HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-3-4, Page 5nomCAnos,, Mi$S LAURA ,SPENiCE Teaahor of Plano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. K. 0. T. M, holrusoofe Toot Of the ptaooab0ee, Q. 24 d their ropier meetings in the 4odlye :norm, !tanker theca, ou the let apd 8rd Tuoiday uraninite of oacb month Vlaiture always welcome. A. COVERS. COM. 4. MoaiVIR1E, R. K. JAMES HARRIS, Agent HoWiek Mutual Fire I48urauve Company ogle° and .Residence— WANTON. ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND Ina Ua4Naa, FjRE ANP MARINt: GUELPH, )Incas Oordls MI$a,r, MYRTI..E'' M'OONA1.0 of Oranbrook who bee taken honors in several Conservatory extuniniitione tit Toronto, is pre, Fared to give lilntruptitme on Piano or organ, or 0,1'nm and blue of lenient apply to Mee MgDenuld, 84.4 A. N. mONTEITII Barrister, 80110Bor, Notary, dto., onoposooy tp a.,11,. hlacdomdd, Qfub over Standard Bank,_ Brussels, P},T. T. T, M{RAa Bnoholor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Llopiitlate and liradhote of the College of Pity - Winans and Surgeons, Ont, Post -graduate Ohmage Eye, Ear, Node and throat Hospital,, Chhtmgu, Itl Ex -Souse Surgeon to SO. 1f11oh- nol's Hospital Toronto. 0111110 over 11'., B„ Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone oonnootiou with Cranbrook at ell )lours. OR. HAMIt,TON Donut eurgoon Honor Graduate Dental Aopurttuent, Toronto Ulllearafty ; Ll000114te of Royal College of Dental lim'grena, of Toronto. Office over J. T. RUNS' stole, I3ruserls, i. Will visit Wroxeter the first and third Mondays and Gm•rie the eseoud and fourth Mondays of welt month. Ai1CTigNEER$, Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College Pay and night oohs, Office opposite SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. Pleat, Mill, Ethel, �i • Hon, will nen ter better better men pMaoa, tq t e leaf, " OR. WARDLAW In 1000 *21104 L U ()bargee h e won'an t chi g spy h egr ln Datessu d orderer eau always be arra oged et thea ogloe or by pars roar atpplloatioa, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUR VALE- — OtiT, .. AAutitioneer fete Huron County. 'rorme 0Wt0Onable. '8$lea nrrgnged dor at the oilae oi'l'AR FOOT, Brussels. 22U ' VETERINARY. ra A. CUNNINGE3aM- eee • Boner Oredua.'o of the Ontario Vet. erinary College, to prepared to treat till die• eaaea of domestloated out mule 10 a eompot. out manner. Particular attention paid to r " Veterinary- ueutletry and Mita +' *,v,Culls prowptly attended to. ()Moe and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Turuberry et„ ernooelo. 'Fhouo 4? It • tEaAl AND k;ONVEYANCINS, �`% M lh1NCLA111- r • Barrister, Solicitor, Oouvoyauoer, Netery Public', d:o, °Blue -Stewart's Broca l door North 01 lieu teal Hotel, Whetter for the Metropolitan Bank. l )ttOUDlfOO'P, HAYS & BLAiR egatuaSTLr1:(8 B0LI01'rr,lls, NOTAR1186 YUII CIU, ETU. W. laoonruomll. O. R. O. Biyo G. F. !item, Offices -Those remedy °coupled by 2601000 Uanieroa & Bolo, 011m00I0. DENTISTRY QIioND Farms jt..sii war BRUSSELS MalGou o Roma (Io1Ne N0wp !Uprose ....,1l I Ds a in Mail esa .... 10:65: p n 11xproas - 8:p2 p m Expreaa' 8:811 p m etvaNeff ret 0/1,16" WALTON Tb Toronto To Goderioh Bxpress .. 8:41 a m 11Expreds 11 a In Express .8:11 p m Express ....... 7:97 p ru OEcal etu5 ttlits I3IIUssELs and locality will send sev. erbl fust -class people 10 the West One Spring. A BOWMANViees bee helot has just died at the age of one, luudrod and LievW1. Married men do nut live that long though it may seem so, THE farmers of Ontario are getting a dollar a bushel tor wheat 'these days. and are in somewhat high ` fe tie Speculative movements are credited with this Kapp, 000d11(011 so far as the farmer is concerned. Croup positively stopped in 20 min- utes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will auh ely . prove this truth. No vomiting, no distress. .A safe and pleasing syrup -50c. Sold by all dealers. SPITTING oh the sidewalks and cross- ings will not hereafterbe tolerated by. tae authorities of Guelph: The first of ftnce entails a fine of $t ; alter that the fine will be doubled until the offender finds runt it will cost hint $50 to expec- torate on the pavement. How about OR. R. P. FEILD. I,LNT1$r 0raduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Itetar30 mud Fh'00.0)000 Honer. Graduate ot. Toronto University. Olace seat. to Brower's Photograph Clallerv, BRU60ELe. Synopsisoftanadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: Ae °von numbered Nation of Dominion Lunda in tiauitoba, 8a0ketobewan and Alberto, excepting 8 and 28, -Dot reserved, rosy be homesteaded n any person who la the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of ase, to the extent of cite-qu trier filiation 0( 100 mores more or lees Butry mar he made personally at the local land ofaae for the dietdot in whieh the laud in oitunte. The homesteader le required to perform theuoodittonauonoeeted therewith under olio of the Miley/lug plass: p) At least six months' Tee:donee upon and oulttvatlou of the laud in oath year for three yearn. (2) If the father (or mother, it the father .ie dooeaoed) of the homesteader. resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the laud entered for the requirements as to real. death may ho medalled by auob peso" re- siding with the father or mother. 18) If the settler has his permanent resi- dence upon farming laud owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the re. quiromeuts as to rosidp000 ratty be make and by residence Kron the said lane. Sixmoutbe'nntioe in writing : ollould ba given to the Commi0010001 of Domiulou Lauds at Ottawa 01 lntoutlou to apply for patent. W,NV, OORY, Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. S.Uuuathorieed publiasmon of tale ad. vertioomout will hot be paid for, . S ALT Fanners Or Storekeepers by ooming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. - Gordon Mooney, Porenian, Brussels. Weak Women To weak and ailing women, there to at least on, way to help. tint with that way, two treatments, must he 0umbh10d, Ono i01o0Al, one is cnnet1Eos Donal,but both are important, both essential, Dr. lhool's Night Cure Is the Loral, Lr, Sh Restorative, rtolaflp' alie Constitutional. ThOfbrmttr-Ur 1 t bnAt. . S tobp's Night 'ttr .- e t , atm :deal plant muCousmOn to wholly an tidy, white Da 81cop'sRestorativeesois wholly l0 'Internal treat. meet. Tho Ri, seeking retches ref ant tho all tissue and all the lctits. ' Of all nerve, all tissue m1d All blood ttllmatts. The "Night Cum", ailRe name implies, does it* Work while you sleep. It300tho0 sore and lnaans ad unmans dnrlac00, heals local weaknesses and discharges, while the Rdstorutivo, eases newest exettonttult, alike renewed Vigor and ambition boop Wasted stet) limn%s, bringing about renewed strength. vigor, and anergy. Into Dr. Shoop'* Iori Res t , 41 — )e TahleGs OrLignld—can general m men swell t the Par n O s Item y 1 or positiv0local hair, me as well !'• Shoop s Night Cure )"ALL DEALERS" Brussels 1 1)NoT1cE FOE TEACHBRa.—The Promo. tion' Examination tor the Public Schools oftne County of Huron will be held oe April ist, zed and 5th. Papers will. be guilt out for Jr. and Sr. Second, Jr. and. Sr. Third and ir, Fourth classes leachers are requested to send a pus1 card, at once. to the Public School In :meteor, stating the exact number' of caudicates writing in each class. The parcel containing the papers will be sent to the teacher by March 27th. Fortify now against the Grip-fot it comes every season sure I Prev- enties-the little Candy Cold Cute: Tablets -offer in this respect a most certain and dependable safeguard, Preventics,''at, the "sneeze stage" will, as well, also surely head off all common' colds. But promptness is all-important.. Seep Pr'eveutics {n the pocket or purse for instant use. Box of 48 for 25c. .Sold -by all dealers, WHENEVER the 001.112109 newspapers find tOreIgners invading the field of the home merchants with goods and incr. chandlseand selling them to farmers, they are advised to lu'ise and whack the intruders and advise the farmers to buy their goods i rout their Monte merchants, Aud when foreign printing houses send their reptesentauves among the neer Mimes and business men some of these same merchants give them their orders and get inferior work for the money. 'Chat's reciprocity. OUR thanks are due to the many friends of '1'HE PosT w110 have rrenewed their subscriptions fur 1909. There are Dille good malty, however, from whom we have not heard. and we would re. spectfully request them to renew as early as possible. The Iat,el on the paper shows the date to which the sub. scription is paid, Those who are in arrears would oblige us by remitting or banding in at the office the amount of the arrears, together with the subscrip- con for two, Do it now,. Apo your Children "Oroupy 7" This trouble is deadly -must be stopped quickly, nothing is so sure as the Nerviline Treatment. Give it internally, rub it on the throat and chest, and then 'put on a Nerviline' Porous Planter, The marvelous. power of Norvaline, both as a liniment and in Plaster form, will surprise yon. For sore throat, coughs, colds, and pleurisy alone, it is used by thousands every day. Invaluable fn the home, especially for treating the minor ills that all al til die() are bound to t rah. Large bottles 25 cts, each. Nerviline P.lesters same price, at dealers or N. 0. Pulsoie & Co., Kingston Ont. MARCH WEATHER. - ACCording. to Prof, Hicks, the weather for the first half of March will be as fellows 1-A 203211310ed spell of unsettled teen; her will most probabI Y comeme overfrom the ()lose of February, but about the 41 to 6th storm conditions will be quickened and decided areas drain, sleet and show will sprea'1c progressively from West to East ate:oss the eounu'v. Look for high bar (meter and cold wave close on the heels of storms of this period,, Don't be sur prised if blizzards sweep the North and West not far from,, the 41, 51 and 6th . 1'h t e 4 1l to the nth cis( constitutes 11 de 1 anted seismic period, having its centre ,1 ou the 61(1. There will be gnicketled volcanic: activity .with shakes ,n many parts of the earth, at this and a later. I period {u Minch, A regular 'dorm period 'extends from the 6th to the ieth, ventral on the rota, Low b13remeter and electrical storms will begin in Wept- erly parts by the 9112, teed during the )nth 'lo the'teth, stoma of ;Per -ked force, Will IN Iletulal ill Wrest perks of the (0lintry, tnuyieg, of 6au1'81*, !o replier 000101' from We31 to blast, filg11 b.u'• 0(210(er and bllzzarelon6 gitles from the Northwest will wind up this period bPing ing..oh:Mgo to mush milder' 10 mos parts of the country. G1,111TLIit(,0N wllo 4331." 041.0,-1 yea! gate and sae for yourselt the Art cover - fn Wigs ant{ 'I'oupeeO. Prof, Dor. 01200013(1 F31)4()1 'i'eupes tiro now worn .on over gc,000 needs' by ell elessee in 13{1 0(sticus of life, . le tail particular 8trnatpre the ventilation !s por11101 ; es light as a teethes; is 0e0nrely adjusted to the heat! I can be combed just ' es your own heir ; they make env titan look ten year younger,- beeides the prete(ti(n yet, get from catarrh, Culls, Neuralgia, etc. Call and See them St America» Hetet, Brussels, on Wednesday Martel iota. STAND by (it um$3r131,-Not a dollar in- vested here but some good tomes of it, '1'here is no family like one's own family there is no wifelike one's own wife; there shop d be uo town title oor'8 own lewd, where we Jive, educate our child. ren, on whose streets our babies play venire ere are llooestly sure of our breed and butter, and where we may some clay Sleep ' Le' the newspaper . steed by rhe town, and let the betimes5 men stand by dao newspepe . and let us make our Ilume as t8mens as p,.ssible. Stand by tee neW5.,nper and stand by the town. You will always have exactly what YOU MOM Make the WWII You can do it. A failing tiny nerve -no larger, than the fittest stilton' tlu'ead-takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regularity. The Stomach also has its hidden or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop wbo first told us it wits wrong to drug a weak or failing 'Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescription-- Dr. rescription-Dr. Shoop's Restorative -is directed straight for the cause of these ail- ments -these weak and faltering in- side nerves. This, no doubt, clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so a•apidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative, even for a few days, soon become fully eonvinced of its wonder- ful merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sick- ness is the only sensible and success- ful way. Sold by all dealers. 11 Any Home— ywhere--- A body Gone 's Biscuits are y � always welcome-- for all occasions—and delight young and old alike with their appetizing ;.cxis ness and dainty deliciousness, THE MOONEY BJSOUIT & CANDY 00. LIMITED STnATFORP, HAMILTON, OTTAWA,' SYDNEY, WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER, 125 her'ng to his resignation. Thomas Hardie and J. H, McDonald, repres- ent ng the congregationexpressed then' personal regret at lir.' Hardie.'s tlee'sion. On 'intent of !Messrs. Cam- eron and McVicar the resignation was accepted,. How to Odin in Weight. Yon know you aro too thin -you eat and eat, but never get an nonce fatter. Nerves -are weak, color is bac!, strength seems exhausted. It's not Fordwicllr hard to get fat. You must eat more Mrs. John McKee was visiting Tor- onto friends last week. She was ac- companied by Win. and Mrs. McKee, of Neepawa, Man. J. Mahood bas part of the material on the ground for the erection of a one -storey cottage on the Barnet pro- perty which he purchased last year. 3. J. Pritchard, of Harriston, pur- chased the Stebbins farm, 11th con., .Howlett, which was recently offered for sale in H rz'isfon. le is at present occupied by W, Fleet. Preparations are being made for the erection of a new dwelling on the Carter lot, just North of the railway, part of the brick being on the ground. J. Graham has the contract. Tuesday morning of last week the whole community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Thos. Goggin. A few weeks ago he was laid up with a sore leg and later his heart troubled him for a few days,. For the past week his nerves were hn a very bad state, but he was gaining strength and it wits expected he would be able to sit up in a few days. His death was caused by a clot of blood lodging in one of the valves of • the heart. Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies. Fait. -They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect on the linings of the nose and throat, and entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the air pas- sages by relieving the inflammation .ancl killing the germs is cure possible. No combination of Antiseptics, iso so successful as Oatarrhozone. In breathing it, you send the -richest -pine balsams right to 'the seat of the die-, ease. Irritating phlegm, is cleared ou(i, hoarseness, coughing and hack- ing are cured. Foy a perulaneut cure for catarrh, nothing equals Catarrh - ozone, 25 cts. and $L00 at all dealers. Listowel A number of our townsmen have been in Toronto taking in the Auto- mobile, Exhibition. There promises to be quite an exod- us to the .Canadian 'West from this section during the next month. Miss Alberta Meyers left for Balti- more. Md., where she intends taking a course in the Johns -Hopkins Hos- pital. Before leaving the girl friends of. Miss Meyers presented her with R handsome handbag. Bliss bate el :Kenzie, who has been following her calling as trained nurse in. town for some time, left, for Ithica, 24. Y., where she will take a position in the spacial training hospital thele. Bobt. J, Gray has sold his 150 acre farm in the 1st con. of Rhine to Wil- lis Johnston, for the, sum of $9,600. Mr. Gray has bought a house and 'sev- eral lots on Bismark street and in- tends moving 11110 town. Jacob Kritzer, contractor for the mason work of the Piano factory, was given a pleasant surprise a, few even- ings ago by a number of his a8sistauts who presented him with an address expressive of their appreciation, and a hauclsome easy chair. Oliver & Ellis, coal and wood deal- ers, have concluded t he p urchlu se of Jacob Largt;s lumber, lath :and shingle business, ,and will eouduct that branch of their business at their office, Main street. The yard will be -continued as formerly ou the mill sid- ing, Oliver tic Ellis intend erecting now coal sheds at the old gate - el pill on in ker man street, aci)acent to the 0. OPRtri think, for which u i pttepose the pit is being lilted tip. Rev, J S Hardie has resigned the pastorate of ltnox Olztu'ch, Listowel, bis resignation to take effect" immed- iately. By au arrangement withthe congregation he is allowed 8 months' salary and one month for holidays, $100 in all. The resignation teas dealt with at the meeting m t of ' f the Strat 1 fc l l g t Presbytery last week: The 010l'it. stated that Rev. J. S. Hardie, of Knox Ohereh, Listowel, had placed his res- ignation in the hands of Lha Presby- tery, The congregation has decided to pay him six mouths' salary from March 1, 1009, and allow him for leis usual moutih's holidays at the stole rate. The conduct of the congregll- tion was maintained, Mr, Hardie ad digest more, exercise more. TIT .Fer- rezone and watch your appetite grow. It turns all you eat tato nutt'imentand building material -fills your veins with rich, red blood -gives you amble tion and vigor. ,For a tissue builder, a fattening tonic, one that restores permanently, there is nothing to com- pare with Ferrozone. Try it and see 50 et8.at all dealers. Atwood Walter Thompson is confine_ d to the house with 80110 100. W. D. Lineham, evho las been in town visiting friends, left on Tuesday of last week for Dorland and Ottawa to visit before going back to his hone in Okotoks. Aload of the young people of the Atwood Methodist church league (hove to Milverton on Tuesday evening of last week and took part in the pro- gram with the Milverton league. A meeting of the Directors of the Elaut Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood,. on Tuesday, Feb. 16th. The members of the board were all present bub Mr. Grieve. The Presi- dent occupied the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and con- firmed, The secretary intimated to the board that it would be necessary to alter By-law No. 11, owing to res- olutions made at the annual. Meeting in connection with special insurance on stallions and threshing machines, when it wits moved by Cowan, second- ed by Hewitt, that By-law No. 11 be amended by striking ont all the words after "exchlded" talc substilatingg therefor engines and threshers and stallions, not insurable by this com- pany. Blithe colts to be covered till they reach the age of three years, but to be valued in case of losses geldings. Thorel -bred stook mast be specially mentioned. Carried. Moved by Donaldson, secouded by McOloy that proper rebates be returned to parties yvihose special risks bad been cancelled. Carried. The secretary expressecl his opinion that policy No. 6005 should be cancelled, left over till next meeting.. Applications for insurance were recei- ved amounting to $81,870.00. The meeting adjourned till Tuesday, the 18th day of larch, to meet at usual time and place. Nothing in the way bf a Cough is quite so annoying. as a tickling,teas• ing, wheezing, bronchial CoughThe quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And besides, itis so thor- oughly brainless that motthers give it with perfect safety even to the young- est babes. The tencler• leaves of a simple mountain shrub give to :Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its remark- able curative effect. A few clays' test will tell. Sold by all dealers. Exeter The ateentlance to the High School Department is now 100. A citizens banquet is to be tendered Rev. lir. 14lartin before his leaving townfor London. There is some talk of a baseball league being' formed between Sea- forth, Olintoe, Blyth, Godcrieh and Exeter. B. S. Phillips has returned from Belleville, where he was called owing to the serious illness of his sou, who undo went auOri t n t{011 for all abscessp on the appendix. l } A.btirL ).30 lllclu,y evening, Feb. 1011h, the fire alarm quickly brought. a largo numb01' of the people oftown to the Main street when it was fotlud that smoke woe -issuing from the roof of the. ot1fee of Drs. Ilyntimali & Mc- Gillieutly. It wee soots found that the fire was in the 800013ci: story and -much of the perishable goodsds nn the, e' . lowerfi or eves conn C .eu oub and colivcyed to J. W. Heitman's store, after which an euti'anre was made thx'ough the roof anti at the rear, and a powerful stream of water seat to the part where the fire was, quickly extinguished it, when it was found that the upper goer was burned' be - teepee two joists unci aboub six feet in length, Little damage was clone ex- cept by the - water whieh destroyed some of the drugs and books, as well as the wall ihttures. How the fire or- iginated is a mystery, The Town Council, together with a number of the citizens of Exeter., as- sembled on Monday afternoon of last week for the pm'po8e of locating the site. for the proposed new 0. P. R. stab{on. After viewing the grounds oe both the East and West sides of the town it Was concluded that the most suitable place would be on the property owned' by John Spackman, one block West of the Trivia Mem- meal Chureh, Coaling from the South -oast the road will enter the town somewhere behind Thos. Hazel - wood's property. taking a course across to H. Lambrook's, thence in a 'Westerly direction,, just North of the Trivitt Memorial church and on to the property of John Specimen, thence proceeding West a short dis- tance, when it will curve out in a South-westerly direction and through to the farm land. GUARANTEED DANDRUFF CURE Beware of the, druggist who tells you that any other hair tonic is: just as good as Parisian Sage -he knows better. Jas. Fox is the agent for Parisian Sage, and he won't try to give you something just as good, because he knows that Parisian Sage is guaran- teed to cure dandruff, stop falling hair, and cure all diseases of the scalp ie two weeks, oz' money back. He knows that Parisian Sage is highly recommended as the most pleasant and rejuvineting hair dres- sing known. It makes the hair fluf- fy and beautiful. 50 cents a large bottle at Jas. Fox's. He will guaran- tee it. Made in America only by Giroux Mfg. 0o., Buffalo, N. V., and Fort. Erie, Ont. Clinton Mrs. R. J. Oluff has been ill for some days but her tunny friends will be pleased to hear that she is now im- proving. At a meeting held for the purpose oi' ergs(){zing a baseball club it was decided to place a team in the Lake- side League, of a new League that may be formed, consisting of Blyth, Goderich, Seaforth, Exeter and Clin- ton. As the local team won a major- ity of the games played last season and baseball will be the only sport here next Summer it should be very popular. The following officers were elected :-Tien. Pres., 1;. R. Dewar) ; Hon. Vice, Dr. Shaw ; Patrons, B. N. Lewis, M. P., W. Proudfoot, M. P. P., W. Jackson, T. Jackson, D.Oluif, J. Wiseman, T. D. McTaggart, J. B. Hoover, Dr. Agnew and eV. J. Har- land ; Pres., Dr. Axon ; 1st Vice, 0. E. Dowding. 2nd Vice, J. A. Oon AT Boacac's Barber Shop WILL BE FOUND Hot nd C;.i Id Baths.. where up to -date service is obtained. — Call aid See far Yourself, flj Photographs One Dozen tUirliiliOagaggnarasIggiMildiNtIgNMI For -tile next few weeks I intend to give tb Photos. for g each dozen ordered, Tide willinc d lurir Cabinets and nil sizes smaller. Post Cards, 3 for 25C. You are always welcome at out Snide) to look over our work, Eulnrgltlg done on short notice, A full line of Picture Frames and eloeldings. H. R. Brewer stlantiu0'`Afauager, T: Hawk its; See,. Treas., AIf, Alexander ; Committee, .7011313500. Df, 14.031/svax5 ,and officers, Morris 80II0o4 Ilureax' •.-Report of pupils in 8, 5, No, 7 Morris,, tor month of li'ebruary, Exam, In Lit., Hist;, til ill,, and Ognip, Those urarked with au * were absent for part of exam. Sr, SV, --Stella Brandon, 220 ; Oliver Campbell, 209 ; 301111 Coupes, 1.88 ; May � Campbell, 184 ; eGordon Higgins, 4d, TII, .Basil OOnites, 247; 183l;h Stewart Proctor, 124; Brandon, y flapper, 114. IT. -Warwick Camp. bell, 222 ; Jean Campbell, 220 ;Orville 13e1(, 182. Pt. IJ, -Bessie Campbell, 200. Pt, I. -Goad -M{10 Oasernore, Graham Campbell. Fair-4.'i'at3110 halter, Meares 152CAmyjxt, Teaehei', Httve you a pain -of any kind, any- wh0re? Stop plat a minute and think ! It matters not whether it be womanly pains, bead pains, or any )rind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's lit- tle Pink Pain Tablets w111 surely stop it in 20 minutes. Formula plainly printed on the 25e. box. Sold by all dealers. Blyth Owen Phillip, of Tisdale. was a visit- or with Baxter McAteer for a few days last week. Henry Coombs left Tuesday of last week for Delora{ue, Man., after spend- ing a couple of months with friends here. Anew hardware store is to be''open- ed shortly in the store recently Oc- cupied by N. B. Gerry. The new proprietor is Leo Oliarlesworth, recently of Petrolea. Mies Gladys Cute passed with first- chtss honors, in junior piano and theory from the London Conservatory awl is receiving the well deserved con- gratulations of her many friends. J. G. Emigh, the new Division Oourt Clerk, rented the office lately occupied by Wm. Campbell, and is Hary ready to do business. He suc- ceeds J. MoMurchie who resigned. Corns. Cured for 26 cents. A guarantee of painless cure goes displacements, in$alninntitlnLulcera- with every bottle of Putnani's Corn tion, fibroid tulinee, irregularities, Extractor. Ilse Putnam's and your ooze's go. Beware of substitutes. periodic pains, bacl_aclte, That bear-' Niagara Fen:. elllii'ehulda3sof the 100841 heating company will rimiest the de- mand of the llgtlidatot' made on theta for double liability, This woman says that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable f..'oswpound saved !her life, flee. Emma Chatel, Valleyfield, .'. Belleriver, Quebec, writes to j1f7.'30. w Pinkhaantm; 1 to tell you teat without !Lydia R, Pinkham's Veg3.l,:lble'Com- pound, I would not be alive. For months T su1yel'ed with p'in!ul and irregular periods and iriilalaration of the feminine organs. Doi: tors could do nothing for me, and said 1 leu0t sub- mit to an operation its 1 hsid a tumor. One of my 001'ins advised file to take Lydia 7'. Pinitham'1 Vegetable Compound as it, hail coxed her. "1 did so and now 1 have no pain and atm entirely cured. Vuur remedy Is deserving of great praise." FACTS FOR S I -'. , �1't€ �e� OiifiEp9. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- Main's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, Lit:; been tin, standard remedy for ftnmale ills, and has positively cured 1110115auds of women who have been tronbled with An epidemic of pneumonia is report- ed at Landon. Ott. 'I he K1ngston Board of Health will enforce compulsory vatei'tlati0il. The ccst of Winnipeg's high pressure water system is to be investigated. ing-down feeling, flatulency,indiges- tion; dizziness ornervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pfnkham invites all sick women to write her for advice,. She has guided thousands to health.. Address, Lynn, Mass. NATIONAL TOLE' MILLS BRUSSELS WE HAVE Bread Flours Graham Flours Whole Wheat Flours Feed Flours CorMeola (Breakfast Fail) Rolled Wheat Cracked Wheat Oatmeal Bran, Shorts, Flaked Oats for horses and all kinds of feed. Wm.&R, Pryne .Milwimommoisem imam COMING If Switches Pompadours Cluster-Ourls' Coronet -Braids Transformations Waves, Wigs, Etc. Prof. DORENWEND of Toronto the Greatest Hair Goods Artist, is coming with Haar Go ds will be at American Betel, Brussels on Wednesday, March 10th;1 Daring this visit the will he.silo* ing the very latest Parisian and I ylip New 'York St 1e y s, and you are par- ticularly invited to inspect and tt•y onany of these creations, 'We give you the same choice selection and satisfaction as you would get ab our Toroltto establishment: Oorenemd 7 e n 5 Patent Toupee for Gentlemen who are bald, is a ma8terp1 Die oefel ieutifte %!.air Constru tion Seclrely adjusted. Comb and brush them just as your 01011 hair. Absolutely . in - detectable. They protect yea from Cold, Catahril, Neuralgia, etc„ and will make you look 10 „s,..,. years s yonagor; Over 00,000 of - our Toupees are now in use. Don't Dfail ' hose e Cham. tokt.N WEN* q. PE u � Q S A Dorenwend Co., of Toronto Ltd. 103'lo5 Vonlse Strood BEIVIEIVIBEtt ON DAY ONLY. i