HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-11, Page 8Pure
Is a perfect Food and Medicine. Our
Olive QIl is giving good satisfaction be.
cense we have been careful to buy'
nothing but the best in this lige We
guarantee our 011 to be free from any
disagreeable smell or taste, and tau he
taken by the most delicate coaetdtutions.
For Salads
and other housebold uses this oil will be
found of full rich flavor aid much sum
erior to the ordinary'kinds, Although
the price of Olive 011 hasadvanced with-
in the last few months we are still sell•
ing ours at the old price -
450. per Pint.
Are hard on the Complexion.
Our Cream of Roses
sures irritated sore skip and
makes It smooth and soft, Is
001 greasy ;, readily absorbed,
In bulk -5c per oz.
.,— , ,,,,•• .1771 .111,1•0•••••••••••••.,"
St. Patrick's Day Cards
2 for 5c. Better °ties at
5c and IoC each,
St. Patrick's Day
Wednesday, Mar. 17th
111.00.011EMMINIZZIMIMMENINfif ••••••
°J( THE Pryne Hour mill has been ship-
ments as cell as nearby customers.
75 CENTS in advance secures THE
Loc4L news on page 5. • POST to January 1910 Don't borrow
THE exodus to the West is on the pro. any longer
gram. FRIDAY evening of this week the A.
SCHOOL -Board will meet Friday even- 0 U W will In eel for the purpose of
ing of this week. installing officers for this term. A good
Assensoa LONG is about through with turn out is asked for
his work tor this year. $CME people think the more banks
Nx-eT Monday at 2 o'clock a 5o acre there are in teem the better it is for the
farm in the 7th con, of Grey township people. We can't see it that way. The
will be offered for ,ale by mortgage sale two that are here now come in after
at the American hotel, Brussels F. S even' cent we eau get, anti it there were
Scott will wield the hammer, two or three more we simply could not
A LARGE number of horses changed keep them going,
hands at the Menthe Fair 'rbursdav of
last week. 'Phe next and last rear for
this season will be held un 'i'hureday,
April 1st,
WONG ON, the Celestial, who was in
the laundry business here, has removed
to Blyth where he will ply the art. He
found Brusse stoo small for two lame
dries more especially when the excellen
cy of the work by the Wilto.n lauudrt
was taken into the count. Wong is a
very decent fellow.
Its another column mar be read the
excellent prize list of Clinton Spring
Fair, This Fair has earned quite a
name for itself but it could barely do
otherwise with a former Brusselite, in
the person of Dr. J W. Shaw as one of
the prime movers. Fair will be held on
Thursday, April ist.
ST. PATRICK'S DAY. -Wed neaday even-
ing of next week the Aicl Society of
Melville church will honor St Patrick's
anniversary by holding an Irish evening
in the Town Hall, Brussels. 'there will
be a choice program, games and refresh
ments, to which all will be welcome,
Admission fee is placed at the low figure
of 15 cents.
AT HOME -The members of Mrs. A
J. Lowry's Sabbath School class will
hold an At Home in the W. C. 1'. U.
rooms on the evening of Thursday, 18th
• inst., commencing at 8 o'clock. Pro
gram will include readings, recitations,
dialogues, quartettes, Harmnniae Band,
&c. Refreshments will be served. Sit•
ver collection. All will be made wel-
MOVING PICTURES -This week Prof.
Stuart bas been giving bis moving pic-
ture and illustrated song prcgrams in
the Town Hall, starting Monday even-
ing and concluding on Saturday night
In addition to a wide range of excellent
pictures, a change being put on each
evening, Prof. is quite a ventriloquist
and the interest is well sustained. Miss
Nellie Slaffoid, the soloist, has not been
present o.ving to illness, Tne
combination of picture and song is very
BROKE HIS ARM -On Monday even•
ing as Rev A C Wtshart, 13. A , was
leaving home when near the manse he
slipped on the icy sidewalk and falling
broke his lett arm just above the wrist
and gave the right atm a severe wrench
which will be sore for a good many days
The revereud gentleman is no light
weight and roneequentiv suffered more
seriously in the full than a lighter man.
We hope he will have aspeedv recovery.
It makes it more iueonvient for him for
the reason that Miss Wishart is at
her bome and Mr. Wishart putting in
the time alone at the manse .getting his
meals at A. Stewart's Queen street
PASSED AWAY. -Last week THE Poser
referred to the serious illness of James
Shaw, of James street, Brussels, but we
did not expect to be called upon this
week to report his demise which took
place Tuesday night about It o'clock
He never really fully rallied after the
weak spell he took a week ago, was
in a semi -unconscious condition tor days
and passed quietly and peacefully away
t0 the land eternal. The cause of death
was gastro Intestinal indigestion. Mr.
Shaw was born near Otta.va and carne
West about 5o years ago spending 36
years in Grey township and moved to
town t4 years ago purchasing the J. N
Knechtel farm, part of which is: in the
corporation, Deceased was twice mar-
ried first to Miss Jane Lamont in Marcie
of 0869, who died in March ul1863 His
second wife was Eezebe/h Love to
whom he was wedded in 1866. In idd1
tion to. Mrs. Shaw. six chit leen survive:
-Mrs. 'thus, Nicholls, el Brussels ; Mrs.
Wm. Davey, of San Jose, Csltfornie ;
Mrs. Robert Bremner, of Ethel ; Geu. of
Spokane, Washington ®State; lames,
Mrs.gJohn Ballantyne and Miss Dora. of
town. Mr. Shaw was an industrious,
honest, honorable num, quiet iu his
manner but enjoying the bigh esteem of
all who knew him. le religion he ad
hared to the Presbyterian church and in
potltioi he wasa Liberal He Had just
passed his 73rd birthday. Although 0 it
enjoying very rugged health for some
Crew his demise came as gdlte a surprise
to many. The funeral will take place
Friday afternoon. at '2.30 o'cinek, the
service being a half hour earlier, being
delayed to permit of :he coming of de-
ceased's son from Spokane, who was
telegraphed for on Monday. Interment
will be made in Brussels cemetery The is desired. Action taken 00 Friday
bereaved need not be told that they have evening has been forwarded to St,
the sympathy of the community 10 their Marys and to C. P. R. at Mon-
Berrow. . treat,
The Metropolitan
Farmers' Sale peens and Money
Notes TromptlYak Orde a Bought
Collected. and $old.
Our ",Joint Deposit Account " is a special convenience for
farmers ---deposits and withdrawals can be made by self or
wife. It facilitates your business in town.
BRUSSELS BBANCO Fa N6 Gilroy, Manager
ONE night recently a sleigh load drove THERE are noway' entries in the Fie d
out to "Woodbine," the home of Chas. Crop competition under the direction of
and Mrs. Rozell. Although taken com East Huron Agricultural Society, o
pleteiv by surprise Mr, and Mrs. Rozell
and family were equal to the occasion
and proved themselves hospitable enter-
QUISM -Prof. Stuart, of Tureen), is
giving moving pictures and ventriloquist
entertainments in the Town Hall. Brus
cels, this week, and is the best that has
been here for a long time. A change of
program each night and the small price
charged should ensure large bouses
Special program Friday evening, 12th
inat, -Life of Christ from His death to
His Ascension" will be shown with illus
hated hymns. Mr Stewart is also giv
ing a beautiful upholstered easy chair to
the person who guesses the number of
eo le who will be in the Hall Saturday
night. A present will also be given to
the lads' who can 'drive 02 nails into a
stick of wood the quickest. For fullpal
0- oculars go to the Town Hall any night
. CLovan and Timothy Seed at McOracken'e. this week Admission t5 cents, children
SHED Oats, Peas and Barley for sale, Lot Il, Ise• Program at 8 15. 2 hours ot real
Con, 10, Grey. W. MONent, or Brussels P. O. pleasure.
Tats is the time to buy a saw, any quantity FORESTERS' AT HOMY - Thursday
tony price. Yours at lowest flgm•n by T.
REGohteveningul last week the At Home under
BARLEY Pea $ALa-SO0bushels of six -rowed the auspices of Court Princess Alex
barley (Menet-heart varlet).1 Nicer seed is andria, Nu 24. L. 0 F., Brussels, was
hard to get. Pelee Otte. ELL untwist, Lot 4, held in the Town Hall when a large at
Con. 7, Grey 85.5 tendapce was present. An interesting
peas for sale. Gond yielders. Will program was presented a': follows:-
1 1apiculture' fill icing 8 ,cors 4
i au 1
Apply to James Dales°, ell Lot 27, 000.4, Mor- Italian Orchestra selection ; solo, M iso
ria, or Brussels p. O. McKinley; duets Misses Sharpe and
lingFort sale at abarg6gain, a comfortable dwel• Pryne' trumh0oesolu, L. S Duuford
veo with hero es slat , ore and all tun- ,010) F. H Gilroy ; orchestra selection ;
veuaseka. ye Ames of land, orchard, various iddress, as. Bowman piano solo, Mrs
fruits, grapes, &e. Apply to I. 0. BIn tato°, J i
Bruser]s. (Dr.) Holmes; quartette, Mitis McKinley,
--0 - Miss McMillan. C. Jones and le, Eck-
DEBA'rE,-Tuesday, 23rd inst., a pub- mier ; piano duet. Mrs. Thomson and
he denote will be held in the W. C. T Mrs Dodds ; recitation. Mrs. Durdle ;
U. rooms when tee subject "Resolved solo. F H Gilroy ; orchestra selection ;
that Reading is more beneficial than solo, "The bonnie hanks ol Loch Lo
'Gravel" will oe discussed. Three will mond " (by special request) Miss Mc.
take part ou each side,. 4 of whom will Kislev ; National anthem. A choice
be 'edits. A short musical prcgrdm will lunch' was served. Several hours were
be given and a light lunch served. De. spent in dancing by those who desired
hate will commence at 8 o'cluck. u7, a London orchestra supplying the
Law asktug the lows lu Wall McOsls WORK APPRECIATED. -Seldom does It
tearslde-James. of London, $2,500 fall to the lot of a pastor to he more
fur ten -years, was submitted to the prop heartily appreciated than has been Rev
erty owners last Monday with the re H M. Lang -Ford who last week removed
suit that it lack, d 10 votes of the Recess to Listowel to assume the incumbency of
ary demand by statute. Poll stood as Christ Church atter 4 sears of active
tallows :-
and successful service as rector of St.
For By -lacy Against John's church. Kindly and practical.
Div, No. n 44 7 expression bad been made to Mrs. Lang -
Div. No. 2 55 5 Ford by her Sunday School class in the
Div. Nu. 3 53 7 shape of an oak pedestal and to the
reverend gentleman by the Orange
Total Ise 19 Lodge in the donating of a gold headed
There was evidently an intention by the cine but Wednesday evening of last
ratepayer, to have the By -Law canted week the members of the congregation
but there was a slackness in getting the took advantage of the service in the
vote pulled, a hesitancy to get to the church and presented RevMr. Lang -
polls on the part of um a few and the Ford with a fine sectional hook ease,
absence from town of otners favorable We Lang Ford an oak rocker and set
so the consequence was the By -Law was tit knives and forks, and Mms Nora a
dete,tted by to votes. It just shows the gold locket and chain. An address.
importance of organtzoiuu and the es ached in choice languagegiving grate -
necessity of everybody dung their duly, till acknowledgment to Rev and Mrs.
The 79 voles recorded agaiust the Lang -Ford and abounding 111 good
By Law proves than the opposition to •wishes and kindle sentiment, was read
improve the situation of industries in by Dr. R. P. Fetid end the gifts, as
town is not large. A number uf per enumerated above were presented by i
sons exp"essed regret at the defeat ol G (ones, Barrister Monteith, Mrs John
the B.•Law and urged another vote. so Cardiff and Miss Vivian Harris. Ad-
en Wednesday evening a special meet dress was as follows
'ing of the Cuuncil wits held wheu a new RIM H. M. LANG -FORD.
Bs -Law 00 the same terms and coo- We, the members of the congregation of St.
dltious received a 1st and 2011 reading John's chnrcb, Brussels, are assembled this
d b I bed lu THE .POST of this 'evening se an evidence of oar regret at your
b[ d t Ise
ing the 4 yrnrs
an 1s pu ,. . appc'eoO nqg epnr ore, er
week. By it our readers will see that. you have laboredin this parish you have earn -
the By Law will be voted upun on Mon ratignbleai'al and d vutiornnd your =leg;
day, Aptll 5th at the same pulling places activity in ell matters pertaining to the
as lust MoudaVchurch, its work and Ste members. These
PUattc NI RETING.-There was a good hnbite, along with a Iuft7 Nptrit• a great noel.
attendance at the Iutetin held iu the an honor ble life have o er endow stents, oak
K an honorable lith have overtakes n great work
Tosvn Hall Friday eventugitu discuss the for the Lord in thin parish, and the work. he
Garside -James load BY Law and the tenured, will bus senting memorial to nil of
u> posed .ailwar' oouoeettou lr0m the your noionne among ue Yonr earnest and
p' p kindly manner nnd many other ereonnlgnalf-
Snuth, Reeve Leckie presided and lu ties hove endeared you to us ami we may truly
iruduced the subjects of debate. IMr. ay. [kat he 100,6 know you lent and love you
G4nRide, 01 London, was pi and Ines 0566 wan thx members of your nongrega.
1 tion, know and love you w•ho nen yet. quits yet
gave •n interesting account of Ole Fire comprehend the loan we sustain on your de-
Extingutsner to be manufactui eti show- partnre. As antetncial of the pest we would
r i s of the machine ho' h e.k yon to accent thin secttunnl Book Uooe and
nig the wu k nK as n greet ilbrar,v may be ra[at'd upon thane
tnecildnically and 111 Gperatiou and also sections may you upon the foundation of lite,
uutliued what their inten iunc were as to laid in the village of Brussels, raise a super-
machtne Shu weak, &c., if they came struotureperfect iuits parte and honorableto
P. the builder. To your estimehle wife, who hna
to Bi insets, He was asked a number of contributed materially to the present eaten -
questions which were britfly and 1u111 tory condition of the parish, by her valuable
aid, nsaletanee and advice in the Sunday
soawered. Several u'tizens were callers school Ladies' Auxiliary and the other
on R Leutilerdale, B. Gerry, J . T. ROSS branches of parochial work, we present this
and W. H Kerr being In the Dumber set of knives and forks and oak ranker ne a
Following this discussion Reeve Leckie tooknecnrfo rpesrneenncbnognmisnnlodckwt0 nnad rnthetor
went into particulars relative to the ex little Norm. We do not come here to dienlsa
tension ot the St, Marys and Western in thin address and testimonial the great love,
Reilwa to Brussels and opened u a adlrliratioit and regp est we have for youreelr
Y p p sad Mra Lang -Ford but to assure 900 bath
. theme of vital interest to elle nluiiIi• that von will always hold a place in the heart
I paliliesof thisnetghborhood. Alter ex. otthiaparloh. Vougo to ayour naw Held of
cessions of opinion had been exchanged PHbor with nor best rotten th d it l4 the dt'vnut
p p K Prayer of one and Batten the Lord Almighty
I the following resulutiou was unanimous- from nbove will pour down .11105 you the
Iv cart led :-M uved by A. C. Dames. advantages of natural prosperity, the blessing
seconded by T. Farrow, that this meet of health,thoeweetcotdomestle iifc, the im-
mortal hopes of ehhristinnity end the light of
ing believing that it would be of great everlasting Truth. Signed on behalf of the
advantage to the village or Brussels and members of St. John's church, Brunets,
a large portion of the townships of Grey TWRMe BMnnw,eote, i VYrndene.
and Morris to have a continuation of the Brnseeis, March 8rd, 1909.
Canadian Pacific Railway to this plilce Rev, Mr. Lang -Ford replied and his
through the et. Mary's and Western words will not soon be forgotton as he
Railway Co , we reuommend that an of called up the happy associations of the
fer of iit2o.coo be made to said Company' past 4 years, the kindnees of the people
to aid In tonstruclion of seine (including to Mrs Lang Ford and himself and
Brussels and portions of the townships daughter and concluded by expressing
named ) A committee consisting of the many good wishes for St lohn's church
Reeve and Clerk, 13 Gerry, Geo 'Thom congregation and whoever his successor
son, 'Thos. Farrow, A C. Dames and may be. Thursday Mr. Lang -Ford.
W H. Kerr was appointed to further Mrs Lang Ford and Miss Nora lett for
prosecute the work. Probably another their new home at Listowel carrying;
public meeting will be held' shortly if with them hot only the love of the
the above propose] eventuates in what Anglican church but the high esteem
and kindly regard of the townspeople
generally who will be well pleased to
hear of their prosperity in their naw
more could be taken before the limit is
reached. yhere are tine good prizes and
no expense if you are a -;member of the
Society, Win-
IiIE gbam Advance says :• -Jas.
Walker has added to his undertaking
ot.tfit, a new delivery sleigh, It is nice-
ly finished, looks web, and when the
roads are badly drifted or breaking up,
it man be used in place of the hearse.
It is the product of the Brussels factory,
HURON OLD BOYS -A very largely
attended and successful At Home was
given by the Huron Old B lys' Ao,socia
tion on Friday evening list at the
Cemple Building, Toronto. The enter
tainment was apened by a speech from
the president, T G, .took An excur-
sion is to he held on July 3rd. A splen
did program was given, including a
bagpipe selection by Piper Russ ; piano
solo, b1 Miss Helen Yellowlees ; songs
by Miss Belvea, R Foster, W. McLeod,
D. Stanbury and a xylophone solo by
F Clegg. The ballroom was very pret-
tily decorated in red and white, while
(o'er' the balcony a large flag Was 7lrawcd,
on which was printed, "Huron Old
Boys," iu red, white and blue. Danc-
ing was indulged in, the music being
provided by the Princess Theatre Or
FINE PREMISES. - The staff of the Met
roputitau Bank moved back to their for-
mer premises last seek after putting in
3 months or more in the Smale block
while the bink was undergoing internal
and external remodelliog. So marked
are the improvements that it would be
an easy matter to deceive a visitor as Co
it being the old location. Instead of the
former front with two windows and the
door inthe centre there is one iaree
plate window, elevated sever' feet from
the fluor, and the entrance changed to
the Northerly ,Side instead Of centre
Front is painted and satlled and 11710
prism glass abelee the plate window.
This with neatly Lettered gist signs gives'
the buckling a teal citified appear-
ance. I' to neat and -nut gaudy The
doors leading into a nicely p4melted ves
tibule are closedby newly m"delled
springs and are dressed with brass hide
locks and plating Wails are panelled
and covered with rest burlap and wall
paper, with a white plastered ceiling in
stead of the wooden of e The flour
has cork carpet and the modern electric
lighting is ell the portableprincipleex-
cepting thechandelier Managers office
bas been tenwved iron, the rear to the
front of the building and .is all •that
could he desned, chipped glass afford
ing privacy without interfering with
the light. 'Che wood work i• oacc De
part ments are con'Yen ien,l' situated in
following order :-Acrountaut, 'I eller's
cage, Ledger Keeper, and Collections
with fronts of oxidized steel grill work
and glass A new telephone cabinet is
installed in the rear of the bank and the
customer: cheque desk has plate glass
top nu green baize cushion with brass
mountings The work was done by the
Toronto-Waterinm Office Specialto
Company and does them credit to well
as the Head office u1' the Bank who lied
to foot the bill. It is certainly an ad
vantage to the town to have btisinese
places or residences, beautified and I'ng
PosT treats the great improvements at
the Metropolitan may be an incentive to
others to modernize Present efficient
staff of the Metropolitme Bank here con
sists of Manager, F 11. Gilroy ; 'feller,
Frank Davidson ; Ledger Keeper. F. y;.
Lake ; and el R. Anderson as Junior
The bank was opened in Brussels i,
February 1963 o has been doing bust
ne•n over six teats
Pose 'SCRIPT.-•Vrdn:adav of next
week w+Il he the gikriens Si Patrick's
slat.-'I'ht- last el '1,1111 Horse F nr fof
tht. season tviil •,e he d in 13tueeels nn
I'liuredae, April 1st. -Reeler Stutday
will be Apt it 0Uh and Gond Fride• o"
tete gtit mem. -Fail wheat and meadows
have eenle 1hrnuun the 5'inter i1 ito,d
share hut Ilhe tt ing tints is'!ip come.
The Lit at Legion will meet Nude,.
uftentonn of this .eeek at 4.15 in the ete
C. 'I' U. rooms -'Phe three !ot'al mil-
linery pal lor. are gel tine it choice and
Iash 'unable stock.,ol headgear ready fur
the Spline trade. Read 0 hat they bay,
-Why 0 1123,1 the. G. I'. R. tivins from
the East hit the sch rle'e !erne earl
oecasinnsillr 1-N• xt'I'Ihmeal it the A. 0
U W. Grand Li 11ge convenes at 'Toron-
to W. H tiuUrauken will be the
representative lrum Brussels. -Geo. Ed-
werds & Son are to go to Unmet to di til
and pump the test municipal wells. -
The annual meeting of the Canadian
Press Association will beheld in Toronto
on March 25 and 25. A trip is proposed
to Peterboro' to visit the lift tacks: 7.5
cent% secures THE Pose to January 1st
tgto.-Brussels is working up quite a
mute in fancy poultry breeding. A
local club might easily be formed
to discus, the hen business,-
An -Assembly is slated for the Town
Hall for Friday, 2fleh Inst. -The super-
abundant "alipperynesa"ofthe pave-
ment on Tuesday was sotnewbat 06111•
The Standard Bank of Canada
Financial Statement for the Year Ending 30th Paanery. 1909
-- pilgrim AND 4.088 ACCOUNT - ^
e1119141, 970 lot 116 107, latz - • 101,000,10 Dividend• paid At thl nt• or I!PPP apt I. •
stent ap im elm /Wok , n• 7,60.00 Cpntribeted to nines.' P.u•iaa Yawl • • 1
Yew the Year after pnvMiafer let0xt Tran, shed tp peen ro tend • •
DI SH a DopttNM DAL, Upton. Tnnea sed to aeaorr0 rand tem5w0110011
• • • 013,16;77 N5S BOO •
Daltatt Omd0Irerru4 • • • • . •
Sopa Was/ask 0lrtalanpp , •.-a11669w.so 00Mau4 sarw Gab • • • *M,nr.M
Dog.* •• . -16,014,707,02 Legal nada} • • . • • a11tzwop
U1vkk0 pays["klaRretruur•IWp . • 46,8'7867 •1461 t6•M
Simko Cas H itton • • •• • 418,057,08 Natpa of esti eleven on otter Holm • . ,. 41-170.78
--•-- Dninoce. the by of for Banka - •• . • 607,8747t
17.444,03,0'1 Govanunent and other Bend.. • • • • 1.0110,80.14'
ca1100 Mur 16117,608.00 ei11Assi on Sunda lytd•Btooks
Ite.erre wed • • - 1 I i 67520. D 3176,400.00 Lttt- :6- aGa
Rotate id In7eent on Silk Dhroatol • 43030 12 D'enadted 5115 Oovemmaal to leans NIM Olt,
5r,4t,W41o04,5044at • • . • 60,787,67ti a • • aAMO)
Lox te 0157r ea n Y Canada naun4• ,64.121,77
Loan' anti 170008804 . 16,111,114..0*
Banl1 200 . • ..778,630.67
Raaf SAWA . • 10,02740
Otter Aueti 76.0791
101,104.747.40 t16111,147.44
Toronto, 80th Ja00517,1000
General Manager.
same fire, have purchased the opposition
grocery and restaurant and are busier
than ever, Both Mr, Ballantyne and
Messrs. Gond were former Brusselites
and will have the wishs of our towns•
folk for their success.- -A very enjoyable'
time was spent by half a hundred Brus-
sels Epworth Leaguers last Monday
evening with. the Eth' 1 League.
Manitoba Retail Merchant" Associa-
tion is applying for power to orgauize
a mutual fire in-urance company,
judge lav Ketchum, junior Judge of
Northumberland and Durham, died at
Cohourg, in his 74111 year
For selling "John' Bull' bitters" .in
the local option towns:lip of Erin, in
Ea;t Wellington, W. D Dwyer, and J
Warren, hotelkeepers, were fined ffi2o
and costs and john McCarthv's case was
laid over The Government analysis
showed the "bitters" to be an intoxi•
eating mixture.
Lo0KTNG -Tn Grey, on Feb. 27th, to Mr, and
Mra Bobt, J. ❑ockinv, o son.
MAeoN -3m Hallett, nn Fab 251b, to Mr. and
Mra. Wm, Moeon,:0 ;Iagr. er.
MAsoro-In.Torontn. on Mar, let, to Mr. end
Mrs: Fred Stamm, formerly of Ethel, a eon.
RAE. -In Badieeon, Sask., on Feb. 10th to Mr.
and 'ors. R. Rita. a daughter.
WALgxy -In Hnrrl'ton, on March 4th, to Mr.
and Mra. Geo. Welkey, a son.
SnAW.-In.Brunseln on March 9th, Jas. Shaw,
aged 78 years and 6days.
Clinton, Thursday, April 1
010101on. 8 years and over . $10
Stallion, 2 years and under ........• 6
Stallion, 8 yearn and over 10
Stallion, 2 years and under .. 6
Best Percheron Stallion .... 10
Stallion 8 years and over ., ..,8
Stallion, 2 years Heti ander 0
Brood mare. 8 years and over 6
Fitly or gelding. 8 years and over 5
Filly or gelding, under 8 years 5
Tamm in harness -see n eciale 6
Pantile of colts ot. 1908, prog-
eny of same sire 6
Team In harness -Nee epeeink 6
Brood mare. 8 years and over 5
Filly or gelding, 8 Fears and over4
Fitly or gelding; under 8 years 4
Team in harness ., . 6
Stallion, 161 hands and over... 8
Stallion, under IN hands 8
Carriage horse in harneas, equip•
mens considered 6.
Roadster horse in harness, equip•
meat considered ..... 6 8
Carriage team in harness ,. ,, 6 8
Roadster team in harness... .,.,, .6 8
Saddle horse
Age in all rinasesto be considered. Age to
date from .Tan. let Brood maresmust be in
foal or have raised a fowl.
• Cattle
16 $2
4 2
4 2
4 2
8 2
8 2
8 2
4 2
4 2
8 2
4 8
Bull, 8 years and over 28
Boll, 2 years 6
Bull, 1 year 0, 5
Cow. Syears and over .. 6
Keifer, 2 years .......,..... 5
Entreat year 4
Bull. 2 years or over 5
Bull. 1 year .6
Cow, 8 years or over 6
Heifer. 2 years , - 5
$ $8
,8 2
2 1
Bull. 2 years pr over.. , 6 8
Bali, I year.. 5 8
1'ow 8 years and over , ., .7 ....... 5 8
Heifer. 2 year.... 7 .., . 6 8
Dairy tine, env ego or breed 4 8
Fat Bolter, age considered 8 2
Nat$teer. alt,• considered 8 2
Two :tech steers, 2 years and under 8 2
Two stork heifers. 2 yrs. and under 8 2
Best .8of any bread, 8 yearn and
under with boll ..,,6
Beat male ally ago. Diploma
Best female, any age.... Diplome
Cattle datefrom Rept. 20111.
Grain and Seeds
Fall wheat, any variety $8 22 $ .511
Oats, black. named., 8 2 60
Oslo, white, named. , ,,,, ,, ,,,,, , 8 2 60
Barley, two -rowed, named 7.7... 8 2 .5O
Bailey, clx-rowed, mimed- ....... 2 .50
Pens, mimed . 8 2 .50
Timothy Seed 8 2 .50
Clover Seed.. 8 2 .60
Potetees, late, named 8 2 .60
Potatoes, early, named......., .. 8 2 .510
Special Prizes
For bast three horses; more, or geldings, nee
considered, open to each township in the
County of Heron. The animals must he
owned. 8181 March by residents of the
named Townships. Prize $'.600 ae follows:
Should may one Townakip conmete .. $ 5 00
Mould two Townships compete... , ..,' 10 00.
Should three Townships eoucpete 16 00
4hould four: Townships compete 20 00
$honld five or moreTownshlppa compete 25 00
Any number of entries will be reeelved' from
irnized by the application of sand meth Township.
under the direotwn of Constable For boot bog Michigan. Amber Fall Wheat, Mr.
Oliver, Possession of "sand" is often ;lite Pair donatem one bag Family Fleur.
of value in the u sand downs of life. Molsnn's Bank, Trophy, value ;15.00. for beat
PHeavy-draught renin in harness.
-Don't tap the maple trees on theThos Murphy, tweet DeeringM'f'g Co, don -
street Unless you desire a tap 81050. $11500 Lnproved Dtse Harrow, for
from Lhe Magistrate shortly after,- best Agricultural Team in Mintage.
W. le, Hai lanti it e, proprteot of the The Director, of the Clinton Bowling Alley of.
Emersoml (Ulan )Ne a•%, le ha wo. but lleth fee 58•18° fol' best A gt9oulilrttl' Brood Mare,
0)111 0 short lime ago it, i,:,,,, pnrcllasert a 'thMr P4 testae on rallways tor all Stook shown at
new mndern plan) in the *0014 itWI1 JAB. SMELL, DR, SHAW,
Good Bros., who also suffered in the ' Preafde01, 8eoretery.
FRIDAY, MARCH 125Ir,-Farm'stook, &0,
North 1 Lot 18. Lion. 14, Mclilllop. - Sale with-
out reserve at 1 5. m. Joseph Campbell, Prop.
F S. Scott, Ape.
THURSDAY, ,MARCH, 18514. -Farm stook,- fm•
plements, &o. North J5, Lot, 80, don, 8, Morrie.
Sale 'without reserve at 1 'o'clock. John
1Nooney, prop.,F. S. Scott. nun,
FDAY, MOH 10TIL-pYtrnt.-Stook, ample'
write, &o„ Lot OL Oon, 1, Grey. Sale unre•
served at 1 o'olook. Harvey Elliott, Prop. F.
8, Scott, Ano,
Wheat 51 00 ;1 01
Oats - 40 42
Peas , - , - 88 85
Barley 48 - 52
Potatoes BO 80
Buttter 17 18
Eggs 20 22.
Hogs... .. : 676 - 9 6.
SALE OF MACHINERY. -The following
twcohinary is offered fur sale by the on•
dersigned all nearly now and in Bret -aloes
Shape t--1 Sarnia separator with Pelf feeder
and wind steeper, node by the John Goodtaon
t,ongimty ; *Intent regine in good repair
mode by thHobert Bell company ; 1 14 -horse
pen ersortable engine nearly new, mode by
the Waterloo Manufactory : 2 mimic Leaf
grinders,one wench plate and the other 11•in•
pinta. ,For further pertieulern apply to
WILLIAM H. COLE, Lot 6, Oon, 7, Grey, or
B, easels P. O.
St Patrick's Day
March 17
Our assortment of Post Cards in
honor of lrelu.nd'e Patron Saint
possess a greater number of more
p.ttasillg sand novel features than
any we have yet shown.' All the
will known Irish emb'ems are hp
trodueed in the most pleasing and
original manner ,shamrocks,
Harps, Paddy's Pipe and Hat, also
mai* containing words and 1n--usie
of all the well. known ]rich songs.
All at the pi pular price -
2 FOR 5 OTS.
FOR SERVICE . -A Thoro'-bred Short Horn
Bull (captain Broadhookel No. (74074) Lot
28Con. 10. Grey. Tema -M.00, payable Jan.
1st, 1910, Further forme may be aeon atthe
premises. D. E. SANDl91e$,Proprfetor.
Notice to Creditors
Notice la hereby given, pursuant to the Sta-
tute in that behalf that all persons having
claims 'walnut the estate of Neil Jame'. Me -
Nair, late or the Township of Grey, in the
County of Huron, Farmer, deoeneed. who died
on or about the sixteenth. day ofFebruary
1909 are required on or before the tenth day of
April, 1990, to mend by post prepaid, or deliver
to the undersigned, full pnrtioulars of their
Penns duly verified byaffidavit and the nature
of security If any heldbyt hem. Farther take
notion that after the lest mentioned dats the.
assets or the said deceased will be distributed
among the parties entitled thereto having re-
. earl only to the claims of which notice shall
then have been elven, Dated at Grey [him 10th
day of March 1909. FLORA JANE MONAIn,
BY-LAW NO, 3, 1909
the Village of Brussels ir
f n the Countyof Huron
To authorize the.Corporation of theVdlage of Brus,els, in the County of Huron,
to burrow the sum of Twenty five Hendee.' Dollars by ' he issue of debentures
to that amount, and to lose the same to Walter I.Yiarside and William James,
of the City set Loudon, Manufacturers, for the pu^pose ol purchasing a site or
building, ol'tu purchase a -site died. erect: a bullditig and equip the same with
suitable machinery fur tete manutacture of Chemical Fire Exliugulshers and
fur a Geueral Machine Repair Shop, and tor working capital to run the sante,•
' fur the term of ten Wears from the Stare this By-law takes effect in the said Vil-
lage of Brussels, Lu the ounty of Huron.
Whereas the '.aid Walter J. Garside and the proceeds of the said debentures, is to
William Jantee have applied to the Matti- be handed over to the said Walter J. Her-
oipal Gunned of she Videge of Brunetti fur ode and %e illiam James, ea soon as they
hall own a suitable factory iu the said
Village of Brussels and have the same
properly equipped with suitable maehiu-
ary fur the utauufateure uf. Chemical Fire
Exuuguiehere mud for a general machine
latish. oh 'p.aud will have executed a first
mortgage on the teed factory, site, plautand
maehi.uery and Mao on the residence of
she said 1y alter J. Garside, in 1110 Oity of
Lusaka', said morLgege to be fur ten
years from the Fifteenth day of April
1909 stud obeli bear interest at the rate of
five per cent• per aunnr0 yearly, payable
un nob tont every loth day of April ou
all p11001501 from tune to time rewaiuiug
unpaid until the principal sum is paid in
full ns well after as before maturity and the
said priuuipul sum to be payable as follows,
$550.00 on euoh 16th dray of April in eauh
uf the years 1912,1918, 1914, 1916, 1916
and 1917 ai'li the beaten ou the lbtlt day
of Ap, it 1916. Said mortgage ..hall pro-
vide that the aafd partiee will insure the
sand properties to their full Iusurab,e value
Ina Company or Companies approved by.
the Council, with loss payable to the said
Village uf Brussels as their iutereat may
appear uuder m0rtg ge, said petioles to be
handed over to the said Uuumotl and said
mortgage 18 also to coutain all the usual
0. 'Thiurys Byve-law ohall take effect on the
1915 day of March, 1909, ehould it receive
Lhe 0188001 of the eleotors.
7. The voted of the said eleotore en-
titled to vote on said By-law shall be taken
thereon at the following times and places
that into sty : On Monday the 6th day
of April, 1909, Oomtueucing at the hour
of uiue fu the forenoon and 0ouliuuing un-
til the hour uf five iu the afternuon of the
some day. In pulling division Nu. One
at the uffine of Rubs. Thomson, Jae. T,
Ross, Deputy Returtiiug Officer; in
pulliug Mermen No, Two at the'Oounoil
Boom and that N. F. Gerry be Deputy
ltesuruiug Officer ; sod fur pulliug dive:eon
No. Three, at the reoideucs o1 Geo. Birt
vud that teeter Scutt be Deputy Returning
On Monday 111, 29th day of
March 1909, the Reeve of she acid Vil-
lage of Brussels shay attend at the
Council roma, at teen o'ulook in the tore-
noon, to appoint persuue to attend at the
yttrium, pulling platen aforesaid and at
the eumwelt; up of the votes by the Clerk
On behalf of the persona interested 82 pro-
moting or uppobiug the passing of the old
bylaw rec•peluvel3.
9, Tia Ulerk of the Village of Brussels
shall intend at the Ouunoil room in the
Pewit Hall, at tea u'elook 111 the forenoon,
80 Tuesday the sixth day of April 1909.
to nam up the number of votes for and '
against the paid bylaw,
Read the Ht'ct tithe iu open Oouhoil and••
passed the 10th day of March 1909:
Read the second time iu epee Council
and p •reed the 1001 day of Maruti 1909,
Read iu epee Commit after havtug tee
hived the aase04 of the eleotur0 and finally
punned the ,,.day of. 1909,
a luau of the ams of '1'weuty flee hundred
duliarn for the term of ten years, said luau
to bear iutereet at the rate of live per cent.
per annum, Sud repayable as fullowe ;-
$800.00, port of the mad principal sum, at
the end of the third and vont sne2eediug
year for nix years and the balance at the
and of the teeth year, together with
interest yearly at the rate aforesaid .and
should' any interest remain in arrears the
game to bear iu5ereet at the rate aforesaid
and be eompouuded each year, Said luau
to be advauced to them as soon as they
shall uwu and equip a Iaot,ry with .uitable
machinery for the D uuufensure of
Chewiest Fire Extiuguiehere and a gener-
al olauhiue repair shop In the eatd Village
of Brussels and have executed a first
mortgage un the said factory, maohiuery
skid peon, and also ou the residence of the
said Walter J. Garside au the City of Lun-
dell, In the county of Middlesex, Ontario,
which said reeidenoe Ln to be wurth at that
time at least the sum of 91,600.00 in 'ao-
cordauce with the terms horeia est out.
And wherea- in order thereto 1t will be
necessary to issue debentures of the said
Municipality for the sum of 92,600.00 as
hereivatter provided which is the amount
of the debt intended to be created by title
bylaw, the proceeds thereof to be applied.
to the purpose atoretaid and to no other
And whereas it ie desirable to iseue the
said debe.,tnres at nue time and to make
the priuoipal of the said debt repayable in
equal annual inetaimeute of priuoipal add
iutereet during the period of ten years next
after the iesue et the said debeeturee.
Aud wherein the total amuuut required
by the Municipal Act u be raised uuuualla
by special rate for the payment of the said
debt and interest as hereinafter provided
is 1828.76.
Aud whereas the amount of the existing
debouture debt of the said Village 0t
Brussels, e48,665.08 and uo priuoipal or
irterent fu arrear.
And whereas the amount of the whole
rateable property of the Village of
Brueeeli, auoolding to the last Aooesauieut
Boll of the same, ie $880,156.00.
Therefore the Muuwipal Council of the
Corporation of the Village 01 Brussels
amuse as follows
1, That the Municipal Council of the
Oorporition of the Village of Brussels.
,hall loan to Walter J. Gareide and Wil-
liam Jaime and such other perilous as may
In 11,84°041.ted with them mud for the pur-
pote of raising said sum dsbeutures of the
Village of Bruesele to the atnouut of
82 600.00 are ,o be netted lir sums of not
less than $100 00 each and Shall be le -
steed on the fifteenth day of Mmroh 1909
and each of the said debenture, Shall be
dated the fiiteeu1h day of April 1909 be-
ing the day of the issue thereof aid shell be
payable inten equal au ,u d.instalments of
principal and interact on theflftoeith
duty of each euoueedieg'April for ten ,ears
et the office of the otaudurd Bank uf
Canada hero.
2, Each of the said debentures shall be
signed by the Reeve and 'lb'eaourer ot the
eatd Village of Bruesele and shall have
affixed thereto by the Clerk of the a id
Mouidipstlity tete seal of the said Village of
8, The said debentures shall bear
interest at the rete of dos per cent per
lunette paysble yearly a the said Bank uu
the flfteemh day of April in each and
every year duriug the currency thereof,
4. During the ourreuoy of the said de-
bentures thorn ehalf be rutted annually by'
The ab +ve is a true copy of a proposed
by law which has been tu581, into eonelderu-
Liuu and will be finally passed by the
Cuuueil of the Village of Brussels in the
,vent of the assent of the eleotore being
obtained thereto after 0110 mouth from the
Hest publication in 'Tum 800005Le pose, the
specie] rate on all the rateable property dine of the liras pubdualfuu wee the 11th
Ln the Raid Village of Brunetti the sum of day of March 1909 apd that the votes of
8325.76 for Lhe ptir9200 of paying the theelesturs of the said 'Mmriulpality will
amount due for primeval and interest its be taken thereon on the dity mud at the
reepee: of the said debt, hours and places therehi fixed,
5. The said sure of $2,000,00, being V. S. BC0'l1 ', Clerk,