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The Brussels Post, 1909-3-11, Page 3
• ttroQ•aaavamo 'NU FOLKS m•G•pesoss aaa D THE "WATER -BOON," Madge was lonely, She came t lowly up the stairs on her way to the nursery, feeling that she should have a long, miserable afternoon. Mother had: gone to do rieetiaga shopping, and there was Flo one home but the nurse, and she was busy with baby brother. As she came by her Aunt Jennie's room, she paused and peeped in,. The ire, was burning brightly in the open grate, and the warm coals sent out -a tamer that was not to be found in the slummy.' She loved her aunt's room, She liked to look at all the pretty toilet articles, gaze in the bright little silver mir- ror, and open her: ribbon box, that 'always smelled of violet.' She was )never allowed -to play here when +Aunt Jennie was Away. As she stood at the door a thought came to her and told her that she could do no harm. just' by warming her feet at the grate. Thio was the very moment -when sire ought to have remembered -- but she did not. Size went in, at first timidly, and then, as. sbe heard no one coming, she sat down on the very edge of the little rocker. For a long time she was content with looking about, but by and by the wonderful "water -book" .seem- ed to be looking right at her. She always 'palled it the water hook because there were lovely streams in it flowing right past the houses, and then "there were red boats with brilliant things draped over their sides, tall buildings of marble, and from the windows gardens seemed to bo hanging, while everywhere was the soft, quiet" water, and steps leading down to the boats. On Sunday afternoon .Aunt Jennie always looked over the water -book pic- tures with Madge, and told her all about them. Sho said the city was Venice. Madge thought it could be no harm to take the book over to the sofa and just look at it a very few minutes. She looked at her hands, and they were quite clean—and anyway, she meant to tell Aunt Jennie all about it when she came home, and she, was sure she would say it was the right thing to do when she was so lonely, She hoped she would say that. 'Wrong thoughts are like little plants, they grow;and grow; and so it was not long before Madge bad the book spread out upon the sofa, and was turning the leaves to find a. certain picture that she liked so well. Just as she found it, she heard nurse calling. It would never do 'for her to come in Aunt Jennie's room,—she knew what would be said then,—so she reached out and took the tongs, and laid them across the book to hold it open, and ran up to the nursery. It happened that nurse had a lovely surprise for her in the way of a game and some taffy, and a good time for baby brother, too. Madge really meant to steal away and put the book back, but she was having a good time, and then mo- ther came home and asked her to help hide away brother's birthday present, and then it was tea -time, and so they were eating supper be- fore she remembered. There was Aunt Jennie smiling sweetly' at her, just as if, when she went up -stairs, the would not find the -water-book with the tongs wens itl Good thoughts are like plants, too, and as the sat there, looking at her aunt, the little seed -thought began to grow and tell her she had done'' wrong. It soem,ed to grow right up in her throat and choke her. She felt that she eould not stand it another minute. "Please for- give mei" she cried, and then she left her place: and ran to Aunt Jon- tnie and hid her fade in her lap. "I want to tell all about it—and right before mammal" And so the story came out, and Bunt Jennie forgave her on the spot. "I knew you would tell fie by and byt" she said. "Why, did you know when I left the table?" asked Madge. "01 course; I saw the book when i oamo in." "And you were just as kind.. " Madge. could not believe in such forgiveness before the asking. ' I wined you to tell /no your- self." Madge was silent a while. "I bell you, Aunt Jennie," she said, at last, "please ,put away the water - book, and don't thew it to me for en Q Deg, long time, just to punish "I think that will be best," her ,runt said. "Forgiveness is sweet, Jut the punishment makes us re- member." ---Youth's Companion, TOO LITTLE ILOQD. Reepaneible far Nearly all of the Misery Wawa Endura, Anaemia is written on the fea- tures of ninety women out of a hundred, Unmistakable are the signs of "too little blood," The weaker sex is assailed at all' egos by the evils resulting from blood- lessness, from the girl who is weak band es, pale lips, fitfullappetite and d, with 1pl�lpita ing heap;, to the woman who feel "never wall" with pains in the back and acrose the shoulders, fainting fits and aching limbs. And later at life's turning point, nerv- ousstrengthdisorders and heart troubl'os make great calls on a woman's ; At all ages Dr. :Williams' Pink ,fills are especially valuable to the female sex, for they alone possess the power of making in abundance the rich, red blood of health. They fill the starved veins with new blood so that enfeebled, bodies are strengthened, weak nerves are for- tified, and robust health is restored, Mrs. E. Smith, Windsor, N. S., says: "A few years ago my health began to fail. I suffered greatly from inward troubles, and in about a year's time my whole system was almost awreck.. My blood had turned to water, and my heart had 'become so badly effecter..' that 7 could scarcely, go about. In fact life had almostbecome, a burden, ,i and there seemed' little hope for . Two men—one of them, a Yankee 4 -wore having an argument' as to I eir-respective strengths, "Why," Haid the Yankee, "every' morning, toeforts breakfast, .I get a bucket nd pull up ninety gallons from ho well," "That's nothing," re- torted the Britisher. "I get a boat every morning and pull up the river," Solve jokes are, solemn enough to make an undertaker laugh. me. One day a friend aalced me if I had tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and told me that she ham beeninalmost the same condition 1 was and that the, Pills had re- atored her to her present splendid health. I took courage from what egan to take cefth Pills? I took them d me and bregular- ly for several months, constantly growing stronger, and the inter- nal troubles from which I had been afflicted were disappearing, and nz y whole system seemed to have gain,ed new strength. I wanted to make certain that there would be no return of the trouble and I con tinued to take the Pills for a time after I had really fully recovered.' Since I have proved for myself what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can do, 1 have recommended them to a nrnn Ler, of suffering people, and those who have given them a fair trial have proved with me that Dr, Wit Hams' Pink Pills are, just what thee are recommended to be." Sold by all medicine dealers er by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The. D. Wil- liams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. --- KILLED IN RIOTS. -Regular PiiehedrBattles Between Rival Proacssionists. The average man is rarely very tolerant of street demonetraaions with whose principles he disagrees. Frequently, as a result, bricks are thrown, or even„ more dangerous missiles, says an English paper. At Barlelona, for instance, on June 7t11, 1896, certain anti -clericals went to the length of pitching dyna- mite bombs into the ranks of a reli- gious precession, killing fifteen per- sons and wounding fifty. No longer ago than July, 1851, a procession of Orangemen in Liver- pool raised so' fierce a riot that the thoroughfares through which it passed were strewn thick with the dead and dying on both sides. A similar march of Orangemen through the streets of Belfast, too, led to the frightful conflicts of August, 1864, in the course of which nine persons were killed outright and 180 wounded. Old residents in East London, again, will remember the dreadful riots directed against the ritualis- tie processions in what was then Ratcliffe Highway, nearly half a century ago; while, at a later date, the open-air processions of the Sal- vation Army aroused even fiercer resentment in many parts of Eng- land, At Gravesend, Guildford, and elsewhere, "Skeleton. Armies" were enrolled, and regular pitched bat- tles took place between the rival processionists. .At Worthing fire- arms vv;re brought into requisi- tion, and many people were badly hurt. At Brighton the casualties in connection with a fortnight's fight- ing amounted to over 100; while at Tredegar, the rioting, that follow- ed the breaking up of a prom:meion by Irish rought, resulted 10 the en - by Irish roughs, resulted in the en - sacked and demolished, with loss of life, and many minor casualties, BABY'S OWN TABLETS MILL LURE YOUR BABY If your little ones are subject to colic, indigestion, constipation, worms, simple fevers, or the other minor ailments of childhood, give them Baby's Own Tablets and sec how quickly the trouble will disap- pear. But better still, an occa- sional dose of Tablets given to well children will keep those troubles away. Mrs. Allan A. MacDonald, Island River, N. B., says: "My baby suffered greatly from consti- petion and etomaoh trouble and Baby'a Own Tablets cured Lim. I always kel the Tablets in the home now."Bold by medicine dealers or by mall et 25 eente a box from The Dr, Williams' Medi - eine Coe Brockville, Ont. I/ACIt TO TIII1 ILA)ID, Question W111 be Settled About the Year 2109. Sir William Ramsay is of opinion that the "basalt to the land" gisas tion will bo settled, somewhere about' the year 2109, by the com- pulsory return of the great lnass of the people of England to agrieul- tura] pursuits, The prime factor. in the ease is the diminishing coal supply, which, according to this, eminent authority, would riot last more than from 600 to 800 years. The chief source of euergy at the present moment are coal, oil, weed and water. Long before the coal supply becomes exhausted there will be diminished production with higher prices, and within 200 years, or even loss, the high pries of coal will render the conditions of living very difficult. A supply of heat might be obtain- ed in, the fortis of steam by drilling a hole in the earth's crust at ten miles deep. Such a protec been considered from a prac point of view by Hon. Mr. Par of turbine fame, and his verdi that the execution of the pr would Dost $4,800,000, and could bo accomplished in less than ei years. Itis conceivable that a project might be undertaken, it is highly "improbable that it be, • Sir •William urged that the oft generation should exe thought for the generations to c by conserving the stores of coal ex- isting in England, otherwise in two hundred years he foresaw a general emigration from England to other countries and the decay of the in- dustries dependent on coal for their energy. IIUSSIAN 111ARiiiAGE 112 t' i OR11IS Ceremonies Abroad to bo' Reoog- nized in the Enipiro. Important reforms in the marri- age laws are impending. Russia is about to recognize the validity of civil marriages and to remove di- vorce cases from the jurisdiction of the religious to that of the civil courts; At present a Russian who con- tracts a civil marriage in England, France, or Germany oan, on re- turning hom'e, marry again with- out any hindrance, his first ma age being considered invalid. M women have been wronged throe ignorance of this fact. Tho Government has now p minted proposals to the -Dort greatly facilitating divorce case which will be tried before a c judge instead of a religious syr or consistory -and also elaborati a scheme for civil marriages, One More from The. Great West WAS TAKEN S:0( FROM CATGli1@la CW.D PE•IRM+MA R51.1EVErs M ISM ERNESTINE BOUVAR;D, Liz Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, Can•, writes. "At the aloeo of 1803 I took sick least as the result of catching cold. i t. has became very weak and could not tical do anything. sons, "I consulted a doctor who had et is me take various kinds of medicine, eject but I did not find any relief from not my suffering. At the advice of a ghee friend, I w"obe to you and you ael- such visaed me. 'After I had taken two bottles of Peruna there was .noticeable im- provement. I combined the use of p Peruna, Manalin and Lacupia and Feiss,after taking several bottles of each ome: I find myself entirely cured. "I can collies, that it.was through your mediesnes that I recovered my health. I advise every one who is similarly afflicted to obtain Dr. Brae tman's advice and be benefit - Mrs. Wilda Moons, R. F. D. No. 1, Lents, Oregon, writes: "For the past four years I was a wretched woman, suffering with severe backaches and other pains, leaving me so weak and weary that it was only with difficulty that I was able to attend to my household duties. "I used different remedies, but found no' relief until I had tried Pes'una. "Within two weeks there was a ohange for the better, and in less than three months I was a well and happy woman. "All the praise is due to Peruna," Peruna is not a local remedy, Fri- but an interna) systemic remedy. In will relieve catarrh in its most but will res - any obstinate form. tlgh. re- AN IDEA. ma In developing the idea of truth- ivil fulness, a teacher asked the ques- od tion, "What is the best thing in ng the world to do, and at the same Comes Evidence of the Great Work Dodd's Kidney Pills Are Doing. Cyrille Reginal Cured of his Rheumatism and Diabetes by the old Reliable Kid- ney Remedy. Findlay, Man., Mar. 8. (Special). —Cyrille Maginel, a well known farmer living near here, furnishes further evidence of the great work Dodd's Kidney Pills- are doing in the west. _ "I suffered from Rheumatism and Diabetes," Mr. Maginel says in telling the story of his cure. "My sleep was broken and unre- freshing, and I was tired and uerv- ous all the time. ,1 was treated by n• doctor but he failed to cure me. Reading that Dodd's Kidney Pills were good for brick sediment in the urine, led me to try them, and after using twelve boxes I am as well as I can possibly be. Dodd's Kidney Pills have made a new man of mo and I am thankful." Dedd's Kidney Pills are no cure- all, 'They cure sick kidneys and that is all that is claimed for them, But sick kidneys are the root of numerous diseases caused by im- pure blood. For you can't have pure hood with sink kidneys. It is the work of the kidneys to strain the impurities out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Diabetes because it is a kidney disease; they cure Rheumatism because it is caused by sick kidneys failing to strain the urio acid out of the blood. —meq. DISCRLt'TION, Valor is often taken for discre tion. During a certain battle the colonel of an Irish regiment notic- ed that ono of the mon was ex- tremely devoted to him. Every- where the colonel wont; the soldi- er followed faithfully. At last the officer remarked; "Well, my man, you have stuck by mo well to -day" "Yes, sore" replied Pat. "Shure it was my mother said to me, ,says I she, 'Just you stick to the colonel,) Patrick, me bhoy, and you'll be all roight. Them colonels never get hurted.' In the British Museum there are on exhibition books written on oy ster-shells, bricks., tiles bones, and ivory. time the hardest?" A little girl raised hor hand timidly. "Well, Eternal" "To get married," A Woman's Sympathy Aro you discouraged? Is your doctor's bin a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? 1 know what these moan to delicate woman—I have been discouraged, too; butlearned bow to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur, dens. Whynot end the in and stop the doctor's bll? paI can do tits for you and Will if you will assist me. An you need do in to write for a froo box of the remedy which has been placed In my hands to be given awe Perhaps this One box will cure'ou—it as done so for others, If so, I alialI be ,appy and ]pylosta _ealelacured. our letters cost coni treat- ment. MB31'. Write5 CURD. ay s.U,m'W,iy door, Ont On the ocean of life many a wo- man sails under false colors. They Wake the Torpid Energies. --Machinery not properly super- vised and left to run itself, very soon shows fault in its working. It is the same with the digestive or- gans. Unregulated from time to time they are likely to become tor- pid and throw the whole system out of gear. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills were made to meet such eases. They restore to the full the flag- ging faculties, and bring into or- der all parts of the mechanism. A young man doesn't begin to rise an the world until he settles down. Repeat it;_°'ShStoh's Cure will always sure my soughs and ooldo," Fresh children, unlike fresh paint, should be sat upon. For OIIIIbialtte, Prost Bites, nrulaos Sprain, nothing ,equate the famous old remedy, Pony Davis' laluklller, 1Caop a bails always on band. Equally goad to chock Chills and break up Colds, At an druggists. Sonne people believe everything they hear and a lot they dream, Repeat it:—"Shitoh'o Otiro will always cure my coughs and aolda." SEEKING A REPUTATION. "Dem Johnsings," said Mrs, 'Rastas Black, "down nebbah flab chicken fo' dinnah no mo'." "No," replied her husband "since dey begin Makin' a li'l money dey bin tele' mock beliebe dey kin-affo'd ter buy in bro'd day- light all de grub dey need." "It says' here," began the lady who could do more talking in one day than six phonographs and five parrots combined, "that after a balloon has ascended to the height of six miles its ocettpetats dare not open their mouths." "Will you go up, Marie, if I buy a badlooti 1" asked her husband, despel•ately. Some fellows haven't enough pttsh to master a wheelbarrow. THE FIRST FUNCTION. "I'm living in a flew neighbor- hood now," "Have your new neighbors of, ferecl you any attentions?" "Well, I think sam6 of them, in,. These two desirable qualifica- tions, pleasant to the taste and at the same time effeeteal, are, to be found in Mother Graves'Worm Exterminator, Children like it, "1 em going to marry your daughter, sir," said the positive young man to the father. "Well, yeti don't need to come to me far sympathy," replied the father, "I` have troubles of Day own," RoOoat Our?, Will alwags cure my oouyhs and colds. " Patient—"1 wish t0 consult y with regard to tray utter loss memory." Doctor—"Ah, yes.' W —er-in eases of this nature, I a ways require my fee in advance. Shan's Lung Saloom,in which there Sano optu euros gore throat fwd sore lungs as it allays inflammation and rids you of lbo mucous th stops up the air passages. 250, sou, 55.00 bottle CALVES RatycTdomwtthoptMltk. I<+�A:6. 'V Steele Br1CY 5e 4Qe,Lld„ Toronto 1,..OV LY ASTER or l9l AUTt,fIJL POST CARDS RDS rt. ORALWtlDa? s IUiiiLta4f u or Y*th I.VS? 10o,tNO agents wanted. ac0900. tlful Premiums or large Uoeo leoiol,o lyes, N.41 This ed, will not appoar again, 80UYEt9Jn APRT CO , CL1i1TO5''VILLEi Some mighty big mon have been known to crawl out of some mighty small hales. ours MY coughs and colds,ro will always Blesser] is the silent man, for he is able to keep the lid on hie ignor- ince. No Alcohol In It.—Alcohol or any 11 other volatile matter which would impair strength by'evaporation hy'does not in any shape enter into 1 - the manufacture of Dr, "Thomas' liclectrio Oil. Nor do climatic ,changes affect it. It is as service - al able in the Arctio Circle as in the aab Torrid Zone, perhaps more useful in the higher latitudes, where man is more subject to colds from ex- posure to the elements. Hunker—"Ifalloa, Ricketts, when is your marriage to Miss Flirte coming off 1" Ricketts—"It has been indefinitely postponed," "What's the trouble?" "Oh, she married another fellow," Little Ella—``I'm never going to Holland when I grow up. ' Gov erness—"Why not?" "'Cause our geography says it's a low lying COILS try." When all other corn prepara- tions -fail; try Holloway's Corn Cure. No pain whatever, and no inconvenience in using it. Many a woman prides herself on her ability to un'ders'tand things without giving them a thought. Sure Regulators.—Mandrake an Dandelion are known to exert powerful influence on the liv and kidneys, restoring them t healthful action, inducing a regu lar flow of the secretions and im parting to the organs complete power to perform their functions These valuable ingredients ante into the composition of Parmelee' Vegetable Pills, and serve to ren- der them the agreeable and salu- tary medicine they are. There are few pills so effective as they in their action. An Inheritance of weak hums is a serious handi- cap, but Allen's Lung Ralston, taken at the first.' sign nt a cough will ensure immunity from thin dangerous deface Dwrt.trleo with unknown allro-allu, NOTHING SERIOUS. d "Say, Rufe, what dis I bear a 'bout your son Gabe gettin' in erltrouble at church last Sunday o�night?" - "'Taint nothin' serious, parson. $e jes' cousin' hisself some. Broke up de meetin' wid a axe handle, • I and earve he's name on three of rl thein deacons' face wid a razor. a Dat's all." A fellow may -turn as red as a lobster without being one. Repeat lt:—"Shtlob's Our will always ainv my coughs aad Colds," SIMPLE SIMON. One Sunday morning, when 'everybody had gone to e'hurch, a traveller undertook to show the landlord of a country inn how to draw three different sorts of wine from the same cask, The two went down into the cal - lar, and the stranger bored a, hole in the cask, over which he &skid the landlord to place bis thumb; ho then bored a second bole, which imine host had to stop up with his ether thumb. He then set to work on the third hole, when it apparently struck hint that the landlord would not be equal to the task of stopping that also, and he ran out of the cellar to "fetch a tap." He never returned, and the inn- keeper had to wait by the side of his cask until his family had re- turned irotm church. The rogue had by that time, of course, de- camped with all he could lay bands Many patent medicines have come and gone, but Sickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup continues to occu- py a foremost place among reme- dies for coughs and colds, and as a preventive of decay of the lungs. It is a standard medicine that widens its sphere of usefulness year by year. If you are in need of some- thing to rid yourself of a cough or cold, you cannot do better than try Bickle's Syrup. Kind words never die—and the other kind live forever, Repeatat:—"Bhiloh's Oure will always sure my coughs and colds," Leap before you look—then look foolish. Put up In a1 Yard ROOS. This famous "The D R L" MOuthol Plasters, which aura lumbago backache, sciatica, nontalgla, eta., aro always putt op in nae mrd roll: for pbysielana and family use. Davie d, 1,awrone Oo:, ,lontrOal- CERTAINLY, "What would you say," says the prophet of woe, "if I were to tell you that, in a short space of tine all the rivers in this country would dry up?" "I would say," replied the pati- ent man, "go and do thou like- wise.,, "Do the new neighbors annoy you as much by borrowing as their predecessors did?" asked Mr. Blykins. "No," answered his wife. "They haven't run over to borrow a thing. I never saw anybody quite so haughty and unsociable." SvA,14'R1C1,Iq , T4'11 4NR ages the r spars bol s a sling 05511101 tSW* Por[ut 4q. 9'ofJot oqufaltoe 'Tee Coffees, oto, No orggcry', Dace Ooosonur, work ploasa5E and rebtuaeraklye. Tho llome Opealaltles 00, Dop't, w, WWI Avuane, Torsos, Canada, FRUIT. LAND. Piro acres, Wasp to rail and Ynaeoayor, M. 0. Brea @500, tome. Also site and suturtgu lots and soruago, 01tU$0IE A, kesseares pewee in ltoalty, Pala Tasthegs 81, W“ Yasoourar, 16,0, CL +tai1''0INQ WItLigne LADIES' ¢N°'"lea Pao be done perfectly by ouroPrsaek Pro at66 .p oeu. wry P�ftITISR AMPRIORM ODIUM OC, 0131aVattafa 500O155o, (MAryA i -Quango Important Auction Sde of ehortltoro 1nne, cows and Loiters, st W00aProeg, 0197., IVO 019 4th, 1000 in bale Pavilion. Forty bend are Is the offering Farmers and breeders. in need 0f teed hulls will end them 00 this ,ale, Apply for catalogue, to Capt. T, R. Robson, AuoE xi, J. Dart,, woodeeogk: ]fens A. J. PATTf ON 84 COL 33.85 SCOTT STRIICT, TOR0:lT0, Stook Brotcara & Mamie! 8lgiltlto &:B Mee a.71rs`i" rOad rohuraduks Lbnngohdt. anOddmaybno ,wiotdoa, aq ear' 50500ed LET Ata SEND YOU A 00, 2 noo70 Cream Separator PRIOR 020.00, Domo Cream Separator to yourPihoe,me for Trial.10 daps' The Trial will not cosy you a peony, 1 sail my machine strictly on its 10erit, au:l It Las to be better thou others (not simply as good) tot stead a chance in compel. tion. It Id batter, and to troduoed in a ngqaar0-dost nay. My Free Trial and ex. &initiation plan should tater. set You, wino its Circular "1Y" to d. n. MORROW. BRIGHTON, ONTARIO. DR. i U'NT'S BUST lkL''� i o Liii°Ri will develop per bust from two to three inched au a very short time. A000L5Tatr 0ap4L000. Brice 31.00 prepaid. Communications e0dotly private. THE aowaeoe i5001etpf4 COMPANY 851 Satburat St., Toronto, Onb. DAILY MISHAPS MAKE ZIM-BUIi A DAILY NEED. ACCIDBNTS will happen in the best regulated homes; and having a box of Zam-Buk handy is a precaution that has saved thousands of families much worry and expense. There is never any knowing what a small lnJurf may lead up to if neglected. The stoppage of the bleeding, or the pain from a cut, burn, or scald, lulls many people into a false .sense of security. Dust getting into a wound may set Up fostering, inflammation, _ and blood -poisoning. In a similar way, a tiny cut may be the starting point of itching and irritating eczema ; and the spot your child scratches on his head, the unsuspected beginning of ringworm or some &hor hair -destroying scalp disease. Zam-Buk white ouch s perfect header, Is also the inveterate enemy of skin -disease. A burn, match mut, or bruise promptly and regularly dressed with this rove and rich balm cannot tun, the wrong way' ; and any teadancy of the skin to become it •.89, ineam0d, or"mastery." le speedily oheckod, This is because Zam.buk not ,nly,sinays new, healthy ok1n, but, bolus to refined, le absorbed by the norms, and Ste healing sae aces make perfaetly healthy all the underlying tisanes. Always keep a box of Z0at-auk handy, for daily mishaps make Zam-auk a daily need, BAD SCALD OIIJI2t?D. Mrs. W. Corkcy, 95, Richmond Square, Montreal, says t— My little grandaoa was severely scalded on his right log from the knee to the ankle. This injury was vary setious, and demanded groat attention. We used notating but Zorn-Buk, and It was wonderful bow cooling and soothing it proved. It was soma weeks before the leg was anally healed, but them was not a scar loft to show where be hal been scalded. As the home first -ofd,' 1 think Zeta -Ruh is without equal:" CHILD (SURAE© BY STOVE LIB. yrs. H. Girdlestone, MICA Rawdon Street, Brantford, Out., says;—'• 1 find Zeta -Balt a splendid hoe/or of t.hildren'a injuries. My little boy burned his foot very badly on the red-hot lid of the stove. The slain wan completely burned off, and be had n shocking font, the wound turningto a running car festering end discharging, 1 appli d Zam-auk and It effectively checked '1 Infian»at on,aud fettering, finally healed the wound nicely," Zam-Buk 11 a positive and certain cure for o• Is, bur t, bruises, sprains, inlet, festering 0000x, ulcers, scalds, hiced•,xdsoniag, 1cti ma soots, chapped hands, coid.crsoks, ebilblsin s, ringworm, scalp sores, lad leg, disaeae, Betties, r• all other skin disensot and injuries. Rubbed well Sulo the parts affected, it aures neu.ml Ia, rheumatism, and sciatica. All Druggists and Stores sell 01 500 bar, throe for Si.a5, r past free frotn Zeta -Bolt Co., Toronto, for ,rico. a5[.ls tttR'R`Ra'sktti'LatEt."�",.'�/r'a ,• k.,.: 9e. . HAW Write for Weekly Priem Lista, JOHN HALLAM - Shipments Solicited. TORONTO, ONT. sliSETRatavt. WHY DO So many institutions devoted to the higher Edu- cation select Den pianos? The fact the they use and prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit! Oae (allows prolwmionol sdvids in hcgeiting en cdututien. w}ts int follow preleolonal custom in bulling flail piano telly with die iflmitabte 0 ick Repotting Advs. ISSUB 11 O. 10-09. Send for (free) Catalogue No, 75. 'The 12WPIANO (111Owen Co..-pntltod GU..t-PHreC7N'i'. Rai r