The Brussels Post, 1909-3-11, Page 51
Teacher .of Plano or Organ
K. O. T. M,
Brussels Tont of the Muooaboee, No, lid.
hold their regular meetings le the Lodge
Room, Seeker Moak, uu the ley and Lod
luOaday oveniuso of each mouth
Visitors alwayo welcome.
A, SOV 1;1013, Cour, a, Dlol6D;ft1, R, E,.
Agent Howiek Mutual
.Fire Insuranoe Company
001108 and iloeidence-
• HER, W111 sell for better prices, to
better roes, nt less time ,tun lees charges
bean any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and 086888
can oIWa/x be arranged at this ethos or h,
p ore , nal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reaeoueble. Sates arranged for
at tbe (Mee of Tag Poeg, Brusoole. 8218
. Honor eraion,e of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, 18 prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domcedisa6ed mounds in a 0ompet
out manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Lieutt8try and Milli re Oohs
promptly attended to. Odlao and Lufirmary
-Four doors iorlh of bridge, Turuberry et.
B8086618. Phone 47 It
Barrister, Solicitor, Couveyauoer,
Notary Public, &a. nabs -Stewart's Blues
8 fluor North of Ovutrat Hotel .
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
pitOU1)FOO'r, 13AY8 k 13LAIR.-
h1BLro ETC.
W. 1:a0UD0eoT, S. G. R. 0, Here
O. P. HLAIa.
OBloes-1'huso formerly occupied by Moore
Oumoruu & Holt,
G0D$0I011, ONTAtiIo.
DR. R. P. FEiL.D,
Graduate of the Royal ttollage 0f Dental
8urgeuu at Ontario tied First-olaae Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uutyerelty. O®°.
next to Brower'aPhotograph Clattery,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY oven numbered section of Dominion
Landes in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved,
may be homesteaded uy any person who is
the sole bead of a famil y, or any male over
I8 years of age, to the extent of nue-quarter
section of 160 nares more or lase
B018y may be wade personally at tbe
local land office fur the dietrlot in whiob
the labs (8 situate,
The homesteader is required to perform
theuondithoue eouneoted therewith under
one of tier toil:ovlug plans :
(1) At least six mouths' residence upon
and cultivation of the lend le °soh year for
throe years,
(2) If the father (or mother, if the father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon alarm In the vioiulty of the laud
entered for the requirements as to reei-
douce may be 0aaleded by KWh person re-
sidingwith the father or mother.
(8) f the settlor lots his permanent real.
deuce upon farming land oweed by him
in the vicinity of bis ho11,eote40. the re
euiremeuts as to reoidrnoe may be settee
and by re0ideuee upon the ea,.t ',tic.
Six mouths' O'tloo in writing should hu
given to the Commissioner et Domfnlou
Lands at Ottumwa of Ioteuteou to ap,dy for
Deputy of Ibe Minister of Luterior,
N. B, Uuuutb wised pub006t,on of this ad•
vortisemeut will nut be paid for,
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Warks
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Foreman, 0 Brussels.
Pain In the head -pain anywhere, has its tam
lain lacongo0Elon pain is blood proseure-nothing
else usually. At leaat so names Dr. Shoop, and to
'proven huhu created a 11tt10 Dint tablet Thal
tablet -called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet-
'aat chapi"laway
aliytuGetlIesrmg.peaonslylightfl. Gentili
though safely, it surely equalizes the blood drat*
yon have a headache, it's blood proem»,
lilt !t'e painful period& with woman. tame cause,
If son are oleopless, restless, nevous, Lt's blood
eongestlon-blood pressure. That surety Is a.
certainty for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets stet
It In 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute
the unnatural blood pressen,.
Bruise Your Anger, and doesn't 1t set red, and
awoll, and pain you? Of course, it does. It't eon.
gestibn, blood Pressure, You'll find It where pain
le -always. IPS sanely Common Sense,
Ws sell at 25 conte, and cheerfully recomm+n0
Dr. Shoop's
Business Garde'
0 a br ok o
of r o has taken ho o) n several
n , wh o r i
. OnPe p x li N - 78 1 'Isere.
p .Yat M a of et Eno i t ionou. 8
nen o i
t nt auto) 1 0 Plano or n
panel VIM n r s ()ream,
/for Eotauigi and time of lesson apply to.htiss
DivDwmld, 31-4
A. H. M.ON r ErTH
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, the., eaa0yeeor to
A. B. Macdonald, Ottloe over Standard Bank,
DR. T„ T, M' RAE
Bachelor. of Medtaine, 8jniversity-of Toronto ;
Ldosotiate and Graduate of the College of P4y'
Winans and -Surgeons, Oat, ' 741)(.77164860(0
(Amigo E e, Her, Hose and /throat Hos ilial,
Ohh,uatt, Ili Ex -House Surgeon to tit. Miele
net's Hospital, Toronto.
pines over F. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele-
phone connection wnh Creabrook at xlthours,
Honor Graduate Dental Departeient, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of Royal College or
Dental burgeons, of Toronto, Ofilce over J.
T. Russ' store, Brussels,.
t- Will visit Wroxater the Aret and third
Mondays cud Gerrie the xeoond and 1008th
Mondays of each month,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Flour e. D, ov) cid night calls. Moe opposite
QRR.wc Tecw.a? Han naP
001180 $01101 8001190 NORTH
Mail 7:06 a m I Express .. 10:65 a m-
ltxpress 11:25 n m Mail 1.94 p in
Express ,... 8:02 p m Express B:59 p m
CaMmairax Facilely
To TorontoTo Goderich
Express ....... 8:41 8 m .Express 11:89 a
!home.,..,., 8:11 p m t .Express 7:47 p m
poral flews tents
EAST HURON Pall Fair will beheld on
'Phar day, Sept 313th .and Friday Oct
ilii this year It promise$ robe a dandy
I'r is olio inert that the level crossing i$
an equalizer but the only peop e that
'+ppear to appreciate the fact are the
BUTTER MAKERS - Butter paper in
stuck at THE POST. Have your name
printed on it as it will cost bet a trifle,
and your butter wili be known far and
USE THE POST "For Sale" columns if
8410 wish to bring your property 1,,
many readers you can reach In Huron.
county. Wrtte for rates for short and
long terms.
SOME people are in the habit of throw
big orange peel on the sidewalksand
those doing au shuuld be prosecuted, a
this practice has caused several very bad
tails 'hely.
Croup positively stopped in 20 min-
utes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy.
One test alone will cutely prove this
truth. No vomiting, no distress. A
safe and pleasing syrup -50e. Sold by
all dealers..
ONE huudreI and thirty-four students
and professors were pois toed eating
oysters, fish, green peas and ice cream
at a banquet in the Varsity gymnahium
atter a championship game. 'Their
stomachs weren't accustomed to such
rich fere.
HUN0REns have renewed their sub
script10011 to THE POST, but inane have
not done so Vet '!'hese should look at
the labels on their papers and call and
settle ur remit the amount due to the
end of Igoe Subscribers in the United
States most net expect us to send
papers and pay postage on same after•
term of subscription has expired• Oar
American snbscrihers must pay in ad-
vance if they wish paper continued,
Fortify now against the Grip -for
it comes every season sure.! Prev-
enties-the little Dandy Cold Cure
Tablets -offer in this respect a most
certain and dependable safeguard.
Preventics, at the "sneeze stage"
will, as well, also surely head off all
common colds. But promptness is
all-important. Keep Preventics in
the pocket or purse for instant use.
Box of 48 for 25e. Sold by rill dealers.
A MEETING of the East !term) Teach
ers' Executive was held in the public
school,tieafurlh 8hSaturday morn imr
20th. fur the transaction of
general business It was decided to
hold the
next Cnnve tin atH
n 13 mgham
in October. Programs will be issued in
dire time. It was thought that the
holding of the Convention in the Fall
would interfere less with examination.,
Those in attendance were Mins M Mac•
lay and Miss Huston and Messrs. Camer-
on, Holland Scott and Moffatt,
ever think what your advt. In THE POST
is doing for you ? When you close your
store in the eveningand go home to
your family and eside, not thinking
about your business at all, then it is that
the paper is being pored over in hon
dreds of homes -I he homes from which
Your trade to drawn. And there is your
advt. doing iia work silently, but surely,
and it you nave taken the pains to make
it attractive its work will be all the more
successful. This is repeated over and
over again, and is no doubt' what in-
spired some
writer to call newspaper
S e
advertising H ".il n nt drutnmer "
Nothing in the way of a Cough is
quite so annoying as a tickling, teas-
ing, wheezing, bronchial Cough. The
quickest relief comes perhaps from a
to Druggists
g to
prescription g
everywhere 1 ' g
were ae Dr. Seco s Cough
Remedy. And besides, it is• so the•
mighty harmless that mothers give it
with perfect safety even to the young-
est babes. The tender leaves of a
simple mountain shrub give to Dr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy its remark-
able curative effect, A few days' beet
will tell. Sold by all dealer's.
3,,00 PACTS ABritrr CANADA -'file
'oleic will welcome the Igoe revised
•clition of this valuable booklet, which
las been ltapoily Oeste shed as a tablated.
enevelopaedia of Canada. It 10 unique
old clever in its arrangement rift worked
'tit by its compiler, Frank Yeigh, of
Toronto, - the well-known writer end
eeturer 30,000 copies have already
teen 301(1 Phe resources, wealth and
business of the country are given in a
oncrete form -a fact itt a sentence
Hamar Greeuwoud, M. P. for York,
)Ing, save : "It is an eyenpencr to even
a keen Carnelian like Myself." A copy
nay he 0)04 for 25 cents from the Can-
dien Facts Publishing Co., 667 Spadina
Ave,. Toronto.
ANYONE wishing to join the Farmer
II sttu
1 1 tt, DPW leave in i -axe their al
4> namUh lh
office 0t '1•lfh Pos'r and get the
me mer i i
eh 1 M
n 1 i take} _ a lhershi
( n fe
ooiv 2) cents. p
Rev Johnston Mv:rorntlek, B • A
and who has hest pester t u
r of M i
awhose parent''1 home lo at Trowbridge
circuit, Essex Go , for the past turn
lute been invited 10 Moulden He ha
eeccptad, subject 10 tile Stationing Cool
mites} Rev. Mr, McCOrmiek is
Clever Young man and destined to rise
Have you a paiu'-of any kind, .any
where? Stop just a minute an
think 1 It matters not whether it be
womanly pains, head pains, nr an
kind of a pain, one of Dl, Shoop's li
tlo Pink Pain Tablets will surely Stu
it in 20 minutes: Formula platin
printed on the 201c, box. Sold by ai
STORES -You .'euv11l - 1quat values -I
builds pp home industries. -It keep
money in mrcuietioo at home .1 give
employment to tellers among you. -I
enehances the value of real estate -I
,lakes a home market for your products
-It lessens tax rates. -It aids you it
money stringencies that new exist. -I
assists largely in maintaining out
schools -It assists cherity and lessen
the need for it.- It encourages others t.
embark in business, -It stimulates you
rumen, industries awl makes every
thing effervesce with energy.
A housing Place foetid for the street
gtodiug machine as its exposure to al
kinds of weather must he poor policy. -
Fire drill regularly maintained at the
Public School to be ready for erergen
cies,-A cement sidewalk built by the
Grand 'Trunk Railway from 'rurnberry
street to their depot Phis has been
promised so long any reference to it
rather belongs Io the chestnut family
The runway has not done the ,quare
thing with the town over it just the
same -The Town Hall receive a new
dress of paint as it needs it for the pre.
servation of the building, in addition to
the great improvement the paint brush
would make.
A failing tiny nerve -no larger
than the finest silken thread -takes
from the .Heart its impulse, its power,
its regularity: The Stomach also has
its hidden or.inaide nerve. It was Dr,
Shoop who first told unit was wrong
to drug a weak N' failing Stomach,
Heart or Kidneys. His prescription -
Dr. Shoop's Restorative -is directed
straight for the cause of these ail-
ments -these weak and faltering in-
side nerves. This, no doubt, clearly
explains why the Restorative has of
late grown so rapidly in popularity.
Druggists say that those who test the
Restorative, even for a few days, soon
become fully convinced of its wonder-
ful merit. Anyway, don't drug the
organ. Treating the cause of sick-
ness is the only sensible and success-
ful way. Sold by all dealers.
AN INDIAN LISTER - AL the last ses-
sie11 of the Ontario Parliament some
Itnpurtant amendments were tnarle in
connection with the Lipner License Act
amendments that it is to be hoped many
a wife and family will have reason to
feel grateful fur Now take notice you
meu that are likely to be placed on the
Indian List. If during a period of one
year alter the time that a person is
served with a notice prohibiting him
liquor that person is found under the
influence of liquor or found with liquor
in his pockets or in any way in his lees
session ; if he is found asking another
person for liquor or found in the bar-
room or drinking room of a hetet, w' in
nue place where liquor is dispensed, he
IS liable to be fined from ten to twenty
dollars and costs or imprisonment for
one month, The liquor dealer why
allows a person thus prohibited to loiter
around his hotel or premises is squall}
guilty and will be similarity fiord. If
after the service of such notice any per
son whatever who gives to ur procures
liquor for another :person so ratified
will be liable to a fine of not less than
twetrtyfive dollars and Busts or imprison.
meat. Furthermore the person who is
In the unfortunate Indian List, should
he get under the influence of liquor. or
be found with liquor in his possession,
and will refuse to tell the name of the
person who gave him the liquor or pro
eared it for flim, lie may then be i01
liisuned fora period not it
seri u xc.eedil three
numbs in the county jail. Such is the
aw 'rake ,varumg. 5u says the Galt
Rauosgave the following interesting in
'urm0tion concerning the work of the
W. C. T. U among the lumbermen at
he meeting Friday afternoon Feb.
6th :-For some years the W. C. T.
U. have been sending out two missioni-
nes into the lu nber cam and
1 I camps mining
amps of Northern Ontario. Miss
Agnes Sproule, whose home is to Fort
William, has her field in Algoma and
lung the nue of the Northern railroad.
31r. Must, whose home is in Hunts
ill*, works mu3117 in Muskoka, and
ue1 we also have a White cross Mission
a v, hli. Beall, of Whitby, but it is of
Miss Sproule and Mr. Mout we will to k
b•day. '[here are handless of camps
nd the men worsting in these
umber camp, mitring camps and con-
traction camps number over a hundred
housaud. They ere }lot all foreigners
tit most l Cane ' s and eat IMAM'
t n (, lasso d H r
v g
them are from homes in Ontario and
ften from Christian hutnee but are
Brawn into contact with the rough 1n11
'seemed cress who are aliea75 10 be
mind In the eronds '1'h n are
u to e e me
war from the effluence of gond homes,
'Omen and little children aid have
verythin1 to rlrae them down to a
ewer ;tame of manhood, and very little
0 eucourltge the good in them Miss
prnuleand Mr, Mont visit these Wren.
Hen a hunched in a camp, hold a
efelons ,'ervtce. Mee out a lew
co*lfor." hags and what literature her
ave with thele and that may be the
My sermon they hear in tnenths Is it
n7 wonder the good is crushed out and
Het the had habits. grow ? Yet Miss
prnule saes she has always been treat.
d by these rough men with the greatest
indness and her message listened to
lilt reverend attention and at its 01050
once will say "that is the first sernttim
prayer they have heard in veau's "
hese men generally take up a collet
on which helps t0 pay travelling uk- iI
enses but it is never asked tor. So
ow Without making little of foreign
ivsi0ns, it ie Dur met) couetrylneu
hose need and peril should most keen
interest us, I'Ite W. C. '1'. 1I. took
p this work thinking the church
Main street Brussels
AVING purchased the 07001}
and business till recently
cerried on by Mies St'raclh-
an so successfully in Brussels, I
will be pleased to have all her
old customer's and friends and
scilicet agenerous
s amutut of
their patter/loge
for the future,
Mourning Goods a Specialty.
Edith -Inman
would step in and take it off their hands
but asyet it has not done sn, and out of
47 camps visited last year by Miss
Sproule, only six had been visited by
any other - Protesten1 missionary
"'Truly the battiest 10 gist}t and the
laborers few," In last years's report
Miss .Sproule saes she has only one re-
gret, that of the smallness of the work
accomplished and would regret it still
more it she did .not know that God is
able to make the humble service render-
ed Him go on and increase throughout
all eternity. Altogether Mise Sproule
made 7 trips and after re-counting these
she yays on these journeys from dangers
seen and unseen the Lord delivered her
On the first trip the was in a railwev
accident and atter that several tinges
was delayed by washouts and other
accidents The men in these camps
after working hard ell Winter so soon as
they are paid many of them come out
to the settlements or the firs place
where sold go on a drunk cud
often the liquor is drugged and the poor
fellow in a few hours lose all he has
earned in months. 50 your missionaries
preach temperance to these poor fellows
in the camps and give out pledge yards
to be signed. Ilei work is hard end nor
many women could do it, She is often
discouraged 00 she asks us to pray for
her that she may have strength to go on
with this work which is so grent and the
need so nree0t Not menu of us could
be Missionaries to the lumber camps het
we con do our share in helping to pr
vide for her salary which is fire hundred
dollars a year, On •lceount of the num
her of the camps in Muskoka going
further North Mr. Munt will visit those
within easy reach and a couple of young
men have been engaged to go to those at
a greater distance.
Aro you Sleepless, Nervous T
Two horrors crowded into one life -
the product of poor digestion and a
poisoned system. There is just one
cure for this terrible condition -plenty
of food -but mind you, food properly
digested ; that'•s the diffienity, to im-
prove the digestive power of the stom-
ach. Get rich nutritious blood,
strengthen the system and drive out
poisons, -then comes vitality, endur-
ance, power. Feri'.ozone does all this
and more, it makes sick people well,
weak people strong, changes "nerves"
and inaonlania into robust health.
Take Ferrozone and health is yours.
50 etc. at all dealers.
Sunday will be Evangelistic Sab-
bath in the Methodist Church.
Rev. J. Ball attended the Dominion
Alliance Convention in Toronto,
Rev, J. Ball received from the Sec-
retary of the Upper Canada Bible
Society, Toronto, a letter accompanied
by a life certificate of membership for
Jas. Fallis, of Newbridge, Witit °the re-
quest that it be presented at same
public gathering. It was presented at
the close of the afternoon service
last Sunday, Mr. Faille will have
been Sec.-TI'oas. of the Newbridge
Branch forty years the coining Octob-
er. During that time perhaps a little
Over $800 have been liaised and over
$200 of portions of the Bible sold. Mr.
Paths acknowledged the presentation
in a short address, referring in feeling
terms to the many who have gone out
and on during those forty years.
Is Your Corn Troublesome ?
Why not cure it-erradicate it with
Putnam's Corn Extractor ? No pilin
or aero-' Putthatn's" is a guaranteed
success, try it.
We understand Richard Daily has
purchased D. 13. Marshall's farm.
Miss Mary McLeod, is visiting her'
uncle, Andrew Duke, at Moorefield,
Miss Edith Daily was spending a
few days visitivgfriends in Milverton.
John Hayes, Gerrie has rent,d
Jo 1 v of a c
the. Condit: farm and has moved to it.
A. X. and Mee. ,Jackson are spending
a}fustcouple of weeks with friends in 110
Miss Amide Sutton left for Halibrite,
Sask. ivhere she w(llresume her duties
a$ mi'fliuer.
Mrs. A. Newart, of Porta e -(a -
Prairie, is spending a few days Portage -la -
ing relatives in this village.
Alonza Heath has rented the farm
from G. Leslie, near Trowbridge, and
has taken possession, We wish him
Rev. W. H. Butt, et Centralia,
preaohed missionery sermons lure
Sunday, Rev. Mr, Salton supplied at
Mrs. I•Inhter, Widow of the late
Thomas Hunter, died suddenly at her
Thome on Monday learning of lust
week. Mrs. Hunter lots been in pone
health for some time, but her death.
chine its a shock to her family, who
have the most sinceresympathy of the
entire community in their bereave -
Matt. • bank returns totheGovernntent,
Mrs, Fletcl er oae s
� C n end &I t
3 �,
l Fil1p
Cosen8 were et Berlin where they ate
tended the funeral :of Mrs, Fleisehbare
tt, a fount L resided} of Trowbridge.
r to v '
,Ph tun rsl d
Y site:did 'en
rl da tP'so1
.:.,� u a L+st I
At the close of the molar Epwot't11
League meeting 081 Monday everting
of last. tweak the young people of the
community took the opportunity of
expr'ssiug to Ed, Carsonaud wife their
regard and appreciation and their
sorrow at their departure by resent-
ingg-them with an address read by R.
Tol1llsUtn and a purse of gold present-
ed by L. Oliver, Mr, Carson replied
very briefly, thanking the friends for
their kind oxpressio( of regard and
assuring them that they would always
ren'ieruber with pleasure their pleasant.
sojourn in Trowbridge and the many
warm friends left here. Shot'tretnerks
suitable to the occasion were also
made by others present. Mr, Carson
and wife, accompanied by his brother
and wife,loft 1 t week t f oI the West
and early with them the best wishes
of their many frieuds of the vicinity.
Aro you Subject to Colds?
I Then don't load your stomach with
cough syrims. • Send healing media-
tion thro 1 h the no
Steil —
t h nostrils -send it into
the passages that are subject to colds
and catarrh. Easy to do this with
Catart'hozuue, which cures a cold in
ten minutes. Even to the lungs goes
the healing vapor of Oatarrbozone-
all through the bronchial tubes, nos-
trils and air passages -every where a
trace of disease remains will Catarrh -
ozone follow. You'll not have colds,
Hoe will you suffer from sniffles, bron-
chitis or throat trouble if Catarrh -
ozone is used. Get it to -day. 25 070.
and $1.00 at all dealers.
5CH001, REPORT. -The following is
the report of 8 S. No. 8, Grey, for
the month of February. Names are
in order of merit. Class IV -Exam-
ined in Writ., Mem., Hist., Draw.,
Geog., and Comp. -Jean Sruith, Cecil
McKinnon, Ernie Cardiff, Tom Mc-
Donald, Wesley Brewer, Burnett
Smith, Merton Abbey. Class III—
Examined in same subjects. John
Hynes, Bessie Smith, Kate McDonald,
Marion Smith, Fred Cole, Reuben
Brewer, Millie McFarlane, Wilfred
Hazel, Sohn Riley, John Cole. Class
II Sr. -Eliza Bishop, Stuart Grant,
Willie Dietner, Joe Smith. Class lI
Jr.• -Excellent -Harold Cardiff. Good
-James Dietner. Pt. II -Fair -
James Riley. Pt. I -Good -Charlie
Smith. Albert Cardiff. Fair -George
Bishop, Roy McFarlane,
MARY E. DARK, Teacher.
To Move off a Cold.
Cough mixtures "dope" a cold -but
don't cure. Above all else, keep the
bowels regular and stimulate the
eleminatiug organs. More valuable
than any cough syrup are Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. They clear the system of
every trace of cold -the dull headache,
aching limbs and cough disappears.
Take the pills before retiring, they
work while you sleep, and by morning
your cold is broken and passes quickly
away. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's
Pills in 25 et. boxes,
Lemuel Pelton, jr., left for Ford,
Lynn Evans, of Grey, and Miss
Grace Swanton, of Toronto, were
visiting }vitt} their uncle and aunt,
Edward and Mrs. Campbell, of Queen
street, Atwood.
Mrs. Mackie disposed of her stock
to R. M. Ballantyne and left for Tor-
onto, where she will spend a few days,
after which she will start a millinery
shop in Leamington.
The Canadian Order of Foresters
held an At -Home and social hop in
their hall on Thursday evening in
honor of Geo. Dark, who is about to
leave for the West.
Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, 8th con., was
out in the woodshed, and in the act
of teaching up for an article, when
she slipped and fell, which resulted in
breaking three of her ribs.
Mrs. J. G. Erni h is visiting her
g g
daugghter, Mrs. A. L. Bradwin in Galt.
Win. Scott left for Dungannon
where he will open upa jewelry store
Thos. Coulter pboujl
driver from James Heffron at a good
J. J. McCaughy bought a two-year
old colt by "Texas Mack" from Joseph
Blake, of Hallett.
Annual Spring Fair will be held
here on Thursday,April Stla. A good
prize list is offered.
The Y. M. 0. A. have arranged for a
concert and debate to be giveri in
Industry Hall on Wednesday evening,
March 24th.
Five gentlemen from town drove to
Clinton to bowl against the stalwarts
of Mallett, The latter were successful
by 120 shots.
John Smith, who has been running
an implement agency here for over a
year. has rented the farm of Fred.
Rath. in East Wawanosh, and has
tkeu possession.
Jas. He 'on was '
J ffi In luck bydis os-
ing of some 80,000 of his bricfor
purposes to the congregation of
the Dun alluon Methodist church.
Messrs, White and Tainan had the
contract of loadingr of the•i
a t brick
Whi h t shipped c v s 1pc. on the C. P. it, to
McGaw station.
Wm, Mason disposed of his house
and some land on the main street to
Finlay McIntosh. of McKillop, who
will come to Blyth about April 1st.
He intends erecting a large sale stable
on the main street, and as he is suc-
cessful horseman, no doubt will do a
good business. Mr. Mason retains 15
feet frontage, besides the 40 feet front-
age owned by Win. Scott.
Rev. R. L. Borden was banqueted liy
the Conservatives at Ottawa.
Rev Robert Thompson, pastor of
Siloam circuit, died suddenly.
Constable item Short, of Lindsay.
was badly beaten by a gong of roughs.
Hon, R. W. Scott introduced Itis
scheme for Senate Reform in Abet
W. G. Browne, who was acquitted by
ludge Leet at 1‘ 'entree!. has been in-
dicted by a Grand Jury there, and will
be tried on the charge of making false 1
Patrick SI
lflnilhall waft CO t
Mali to for
Peel I
t itis o t a charge 0f attempting to .cause
i (0t ex
dloston at the Canada 1ren Formes
Pour nue memhyrs of the Kiilgstau Board
of health have resigned as s protest
agalnet the Coutleil's action regarding
FI cs '1
the v nation bylaw,
J' A. Macdutteld of The Toronto I
Globe, who was the speaker al the re-
cent Chicago selebretiou of the Lincoln
Centennial, will be cue of the evening
speakers at the Canadian Missionary
Congress in T0root0 the last of March.
He will follow a number of men ex-
perienced in worst in the West and
Northwest, and will speak on the
"Christeinizing of our Civilization,
The Bell Telephone Company of Can-
ada ie about to pubhsh a new
issue of the
Official Telephone Directory
Orders for new connections, changes
of firm names, changes of street ad-
dresses, or for duplicate entries should
be handed in AT ONCE to
Local Manager.
The Family
The best medicines in the
world cannot take the place of
the family physician. Consult
hill} early when taken Ill. If
the trouble is with your
throat, bronchial tubes, or
tanks, ask him about taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then
take it or not, as he says.
WO Publish our formula
Wp tannish 41011 .5
e 7 from our m•etotn••
ers Weirnst r•roaw b
Bilious attacks sick-headaches,indiges-
dion, constipation, dizzy spells—these
are some of the results of an Inactive
liver. Ask your deafer if he endorses
Ayer's Pills in these eases. The dose
is small, one poise bedtime.
tra-titadet by the a. AWOL. Lowell.Mw.—
The Manitoba Legislature prorogued
nn Monday. N U
After jumping the track near Hart -
(and, N. 13., an engine rolled over three
rimes and landed in the river. The en-
gineer and fireman went down with , the
engine but escaped unhurt. to
The criminal libel ease of P. C. M111s,
sporting editor of the Hamilton 1`imes,
0751001 M. M. Rubinson, of the Specta-
tor, was dismissed by Justice Latchford,
as there was a want of definiteness about
the individual referred to in the article
complained of.
The Metropolitan Bank
Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of
Two per cent. for the current quarter (being
at the rate of right per cent, per annum) on
the capital stock of this Bank, has been de-
clared, and that the same will be payable et
the Head Office and Branches of the Bank,
on and after tbe int day of April next.
By order of the Board,
Genet's! Manager.
TORONTO, 1601 February, more
Bread Flours
Graham Flours
Whole Wheat Flours
Feed Flours
Corneola (Breakfast Food)
Rolled Wheat
Cracked Wheat
Bran, Shorts,
Flaked Oats for horses
and all kinds of feed.
Wm. & R. A Pryne
A Newspaper —
Not An "Organ"
The elan who wants an open-minded discussion of
politics, the steady support of right, justice, and
decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre-
judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs,
will thoroughly enjoy the
'Formaia SIr
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The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest."
It has definite opinions of its own on political, social,
and moral questions—but it recogniz- the right of
others to hold exactly opposite opinions without
necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse.
The Star's editorials are broad-minded, honest, as
keen and clever as some of the best writers in Canada
can make them, and always Pair.
The Star is published for fait -minded, intelligent
people who take an active interest in Canada and the
world. Consequently It Has More Readers 'fMet
Any Other Paper In Ontario.
this paper and the TORONTO DAiLY STAR together for
• one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for SOc.
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