2,1,,r. 19 tier. 20 rUllhitill SHIN Mar, 27 ViO2Oriall Saila .................Apr. 2 Apr. 8 Steamers etted with wireless mad the sub - mean e deep see signaling systole. Winter rotes effeetive till April M. SAILINGS FROM Boston and Portland to Glasgow St. John and Halifax to London SLIMMER SAILINGS hi on theta to Liverpool Montreal to Glasgow Montreal to Havre and London For millings, lists and full information apply to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line. Brussels. a Spring Term From April 1st, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. We have a tante school, a high.grada school, with splendid equipment. In- stenetnre are experienced. Cetusas in 1 Commercial, Shorthand, and 4t Telegraphy departments are titer - °ugh, upto-de te and prnalca I. our grad- ri IWO. aro in demand ea office assistants and BUSITIOSR College Tem:hers. Write 76 for free eat/ileum. Enter tiny time. Elliott & McLachlan, PrInelpals. ae...21,...,t•itz/1.4,...vt LI A GREAT SCHOOL! ilft aGreat in Reputation, Results'In- 1,D fluence and Thoroughness t Now ig Li, is the time to enter the popular (7) / ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. end premien for prolltahle employ. timid Our graduates readily ob- tain good positions. Ger hand- some tla le bet RV fi Write for 01113 f. to -day. Stiteente admitted at atty tone. College mem the tel tire year. 4 W. J. ELLIOTT, PrinoicaL . itt' Yam°. 25 Alexmolvi Toronto, 1; MONTHLY ii*rse F 'firs USSL& Horse Pairs will 10 tit. 1 1,0 In in as follows TilURSDAY, AI'R. bat, 1909