HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-25, Page 8lk
10 IS going Its rounds, We all hope
rip we won't get It but if you should be
so unfortunate we would like to sup-
islimpime ply you with the remedies, &c„ to
snake you well as soon as possible,
Laxative i romo•Quiuiue
Flood itoot Cough Cure
.Ftn'nlsion of Cod Liver Oil
Listerine and Antiseptin
(to be used in Atomizer, or as a
gargle for sore throat)
Aromatic Cascara
Chlorate of Potash Tablets
Camphorated Oil
Il reliable hinds of Cough Drops,
Our Horehound Candy always
Rubber Goods
When required the best are none
too good, We have them in-
Hot Water Bottles
Fountain Syringes
Combination Fountain
Syringe and Bottle
See what we have in this line before
buying elsewhere,
447 -Perhaps you have your own particular recipe or
along and we will giveit'our -careful attention.
prescription. If so bring it
Prices Right.
total ittelvs tents
PLANT your Spring advertising,
Holm Fair in Brussels': on Thursdal
of next week.
75 eEeers, in advance, will secure TEE
PosT to Jan. 1st, 191o.
REGULAR meeting of W. C. T. U
Friday afternoon of this week.
MONDAY the lady's sash advertised
last week was returned to THE Pose.
A. O. U W. Lodge will meet Friday
evening of this week. Installation of
$1.00 wheat makes the farmers smile.
We would not guarantee that it is the
Quaker oats variety.
BLYTH hockeyites were to have plated
a match bete this week but the mild
weather shut them out for the time be-
EWAN & Co, are busy at work
on loo new buggies for the coming sea-
son. They have disposed of their large
stock of cutters.
METROPOLITAN Bank will move back
to their newly transformed and modern-
ly fitted up premises in the Sirettou
block in the course of a few clays.
ICE has been hauled from Geo. Robh's
pond during the past week owing to
Jack Frost not attending to business
very well on the Maitlaud river.
UPWARDS of. TOO names are on the
list of proposed municipal telephone
users in connection with the line rad
dating from Brussels. 100 more are ex
SETTLERS' trains to the West will be
run by the C. P. R. each Tuesday in
Marchand April ; leaving Toronto at
10.15 p. m Postmaster Farrow is the
local agent here.
PRELIMINARY arrangements are well
in hand for the big Orange Celebration
to be held in Brussels on the next tath
of July. Committees have been drafted
and an outline program mapped out,
Every citizen should lend a hand and
sustain the good name of Brussels fur BRUssELs BtDLE SOCIETY.—The fol-
hospitalitylowing is the report of contributions to
THE POOT has received an invitation l Bible Society from Brussels Brenuh for
to the Ninth Annual At Home of the the year 1908 ;—
Huron Old Boys' Association at 'Torun- Collection at annual meeting $ 996
to, which will be heldonFriday, March Braeieels West, Miss Jewitt and Mrs. Nio-
These gatherings are usual! vett holeon l4 17 86
5th.g g= )' t' Brussels North, 001330. Pipe 0.014 Stewart 17 l0
enjoyable and bring toget her a lot of Brussels R.. Mrs. Watson and Miss Moore 1865
Huronians who are located in the city. 'Tema.town Vinroria Hall, S. School 6 W
Grey Cone.1 and 2 Misses Simpson and
WEDNESDAY 'afternoon Mrs. Alex. Moselvey 8 85
McDonald, 45h con.. Grey, was struck Grey Ca,a 8 & 4 Misses Strachan & Carr 6 10
in the face by a snowball thrown by a 5dellMissJackson&Mrs.Me-
Arthur4 16
youth. It possibly was net aimed at Grey, Con. 7 &8 bits-e+Smith 586
her but ata companion of the person Grey Con. O &10 Misses Armstrong and
throwing but that is poor consolation Hoovo
for the one receivingthe blow. - Con- Grey le'; t4N. t oll Heim, 0ranbrook 28 26
Grey I8 & 14 Not collected
stable Oliver should be well bricked up Grey 15 & 18 Mononieff colleetion 280
if he arrests every one who dues bis Morris End line Misses Bryans and
Moses 10 45
snowballing on Turnberry Street. Morris 8rd line Mian Bowm an .. 8 40
WILL HOLD Ast AT HOME—At the Morrie 4th Misses Blaek and Currie 800
regular meeting on Tuesday evening of Morris 5th line Misses Mooney and
Davis .. 2 75
Court Princess, Alexandria C. 0 F., Morris Bth 'line Not collected
Brussels, it was decided to hold an At Morris 7th Not collected
Home in the 'Town Hall Thursday even, Ethel, Misses McLeod & Mitchell 20 95
ing of next week, March 4th. It is ex..
pected a prominent High Court Officer
will be present to give an address on the
order and a program of music will be
rendered, an Italian orchestra from
London providing the instrumental
numbers. Lunch will be served.
D. A HAMILTON VlSits Wroxeter pro
fessionally on the [stand 3rd Mondaof
each month and Gorrie on the 2nd and
4th Mondays.
TRe nlilch cow advertised by Rev,
Mr. Powell last week, was sold at 4 p
no, Thursday, 3 hours after THE POST
was published. It pays to advertise
Ou February roth Miss Mabel Scar
row, of Obenstown, Sask., formerly of
Rockwood and Brussels, was united i0
Marriage to W. Laing, of Obeustown.
'l'he numerous friends of the bride here
will be a unit in wishing her and bet,
husband maul, happy, prosperous years.
— 0
WILL grind skates to your fancy. Yours,
T. MOGOEGoa for fast and easy skating, Brat-.
sale, Ont,
COAL heatingstove for sale at a great bar-
gain. Apply to REY. H. M. LANG -FORD, et
the rectory.
Gone Roan found. Owner may have same
by ,proving property end paying for thi-
notice. JAS. IRELAND, Sla Lot 27, Con. 8.
Foot sale at n bargain, a comfortable dwel-
ling, with hard and soft water and all con-
veniences acres of land, orchard, verie, ,
fritts, grapes, &c. Apply to I. 0. RICHARDS,
GOLD WATon and chain lost between Rich-
ard Cardiff's, 18th Cnn,. Grey, and the 12th
Con. of Grey, on Wednesday evening. A
hunch of keys attached to chain. Owner will
be ereatdy obliged by returning it to THE Posm
or delivering 1t to Chas, Workman Morris,
who will gladly pay a reward for name,
--o —
an opportunity occurs at your door to
see the latest Parisian Ind New York
styles in Hair Goods, yet such is the
case, as Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto is
visiting this town, and invites your in
spaction of these goods at his private
apartments reserved at the Hotel
These Hair Goods styles, when properly
adjusted protect and ornament the head,
soften and beautify the expression of
the face. and consequently tone up an
aged appearance Be sure and see them
at American Hotel, Brussels, on Wed-
nesday, March loth.
7 80
Total collected 8154 81
Amount was not up to the previous year
which was $176 40 but would have been
it the three concession lines had been
eanvased. Some se0tioosdid splendidly
Money was remitted to the Treasurer at
Toronto o0 Tuesday, the last book
AMALGAMATED — A correspondent arriving the Saturday previous. Sims -
from Dublin, Perth Co. says: "-Phe rets breach has an enviable record
amalgamation of the Standard Bank of having contributed upwards of $100 00
Canada and the Western Beek of Canada annually for the pest 24 years, possibly
has been ratified and our readers in this the average would be well up to $150 a
section will be pleased to learn that no year.
change will take place in the manage LEAGUE VISITORS —Monday evening
meet here. Frank. McConnell' will now the Epworth League of the Methodist
bein a butter position than ever to do church was At Hume to a welcome
business with the public. Mr. Hewson, company of Ethel Leaguers, the num-
teller of the Standard Batik, Brussels, bee being in excess of 25, F. H. Gilroy
was at Dublin during the past week as. occupied the (Muir in a very agreeable
sisting in the transfer, manner, After several choice selections
'THURSDAY afternoon of last week the were rendered by the Sabbath School
Junior Hockey team of Wingham paid Orchestra the debate arranged for
Brussels a visit. The ice was a trifle previously was called for, The subject
soft and compared unfavorably with was "Resolved that Art has been a
what they were used tout home in their greater blessing to mankind than
covered rink and the home boys put Nature " For the affirmative well dir-
it all over them, the score being 6-2. A ected addresses were given by President
return game will be played before Win- jj. A. Hunter, Miss Bessie McCemus and
ter 15 over, The line up was as fol- It A. Pryne of Brussels. while the
lows :— negative was just as ably supported let
Wingham Brussels ' Robt. McKay, Miss Lizzie Chambers
Goal.. G. Armetrnn
Boort g8 and no. Pearson, The Judges were
McLean Point W, 1 s s l 7 R
H. Armor C Point o. Hoboes ' Dr, 'Poole, H. L Jackson and H. D.
'O, Adams Beyer C. Scott Aiclay with Rev E. G. Powell as time•
B. WilyMltIot Centre
L Wing H, LowW. Henderson ry keeper.
Decision went to Art by a
H. Elliott R Wing.,....,, W. Williamson small margin A choice solo was Hell
D. McGillvray, Wingham, Referee, rendered by Mise Be eeman ; a fine duet
F. j. SHEAR DECEASED —The numer- 'ty Mieses Sperling and Slemmou ; a
ons Brussels friends of F. J Sheak, were humorous German dialect ree'tation was
very sorry to hear that he died at his presented by Miss Chambers and
home, 143 Faretian Avenue, 'rnronto, a well sung chorus all by the visitors
010 Thursday of last week His ailment A hearty vote of thanks was passed to
was cancer of the throat His relatives the Ethel League for their program and
knew what the outcome would be but much enjoyed visit. R McKay replied
did not expect it. so soon. 'l'he tunerai in appropriate terms A light lunch
took place on Saturday. Deceased was was served, consisting of sandwiches,
a kindly, gentlemanly neap of good pay- cake and coffee after which the National
gigue and a general favorite withal] who At,tbem Was sung and the Benediction
bad the pleasure of his acquaintances. pronounced by the pastor, Another
He Was a commercial travelterrepresent. debate was arranged on the subject
ing the firni of Moneypenny Bros. 1 ''Resolved
that the warrior has dune
Mrs. Sbeak, who was a f r merBr usqeli e, more for his
country than the states -
being the only daughter of rite late Tobn man " Ethel taking the affirmative and
Wynn, May rest assured that she has the .Bt ustels the negative If roads and
sincere sympathy of Marty old friends : weather are favorable the meeting will
ViiROGRESSIVE yet conservative manage-
anent has produced a safe, sure bank for
fanner, merchant and laborer in
The Metropolltan
Farmers' Sale
Notes Promptly
BankDrafts and Money
Orden: Bou;$1;t
and Sall.
f6 II. Gilroy, Manager
and literary numbers 'will be added by
the visiting League.
Howtex Mutual Fire Insurance Direc-
tors will hold their monthly. -meeting at
Gerrie on Saturday of this week.
BY-LAW.—Friday evening of mixt
week, at 8 o'clock, a public meeting will
be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, for
the purpose of discussing the Garside-
lames Loan, which will be voted on 0D
the Monday following. Every property
owner is requested toattend and express
his opinion of he so desires.
PUBLIC LIBRARY:' -A meeting of the
Public Library Board was held Monday
evening with all the membets present.
Resolution was passed asking the town
council to grant sufficient money to pur•
chase a site for a Public Library build•
lug on condition that Mr. Carnegie
giant $6,500 to Brussels for Library pun
union there is strength,'' '•lu a multi
tude of councillors there is wisdom."
These are two of toe Many reasons why
t ming people consider it best to attend
Canada's greatest chain of high grade,
gimlet a.actual business schools. Wtng-
nam Business College, whose new
advertisement appears' in this issue, is a
worthy link.
rhe Directors ot East Hurter Agricul-
tural Society met last Saturday in the
Council Chamber, President Leckie in
the chair, with a good attendance of
Directors present It was agreed to
nuld a standing field crop competition,
peas being the crop chosen. Any per -
eta may juin by becoming a member of
he Agricultural Society. The panic
Mars, in hri, f, are 5 acres must be sown,
to judged by an expert sent by the
(.overnment. Five prizes will be a-
warded viz. 1st, $15 00 ; 2nd, 0512 00 7
3rd, $to 00 ; 4:h, $a,00 ; and 5011, $g.00,
$5o uo in all. There must be to com-
petitors and may be 25. Already 12
persons have entered and a goodly nun•
her of others ere expected. Nn better
wav of giving a farming community R
good name un such easy terms. 14 Plots
were judged last year when the crop
was oats. Names should be handed in
to W. H Kerr, Secretary et once, Vice
President Stewart was authorized to
oversee some necessary levelling at Fair
ground, President Leckie, Vice Presi
dent Stewart and Secretary Kerr were
appointed a committee on Fall Fair at
tractions, Conceit, &c Next Fail Fair,
to be held on Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st in
the spacious Agricultural Park and ne,v
modern Hall, will be s hummer. At
the next meeting of Directors the large
'mel virieti Prize list will be overhauled.
Date of meeting left to be set by the
About 12 30 Wednesday morning Mrs.
James Gibson, a resident of Brussels for
ever 4o rears. passed away to the Great
Beyond in her 98th year. Her maiden
name was Sarah Ingram She was born
'n Co. Cavan, Ireland, and came
to Canada with her parents when 15
years of age 65 Years ago she was
married to her late husband. James Gib.
son, (who died in 1807) in Darlington
township and Caine to Brussels in 1866,
residing here since. She lost her eve
sight 2 years ago but was remarkably
hearty for a person ot her advanced age.
Mrs. Gibson got up from her bed and
walked across the room and was helped
hick by Mrs, Robt. Kerr and on gettiutt
to the bed the old lady dropped on her
knees, put her head down on the bed
anti died almost instantly. Old age with
ns attendant weakness was the cause of
her demise. Only one child survives,
James Gibson, who is a well known
resident. Deceased has a brother near
Palmerston Ont., and another in the
Northwest, Two sisters. Mrs. Rynas
and Mrs, Herbert, live in Michigan.
The funeral took place Thursday after.
noon. to Brussels cemetery, Rev. A C.
Wishart, 13 A., conducted the service
Mrs. Gibson's father was S Ingram,
'rho resided in McKillop and died there
from a cancer 45 years ago.
I. 0 O. F. AT HOMR. —The annual
At Home given ty Western Star Lodge
was held in the Town Hall last Friday
evening when nearly 300 people were in
attendance, composed of Odd Fellows
and their friend, Phe well known
Blackstone Orchestra, of GOderich,
made their initial appearance before a
Brussels audience and rendered, selec
ictus before commencement of progra i
and supplied music for a couple of hours
dancing, Every number by the Or
chestre was rendered in excellent style
end the Blackstones will be heartily
welcomed at any fstnre" time by the
Brussels people, At 8.45 Chairman
Bro. M. Black called the meeting to
to order and on behalf of Western Star
Ledge gave all present a hearty wel.
come. The following program was
then rendered in gond form :—Selec
tions by Blackstone Orchestra ; num-
bers by the Brussels Ladies' Qnartette ;
solos, by F. H. Gilroy ; recitation
by Mrs Durdle ; solos by Miss Mc.
Ewen; duetts by' R. A. and Mies
Prene ; solos by J. G. Jones and recita-
tion by Mrs S. H. Tackson, A vote of
thanks was moved by Bro. J. T. Wood,
and seconded by Bro. R. L. Leatherdale
thanking all those who so ablyy took part.
After program was over lunch 'was
served in the body of the hall, the chairs
were then removed from centre of hell
and who wished to indulge in
here in her bereavement, Mee. ;Wynn be held in thel on Monday evening, tripping the light fantastic did so. It
is residing with her daughter tn'Toronto,, , March 8th, A short program of music was pronounced by all present to be the
Most successful At Home in general
ever held by the I, O. O. F.
HYMENEAL. —ReV, A C. Wiahait, B.
A , tied the matrimonial knot Wednes•
day afternoon, at Melville mantle here
betweetl Angus McKay. of Straissburg,
Sask., formerly of Logan township. and
Miss Lucy, daughter of. -George Hodges.
of Grey township. Miss. Hannah Mc-
Kay, sister to the groom, was brides
maid and Wilbert Hodges, brother to
bride, groomsman. The bride wore a
becoming cream serge dress, with over
lace pointe de sprite, and hat to match.
Bridesmaid's suit was bro.vn ladies'
cloth, Groom's gift to bride was a fine
fur lined cloak. Mr and Mrs. McKay
will go West about the loth of March
and will carry .with them the best wishes
of a wide circle' of friends for a lung,
happy and prosperous life in which THE
Pos'f heartily joins
usual, the tielyatit,li AI'Itly will be in a
position to introduce farm help to farm-
ers throughout the coming Spring. All
indications point to a revivai in trade,
and there is probability that farm help
will lie scarce. The Army authorities
are constantly 111 communication with.
new centers and others in the country,
who are desttuns 01 locating on farms
from done to time, and wi11 be glad to
eitritduce these peopleto farriersneed
ink bele, It is not the purpose of the
Army, however. to encourage the on
4ratiirn tit farm help to Canada during
the coining season, unless the condi-
nous warrant such a policy Therefore,
feigners who are likely to 'require help,
are advised to cum mnttlaxly niomptly
with ',WM.-Colonel 'Phomas Howell,
James and Albert Streets, Toronto
Ontario Application forms and ali
ether information will be stipphed free -
1y on application to the above address.
nesday evening the members of Mrs
(Rev ) Laug-,Ford's Sunday School class
uf yuung Ladies called at the Rectory
when Miss Muriel Brothers read the
nceompanying address and Mrs. James
presented a fine quartered oak pedestal
to their much loved teacher.
DEAR MRS. LANG FORD,—As afudeil s
of your class we desire to ex-
press our vers deep regret that the
circumstance of your removal iron?
Brussels to a new field of labor will
make it necessary for yeti to sever a
relationship which hag pruv d hoot
profitable and pleasing to us, that of
teacherand student. During the time
You Cement .our class vou have alwats
endeavored t r melte the less ns interest
ing and lucid wuich e.innled a gond deal
Of time and study whsle r0tt were at the
same time bearing gtacetully the other
manifold obilgettous winch neeeosarily
devolve upon the clergyman's wife As
tun depart from ns we find some con.
so a ion in the knowledge, that though
t•ouceaseto teach us, nevertheless the
bonds of Christian Fellowship which
have held us together will remain
firm and fest and cause us to feel glad
that we have spent our Sunday after'•
noons together in the common study of
His Word 5o is .the h, pe that God's
richest blessing may continue to rest on
vou and your future work we ask lou to
accept this smell token of our esteem
and love for vou and may it ever serve
as a line of fond remembrance, between
you and your St. John's Church Bible
Brussels, Feb 24th. 5909
The recipient expressed her thank):
briefly for the highly appreciated token
from her pupils and Rev.. Mr Lang
Futd spoke words befit ring the nccaemit,
Tne presentation came as :i complete
surprise to Mrs, Lang Ford.
People. We Talk About
Miss Orma Gerry has gone to Guelph
to take a position.
Miss Mabel Havcroft is attending the
Spring Millinery openings,
Chas. Howlett and Mies Pipe are
visiting friends in Belgrive this week
J L. and Mrs• Kerr, ot Blyth, were
in town lura couple of days during the
Past week,
Miss Mary Ross is attending the Mil-
linery Openings at 'Toronto She will
resume her position in Monkt'•n,
C P R, Engineer Hyde, whose head-
quarters have been at St. Mtirts tor
50100 time, Was in town on l'uesdaf
D .
()vane, the eye epecialit.t of Lon-
don, was here on Wednesday on his
regular professsnnal viah to Brussels.
Jantes aid Mrs. Ballantyne attended
the funeraLaf the late Mrs. Geurge M
Dickson it) MtICillop last Monday
Mrs Jantes Sherrie, Turnberry street,
has cot been as well as usual during the
past week but the trust sue will soot) re
gain her health,
P J. McDonald arrived home on
Tuesday from Guelph hospital where he
underwent s succes ,ful operation. He
was away four weeks.
W 0 Reid, a well known resident of
Seaford), died during the past week, t
For years he was engaged in the hard-
ware business He suffered a stroke of
paralysis' sometime ago.
Geo. W. Green, of Mockaville, North
Carolina, U. S.. made a brief visit to
Brussels on Wednesday. Ile was a for-
mer resident nt removing from here 28
years ago. It is t7 years since MI,
Greed was here berme, 140 is in the
lumber and veneer business, A .gnot1
many old friends were looked up in
town by the visitor,
The Standard Bank of Canada
Muscle' Stetementfer the Yee? Ending 30th January. 1909
es05t.5Yourotterproviding tor lotersn 1 1.101,15 Taw erredto tteey0tpYyuun0 Ddendd0t1uPqtwSPq4 . . s0.7o,w
o,• Dalsett6,144uP nesting Debbi,Exposes 74ae,700advRaeme t'aad
path rn,olam ■L
e544tryewwA M.4 550,00547 swNap etoct
aa Osrd?9 yornap ' • 6q a
7 Tats,
ROPonlah■Baekte,WrctlWeo • •Ii,1T5902,00 Ooca'h ,pallret ON■ , 50!1,760,01
riari ', .30,014,201.% Laical 'honors
• .......--.1(11,12,5,10&61
DID ar■Ut�trt•8eprtuy, 0606 • . . _ 410.520,68 Hotel otud OkrgOeelanti reaab • ..'A ,tt15a,69
• Detaoceease atter Bond 030,8/0,09
17,046,020,t1 Q li0rnmrOt and othrs Bonds .0070,000.91.
Puss o0. BAoaa and 0.09616 • •� 1,104,4000.4
DMotiod with novenno,o1 to eee0ro Note Chs
at■ton • 01.00541
Lcaor to Diutn t r 1■ Ooaado morel 11t,D6.af
Loans and Dlreou.A .10,110,11466
Bankkiato.r . !70.069,69
0 600.6nro 5 . ▪ .. 144590000
COREY 9009 nD • . 1c 06x,600.00
acne■ Dual 1,08,500,00
6 406,000.00
Rebate of intend o0. Bial Dtoa5ati4 41 004,12
PEALS Nod Lan Account , . . . . . 50,107,019'
Tomato, 30th Janusr'.1000
0080. P. $OHOLFIELDr._
Genoral manager.
James Johnston and family have re-
moved to their farm in Howick near
Ford wigh We are sorry to part with
them as they proved first-class residents
but as M r. Johnston's health was restored
he decided to resume farming, The
mans' friends they made in this locality
wish tnem prosperity.
London Advertiser of Feb 19111 says
ot a brother of Mrs. Jno Cardiff of Brus-
sels The condition of Judge Edwat d
Elliott. who has been dangerously ill for
some time past, was slightly improved
today. and Dr. W. H, Moorhouse, his
attending physician; considers that the
chances of his ultimate recovery have
been considerably improved. Judge
Elliott suffered a severe attack of grip
some cline ago, and did not rally from
its effects as well as could have been
hoped, and itis the extreme prostration
arising from the weakness canted by the
grip that renders his condition alarming
Judge Elliott has been an active mem-
'tier of the bench since his elevation to
the jnmor' judgeship of the eominty of
4liildleeex, on 5•pt 25, 0893. In his
official, as well as !lin private capacity,
Ile is well end favorably known. nnd' his
many friends are eat nestle h?ping tor
his recovery.
Church Chimes
Maitland Presbytery will convene at
:Viugltaln on Tuesday of: next week.
'The lemur Leaguer, commenced
their imaginary trip atound the world
on Wednesday afternoon of this week
ileaiing with the Italians,
Miss -K McKinley bee tendered her
resignation as choir leader in Melvhle
church, Brt1.ssels, and J. Habkirk has
been appointed,
drussels'Epworth League ann.versary
on Sabbath and Monday, March 7th and
8th. Rev, J. W. Hibbert, of Thorn•
dale, will be the preacher.
Rev. E. G. Powell preached laitt Sab
bath morning in the Methodist church
ou the Iopin "Christ and the Pharisees"
and in the evening "Ten goud men in
Rev. Mr.. Lang Ford will conduct the
closing services of his four years' 5ue-
ces.ful incumbency in St John's
church next Sabbath and will remove to
Rev. Jas. E. Hunter. now on the
Mersea circuit, Essex Co., has been in•
,vited to Tupperville, Kent Co , for the
next pastoral term. He is a son of Jno.
and Mrs. Hunter. Brussels, and an in-
domitable worker.
Rev A. C Wishart, B A., will attend
the meeting of Lindsay Presbytery next
Tuesday, representing Melville Presby-
tery, in connection with the call to Rev.
Mr. Ferguson, of Glenarm, to Belgrave
end Calved Presbyterian churches.
On Sabbath, March 7th, Rev. W. G.
Haona, 13 A , assistant Secretary of the
Lord's Day Alliance, will preach in
Jielvslle Church. Brussels, in the morn-
ing and in the evening of the same day
in. the Methodtet Church He is a fluent
speaker and well versed in his subject.'
Contributions will be asked for the
Rev, G. H. Cobbledick. M. A., 13. D,,
at present pastor of the Central Metho-
dist Church, Woodstock, Ont , has au
cepted a call :0 the pastorate of the
Methodist e'ourch in Quebec city. He
filled a successful pasturate •for three
years in Brussels removing some 13
years ago Mr. Cobbledick is a good
preacher and looks after his pastoral
duties with method and zest.
1 he Bo ,rd of Ontario"street Metbo-
d5st church, Clinton, has unanimously
invited Rev 'P. Wesley Cnsens,vd Wal.
laceburg, formerly of Brussels, end he
has accepted subject to the action of the
Stationing Committee Mr Cosens is
no' unknown to Clinton vicinity, he
hsviug had charge of Alma appointment
a few years ago, and his wife also coming
from the same locality: Mr Cosens Ions
been very successful in his ministerial
work, and the people of Ontario Street
church, will secure a good pastor and
preacher in the reverend gentleman.
Rev. Charles W. Gordon, D. D of,
Winnipeg. best known Rs "Ralph Con-
nor," is to he one of the speakers at the
Laymen's Missionary Coneress in Tor
onto and will speak on the salject he is
most laminar with ; "Our Duty to the
English-speaking and European Set.
dere " 1i is interesting to note that Dr.
Gordon got his nom de plume while
writing for a 'Toronto paper and the
same was given by Mr. Macdonald, df
the GI:the, through 1Ile misinterpretation.
of a telegram The none was originel•
Iv "Catthor," to suggest Canadian
Edward Kidd Was elected to the
Commons in Carleton by acclamation.
Thin y -one confectioners at Montreal
have been fined for selling brandied
Hugh Stott,a three.yenr;old London
boy, shot himself while playing with a
revolver and died instantly.
Mexican cadets have been placed on
the Canadian Maxide Steamship Line to
learn the art of navigation.
A veru large deputation waited on the
Manitoba Government to ask for legis
MOM; to abolish the bar room.
Mrs. Elizabeth Courchesne, of Mont-
real, died of fright when a stone was
hurled through the windnaof her hoose,
'l'he public accounts presented In the
Legislature of Prince' Esworrl Inland
show a small deficit on the year's oper-
A new cavalry regiment is to be or,
ganiaed inBrantcounty.
The Quebec Board of Trade celebrat-
ed Its hundredth anniversary on Satur-
day with a banquet in the Chateau
Savings deposits in Canadian banks
are increasing at a record rate and now
aggregate $443,t70,o00. 'Dotal deposits
amount 10 $636.456,000:
'Three Frankf'n•d hotelkeepers have
been acquitted on a charge ot selling to
minors as the young man in question
looked to be over the legal age.
A report comes from Victoria, B C ,
that the Sikhs there have an association
that is collecting money to buy arms for
the disaffected natives of India Rugs
The Canadian Paaifie baying acgnir,.d JSi y
the 'I'illsunbnrg', Lake Erie & Pacific Atlsles
Line, are asking power to extend it f rota
Ingersoll to Cullingwood.
't'.he marriage of Cadet Agnew at
Kingston to Miss Gobee, has been am
nuled by Jurige Martine u, of Montreal,
on accoutlt of the groom beteg aminor 2 YEAR OLD Hl'
rale, Lot 9, Con. 10, Grey. L ROLLIN-
at the time. - GER, BrusnelsP. 0, 85.17
Pore, fresh and Effective
There can be no better Baking Pow.
der than ours, In making Baking
Powder there are certain definite
materials to be used, A'clteap Pow,
dor can be made by tieing enwhole,
some ingredients ; a good Powder
by using pure and healthful mater-
The leavening properties of en alum
Powder may' be equal to a Cream
Tartar one, but we prefer the latter
and so should vou,
is a Pura Cream Tartar product and
costs no more than the cheaper
age per pound at
F C► X'S
eat $1 0 $1 00
Pena 82 54
Burley , 48 50
Potatoes 80 80
But/ter,,, ,,,,,,,. 10 20
780 7 60
885 086
100 1 26
The People's Column
POR SALE, -One of the best farms in the
Oounty of Ehnen, , Ont.. Apply to Box 40,
MACDONALD —At Molesworth, on February 13eIg2•etvr, Out. - 844
2nd, to A L and Mrs. MacDonald, a son.
Flnca—L.MONT,—At thaltome of the bride's
father, Mr, M. Lamont, London, on Feb-
ruary 1015, by Rev. T. T. Shields, Rev. E.
R, FItforoh ofrl0ornn
yofto,Winghvto MIm. s., Pearl Lamont,
boli, me
MOKAs—HODGR24 At Melvillev. A.
Monro, Brus-
sels, en Feb 24th, by Ray. A: 0 Wishart, B.
A„ Mr. Angus McKay, of Strassburg,
Badge to Miss Lucy, daughter of Mr. Geo,
Hodges, of Grey town -hip.
MOKAY—RUa—At Melville Manse, 0n
Wednesday Feb 2415. by Rev A. O. Wish-
art, 13 A.. Mr. Donald .7. Mee„y. of White-
church. and Was Ida L. Rao ria totethp daughter
of Gtr, Wm Rutledge, of Morrie townehip
WADELL-At Aethe reiddenee of the
bride 's-mothther on Wednesday. Feb. 17th,
by Rev- 0. U. 'Deakins, of Wlneham. Mr.
John T. Wadell. of Whitechurch. to Miss
Margaret E third daughter of Mrs. E
Multipart, of Morris township.
GtnenN.-In Brussels, on Feb. 24th., Sarah In-
gram, relict of the late Jainas Gibson, in
her 98th year.
Hasoaaeorr,-eln M'Killon, on Feb 20th, Helen
Henderson, wife of George M. Dickson,
aged 82 years and 6 months:
HA61oLTON.—I" Blnin, on Feb 15th, Mary Ann
Freeland relict of the late George Hamil-
ton, aged 84 yeas.
KINorIn. Buevn le. Feb.180, Florence. daugh-
ter of J. W. and Mrs, King, aged 8 yearn.
8011EAx—At his residence, 148 Farnham
avenue, Toronto, on February .1851, Freder-
ick Jordan Shenk,
WEDNESDAY MA1101 MD.—Farm stock, im-
plements, &o.,
I8. Con, 18, Grey. Sale un-
reserved at 1 p.m. WM. WOonS, Free. F. 8.
Scorn. Aum.
TDE5DAY, MARCH 82•11 —Perm Moak, imple-
ments, &e Lot 80, Con. 12, Grey. Bale unre-
served at 1 p. no. John H. Huffman, Prop. F.
S. Scott, Ano.
Tn5nBDAY, MARCO, 1800.—Farm stock, itn-
elenients. &o. North 9t, Lot, 20, Con. 0, Morris.
Sale without reserve at 1 o'clock. John
Mooney, prop., F. B, Scott, ono.
Stock for Service
BOAR FOR 8ERV1001 —The .undersigned
will keep for mBerkee re Lot 14, 0on 2,
Grey a thorn' -bred Berl .hire Boar. Terms,
51.00, to be paid at time of service with-privl-
lege of returning it necessary. 58.40
NELSON HAYDEN, Proprietor.
Fos SALE.—Comfortable house on William
street Brussels. X more lot, good well,
mod al fruit trees: For terms apply to P.
Ronooatto or F. S. Acott, Brussels.
Lot Nu 19, Con. 6, Grey township, for sale
or to rent. Apply at once to F. S. Soo2T,
Brussels, Ont...
NOTICE.—Raving disposed of my business
all parties indebted to the undersigned
arerequested to call and settle their accounts
by March 10011, or they will be placed in other'
hands for collection. J, W. SANDERS, Mon-
of Oranbrook, whohas taken honors in several
Conservatory axe ininatimoa at Toronto, is pre-
pared to give instructions on Plano- or Organ.
For terms and time of lesson apply to Miss
McDonald. 84-4
POORET Boos LOST. -Wednesday Harry Me -
Mann lost his packet book either In Brns-
sale or between there and Ethel. It contained
$75 or more and a note for 8560. A Suitable re•
ward will beaid for its prompt return to THE
Pon, Brunel..
B RICK STORE, with residence upstairs, ?Or
sale, loco ted on Turnberry 6t1655, Brute
eels, the property of the late Peter Ferguson.
Also a set of carppenter tools and lathe, both
wood and iron, &c. For further particulars
apply to ALEX. STEWART, Queen at East,
Brussels. 218.01
' Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of Royal College of
Dental surgeons, of Toronto. Office over J.
T. Rose' store Brussels.
L- Will visit Wroxeter the first and third
Mondays and•.Gerrie the second and fourth
Mondays of each month,
SALI0 OW MAACHINERY.—The following
'7 machinery so offered for sale by the un-
dersigned, allnearly new and in first-olese.
shape: -1 Sernia separator with self -feeder and.
wind stacker, made by the John Goodieon
Oompany • traction engine in good repair,
merle by the Robert Bell company ;1 04•horee
power. portable engine nearly new, made'by
the Waterloo Manufactory ;. 11'1 -horse -power
Cornell engine in good repute • 2 Maple Leaf
grinders, one 10 -inch plate and (he other 11 -in.
plate ; end a. sawing maebine. For further
particulars opply to WILLIAM H. OOLE, Lot
0, Con. 7, Grey, or Brussels P.O. 84.8
Cluster -Curls
Coronet -Braids
Waves, Wigs,Etc.
of Toronto
the Greatest Hair Goods Artist,
is coaling with
Hair Goods
Will be at
American Rotel, Brussels
on Wednesday, March 10th
During this visit we will be show-
ing the very latest Parisian and
• New York Styles, and you are par-
ticularly invited to inspect and try .on any
of these creations,
We give you the same choice selection and
satisfaction as you would get at our Toronto
Dorenwend's Patent Toupee
for Gentlemen who are bald, is a masterpiece of. Scientific Hair
�p_I�'IE.,Nn : „Wl:•r, i
•N -p o-�
your own hair. Ab
oComb and brush them
detectable. They protect youConstruction Securely adjusted.
from Cold,datarlNeoralgi0.,
ete and will mato you look 10lut90ly00ion
3eit's cue er. Over
our Toupees are now in ' use.
' tail Ont tosee
,�$,A• D a 0 them.
Co .,
Dorenwend �
Co., of Toronto, Lt
103.106 Vona° Street1